ANNEX B Computer
ANNEX B Computer
ANNEX B Computer
Understanding The course deals with the nature of The Self From Various Perspectives Lecture Group write-up of quickie 3
the Self identity, as well as the factors and 1. Discuss the different survey results
representations and Group discussions
forces that affect the development
Individual submission of
and maintenance of personal identity conceptualizations of the self from
Class project essay on self
various disciplinal perspectives
The directive to Know Oneself has 2. Compare and contrast how the Class discussions and Short paper on Real/ldeal
inspired countless and varied ways to self has been represented across processing of survey results Self
comply. Among the questions that different disciplines and once data have been written
everyone has had to grapple with at perspectives up Individual constructions of
one time or other is 'Who am l?" At 3. Examine the different influences, the personal self -illustrating
no other period is this question asked factors, and forces that shape the Class may bring pictures of how the different aspects are
more urgently than in adolescence— who is beautiful to begin situated relative to one
traditionally believed to be a time of discussion another and the importance
4. Demonstrate critical and
vulnerability and great possibilities. of each relative to the other
reflective thought in analyzing the Psychological Tests
Issues of self and identity are among development of one's self and
the most critical for the young Paper on my most prized
identity by developing a theory of Listing of beliefs in spirits possession:
the self and the supernatural
This course is intended to facilitate
prevalent in the area Paper: Me and My
the exploration of the issues and Unpacking The Self
1. Explore the different aspects of Favorite Things (what these
concerns regarding self and identity to Guided lecture
self and identity are and what they say about
arrive at a better understanding of
one's self. It strives to meet this goat 2. Demonstrate critical, reflective
Interview of Informant/s
by stressing the integration of the thought in integrating the various
regarding most common
personal with the academic— aspects of self and identity rituals in locale, description,
contextualizing matters discussed in 3. Identify the different forces and and the functions they serve
the classroom and in the everyday institutions that impact the Quizzes
experiences of students—making for development of various aspects of
better learning, generating a new self and identity Exams
appreciation for the learning process, 4. Examine one's self against the
and developing a more critical and different aspects of self discussed in
reflective attitude while enabling class
them to manage and improve their
Managing and Caring For The Self
selves to attain a better quality of life.
1. Understand the theoretical
The course is divided into three major underpinnings for how to manage
parts: The first part seeks to and care for different aspects of the
understand the construct of the self self
from various disciplinal perspectives: 2. Acquire and hone new skills and
philosophy, sociology, anthropology, learning for better managing of
and psychology—as well as the more one's self and behaviors
traditional division between the East
3. Apply these new skills to one's
andWest—each seeking to provide
self and functioning for a better
answers to the difficult but essential
quality of life
question of "What is the self?" And
raising, among others, the question:
"Is there even such a construct as the
At the end of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation
students must be able to:
An introductory course covering the
1. Differentiate algebraic and Individual work activities Assignment
core concepts of limits, continuity and
transcendental functions.
differentiability of functions involving
2. Apply the concept of Group Work activities Quizzes
one or more variables. This is also
differentiation in solving word
includes the application of differential
problems Problem Solving Based Problem Set
Calculus 1 calculations in solving problems on 3
3. Analyze and trace transcendental Approach
optimization, rates of change, related
curves. Board work
rates, tangents and normal, and
Problem Set activities
approximations; partial differentiation
and transcendental curve tracing.
Chemistry for This course provides students with At the end of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation 4
Engineers core concepts of chemistry that are students must be able to;
important in the practice of 1. Discuss the application of Individual work activities Assignment
engineering profession. chemistry in relation to the
generation of energy. Group Work activities Quizzes
A fundamental laboratory course 2. Explain the chemical principles
designed to relate and apply the and concepts of structures and Problem Solving Based Board work
principles and theories in chemistry to bonding of common materials. Approach
engineering practices. It is a 3. Discuss the chemical processes Seatwork
combination of experimental and that takes place in the environment Problem Set activities
calculation laboratory. 4. Identify key chemistry concepts Experiment Reports
related to the specific field of Laboratory Activities Examinations
5. Explicitly state experimental
observation in relation to specific
principles and fundamental
concepts off chemistry
6. Interpret results clearly obtained
from the experiments
7. Answer questions related to the
performed experiment
8. Develop critical and technical
communication skills
9. Explain the mechanics of alpha,
beta and gamma decay as well as
the correlation between the half-
10. Understand the natural
environment and its relationships
with human activities.
11. Design and evaluate strategies,
technologies, and methods for
sustainable management of
environmental systems and for the
remediation or restoration of
degraded environments
Engineering The course deals with the practices After competing this course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation 1
Drawing and techniques of graphical student must be able to:
communication; application of 1. Use basic drafting instruments Individual work activities Assignment
drafting instruments, lettering scale, properly
and units of measure; descriptive 2. Apply the basic concepts of Group Work activities Quizzes
geometry; orthographic projections; technical drawing and sketching;
auxiliary views; dimensioning; and Drafting plate activities Board work
sectional views; pictorial drawings; 3. Prepare technical drawings.
requirements of engineering working Seatwork
drawings; and assembly and exploded Examinations
detailed drawings.
Drawing Plates
This course discusses the curriculum At the end of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation
for Computer Engineering as well as students must be able to:
how to prepare students for success 1. Explain the field of computer Individual work activities Assignment
through engineering design process, engineering and its applications.
ethical decision-making, teamwork, 2. Explain engineering profession Quizzes
and communicating to diverse and the requirements for
audiences. professional practice. Seatwork
Engineering as a 1
3. Define computer engineering as a
career and identify the career Examinations
opportunities for computer
4. Apply engineering skills to an
engineering design project.
This is an introductory course in After completion of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation
computer programing logic. The student should be able to:
student well learn algorithms 1. Identify important steps in Individual work activities Assignment
applicable to all programing program development cycle
languages, including: identifiers, data 2. Draw a flowchart to represent the Group Work activities Quizzes
types, arrays, control structures, program’s logic
modular programming, generating 3. Break down programming Problem Solving Based Board work
reports, and computer memory problems into modules Approach 2
Logic and Design
concepts. The student will learn to use Seatwork
charts commonly use in business and Programming activities
information processing. Program logic Experiment Reports
will be developed using flowcharts Laboratory Activities
and pseudo code. Programs will be Examinations
written using any programming
Self -Testing This course is about self-testing After completion of the course, the Demonstration Recitation 2
Activities activities. It deals with the different student should be able to:
activities like stunt, tumbling, and 1. Discuss and explain the different Inquiry and discussion
gymnastics. The primary concern is to components of physical education presentation Quizzes
improve and maintain physical fitness and physical fitness;
of the body to perform a simple and 2. Perform the different simple as Problem-based approach Field / Direct observations
difficult activity. The body must be well as difficult stunt, tumbling, and Video presentation
flexible with coordination and balance gymnastics; Rubrics
in order to perform such activity. It 3. Identify the different basic skills in Individual Activities
also includes recreational activities in stunt, tumbling, and gymnastics; Actual Demonstration
which students participate actively, and
show interest, and appreciate the 4. Follow the instructions to avoid Written test
activity. hurting one-self and also to prevent
The Literacy Training Service of the After completion of the course, the Inquiry and Discussion Recitation
National Service Training is designed student should be able to: approach
to encourage the youth to contribute 1. Discuss the concept of Assignment
to the improvement of general environmental education, its Problem-based approach
welfare and the quality of life of significance; Quizzes
Filipinos. The course consists of 2. Design projects and activities for Video presentation
lectures, participatory discussions and the community, relevant to the Role Playing
team building and bonding activities prevention of global warming; Role Play on the Different
designed to highlight values and skills 3. Explain the concept of community Filipino Values Movie Review
LTS 1/ CWTS 1/ especially self-management, organization;
ROTC 1 teamwork, leadership, communication 4. Demonstrate the indispensable Show and tell presentation Field / Direct observation
and risk taking in context of qualities of a leader in order to draw
community organization and forth a good community organizer in Rubrics
development, and social mobilization, implementing community projects
in preparation of students for carrying and activities; and Written test
out community outreach activities. 5. Appreciate their role as change
agents in the community. Interview
Written report
Computer The course deals to enable to install After completion of the course, the Lecture and Discussion Field / Direct observations 3
System and configure computers systems, set- student should be able to:
1. Terminate and connect electrical Demonstration
wiring and electronic circuits Interview
up computer networks and servers 2. Install and configure computer Inquiry and discussion
and to maintain and repair computer systems presentation Actual Demonstration
Servicing 1
systems and networks. 3. Set-up Computer Networks
4. Set-up Computer Servers Individual Activities
5. Maintain and Repair Computer
Systems and Networks Group Activities
1. Creatively present the importance
and contributions of science and
technology to society
2. Examine shared concerns that
make up the good life in order to
come up with innovative and
creative solutions to contemporary
issues guided by ethical standards
3. Illustrate how the social media
and information age impact their
lives and their understanding of
climate change
Purposive Purposive Communication is a three- Knowledge Lecture and class discussion Quizzes a 3
Communication unit course that develops students' 1. Describe the nature, elements,
communicative competence and and functions of verbal and non- Group work Seatwork
enhances their cultural and verbal communication in various
intercultural awareness through and multicultural contexts Class discussion of essay Reaction paper and/or
multimodal tasks that provide them discussion forum on the
2. Explain how cultural and global
opportunities for communicating Exercises on using culturally impact of globalization
effectively and appropriately to a issues affect communication appropriate terms, Research and report on
multicultural audience in a local or expressions, and images various cultural and
3. Determine culturally appropriate
global context. It equips students with terms, expressions, and images intercultural modes of
tools for critical evaluation of a variety Interview invited communication
4. Evaluate multimodal texts speakers/students
of texts and focuses on the power of critically to enhance receptive prepare audio visual and
language and the impact of images to Invitation for people to join
(listening, reading, viewing) skills; web based presentations
emphasize the importance of cause oriented events using
5. Summarize the principles of
conveying messages responsibly. The various media such as email,
knowledge, skills, and insights that academic text structure Writing exercises on social media, print and/or
students gain from this course may be communication materials electronic advertisements
Skills for the workplace
used in their other academic 1. Convey ideas through oral audio-
endeavors, their chosen disciplines, Oral, audio-visual, and/or
visual, and/or web-based Independent research
and their future careers as they web-based presentations to
presentations for different target
compose and produce relevant oral, promote cultural values
written, audio-visual and/or web- audiences in local and global
based output for various purposes. settings using appropriate registers Editorial about
2. Create clear, coherent, and environmental issues
effective communication materials
3. Present ideas persuasively using Formal One-minute Speech
appropriate language registers, based on current issues
tone, facial expressions, and
Written and/or oral
4. Write and present academic
papers using appropriate tone, style, Analysis Papers
conventions, and reference styles
Final project:
Multimodal Advocacy
1. Adopt cultural and intercultural
awareness and sensitivity in
communication of ideas
2. Appreciate the differences of the
varieties of spoken and written
3. Adopt awareness of audience and
context in presenting ideas
4. Appreciate the impact of
communication on society and the
After completing this course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation
The course introduces the concepts of student must be able to:
integration and its applications to 1. Properly carry out integration Individual work activities Assignment
some physical problems such as through the use of the fundamental
evaluation of areas, volumes of formulas and/or the various Group Work activities Quizzes
revolution, force,and work. The techniques of integration for both
fundamental formulas and various single and multiple integrals; Problem Solving Based Board work
techniques of integration are taken up 2. Correctly apply the concept of Approach
and applied to both single variable integration in solving problems Seatwork
Calculus 2 3
and multi-variable functions. The involving evaluation of areas, Problem Set activities
course also includes tracing functions volumes work, and force; Examinations
of two variables for a better 3. Sketch 3-dimensional regions
appreciation of the double and triple bounded by several surfaces; and
integral as volume of a tree- 4. Evaluate volumes of 3-
dimensional region bounded by two dimensional regions bounded by
or more surfaces. two or more surfaces through the
use of the double or triple integral.
Physics for The course deals with the study of After completing this course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation 4
Engineers vectors; kinematics; dynamics; work, student must be able to:
energy, and power, impulse and 1.Use calculus to solve problems in Individual work activities Assignment
momentum; rotation; dynamic of force static and kinematics;
rotation; electricity; and oscillation. 2.Apply the Newton’s Laws of Group Work activities Quizzes
Fluids; thermal expansion, thermal Motion;
stress; heat transfer; calorimetry; 3. Use calculus to solve work and Problem Solving Based Board work
waves; electrostatics electricity; energy problems; Approach
magnetism; optics; image formation 4. Apply the law of conservation of Seatwork
by plane and curved mirrors; and energy to problems; Problem Set activities
image formation by thin lenses. 5. Solve problems on impulse and Experiment Reports
momentum and collisions; Laboratory Activities
A fundamental laboratory course 6.Determine the stress and strain on
designed to relate and apply the a body;
principles and theories of physics. 7. Solve simple harmonic motion
8. Describe the characteristics of
fluids at rest and in motion;
9. Solve basic problems in fluid
statics and kinematics
10. Describe the three methods of
heat transfer;
11. Solve basic problems in heat
12. Discuss the properties of waves,
modes of vibration of strings and air
13. Define electric current, electric
resistance and voltage;
14.Compute the electric force
between electric charges;
15. Solve problems on resistance
and cells in series and parallel
16. State Kirchoff’s rules and apply
them in a given circuit.
17. Describe electromagnetism and
apply its principles to problem on
magnetic field and torque.
18. Describe image formation by
mirrors and lenses and solve basic
optics problems
19. Perform experiments that relate
and apply theories and principles of
20. Explicitly state experimental
observation in relation to specific
principles and fundamental
concepts of physics.
21. Interpret results clearly obtained
from the experiment.
Introduces the fundamental concepts After completion of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation
of programming from an object student should be able to:
oriented perspective. Topics are 1. develop software using the Individual work activities Assignment
drawn from the classes and objects, object-oriented paradigm
abstraction, encapsulation, data 2. apply object-oriented analysis and Group Work activities Quizzes
types, calling methods and passing design to solve engineering
Object Oriented parameters, decisions, loops, arrays Problems Problem Solving Based Board work
Programming and collections, documentation, 3. develop graphical user interfaces Approach
testing and debugging, exceptions, 4. apply best practices in coding Seatwork
desing issues, inheritance, and software Problem Set activities
polymorphic variables and methods. 5. Experiment Reports
The course emphasizes modern Laboratory Activities
software engineering and design Examinations
After completion of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation
student should be able to:
1. Prove theorems and using logic Individual work activities Assignment
2. Demonstrate knowledge of the
basic concepts of discrete Group Work activities Quizzes
This course deals with logic, sets,
3. Apply counting techniques in Problem Solving Based Board work
Discrete proofs, growth of functions, theory of
calculation of discrete probabilities. Approach 3
Mathematics numbers, counting techniques, trees
4. Use trees and graph theory in Seatwork
and graph theory.
dealing with discrete mathematics Problem Set activities
problems. Examinations
5. Exhibit awareness of issues
related to the computer engineering
applications of discrete
Rhythmic It deals with the different kinds of After completion of the course, the Demonstration Recitation 2
rhythmic activities like fundamental student should be able to: Assignment
rhythm, folk dances, singing, games 1. Identify the different basic skills in Inquiry and discussion
and ballroom dance. It includes the dancing; presentation Quizzes
study of different dance terms and 2. Execute the different
step. It will focus also on the fundamental dance position of the Problem-based approach Field / Direct observations
Activities interpretation of learning and arms/ feet; Video presentation
teaching Philippine folk dance. 3. Demonstrate the different motor Rubrics
skills in rhythmic activities; and Individual/ Group Activities
4. Discuss the physiological values of Actual Demonstration
the different rhythmic activities.
Written test
Computer The course deals to enable to install After completion of the course, the Lecture and Discussion Field / Direct observations 3
System and configure computers systems, set- student should be able to:
Servicing 2 up computer networks and servers 1. Terminate and connect electrical Demonstration Rubrics
and to maintain and repair computer wiring and electronic circuits
systems and networks. 2. Install and configure computer Inquiry and discussion Interview
systems presentation
Actual Demonstration
3. Set-up Computer Networks
4. Set-up Computer Servers Individual Activities
5. Maintain and Repair Computer
Systems and Networks Group Activities
Engineening This course is designed for At the end of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation 3
Data Analysis undergraduate engineering students students must be able to:
with emphasis on problem solving 1. Apply statistical methods in the Individual work activities Assignment
related to societal issues that analysis of data
engineers and scientist are called 2. Design experiments involving Group Work activities Quizzes
upon to solve. It introduce different several factors
methods of data collection and the Problem Solving Based Problem Set
suitability of using a particular method Approach
for a given situation. The relationship Board work
of probability to statistics is also Problem Set activities
discussed, providing students with the Seatwork
tools they need to understand how
“chance” plays a role in statistical Examinations
analysis. Probability distributions of
random variables and their uses are
also considered, along with a
discussion of linear functions of
random variables within the context
of their application to data analysis
and inference. The course also
includes estimation techniques for
unknown parameters; and hypothesis
testing used in making inferences
from sample to population; inference
for regression parameters and build
models for estimating means and
predicting future values of key
variables under study. Finally,
statistically based experimental design
techniques and analysis of outcomes
of experiments are discussed with the
aid of statistical software.
Differential This course is intended for all After completing the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation 3
Equations engineering students to have a firm student must be able to:
foundation on differential equations 1. Apply integration for the Individual work activities Assignment
in preparation for their degree- evaluation of areas, volumes of
specific advanced mathematics revolution, force and work. Group Work activities Quizzes
courses. It covers first order 2. Use integration techniques on
differential equations, nth order linear single and multi-variable functions. Problem Solving Based Board work
differential equations and systems of 3. Explain the physical interpretation Approach
first order differential equations. It of the double and triple integral. Seatwork
also introduces the concept of Laplace Problem Set activities
Transforms in solving differential Examinations
equations. The students are expected
to be able to recognize different kinds
of differential equations, determine
the existence and uniqueness of
solution, select the appropriate
methods of solution and interpret the
obtained solution. Students are also
expected to relate differential
equations to various.
After completion of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation
student should be able to:
1. Recognize the different linear and Individual work activities Assignment
nonlinear data structures
2. Graphically represent any data Group Work activities Quizzes
Solving computational problems that
involve manipulating collections of
3. Have a clear understanding of the Problem Solving Based Board work
Data Structures data, study a core set of data
algorithms for creating, accessing, Approach 2
and algorithms obstractions, data structures, and
and Seatwork
algorithms that provide a foundation
destroying structural information Problem Set activities
for writing efficient programs.
4. Determine the complexity of Experiment Reports
common algorithms Laboratory Activities
5. Apply programming techniques Examinations
like searching and sorting in solving
Upon completion of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation
This course introduces the student must be able to:
fundamental concepts, circuit laws, 1. Identify the different DC circuit Individual work activities Assignment
theorems and techniques used in and components
electrical circuit analysis and transient 2. Solve problems in application of Group Work activities Quizzes
analysis, as well as its application. The the different principles, theorems
course covers circuit topologies and and laws in DC circuits Problem Solving Based Board work
of Electrical 4
DC excitations, trancient response, AC 3. Identify and solve circuit Approach
response, and polyphase circuits. The problems using circuit theories and Seatwork
use of computer software for circuit principles Problem Set activities
simulation and design are emphasized 4. Identify the different ac circuit Experiment Reports
to expose studennts to computer- and components Laboratory Activities
based tools. 5. Solve problem involving simple Examinations
phase and three-phase systems
Computer Aided Concepts of computer-aided drafting At the end of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation 1
Drafting (CAD); introduction to the CAD students must be able to:
environment; terminologies; and the 1. define the terms related to Individual work activities Assignment
computer-aided drafting Quizzes
2. Identify the important tools used Group Work activities
to create technical drawings in CAD; Board work
general operating procedures and 3. Create electronic drawings using Computer-aided drafting
techniques in entering and executing the CAD software Activities Seatwork
basic CAD commands.
Computer Activities Reports
This course is a team sports. It deals After completion of the course, the Demonstration Recitation
with the study of the origin, student should be able to:
development and characteristics of 1. Discuss and explain the different Inquiry and discussion Assignment
the game. It focuses also in the components of physical fitness; presentation
different sport activities. This course is 2. Execute the different skills in Quizzes
one of the phases of physical playing volleyball and other Problem-based approach
Sports and education, which involves as a activities; Video presentation Field / Direct observations
Ballgames recreational activity, which develop 3. Acquire maximum ability in the
the optimum development of the performance of the different Individual / Group Activities Rubrics
individual physically, mentally, activities involved; and
emotionally and socially. 4. Follow the instructions to avoid Actual Demonstration
Written test
Electronics The course deals to assemble After completion of the course, the Lecture and Discussion Field / Direct observations 3
Workshop 1 electronic products, prepare printed student should be able to:
circuit boards (PCB) modules and to 1. Terminate and connect electrical Demonstration Rubrics
install and service consumer and wiring and electronic circuits
industrial electronic products and 2. Assemble Electronic Products Inquiry and discussion Interview
systems. 3. Service consumer electronic presentation
products and systems Actual Demonstration
4. Service industrial electronic Individual Activities
modules, products and systems
Group Activities
The This course introduces students to the At the end of the course the Classroom sharing Quiz onthe reading materials 3
Contemporary contemporary world by examining the students should be able to: (Introductions)
World multifaceted phenomenon of Recitation
A. Competencies Lecture / Discussion
globalization. Using the various
1. Distinguish different Graded Group
disciplines of the social sciences, it
interpretations of and approaches Personal concept map of Report
examines the economic, social,
to globalization globalization
political, technological, and other 10minute presentations on
2. Describe the emergence of global
transformations that have created an
economic, political, social, and News report critique the contemporary
increasing awareness of the foreign and economic
cultural systems
interconnectedness of peoples and Debate policies of their respective
3. Analyze the various contemporary
places around the globe. To this end, countries
drivers of globalization Film viewing and discussion Short research paper
the course provides an overview of
4. Understand the issues
the various debates in global
confronting the nation-state Group report
governance, development, and
5. Assess the effects of globalization
sustainability. Beyond exposing the
on different social units and their Interview
student to the world outside the
Philippines, it seeks to inculcate a Mini-lecture on citation
sense of global citizenship and global methods for research
B. Skills
ethical responsibility. papers
1. Analyze contemporary news
events in the context of Proposal for final research
globalization paper:
2. Analyze global issues in relation to
Filipinos and the Philippines Pair discussion
3. Write a research paper with
proper citations on a topic related to
C. Values
1. Articulate personal positions on
various global issues
2. Identify the ethical implications of
global citizenship
Art Appreciation Art Appreciation is a three-unit course At the end of the course, the Group discussion: oral Oral recitation 3
that develops students' ability to students should be able to: recitation
appreciate, analyze, and critique Quiz
works of art. Through interdisciplinary Knowledge Lecture Essay
and multimodal approachest this 1. Demonstrate an understanding Dynamics
course equips students with a broad and appreciation of arts in Insight paper
knowledge of the practical, historical, general, including their function, Guide questions
philosophical, and social relevance of value, and historical significance Group discussion & plenary
the arts in order to hone students' 2. Define and demonstrate the presentation
ability to articulate their Debate
elements and principles of design
understanding of the arts. The course Exhibit of artists and
3. Explain and evaluate different artisans' portfolio
also develops students' competency in Individual sharing
theories of art Mini-exhibit of
researching and curating art as well as
4. Situate Philippine arts in a global artists'/artisans' work
conceptualizing, mounting, and Film Viewing
evaluating art productions. The course context
Video Documentary Collaborative room design
aims to develop students' genuine
appreciation for Philippine arts by Skills "Sa
With rubrics
providing them opportunities to 1. Analyze and appraise works of DuyanngSining"
explore the diversity and richness and art based on aesthetic value, (Jesuit Creative output/
their rootedness in Filipino culture. historical context, tradition, and Communications) Presentations:
social relevance
2. Mount an art exhibit (concept Video Documentary Portfolio
developmert production and Interview of artists /
postproduction, marketing, studio visit (off campus) Analysis paper by group:
Choose a contemporary work
documentation, critiquing)
and discuss the subject)
3. Create their own works of art
and curate their own production Examinations
or exhibit
4. Utilize art for self-expression
and for promoting advocacies
1. Deepen their sensitivity to self,
community, and society
2. Discover and deepen their
identity through art with respect
to their nationality, culture, and
3. Develop an appreciation of the
local arts
After completion of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation
This course covers the concepts of student should be able to:
numerical analysis and computer 1. Estimate error bounds in Individual work activities Assignment
software tools in dealing with numerical calculations
engineering problems. It includes 2. Evaluate series expansions Group Work activities Quizzes
techniques in finding the rots of 3. Solve differential equations
equation, solving system of linear and 4. Perform interpolation of functions Problem Solving Based Board work
Numerical non-linear equations, eigenvalue 5. Find the roots of equations Approach
Methods problems, polynomial approximation 6. Solve simultaneous linear and Seatwork
and interpolation, ordinary and partial nonlinear equations Problem Set activities
differential equations. The Monte- 7. Prepare algorithms, write Experiment Reports
Carlo method, simulation, error computer programs, use computer Laboratory Activities
propagation and analysis, the software and Examinations
methods of least squares and implement these to the solution of
goodness-of-it tests are also discussed engineering problems
8. Prove theorems using logic
Software Design This course focuses on programming At the end of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation 3
paradigms and constructs, data students should be able to:
structures and use of standard library Individual work activities Assignment
functions for manipulating them,
Group Work activities
object-oriented design and the use of
Board work
modeling languages, testing and
Problem Solving Based
software quality concepts, and
Approach Seatwork
tradeoffs among different software
design methods.
Problem Set activities Experiment Reports
This course deals with the different After completion of the course, the Demonstration Recitation
physical activities that an individual student should be able to:
finds productive and satisfying. It 1. Explain the relevance of Inquiry and discussion Assignment
teaches how one can be a recreational recreational activities to maintain presentation
leader and be able to spend leisure sound body; Quizzes
time wisely. It also deals with the 2. Exercise physical skills, which Problem-based approach
activities which guide an individual to motivates an individual to Video presentation Field / Direct observations
become mature and an asset to his participate further in physical 2
society. activities that enhance growth and Individual / Group Activities Rubrics
development; and
3. Develop good habits and become Actual Demonstration
a productive individual through the
wise use of leisure time. Written test
The course deals to assemble After completion of the course, the Lecture and Discussion Field / Direct observations
electronic products, prepare printed student should be able to:
circuit boards (PCB) modules and to 1. Terminate and connect electrical Demonstration Rubrics
install and service consumer and wiring and electronic circuits
industrial electronic products and 2. Assemble Electronic Products Inquiry and discussion Interview
systems. 3. Service consumer electronic presentation 3
Workshop 2
products and systems Actual Demonstration
4. Service industrial electronic Individual Activities
modules, products and systems
Group Activities
After completion of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation
student should be able to:
1. Define and identify important Individual work activities Assignment
This course includes design and
logic switching circuit theories and
analysis or digital circuits. This course
terminologist Group Work activities Quizzes
covers both combinational
2. Use Boolean Algebra in
(synchronous and asynchronous)
Logic Circuits and simplifying logic circuits and solving Problem Solving Based Board work
logic circuits with emphasis on 2
Design related problems Approach
solving digital problems using
3. Apply minimization techniques in Seatwork
hardwired structures of the
designing combinational circuits and Problem Set activities
complexity of medium and large-
in solving related problems. Examinations
scale integration.
4. Design combinational and/or
sequential digital system or sub-
Operating This course includes different policies At the end of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation 3
System and strategies used by an operating students should be able to:
system. Topics include operating 1. Understand the goals of an Individual work activities Assignment
systems structures, process operating system
management, storage management, 2. Discuss the different algorithms Group Work activities Quizzes
file management and distributed used for CPU scheduling
system. 3. Describe the different memory Problem Solving Based Board work
management techniques Approach
4. Understand different file system Seatwork
implementation Problem Set activities
5. Discuss deadlock avoidance and Examinations
6. Know the basic concepts of
distributed operating system
At the end of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation
students should be able to:
1. Identify the fundamental Individual work activities Assignment
concepts relating to general data
communications and computer Group Work activities Quizzes
This course focuses on fundamental networks.
Data and Digital concepts of digital and data 2. Understand the different error- Problem Solving Based Board work
Communications communications. It also includes handling techniques. Approach
topics on data security and integrity. 3. Know the different Seatwork
communication interfaces of a Problem Set activities
personal computer. Examinations
4. Discuss how the telephone
system is used in the transmission
and reception of data.
At the end of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation
students should be able to:
1. Differentiate technologies related Individual work activities Assignment
to HDLs such as programmable logic
A laboratory course that includes
devices, FPGAs and ASICs and Group Work activities Quizzes
hardware description languages as a
advantages and disadvantages of
tool for designing and testing
Introduction to each related field. Problem Solving Based Board work
combinational and sequential 1
HDL 2. Construct, compile and execute Approach
circuits. It covers fundamental of
VHDL programs using provided Seatwork
concepts of HDL and the basic
software tools. Problem Set activities
building blocks of HDL programming.
3. Differentiate and implement Examinations
levels of hardware modeling
using VHDL
Fundamentals of This course covers operational At the end of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation 3
Mixed Signals amplifiers, signal converters, power students should be able to:
and Sensors switching devices and the 1. Understand the fundamental Individual work activities Assignment
construction and operation of concepts of mixed signals and
sensors and transducers for sensors Group Work activities
converting physical parameters into 2. Learn the practical application of Board work
electrical signals and vice-versa. The mixed signal and sensors Problem Solving Based
course focuses on the application of 3. Have a broad foundation on basic Approach Seatwork
these devices in developing signal mixed signals and sensors theory to
conversion circuits that allows prepare the Problem Set activities Examinations
measurement, processing and students in their specialization
control of physical parameters by studies
digital processing system such as a
finite state machine or a digital
computer. Topics on actuators are
also included.
Computer This course focuses on the principles At the end of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation 1
Engineering of layout of electrical, electronics, students should be able to:
Drafting and and logic drawings; stressing modern 1. Understand the Electronic Individual work activities Assignment
Design representation used for block symbols, components; Electronic
diagrams, wiring/assembly;, diagrams, Group Work activities Quizzes
drawings, printed circuit board flowcharts, system structures;
layout, and etching. Electro-mechanical packaging; and Computer-aided drafting Board work
Printed circuit board (PCB) layouts. Activities
Be able to identify electronic Seatwork
symbols and components;
2. create detailed drawings of Computer Activities Reports
electronic circuits; and
3. layout and design artwork for Examinations
Animation 1 The course deals to produce key After completing this course the Lecture and Discussion Field / Direct observations 3
poses/drawings for animation both in student must be able to:
the traditional & digital output that 1. Produce Traditional key Demonstration Rubrics
can be used for TV series or film, poses/drawings for animation
commercials, audiovisual 2. Create tradigital animation Inquiry and discussion Interview
presentations, motion graphics & 3. Create 2D digital cut-out presentation
animated e-learning materials. animation Actual Demonstration
4. Export animation to video file Individual Activities
Group Activities
Microprocessors This course provides understanding After completion of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation 3
of architecture of microprocessor- student should be able to:
based system; registers, study of 1. Explain the concepts behind Individual work activities Assignment
microprocessors operation, assembly microprocessor systems and their
languages, arithmetic operations, and components. Group Work activities Quizzes
interfacing. 2. Differentiate between
microprocessors and Problem Solving Based Board work
microcontrollers, between Approach
microprocessors, and between Seatwork
microcontrollers based on Problem Set activities
architecture. Examinations
3. Explain how to interfere
microprocessors/microcontrollers to
memory, I/O devices, and other
system devices.
4. Explain the
organization/architecture of existing
computer systems.
5. Analyze the capabilities of
different processors.
Upon completing of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation
student must be able to:
1. Familiar with various systems Individual work activities Assignment
exhibiting control mechanisms and
understand their operations. Group Work activities Quizzes
2. Able to develop the value of being
The course includes the control analytic and able to apply learned Problem Solving Based Board work
Feedback and
devices, equations of a systems and concepts to improve system. Approach 3
Control System
block diagram of systems. 3. Able to understand and Seatwork
appreciate feedback control Problem Set activities
4. Able to apply system-level Experiment Reports
thinking Laboratory Activities
5. Able to demonstrate knowledge Examinations
of concepts in dealing with feedback
and control system
After completion of the course, the Lecture and Class Discussion Recitation
This course provides the importance student should be able to:
of the professional and ethical 1. Understand the fundamentals of Individual work activities Assignment
responsibilities of practicing professionalism and ethics with the
computer engineers and the effects focus on the fields of engineering. Group Work activities Quizzes
CPE Laws and
of their work on society; the 2. Study the codes of ethics, conflict
Professional 2
importance of understanding of interest, safety and risk tradeoffs Case Analysis Board work
contemporary issues. Lifelong in design, confidentiality, behavior
learning strategies; and applicable IT in the work place, intellectual Seatwork
laws in the field of computer property, patents, trade secrets and
engineering. contemporary issues in Examinations
Dalumatng/sa Ang DALUMATFIL ay Kaalaman Pagbabalangkas/outlining MaiklingPagsusulit 3
Filipino isangmaagwatnakursongnagpapalaw 1.
Music video ngawiting
ak at Maipaliwanagangkahalagahanngwik Pagbubuodngimpormasyon/ “Loob” ni J. Santiago o
nagpapalalimsakasanayansamalalim ang Filipino sapagdadalumat o datos paglikhangawitingkagayanito
at mapanuringpagbasa, pagsulat, at pagteteorya. 2.
pananaliksiksawikang Filipino Matukoyangmgamapagkakatiwalaan Pangkatangtalakayan Boradorngpapelna pang-
saiba’tibanglarangan, , makabuluhan at kapaki- Sawikaan, Ambagan, o
sakontekstongkontemporaryongsitw pakinabangnasangguniansapagdadal Panonoodng MgaSusingSalita
asyon at umat at pananaliksik. 3. Malikhain at video/documentar
mgapangangailanganngbansa at mapanuringmakapag- Patalatangpagbubuodsa
ngmgamamamayang Pilipino. ambagsapagpapaliwanag at Pakikinigsaawit piling teoryangtinalakay
Partikularnanakatuonangkursongitos pagpapalawakng piling
amakrokasanayangpagbasa at makabuluhangkonsepto at Pagsasalin Venn diagram
pagsulat, teoryanglokal at ngdalawangmagkaugnaynaar
gamitangmgamakabuluhangpananali dayuhannaakmasakontekstongkomu Pangkatangtalakayan tikulo o aklat
ksiksawikang Filipino, nidad at bansa.
bilanglunsaranngpagpapalawak at Kasanayan Concept mapping Paglikhangtalahanayan
pagpapalalimsakasanayan, 1. Maisapraktika at mapaunlad pa
kakayahan at angmgabatayangkasanayansapanan Think-pair-share Reaksyongpapel
kamalayanngmgaestudyantenamalik aliksik. 2. Makapagbasa at samgaispesipikongteksto
hain at mapanuringmakapagdalumat makapagbuodngimpormasyon, Salingbuodng piling
o “makapag-teorya” sawikang estadistika, datosatbp. Panel discussion bahagingteksto o aklat
Filipino, bataysamga piling lokal at mulasamgababasahingnakasulatsa hinggilsamgateoryasapanan
dayuhangkonsepto at Filipino saiba’tibanglarangan. 3. aliksik Dalumat-Sanaysay
teoryanaakmasakontekstongkomunid Makapagsalinngmgaartikulo, (detalyadongpaliwanaghinggi
ad at bansa. Pre-requisite pananaliksikatbp. namakapag- Lektyur- lsabagongkonsepto o teorya,
sakursongitoangpagkuhangkursong aambagsapatuloynaintelektwalisasy WorksyapsaPagsasalin o
Filipino saIba’tIbangDisiplina (FILDIS). onngwikang Filipino. 4. kaya’ypagsusurisalumangkon
Samakatwid, itoangkaragdagang 3 Makapagpahayagngmgamakabuluha Ulat-aklat (book report) septo o teorya)
yunitng GE-Filipino ngkaisipansapamamagitanngtradisy
parasamgakumukuhangmgakursosala onal at Peer review ngsalin
rangang Humanities, Social Sciences modernongmidyangakmasakontekst
at Communication/HUSOCOM ong Pilipino. 5.
(gayang Bachelor in Secondary Makagawangmgamalikhain at
Education/BSE Filipino, BSE English, mapanghikayatnapresentasyonngim
BSE Chemistry, AB Political Science, pormasyon at
Communication Arts, Journalism, analisisnaakmasaiba’tibangkontekst
Legal Management at iba pa.), bukod o. 6. Malinangang Filipino
pa sa 6 yunitngbatayang GE-Filipino bilangdaluyanng
(KOMFIL at FILDIS) inter/multidisiplinaringpagdadaluma
nakinukuharinngmga mag- t at
aaralnaangkurso ay NON-HUSOCOM pananaliksiknanakaugatsamgarealid
adnglipunang Pilipino. 7.
angmungkahingrebisyon o
o o teorya, o
epto o
ang Pilipino.
Halagahan 1.
ngteoryangmga Pilipino
saiba’tibanglarangan. 2. Maisaalang-
alangangkultura at iba pang
angpananaliksik. 3.
yanngteorya at
praktikasapananaliksik 4. Makapag-
bilangdaluyanngmakabuluhan at
mataasnaantasngdiskursonaakma at
nakaugatsalipunang Pilipino,
nsapangangailanganngkomunidad at
Animation 2 The course deals to produce 3D After completion of the course, the Lecture and Discussion Field / Direct observations 3
animation. This include competencies student should be able to:
in creating 3D models for animation, 1. Create 3D Models for Animation Demonstration Rubrics
applying shader and textureon 3D 2. Apply Shaderand Texture on 3D Interview
models, setting of character rigging, Models Inquiry and discussion
animating character and lighting and 3. Set Character Rigging presentation Actual Demonstration
rendering animation scene. 4. Animate Character
5. Light and Render Animation Scene Individual Activities
Group Activities