Smart Entry Parking System (Seps)
Smart Entry Parking System (Seps)
Smart Entry Parking System (Seps)
MAY 2018
I hereby declare that this report is based on my original work except for quotations
and citations, which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that it has not been
previously or concurrently submitted for any other degree at Universiti Sultan Zainal
Name : ..................................................
Date : ..................................................
Name : ..................................................
Date : ..................................................
Praise be upon Allah, the Almighty, I would like to express my gratitude and
appreciation to all those gave me the possibility to complete this report. A special
acknowledgement with much appreciation the crucial role of the lecturer, who gave
guidance to create a design the system architecture and project framework as well.
Last but not least, many thanks go to my beloved mother and father, who have given
their full effort in encouraged me in achieving the goal of this project. Hopefully, this
is not last chance to me to gain knowledge in this field and spread it to the others.
Thank You.
Now days, the increasing of cars usage is growing rapidly, and also the system of the
parking lots must be upgrade to be more systematic and efficient to the users. This
project present a simple model of parking congestion which focuses on parking lot
search for a vacant parking space in a parking lots, and this project can be used to
identify both quantity and location of available area in a car park. The problem
statement in this project is difficult for user to find parking with so many vehicles
around and it consume a lot of their current condition with the use of many vehicles
which wasting a lot of their time. Besides, manual parking system is not systematic
because user do not know where the exact the empty parking spaces are. In addition,
not all the parking system display how many parking spaces available. Objective of
this project is to design a systematic “Smart Entry Parking System” which have
connection between devices (to display available parking lot) and system centre (user
to choose the parking lot), to develop the “Smart Entry parking” in order to solve the
problem of finding available parking space and to test and evaluate the effectiveness
of “Smart Entry Parking System” by applying Schedule algorithm. The scope in this
project is User can check the availability of parking space and can make choice
parking spot based on Web-based system. Connection between Web-based system and
outcomes of the system will be a systematic and efficient system that can give a lots of
benefit to user.
Kini, penggunaan kereta semakin meningkat dari masa ke semasa, dan sistem pakir
kereta perlu ditingkatkan untuk menjadi lebih sistematik dan efisien kepada
memakir kereta dan permasalahan pengguna dalam mencari pakir kereta yang
kosong dan projek ini boleh digunakan untuk mengenal pasti kedua-dua kuantiti dan
lokasi kawasan yang disediakan di pakir kereta. Masalah yang timbul ialah kepada
pengguna adalah sukar untuk mencari pakir yang kosong dan memakan masa untuk
mencari pakir yang kosong. Selain itu, sistem pakir yang sedia ada tidak sistematik
kerana pengguna tidak tahu kekosongan pakir yang ada. Tambahan pula, tidak semua
sistem pakir kereta menunjukkan jumlah pakir yang masih kosong. Objektif dalam
projek ini ialah, untuk merekabentuk “Smart Entry Parking System” yang mempunyai
hubunga diantara peranti dan juga sistem. Membangunkan satu sistem yang dapat
menyelesaikan masalah untuk mencari pakir yang kosong dan untuk menguji dan
ini adalah, pengguna boleh menyemak kekosongan pakir dan boleh membuat pilihan
menggunakan laman web. Hubung kait antara laman web dan Arduino bertujuan
untuk menghantar data dari segi kekosongan pakir. Hasil dari sistem ini adalah
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Problem statement 2
1.3 Objectives 3
1.4 Scopes 3
1.5 Limitation of Work 4
1.6 Thesis Structure 4
1.7 Summary 5
4.1 Introduction 26
5.1 Introduction 35
5.2 Hardware 35
5.2.1 Overview 36
5.2.2 Arduino Setup 37
5.2.3 Arduino Circuit 39
5.2.4 List of Hardware Required 41
5.3 Interface Of System 42
5.4 Summary 53
6.1 Introduction 54
6.2 Project Constraint 54
6.3 Expected Result 55
6.4 Conclusion 55
6.5 Future Works 56
2.9 b Router 14
4.6 Admin table structure 31
5.10 Form of booking parking. 44
5.28 Arduino code to connect to database 53
CD Context Diagram
DFD Data Flow Diagram
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram
FYP Final year project
GA Genetic algorithm
HCI Human computer interface
1.1 Background
In this century of modernity, there are many types of vehicles that are
produced and used by people especially in urban area. The increasing of vehicles can
cause much negative impact on the environment especially the increasing demand on
parking infrastructure accessible to the general public. For an example is, find the
In basic parking lot system is only used automatic gate and parking ticket but
the availability of parking lot is not shown to user and they need to find it by
themselves to park their cars. In this case, it takes times to user to find the parking
spot and vacant parking lot. Besides, they did not know it is full or still available in
parking areas.
The system of parking lots must be upgrade to more systematic, efficient and
reliable to the users. To resolve the above issues and at the same time satisfy demand
for parking spots and better services, parking management organization are striving to
Recent technological advances are bringing forward major changes in the
traditional parking model. In this project using Arduino, it is an open sources platform
Environment) that runs on your computer, used to write and implement it in physical
parking lot to the user. The proposed SEPS can give benefit to the user is regarding
In real situation, there are a lots of problem that occur when talk about parking
find parking with so many vehicles around and it consume a lot of their current
condition with the use of many vehicles which wasting a lot of their time. Besides,
manual parking system is not systematic because user do not know where the exact
the empty parking spaces are. In addition, not all the parking system display how
The goal of this project is basically to make the parking system is more efficient
and systematic for the users. The objective of this project are:-
between devices (to display available parking lot) and system centre (user to
ii. To develop the “Smart Entry parking” in order to solve the problem of finding
iii. To test and evaluate the effectiveness of “Smart Entry Parking System” by
This project system has scope of work which is involving two of scope:-
i. User
a) User can see how many available parking space in that area or level.
b) Besides, user can choose where the parking that they wanted depends
ii. System
c) Then, system also gives available parking lot after they choose.
iii. Admin
Intelligent Parking Monitoring System via LED light and the introduction part will
include problem statement, objectives, scope and limitation. Chapter 2 of the project is
review of the technology used in design and existing application. Chapter 3 presents
design procedure and technique used to develop the system and software and
This is including of framework design, context diagrams (CD), data flow
diagram (DFD), entity relationship diagram (ERD), database design and interface
In parking lot in format of demo. Chapter 6 will summarize the overall project and
This chapter discuss for the introduction part will include problem statement,
using Devices Based System. Reviewing on some article and journal about parking
system can be used in this project and can be apply in existing system.
In this system, system module contains of five step for detecting the space of
parking. The step are system initialization, image acquisition, image segmentation,
The module runs only for the first time when this system is started. A one-time
manual drawing procedure is performed where a rounded brown image drawn at each
park (with zero car present in the car park area), as in Figure 2.2 rounded brown image
automatically identify location of every parking lot in the image. It should be noted
that the lines separating the parking lots have to be visible, clear and unobstructed in
the initialization process. The camera is assumed to be in a fixed position and facing a
fixed direction all the time. The initialization process will begin with the program
searching for the rounded brown image by detecting the shape of the image. Detected
ii) Image Acquisition
module. This module involves capturing and storing digital images from the video
cameras. The high definition camera used to acquire digital images is then connected
side view of parking lots, acquiring a fixed scene all the time. The height of the
camera must be enough to obtain a clear, unobstructed top view of the parking lots.
Figure 3 shows the image captured by the camera. Five rounded brown image are
shown which mean that there are five available Parking lot.
iii) Image Segmentation
RGB Image acquired from the camera is then converted to grey scale image
and create the binary images in image segmentation module. From the grey scale
image resulted, thresholding technique can be used to create the binary image. The
binary images contain all of the essential information about the position and shape of
iv) Image Enhancement.
After converting images into binary, the image has to remove the noise and
trace the boundary of detected object. This process is done in image enhancement
module. Images, taken by digital camera, will pick up the noise from variety of
When tracing the boundaries of object in images, the image detection module
is implemented. This module will determine which objects are round by estimate each
vi) Result of Parking Lot.
been tested and proposed. This results are included the sequences of the car park
detection from empty lot (8 parking available) until the full parking lot. Figure 7
shows the number of availability of parking lot resulted by using camera preview
In an automated car parking, the cars are left at the entrance and are further
transported inside the building with mechanical structure. Similarly, they are retrieved
by mechanical structure and placed at the exit for the owner to drive away. Our
proposed system presents an Autonomous car parking that regulates the number of
cars that can be parked in a given space at any given time based on the parking space
availability. When a car arrives at the entrance, it will be stopped at the main gate and
the driver de-boards the car. If the availability of Parking space is confirmed, the user
commands the car to get parked to the designated slot. The car traces its path to the
entrance of the parking area. Here, it waits and the details required for parking of car
at the proper slot are communicated to the Car Control Unit. On receiving the
information, the car will further trace its path to free parking spot. On successful
i) Hardware Description.
voltage regulator.
a) Microcontroller
data memory is 256 bytes RAM this chip is manufactured using Atmel’s high-
standard 80S52 instruction set and pin out. The on-chip flash memory allows
b) Relay
c) RFID Tag/Reader:
RFID Identification. An RFID system consists of two parts .i.e., a reader, and
one or more transponders, which are also known as tags. RFID systems have
evolved from barcode labels as a means to automatically identify and track
Proteus 8 is the best simulation software for various design with micro
handy tool to test programmes and embedded designs for electronic people.
i) System Introduction.
The proposed SPS consists of a base station, routers, sensor nodes, and a
remote server. The diagram of SPS is shown in Figure 1. Sensor nodes are
deployed alongside the roadside and each node is mounted on the centre floor
of a parking space. Each sensor node detects the earth’s magnetic field
message to the router. The router forwards the packet to a base station that is
one or more hops away. In the base station, information from different nodes
for resisting the crush of the parking vehicles. Figure 9(a) shows the nodes
the power issue, routers are equipped with solar panel for frequent data
Figure 2.10 : Location Field Setup
In the experiments, we place the sensor node in the middle of the parking
deployment of sensor nodes: the 𝑍-axis is vertical, the 𝑌-axis is parallel with
the direction of vehicle entering, and the 𝑋-axis is pointing to adjacent space.
The sensor has temperature drift, and the method of temperature compensation
system initialization, its identify location of every parking lot in the image. Second,
storing digital image taken from video camera. Third, separate the objects from the
background. Fourth, remove noise from the image. Lastly, determine the rounded
Street parking System consists of a base station, routers, sensor nodes, and a
remote server. The sensor nodes is placed on each of parking space. Each nodes detect
transmits a message to the router. LED board will change when the information is
successfully achieved.
parking the car that left at the entrance. When a car arrives at the entrance, it will
stopped at the main gate and the driver de-boards the car. This system need to
confirmation on availability of parking space. If there is more space, the car will park
to free parking spot. The data on the LCD will be updated automatically.
Based on the research, the Scheduler algorithm is the best choices that can be apply in
“Smart Entry Parking”. This is because concept of scheduling algorithm is First Come
First Serve, or known as (FCFS). Related to the SEPS is when cars enter in parking
entrance, the number of available parking will decrease. While, when exit it will
increase back.
This chapter provide an overview regarding the concept of the system. Based
on the study that has been made it shows that literature review is one of the important
part in research of study of new. Literature review will help in determining the idea
and technology has been studied before or not. The technique is chosen based on
previous research articles and journals. Every journal and article will be compared to
In this chapter is about process of developing project from the beginning until
the end of this project. The flow of the project will discuss briefly to give more
understanding of design and develop of this project. There are many method that can
be used for developing this project. The methodology that can be decide in this project
for each development process. Every phases of this methodology will be explained.
In this project, the most suitable methodology that can be apply is (SDLC).
replace specific software. This methodology is for improving the quality of software
and the overall development process. Which have a beginning of the operation and
Implementation, Testing, Documentation, Deployment and Maintenance, and
This life cycle model includes multiple development cycles. The cycles are
divided up into smaller repetitions. These repetitions can be easily managed and go
working version of the software is produced during the first repetition, so working
problem that needs to be solved in this paper is determined. Objective of this paper is
constructed based on what will be achieved in this paper. The scope of this system in
the aspect of system scope, user scope and functional scope is determined to identify
important functions that need to be included in the system to fulfil the objective
Analysis phase is to analyses the existing parking lot system and all
requirement that are needed to design and develop the new system. In this phase, the
information regarding parking lot system using embedded device either journal,
articles, books or research paper are collected and gathered. Based on the collection of
programming are the best method that can be used to develop as automated system
3.3.3 Design Phase
functionalities that will be build. The data or requirement obtained during planning
and analysis phase was transform into the design. In this project, Framework Design
to show the flow of the system, Context Diagram (CD), Data Flow Diagram (DFD),
Entity Relation Diagram (ERD) and this chapter. These diagrams are designed as a
guide line flow of the system and Interface Design to help in developing system.
Implement the design is implemented process for Arduino UNO and related
Ultrasonic sensor to detection car and LED display on the parking lot. It is
implemented into coding. The system is divided into several sub-modules and the
actual coding for each sub-module is started according to the user and system
requirements. To develop the system, there are programming tools are used such as
programming and database MYSQL. Besides that, XAMPP server is used for
In this phase, system testing is conducted to test for error and ensure the
module function well as whole system. Any errors or bug will be fixed and repeated
3.3.6 Evaluation Phase
In this phase, when the system has achieved the objective and passed the
testing, the system can be deployed and user can use the system. Once the system is in
steady state, it is reviewed that the system met all the objectives and goals.
This section will show the list of all software and hardware requirement that
To develop this project it can be many choices to choose the best software, this
Table 1: List of Software
Query Language
3.4.2 Hardware Requirement
hardware has its own function in order to do this research. The hardware to develop
Printer EPSON
- Resistor
- Breadboard (Small)
This chapter discussed the methodology used is to complete this project. The
Iterative and Incremental method from System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is
used because every phase during the system development follows the project
This chapter will review design phase in project development. Design is the
model on how to achieve a specific goal in project. Whereas, model represent set of
representation of the functions and process for the development of a system before the
system was developed. In this project, framework design, context diagram (CD), data
flow diagram (DFD), entity relationship diagram (ERD), database design and interface
design were produced before the system was developed so that the system will be
developed successfully.
modules, interfaces and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. System
design involves Context Diagram, data Flow Diagram and Entity Relation Diagram.
A context diagram is a data flow diagram, with only one massive central
process that subsumes everything inside the scope of the system. It shows how the
system will receive and send data flows to the external entities involved. Such as
specialized version of the Data Flow Diagram, understanding a bit Data Flow
Figure 4.2: Context Diagram of Smart Entry Parking System
information within a system. By drawing a data Flow Diagram, you can tell the
information provided by and delivered to someone who takes part in system process,
the information needed in order to complete the processes, the information needed in
order to complete the processes and the information needed to be stored and accessed.
Figure show the flow in this system starting with user inserting information
parking, choose parking, and make confirmation of parking lot. Admin can log in into
Figure 4.3: Data Flow Diagram of Smart Entry Parking System
4.2.4 Entity Relation Ship Diagram (ERD)
concept about which data is stored. A relationship is how the data is shared between
Figure 4.3 show the ERD if Smart Entry parking System. That show this
system uses the derive table. Derive table is used to make a relationship between two
or more main tables. It contains the primary key, foreign key from other tables.
records, each of with its own structure and data type of input. The list of tables
Figure 4.5 show all tables used in system including admin, parking lot, parking
Figure 4.7 : Admin table data
Figure 4.10: Parking History table structure
Figure 4.13: Parking Lot table data
This chapter discussed the methodology used is to complete this project. The
Iterative and Incremental Method from System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is
used because every phase during the system development follows the project
Besides, this chapter also discuss on the Context Diagram, Data Flow Diagram
and Entity Relationship Diagram of the system which are essential as a guideline for
or an individual end user. It is a part of user testing that important phase in system
development. The system will be test to know the efficiency of the operational system
meets the quality standards. This chapter will explain detail about implementation and
The main hardware that been used in this project are Arduino UNO 328 board.
Ultrasonic sensor, LED light and Ethernet Shield are connected to send and receive
data. The data will transfer to server in database provides in the web-based system. On
board, Ethernet Shield is clip to the Arduino UNO 328 to make a connection between
Arduino and web-based. For detect car used Ultrasonic sensor, display on LED light,
resister connected to Arduino UNO 328 using jumpers wire. Arduino UNO328 is
5.2.1 Overview
digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a
16 MHz quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset
to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get
The Arduino Ethernet Shield connects Arduino to the internet in mere minutes.
It need to plug this module onto Arduino Board, connect it to the network with an
RJ45 cable and setup it with IP Address to make a connection between web-based and
Figure 5.2: Ethernet Shield board
The generic sensors are connected to the Arduino UNO 328 board such as
Ultrasonic Sensor, LED light and also Ethernet Shield to sens data and receive data.
The Ultrasonic Module has 4 pin, ground, VCC, Trig, and Echo. The Ground
and the VCC pins of the module needs to be connected to the Ground and the 5 volts
pins on the Arduino UNO 328 board respectively and the trig and echo pins to any
The LED light contains of two type which are green colour and red colour. Its
contain cathode and anode. This LED light to be connected to the pins on the Arduino
Figure 5.3: Arduino UNO 328 board connected with Ethernet Shield
Figure 5.4: Arduino UNO 328 board connected with Ultrasonic Sensor and LED light.
In order to generate the ultrasound need to set the Trig on a high State for 10
µs. That will send out an 8 cycle sonic burst which will travel at the speed sound and
it will be received in the Echo pin. The Echo pin will output the time in microseconds
This project will use just 4 digital inputs from the Arduino UNO 328 board.
The red LED light use pin number 10, and for green LED light use pin number 6. For
both LED light, cathode will connected to the ground and anode will connected to pin
number 10 and 6 through 220 Ohms resistors on the Arduino UNO 328 board that can
The Ethernet Shield will connected to TP-Link 3220 Router through the RJ45
cable. The router need to setup through the IP Address. The IP Address is used to connect to database and Arduino. The type of IP Address in this
Figure 5.6: Arduino Circuit of Smart Entry Parking System. (Above)
II. Breadboard
V. Jump wires
This is the Homepage of Smart Entry Parking System. In this page, all
information already shown. User need to click each of image to know the flow of
booking. Beside it also show the availability of parking in the top right system.
Figure 5.8: List of Process.
In this menu list it contains of Home Page, Booking Parking (Roof Top,
Ground), Contact, and Log In for Admin. User can click each of the menu list.
Booking Parking contain of two page which is Roof Top and Ground. User can
choose which one that they want to park their car. Contact page is for information
about the Smart Entry Parking System. Log in page is for admin use to manage the
Figure 5.9: Booking Parking page.
In booking page user need to click the image of the floor that they want. It
When user click on the image, it will pop up of booking form. It contains of
number of car plat, time booking, time arrival, and date. User need to fill in number of
After user click Submit button, the system will show the image of parking
space that available. In this page, user need to choose the available parking. The green
colour is available. The yellow colour is for reserve and for red colour means is not
This face box will pop up when user click on the available parking that they
Figure 5.13: Result of parking.
Then, the system will show the result of parking that made by the user. The
green colour will change to the yellow based on the user choose. Its mean user already
reserve the parking space. But user have only 1 hour to reserve the parking lot. If not
the parking will change to available. For walk in, it will change directly to red colour.
This form is used to open the gate at the parking lot. User need to put the plat
number in the form to open the gate. Beside it contains of Location and Report.
Figure 5.15: Notification pop up
The notification will pop up when user put the correct plat number. “Gate is
Open. Thank You.” The gate will open and user can enter the parking lot.
The notification will pop up when user put the wrong plat number. “Wrong No
This is the location of parking lot. It easy for user to know the place of parking
lot. User can directly to the place and it not waste time for user to find the place.
Figure 5.18: Receipt of booking.
Admin need to log in first before enter the system. It contains of admin id, and
Figure 5.20: List of menu in admin page.
Admin fill the form with date to look the details of booking. The details will
Then, it will show details of the booking depends on the date. The details
contains of Number Plat, Time Booking, Time Arrival, Date and ID Parking.
Details of available parking will show to the admin. Admin can know the total
of car enter the parking space. According to the Figure 5.22, there are 3 parking
already reserve.
Figure 5.24: Log out for admin.
Admin can log out when finish. The log out button is at the top right of the
This is the process of setup the IP Address that need to connect to the Ethernet
Shield. The router read the Ethernet Shield IP Address which is assign to
Figure 5.26: Arduino code to connect to database.
Figure 5.28:Arduino code to connect to database.
This is the Arduino code to connect between Arduino UNO 328 and database
server. According to this code, is used as address to send the data from
Arduino UNO 328 to the database server through the Ethernet Shield. This code will
loop every time to read all the parking area and directly update the data to the database
server. If there is a walk in customer parking in the parking lot, Arduino UNO 328
will read and update the date in the database server. In web-based also will change the
about the conclusion of the system for users that use the system.
There are several problem and limitations that occurred throughout the
development of the project in order to achieve the objectives. These problems and
This system is can be used only for car. It is not suitable for others vehicles.
Besides, this system only can be applied for Ground and Rooftop Parking only. This is
because, this system need a network connection in Arduino to check the availability of
parking space. Disturbance of internet to book the parking lot is one of the constraint
between it. With this combination the web-based system will be more systematic and
efficient. Web-based system is used for user to make a booking. All process in the
web-based will keep in database server. Interface in the website show the availability
of parking lot. There are three type of colour which are green (available), yellow
(reserve) and red (not available).Easy for user to make a booking. Then, function of
Arduino is to check the parking space and it will update the data in the database server
The increasing of cars usage is growing rapidly, and also the system of the
parking lots must upgrade to be more systematic and reliable to the users. The Smart
Entry Parking System is develop to perform the effectiveness of system and minimize
the time and energy of users in order to find the parking space. The system can
identify quantity available of parking and location of available area in a car park. The
system will be an intelligent system which help the user to make a booking.
For future work, there is a little suggestion that can be made to upgrade the
system to be more efficient and look more interesting. Some suggestion that need to
I. Parking fee can be add in the system features by every hour user park their car.
3, Issue-3, Mar.-2016.
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[6] Zhang, B., Jiang, D.L., Wang, F. and Wan, T.T. (2009) A Design of Parking Space
[7] Barton, J., Buckley, J., O’Flynn, B., O’Mathuna, S.C., Benson, J.P., O’Donovan,