Density and Relative Density (Specific Gravity) of Liquids by Bingham Pycnometer
Density and Relative Density (Specific Gravity) of Liquids by Bingham Pycnometer
Density and Relative Density (Specific Gravity) of Liquids by Bingham Pycnometer
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 1217 – 93 (2007)
6.9 Weights, whose relative values are known to the nearest
0.05 mg or better. The same set of weights shall be used for the
calibration of the pycnometer and the determination of densi-
7. Reagents and Materials
7.1 Acetone—(Warning—Extremely flammable. Use ad-
equate ventilation.)
7.2 Isopentane—(Warning—Extremely flammable. Avoid
buildup of vapors and remove all sources of ignition, especially
non-explosion proof electrical apparatus.)
7.3 Chromic Acid (Potassium Dichromate/Conc. Sulfuric
Acid)—(Warning—Causes severe burns. A recognized car-
cinogen. Do not get in eyes, or on skin or clothing.)
8. Preparation of Apparatus
8.1 Thoroughly clean the pycnometer with hot chromic acid
cleaning solution by means of the assembly shown in Fig. 4.
Chromic acid solution (Warning—See 7.3) is the most effec-
tive cleaning agent. However, surfactant cleaning fluids have
also been used successfully. Mount the apparatus firmly and
connect the trap to the vacuum. Warm the necessary amount of
cleaning acid in the beaker, place the pycnometer on the
ground joint, and evacuate by opening the stopcock to vacuum.
Fill the pycnometer with acid by turning the stopcock, repeat
several times or remove the filled pycnometer, and allow it to
stand for several hours at 50 to 60°C. Remove the acid from the
pycnometer by evacuation, empty the acid from the trap, and
flush the pycnometer with water. Cleaning should be made in
FIG. 1 Bingham-Type Pycnometer, 25 mL this manner whenever the pycnometer is to be calibrated or
whenever liquid fails to drain cleanly from the walls of the
pycnometer or its capillary. Ordinarily, the pycnometer may be
25°C, is recommended. A standardized platinum resistance cleaned between determinations by washing with a suitable
thermometer may also be used, and offers the best means for solvent, rinsing with pure, dry acetone, followed by isopentane,
observing minute temperature changes in the bath. Whichever and vacuum drying.
means are available, it must be realized that for most hydro- 8.2 Transfer the pycnometer to the cleaner assembly shown
carbons the density coefficient is about 0.0008 units/°C, and in Fig. 3, with vacuum line and trap attached to the side tube
therefore an error of 60.013°C would cause an error of as indicated. Place the pycnometer on the cleaner with the
60.00001 in density. upper hypodermic needle extending upward into the pycnom-
6.4 Hypodermic Syringe, 30-mL capacity, of chemically eter, and press the edge of the ground joint on the rubber
resistant glass, equipped with a 152-mm (6-in.) needle made of stopper until the vacuum holds it in place. Draw out all the
stainless steel tubing as shown in Fig. 2. liquid or sample. Immerse the lower end of the hypodermic
6.5 Draw-Off Needle, made of stainless steel tubing as tube in a suitable solvent and draw 20 to 25 mL through the
shown in Fig. 2. pycnometer. Leaving the pycnometer in place, draw air through
6.6 Solvent-Cleaning Assembly, as shown in Fig. 3. it until it is dry. Clean the hypodermic syringe with the same
6.7 Chromic Acid Cleaning Apparatus, similar to that apparatus.
shown in Fig. 4.
6.8 Balance, capable of reproducing weighings within 0.1 9. Calibration of Pycnometer
mg. Mechanical balances should have sensitivity which causes 9.1 Proceeding as directed in Section 10, determine the
the pointer to be deflected 2 or 3 scale divisions per 1 mg when weight of freshly-boiled and cooled distilled water (distilled
carrying a load of 30 g or less on each pan. The balance should from alkaline permanganate through a tin condenser) held by
be located in a room shielded from drafts and fumes and in the pycnometer when equilibrated to volume at the bath
which the temperature changes between related weighings temperature to be used in the determination. Repeat until at
(empty and filled pycnometer) do not cause a significant least three values agree to 60.2 mg.
change in the ratio of the balance arms. Otherwise weighings
shall be made by the method of substitution, in which the 10. Procedure
calibrated weights and pycnometer are alternately weighed on 10.1 Using another 25-mL pycnometer as a tare (Note 1),
the same balance pan. The same balance shall be used for all weigh the clean, dry pycnometer to 0.1 mg and record the
related weighings. weight.
D 1217 – 93 (2007)
NOTE 1—It is convenient to use the lightest of a set of pycnometers as non-explosion proof electrical apparatus) in the bulb or capil-
a tare. For best results the treatment and environment of both pycnometer lary of the pycnometer. If any are present, draw them into the
and tare should be identical for some time prior to weighing.
syringe where possible. Also remove with the syringe or
10.2 Cool the sample to 5 to 10°C below the test tempera- draw-off needle any liquid above the calibration mark in the
ture, and fill the clean 30-mL hypodermic syringe. Transfer the capillary or overflow reservoir. Dry the remainder with a cotton
sample to the pycnometer through the filling needle; avoid fiber pipe cleaner or cotton swab which has been dampened
trapping air bubbles (Warning—Extremely flammable. Avoid slightly with acetone.
buildup of vapors and remove all sources of ignition, especially
D 1217 – 93 (2007)
FIG. 4 All-Glass Pycnometer Cleaner Assembly for Use with Hot Chromic Acid Cleaning Solution
D 1217 – 93 (2007)
TABLE 1 Density of WaterA 1 1 9.6 3 1026 ~t 2 tc! (5)
Temper- Density, Temper- Density, Temper- Density,
ature, °C g/mL ature, °C g/mL ature, °C g/mL
12. Report
0 0.999840 21 0.997991 40 0.992212
3 0.999964 22 0.997769 45 0.990208 12.1 In reporting density, give the test temperature and the
4 0.999972 23 0.997537 50 0.988030 units (for example, density, 20°C = x.xxxxx g/mL). In report-
5 0.999964 24 0.997295 55 0.985688 ing relative density (specific gravity), give both the test
10 0.999699 25 0.997043 60 0.983191
15 0.999099 26 0.996782 65 0.980546 temperature and the reference temperature, but no units (for
15.56 0.999012 27 0.996511 70 0.977759 example, relative density (specific gravity), 20/4°C = x.xxxxx).
16 0.998943 28 0.996231 75 0.974837
Carry all calculations to one digit beyond the last significant
17 0.998774 29 0.995943 80 0.971785
18 0.998595 30 0.995645 85 0.968606 figure, but report the final result to the fifth decimal place
19 0.998404 35 0.994029 90 0.965305 (0.00001).
20 0.998203 37.78 0.993042 100 0.958345
Densities conforming to the International Temperature Scale 1990 (ITS 90) 13. Precision and Bias
were extracted from Appendix G, Standard Methods for Analysis of Petroleum and
Related Products 1991, Institute of Petroleum, London. 13.1 Precision—Results, using the 25-mL Bingham-type
pycnometer, should not differ from the mean by more than the
Air density ~da!, g/mL following amounts:
5 [~B – 0.3783 Hp!~0.000465!#/~273 1 t! Repeatability Reproducibility
(4) One Operator and Different Operators
Apparatus and Apparatus
0.00002 0.00003
B = barometric pressure, mm Hg, corrected to 0°C,
H = relative humidity, decimal fraction, NOTE 4—The precision for this test method was not obtained in
p = vapor pressure of water at temperature t, mm Hg, and accordance with Research Report RR:D02-1007.4
t = room temperature, °C. 13.2 Bias—The difference of results from the established
NOTE 3—If this test method is to be used frequently, a considerable values when compared to pure reference materials is not
amount of calculation can be avoided by use of a gas density balance to expected to be more than 60.00003 g/mL. Specific bias has not
determine the air density. Weigh a sealed 250-mL glass bulb at several been established by cooperative testing.
different air densities and plot the weight against the air density. To
determine the air density at some later time, weigh the bulb and read the
14. Keywords
air density from the point on the curve corresponding to the weight.
14.1 density; pycnometer; relative density; specific gravity
11.5 To calculate the density or relative density (specific
gravity) at any test temperature, t, other than the calibration
temperature, tc (to correct for the cubical coefficient of thermal
expansion of borosilicate glass), divide the value obtained in 4
Filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may be obtained by requesting
10.1 or 10.2 by the following expression: Research Report RR:D02-1007.
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