Remote API Interface

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1 1

PLC Programmer's Guide





cab FL+
Remote API Interface
Art.-Nr.: 9009856
2 2
3 Inhaltsverzeichnis 3

1 Preface..................................................................................................................................................... 5

2 Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Notes......................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Intended Use............................................................................................................................................. 7

3 Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1 General Functional Description................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Using the Remote API Interface................................................................................................................ 8
3.3 API Communication Diagram.................................................................................................................... 9
3.4 Connecting to the device using TCP/IP.................................................................................................. 10
3.5 Notes on cab PLC Demo Programs.........................................................................................................11
3.5.1 Hard- and Software..................................................................................................................................11
3.5.2 Information on Sample Programs............................................................................................................11
3.5.3 Establishing the Network Connection..................................................................................................... 13

4 Sample Programs.................................................................................................................................. 14
4.1 Sample 1................................................................................................................................................. 14
4.1.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................. 14
4.1.2 Layout..................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.1.3 PLC Sample Program............................................................................................................................. 14
4.1.4 Flowchart................................................................................................................................................. 15
4.2 Sample 2................................................................................................................................................. 16
4.2.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................. 16
4.2.2 Layout..................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.2.3 PLC Sample Program............................................................................................................................. 16
4.2.4 Flowchart................................................................................................................................................. 17
4.3 Sample 3................................................................................................................................................. 18
4.3.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................. 18
4.3.2 Layout..................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.3.3 PLC Sample Program............................................................................................................................. 18
4.3.4 Flowchart................................................................................................................................................. 19
4.4 Sample Program 4.................................................................................................................................. 20
4.4.1 Description.............................................................................................................................................. 20
4.4.2 Layout..................................................................................................................................................... 20
4.4.3 PLC Sample Program............................................................................................................................. 20
4.4.4 Flowchart................................................................................................................................................. 21

5 Establishing a TCP/IP connection with cabLase Editor 5................................................................. 22

5.1 Selection of Network Adapter.................................................................................................................. 22
5.2 Manually Connecting the Laser with cabLase Editor 5........................................................................... 24
5.3 Automatically Connecting the Laser with cabLase Editor 5.................................................................... 26
5.4 Changing the IP Address........................................................................................................................ 27
5.4.1 Changing the IP-Address, Subnet Mask & Gateway.............................................................................. 28

6 Establishing Stand-Alone Operation with cabLase Editor 5............................................................. 31

6.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 31
6.2 Storing *.wlj files to the Memory of the Laser.......................................................................................... 31
6.3 Managing *.dat Files............................................................................................................................... 32
6.4 Storing Laser Font Files.......................................................................................................................... 33
4 4

7 Remote API Commands....................................................................................................................... 34

7.1 Abort........................................................................................................................................................ 34
7.2 ClearJobList............................................................................................................................................ 35
7.3 ConnectNetworkShare............................................................................................................................ 35
7.4 Echo........................................................................................................................................................ 35
7.5 EnableObject........................................................................................................................................... 36
7.6 ExecuteJobContinuous........................................................................................................................... 36
7.7 ExecuteJobOnce..................................................................................................................................... 37
7.8 GetAllIOWords........................................................................................................................................ 38
7.9 GetFlashJobFileList................................................................................................................................ 39
7.10 GetFontFileList........................................................................................................................................ 39
7.11 GetKFactor.............................................................................................................................................. 40
7.12 GetNetworkJobFileList............................................................................................................................ 40
7.13 GetObjectCenter..................................................................................................................................... 40
7.14 GetUSBJobFileList.................................................................................................................................. 41
7.15 HardwareReset....................................................................................................................................... 41
7.16 LoadFlashJob.......................................................................................................................................... 42
7.17 LoadNetworkJob..................................................................................................................................... 42
7.18 LoadUSBJob........................................................................................................................................... 43
7.19 MakeJobActive........................................................................................................................................ 44
7.20 RemoveJob............................................................................................................................................. 44
7.21 RemoveObject........................................................................................................................................ 44
7.22 ReleaseHostControl................................................................................................................................ 45
7.23 ResetObject............................................................................................................................................ 45
7.24 ResetUserTransform............................................................................................................................... 45
7.25 SetExternalStartMode............................................................................................................................. 46
7.26 SetObjectString....................................................................................................................................... 46
7.27 TakeHostControl...................................................................................................................................... 47
7.28 TransformObject..................................................................................................................................... 48

8 Remote API Commands....................................................................................................................... 49

8.1 Control..................................................................................................................................................... 49
8.2 Objects.................................................................................................................................................... 51
8.3 Marking Job............................................................................................................................................. 52
8.4 Administration......................................................................................................................................... 53

9 Remote API Host Response Codes..................................................................................................... 54

10 Remote API System Error Messages.................................................................................................. 59

11 Remote API Object Types..................................................................................................................... 60

12.1 External Interface I/O CON2................................................................................................................... 61
12.2 The Remote Interface CON3 ................................................................................................................. 62
12.3 Interlock / E-Stop Interface CON4........................................................................................................... 64

13 Service................................................................................................................................................... 65
13.1 Reference Documents............................................................................................................................ 65
13.2 Revision History of Sample Programs.................................................................................................... 65
13.3 Contact.................................................................................................................................................... 65
5 1 Preface 5

Edition: 2019/02

Art.-No. Programmer's Guide: 9009856

Contents of Delivery
Contents of delivery is specified in the shipping documents of the consignment..
The delivery has to be checked for completeness and flawless condition. For inconsistencies, the supplier has to be
informed immediately.

This manual contains neither instructions about basic operation of a computer, i.e. programmable control, nor about
basic functions of operating systems Windows® or Mac OS®.
For more detailled information how to operate your computer, please refer to the manuals of the computer and its
operating system.

cab Produkttechnik GmbH & Co KG
Wilhelm-Schickard-Str. 14
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Phone: +49 (0)721/66 26 0
Fax: +49 (0)721/6626 249
e-mail: [email protected]
6 1 Preface 6

This documentation as well as translation hereof are property of cab Produkttechnik GmbH & Co. KG.
The replication, conversion, duplication or divulgement of the whole manual or parts of it for other intentions than
its original intended purpose - in particular the procurement of spare parts for products sold by cab - demand the
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Each possible software that represents part of this system is made available under license and may become use or
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All other itemized company names and product names and its trademark are protected property of the respective

For any question or comments please contact cab Produkttechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Germany.
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Mario Hiss, Mehmet Seker

Due to further development of our products, discrepancies between documentation and product may occur. Please
refer to for the current issue.

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Deliveries and performances are effected according to the cab General Conditions of sale.

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7 2 Introduction 7

2.1 Notes
Important information and instructions are designated as follows:

Draws attention to an exceptionally great, imminent danger to your health or life due to hazardous

! Draws attention to a danger with high risk which, if not avoided, may result in death or serious injury.

! Draws attention to a danger with medium risk which, if not avoided, may result in death or serious injury.

! Draws attention to a danger with low risk which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

! Attention!
Draws attention to potential risks of property damage or loss of quality.

i Note!
Advices to make work routine easier or on important steps to be carried out.

 

Advices on protecting the environment.

 Handling instructions

 Reference to chapter, position, picture number or document.

 Option (accessories, peripherals, extras).

Time Viewed in the display / monitor.

2.2 Intended Use

• The sample programs correspond to the state of the art and recognized safety rules. However, danger to the life
and limb of the user or third parties and/or damage to the device or machine and other tangible assets can arise
during use.
• The software may only be used for its intended purpose and applications with systems approved by the
• The backup of data, user information, system settings and machine dependent configuration data shall be task of
the user. The manufacturer / supplier shall not be liable for any damage resulting from loss or damage of data;
the user shall bear the risk alone.
• Any other use or use going beyond this shall be regarded as improper use. The manufacturer / supplier shall not
be liable for any damage resulting from unauthorized use; the user shall bear the risk alone.
• Intended Use includes complying with the operating manual and the programmer's guide including the
manufacturer‘s maintenance recommendations and specifications.
• This programmer's guide contains neither instructions about basic operation of a computer nor about basic
functions of operating and control systems.
8 3 Introduction 8

3.1 General Functional Description

The LEC-2 control card for cab marking lasers FL+ was designed to be a powerful stand-alone controller, with the ability
to be controlled and monitored externally via Remote API commands. The control card accepts commands received
with so-called Response Codes, an answer generated by the control card.
The communication platform enables the cab marking lasers to be integrated into modern Industry 4.0 networks and
machine controls.
The Remote API commands provide extended functionality to load marking jobs into the job memory of the laser control,
rename and execute jobs or change administration settings.
Communication is divided into the two areas Host and Client. Host means the control of the marking laser. Clients are
all higher-level controls at process control level communicating with the laser control via Remote API.
Basically, there are two data interfaces available for interacting. The Remote API may be installed via a TCP/IP socket
connection, or a serial interface RS-232.
Main objective of this Programmer's Guide is to provide the PLC programmer with support on how to integrate cab
marking lasers in automated inline processes.
Four reference examples from the field show which steps are necessary for integration. Automation processes are
transparently visualized by the help of flowcharts and transferred into the Siemens PLC programming language.
All reference examples are provided with the corresponding layouts and PLC sequence programs.
The Remote API commands in this Programmer's Guide are provided in the PLC project as corresponding function
blocks and may be combined and interlinked in any order.
The reference examples contain all digital signals of the interfaces CON2 and CON3 for synchronizing the processes
and thus show how to control and monitor marking jobs.

If not already available, all example programs and files related to this Programmer's Guide may be
downloaded here.

The Remote API interface is available either as TCP/IP socket connection or serial interface RS-232.

3.2 Using the Remote API Interface

The LEC Remote API interface uses a message based communication protocol between the „Client“, that means a
control at process control level and the „Host“, the laser control. The protocol is bi-directional.
After each command sent , the „Client“ gets a response from the „Host“ indicating the success or failure of the current
command. Wating for the response is obligatory to get a faultless synchronization in interacting. The response messages
indiccate whether the command has been executed successfully or with a failure.
All commands must end with „Carriage Return“ and „Line Feed“. Response messages from the Host automatically end
with „Carriage Return“ and „Line Feed“.
The LEC Remote API interface provides a communication platform for controlling and monitoring marking jobs and the
laser control.
The API allows to get and set system parameters as well as load marking jobs locally from the control or from the
networks. Each of the marking objects may externally be edited or modified.

Sending new commands without waiting for a response from the Host will result in communication
problems and might lead to undefined behavior.

All commands must end with „Carriage Return“ and „Line Feed“ (0X0D & 0X0A, <CR>&<LF> oder ASCII
13 & 10). All responses must end with „Carriage Return“ and „Line Feed“ (0X0D & 0X0A, <CR>&<LF> oder
ASCII 13 & 10).

For all commands, character data must be sent using either 7-Bit Encoding ASCII 0-127 or 8-Bit Encoding
9 3 Introduction 9

3.3 API Communication Diagram

The figure below shows an exemplary communication betwween client and host for marking a layout stored on the
control board:

Get and set commands enable to check and set status and properties of the host. To be able to change porperties, the
client needs to be connected to the host via TakeHostControl.

To gain access to the Host use the command TakeHostControl.

To finish access to the Host use the command ReleaseHostControl.
10 3 Introduction 10

3.4 Connecting to the device using TCP/IP

TCP/IP is a networking protocol and has the abililty to communicate over local area networks (LAN – Local Area Network)
or wide area networks/Internet (WAN – Wide Area Network). In order for programs and computer to communicate with
the laser control and the remote server, the remote server needs to make itself available on a specified Port, and the IP
address of the remote server has to be known.
It is this IP address and Port that ensures any message sent reaches the proper destination.
The laser control makes the Remote API Interface service available on Port 12500. The laser control can be configured
to use a Static IP address, or to request an IP address each time it starts from a DHCP server. It is recommended in
situations where the Remote API is used, to configure Static IP addressing for the laser control. Using this approach, the
connection settings between Client and Host are statically set and may be used to connect again without any problem,
in case of having f. ex. the devices switched off.
Any client computer that supports TCP/IP networking can establish remote control of the laser control. Only one computer
or system can simultaneously control the laser. Clients may be installed in all networks running MS Windows or Linux.

When the device is delivered, configured IP address is

The laser control LEC is using Port 12500 for sending and receiving the commands.

Using the Remote API it is recommended to configure a static IP address for the laser control.

Only one computer or system can simultaneously control the laser.

IP address settings or any other settings for communication will not become active until the next restart.
11 3 Introduction 11

3.5 Notes on cab PLC Demo Programs

3.5.1 Hard- and Software
The sample programs have been created for a special project on the following hardware and software platform:

Manufacturer: Siemens
Hardware: CPU 1511-1PN
Programming software: Tia Portal V13 SPS1 Update 6

The project is saved unter the file name „FL+ Remote API Library_YYYYMMDD“. The indexing YYYYMMDD informs
about the revision date and checks on the currentness.
As the project includes four sample programs in all and these shall be made ready to be selected, the entry condition
"Start Sample" in the networks 4 is made available and must be activated to gain access to the laser.

Only one computer or system can simultaneously control the laser. Using Siemens CPUs of other series,
the program can be converted via the TIA portal.

When activating the entry condition "Start Sample" in the sample program, the laser software cabLase
simultaneously has no access to the laser.

3.5.2 Information on Sample Programs

The figure below shows the directory structure in the project folder:
12 3 Introduction 12

The operating block Main OB1 defines the basic program flow. Using Startup OB100 specifies the behavior of the PLC
program when switching the CPU on/off.
The sample programs 1 to 4 dealt with in this programmer's guide can be found in the following function blocks:
In addition to the actual Remote API command structure, the sample programs provide details on switching on and
controlling the laser based on the digital interfaces of the laser CON2, CON3 and CON4.
Network 1 in the sample is about switching on the laser. The laser can be switched on, as soon as safety circuit CON4
is closed, the "Power" signal at interface CON3 is present and no error messages are issued at the digital interfaces
CON2 and CON3.
Network 5 in the sample program is about analyzing the laser safety circuit at interface CON4. Opening the laser shutter
and, consequently, emission of laser radiation is only possible, if the laser circuits are closed.
Each of the sample programs have the entry condition „Start Sample“ in Network 4 that needs to be activated to gain
access to the laser and to enable the sample program to be applied. Cancelling this entry condition enables to establish
a connection to the laser with the software cabLase instead of the PLC.
Response_Codes [FC5] Responsible for the evaluation of the API Response Codes received from the laser.
Communication block TCON for establishing a connection between PLC and laser is specified in function block FB1.
There is also defined how data are sent / received to / from the laser.
Data block DB[2] includes a list of function blocks of all Remote API commands dealt with in this programmer's guide.
These may be copied for any kind of interlinking for a customer-oriented programming.
The data received from the PLC are stored in the data block DB[3] into „Receive_Data“ geschrieben. Should received
data of the data block DB[3] be cancelld, the flag 5.4 „Reset_Receive_Data“ has temperorarily to be set to „high“.
In DB[3] under field 8 „Response Code String“ includes a field prepared for issuing potential error messages as description.
The issued description may f. ex. be used for the visualization in an user interface.
Conversion of the numerical API Response messages is made in DB[4]. This library is used to have clear text messages
assigned to the numerical codesI that may be adapted, for ex. when choosing a foreign language.
Block PLCVariablen/CON2 includes a register that has assigned the digital in- and outputs of the interface CON2 to
the wiring diagram.
Block PLCVariablen/CON3 includes a register that has assigned the digital in- and outputs of the interface CON3 to
the wiring diagram.

Sample program 3 has not realized synchronization and control of the laser processing via wiring of interface
CON2, but via Remote API. Hardware wiring is not necessary. Switching on and controlling the laser is realized
via CON3.

If a different IP address is configured, this must be adapted in block TCON to establish a connection.
If communication block TCON made available by cab, attention should be paid that the data received are
correctly referenced to data block DB[3].
13 3 Introduction 13

3.5.3 Establishing the Network Connection

Function block FB1 has determined the communication block TCON for establishing the connection between PLC
and laser. There is also defined how data are sent / received to / from the laser.

The function block includes the following information:

• Description of local and partner control

• Local and partner IP address
• Definition of memory area to store communication data
• Local port address
• Port address of partner

When the device is delivered, configured IP address is
14 4 Sample Programs 14

4.1 Sample 1
4.1.1 Description
Here, task is to realize the marking with a data matrix code, generating a sequential 6 digit serial number. When starting
production the starting number shall be handed over and then be incremented by 1. Incrementation is done by the PLC.
The layout can be found in the flash memory of the laser control unter the file name Sample1.dat. When starting the
program the layout is automatically loaded, edited, activated and synchronized with the digital inputs at interface CON2.
Once, when starting the process the laser is switched on automatically via interface CON3 and later on controlled via
CON3 and CON2.

4.1.2 Layout

If the program is working correctly the serial number is counting up during marking.

4.1.3 PLC Sample Program

The sample program can be found in the project folder FL+ Remote API Library_YYYYMMDD in the function

Attention should be paid that the entry condition "Start Sample" is provided in Network4. This condition
must be activated to allow access to the laser and to apply the sample program.

After the release of „Start Sample“ access to the laser via cabLase 5 is not possible.
15 4 Sample Programs 15

4.1.4 Flowchart

Blue elements equal the Remote API commands.
16 4 Sample Programs 16

4.2 Sample 2
4.2.1 Description
Here, task is to realize the marking of a typeplate containing performance data and test certificates GS, TÜV and DIN.
Depending on the production control, the various test logos shall be switched on/off.
The layout can be found in the flash memory of the laser control under Sample2.dat. When starting the program the
layout is automatically loaded, edited, activated and nd synchronized with the digital inputs at interface CON2. At the
end of the process all marking jobs are deleted from the order memory.
Once, when starting the process the laser is switched on automatically via interface CON3 and later on controlled via
CON3 and CON2.

4.2.2 Layout

If the program is working correctly, the test symbols are selectively switched on and off.

4.2.3 PLC Sample Program

The sample program can be found in the project folder FL+ Remote API Library_YYYYMMDD in the function

Attention should be paid that the entry condition "Start Sample" is provided in Network4. This condition
must be activated to allow access to the laser and to apply the sample program.

After the release of „Start Sample“ access to the laser via cabLase 5 is not possible.
17 4 Sample Programs 17

4.2.4 Flowchart

Blue elements equal the Remote API commands.
18 4 Sample Programs 18

4.3 Sample 3
4.3.1 Description
Here, task is to realize the marking of a component of different versions with respect to the positioning of the marking
on the part. Depending on the model version marking of the arrow shall be moved and turned to different coordinates
in x- and y direction.
The layout can be found in the flash memory of the laser control under Sample3.dat. When starting the program the
layout is automatically loaded, edited, activated and synchronized via Remote API by and the command GetAllIOWord.
Once, when starting the process the laser is switched on automatically via interface CON3 and later on controlled via
CON3 and CON2.

4.3.2 Layout

If the program is working correctly the arrow moves anticlockwise around the code.

4.3.3 PLC Sample Program

The sample program can be found in the project folder FL+ Remote API Library_YYYYMMDD in the function

Attention should be paid that the entry condition "Start Sample" is provided in Network4. This condition
must be activated to allow access to the laser and to apply the sample program.

After the release of „Start Sample“ access to the laser via cabLase 5 is not possible.
19 4 Sample Programs 19

4.3.4 Flowchart

Blue elements equal the Remote API commands.
20 4 Sample Programs 20

4.4 Sample Program 4

4.4.1 Description
Here, task is to realize the marking of different components in a production line. Depending on the model the various
marking layouts shall be loaded from the company network.
The different layouts can be found in the network \\Datenserver\Layouts under Sample4_1.dat, Sample4_2.dat and
Sample4_3.dat. Depending on the selection made in the production the layouts are automatically loaded, edited,
activated and synchronized with the digital inputs at interface CON2.
Once, when starting the process the laser is switched on automatically via interface CON3 and later on controlled via
CON3 and CON2.

4.4.2 Layout

If the program is working correctly the text next to the data matrix code changes from Sample_4_1 to
Sample_4_2 and Sample_4_3.

4.4.3 PLC Sample Program

The sample program can be found in the project folder FL+ Remote API Library_YYYYMMDD in the function

Attention should be paid that the entry condition "Start Sample" is provided in Network4. This condition
must be activated to allow access to the laser and to apply the sample program.

After the release of „Start Sample“ access to the laser via cabLase 5 is not possible.
21 4 Sample Programs 21

4.4.4 Flowchart

Blue elements equal the Remote API commands.
22 5 Establishing a TCP/IP connection with cabLase Editor 5 22

5.1 Selection of Network Adapter

cabLase Editor 5 supports several network adapters installed in the local PC.

i Note!
In the event that there are more network adapters available, connection sequence for the network adapter
under Windows shall be so that the laser marker FL+ is the first to be connected!  Documentation

Example Windows 7
XX Select "Control panel > Network and sharing center > Change adapter settings".
XX Select menu "Advanced > Advanced settings".
XX Select under "Connections" the connection that is used for connecting the FL+.
XX Use the arrow keys next to the window to move the connection selected to the top line.
XX Click on "OK".

Priority setting of the network adapter

23 5 Establishing a TCP/IP connection with cabLase Editor 5 23

The network connection connected to the device must be set as default in cabLase Editor 5.
XX Select "Connections > Manage" in the main menu bar.
XX Select the tab "Network adapters".

Selection of network adapter

XX Select the network adapter to which the FL+ is connected.

XX Click on "Set as default".

i Note!
If the subnets are incompatible the marking laser FL+ adds an temporary IP address to the default PC
network adapter. Once the PC is restarted this temporary address will be deleted.
24 5 Establishing a TCP/IP connection with cabLase Editor 5 24

5.2 Manually Connecting the Laser with cabLase Editor 5

i Note!
Before connecting cabLase Editor 5 with the marking laser FL+ a network connection must be created.

i Note!
Make sure that the marking laser FL+ has been switched on at the power switch!

After having started the software the message "Searching for laser devices" under the window "Laser System Viewer"
is displayed.

Search for laser devices

XX Right-click within the window "Laser System Viewer", select the marking laser FL+ detected in the network and
click on "Connect".

Connecting the laser device

This is followed by a query to set up an automatic connection:

Query automatic connection

XX Select the method to connect required.

i Note!
Setting up the automatic connection can be carried out even later.
25 5 Establishing a TCP/IP connection with cabLase Editor 5 25

This is followed by transmitting the configuration settings of the marking laser FL+ to the local PC. The downloading
status is shown in the "Pending connections viewer".

Pending connections viewer

The following icons are used to show different states of connection:

Symbol Status
Available in the network

Not available in the network

Connected to local installation cabLase Editor 5

Invalid firmware or license

PC software incompatible

Tabelle 1 States of connection

Moving the mouse cursor over the laser device detected shows its status of connection:

Display status of connection

i Note!
Click on "Disconnect" to close an active connection.
26 5 Establishing a TCP/IP connection with cabLase Editor 5 26

5.3 Automatically Connecting the Laser with cabLase Editor 5

XX Select menu "Connections" > Manage". This is followed by the input/output window:

Set up automatic connection

The left windows shows all marking lasers FL+ available in the network, each with their respective MAC addresses.
XX Click on the marking laser FL+ to be connected:
The marking laser selected is highlighted in blue.
XX Click on "Add".
The marking laser is added to the list "Automatic connections".

Set marking laser as default

XX Select the marking laser required in the list "Automatic connections" and confirm by clicking on "Set as default".
Selection is confirmed by a check mark in the PC icon.
XX Click on "Save" to confirm the settings selected.

i Note!
When starting the software, cabLase Editor 5 now always set up automatically connection with the marking
laser FL+ selected.
27 5 Establishing a TCP/IP connection with cabLase Editor 5 27

5.4 Changing the IP Address

! Attention!
Incorrect settings of the IP address may result in losing connection and only might be restored by
changing the settings at the local PC

XX Select and right-click within the window on the marking laser FL+ detected and click on "Default settings".
XX Select "Network".

Setting the IP address

XX Select under mode "Address type: Manually configured" and enter the IP address to be used.
28 5 Establishing a TCP/IP connection with cabLase Editor 5 28

5.4.1 Changing the IP-Address, Subnet Mask & Gateway

! Attention!
Faulty settings of the IP-Address may result in loosing the connection and can only be corrected by
changing the settings at the local PC.

XX During the installation of cabLase Editor 5 the „LEC Remote Admin“ tool is automatically installed
XX Start the application and enter the current IP-Address of the laser into the „Device Address“ field
XX Confirm your entry with "Connect"

i Note!
Device_Port "Remote API(12500)" is preset by default.

i Note!
Make sure that the laser marking system FL+ is switched on at the power switch.
29 5 Establishing a TCP/IP connection with cabLase Editor 5 29

XX Under Connectivity enter the parameters required for „IP address“, „Subnet mask“ & „Default gateway“
XX Confirm your entry with „Save“

i Note!
You need to restart the laser to ensure that the IP settings are accepted.
30 5 Establishing a TCP/IP connection with cabLase Editor 5 30

XX Confirm restart of the laser with "Yes"

XX After having restarted the laser the new IP settings are successfully changed
31 6 Establishing Stand-Alone Operation with cabLase Editor 5 31

6.1 General
The marking laser FL+ provides the ability to mark jobs without data transmission from the PC (stand-alone
operation). In this case, a higher-level control (e.g. PLC) completely handles the operation of the marking laser FL+.
For this purpose, the "Remote Command API" (Application Programming Interface) and "COM Automation Server"
( Scope of delivery software) are available and additionally allow access to stored data via the "Job Select" signal.
To operate the marking laser FL+ in the stand-alone operation job files and laser character fonts need to be saved in
binary format in the memory of the FL+ controller and called via subroutine or system explorer.
Editing and modifying is only possible with *.wlj files.
i When transmitting data into the memory of the marking laser FL+, these are automatically converted via
cabLase Editor 5 into binary *.dat job files.
The laser system explorer can be used to copy available *.dat files from the marking laser FL+ to a local PC.

6.2 Storing *.wlj files to the Memory of the Laser

The example requires two job files on the PC, named 1.wlj and 2.wlj.

Selection destination data storage

XX Right-click within the window "Laser System Viewer" on an opened job.
XX Select via "Assign to" the active marking laser FL+ as destination for data storage.
XX Copy the job via "Save to marking laser"Job into the memory of the marking laser.

Setting file name

XX Fix a name for the file and click on "Save job".
The example files are converted into binary *.dat job files and stored as 1.dat, respectively 2.dat in the memory of
the marking laser. However, these data are a lot larger than the original *.wlj files.

i Note!
To call marking layouts stored in the internal memory via digital coding, the input "Job Select" on CON2 of
the marking laser FL+ needs to be activated!
Access via "Remote Command API" and "COM Automation Server" is always possible.
32 6 Establishing Stand-Alone Operation with cabLase Editor 5 32

6.3 Managing *.dat Files

Calling the system explorer

XX Click within the window "Laser System Viewer" on active device and select "Explore...".

Display list job files

XX Select "Internal flash memory" and type of file "Job" to show stored .dat files.
XX Select "Copy to..." to copy files from the marking laser FL+ to the local PC.
XX Select "Add.." to copy .dat files already available on the local PC to the marking laser FL+.
33 6 Establishing Stand-Alone Operation with cabLase Editor 5 33

6.4 Storing Laser Font Files

The following example uses text objects in the job files called 1.wlj and 2.wlj, respectively 1.dat and 2.dat created with
the with the Arial font type. This font type needs to be loaded into the memory of the laser.

Calling the system explorer

XX Click within the window "Laser System Viewer" on active device and select "Explore...".

Display list font files

XX Select "Internal flash memory" and type of file "Font" to show laser fonts available.
XX Select "Add..." to copy laser font from the local PC to the marking laser FL+.
XX Select "Copy to..." to copy laser front from the marking laser FL+ to the local PC.

Default directory for laser font files installed on the local PC is: c:\marker\marker\fonts.
Further information about converting Truetype fonts into laser fonts  Documentation software.

To be able to use a layout via Remote API interface, it is necessary to check before, whether the fonts used
in the layout are stored on the laser control.

To be able to use the fonts loaded, the laser system must be newly initialized. There are different possibi-
i lities to do this:
• Switch the laser off and on again
• Carry out a reset at the operation panel
• Release a reset from the external control vial CON3 - PIN10
34 7 Remote API Commands 34

The API Command Set

The interface provided by the Remote Command API is a message based protocol. All command strings must be termi-
nated by a Carriage Return (0X0D) and Line Feed (0X0A) to allow a successful transfer.
The following list describes a selection of the most important Remote Interface commands and their intended use. Please
refer to our English Remote API Library for a complete list of all commands.
Commands with multiple parameters are sent to the Host in comma-delimited format. And, in case that responses are
sent with multiple parameters these are also returned in comma-delimited format.

All commands must be terminated by „Carriage Return“ and „Line Feed“ (0X0D & 0X0A, <CR>&<LF> oder
ASCII 13 & 10).

Commands with multiple parameters are sent to the Host in comma-delimited format.

Responses with multiple parameters are returned in comma-delimited format.

All responeses must be terminated by „Carriage Return“ and „Line Feed“ (0X0D & 0X0A, <CR>&<LF> oder
ASCII 13 & 10).

7.1 Abort
Command Abort
Purpose Stops the execution of a job
Implementation 1 or 1,blocking
Parameter Parameter blocking: (integer value)
0 - to immediately stop, f. ex.: 1,0
1 - to stop after having finished the current job, f. ex.: 1,1
API Return messages 0 = Success, 1 = Idle
Comments There are two possibilties to perform the command Abort. The first task is to immediately
stop the execution of an in-process job. The second task is to stop after having completed
and processed all queued data. Using the parameter 0, for immediate stop, the laser stops
without regard to loss of data. Using parameter 1 the command waits until the whole process
is completed. When calling 1, the shorter syntax version of the command, the paramter is
automatically set to 1.

Always use parameter blocking=1, to allow a synchronized processing and clear data assignment (serial
number / tracking and tracing).
35 7 Remote API Commands 35

7.2 ClearJobList
Command ClearJobList
Purpose Removes all loaded jobs from memory.
Implementation 200
Parameter -
API Return messages 0 = Success
Comments Used to delete all marking jobs from the order memory. The command also applies to the
currently in-process job.

By using ClearJobList the marking job activated via MakeJobActive is deleted from the memory.

7.3 ConnectNetworkShare
Command ConnectNetworkShare
Purpose Makes a connection to a network resource
Implementation 523,Remotesharename,Username,Password
Parameter Remotesharename:
Specifies the network resource to connect to (256 characters maximum). The Remotes-
harename has to be entered in an exemplary manner in the format \\ServerDaten\
Specifies the user name for making the connection (49 characters maximum)
Specifies the password to be used when making the connection (63 characters maximum)
API Return messages If the command fails because of a network connectivity error (NetworkConnectFail), the
response is in the form 33,extendederrorinfo. The error messages are created by the Windows
API. For example, if the call fails because of an access denied, the response will be 33,5.
Please refer to the Windows documentation for more details.
Comments This command only supports the “Microsoft Windows Network” provider. The share cannot
be located directly on a Domain.

Complete functionality of the command in the area "extendederrorinfo" is only provided with Windows-
compatible networks.

7.4 Echo
Command Echo
Purpose Delivers a return message of the control on any string
Implementation 37,String
Parameter String:
A string to send that will echoed back by the laser control (3000 characters maximum).
API Return messages Equal to the string value sent
Comments This command can be used to verify communications, and, in activated power saving mode,
for keep-alive purposes of the control.
36 7 Remote API Commands 36

7.5 EnableObject
Command EnableObject
Purpose Enable / disable execution of the specified object
Implementation 106,Objectindex,State
Parameter Objectindex:
Equals to the integer object index
0 means, the object will not be marked
1 means, the object will marked
API Return messages 0 = Success
Comments To execute this command the marking job must not be in process.

In case of disabling a large number of objects it might be better to reload the layout instead of reactivating
the objects.

Object index equals to the object number visualized in cabLase, reduced by 1.

7.6 ExecuteJobContinuous
Command EcecuteJobContinuous
Purpose Starts the execution of the active job and will execute the job in an infinite loop.
Implementation 208, cacheobjects
Parameter Cacheobjects: (Integer value 0 or 1)
0 does not cache marking objects, but wait for the StartMark from the internal FIFO memory
1 cache objects in the FIFO memory immediately after the command for marking is called
API Return messages 0 = Success, 2 = Busy, 109 = NoActiveJob
Comments The client must call TakeHostControl before making this call. The marking job has to be loaded
in the job memory of the laser control and activated by MakeJobActive. The control waits to
start marking until a digital start marking signal is received and will continue repeating this
process until the command Abort is called.
Cacheobjects = 0 and cacheobjects = 1 differ from each other as to the time in which objects
and commands for the FIFO memory are processed and sent. When calling cacheobjects =
1 the control does not wait for the external start signal.
Calling cacheobjects = 0 is useful, if for example objects in the layout shall be controlled by
digital input signals. Usual case is cacheobjects = 1.

In the event of using ExecuteJobContinuous the external start signal must be activated when creating the
marking layout.

In case of the repeatedly marking of a job the command must be called again.
37 7 Remote API Commands 37

7.7 ExecuteJobOnce
Command EnableObject
Purpose Starts the execution of the active job and runs it once without repeat
Implementation 207,cacheobjects
Parameter Cacheobjects: (Integer value 0 or 1)
0 do not cache marking objects, but wait for the StartMark from the internal FIFO memory signal
1 cache objects in the FIFO memory immediately after the command for marking is called
API Return messages 0 = Success, 2 = Busy, 109 = NoActiveJob
Comments After having called the command the control will wait to start marking until an external
start signal at Interface CON2 is received and will continue repeating this precess until the
command „Abort“ is called, even is the marking has not yet started. Calling cacheobjects
= 0 is useful, if for example objects in the layout shall be controlled by digital input signals.
Usual case is cacheobjects = 1.

In the event of using ExecuteJobOnce the external start signal must be activated when creating the
marking layout.

In case of the repeatedly marking of a job the command must be called again.
38 7 Remote API Commands 38

7.8 GetAllIOWords
Command GetAllIOWords
Purpose Delivers the state of all the digital inputs and outputs as two WORDS.
Implementation 31
Parameter -
API Return messages StandardWord,ExtendedWord

The API delivers an 18-bit wordfollowed by a 32-bit word

The StandardWord delivers the in- and outputs of the standard functions
The ExtendedWord delivers the in- and outputs of the extension

Bit 0: User In 1 Bit 10: User Out 1
Bit 1: User In 2 Bit 11: User Out 2
Bit 2: User In 3 Bit 12: User Out 3
Bit 3: User In 4 Bit 13: User Out 4
Bit 4: Start Marking Bit 14: Marking in Progress
Bit 5: Job Load Bit 15: Job Busy
Bit 6: Interlock 1 Bit 16: System Error
Bit 7: Interlock 2 Bit 17: Ready
Bit 8: Interlock 3
Bit 9: Interlock 4


Bit 0: User In 5 Bit 16: User Out 5

Bit 1: User In 6 Bit 17: User Out 6
Bit 2: User In 7 Bit 18: User Out 7
Bit 3: User In 8 Bit 19: User Out 8
Bit 4: User In 9 Bit 20: User Out 9
Bit 5: User In 10 Bit 21: User Out 10
Bit 6: User In 11 Bit 22: User Out 11
Bit 7: User In 12 Bit 23: User Out 12
Bit 8: User In 13 Bit 24: User Out 13
Bit 9: User In 14 Bit 25: User Out 14
Bit 10: User In 15 Bit 26: User Out 15
Bit 11: User In 16 Bit 27: User Out 16
Bit 12: User In 17 Bit 28: User Out 17
Bit 13: User In 18 Bit 29: User Out 18
Bit 14: User In 19 Bit 30: User Out 19
Bit 15: User In 20 Bit 31: User Out 20
Comments The ExtendedWord for the cab FL+ is only valid until input 8 and output 8.

In the event of calling ExtendedWord, bits 4-15 and bits 20-31 are not active for the FL+.
39 7 Remote API Commands 39

7.9 GetFlashJobFileList
Command GetFlashJobFileList
Purpose Delivers a comma-delimited list of all jobs stored in the flash memory of the laser control
Implementation 203
Parameter -
API Return messages 0,job1,jobX
is equal to the 1st name of the marking job in the memory
is equal to the umpteenth name of the marking job in the memory
Comments The internal flash memory is the system-internal memory at the laser control. Reading from
and writing to the memory may be effected via cabLase or in the FTP mode.

Please refer to Chapter 6.2 for more information about reading and from and writing marking jobs to the
internal flash memory.

Should the internal flash memory is not readable, the control delivers an API response ErrorCode.

7.10 GetFontFileList
Command GetFontFileList
Purpose Gets a comma-delimited list of all font files stored in the flash memory of the laser control
Implementation 48
Parameter -
API Return messages 0,Fontfile1,…,fontfileN
Fontfile1 is equal to the first font in the list
FontfileN is equal to the laset font in the list
Comments The flash memory is the internal storage memory of the laser control that is accessed via
cabLase or FTP server.

Please refer to Chapter 6.2 or to the assembly instructions of the marking laser FL+ for more information
about access to the internal flash memory.
40 7 Remote API Commands 40

7.11 GetKFactor
Command GetKFactor
Purpose Delivers the calibration factor of the current F-Theta lens configuration
Implementation 10
Parameter -
API Return messages KFactor: delivers the calibration factor of the lens configuration in field units (bits)/mm.
Comments Use this command to discover the conversion between the measurement unit mm and the
laser-specific field units.

Please keep in mind, that Platform 6 and Platform 7 boards maintain native coordinates in μm.

7.12 GetNetworkJobFileList
Command GetNetworkJobFileList
Purpose Gets a comma-delimited list of all marking jobs stored in a network storage location.
Implementation 221,Subfolder
Parameter Subfolder:
is the path specification for the network drive
221, transmits the data in the root directory
221,\Arbeitsdateien transmits the data in the directory \Arbeitsdateien
API Return messages 0,job1,jobX
is equal to the 1st name of the marking job in the network
is equal to the umpteenth name of the marking job in the network
Comments A connection must already exist to the network drive by using the command

It is obligatory to use the command ConnectNetworkShare to initialize a network connection before calling

7.13 GetObjectCenter
Command GetObjectCenter
Purpose Delivers the geometric center of the specified object in field units
Implementation 104,Objectindex
Parameter Objectindex:
Is the integer number of the indexed object
API Return messages X,Y
X is equal to the x coordinate of the object center, in bits
Y is equal to the y coordinate of the object center, in bits
Comments To be able to use this command, the marking job must not be in process. The marking field
is set up as cartesian coordinate system originating in the center.
41 7 Remote API Commands 41

7.14 GetUSBJobFileList
Command GetUSBJobFileList
Purpose Gets a comma-delimited list of all marking jobs stored in a USB drive
Implementation 204
Parameter -
API Return messages 0,job1,jobX
Is equal to the 1st name of the marking job in the memory
Is equal to the umpteenth name of the marking job in the memory
Comments If no USB drive is found, NoDrive is returned from the control. USB drives differ in terms of
format, memory size and addressing. Should you have problems in accessing please change
the storage medium or contact the manufacturer.

If the USB storage medium can not be read an ErrorCode will be returned.

7.15 HardwareReset
Command HardwareReset
Purpose Performs a reset of the laser control
Implementation 8
Parameter -
API Return messages No response, as the laser control will be newly initialized
Comments After receiving this command, the laser control will perform a soft reset. Before booting the
socket connection to the client will be automatically closed and must be reconnected after
initialization. You also need to start again with the command TakeHostControl. Any changes
made to the IP address parameters will be applied at this time.

All jobs in the RAM will be deleted and have to loaded and activated again. Transmitted variables are lost.

During the boot procedure a connection to the laser control can be established, however there is no
data exchange available. Whether booting is terminated or not may be asked via status query or digital

Initialization via HardwareReset may take up to 90 seconds.
42 7 Remote API Commands 42

7.16 LoadFlashJob
Command LoadFlashJob
Purpose Loads a job from flash memory into RAM, and sets the job as the ActiveJob.
Implementation 205,jobname
Parameter jobname: (Stringwert)
Is the file name of the layout with the extension, for example Circle.dat.
API Return messages 0 = Success, 3 = NoJob
Comments There can be multiple jobs loaded in RAM simultaneously. Before interacting with a job
(editing or modifying a layout), it must be made active with the MakeJobActive command.

Multiple marking jobs can be loaded in the RAM of the control simultaneously.

Before interacting with a job, for example editing or modifying variables, objects or other features), the
layout must be made active with the MakeJobActive command.

7.17 LoadNetworkJob
Command LoadNetworkJob
Purpose Loads a job from a network location into RAM, and sets the job as the ActiveJob.
Implementation 222,jobname
Parameter jobname: (Stringwert)
Is the path and file name of the layout with the extension, for example \Arbeitsdateien\
API Return messages 0 = Success, 3 = NoJob
Comments The job name can contain subfolder locations relative to the connected network drive.The
network drive is defined with the ConnectNetworkShare command and must not be speci-
fically stated!
To load the file circle.dat from the network drive server01 in the path \Arbeitsdateien\, use:
Acess is made via:

Multiple marking jobs can be loaded in the RAM of the control simultaneously. Before inter-
acting with a job (editing or modifying a layout), it must be made active with the MakeJob-
Active command.

Network drives are defined independent of the command LoadNetworkJob with the ConnectNetworkShare

Drive names and server are not specified in the jobname, but only the relative subfolders.
43 7 Remote API Commands 43

There can be multiple jobs loaded in RAM simultaneously.

Before interacting with a job (editing or modifying a layout), it must be made active with the MakeJobActive

7.18 LoadUSBJob
Command LoadUSBJob
Purpose Loads a marking job from an external USB drive into RAM
Implementation 206,jobname
Parameter jobname: (Stringwert)
Is the file name of the layout with the extension, for example Circle.dat
API Return messages 0 = Success, 3 = NoJob
Comments Multiple marking jobs can be loaded in the RAM of the control simultaneously. Before inter-
acting with a job (editing or modifying a layout), it must be made active with the MakeJob-
Active command.

There can be multiple jobs loaded in RAM simultaneously.

Before interacting with a job (editing or modifying a layout), it must be made active with the MakeJobActive
44 7 Remote API Commands 44

7.19 MakeJobActive
Command MakeJobActive
Purpose Sets a job currently loaded into RAM as the ActiveJob
Implementation 201,jobname
Parameter Jobname: (Stringwert)
Is the file name of the layout with the extension, for example Circle.dat.
API Return messages 0 = Success, 2 = Busy, 3 = NoJob
Comments Before changes, i.e. variables can be accepted, the layout must first be activated. If there are
multiple layouts in RAM, the marking job that is activated with the command will be processed.

Multiple marking jobs can be loaded in RAM simultaneously. Switching with MakeJobActive minimizes the
processing time.

7.20 RemoveJob
Command RemoveJob
Purpose Deletes the current marking job from the memory.
Implementation 202
Parameter -
API Return messages 0 = Success, 3 = NoJob
Comments The routine allows deleting the current marking job in RAM activated with the MakeJobActive
command. To delete several marking jobs, these must be activated separatly.

RemoveJob deletes the activated marking jobs from RAM, but not the marking layouts which are stored at
the laser control.

7.21 RemoveObject
Command RemoveObject
Purpose Deletes an object in the currently activated marking job
Implementation 141,objectindex
Parameter objectindex: (Integerwert)
Is the consecutive number of the object in the marking layout.
API Return messages 0 = Success, 10 = ArgOutOfRange, 104 = NoObject
Comments Executing the command is only possible, if there is no marking job in process.

To recall the objects it is necessary to reload and activate the layout again.
45 7 Remote API Commands 45

7.22 ReleaseHostControl
Command ReleaseHostControl
Purpose Closes the connection of a client established to the host and resets the control back to the
stream mode
Implementation 3
Parameter -
API Return messages 0 = Success
Comments Does a remote API client break the connection to the control, the control will be automatically
switched into stream mode. This kind of data transfering interface is used with the help of
the marking software cabLase.

If multiple clients shall execute data exchange with a laser control, it is important to have each of the instances
terminated with ReleaseHostControl.

7.23 ResetObject
Command ResetObject
Purpose Deletes the vector list of an object after a transformation and restores the original, initial vectors.
Implementation 111,objectindex
Parameter Objectindex:
Equals to the integer object index
API Return messages 0 = Success, 104 = NoObject
Comments To be able to execute the command the marking job must not be in process. This command
deletes the vectors of the transformed objects and creates the vector list of an object in its
original status without transformation.

This command deletes the vectors generated after the transformation based on the current value of the object,
for example serial number. Should the original status be restored, it is necessary to reload the marking job.

7.24 ResetUserTransform
Command ResetUserTransform
Purpose Resets a object transformation and restores the original status
Implementation 112,objectindex
Parameter Objectindex:
Equals to the integer object index
API Return messages 0 = Success, 104 = NoObject
Comments To be able to execute the command the marking job must not be in process. This command
cancels the transformation. To additionally delete the generated vector list corresponding to
the object, it is necessary to additionally apply the command ResetObject.

For deleting the active vector list of an object already transformed it is necessary to use the command Reset-
Object additionally to the commandResetUserTransform.
46 7 Remote API Commands 46

7.25 SetExternalStartMode
Command SetExternalStartMode
Purpose Sets the current ExternalStart mode of the active job.
Implementation 215,Mode
Parameter Mode:
0 = Starts, if input is set to High
1 = Starts, if input is set to Low
2 = Starts after transition from Low to High
3 = Starts after transition from High to Low
API Return messages 0 = Success, 3 = NoJob
Comments To be able to execute the command the marking job must not be in process. The command
controls what type of signal transition on the Start Process at the digital interface CON2 will
trigger the start of job execution.

Generally, the digital start signal at interface CON2 is used to start a synchronized process. If mode = 1 is
used, the execution of the marking job already starts with the ExecuteJobOnce command.

7.26 SetObjectString
Command SetObjectString
Purpose Sets the string value of a string based marking object contained in the active job
Implementation 100,objectindex,newstring
Parameter objectindex: (integer value)
Specifies the respective index number of the object from the layout

newstring: (string value)

Is the variable information to be assigned to the object. Valid size: 1-2999 characters.
API Return messages 0 = Success, 10 = ArgOutOfRange
Comments The object to be changed must be a string based marking object. The object index must equal
to the appropriate and be part of the object list. The marking job must not be in process. The
ExecuteJobOnce command must not be called before the variables' assignment.

Not the object name, but it's index number is relevant to the assignment of variables. The index number can
be determined in the software cabLase.

Please take into account that, in the event of creating layouts, inserting objects will change the respective
index number of subsequent objects.

Object indexing starts with 0. The index number is each reduced by 1 and starts with "0".

The marking job must not be in process when modifying variables. The ExecuteJobOnce command must not
be called before the variables' modification.
47 7 RemoteAPI Commands 47

To imbed control characters for the object type data matrix code, use the tilde ( ~ ) character before the control
code. To imbed an actual ~ character, use two tilde characters in a row ( ~~ ). To imbed an ASCII 0 character,
use ~@ instead of the ASCII 0. Refer to the software manual cabLase Editor 5, "Formatted String", for more
detailed information.

7.27 TakeHostControl
Command TakeHostControl
Purpose Allows exclusive control of the laser control from external
Implementation 2
Parameter -
API Return messages 0 = Success, 4 = InControl
Comments A client or the software cabLase cannot gain exclusive control of the laser control, if it is busy
processing a marking job. In this case, the other client must terminate the connection, the
software must close or wait until the current marking job is processed.

Use the ReleaseHostControl command to terminate an exisiting connection.

Use the GetJobStatus command to determine, if there is a job currrently being processed.

Terminate the software cabLase before starting the Remote API interface to enable release of the common port.
48 7 Remote API Commands 48

7.28 TransformObject
Command TransformObject
Purpose Applies rotation, scaling and offset to the specified object
Implementation 102,Objectindex,Rotation,Rotationscenterx,Rotationscentery,Xscale,Yscale,
Parameter Objectindex:
Equals to the integer object intex of the object
Specifies the rotation angle, in degrees, valid range -360 to +360
Specifies the coordinate position representing the center of rotation in the x-axis, in bits, valid
range -2147483648 to +2147483647.
Specifies the coordinate position representing the center of rotation in the y-axis , in bits,
valid range -2147483648 to +2147483647.
Specifies the amount to scale the object in the x-axis. Vailue must be greater than 0.
Specifies the amount to scale the object in the y-axis. Vailue must be greater than 0.
Specifies the amount to move the object in the x-axis, in bits, valid range -2147483648 to
Specifies the amount to move the object in the y-axis, in bits, valid range -2147483648 to
API Return messages 0 = Success, 10 = ArgOutOfRange
Comments Both the Object outline and the Object fill are transformed with this call. Transformation remains
the same, even if for example a SetObjectString command is called or if the object is a serial
number field. Subsequent calls of the command will be relative to the last transformation
performed. Transformations may effect that an object is outside the specified marking field.
To check, whether an object is within the legal marking field or not, the GetObjectRectangle
command in combination with the size of the marking field can be called. The marking field
is structured as cartesian coordinate system orginating in the center.

Coordinates for movement and rotation center must be converted into bits.

Using this command it is the responsibility of the programmer to insure that after an object has
been transformed, it is within the legal marking field.

! Attention!
Repeated calls of TransformObject lead to a relative transformation. To clear all transforms and to reset the
layout you have to call the ResetUserTransform command.
49 8 Numerical Listing Remote API Commands 49

8.1 Control
Command Description
1 Abort
2 TakeHostControl
3 ReleaseHostControl
4 GetHostControlStatus
5 GetHostInControl
6 EnableBroadcasting
7 LoadHardwareDefaults
8 HardwareReset
9 GetRemoteIP
10 GetKFactor
14 SetPerformanceGlobals
15 ResetPerformanceGlobals
16 OpenCOMPort
17 CloseCOMPort
18 COMWriteLine
19 GoToZ
20 GoToXYZ
21 SetMOTFEncoderRate
22 SetMemBuffer
23 GetMemBuffer
24 GetAvailableRAM
27 COMWriteChar
29 SetUserOutBit
30 GetUserInWord
31 GetAllIOWords
32 SetUserOutInitWord
33 GetUserOutInitWord
34 SampleMOTFEncoderCount
35 ClearMOTFEncoderCount
36 GetMOTFEncoderCount
37 Echo
38 GetLensFileList
39 LoadLensFile
40 SetUserOutPreferences
41 GetUserOutPreferences
42 SetUserOutWord
43 GetVersions
44 GetLaserFileList
45 LoadLaserFile
46 GetMotionFileList
47 LoadMotionFile
48 GetFontFileList
49 GetActiveLaser
50 8 Numerical Listing Remote API Commands 50

Command Description
50 GetActiveLens
52 GetAvailableDiskSpace
56 ClearCommandCache
57 TurnLaserOn
58 TurnLaserOff
59 GetMotionDeviceNames
60 GetMotionCalFactors
61 SendMotionCommand
63 GetMotionErrorCodes
64 GetMotionHomedOnceFlags
65 GetMotionStatus
66 GetProfileFileList
67 GetLastInterlockWord
70 PulseUserOutBit
71 COMWriteBinarychar
72 COMWriteCarEx
73 COMWriteLineEx
74 COMReadLineEx
75 CloseCOMPortEx
76 SetZOffsetRWU
77 SendMotionCommandEx

Please refer to the separate manual to get the complete documentation of all Remote API commands.
51 8 Numerical Listing Remote API Commands 51

8.2 Objects
Command Description
100 SetObjectString
102 TransformObject
103 GetObjectRect
104 GetObjectCenter
105 GetObjectType
106 EnableObject
107 GetObjectString
108 GetObjectName
109 SetObjectUserData
110 GetObjectUserData
111 ResetObject
112 ResetUserTransform
113 TransformObjectByName
114 TransformObjectByNameEx
115 SetObjectProfile
116 GetObjectProfile
117 SetObjectProfileFromFile
118 GetObjectNumPasses
119 SetObjectNumPasses
120 GetObjectMarkMode
121 SetObjectMarkMode
122 GetObjectNumMarkingPasses
123 AddObjectMarkingPass
124 DeleteObjectMarkingPass
125 SetObjectPassSettings
126 GetObjectPassSettings
127 TransformObjectNewFill
128 TrnsformObjectByNameNewFill
136 NewObject
137 SetObjectUnicodeString
138 GetObjectUnicodeString
139 GetObjectVectors
140 SetObjectVectors
141 RemoveObject
142 GetObjectExecuteTime
143 SetObjectName
144 SetObjectProperties
145 GetObjectProperties
146 SetObjectOutlineSettings
147 GetObjectOutlineSettings
148 SetObjectFillSettings
149 GetObjectFillSettings
151 GetObjectFontMetrics
52 8 Numerical Listing Remote API Commands 52

8.3 Marking Job

Command Description
Marking job
200 ClearJobList
201 MakeJobActive
202 RemoveJob
203 GetFlashJobFileList
204 GetUSBJobFileList
205 LoadFlashJob
206 LoadUSBJob
207 ExecuteJobOnce
208 ExecuteJobContinuous
209 GetJobStatus
210 GetLastError
211 GetObjectCount
214 GetJobExecutionStatus
215 SetExternalStartMode
216 GetExternalStartMode
218 GetActiveJob
219 SaveFlashJob
220 SaveUSBJob
221 GetNetworkJobFileList
222 LoadNetworkJob
223 SaveNetworkJob
224 GetLastMotionError
225 NewJob

Please refer to the separate manual to get the complete documentation of all Remote API commands.
53 8 Numerical Listing Remote API Commands 53

8.4 Administration
Command Description
500 SetAdminPIN
501 GetAdminPIN
502 SetDHCPMode
503 GetDHCPMode
504 SetLocalGateway
505 GetLocalGateway
506 SetLocalIP
507 GetLocalIP
508 SetNodeFriendlyName
509 GetNodeFriendlyName
510 SetSubnetMask
511 GetSubnetMask
512 SetUserPIN
513 GetUserPIN
514 SetCOMPortSpeed
515 GetCOMPortSpeed
516 SetCOMPortAssignments
517 GetCOMPortAssignments
518 SetLocalTime
519 GetLocalTime
523 ConnectNetworkShare
524 SetCOMPortSpeedEx
525 GetCOMPortSpeedEx
526 GetLocalDeviceList
527 SetActiveLocalDevice
528 SetCOMPortMode
529 GetCOMPortMode

Please refer to the separate manual to get the complete documentation of all Remote API commands.
54 9 Remote API Host Response Codes 54

The following table shows possible API Response Codes returned from the Host to the client. Response Codes are
used for fault detection in case of difficulties in flow control.
Value Short description Description
0 Success The operation completed successfully
1 Idle idle mode, no marking job in process
2 Busy A marking job is currently in process
3 NoJob The specified job was not found
4 InControl The requesting client has exclusive control of the Host
The requesting client does not have exclusive control of the
5 NotInContrl
6 LicenseUnavailable No valid license was found
Access denied. The current license does not allow the
7 LicenseAccessDenied
requested feature
8 BadCommand The API command was not recognized
9 BadArg A specified argument was invalid
10 ArgOutOfRange A specified argument was out of range
The specified time zone cannot be found when setting up the
11 UnkownTimeZone
12 Reserved Reserved
Transmission error. Error while converting between multi-byte
13 BadConversion
and Unicode characters
14 RegistryError A Windows CE Registry read or write operation failed
15 TimeZoneFileError A Time Zone File operation failed
16 ResetInterlock An interlock was signaled and must be reset by calling Abort
17 ListNotOpen An operation was attempted on a list that has not been opened
18 ListAlreadyOpen The list is currently open
19 BadData The data in the specified file was not in the correct format
20 APIException The Remote API caused an unexpected exception
21 JobAborting The job is currently aborting from a previous abort command
22 FPGALoadFail An attempt to load the FPGA with instructions failed
23 JobManagerInitFail The Job Manager failed to initialize properly
24 LaserLoadFail The specified laser configuration failed to load properly
25 LensLoadFail The specified lens configuration failed to load properly
The specified Performance Matrix configuration failed to load
26 PMLoadFail
27 MotionLoadFail The specified motion configuration failed to load properly
28 HostManagerInitFail The Host Manager failed to initialize properly
29 InvalidIPAddress The specified IP address is not a valid IPv4 IP address
30 DataUnknown The format of the data is not recognized
31 BadChecksum The data failed a checksum test
There was an attempt to use a network resource, but no
32 NetworkShareNotConnected
connection exists
55 9 Remote API Host Response Codes 55

Value Short description Description

33 NetworkConnectFail An attempt to connect to a network share failed.
34 UnknownNetworkError An unspecified network error has occurred
35 APICommandTimeout A command that was sent to the Remote API timed out
36 ExternalProcessFail Internal use
37 DLLLoadFail Internal use
38 NoAdapter No Network adapter was found
39 AddIPAddressFailure An attempt to add a temporary IP address failed
40 BadAPIResponse The Remote API returned an unexpected response
41 CannotCreateSocket Internal use
42 CannotConnectSocket Internal use
43 CannotGetFPGABufInfo Internal use
44 CannotGetFPGABuf Internal use
45 CannotWriteFPGABuf Internal use
46 FPGAException Internal use
47 FTPConnectionError An attempt to connect to an FTP resouce failed
48 FileAlreadyExists The specified file already exists in the specified location
49 UnknownOS Internal use
50 SocketException Internal use
51 ProcessTimeout The process returned a time out error
52 DeviceNotFound The specified device cannot be found
53 LoginInProgress An attempt to connect to a device is currently executing
54 APIClientInControl There is an active connection to a Remote API client
55 StreamClientInControl There is an active connection to a cabLase client
An attempt to connect to a device using the Remote API port
56 CannotConnectToAPI
57 ReadFail Internal use
58 StreamBufferFull Internal use
59 NoConfigRecord Cannot find the specified configuration record
60 OperationCanceled Operation was canceled by the user
61 NoData Internal use
62 InitializationError Internal use
63 FailToCreateServiceThread Internal use
64 CannotOpenDevice Internal use
65 SegmentFull Internal use
An operation was attempted before the Marker Library was
66 MarkerLibraryNotInitialized
An operation was attempted before the Ring Buffer was
67 RingBufferNotInitialized
68 AccessDenied Access to a resource was denied
The attempted opration can only be performed by elevation the
69 RequiresUACElevation
56 9 Remote API Host Response Codes 56

Value Short description Description

70 NotAllowed The requested operation is not allowed
71 NoLaserConfig The laser config file was not found
72 NoLensConfig The lens config file was not found
73 OutOfMemory There is not enough memory to complete the task
74 LensTableNotFound The specified lens correction table cannot be found
75 HostControlInitError No Host Controllers loaded during device boot time
76 NoBytesRead A read operation failed with no bytes read
Data was added to the Pending queue and will execute when
77 WritePending
84 NoPen A pen found in the vectorlist did not have an associated Profile
100 NoFilesFound No files were found at the specified path
101 NoDrive No drive was found
102 JobOutOfMemory Out of memory exception
103 TooManyObjects Internal error, consult manufacturer
104 NoObject The specified object does not exist
105 JobException An internal job exception
106 NotInHostControl Operation cannot be performed if the client is not in control
107 WrongHostType Operation cannot be performed with this host type
108 ErrorJobBusy Operation cannot be performed while a job is executing
109 NoActiveJob There is no Active Job
110 ErrorSoftware Internal error, consult manufacturer
111 LoadFail A job load failed
112 NoObjects Job file version not compatible with current firmware
113 WriteFail Internal error writing job file
114 JobFileFormat Job file format error
115 FileException Internal error while processing file
116 UnknownObject Unknown object type
117 UnknownType Unknown type
118 NotSupported Operation not supported
119 NotAvailable Resource not available
120 FPGADataFail Internal FPGA data format failure
121 FileNotFound The file specified was not found
122 FileCreationError Error while attempting to create a file
123 WriteFileFail Not all data was written to the file
124 PathNotFound The specified path was not found
125 NotInCacheMode The command requires that the job was started in Cache mode
126 NotWaitingForStartMark The FIFO is not currently waiting for a Start Mark signal
127 MotionNotHomed The command is not allowed if the device is not homed
The operation cannot complete because there is no 3D model
128 No3DModel
57 9 Remote API Host Response Codes 57

Value Short description Description

An error was encountered while projecting onto the 3D
129 ProjectionError
200 NoProperties Object does not contain any properties
201 ObjectException Internal object exception
202 Abort Operation was aborted
203 NoFontResource The font specified in the object was not found
204 NoOverride Internal object error
205 ExternalEnableDenied Operation denied by External control
206 CannotCreatePort A port setting (baud rate, stop bits, etc.) is invalid
207 CannotOpenPort Error while attempting to open COM port
208 PortNotOpen Port must be open to execute command
209 PortTimeout A port operation timed out
210 WrongPortNumber Invalid port number
211 WrongObjectType Operation is not supported by this object type
A motion control axis referenced in an object has not been
212 AxisNotConfigured
Too many characters in buffer (max. 3000 including
213 TextBufferOverrun
command opcode)
214 InvBarcodeStringValue The barcode string to encode contains invalid characters
The length of the barcode string to encode is either too short
215 InvBarcodeStringLength
or too long
216 InvBarcodeNarrowWidth The narrow to wide ratio is invalid
217 InvBarcodeWidthReduce The width reduction value is invalid
The ECC value is invalid, or cannot be used to encode the
218 InvBarcodeECC
There was insufficient memory to complete an internal
219 BarcodeOutOfMemory
barcode operation
220 BardocdeUnknownError Undocumented error. Please notify the manufacturer
Incorrect data, or an internal operation resulted in an
221 BarcodeException
unexpected result
An object was saved to the job with both mark outline and
222 NoVectors
mark fill disabled
223 BadMotionResponse The motion controller responded with an unexpected value
224 MotionDriverNotFound An object is referencing a motion driver that does not exist
An operation was attempted on an axis index that was not
225 AxisNotFound
An operation was attempted that depends on an encoder,
226 EncoderNotFound
and no encoder was found
227 InvStringValue The string to process is not a valid string
MotionControllerNotFound The motion system cannot detect a valid motion controller
MotorNotProvisioned The motor has not been provisioned for use with the LEC
230 RuntimeMotionError An error was generated during a motor move operation
58 9 Remote API Host Response Codes 58

Value Short description Description

231 ObjectOutOfBounds The object is outside the legal marking area
232 InvVersion Invalid version
NoOutline Not valid to have MarkOutline enabled with no outline to

It may happen that an error message in textform is received instead of the numerical value expected.
59 10 Remote API System Error Messages 59

The following are System Error Codes that may be returned by the Remote API command GetLastError.

Value Short description Description

8001 QueueFul Overflow spooler queue
9001 ProcessAbort Process cancelled
9002 FIFOEmptyTimeout Timeout FIFO memory – empty
9003 EventTimeout Event Timeout
9004 BadOpcode Unvalid command
9005 FirmwareBug Error firmware
9006 WriteDigitalBad Error when writing ditigal information
9007 SetLaserPowerBad Error laser power
9008 SetCorrectionTableBad Error lense correction file
9009 SetLaserPulseBad Error laser pulse width
9010 WaitForIOBad Error digital IO interface
9011 WaitForIOTimeout Timeout error digital IO interface
9012 SetLAserStandbyBad Erro standby laser
9013 CPLDTimeout Timeout error CPLD
9014 LaserActiveTimeout Error when switching on laser
9015 SetMotfOrientationBad Error when orientating object
9016 EnableMotfBad Error when using axis module
9020 ServoFault Error servo driveehler Servoantrieb
9021 InterlockAssert E-Stop detected
9022 interlockDeassert E-Stop Reset
60 11 Remote API Object Types 60

The laser marking software cabLase 5 uses different object types to create the layouts. In the event of addressing via
Remote API interface the various obect types are not transmitted in form of a name, but as integer value.
The following are the values for different object types.
Value Short description
0 Polyline
1 Barcode
2 Text
3 Bitmap
4 Vector Graphic
5 Point
6 Line
7 Polygon
8 Rectangle
9 Rounded Rectangle
10 Spiral
107 Laser Control
108 Set Port
109 Time Delay
110 Wati Port
111 Alignment
115 Rotary Motion
116 Linear Motion
117 XY Motion

Please note that for addressing objects via Remote API interface the continuous index number is relevant
and not the type or name of the object.
61 12 Integration Interfaces 61

12.1 External Interface I/O CON2

For the integration into higher-level control procedures the device is equipped with an I/O Interface allowing to indivi-
dually program eight in- and outputs for example via cabLase Editor 5. The interface has a SUB-D connector, 25

Pin 1 Pin 13

Pin 14 Pin 25

External interface I/O

Pin Signal Name Description Activation / active

1 FP24V Internal operating voltage +24 V,
Si T 500 mA
to supply external devices
2 Ready to Mark Marking job is loaded, device is waiting to Contact Pin 2 / Pin 12 closed
start marking
3 Busy Marking job is running Contact Pin 3 / Pin 12 closed
4 User Out1 Individually programmable Contact Pin 4 / Pin 12 closed
5 User Out2 Individually programmable Contact Pin 5 / Pin 12 closed
6 User Out3 Individually programmable Contact Pin 6 / Pin 12 closed
7 User Out4 Individually programmable Contact Pin 7 / Pin 12 closed
8 User Out5 Individually programmable Contact Pin 8 / Pin 12 closed
9 User Out6 Individually programmable Contact Pin 9 / Pin 12 closed
10 User Out7 Individually programmable Contact Pin 10 / Pin 12 closed
11 User Out8 Individually programmable Contact Pin 11 / Pin 12 closed
12 Common for Common potential for all outputs
13 GND 0 V internal
14 Start Process Start of marking according to settings made Connect to +24V between
in the software Pin 14 and Pin 25
15 Job Select Active : Job data are loaded from an Connect to +24V between
internal file and can be opened via binary Pin 15 and Pin 25
coding by using the digital inputs  Storing
job files for the stand-alone operation
Inactive : Job data are loaded from the PC

16 Error Error message of the control Contact Pin 16 / Pin 12 closed

17 User In1 Individually programmable +24V between Pin 17 and Pin 25
18 User In2 Individually programmable +24V between Pin 18 and Pin 25
19 User In3 Individually programmable +24V between Pin 19 and Pin 25
20 User In4 Individually programmable +24V between Pin 20 and Pin 25
21 User In5 Individually programmable +24V between Pin 21 and Pin 25
22 User In6 Individually programmable +24V between Pin 22 and Pin 25
23 User In7 Individually programmable +24V between Pin 23 and Pin 25
24 User In8 Individually programmable +24V between Pin 24 and Pin 25
25 Common for Common potential for all inputs, Note : Using the internal +24V (Pin
Inputs 0V external 1) Supplying the inputs requires to
connect Pin 25 with Pin 13.

Tabelle 2 Pinout external interface I/O

62 12 Integration Interfaces 62

12.2 The Remote Interface CON3

The Remote Interface CON3 is used to control the hardware of the FL+.
The interface has a SUB-D connector, 15 pole.

Pin 8 Pin 1

Pin 15 Pin 9

Remote Interface

Pin Signal Name Description Activation / active

1 FP24V Internal operating voltage +24 V, max. 500 mA Note :
to supply external devices Using the internal +24V
will be switched off at emergency stop (Pin 1) supplying the inputs
requires to connect Pin 1
with Pin 7 and Pin 8 with
Pin 15.
2 Power Mains voltage applied Contact between Pin 2 and
Pin 7 closed
3 Shutter Shutter is open Contact between Pin 3 and
Open Pin 7 closed
4 Emission Laser source is switched on Contact between Pin 4 and
XX Keep to the special safety instructions for the Pin 7 closed
operation under laser class 4
5 Error There is an error occurred in the control Contact between Pin 5 and
Pin 7 closed
6 Laser Control and laser source are switched on and ready for Contact between Pin 6 and
Ready marking Pin 7 closed
7 24V extern External operating voltage +24V, Si T3A
8 GND 0V internal
9 Job Select active : User In/Out 1 to User In/Out 4 at CON2 are used +24V between Pin 9 and
Register as digital inputs/outputs 1 to 4 in cabLase Pin 15
inactive : User In/Out 1 to User In/Out 8 at CON2 are
used as digital inputs/outputs 5 to 12 in cabLase
Note: Supplying Pin 9 is only evaluated for the initiali-
zation of the marking laser (Switch on and Reset)!
When the signal is inactive User in 1 to 8 can be used
to select layouts but objects inside a layout cannot be
10 Reset Reset the marking laser +24V between Pin 10 and
Note : The restart after reset and initialization of the laser Pin 15
control may take up to 30 seconds!
11 Laser On/ Active : Switch on laser source +24V between Pin 11 and
Off Conditions for switching on: Pin 15
Emergency Stop not active, shutter closed
Inactive : Switch off laser source
12 Pilot Laser Pilot laser is switched on Contact between Pin 12 and
is On Pin 7 closed
13 Open Requirements to open shutter +24V between Pin 13 and
Shutter Conditions for opening: Pin 15
Emergency Stop not active, interlock closed
63 12 Integration Interfaces 63

Pin Signal Name Description Activation / active

14 Pilot Laser Active : Switch on pilot laser +24V between Pin 14 and
On/Off Conditions for opening: Pin 15
Emergency Stop not active, shutter closed
Inactive : Switch off pilot laser
15 GND extern Common potential for all inputs,
0V external

Tabelle 3 Pinout Remote Interface

Signal diagram remote interface

Reset Error Re-start Emergency stop Interlock

Power switch

Pin2 - Power (OUT)

Pin10 - Reset (IN)

Pin5 - Error (OUT)

Pin6 (CON4) - E-Stop IN (IN)

Pin4 (CON4) - Interlock IN (IN)

Pin11 - Laser On / Off (IN) X X

Pin4 - Emission (OUT)

+Δt +Δt +Δt +Δt
Laser source Laser source Laser source Laser source
ready ready ready ready

Pin6 - Laser Ready (OUT)

LED Ready (Control panel)

Pin13 - Open Shutter (IN) X X X X

Pin3 - Shutter Open (OUT)


Requirement: t3 > t2 > t1

X don‘t care

Signal diagram remote interface

64 12 Integration Interfaces 64

12.3 Interlock / E-Stop Interface CON4

The Interlock / E-Stop interface is used to integrate the marking laser into external safety circuits and to connect an
external Emergency Stop.
The interface has a SUB-D connector, 9 pole.

Pin 5 Pin 1

Pin 9 Pin 6

Interlock / E-Stop interface

i Note!
There is no marking possible without having connected the inputs Interlock In (Pin 4) and E-Stop In (Pin 6).

Pin Signal Name Description Activation / active

1 FP24V Internal operating voltage +24 V,
max. 500 mA
2 E-Stop signaling Status of Emergency Stop relay' Contact between Pin 2 and
contact connection A Device ready for operation when signal Pin 7 is open, if the
active Emergency Stop is not
activated, i.e. the Emergency
Stop relay is not current fed
3 Interlock Signaling Status of Interlock-Relay' Contact between Pin 3 and
contact connection A Device ready for operation when signal Pin 8 is open, if the safety
active circuit is closed, i.e. the
Interlock relay is current fed
4 Interlock IN Interlock relay +24V between Pin 4 and
Connection for safety switch Pin 9
Device ready for operation when signal
5 GND INT 0 V intern

6 E-Stop IN Emergency Stop relay +24V between Pin 6 and

Connection for Emergency Stop Pin 9
Device ready for operation when signal
7 E-Stop signaling Status of Emergency Stop relay' (return  Pin 2
contact connection B circuit)
8 Interlock signaling Status of Interlock relay' (return circuit)  Pin 3
contact connection B
9 GND EXT Common GND potential for
Interlock IN and E-Stop IN
Tabelle 4 Pinout Interlock / E-Stop interface
65 13 Service 65

13.1 Reference Documents

Name of document Origin
1 20.015 LEC Remote API Manual.pdf LC/Faro
2 cab_ma_flplus_400_de.pdf cab

13.2 Revision History of Sample Programs

Revision Changes Date
FL+ Remote API Delivery condition 15.03.15

13.3 Contact
Name Company Function / Department email
Mehmet Seker cab GmbH & Co. KG Service / Support [email protected]
Lukas Schmid cab GmbH & Co. KG Service / Support [email protected]
Hans Löhner cab GmbH & Co. KG Software / Support [email protected]

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