Linear Independence, Basis and Dimension: Dr. A V Prajeesh
Linear Independence, Basis and Dimension: Dr. A V Prajeesh
Linear Independence, Basis and Dimension: Dr. A V Prajeesh
c1 α1 + c2 α2 + · · · + cn αn = 0
A set which is not linearly dependent is called linearly independent. If the set S contains only
finitely many vectors α1 , α2 , . . . , αn , we sometimes say that α1 , α2 , . . . , αn are dependent (or
independent) instead of saying S is dependent (or independent).
Basis of a Vectorspace: Let V be a vector space. A basis for V is a linearly independent set
of vectors in V which spans the space V . The space V is finite dimensional if it has a finite
• The number of elements in the basis is called the dimension of the vectorspace V and is
usually denoted by dim(V ).
• Any two basis for a finite dimensional vectorspace have same finite number of elements in it.