PEF Grant Application
PEF Grant Application
PEF Grant Application
Since 1988, the Page Education Foundation awards grants to Minnesota’s youth of color pursuing their dreams through post-
secondary education. There is no academic requirement. The grant must be renewed every year. Each year you accept a Page
Grant, we require you to mentor younger children of color (in grades K-8 th grade) through a Service-to-Children project. The
goals of the Service-to-Children project are to encourage/assist younger children of color to do well in school, have a positive
attitude about education and see college as a long-term goal.
The Page Education Foundation selection committee chooses grant recipients based on their essay, letters of
recommendation, a willingness to complete the Service-to-Children project and financial need. Incomplete applicant packets
will not be considered. You will be notified June 1 about the status of your application.
To apply for a Page Education Foundation Grant, completely fill out the application form and attach the following:
New Applicants
Essay: (1-2 pages, 500 words). Your essay must address three areas: first, tell us why you feel education is important
to you. Next, describe your plans for the future and finally describe the Service-to-Children project you might like to
complete next year. The essay is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your goals and attitudes about your
education and your desire to influence younger children as a role model while giving back through the Service- to-
Children program. If you need help finding a project, please indicate that in your essay.
Letters of Recommendation: Two letters of recommendation are required and one letter must be from a teacher at
your school. The other letter may be from a teacher or another adult who is not related to you.
FAFSA/SARS: You must submit a copy of your FAFSA. If you have not completed the FAFSA, please submit your
parents’ most recent federal tax return, SSI benefits or MFIP/welfare benefits statement.
Transcript: A copy of your most recent high school transcript.
Renewing Applicants
Essay (1-2 pages). Your essay must describe your Service-to-Children May 1 is the deadline for both
project including detailed information about the children you served, and new and renewing applications.
what you think you accomplished and gained from your service. Please For consideration, all required
describe your plans for next year’s Service-to-Children project. materials must be postmarked no
Evaluation Form: The Service-to-Children evaluation form must be later than May 1. Mail application
completed by your contact at the school or organization where you packets to:
performed your service. The form must be filled out completely and signed.
FAFSA/SARS: You must submit a copy of your FAFSA. If you have not Page Education Foundation
completed the FAFSA, please submit your parents’ most recent federal tax P.O. Box 581254
return, SSI benefits or MFIP/welfare benefits statement. Minneapolis, MN 55458
Transcript: an official copy of your most recent college transcript.
Primary Identity: If you had to choose, what racial group would you most strongly identify with? _____________
Name of the college you will attend: (must be accredited What year will you be in college this September?
What year will you be in college this September? Are you interested in having a mentor? ________
1s 2nd 3rd 4th I want the same mentor I want a new mentor
5th or more undergraduate graduate
Have you been accepted into the program? ___ Yes ___No Would you be interested in being a Page Scholar
What is your anticipated major? ______________________ leader on campus? ____ Yes _____ No
Please list all the scholarships and loans including their amounts you are applying for the upcoming year.
Please list all the activities you are involved in as well as your employment history. Please include the dates you were
________________________________________________________________________ ________________________
How did you hear about the Page Education Foundation? ________________________________________________
I certify that I am a student of color and that I have financial need. I will notify the Page Education Foundation of any changes in my
financial status or my future plans, such as the post-secondary school that I attend. I understand that should I receive a Page Education
Foundation Grant, I will complete the Service-to-Children project while I receive the funds for next year. I declare that the information
reported on this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize the Page Education Foundation to secure
information including transcripts or other school records, including financial aid and business account information.
Your grant application will not be considered unless this application is complete, signed and all required attachments are
Application: complete and signed
Letters of Recommendation (NEW APPLICANTS ONLY)
High school transcript (NEW APPLICANTS ONLY)
FAFSA, Federal Tax Return, SSI Benefits or MFIP/Welfare statement
Service-to-Children Evaluation Form (RENEWING APPLICANTS ONLY)