Samabe Cave Dinner
Samabe Cave Dinner
Samabe Cave Dinner
- Sa ma b e Be ach Cave Dinne r -
The cave II, is a part of not less famous Samabe Bali Suites & Villa Resort
You will enjoy 4 course mouth-watering seafood & prime cut BBQ.
Recommended time of arrival is 6 pm,
enjoy a beach walk before seated in the Samabe Cave II,
Last seating at 8.30 pm
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- Sa ma b e Be ach Cave Dinne r -
All above main course are served Thyme roasted baby potatoes, Garlic bread, Grill Tomato & Garlic,
Asparagus, Sauté mix mushrooms. House BBQ sauce, Garlic Butter & assorted Sambal
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- Sa ma b e Be ach Cave Dinne r -
• Mixed Kebabs Chicken Shish • BBQ Prawns Skewer with Garlic & Lemon
• Lamb Kofte A • 300gr Lobster
• Harrissa cous-cous • Corn
• Grilled Pita Bread • Vegetable Skewer
• Raw Vegetable Salad • Roast Potato
• Tzatziki Beef Sausages • Garlic Bread Potato Gratin & Garlic Bread
On Roast Potato With 3 Different Mustards • Seafood Nasi Goreng
• Mixed Seafood Brochette with Lemon Butter Sauce
Do you need some tips to make your dinner event more special?
What can you do to make it extra special?
The Samabe Romance Team has put together a list of some enchanting ideas.
Please see file attached or request “Enchanting Ideas by Samabe Bali”
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