Economics: History, Importance and Branches: MODULE 1 - Econ
Economics: History, Importance and Branches: MODULE 1 - Econ
Economics: History, Importance and Branches: MODULE 1 - Econ
Approximate Period Significance of the Period Household Managing Activities
11, 000 B.C. and (Ice Age) polar ice caps started to Identification of the most
beyond melt; earliest known start of the important resources to survive;
creation of bodies of water in the water guaranteed survival of
world species
9, 000 B.C. Earliest traces of nomadic activity Men made weapons; hunted for
food and looked for viable
shelters; women took care of
children, prepared food, made
clothing and maintained shelter;
nomadic activities were
minimized and tribal leaders
were elected to manage
household needs; self- sufficiency
was the main objective of tribes
6, 000 B.C. Earliest known civilization (China, Nomads settled near fresh water,
Yang Tze River) built more permanent shelters,
had livestock activities; early
traces of agricultural technology
– cultivation and irrigation: signs
of early government and
3, 000 B.C. Next known civilization ( India, Civilizations flourish with the
Indus River) settlement of people in the
communities; sustainability was
the main objective
2, 800 B.C. Middle East civilizations (Tigris and Significance of rivers for
Euphrates) economic activities like trading
and agriculture
Economics uses a STANDARD METHOD ANALYSIS that is based on the blend of scientific method and
policy analysis.
- The process by which scientists, collectively and over time, to construct an accurate
representation of the world
- Attempts to influence the prejudice or bias in the experiment when testing a hypothesis or
Observation and Formulation of a Use of the hyphothesis to predict Performance of experimental tests of the
the existence of other prediction by several independent
descriptionof a hypothesis to
phenomena,or to predict experimenters and properly performed
phenomenon/group explain the quanitatively the results of new experiments. If it may be supported, it can
of phenomenon phenomena observations be regarded as a theory or law of nature.
- An approach to evaluate policies in the public sector
Define the Identifiy all Choose the
problem alternatives best policy
- Short run means the effect in the immediate future while in the long run, the continuing effect
in the future
4. The use of graphs
- Most often to simplify analyses of the behavior of individuals consumers, firms, industries and
economies but usually limited to the variables incorporated into the graphs
“Given these limitations of the economic models, it is important to remember that economics
is an attempt to put broad concepts into capsule and simplify reality into abstract models.
These models have guided many policy makers for several centuries, and although economics
is the oldest known social science today, we cannot discount that it is still an evolving
- Answers “ what is”
- It is factual, objective and used to describe the occurrence of a phenomenon
a. “ An increase in the price of petroleum leads to reduction in sales”
- “What should be or what ought to be
- It is more subjective and more judgmental than positive economics
a. “The government should subsidize the price of petroleum to help low- income people as
their safety net provision.”
Activity 1:
Multiple Choice. Read and analyze each statement carefully choose the correct answer for each
item. Write the letter of your answer and the complete word/s in ½ crosswise of yellow paper or ½
crosswise of lone bond paper. Should answers be not found from the given choices, write “answer
not found”. (1 point each).
3. The term autarky characterizing the nomads of early times would most closely refer to the
concept of
a. Self- sufficiency c. Scarcity
b. Independence d. Abundance
12. All of the following rivers gave life to civilizations, except the
a. Yang Tze River c. Indus river
b. Tigris river d. Euphrates river
13. Also known as the trade off or privilege foregone in exchange of something
a. Opportunity cost c. Substitute
b. Alternative cost d. Sunk Cost
14. Referred as the collective exercise of social cooperation that allows people to pursue their
“sometimes” narrow and individual interests, nonetheless, with social cooperation redowns to
the benefit of mankind
a. Visible hand c. invisible hand
b. Iron hand d. Social Welfare
1. Azarcon, et al. (2008). Principles of Economics. Baguio City: Valencia Book team.
2. Caoile, P. V. (2017). Applied Economics. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.