Proposal Format Updated
Proposal Format Updated
Proposal Format Updated
A. Basic Information
Project Title: An Improved Shortest Path with Obstacle Management in Geographical Information Systems for
Mobility-Impaired Persons
Topic: Dijkstra Algorithm, Analytical Hierarchical Processing, Obstacle Management, Geographic Information
System, Mobility-Impaired Persons
B. Technical Description
Despite of the technological advancements in the last decades, a large percentage of people with disabilities still
face enormous challenges on a day-to-day basis. Mobility impairments are among the most common problems
experienced by individuals with disabilities, affecting a wide range of the world population. Assistive technology
resources such as scooters, walkers, canes, crutches, prosthetic devices, and orthotic devices are used to support
these people with numerous means to enhance their quality of life and social inclusion. Among these care
equipment, wheelchair is the most commonly used. Wheelchair increases mobility and independence creating active
lifestyle, improving quality of life, and providing more positive outlook on life. Nevertheless, wheelchair users still face
several challenges, particularly in navigation. Traveling alone in a wheelchair blindly without prior information
regarding the planned route’s accessibility for wheelchair is always an issue. Finding the best route to travel, such as
going to hotels, parks, restaurant, healthcare, toilets, transport, cafes, malls, parks, and other places is not an easy
task. The best route may refer to the shortest and the easiest trajectory such as a path without stairs or traffic
calming measures. On the other hand, the safest route is the one which offers appropriate dropped curbs and
crosswalks for wheelchair access.
With the advent of 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR), a number of intelligent navigation systems have become common
over recent years, as in the context of driving cars. However, when such techniques are applied to users with
mobility difficulties, the systems fail in many aspects, such as the precision to indicate the best route to be followed.
Drawbacks of these systems limit wheelchair users from moving safely around with agility. As a matter of fact,
suitable navigation systems must also take into account the various impairments and physical limitations. On many
occasions, the task of steering the wheelchair may be already too demanding for some users with mobility
difficulties, while for others, reaching the elevator call button or manipulating a portable device may not be possible
at all. Despite the various efforts, current navigation systems still lack proper features to fully overcome those
limitations. Furthermore, the majority of the solutions do not provide crucial environmental information to wheelchair
users, such as information concerning access ramps, stairs and elevators that define the streets around an area.
Individuals with mobility impairments often face enormous challenges to participate in routine activities and to move
around various environments. The use of wheelchairs is paramount to provide mobility and social inclusion for many.
Nevertheless, these people still face a number of challenges to properly function in our society. The main objective
of this work is to propose a mobile application to support the improvement of Geographic Information Systems
dedicated to wheelchair users. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:
1. How to derive the graph representation of the road network for mobility-impaired persons;
2. How to optimize the route of the derived graph using the mathematical risk modeling and Analytic Hierarchy
3. How to represent the optimal route using node combination technique based on Dijkstra algorithm;
4. How to derive barrier-free routes on the derived graph paths using obstacle management; and
5. How to identify the proposed system performance against existing GIS for mobility-impaired persons in terms
of travel time, route, and travel distance.
1. Arellano, L., Del Castillo, D., Guerrero, G. and Tapia, F., 2019, April. Mobile Application Based on Dijkstra’s Algorithm, to Improve
the Inclusion of People with Motor Disabilities Within Urban Areas. In World Conference on Information Systems and
Technologies (pp. 219-229). Springer, Cham.
Their paper discussed the implementation of an application that can be a fundamental tool to guide disabled
people. The application is based on the geolocation and destination of the user. It generates the optimal path
from a database of access ramps coordinates. For the route development, it uses the Dijkstra algorithm that
includes the value or “weight” of each path.
2. Priandani, N.D., Tolle, H. and Yunianto, D.R., 2016. Design and implementation of mobile-based application for Malang city public
transportation route search. International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing & Its Applications, 8(3).
The authors created a mobile application using location-based service by utilizing the mobile device GPS
service to determine the beginning position of the user. Based on the user's beginning position location,
Haversine formula was used to identify the location of the nearest potential point as the user departs from the
beginning point to his destination. The authors used an algorithm of modified path planning for the Angkot
routes because of complicated cases like a user needs to transfer the Angkot route several times. Thus the
purpose of the Haversine combination formula is to find the result of Angkot search constantly.
3. Blattner, A., Vasilev, Y. and Harriehausen-Mühlbauer, B., 2015. Mobile indoor navigation assistance for mobility impaired
people. Procedia Manufacturing, 3, pp.51-58.
According to the authors, mobility-impaired people are often confronted with barriers along their chosen
routes, which lead to unreachable destinations and frustrations. To assist this user group with finding barrier-
free outdoor and indoor routes, the authors have developed a mobile application that computes barrier-free
routes between two locations based on a personal profile. During their research, the authors tried to find
other options to locate the user inside of a building, returning precise positions which can be calculated in
real-time without a high computing power and additional hardware. The starting position of a route is
calculated using Bluetooth 4.0 transmitters, which send UUIDs, including the geolocation of the transmitter
into the server. This allows them to calculate the exact position of the user by trilateration of the signal
strength of each transmitter. The ending point of the route is individually chosen by the user and is also
returned as geolocation. Because the authors are using geolocations in decimal format, the results of their
calculations can be displayed on every digital geographical map and are easily predictable to other widely
used standards like WGS84, the universal standard for current navigation devices. Instead of using
specialized coordinate systems for every building, they use the geolocations, which represent the coordinate
system of the entire world. This makes their approach useable for a wide area of interest. Their paper
presents an innovative way to track users anywhere on the planet - even if they are inside of buildings -
without using satellite communication for identifying the position.
4. Comai, S., De Bernardi, E., Matteucci, M. and Salice, F., 2016, November. Maps for easy paths (MEP): enriching maps with
accessible paths using MEP traces. In International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good (pp. 254-263).
Springer, Cham.
Maps for Easy Paths (MEP) is a project for the enhancement of geographical maps and accessibility of urban
pedestrian pathways for people with mobility problems. In their paper, they described the tools developed to
collect data along the paths traveled by target people and the algorithms on an excellent quality reconstruction
of the path designed to overcome the intrinsic limitation of the sensors available on mobile devices.
Experimental results show the feasibility of the approach.
5. Oliveira, L.C.D., Soares, A.B., Cardoso, A., Andrade, A.D.O. and Lamounier Júnior, E.A., 2016. Mobile Augmented Reality
enhances indoor navigation for wheelchair users. Research on Biomedical Engineering, 32(2), pp.111-122.
The authors proposed an architecture based on Mobile Augmented Reality to support the development of
indoor navigation systems dedicated to wheelchair users that are also capable of recording CAD drawings of
the buildings and dealing with accessibility issues for that population.
6. Muñoz, E., Serrano, M., Vivó, M., Marqués, A., Ferreras, A. and Solaz, J., 2016. SIMON: assisted mobility for older and impaired
users. Transportation research procedia, 14, pp.4420-4429.
The authors developed a demonstration project called SIMON piloted in Madrid, Lisbon, and Parma. The
project endeavored to use ICT services to support the independent living and societal participation of
mobility-impaired people in connection to on-street public parking areas and multiple transport modes. There
were two main challenges tackled in the project. First is the reduction of fraud by demonstrating the use of an
ICT and enhanced European Disabled Badge for public parking, both based on physical and virtual access
rights. Second is the proposal of specific multimodal navigation solutions for elderly and disabled people,
using opendata hubs and preexisting toolsets that will be populated and exploited with particular information.
Additionally, the authors proposed the instantiation of a proven methodology for data privacy preservation
and authentication of users. SIMON was built on existing mobility services, using the current infrastructure of
the cities, and adds the necessary integration work to provide a seamless services integration layer that can
be instantiated in different cities according to the specific context and the services available. A back-office
also provides access through a web application to let the public authority manage the whole system.
7. Siira, E. and Heinonen, S., 2015, July. Enabling mobility for the elderly: design and Implementation of Assistant navigation service.
In Proceedings from the 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (pp. 309-321).
The article describes the development of a mobile navigation guide for elderly people to help increases their
independence and active participation in society. The navigational guide was designed to fail of which
outages will occur and must be managed, thereby ensuring that the elderly passenger is not left without any
help. The article delineated the design decisions and the implementation of the system, which has been
piloted in three European cities in Spain, Austria, and Finland.
8. Hara, K., Chan, C. and Froehlich, J.E., 2016, May. The design of assistive location-based technologies for people with ambulatory
disabilities: A formative study. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1757-
1768). ACM.
In this paper, the authors investigated how people with mobility impairments assess and evaluate accessibility
in the built environment and the role of current and emerging location-based technologies therein. The authors
carried a three-part formative study with twenty mobility-impaired participants using (1) a semi-structured
interview, (2) a participatory design activity, and (3) a design probe activity. The two later parts actively
engaged the participants in exploring and designing the future of what they call assistive location-based
technologies (ALTs) that explicitly incorporate accessibility features in aiding people in the physical world in
navigation, search, and exploration. These helped in identifying and uncovering useful features of future
ALTs. The first part, on the other hand, highlighted how existing mapping tools provide accessibility benefits
even though often not explicitly designed for such uses. In particular, they synthesize ten key features and six
essential data qualities. They concluded with ALT design recommendations.
9. Jakimavičius, M., Palevičius, V., Antuchevičiene, J. and Karpavičius, T., 2019. Internet GIS-Based Multimodal Public Transport Trip
Planning Information System for Travelers in Lithuania. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(8), p.319.
This research presented the development of VINTRA system, a comprehensive solution to a fully developed
public transit system in Lithuania. VINTRA is not merely a trip planner; it is capable of planning multimodal
public transport trips, using different parameters in public transport trip planning. The system is capable of
creating and editing public transport route trajectories and of editing and calculating timetables according to
the distance between stops. The research included the calculation of walking route directions, public transit
routes, as well as the visualization in digital maps. Finally, the paper presented how route-planning systems
could perform data exchange based on General Transit Feed Specification and the assessment of the system
in comparison to Google.
10. Castillo, R.E., Castro, P.J.M., Aragon, M.C.R. and Macugay, H.C., 2018. TIP EXPRESS: An Android School Navigation
Application. International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering, 7(3), pp.98-106.
In this study, the authors proposed a mobile application for new students and visitors to explore and navigate
the campus grounds. The mobile application utilized the Google Map to identify the current location of the user
and plot the route from the origin to the destination inside the Technological Institute of the Philippines Quezon
City campus using the fuzzy logic algorithm to get the shortest route and channel selection algorithm to get the
nearby user within a perimeter. The study used the Rapid Application Development model to deliver expected
outputs. Survey was conducted which was drafted from ISO 25010 to determine the effectiveness of its
functionality, reliability, and efficiency.
11. Poletti, F., Bösch, P., Ciari, F. and Axhausen, K., 2017. Public transit route mapping for large-scale multimodal networks. ISPRS
International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(9), p.268.
This paper presented a route reconstruction algorithm. It only requires the sequence and positions of the
public transport stops together with the street network. It utilizes an abstract graph to compute the least-cost
path from a route’s first to its last stop. It notes down the constraint that the path must contain a so-called link
candidate for every stop of the route’s stop sequence. The algorithm was implemented for large-scale and
real-life networks and was able to handle multiple lines and modes. It combines them at the same stop
location and automatically reconstructs the missing links in the network. It also provides intelligent and
efficient feedback if apparent errors occur. GPS or OSM tracks. The algorithm is open-source and has been
tested for Zurich for mapping accuracy.
12. Ahmed, S., Ibrahim, R.F. and Hefny, H.A., 2018. Mobile-based Routes Network Analysis for Emergency Response Using an
Enhanced Dijkstra’s Algorithm and AHP. International Journal of Intelligent System and Engineering.
In this paper, the authors presented an enhanced routing technique based on Dijkstra's algorithm and
Analytical Hierarchical Processing (AHP). Eight impendence factors (Road Length, Travel Time, Road Type,
Road Width, Velocity Limits, Traffic Volume, Mass Density, and Junction Delay) that cause latency in
emergencies were analyzed using the AHP technique to give an overall weight for every road in the Greater
Cairo Region (GCR) road network. The classical Dijkstra’s algorithm was then applied on the weighted road
network to give the best path between any two nodes in the network. The suggested routing approach was
implemented as a mobile application, and a comparison with the classical Dijkstra’s algorithm was performed.
The results showed that the enhanced routing technique is more reliable than the classical one and more
suitable for emergency situations.
13. Muhsen, D.K. and Hassan, R.F., 2018. The Intelligent SDSS Mobile Application to Find the Closest Hospital Using the Improved
Dijkstra Algorithm with GIS and GPS. Al-Ma'mon College Journal, (31), pp.239-266.
The study presented the implementation of an intelligent SDSS mobile application for health services by
integrating between two technologies, Artificial Intelligence technology by developing improved Dijkstra
algorithm and the geographic information system technology. The mobile application finds the nearest hospital
from user location, the shortest path to this health facility, travel time, estimated distance, all other pertinent
hospital information, and an alert in case of congestions or closing of roads. The application is helpful in terms
of reducing transition time, effort, and cost of transportation. The application is considered as a guide for users
toward correct decisions to reach hospitals in Karada region from many locations within Baghdad city.
14. Khaing, O., Wai, H. and Myat, E., 2018. Using Dijkstra’s algorithm for public transportation system in yangon based on GIS. Int J Sci
Eng Appl, 7(11), pp.442-447.
The study presents the implementation of a mobile application that guides the user in the shortest route to
reach their destination. The research used GIS and Dijkstra’s Algorithm to calculate the shortest path. The
system was implemented using free and open source technologies, including open source GIS tools. A
prototype application was designed and implemented based on short distance bus routes in Yangon city bus
15. Sugiharja, D., Pahlevi, O. and Widyastuti, R., 2019. The RPTRA Geographic Information System Application in Central Jakarta City
Using the Dijkstra Algorithm Based on Android. SinkrOn, 3(2), pp.56-60.
This paper presents the implementation of a mobile application designed for Child-Friendly Integrated Public
Space (RPTRA) in Jakarta. Dijkstra algorithm was applied to the geographic information system and Google
Map. The map shows all RPTRA location in Central Jakarta City. The user will then prompted to select one of
the RPTRA location points then will be redirected to Google Maps. The application testing was successful
and was able to provide accurate data of the coordinates of RPTRA in Central Jakarta.
16. Pinandito, A., Kharisma, A.P. and Perdana, R.S., 2018. Framework Design for Map-Based Navigation in Google Android
Platform. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 10(1-8), pp.35-40.
The research proposed the design of a mobile application framework that allows developers to implement an
outdoor navigation system. The framework included multiple pathfinding methods using the Abstract Factory
design pattern for an optimized mobile navigation application in the Google Android platform. The proposed
framework provided a navigation path from source to a particular location then representing it visually on a
digital map. Dijkstra and A-Star algorithms were implemented to show the effectiveness of the proposed
mobile application framework design. An application prototype was developed using the application
framework and satisfied the specified requirements. Mobile application framework design, performance
comparison of pathfinding methods implementation, and a recommendation were presented.
17. Vatanparvar, K. and Al Faruque, M.A., 2016, April. Eco-friendly automotive climate control and navigation system for electric
vehicles. In 2016 ACM/IEEE 7th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS) (pp. 1-10). IEEE.
The paper presented a novel jointly optimized eco-friendly automotive climate control and navigation system
methodology to help maximize the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) utilization and route for
better battery lifetime and driving range. Mainly the Automotive Navigation System optimizes the route
towards a specific destination using Bellman-Ford algorithm for longer battery lifetime and driving range while
providing a predicted route behavior for the automotive climate control. They compared the performance of
their methodology with the state-of-the-art for different weather and route behavior. They have seen up to
24% improvement in battery life and 17% reduction in energy consumption.
18. Malekian, R., Kavishe, A.F., Maharaj, B.T., Gupta, P.K., Singh, G. and Waschefort, H., 2016. Smart vehicle navigation system using
hidden Markov model and RFID technology. Wireless Personal Communications, 90(4), pp.1717-1742.
The paper presents the implementation of a smart vehicle navigation system which is capable of using radio
frequency identification based on navigation paths' information. Predictive algorithms have been used based
on the hidden Markov model for the prediction of paths and accurate determination of navigation paths in
advance. The Viterbi algorithm was used to determine the most likely sequence of intersections based on
vehicle navigations and observations on the day of travel. At the core of the system, there is an existing field-
programmable gate array board and hardware for the collection of navigation data. A database to store the
data of the driver's habit and communication protocol has been designed. An accurate navigation path
prediction is consistently achieved by the system, from the experimental results obtained. Also, once-off
disturbances to the driver's habits have been filtered out successfully.
19. Mirino, A.E., 2017, October. Best routes selection using Dijkstra and Floyd-Warshall algorithm. In 2017 11th International
Conference on Information & Communication Technology and System (ICTS) (pp. 155-158). IEEE.
In this is paper, the authors discussed the implementation of mobile-based systems for locating the nearest
hospital. The application applied Dijkstra's algorithm to determine the fastest travel time to the nearest
hospital. On the other hand, Floyd-warshall algorithm was used to determine the closest distance to the
hospital based on the last traffic condition. The application was designed to support emergency cases by
giving the ambulance calling report and determining the best route to the nearest hospital.
20. Abdallah, S.B., Ajmi, F., Othman, S.B., Vermandel, S. and Hammadi, S., 2019, June. Augmented Reality for Real-Time Navigation
Assistance to Wheelchair Users with Obstacles’ Management. In International Conference on Computational Science (pp. 528-534).
Springer, Cham.
The authors proposed a decision support system using augmented reality (AR) for motor disabled people
navigation assistance within the University of Lille campus by providing accessibility information and allowing
wheelchair users to navigate freely and surely from a source to a destination in real-time. The prototyped
wheelchair navigation system was equipped with geological mapping that indicates the shortest access path
towards the desired location and identifies obstacles to avoid.
21. Ajmi, F., Abdallah, S.B., Othman, S.B., Zgaya-Biau, H. and Hammadi, S., 2019, October. An Innovative System to Assist the
Mobility of People With Motor Disabilities. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) (pp.
4037-4043). IEEE.
This paper proposes a real-time and adaptive indoor and outdoor planning routing algorithm through an
obstacle-free optimal path for people with motor disabilities. The application is based on an augmented
reality system for the assistance of wheelchair people (ARSAWP) and uses augmented reality (AR) smart
glasses. The main characteristic of the algorithm is the minimization of distance and time needed to reach the
destination while managing the dynamic and static obstacles detected in the itinerary proposed, which is one
of the preferences of wheelchair users. In this paper, the authors detail the design, the implementation and
the evaluation of the proposed application, which was implemented in java for the Android operational system
with two databases used. The information about the navigation is displayed on AR glasses which give the
user the possibility to interact with the system according to the external environment.
22. Mali, V., Rao, M. and Mantha, S.S., 2013, January. AHP Driven GIS Based Emergency Routing in Disaster Management.
In International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Control (pp. 237-248). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
The objective of this paper is to find a method that considers major travel time delay factors and calculates
optimal path for given traffic conditions. The methodology includes identifying travel time delay factors and
obtaining corresponding overall road weight depicting real traffic conditions at that time. Route with least
travel time is obtained by applying Dijkstra's algorithm on the weighted road network. Analytical hierarchical
processing (AHP) is used to compare seven delay factors and to obtain the overall weight of each factor. The
actual distance is modified according to weight obtained for road length. The results obtained from the
emergency routing system signifies that the optimal path obtained by the modified routing method takes less
time to reach a destination than traditional shortest-path routing.
23. Shaikh, E.A. and Dhale, A., 2013. AGV path planning and obstacle avoidance using Dijkstra's algorithm. International Journal of
Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM), 2(6), pp.77-83.
This paper proposes an algorithm that produces optimal routes for AGV (Automated Guided Vehicles)
working inside a warehouse. The algorithm was conceptualized to deal with different real situations, such as
the presence of obstacles. Each AGV in the routing algorithm executes the task starting in an initial position
and orientation, then moving to a pre-established position and orientation, generating a minimum path. The
path is a continuous sequence of AVG's positions and orientations. The shortest path algorithm is based on
Dijkstra's and was tested for efficiency in different working conditions using MATLAB.
24. Nedkov, S. and Zlatanova, S., 2011. Enabling obstacle avoidance for Google maps' navigation service. Proceedings Gi4DM 2011:
GeoInformation for Disaster Management, Antalya, Turkey, 3-8 May 2011.
This paper proposes and implements a method for performing shortest path calculations of constraints and
obstacles of crowdsourced information. The method is built on top of Google Maps using its routing service to
calculate the shortest distance between two locations. The constraints, obstacles, and impassable areas are
provided by the users in the form of polygons. To guide Google's Directions Service around obstacles, the A*
pathfinding algorithm was used. It is currently not possible to save obstacles and paths in the application
though. For the system to be accessible to different users it needs to save the generated obstacles and paths
on a server.
25. Kikelomo, A.A., Asafe, Y.N., Paul, A. and Olawale, L.N., 2017. Design and implementation of mobile map application for finding
shortest direction between two pair locations using shortest path algorithm: a case study. International Journal of Advanced
Networking and Applications, 9(1), p.3300.
This paper is focused on the design and implementation of mobile map applications for finding the shortest
route within Yaba College of Technology. The design was focused on Dijkstra’s algorithm, where the source
node is the first permanent node and assign it 0 costs. Then it checks all neighbor nodes from the previous
permanent node, calculates the cumulative cost of each neighbor node, and makes them temporary. After, it
chooses the node with the smallest cumulative cost and makes it permanent. The different nodes that lead to
a particular destination were identified, and then the distance and time from a source to a destination are
calculated using the Google map. The application then recommends the quickest path towards the
26. Amaliah, B., Fatichah, C. and Riptianingdyah, O., 2016. FINDING THE SHORTEST PATHS AMONG CITIES IN JAVA ISLAND
USING NODE COMBINATION BASED ON DIJKSTRA ALGORITHM. International Journal on Smart Sensing & Intelligent
Systems, 9(4).
This paper focuses on finding the shortest paths using the Dijkstra algorithm among cities in Java Island by
repeatedly combining the start node’s nearest neighbor. Node combination is done by deleting the node
nearest to the start node. The use of memory by node combination is more efficient than the use of memory
by the original Dijkstra algorithm. The 46 cities in Java Island will be used to evaluate the performance of
finding the shortest path. The experimental results show that the accuracy of the node combination is 92.88%,
with the Google Map as the reference. The proposed algorithm was successfully able to find the shortest path
on the real problem, thus it can be used to develop to solve the transport network problem.
27. Fitro, A., P Sulistio Ilham, A., B Saeful, O. and Frendianata, I., 2018. Shortest path finding in geographical information systems
using node combination and dijkstra algorithm. SHORTEST PATH FINDING IN GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS
In this paper, the authors discussed a combination of node combination algorithms and Dijkstra algorithm to
find the shortest path from one point to another on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) based systems.
This combination allows the use of memory during the route search process can be reduced, in addition to the
solution obtained can be ascertained is the optimal solution with the shortest route. The data used in this
research is obtained from the map location in Taman Subdistrict, Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia, with the
number of nodes as many as 17 pieces and 72 vertices. Distance spacing is calculated based on the value of
latitude and longitude obtained from the Google Maps API.
Statement of the Problem: General How do you intend to solve the problem:
and Specific
The following approaches are proposed to solve the problems:
1. Derive the graph representation of the road network for
Individuals with mobility impairments
mobility-impaired persons. In order to extract the graph
often face enormous challenges to
representation for people with limited mobility in Baguio's CBD, the
participate in routine activities and to
coordinates of the PWD ramps and wheelchair passable drop
move around various environments. The
curbs will be identified using a smartphone' GPS and validated by
use of wheelchairs is paramount to
Google Maps. The road distance will be calculated using the
provide mobility and social inclusion for
haversine formula and double-checked with Google Earth.
many. Nevertheless, these people still
Lavene's test and the T-test will be utilized to ensure the results
face a number of challenges to properly
are significant.
function in our society. The main
2. Optimize the route of the derived graph using the
objective of this work is to propose a
mathematical risk modeling and Analytic Hierarchy Process.
mobile application to support the
Mathematical Risk Modeling and Analytical Hierarchy Processes
improvement of Geographic Information
will be used to optimize the derived graph. The interaction between
Systems dedicated to wheelchair users.
each major road component will be analyzed using mathematical
Specifically, this study sought to answer
risk modeling. Then, using a survey tool, the most significant
the following questions:
factors that influence the best route selection will be defined and
1. How to derive the graph
validated with a follow-up interview. In the subsequent steps, take
representation of the road into account all of the highly relevant factors. A guided interview
network for mobility-impaired with the Pairwise Comparison Questionnaire to come to an
persons; agreement on a common rating for each criterion will be
2. How to optimize the route of the conducted. Additional data to identify the alternatives' local
derived graph using the priorities in relation to each criterion will be collected. The
mathematical risk modeling and calculated AHP values to determine the weight of each route will
Analytic Hierarchy Process; be calculated.
3. How to represent the optimal 3. Represent the optimal route using node combination
route using node combination technique based on Dijkstra algorithm. A mobile application to
technique based on Dijkstra represent the optimal route on the derived graph using the node
algorithm; combination technique based on Dijkstra's algorithm will be
4. How to derive barrier-free routes created. The proposed routing algorithm will be tested to find the
on the derived graph paths using shortest path from a starting node to a destination node. The
obstacle management; and Graph Online simulation program will be used to validate the
5. How to identify the proposed generated route. Then, the proposed approach's accuracy in
system performance against distance and travel time will be evaluated. The application of route
existing GIS for mobility-impaired search results to actual field experiments conducted using the
persons in terms of travel time, routes generated during the process will be evaluated. Lastly,
route, and travel distance. using Cohen's Kappa, will be used to determine the inter-rater
reliability of the application's measured road distance and travel
time in comparison to the field experiment.
4. Derive barrier-free routes on the derived graph paths using
obstacle management. An obstacle management system will be
designed so that a registered user can report the accessibility of a
ramp. The obstacle management should feature an algorithm to
create barrier-free routes on the derived graph paths. When an
obstacle is encountered while navigating the suggested route, the
algorithm redirects wheelchair users to their destination. Next, a
simulation test will be conducted in which some ramps are marked
as inaccessible. Note down the results. Finally, a software quality
survey will be used to assess the application's accessibility,
usability, and reliability.
5. Identify the proposed system performance against existing
GIS for mobility-impaired persons in terms of travel time,
route, and travel distance. Volunteers will be asked to take part
in a blind randomized trial to evaluate the proposed system’s
performance against other existing GIS mobile applications for
MIPs in terms of travel time, route, and distance. Statistical
correlations will be used to determine the significance of the
derived values. Finally, a survey will be administed to collect user
experiences while using various GIS to determine the product's
social acceptability.
Conceptual Framework
Compilation of Algorithms in the research area identified above, list the algorithms/technologies being used. Add more rows to the
table, if necessary.
Arellano, L., Del Castillo, D., Guerrero, G. and Tapia, F., 2019, April. Mobile Application Based on Dijkstra’s Algorithm, to Improve the Inclusion of People with Motor Disabilities
Within Urban Areas. In World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (pp. 219-229). Springer, Cham.
Priandani, N.D., Tolle, H. and Yunianto, D.R., 2016. Design and implementation of mobile-based application for Malang city public transportation route search. International
Journal of Advances in Soft Computing & Its Applications, 8(3).
Blattner, A., Vasilev, Y. and Harriehausen-Mühlbauer, B., 2015. Mobile indoor navigation assistance for mobility impaired people. Procedia Manufacturing, 3, pp.51-58.
Comai, S., De Bernardi, E., Matteucci, M. and Salice, F., 2016, November. Maps for easy paths (MEP): enriching maps with accessible paths using MEP traces. In International
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