TCP January 2008 E Newsletter AHAR
TCP January 2008 E Newsletter AHAR
TCP January 2008 E Newsletter AHAR
The Annual Homeless A
Assessment R
Looking at Homelessness in the District of Columbia
The District of Columbia participates in the Annual Homeless Assessment January
Report (AHAR) for the Department of Housing and Urban Development 2008
(HUD). The AHAR is used to develop a congressional report on the extent of
homelessness in the United States.
On behalf of the District, the Community Partnership reports to HUD on emergency shelter and transitional housing pro‐
grams that serve homeless individuals and families. The data is used to identify gaps in services, understand the nature of
homelessness in different regions of the country and to analyze Continuum of Care effectiveness and utilization. HUD
uses the data to set the federal homeless policy that shapes our work on a local level.
This newsletter shares the statistics submitted in the AHAR on homeless individuals and persons in families in the District
for the period October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007.
Single Persons in the Shelter System
AHAR Methodology
• There were 11,562 individuals served in the city’s publicly funded emer‐
gency shelters from October 2006 through September 2007. On an aver‐
The Community Partnership
age night in FY07, 1,796 men and women were in shelter.
utilized the Homeless Manage‐
• Of all single persons served in FY07, 17 percent were women and 83
ment Information System (HMIS)
percent were men.
to collect data on homeless
• Median length of stay at emergency shelters was 20 days.
families and individuals in
• 12 percent of homeless women and 8 percent of homeless men stayed in
emergency and transitional
programs that receive funding shelter the entire year.
through the Department of Hu‐ 86 percent of emergency shelter beds were occupied in January ’07 com‐
man Services and the Department pared to 75 percent occupied in July.
of Housing and Urban Develop‐ • One in ten persons in emergency shelter reported disabilities.
Please note: the District of
National data is gathered through Age Distribution: Columbia Homeless Services
the use of standardized table Individuals in Emergency Shelter, Oct. ’06 – Sep. ‘07 Reform Act redefined Hypo‐
shells that aggregate information thermia and Emergency Shelter
on participating programs and Ages 13‐17 0.03% as Severe Weather and Low Bar‐
extrapolate information on rier Shelters. HUD does not
Ages 18‐30 8.0%
programs that are not participat‐ recognize these terms, therefore
ing in the count. Ages 31‐50 39.6% for the purposes of this newslet‐
ter and all publications about the
Ages 51‐60 17.8%
AHAR, they will be referred to
62 or Older 3.8%
as Emergency Shelter.
Gender Distribution: Single Persons in Transitional Housing
Individuals in Transitional Housing, • 1,618 single persons used publicly funded transitional housing programs
Oc t. ʹ06 ‐ S ep. ʹ07 from October 2006 through September 2007.
• 25 percent of persons served in transitional housing were also served in
38% emergency shelter in FY07.
• 91 percent of transitional housing beds were occupied on average
throughout the year.
• Median length of stay in transitional housing was 172 days.
Female • Nearly one in ten clients in transitional housing were military veterans.
Male • Over half of all transitional housing clients were disabled.
P ersons in Families Served in P ublicly Funded Facilities:
Families in the Emergency Shelter System Points in Time, Fisc al Year 2007
775 740
800 705
• 1,661 persons in 507 families were served in publicly
558 545 569 568 563
funded emergency shelters in FY07.
• 1,008 of the persons served were children, account‐
ing for 61 percent of the population.
• 77 percent of adult persons in families were female. 0
• Median length of stay for adults in family emer‐ Oct. 2 5, 2 0 0 6 J an. 3 1, 2 0 0 7 Ap r. 2 5, 2 0 0 7 J uly 2 5, 2 0 0 7 FY 0 7 Averag e
• 40 percent of the adults in families served were liv‐
ing with family or friends before entering shelter. In keeping with Mayor Fenty’s ten year plan to end
homelessness, DC Village closed in October 2007.
Families in Transitional Housing
The closing drastically changed the landscape of
homeless services for families.
• 769 persons in 256 families were served in publicly
Long‐staying families already were placed in scat‐
funded transitional housing for families in FY07.
• 480 of the persons served were children, or 62 tered site units of transitional housing through the
District of Columbia’s System Transformation Initia‐
percent of the population.
• 89 percent of the adult persons in families were tive.
• Median length of stay for adults in family transi‐ The changes to the District’s continuum of care
caused by the System Transformation Initiative are
tional housing was 361 days.
• 53 percent of families served in FY07 were in shel‐ not reflected in this year’s data but will be reflected
in the 2008 AHAR.
ter for the entire year.
• On an average night during the period, 75 percent
of family transitional housing beds were occupied.
TCP News Corner
HUD awards Continuum of Care, Emergency Shelter Grants
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded the District of Columbia nearly $17.5
million in Continuum of Care (CoC) grants and an additional $808,603 Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) as a result of the
SuperNOFA application submitted by the Community Partnership on behalf of the city. CoC grants provide permanent
and transitional housing for homeless persons while ESG funds are used to operate local shelters and homelessness
prevention programs and to provide other social services.
Newly‐funded this year are programs at Covenant House Washington, DC, Transitional Housing Corporation,
Community of Hope and New Endeavors by Women. The District of Columbia’s Department of Mental Health was also
awarded the Samaritan Initiative, a bonus project award that is dedicated to providing permanent housing to chronically
homeless individuals.
Dashboard Reports online at TCP’s website
Shelters in the District report a nightly census of clients served at their respective sites. The Community Partnership has
taken this data and compiled a shelter “dashboard” report – an interactive, visual model that lets users see trends in
shelter occupancy. Data is available for men’s and women’s low barrier shelters as well as the city’s apartment style fam‐
ily temporary facilities. TCP’s January dashboard is online and an archive of dashboards for previous months are avail‐
able at:‐‐dashBrd.php.
For more information on the work of the Community Partnership, please visit our website at‐