The Effects of Infant Massage On Maternal Postpartum
The Effects of Infant Massage On Maternal Postpartum
The Effects of Infant Massage On Maternal Postpartum
Original Article
School of Nursing and
Midwifery, Shahrekord
after childbirth. It is a risk factor for low‑quality mother–infant interaction.
University of Medical Infant massage may help alleviate depressive disorders. Objectives: This study
Sciences, Shahrekord, aimed to investigate the effects of infant massage by mothers on maternal
Minimally Invasive PPD. Methods: This clinical trial was conducted on 120 primiparous mothers
Surgery Research Center, with PPD. Mothers were randomly recruited and allocated to a control and an
Iran University of Medical intervention group. In the intervention group, mothers were instructed to give
Sciences, Tehran, 2Department
of Biostatistics, School of
their infants 15‑min massage twice daily for 6 consecutive weeks from the 3rd
Public Health, Iran University postnatal week onward. However, mothers in the control group did not receive
of Medical Sciences, Tehran, such training. Before and after the intervention, PPD was assessed using the
Medical Plants Research Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Data analysis was performed using the
Center, Shahrekord University Chi‑square test, independent‑samples t‑test, paired‑samples t‑test, Wilcoxon
of Medical Sciences, signed‑rank test, and univariate and multivariable logistic regression. Results:
Shahrekord, Iran
Groups did not significantly differ from each other concerning parents’ and
ORCID: infants’ demographic characteristics (P > 0.05) and the pretest mean score
Ziba Raisi Dehkordi: https:// of PPD (P = 0.46). However, the posttest mean score of depression in the intervention group was significantly lower than the control group (7.75 ± 2.18 vs.
8143; 9.2 ± 2.04; P < 0.001). In addition, the posttest relative frequency of PPD was
Fatemeh Sadat Hosseini- significantly lower in the intervention group (15/60 [25%] vs. 26/60 [43.3%];
Baharanchi: χ2 = 4.48; P = 0.034). After controlling the effects of other variables, the odds
org/0000-0003-1633-2635; of PPD in the intervention group was 0.5 times (95% confidence interval: [0.2,
Afsaneh Kazemian: https:// 0.94]) less than the control group (P = 0.003). Conclusion: Infant massage
by mothers significantly alleviates maternal PPD. Health‑care professionals,
particularly midwives, are recommended to instruct mothers to provide infant
Mohammad Rahimi Madiseh:
massage in order to alleviate their own PPD.
3108-4708; Keywords: Massage therapy, Mental health, Postpartum depression
Marziye Reisi:
Bahareh Motaghi:
delivery.[3] PPD signs and symptoms include depressed their infants and their infants suffered from no obvious
mood, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, loss of congenital malformations. We excluded mothers who
interest and pleasure, inability to care for the infant, and used any kind of herbal or pharmacological therapies for
in some extreme cases, obsessive behaviors and thoughts PPD, missed two consecutive infant massage sessions,
of harming oneself or the infant.[4] PPD can also or chose to live separately from their infants during the
deteriorate mother–infant relationship[5,6] and affect all study. Mothers in the control group were also excluded
aspects of mother’s life, including her social activities, if they gave any kind of massage to their infants.
personal functioning, and housekeeping ability.[7] It also Participants were recruited using cluster sampling. First,
puts mothers at risk for experiencing depressive episodes three health‑care centers were randomly recruited from
or developing depressive disorders later in life.[8] Many all nine health‑care centers located in Shahrekord, Iran.
biological and environmental factors can contribute Then, sixty mothers were recruited from each selected
to PPD development. For instance, unhealthy lifestyle center. Mothers were invited and recruited to the study
habits, cesarean section, breastfeeding problems, prenatal at their first postnatal attendance at health‑care centers
hospitalization, and labor complications can increase the for the routine 2‑week postnatal visit. Participants were
risk for PPD.[9] randomly allocated either to a control or an intervention
Despite the availability of effective pharmacological group. A computerized method was used to generate a
treatments for PPD, most afflicted mothers are reluctant random sequence for random allocation.
to seek help and refuse to receive treatments due to their For sample size calculation, Type I error and power
side effects.[10] Accordingly, complementary therapies, were set at 0.05 and 0.2, respectively. Moreover, the
which have fewer side effects, can be useful for them. results of our pilot study indicated that the mean scores
A potentially effective complementary modality of PPD in the control and the intervention groups were
for depressive disorders is infant massage. It has 9.02 ± 4.95 and 7.01 ± 6.32, respectively. Accordingly,
considerable physiological and psychological effects on 126 mothers were estimated to be needed – 63 for each
both infants and mothers.[11] For example, it promotes group. However, considering the possible attrition,
mother–infant emotional interaction and attachment,[11,12] we decided to recruit 90 participants in each group.
decreases the levels of mothers’ stress hormones such as Then, among 270 eligible mothers in the study setting,
cortisol,[12] and alleviates parenting stress and depressive 180 were randomly recruited and allocated to the
symptoms.[13] An earlier study also reported that infant intervention (n = 90) and the control (n = 90) groups.
massage by mothers improves mother–infant interaction Data collection
that consequently alleviates PPD.[14] However, another The main outcome of the study was maternal PPD
study found that mother–infant interaction and maternal score. It was measured 1 day before and 1 day after
attachment had no significant effects on maternal the intervention in the public health centers through
depressive symptoms.[15] Due to the controversies about EPDS.[16] This scale contains 10 items, each is rated on a
the relationship between mother and infant interactions, four‑point 0–4 scale. Therefore, EPDS total score ranges
this question still comes to mind that “can infant from 0 to 40 with higher scores showing more serious
massage by mother alleviate the symptoms of PPD?” PPD. A demographic questionnaire was also employed to
Objectives collect data. The items of the demographic questionnaire
This study aimed to investigate the effects of infant were on infant’s gender, parents’ educational and
massage by mother on maternal PPD. employment status, and family income.
Methods The intervention was infant massage which was provided
Design and participants by mothers in the intervention group to their infants. The
This clinical trial was conducted on primiparous mothers massage protocol was the same as the protocol published
from March 1 to September 31, 2010. Inclusion criteria by Field,[17] except that its kinesthetic stimulation
were an age of 18–45 weeks, singleton pregnancy component was removed because an earlier study found
with a gestational age of 37–42 weeks, normal vaginal that infants who received tactile‑kinesthetic stimulation
delivery, definite diagnosis of PPD (as determined showed a higher level of stress behaviors.[18] Such
by a score of 10 or more for the Edinburgh Postnatal modification was made by a certified pediatric physical
Depression Scale [EPDS]), no affliction by physical or therapist. Initially, all mothers in the intervention group
mental health problems, and an infant’s age of 2 weeks watched a 15‑min massage therapy provided to an infant
or more. Mothers were included if they lived with by the first author in the 1st day of the intervention. Then,
they were provided with infant massage instructions team committed to protect participants’ rights according
2‑week postnatal. After that, each mother independently to the Declaration of Helsinki.
exercised infant massage under the supervision of the Data analysis
first author. Finally, all mothers were required to provide
The data were analyzed using the SPSS software v.
15‑min infant massage at home twice daily (both in
16.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). Categorical
the morning and the afternoon) from the 2nd day of the variables were described using absolute and relative
intervention for 6 consecutive weeks. Mothers were also frequencies, while numerical variables were described
given an instructional CD and booklet which showed using mean and standard deviation. Normality
infant massage step‑by‑step and contained information assumption was tested through the Kolmogorov–Smirnov
about its potential effects. Moreover, the first author test. Then, the groups were compared with each other
made weekly telephone or face‑to‑face contacts with respecting participants’ demographic characteristics
each participant to ensure the accurate implementation through the Chi‑square test and the independent‑samples
of infant massage, check whether they breastfed their t‑test. The paired‑samples t‑test and the Wilcoxon
infants, and prevent the contamination of mothers in signed‑rank test were conducted for within‑group
the control group with instructions provided to their comparisons in terms of the mean scores of PPD.
counterparts in the intervention group. All mothers Besides, the independent‑samples t‑test was conducted
could also make telephone contacts with the first author for between‑group comparisons respecting the pre‑ and
whenever needed. posttest mean scores of PPD. The score 10 was
Ethical considerations considered as the cutoff point of EPDS so that mothers
with scores 10 and less were considered depressed and
The study was approved by the Institutional Review
those with scores >10 were considered nondepressed.
Board and the Ethics Committee of Tehran University
Subsequently, the Chi‑square test was used for
of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (code: 89046110410).
comparing the groups with respect to PPD prevalence.
The study was also registered at Iranian Registry for
Univariate logistic regression analysis was also
Clinical Trials (IRCT code: IRCT201102265912N1).
performed to estimate the effects of each variable on
Informed consent was obtained from each mother and depression. Variables with P < 0.3 in univariate analysis
they were assured of data confidentiality. The research were entered in multivariable logistic regression, and
Randomized (n = 180)
Allocated to the control group (n = 90) Allocated to the intervention group (n = 90)
Received the allocated intervention (n = 90) Received the allocated intervention (n = 90)
Lost to follow-up:
Lost to follow-up:
Postnatal problems (i.e. breathing disorders,
Infant problem (jaundice) (n = 5)
jaundice, etc.) (n = 8), migration (n = 4),
Migration (n = 3)
mother’s hospitalization during the study (due to
Mother's hospitalization during the study
postpartum hemorrhage, episiotomy infection,
(postpartum hemorrhage, eclampsia, burn)
traffic accidents) (n = 5), the use of traditional
(n = 5)
medicines (Valerian, Echium amoenum) (n = 3),
Mother-infant separation (n = 5)
mother-infant separation (n = 1), receiving
Discontinued intervention (n = 10)
massage (n = 5), incomplete answers to the
Using psychiatric drugs (Fluoxetine) (n = 2)
study questionnaires (n = 4)
odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval was Table 1: Parent’s and infant’s characteristics
calculated. The goodness of fit for the logistic regression Characteristics Groupsa P
model was assessed through Hosmer–Lemeshow test. Intervention Control
The level of significance in all tests was set at <0.05. Mother’s age (year) 27.70±4.02 26.58±4.46 0.18
Infant’s gender
Results Female 27 (45.0) 38 (63.3) 0.05
Among the 180 participants, 30 were excluded from each Male 33 (55.0) 22 (36.7)
group (an attrition rate of 39%) and 60 in each group Mother’s education level
completed the study [Figure 1]. On average, mothers in High school and lower 7 (11.7) 14 (23.3) 0.24
Diploma 27 (45.0) 24 (40.0)
the intervention and the control groups aged 27.7 ± 4.02
University 26 (43.3) 22 (36.7)
and 26.58 ± 4.46, respectively. Most infants of the
Mother’s employment status
mothers in the intervention group were male (55%), Housewife 44 (73.3) 41 (68.3) 0.65
while most infants of the mothers in the control group Employed 16 (26.7) 19 (31.7)
were female (63.3%). Study groups did not significantly Father’s education level
differ from each other concerning parents’ and infants’ High school and lower 10 (16.7) 16 (26.7) 0.59
demographic characteristics (P > 0.05), except for Diploma 29 (48.3) 24 (40.0)
infants’ gender [P = 0.05; Table 1]. The pretest mean University 21 (35.0) 20 (33.3)
scores of PPD in the intervention and control groups Father’s employment status
were not significantly different (P = 0.46). As presented Employed 28 (46.7) 31 (51.7) 0.30
in Table 2, after the intervention, the mean score of Self‑employed 32 (53.3) 29 (48.3)
PPD in the intervention group significantly decreased Type of residence
to 7.75 ± 2.18 (P < 0.001), while its decrease in the Private 22 (36.7) 23 (38.3) 0.67
control group to 9.20 ± 2.04 was not statistically Rental 29 (48.3) 25 (41.7)
significant (P = 0.06). The amount of decrease in the Living with parental family 9 (15.0) 12 (20.0)
Family income
intervention group was significantly greater than the
Insufficient 21 (35.0) 21 (35.0) 0.99
control group (−3.77 ± 2.74 vs. −2.11 ± 1.66; P < 0.001).
Sufficient 39 (65.0) 39 (65.0)
The relative frequency of PPD after the intervention was a
Data are presented as n (%) or mean±SD. SD: Standard deviation
significantly lower in the intervention group than the
control group (15.60 [25%] vs. 26.60 [43.3%]; χ2 = 4.48;
P = 0.034). Table 2: Within‑ and between‑group comparisons
concerning the pre‑ and posttest mean scores of
Logistic regression analysis revealed that after controlling postpartum depression
the effects of other variables, the odds of PPD in the Time Groupsa P
intervention group was 0.5 times less than the control Intervention Control
group [OR = 0.50; P = 0.003; Table 3]. However, the Before 11.51 ± 1.51 11.31 ± 1.50 0.461
odds of PPD among older mothers and the mothers of After 7.75 ± 2.18 9.20 ± 2.04 <0.001
female infants was not significantly different from the Mean differenceb −3.77 ± 2.74 −2.11 ± 1.66 <0.001
odds of PPD among, respectively, younger mothers P <0.001 <0.001
and the mothers of male infants. Moreover, the odds a
Data are presented as mean±SD, bDifference: Postmean score
of PPD was not significantly associated with mothers’ minus pretest mean score. SD: Standard deviation
educational status [Table 3]. The Hosmer–Lemeshow
test statistics was equal to 3.74, indicating a decent fit maternal PPD. Mother–infant skin contact not only
for the logistic regression model. improves infant’s growth and development but also can
decrease maternal stress and improve her mood, mental
Discussion health, and behavior.[19,20]
This study showed a significant decrease in the Studies showed that PPD will not improve
mean score of PPD in the intervention group and no unless mother–infant interaction gets better.
significant change in the control group. Moreover, after Mother–infant interaction during massage can have
the intervention, the odds of PPD in the intervention positive physiological and psychological effects on
group was 0.5 times less than the odds in the control mothers.[21] Previous studies also showed that infant
group with infant’s gender, mother’s age, and mother’s massage by mothers or other methods of infant–mother
educational status being controlled. These findings skin contact can significantly alleviate PPD,[22] improve
indicate the protective effects of infant massage on mother–infant attachment and interaction, reduce
Table 3: The effects of infant massage after controlling Financial support and sponsorship
the effects of other variables through the logistic Nil.
regression analysis Conflicts of interest
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Intervention 0.5 (0.22‑0.95) 0.031 There are no conflicts of interest.
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Infant’s gender (female) 1.9 (0.84‑4.28) 0.122 References
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