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Agemonia Rulebook Tutorial-I

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Tabletop Simulator Tutorial

Agemonia is a cooperative game of adventure and tactical combat. The game is played as a long campaign
during which your heroes will travel through the world of Agemonia, visiting various locations, overcoming
challenges, and fighting dangerous enemies. You will play many scenarios, developing your Hero as you do
so. Agemonia is designed to be a comprehensive gaming experience, mixing traditional roleplaying with the
advanced mechanisms of modern story driven tactical tabletop games.

This Tutorial will guide you through the first scenario “The Flooded Inn”, teaching you the rules you need to
know as you progress.


In order to make the most of what Agemonia has to offer, we recommend that each player chooses their
Hero in advance of your first game so that they have time to become acquainted with the background story
of that Hero. Doing so will provide valuable insight into the history of your Hero and the world that they live
in, which in turn will also help you when making strategic choices during gameplay. While this is not strictly
necessary, we believe it will significantly improve immersion into the world of Agemonia and allow a more
fulfilling gaming experience.

If you are planning on using the Agemonia App, then you may want to download it before you get together
for your first game. [Instructions on getting App]

The background story for each Hero is also available on-line at:

2021-04-22 1
Tabletop Simulator Tutorial



Set Up
Any set up you need to perform yourself is highlighted in red. All other setup has already been completed.

3 2


5 6 9


1. Scenario map for “The Flooded Inn”.

2. Player Reference.
3. Each player: Hero board, Action Selection marker, and starting Vitality disk for your selected Hero.
4. Each player: Stacked on your Vitality disk are a number of Stamina chips, stamina (blue) side up. The
number of Stamina chips is determined by the Hero you are playing.
5. Bag of X markers.
6. Story cards for “The Flooded Inn”. Do not shuffle this deck or read any of the Story cards.
7. Fate cards. If you are playing with 4 Heroes, use 4 Fate cards. If you are playing with 3 Heroes, use 5
Fate cards. If you are playing with 2 Heroes, use all 7 Fate cards. Discard any excess Fate cards, face
up, into a discard pile next to the deck. The front of the Fate cards are irrelevant in this scenario
8. Action dice.
9. Scenario Rewards bag. Do not look in this bag until instructed to do so by the Scenario Conclusion.
10. Choose one player to be the narrator. That player reads aloud the Introduction section. This will
provide additional setup instructions such as where to place your Hero miniatures on the Scenario
map. Alternatively, you can use the Agemonia App and click on [●] for a voice-acted introduction.

You are now ready to start your unforgettable journey into the world of Agemonia!

Tabletop Simulator Tutorial

Each Agemonia scenario is played over a number of rounds. In Tutorial 1: “The Flooded Inn”, there are either
4 rounds (with 4 Heroes), 5 rounds (with 3 Heroes) or 7 rounds (with 2 Heroes), each of which consists of
3 phases:

1. Select Hero Action

2. Hero Turns
3. Discard Fate Card

As you play you will discover a number of objectives. Be warned however, you may not have the time to
complete them all, although you will not fail the scenario regardless of how many you complete.


1. Select Hero Action
In the Select Hero Action phase, each player selects an action for their Hero to perform this round. In
your first round in tutorial 1, we suggest you select the Extra Maneuver action. To do so, place your Action
Selection marker in the space to the left of the Extra maneuver action on your Hero board.

Action selection
Place your Action Example: Lunara has chosen the Focus action
Selection marker in the by placing their Action Selection marker next
space to the left of your to Focus Action slot.
chosen action.

Choosing the Extra Maneuver action will allow your Hero to perform 2 maneuvers this round instead of 1.

2. Hero Turns
Heroes take their turns in the turn order determined by the Initiative card.

Normally in a game of Agemonia, the order of Hero and Enemy turns each
round is determined by a randomly drawn Initiative card. However, there are no
Enemies in “The Flooded Inn”, so instead you should use the simplified Initiative
card printed above the Scenario map.

The colored symbols on the Initiative card correspond to the symbols next to your
Hero’s actions on your Hero board. Note that the symbol an action has next to it
is dependent on which Hero you have chosen to play. The turn order is read from
top to bottom: red then blue then green.

Tutorial 1 Initiative Card

The simplified Initiative card for tutorial 1 shows that any players who selected an action with the red
initiative symbol next to it will take their turn before any players who selected an action with the blue
symbol. Players who selected an action with the green symbol will take their turns last of all.

Tabletop Simulator Tutorial

If all players have chosen Extra Maneuver as their action, and you are playing with all 4 Heroes, this will
mean the player with Venia as their Hero will take the first turn, as the Venia Hero board has the red
initiative symbol next to the Extra Maneuver action. The players with Lunara and Zuva’sai as their Heroes
will take the next 2 turns, as their Hero boards have the blue initiative symbol next to the Extra Maneuver
action. Finally, the player with Torrax as their Hero will take their turn.

If two or more Heroes share the same initiative, their players may choose the order of those Heroes’ turns. If
the players are unable to agree, those Heroes take their turns in order of their Taunt value (shown on their
Hero board), from highest to lowest.

During your turn, your Hero will perform your chosen action and one maneuver, in either order. You do
not have to choose which maneuver you wish to perform until it is time to perform it. Once you have started
your action or maneuver, you must complete it before starting the other. You may forfeit your action or
maneuver, or both.

If you have chosen the Extra Maneuver action then your action will be to perform another maneuver, so you
will be able to perform 2 maneuvers during your turn.

There are 4 maneuvers shown on your Hero board. The first two are Move maneuvers and are explained
below. Your other 2 maneuvers will be explained later.
The first player to take a turn should choose to perform a Move maneuver as the first of their 2 maneuvers.

Move Maneuvers
A Move maneuver allows you to move your Hero by spending the movement points indicated. Each
movement point spent allows you to move your Hero across a white line into an adjacent area on the
Scenario map. Two areas are adjacent if there is a white or red line separating them, however movement may
only be performed across a white line.

You have 2 different Move maneuvers, shown on the right hand side of your Hero board: the first does
not require you to spend any stamina, the second does. The second Move maneuver shows the amount of
stamina which must be spent to the left of the movement points.

Note: If you decide to perform a Move maneuver you must choose which of the two to perform, and spend
any stamina required, before you start spending your movement points.

Tip: Some characters move further than others. Even if you are playing one of the faster characters, don’t be
too cautious about spending stamina to move in this scenario.

Example: Venia has two options when choosing to perform a Move maneuver. The first gives her 2 movement
points to spend, while the second gives her 3 movement points, but she will have to spend 1 stamina.

Tabletop Simulator Tutorial

Areas on the Scenario Map

An area on the Scenario map is bordered by either white
lines, red lines, solid barriers (such as a wall), or some
combination of the 3. Movement may only be performed
across a white line.

Example: The area shown is bordered by white lines on its left and
lower side, red lines in its lower left corner, and solid barriers (in this
case 2 walls) along its upper and right side.

Spending Stamina
You spend an amount of stamina by removing an equal number of Stamina chips from your Vitality disk and
placing them, stamina (blue) side up, above your Hero board. You may not spend an amount of stamina if
you do not have enough Stamina chips remaining on your Vitality disk.

The first player to take a turn should spend 1 movement point to move into the area marked with the letter ‘H’.

This will cause them to reveal a Story card.

Story Points and Story cards

The area your Hero has just moved into contains a Story Point. Story Points show 2 values:
» The first value indicates the name of the Story card you should reveal. In this case Story card H .
» The second value indicates the range your Hero needs to move into to trigger the revealing of the
Story card. In this case, as it shows ‘0’, only when you move into the area containing the Story Point.

As soon as a Hero moves into range of a Story Point for the first time, they interrupt their movement to
reveal and read the back of the relevant Story card.

Follow these steps when you need to reveal a Story card in TTS:
1. Right-click the Story card deck.
2. Select the Search option.
3. Type the name of the Story card (normally just one letter).
4. Drag the Story card onto the tabletop. Do not cover Story cards you have already revealed.

Be careful not to read the other side of the Story card, or the front or back of any of the other Story cards.
Tabletop Simulator Tutorial

Once you have revealed and read the Story card, you may continue your movement. If your Hero moves
into range of several Story Points at the same time, reveal and read all of the relevant Story cards before
continuing your turn.

Note: Sometimes a Story card may be revealed in multiple ways: by multiple Story Points showing the same
Story card name, or by instructions on another Story card. However, each Story card can only be revealed
once; once a Story card has been revealed, ignore all further instructions to reveal that Story card.
Reveal Story card H now, and read the back of it aloud to the other players.

- Name of scenario and Story Point

- Story card illustration

- Name of Story card

- Title of Story card

- Story text

Story card ranges

Some sections on a Story card have a range value. This indicates
that in order to interact with that section of the card, your Hero
must be within range of the corresponding Story Point.
Some sections on a Scenario do not show a range. These sections
are always active, and any instructions in them must be followed

Story card H has a section (“Offer help”) with a range of 0. As you are in the same area as Story Point H you
may interact with this section of the card.

Important: Many of the Story cards in the tutorials will direct you to certain parts of the rules, located
towards the end of this tutorial. This is signified by a gold background around the text on the Story card.
Make sure you have read those rules as well as the Story card.


Once you have read the rules on flipping Story cards you will realise that you must flip Story card H . Do this
now, and read the front of the card.

You will likely have 1 or more movement points remaining. If you move adjacent to the area marked with
Story Point D you will reveal and read Story card D , as you will be within range 1 of that Story Point. Of
course, you may go in any direction you wish!

Tabletop Simulator Tutorial

The range of one area from another on the Scenario map is
measured in adjacent areas, using the shortest possible route.
The color of the lines between these areas (white or red) does
not matter when measuring range. You may not measure
range through a solid barrier.

Example: The area pointed to by the yellow arrow marked with the
number 2 is at range 2 from the area containing Story Point  C .
While you could move between these 2 areas using the longer route shown
by the red arrows, range must always be measured using the shortest
possible route.

Moving into the area outlined here in green will mean

you reveal and read Story card D , as it is within range
1 of Story Point D .

Once you have completed your first maneuver, don’t forget to perform your second (assuming you selected
the Extra Maneuver action).

Maximum Capacity
All areas of the Scenario map that Heroes can move
into contain 1 or more white dots. These dots show the
maximum capacity of the area; that is, the maximum
number of figures that may occupy the area. If an area
is at its maximum capacity, your Hero may not end their
turn there. However, they may move through that area into
another area.

Example: Zuva’sai may not move into the area where Torrax
and Lunara are and end his turn there, because it is at maximum
capacity. However, if he wants to move through that area into
another, he may do so.

Tabletop Simulator Tutorial

Tip: Unless you feel there is a good reason to do so, players should move their Heroes in different directions
to each other in this scenario. The time you have to explore is short! And remember, don’t be too cautious
about spending stamina to move.

Once all players have taken their turn, the phase is over.

3. Discard Fate Card

During a scenario, time is measured using Fate cards. In this phase in “The Flooded Inn” scenario, simply
discard one Fate card, face up, into a discard pile next to the Fate deck. The front of the Fate card is irrelevant
in this scenario.


Play continues in a similar manner to the first round, but there are now a few more things you should know.


There is an alternative action you may want to select during phase 1, and an alternative maneuver you may
want to perform during your turn in phase 2.

Focus Action
Selecting the Focus action allows you to roll 1 extra Action die during every active ability check you perform
this round (see Active ability checks on page 9).

Rethink Action
This action is not chosen at the start of the round. Instead, on your turn, you may perform the rethink action
in place of your chosen action. Your initiative colour does not change. The rethink action allows you to either
spend 1 movement point to move your Hero, or restore 1 spent stamina.
Note: If you have chosen the focus action as your action for the round, you may only perform the rethink
action instead if you have not yet used the focus action to roll an extra die this round.

Restore Maneuver
The restore maneuver allows you to restore spent stamina. The amount of stamina restored is shown on your
Meditate maneuver on your Hero board. To restore an amount of stamina, move an equal number of spent
Stamina chips back onto your Vitality disk, stamina (blue) side up. If you are attempting to restore more
stamina than you have spent, simply restore as many as you are able. The restore maneuver also allows you to
heal damage , but you will not need this until tutorial 2.

Take account of the fact that players may select different actions each round, and so the turn order may
change every round.

Remember, you only perform 2 maneuvers on your turn if you have selected the Extra Maneuver action,
otherwise you perform 1.


Once all Fate cards have been discarded, the scenario is over; the floodwater has got so high that your Heroes
must seek refuge from it. Luckily they can all swim so they are quite safe! Read the scenario conclusion on
page 12 of this tutorial.

Tabletop Simulator Tutorial

This section details the rules that various Story cards in “The Flooded Inn” may direct you towards.

Spending maneuvers
Some Story cards show tasks that require your Hero to spend a little extra time and effort to complete, such
as when searching an area. These are indicated by the maneuver symbol . By spending a maneuver, your
Hero can complete the specified task on the Story card.

Remember: You must finish one maneuver before starting another. If, for example, you still have unspent
movement points from a Move maneuver, and you spend a maneuver, those movement points will be lost.

Active ability checks

An active ability check is performed by rolling a number of Action dice equal to your Hero’s level in the given
ability. The ability symbol displayed in the check determines the ability being used, and corresponds to one
of the 3 abilities your Hero has:

Might Agility Will

These 3 abilities, and the level your Hero has in each, are shown on your Hero board below your Hero’s
character portrait. Some active ability checks may allow you to choose between 2 abilities. In this case, both
ability symbols are shown, separated by a ‘|’.

Action dice
There are various symbols on an Action die:
A success
2 successes
1 success, and 1 extra roll (see below)
Once your Hero has developed further this symbol will activate various effects you may have gained, but
for now: No successes, but you may spend 1 or 2 stamina to get an equal number of successes.
Each “extra roll” allows you to roll an extra Action die and add its result to your total. If this roll gets you
another extra roll then roll another Action die, and so on.
If you rolled any , you may make all of your extra rolls before deciding how many successes you wish to
spend stamina on.

Important: Performing an active ability check does not require you to spend an action or maneuver.
Moreover, you may perform an active ability check during an action or maneuver, and then continue with
that action or maneuver afterwards. Consequently, as long as there is no penalty for failing, it is usually
worthwhile attempting an active ability check, even if your likelihood of success is low. You may only attempt
a particular active ability check once during your turn, but you may attempt as many different active ability
checks as you wish.

The active ability check is successful if your Hero rolls a total number of successes equal to or higher than
the number specified by the check (shown in a red box).

Tabletop Simulator Tutorial

Laura is playing the Hero Lunara, and is attempting a Will active ability check
that requires 5 successes. Laura rolls 3 Action dice as Lunara’s Will ability is level
3. She rolls , & . The gives her one extra roll and with that she rolls
, giving her a total of 4 successes. Not enough, however the allows her to spend
1 or 2 stamina to get an equal number of successes. She spends 1 stamina bringing
her total successes to 5. The active ability check is a success!

Flipping Story cards

Some Story cards have conditions under which they may be flipped, such as making a successful active
ability check, spending a maneuver, or merely being within a certain range. If your Hero fulfills one of these
conditions, flip the Story card over and read the other side, following any instructions given.

Flip if Successful Flip the Story card if you are successful at the active ability check
: Flip Flip the Story card by spending a maneuver
Flip Flip the Story card if you are within the given range. This is not optional. If no range
is given, or the range given is ∞, always flip the story card.

Overlay cards
Some Story cards show part of the Scenario map on them when they are flipped. After flipping one of
these Overlay cards, place it on the Scenario map in the relevant position by matching the overlay image on
the card with the Scenario map. Any icons or Story points on the Overlay card will be aligned in the same
direction as those already on the Scenario map, and these can be helpful in working out the required rotation
of the Overlay card.
If there are any Hero or Enemy figures in the area where the Overlay card is placed, move these figures out of
the way, place the card, and then replace the figures.

In Tabletop Simulator
These Overlay cards have an “Overlay” button shown on them. When the time comes to overlay the card,
simply press the button and they will be positioned for you. You will not need to move Hero and Enemy
figures out of the way; the card will be placed underneath them.

Item Cards and Tokens

During the game your Hero will gain items in the form of Item cards and Item tokens.


When your Hero gains an Item card, you will be told the number and name of that Item card. Find the
relevant Item card using the number, but be careful not to see the front of any other Item cards. Place the
Item card face up below your Hero board.


When your Hero gains an Item token, place it face up below your Hero board. Many Item tokens may only be
used once, and are then discarded.


You will sometimes be instructed to gain an item (either a card or a token) as a party item. You may decide
which Hero gets this item; give the item to a Hero of your choice.

Tabletop Simulator Tutorial

Recording Your Campaign Between Scenarios

At the end of tutorial 1 you will need to record the items, gold and any other rewards you have received.
Tutorial 2 will have these same items available for you to distribute to your Heroes.

After each scenario there is a list of achievements. Each achievement you complete will give you a reward in
the form of an Achievement token.

Name Type Condition
Explorers Group All Story cards have been drawn.
The Toughest Task Group Story card ‘G’ (Scrolls) is in the salvage pile.
Local Heroes Group Story card ‘J’ (Helping Out) has 4 or more X tokens on it.
Pacing Yourself Individual Finish the scenario on maximum stamina.


Each Hero to complete an individual achievement gains an Achievement token. Completing a group
achievement will gain every Hero an Achievement token.


Your Hero may discard one of their Achievement tokens during a future scenario for one of the following bonuses:
+1 Move: Gain 1 extra movement point during a move maneuver.
+1 Recover: Recover 1 extra stamina or heal 1 extra wound during a recover maneuver.
+1 Attack Success: Gain 1 extra success when performing an attack.
+1 Ability Check Success: Gain 1 extra success when performing an active or reactive ability check.
Achievement tokens are kept from one scenario to the next until discarded, and there is no limit to how
many your Hero may have, however, you may only discard one Achievement token during each maneuver (for
+1 move or +1 recover), attack (for +1 attack success) or ability check (for +1 ability check success). You may
not give Achievement tokens to other Heroes.

Tabletop Simulator Tutorial

Tabletop Simulator Tutorial


Tabletop Simulator Tutorial

The flood waters get so high that retreating to the upper floor of the Shimmering Squid is the only option left to
you. Eventually even that is flooded, and you are forced to climb onto the roof. You see people trying to swim to
safety or using doors and tables as makeshift rafts. You spend your time helping others, but the truth is you are
also in need of help.

Any Story cards still below a player’s Hero board are removed from the game.
For each Story card you added to the salvage pile, read the relevant entries (in order) below:


The barmaid Stella is petting her gric, both clearly bringing comfort to each other.
She has precious little on her, but as a token of her gratitude, she gives you a rare herb.

Gain one “Star Lotus” token from the rewards bag. Give it to a Hero of your choice.


You help the old priest lift the heavy chest onto the roof. He tells you the Cult of the Fifth Eye collects ancient
artifacts, and the chest holds one of their most valuable discoveries.
“May the Fifth Eye watch over you,” he says.
The priest introduces himself as Aries Kirane and writes you a letter of recommendation to be used in Runedale.

Gain the item card: “Introduction to Aurora Kirane” from the rewards bag as a party item.


Before you ran up the stairs, you delivered the scrolls to the one-eyed ignisaur. She gave you some money in
gratitude before swimming off to the stable.

Each character gains 2 gold.


Thinking about the scared togrel you saved makes you feel good. Togrels are used as mounts by the local nihteegri,
but clearly the mysterious ignisaur has found this one useful, as well. Something tells you that was not the last you
have seen of that magnificent animal.

Give this Story card to the Hero who calmed the togrel.


In a nearby over-crowded sailboat you recognize the pattangan family you helped by clearing the road. The boat
sails close enough to the inn’s roof for the mother to talk to you.
“I will sacrifice in front of the totems”, she says, and makes the claw symbol again. “If only there were room, I
would rescue you myself, but perhaps the spirits will bring you good fortune.”
With that, she hands something to you over the railing.

Gain one “Wooden amulet” token from the rewards bag. Give it to a Hero of your choice.

Tabletop Simulator Tutorial

Additionally, if you placed any X markers on

As a korallian the innkeeper is not too worried about the water, but is very protective of his nihteegri
stepdaughter Stella. Most korallians are born in the underwater cities of the Thalassocracy of Zheebul, and believe
in working hard in pursuit of their dreams. To see one of them being a parent to a nihteegri child is very unusual.
The innkeeper thanks you for keeping everyone safe, and the bridge standing. As a sign of his gratitude he gives
you some coins. “The Creators’ success flows down on you,” he says in the korallian way.

Gain 1 gold for each X marker on Story card ‘J’, and split it amongst your Heroes as you choose.

Name Type Condition
Explorers Group All Story cards have been drawn.
The Toughest Task Group Story card ‘G’ (Scrolls) is in the salvage pile.
Local Heroes Group Story card ‘J’ (Helping Out) has 4 or more X tokens on it.
Pacing Yourself Individual Finish the scenario on maximum stamina.

You see ships, boats, gondolas, rafts, flying rickshaws and airships escaping from the epicentre of the disaster... the
gate of amber, which is still pouring out the contents of some otherworldly ocean. But there is no help for you!
Not until a wagon with flapping wings approaches the roof of the inn. It is the one-eyed ignisaur who recognized
you earlier, with her togrel aboard.
“I thought you could use a ride,” she yells, and throws you a rope ladder.
You let the innkeeper, Stella, and the priest climb in first, and then follow them. The wings are operated with an
ancient device, which uses a rare agura crystal for fuel. The ignisaur lets the others off at a nearby hillside, and
then continues onwards with you.
“My name is Shantor Three-Birds, and I would have you join me in my journey to Runedale!”
You have much to discuss as you fly north away from the flooded city, its bells still sounding the alarm behind you.

Tabletop Simulator Tutorial

The story has just begun...


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