Open Source QB

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Final Year Computer Science and Engineering, 8th Semester




Part -A

1. What is Open source software?

Open Source Software is software for which the underlying programming code is
available to the users so that they may read it, make changes to it, and build new
versions of the software incorporating their changes. There are many types of Open
Source Software, mainly differing in the licensing term under which (altered) copies
of the source code may (or must be) redistributed.

2. What is the Need of Open Source Systems?

• No initial cost
• No licensing issues
• Openness and Transparency
• Speed of Access
• Freedom of movement
• Portable
• Reliable
• Stable
• Security

3. What are the four important factors that led to the development of open source

The following are the four important factors that lead to the development of
Open Source Software:
• To diminish the high monopoly value of the Proprietary Software
• To avoid discrimination among persons like developers of the product
and users of the product
• To enable the user finding and fixing the bugs themselves
• To allow customers to have control over the products they use and to
redistribute the same with or without modifications.

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4. What are the advantages of open source system?

• Lesser hardware costs
• High-quality software
• No vendor lock-in
• Integrated management
• Simple license management
• Lower software costs
• Abundant support
• Scaling and consolidating.

5. Mention some Applications of Open Source Systems?

• Finance
• Educational
• Data Storage and Management
• Games
• Media
• Networking and Internet
• Graphics

6. What are the two phases in the evolution of Linux?

A Development Phase:
Here the Kernel is not reliable and the Process is to add functionality to
it, Optimize it and to try new ideas. This Phase gives rise to odd-numbered
version numbers, such as 1.1,1.3 etc., This is the time when the maximum
amount of work is done on the kernel

A Stabilization Phase:
Where the aim is to produce as stable a kernel as possible. Only minor
adjustments and modifications are made. The version numbers of so called
Stable Kernels are even, such as 1.0,1.2 etc.,

7. What are the advantages of Linux?

• Low-Cost
• Runs on old Hardware
• Choice
• Installation and GUI
• Security
• Open source

8. List the disadvantages of Linux

• Learning
• Lack of equivalent programs
• More technical ability needed
• Not all hardware compatible

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9. What are the types of system?

Operating system is a generic term which in fact describes several families of

Single task system: Only one program may be run at a time, and therefore only
one person may work on a machine at one time. However, the process may make use
of the whole of the resources and power of the machine
Multi task system: Several Processes can be executed in parallel. Operating
time is cut up into small intervals and each process is executed during these short

10. What are the roles of an operating system?

• Virtual Machine:
• Sharing the Processor:
• Memory Management:
• Resource management:
• Communication hub of the machine

11. Define Kernel mode and user mode

The kernel is a privileged mode, in which no restriction is imposed on the kernel of
the system. The kernel may use all the instructions of the processor, manipulate the
whole of the memory, and talk directly to the peripheral controllers.
The user mode is the normal execution mode for a process. In this mode, the process
has no privilege.

12. Define Scheduler

The scheduler is the kernel function which decides which process should be executed by
the processor: the scheduler scans the list of processes in the ‘ready’ state, and uses
several criteria to choose which process to execute.

13. What are the different scheduling policies in Linux?

The Linux scheduler has three different scheduling policies: one for ‘normal’ Processes,
and two for ‘real time’ processes
• SCHED_FIFO, for a unalterable ‘real time’ process.
• SCHED_RR, for an alterable ‘real time’ process,
• SCHED_OTHER, for a ‘classical’ process.

14. List some of the GNU tools

• Gcc
• Debugger
• Strace
• Make

15. What are the formats supported in Linux for executable programs
Linux supports two formats for executable programs
• A.out-binary format
• ELF – dynamic libraries
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16. Define FOSS?

Free/Open Source Software, or FOSS, is software that is liberally licensed to
Grant users the right to study, change and improve its design since its source code is
Made available. The definition of free software, as enunciated by the Free Software
Foundation, states that four essential freedoms should be contained within its license

17. List the Features of FOSS.

• The freedom to run the program for any purpose.
• The freedom to study and modify the program.
• The freedom to copy the program so you can help your neighbor, and
• The freedom to improve the program and release your improvements to the
public, so that the whole community benefits.

18. Why we need the FOSS?

• Free Redistribution
• Source Code
• Derived Works
• Integrity of the Author's Source Code
• No Discrimination against Persons or Groups
• No Discrimination against Fields of Endeavor
• Distribution of License
• License Must Not Be Specific to a Product
• License Must Not Contaminate Other Software

19. Give An Advantage of Foss & Gnu/Linux.

• the reduction of overhead for software licenses
• increased efficiency
• Productivity for use of a more stable and secure system.
• quick and light Live CD distribution
• provide an easily maintained

20. Can you discuss about brief history of GNU/Linux.

• 1970s: UNIX operating system developed at Bell Labs and by a diverse
group of contributors outside of Bell Labs; later AT&T enforces intellectual
property rights and “closes” the code
• 1983: Richard Stallman founds the Free Software Foundation
• 1993: Linus Torvalds releases first version of Linux built
• 1997: Debian Free Software Guidelines released
• 1998: Netscape releases Navigator in source

21. List the Recent trends in Foss.

● Opportunity to build the next computing platform
● Disruptive Innovations for the next users
● Low-Cost Computers
● Server-centric Computing
● Linux and Open-Source Software
● Localisation (Language Support)
● Remote Server Management

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22. Why partition is essential for OS?

One of the goals of having different partitions is to achieve higher data security
in case of disaster. By dividing the hard disk in partitions, data can be grouped and
separated. When an accident occurs, only the data in the partition that got the hit will be
damaged, while the data on the other partitions will most likely survive.

23. What are the two kinds of major partitions on a Linux system?
Data partition: normal Linux system data, including the root partition containing
all the data to start up and run the system;
Swap partition: expansion of the computer's physical memory, extra memory on hard

24. Define Mount Points.

All partitions are attached to the system via a mount point. The mount point
defines the place of a particular data set in the file system. Usually, all partitions are
connected through the root partition. On this partition, which is indicated with the slash
(/), directories are created. These empty directories will be the starting point of the
partitions that are attached to them.

25. List the properties of LINUX

• Linux is free:
• Linux is portable to any hardware platform:
• Linux was made to keep on running:
• Linux is secure and versatile:
• Linux is scalable

26. What is GPL?

The license commonly used is the GNU Public License (GPL). The license says
That anybody who may want to do so, has the right to change Linux and eventually to
redistribute a changed version, on the one condition that the code is still available after
redistribution. In practice, you are free to grab a kernel image, for instance to add
support for tele transportation machines or time travel and sell your new code, as long as
your customers can still have a copy of that code.

27. Write the 4 independent management groups of PAM?

• Account Management
• Authentication Management
• Password Management
• Session Management

28. List various standards in FOSS.

• Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) – Greece/UNU/Europe/Africa.
• Open Source (OS) – Africa, Europe, USA, Canada, Japan
• Libre Software (LS) – Spain, France, South American
• Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) – Europe, other parts of the
• Free Software (FS) – Free Software GNU Foundation – USA, Africa
• Open Source Software (OSS) – Open Source Initiative-USA, Asia, etc.

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29. Distinguish propriety software and FOSS.

Proprietary software Non-proprietary software

1. Closed source commercial 1. Public domain

software 2. Free Software (FS)
2. Proprietary ware (demos) 3. Open Source (OSS)
3. Shareware 4. Commercial software
4. Freeware 5. Software licensed for a fee
5. Abandon ware 6. Both proprietary and non-

30. Differentiate advantages & disadvantages of FOSS.

Advantages Disadvantages

1. Ability to tailor to fit local needs 1. Unanticipated Efforts

2. No restriction on use 2. Lack of coordination

3. Low cost 3. Inadequate technical support :

Customization :

31. Give different types of Library in LINUX.

• MicroLCS,
• Emilda
• Evergreen
• FireFly
• GNUTeca
• Avanti
• Koha
• OpenBiblio
• phpMyLibrary

32. Mention the some of SHELL Commands.

• /bin/csh - Executed after .cshrc when logging in with C shell as the login
• Edit [file:] function - Edit helps in finding the line of program where
execution was stopped.
• List: List command types the text of program in the vicinity where it is
presently stopped. Function is name of function and file is name of file.

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• chmod command -With the help of chmod command we can change

permissions of a file or a directory.
• chown username filename - With the help of chown command, we can
change owner ship of a file or directory. Only real owner (exception for the
super user) of the file or directory can change owner ship of a file or
directory. Once it is changed,he/she will not have any authority revert it

33. What are the 2 stages in boot Process of Linux?

The boot process in Linux has two stages:
• The boot loader stage
• The kernel stage.

34. What is PAM?

Pluggable authentication modules (PAM) are a mechanism to integrate multiple
low-level authentication schemes into a high-level application programming
interface (API). It allows programs that rely on authentication to be written independent
of the underlying authentication scheme. .

35. What are the functions of the TCP/IP?

TCP/IP (Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is a protocol suite that is
implemented in theOS you are using and is running on OSI-layer 3 and 4 the network
and transport layer. TCP/IP is responsible for you having an IP-address and delivers the
possibility to the computer to communicate with other systems using IP-addresses, a
subnetmask, portnumbers and a default gateway.

36. Discuss about some of the Subdirectories.

• /root directory, starting point of the directory tree
• /home (private) directories of users
• /devDevice files that represent hardware components
• /etc Important files for system configuration
• /etc/init.d Boot scripts/usr/binGenerally accessible programs

37. What is the use of LINUX Directory Structure?

• Store drives
• Accessing data using folders
• Root directory:
• beginning of file system
38. What are strength and weakness of FOSS?
• Ability to fit local needs
• No restrictions on use
• Low cost & Innovation
• User-driven
• Collaboration &Transfer of Technical Know-How
• Unanticipated Efforts
• Lack of Coordination
• Inadequate Technical Support & Risk of discontinuation

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39. Give an Operating System responsibility.

• Device management using device drivers
• Process management using processes and threads
• Inter-process communication
• Memory management
• File systems

40. Differences between DOS and Unix1

• UNIX is multi user and multi tasking operating system. Where as DOS is single
user,single tasking system.
• All the commands in UNIX should be given in lower case. Where as in DOS
• Commands can be entered in any case.
• Processor will be in protected mode in Unix unlike DOS which uses unprotected
o Mode.
• Unix supports both character user interface and graphical interface (X windows)
• Unlike DOS which supports only character user interface.
• User requires legal username and password to use Unix machines. DOS systems
o Can be used by any one without any username and password.

41. What is POTS?

POTS stand for Plain Old Telephone Service. This was the most popular method
of Connecting to the Internet from one’s home or when on the road. It:
• Uses the standard phone line
• User dials up the ISP to make a connection
• Speeds said to be 56K but always slower
• Requires minimal hardware and setup
• Costs about $14 to $20 / month for unlimited use

42. Give the POTS Advantages

• Available from anyplace. Just find a phone line and dial in.
• Easy set up. Most every computer purchased today includes all the necessary
hardware and makes it easy to get connected to any one of several major ISPs.
• Easy to switch ISPs. If one provides poor service or raises their prices, you can
switch to a new provider.
• Useful when traveling. Many ISPs will have local numbers in different cities so
that you are able to access the Internet and your e-mail without having to dial
long distance

43. Give the POTS Disadvantages

• Slow. Though advertised as 56K, the connection is always slower. In some
communities where there has been recent growth, local phone companies will
use their own compression technologies that can cut the speed of your modem in
half or more.
• Dialing-up and connecting is slow. The time it takes to dial up an ISP and have
the modem negotiate a connection with the other end can take about a minute
• Ties up the phone line. A modem cannot use the line at the same time as another

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• Intermittent connections. If you are not actively retrieving mail or browsing web
pages, the ISP will break the connection. And, since it ties up the phone line,
most individuals will wish to disconnect when not in use.

44. Define ISDN

ISDN stands for Integrated Services Digital Network. This is a standard for digital
communication that was established in the early 90’s. It was to revolutionize Internet
access when most of us were using 28K modems but it was difficult for the end user to
get and slow to be adopted for a multitude of reasons. It is:
• Digital version of dial-up telephone
• Installed by local phone company
• Requires an ISDN card in the PC or an external “modem”
• A digital call is made at the time of need
• Reliable speeds of 64-128K
• Internet access (ISP) a separate cost
• Monthly fee: $45 base fee for metered use, $120 for unlimited use

45. Give the advantage of ISDN

• Fast dialing (~1.5 sec). The time it takes to make your initial connection is
almost imperceptable.
• Easy to switch ISPs. All you have to do is call a different number.
• ISP can connect to you (extra cost)
• Available in some locations where alternatives are not

46. Give the disadvantage of ISDN

• Expensive
• Intermittent connections
• Requires additional hardware
• Requires new wiring
• Metered by phone company and sometimes the ISP
• Difficult to get installed
• Works only at the site of installation
• Limited availability

47. Define DSL

DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line. It is essentially a fixed digital connection
between you and your ISP.
• Runs over ordinary telephone wires
• Digital signals use high frequencies not used by analog phones
• Installed by local phone company
• Reliable speeds of 144K to 7M
• Always on
• Internet access (ISP) a separate cost
• Costs from $22 for 256K to $275 for 7M

48. Give the DSL Advantages

• Always on
• Flat fee & Reliable
• Requires no new wiring. Will run over the standard phone wiring in your house.

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• Does not tie up phone line. A telephone and the computer can share the same
physical wire and be used simultaneously.
• Fixed IP available so you can use it to host your own domain for your practice
• Can be used to host a web site.
• Dial-up access when traveling often included

49. Give the DSL Disadvantages

• Can be tough to switch providers
• Requires additional hardware (DSL Router)
• Can be difficult to get installed but this has improved significantly in the past 2
• Works only at the site of installation
• Limited availability
• Fast upload speeds are available at an extra cost

50. What is Cable?

Cable access to the Internet is provided by many cable TV companies and is the
preferred method for high-speed access to the Internet from home.
• Runs over cable TV wiring
• Installed by cable company
• Download speeds of 768K to 3M and higher
• Upload speeds slower. These can vary from 256K up to 384K
• Always on
• Shared bandwidth. Just like the freeway, the more people who are trying to get
somewhere, the slower it is.
• Unlimited use with Internet access (ISP) included in cost
• Costs about $50 per month

51. Give the Advantage of Cable

• Usually quite fast
• Always on in most installations
• Flat fee
• Somewhat reliable but this varies considerably
• Broader availability
• Does not interfere with TV

52. Give the Disadvantage of Cable

• Shared bandwidth. The more people that are using it, the slower it is but even at
its worst it is much faster than a modem.
• Requires additional hardware (cable box)
• Works only at the site of installation
• Upload slower than download
• No choice in cable company or ISP when selecting service
• Dial-up access when traveling usually not included

53. Define Satellite

• Available from remote locations
• Available from two companies Direcway ( (Windows only)
and Starband (
• Downloads up to 1M. Upload via up-link. Uplink speeds 100K

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• Unlimited service $70/month. Hardware $500 for single Windows 98SE or

newer machine, installation extra.
• Networked computers (Macm Win, Linux, Unix) unlimited service $150/month.
Hardware $600

54. Give the Satellite Advantages

• Available from anyplace that has a view of the southern sky
• Always on
• Unlimited access

55. Give the Satellite Disadvantages

• Hardware and installation costs
• Monthly service fee
• Shared bandwidth. Speeds get slower as more users install the system
• Can be slow when using a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

56. What is Dedicated Leased Line

• A fixed digital connection with the phone company
• Bidirectional Internet access at guaranteed speeds
• Speeds range from 56K to T1 (1.5M) on up
• Always on, unmetered
• ISP separate charge
• Fees 56K $80/month + ISP $300/m. 1.5M T1 $250/m + ISP $1500/m

57. Give the Leased Line Advantages

• The most reliable connection to the Internet
• Guaranteed bandwidth and service levels
• Great for hosting a web site or for managing your own security and firewalls
• 56K lines available anyplace there is a telephone

58. Give the Leased Line Disadvantages

• Expensive
• T1 and higher access confined to metro. Extremely expensive in rural areas
• Difficult to get installed
• Not easy to switch ISPs
• Requires dedicated hardware

59. What are the ways to Sharing an Internet Connection?

There are many ways to share an Internet connection among several machines.
This technique has been around for years but has only recently become accessible to the
average user. With the proper tools, one can have any number of machines share the
same dial-up, DSL or Cable connection.

60. What way to Sharing a Dial-up connection and give the advantage &
Sharing a telephone line with any style of computer can easily be done with any
number of products. The Apple Airport Base Station was the first to make this available
to the consumer while other products such as the Lucent Orinoco RG-1000 are designed
to work with any platform. Computers connect to the dial-up Internet via a local wired
ethernet or wireless Wi-Fi network.

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61. List the Sharing a Dial-up Connection Advantages and disadvanges.

• Cheap
• Uses only one phone line for all the machines on the LAN (Local Area
• Any number of computers can be on the Internet at the same time
• Machines on the LAN are invisible to the Internet at large
• Slow. Same problems as POTS: connecting is slow and downloading is slow
• Speed slows as more attempt to use the line at the same time

62. Define Sharing a DSL or Cable Line and give the advantage & disadvantage
Sharing a DSL or cable connection can be done with any number of products
called Cable-DSL routers. Two manufacturers are Linksys and Asante. These products,
which start at about $80, connect to your cable or DSL box supplied by your broadband
provider and establish a connection with the ISP as if it were a computer. They then
create an internal network (Local Area Network or LAN) that allows your machines to
share that one Internet connection and to connect with each other. Machines on the
LAN are behind a firewall. A specific machine on the LAN can be assigned as a web
server, a secure mail server, an FTP server, or some other service and any requests from
the Internet will be passed through the firewall to that machine.

63. Discuss about Sharing a DSL or Cable Line Advantages & Disadvantages.
• Always on
• Uses only one DSL or cable connection
• Any number of computers can access the Internet simultaneously
• Machines on your LAN (Local Area Network) are invisible to the Internet at
• One of the machines on your LAN can be assigned to function as a web
server for both your LAN and the Internet
• Requires extra hardware
• Requires a network

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1. Explain the overview of Free/Open Source Software.

2. Explain History of GNU/Linux and the Free Software Movement.

3. Explain the advantages of Free Software and GNU/Linux, FOSS usage.

4. Explain GNU/Linux OS installation-- detect hardware, configure disk partitions

& file systems and install a GNU/Linux distribution?

5. Basic shell commands - logging in, listing files, editing files, copying/moving
files, viewing file contents, changing file modes and permissions

6. Explain about process management

7. Explain in detail

i. User and group management

ii. File ownerships and permissions

iii. PAM authentication

8. Explain some common system configuration files & log files.

9. Explain about Configuring networking, basics of TCP/IP networking and


10. Explain about connecting to the Internet through

i. Dialup

ii. DSL

iii. Ethernet

iv. Leased line.

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Part –A

1. Mention some distributions of Linux.

• Corel Linux
• Debian GNU/Linux
• OpenLinux (Caldera)
• Red Hat
• Slackware
• SuSE
• TurboLinux

2. What is the hardware requirements need for installing the LINUX?

• Main memory
• Optical Drive
• Graphic card
• Hard Drive
• Sound Card

3. Give steps for Configuring Linux System.

• Selecting a language
• Choosing automatic or manual partitioning
• Type of software to install
• Choosing which drive to boot from
• Adjusting the time settings
• Configuring the hardware aspect of the system
• Creating the root password (for the Administrator), and user accounts
• Hardware configuration

4. Define IMAP?
IMAP is an Internet Message Access Protocol. It is a method of accessing
electronic mail messages that are kept on a possibly shared mail server. In other words,
it permits a "client" email program to access remote message stores as if they were local.
For example, email stored on an IMAP server can be manipulated from a desktop
computer at home, a workstation at the office, and a notebook computer while travelling,
without the need to transfer messages or files back and forth between these computers.
IMAP uses TCP/IP port 143.

5. Define POP
• Short for Post Office Protocol, a protocol used to retrieve e-mail from a mail
server. Most e-mail applications (sometimes called an e-mail client) use the POP
protocol, although some can use the newer IMAP (Internet Message Access
• There are two versions of POP. The first, called POP2, became a standard in the
mid-80's and requires SMTP to send messages. The newer version, POP3, can be
used with or without SMTP. POP3 uses TCP/IP port 110.

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6. Differentiate POP3 VS IMAP

• With IMAP, all your mail stays on the server in multiple folders, some of which
you have created. This enables you to connect to any computer and see all your
mail and mail folders. In general, IMAP is great if you have a dedicated
connection to the Internet or you like to check your mail from various locations.
• With POP3 you only have one folder, the Inbox folder. When you open your
mailbox, new mail is moved from the host server and saved on your computer. If
you want to be able to see your old mail messages, you have to go back to the
computer where you last opened your mail.
• With POP3 "leave mail on server" only your email messages are on the server,
but with IMAP your email folders are also on the server.

7. What are the two things used in Secure Socket Layer

The leading security protocol on the Internet. Developed by Netscape, SSL is
Widely used to do two things:
1. To validate the identity of a Web site
2. To create an encrypted connection for sending credit card and other
Personal d

8. Define Maildir
Maildir is a widely-used format for storing e-mail that does not require application-
level file locking to maintain message integrity as messages are added, moved and
deleted. Each message is kept in a separate file with a unique name. All changes are
made using atomic filesystem operations so that the filesystem handles file locking
concurrency issues. A Maildir is a directory (often named Maildir) with three
subdirectories named tmp, new, and cur.

9. What are the common files in User Management?

• /etc/passwd
• /etc/group
• /etc/shadow
• /etc/samba/smbusers

10. What is SMTP?

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is used to transfer mail between Mail Servers
over Internet
• The de facto standard for e-mail transmissions across the Internet
• It is defined in RFC 821
• It is a relatively simple, text-based protocol
• Not entirely secure thus vulnerable to SPAM

11. What Status Codes responds with SMTP?

The Server responds with a 3 digit code that may be followed by text info,
o 2## - Success
o 3## - Command can be accepted with more information
o 4## - Command was rejected, but error condition is temporary
o 5## - Command rejected, Bad User!

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12. What Problems occur with SMTP SERVER?

• No inherent security
o Authentication
o Encryption
• Only uses NVT (Network Virtual Terminal) 7-bit ASCII format

13. What is Samba??

• Samba is an Open Source Suite that provides seamless file and print services to
SMB/CIFS clients.
• Samba is freely available.
• With Samba, you can share a Linux file system with Windows 95, 98, 2000 and
NT and vice versa.
• You can also share printers connected to either Linux or a system with Windows
95, 98, 2000 or NT.
• Samba enables a Linux or Unix server to function as a file server for client PCs
running Windows software.

14. What is SMB?

• SMB stands for – Server Message Block.
• It is a protocol by which a lot of PC-related machines share files and printers and
other information such as lists of available files and printers.
• Operating systems that support this natively include Windows NT, OS/2, and

15. What is CIFS?

CIFS – Common Internet File System is a protocol that is basically an updated

16. Give the Components of SMB

• smbd daemon: This provides the file and print services to SMB clients such as
Windows NT or other Linux or Unix clients.
• smb.conf: This is the configuration file for smbd.
• nmbd daemon: This daemon provides NetBIOS nameserving and browsing
• smbclient: This is an smb client program that implement a simple FTP-like
client on a Linux or Unix box.
• smbmount: This mounting program enables mounting of server directories on a
Linux or Unix box.
• testparm: This utility is used to test the smb.conf configuration file.
• smbstatus: This programs lists the current Samba connections.
• SWAT: Swat allows a Samba administrator to configure the smb.conf file via a
Web browser.
• smbpasswd: This allows the user to change the password used for their SMB

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17. Give the most popular e-mail server

• The most popular is Send mail. Send mail supports POP3, IMAP4, and SMTP.
• Send mail is configured by editing It has a reputation as being very
difficult to fine tune.
• Another popular mail server is Postfix. Postfix was designed to be a simpler to
administer alternative to send mail.

18. What way to share the Linux files?

• NFS is primarily used to share files with other Linux clients. Linux clients can
mount an NFS share as a directory within their local file system.
• SAMBA is primarily used to share files and printers with Windows

19. Define DHCP?

• DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a network service that

enables clients to obtain network settings (IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default
Gateway, DNS Server, Hostname and Domain) automatically from a central

• The DHCP client sends a broadcast request to find the DHCP server and the
DHCP server in the subnet responds with an IP address (and other common
network parameters) from a pool of IP addresses

• The IP address can be bound to the MAC address of the client

20. What is process in LINUX?

• Processes are created in a hierarchical structure whose depth is limited only by

the virtual memory available to the virtual machine
• A process may control the execution of any of its descendants by suspending or
resuming it, altering its relative priority, or even terminating it
• Termination of a process by default causes termination of all its descendants;
termination of the root process causes termination of the session
• Linux assigns a process ID (PID) to the process

21. Define Daemons.

• Background processes for system administration are referred to as
• These processes are usually started during the boot process
• The processes are not assigned any terminals

22. Why is IP Masquerading HOT?

• Demand to share a single Internet address across multiple machines.

• Demand to save Internet IPv4 address space.
• Demand for better internal network security.

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23. Can you distinguish on PID & PPID?

1. A process ID is a unique identifier 1. A process that creates a new
assigned to a process while it runs process is called a parent
process; the new process is
2. Each time you run a process, it has called a child process
a different PID (it takes a long
time for a PID to be reused by the 2. The parent process (PPID)
system) becomes associated with the new
child process when it is created
3. You can use the PID to track the
status of a process with the ps
command or the jobs command, or 3. The PPID is not used for job
to end a process with the kill control

24. What is a main objective of file sharing?

• File sharing lets you share files on your machine with others on the
• File sharing also lets you access files that are shared by others
• File services enable organizations to create and maintain central data stores
• File servers also allow complex access control to be applied to the data
Stored on the server - so that only those who should have access to the data
Can access it
• A file server could be used to share data with a Windows network or a
Linux / UNIX network - Linux contains software to do both these things

25. Give two File sharing services on Linux.

1. Linux-with-Linux files sharing

2. Linux-with-Windows file sharing

26. Why we need SAMBA?

Samba can be used with Linux to provide transparent access
between Machines running Linux and machines running Windows. The basic
architecture of Samba is that Samba itself runs on a Linux machine and makes shared
files and printers available to Windows' machines—the Windows machines see the
shares on the Linux machine in the same way Windows machines see shares on other
Windows machines or Windows servers.

27. List any 3 practical applications of SAMBA.

• Using a Linux server as a simple peer-to-peer server

• Using a Linux server as a member server on an existing Windows NT
o Domain that has an existing domain controller
• Using a Linux server as a primary domain controller

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28. How to Test the Samba from Windows?

• Log into the machine as a local user
• Open up “Network Neighbourhood” and browse the complete network
• Locate the “Workgroup” that you’ve setup on your Linux machine and
Click on it
• Inside this, select the machine that you want to use and test out
• It will prompt you for a password and then show you the shares that you
Have defined in the Samba server
• Try doing some operations on the share to validate whether the access
Control is happening correctly or not

29. How to manage the SAMBA users?

Samba can only authenticate users against passwords stored in its own Database;
it can not authenticate users again the Linux passwd file.However, it is necessary to have
a mapping between Linux system users and Samba users - for each Samba user, a valid
system user with the same name should also exist; otherwise Samba will not be able to
lookup the user.

30. What is NFS?

NFS is a file sharing protocol primarily used on the Linux/Windows world.
It is completely transparent for a user or application - there is no change in the way a
user or application would access a file on disk or over NFS. NFS is commonly
implemented over UDP; it depends on RPC to perform most of its functions. On Debian,
the NFS server package is called: nfskernel- server. Installing this package will install
NFS on your Linux system.

31. What are things needs during sending the E-mail?

• Mail-Boxes
• User Agents
• Transfer-Agents
• Delivery agents
• Mailing lists and Aliases

32. List the features of SMTP.

SMTP which stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is the de facto standard
for email receipt and delivery. SMTP used TCP/IP protocol to exchange email messages
between two MTA’s via intermediate MTA’s using store and forward principle. Many
SMTP servers are available for Linux such as Sendmail, Postfix, qmail, Exim. Today
SMTP servers not only accept, relay and deliver email, but also perform other functions
like Authentication, SPAM filtering and Access Control

33. What is the Role of DNS in Mail Delivery?

DNS plays a very important role in delivering email Mail eXchanger (MX) records are
Maintained by domain name servers (DNS) to tell MTAs where to send mail messages.

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34. How mail is delivered?

• Mail client connects to the SMTP server saying that it has an email to send
• SMTP server authenticates the client to ensure that it is allowed to relay
Through it
• SMTP server accepts the message and gives a success code to the mail
Client as well as a message ID
• SMTP server checks the recipient(s) of the message and does a local
Delivery if the recipient(s) are local; if the recipient(s) are not local, then the
SMTP server initiates a remote mail delivery
• SMTP server connects to the remote mail server and tries to deliver the email
• Remote mail server authenticates the delivery and accepts the email if it is
Authorized to receive email for the recipient(s)
• The remote mail server delivers the email to the recipient(s) mailbox
• Recipient(s) open the mailbox (using protocol like IMAP or POP3 or
Locally on the shell) and read the email.

35. What are the Features of LINUX Printers?

• All printing systems on Linux make use of the excellent PostScript system
called GhostScript (
• Ghostscript is a PostScript interpreter that is most commonly used on Linux
• Implements an excellent PostScript engine that can take as inputs formats like
JPEG, TIFF, PS & Text and output data in formats like X Windows output,
Raster formats and PDF
• Also handles conversion of PS output for non-PS printers; can also be used a
basic, Spooler less printing system
• Most printing systems today use a combination of multiple tools (postscript
I nterpreters, filters, rasterisers etc) to process and print documents
• The printing system converts PostScript into a raster format and then converts
that into a printer specific language to send commands to the printer

36. Define CUPS.

CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) uses IPP/1.1 to provide a complete,
modern printing system for UNIX that can be extended to support new printers, devices,
and protocols while providing compatibility with existing UNIX applications. CUPS is
free software provided under the terms of the GNU General Public License and GNU
Library General Public License

37. List the Features of CUPS.

• IPP/1.1 Support
• Supports banner pages, authentication, print accounting and quota
• Supports parallel, serial, usb, IPP and JetDirect-based printers as also printers
• Through other printing systems such as CUPS, lpd and Windows
• TLS (encryption) support
• Portable command set compatible with LPRng and LPD
• Excellent web-based interface for printer administration, configuration
• And management
• PPD-based drivers, rich API and imaging libraries
• Foomatic Printer database (from has good support for CUPS

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38. What is the use of Sharing Printers?

• Sharing printers is very easy with CUPS
• As long as network browsing support is enabled correctly in the configuration
files, the Printers on other machines will be detected automatically
• This simplifies the mapping of printers in a network – you just have to configure
the Printer in one machine and as long as all other machines support and enable
the CUPS Browse protocol, the configured printer will automatically show-up in
the n/w nodes.
• On the server where the printer is configured, you may wish to introduce a
separate section to allow only specific machines to print to the attached printer

39. Define Proxy Server.

A web proxy server is a useful service to have on your network, or between your
network and the Internet, as it provides an extra security layer that insulates your users
from the Internet. A proxy server can also act as a cache, allowing users to share
downloads transparently and speeding up Internet access, especially for frequently used

40. Define Squid?

Squid is a high performance and relatively secure web proxy server that includes
good Caching facilities. It is one of the most commonly used proxy servers on the

41. List the salient features of Squid .

It is the leading caching proxy server
• performance,
• reliability,
• versatility and
• scalability.

42. What is Caching Proxy?

A caching proxy is a server, which ‘sits between’ web browsers, such as
Netscape or Internet Explorer and remote web sites. The proxy stores local copies of
files as they are downloaded, and if a file is requested that has already been downloaded
the local copy is supplied, rather than repeating the download. This save money
(sometimes) and bandwidth (always).

43. Can you discuss the Squid supports?

o proxying and caching of HTTP, FTP, and other URLs
o proxying for SSL
o Cache hierarchies
o ICP, HTCP, CARP, Cache Digests
o Transparent caching
o WCCP (Squid v2.3 and above)
o Extensive access controls
o HTTP server acceleration
o caching of DNS lookups

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Part - B

1. Explain configuring additional hardware such as

i. Sound cards
ii. Displays & display cards
iii. Network cards
iv. modems
v. USB drives
vi. CD writers

2. Explain about Understanding the OS boot up process?

3. Explain performing every day tasks using gnu/Linux
i. Accessing the Internet
ii. Playing music
iii. Editing documents and spreadsheets
iv. Sending and receiving email
v. Copy files from disks and over the network
vi. Playing games
vii. Writing CDs

4. Explain: X Window system configuration and utilities

i. Configure X windows
ii. Detect display devices

5. Installing software – from source code as well as using binary packages.

6. Explain: Setting up email servers
i. using postfix (SMTP services)
ii. courier (IMAP & POP3 services)
iii. squirrel mail ( web mail services)
7. Explain: Setting up web servers – using apache (HTTP services)
8. Explain and give an example program for php (server-side scripting)?
9. What is perl (CGI support)?
10. Explain about Setting up file services -- using samba and NFS?
11. Setting up proxy services -- using squid?
12. Setting up printer services - using CUPS and foomatic?

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Part – A

1. List the types of FIREWALLS.

• packet-filtering firewall,
• application gateway (screened-host firewall)
• Proxy firewall (application level circuit gateway).

2. Define Networks Firewalls.

A network firewall protects your computer from attacks or intrusions from
malicious crackers in the network.

3. List three levels of network firewall security.

• Highly secure firewall
• Medium grade secure firewall:
• No firewall

4. What are Rules we need remember while install in Linux?

• IP Address of Source (Allow from Trusted Sources)
• IP Address of Destination (Allow to trusted Destinations)
• Application Port Number (Allow Mail but restrict Telnet)
• Direction of Traffic (Allow outgoing traffic but restrict incoming traffic)

5. HOW to test the Network Connections?

• To test the network connection, use the ping command
• If no lines appear, networking is not configured or activated on your system
• To test your network adapter card configuration, use the ping command followed
by an IP address
• You can run the net utility in Red Hat Linux to configure your networking card

6. What is a Desktop Manager?

• The roll of the Desktop Manager is to provide you with the ability to manage all
of the details of your system that would otherwise require you to type in a bunch
of commands in a terminal window.
• These details include managing your files, launching programs, configuring
various aspects of your system, etc.

7. What is GNU DEBUGGER?

o How gdb debugs?
o GDB commands
o Getting Started
o Stepping through code
o Breakpoints and Watchpoints
o Setting variables
o Backtrace and Changing Frames
o Handling Signals
o Debugging Programs

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8. Define Debugger
• a program that helps in locating and correcting
o programming errors.
• A tool used by a programmer to identify and fix bugs in a program
• A debugger is a program which runs other programs in such a way as to let you
see every step of program execution. A debugger will let you stop the program
while it is running, change the program or program variables, and start the
program running again.
• is the most popular debugger for unix systems to debug C and C++ programs.
• helps you to find out
o Statement or expression which causes crash
o Values of program variables at a particular point during execution of
o Result of particular expression

9. How GDB Debugs?

• Run the program up to certain point and stop
• Print the values of variables at that point
• Step through the program one line at a time
• Printout the values of each variable after executing each line.

10. Define Fire Wall

• Firewall is a system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private
• A firewall is a system or router that sits between an external network (i.e. the
• Internet) and an internal network.
• A firewall has two network connections, one for the external network and one for
the internal network.
• Firewalls can be implemented in both hardware and software, or a combination
of both.
• All messages entering or leaving the intranet pass through the firewall, which
• examines each message and blocks those to meet the specified security criteria.
• A firewall protects your network from unwanted Internet traffic.
• The primary functions of a firewall are to let

“good traffic pass through while ‘bad’

traffic gets blocked.”

11. Define hardware and software firewall?

• A hardware firewall is the most secure version and would be used by large
companies to protect their networks from outside attack from the internet.
• A software firewall is more suited to a personal computer or SME (small to
medium sized enterprise) and is much cheaper. (Free in the example below).

12. What task perform both h/w & s/w firewall?

• Positive Effects
• User authentication
• Auditing and logging
• Security
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• Negative Effects
• Traffic bottlenecks
• Single point of failure

13. What are the Types of Firewall?

• Packet filter
• Stateful packet inspection
• Application gateway/proxy

14. Define Packet filter

• Each packet passes is examined and information contained in the header is
compared to a pre-configured set of rules or filters.
• An allow or deny decision is made based on the results of the comparison.
• A packet filtering firewall is often called a network layer firewall because the
filtering is primarily done at the network layer (layer three) or the transport layer
(layer four) of the OSI reference model.

15. Write the packet filtering rules

Packet filtering rules or filters can be configured to allow or deny traffic based
on one or more of the following variables
• Source IP address,Destination IP address
• Protocol type (TCP/UDP)
• Source port, Destination port

16. List the Strengths & weakness of packet filter

• Faster than other packet screening methods
• have very little impact on overall network performance
• Packet filtering firewalls less expensive
• can be implemented transparently
There are three common exploits to which packet filtering firewalls are susceptible.
• IP spoofing,
• Buffer overruns,
• ICMP tunneling.
It allows a direct connection to be made between the two endpoints.

17. Define Stateful Packet Inspection

• Stateful packet inspection uses the same fundamental packet screening technique
that packet filtering does. In addition, it examines the packet header information
from the network layer of the OSI model to the application layer to verify that
the packet is part of a legitimate connection and the protocols are behaving as
• This method can make decisions based on one or more of the following:
• Source IP address, Destination IP address
• Protocol type (TCP/UDP)
• Source port, Destination port & Connection state

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18. Give the strengths and weakness of Stateful Packet Inspection

• More secure than basic packet filtering
• Have logging capabilities
• Rules and filters in this packet screening method can become complex, hard to
manage, prone to error and difficult to test.
• It allows a direct connection to be made between the two endpoints.

19. Write Application gateway/proxy

• This type of firewall operates at the application level of the OSI model. For
source and destination endpoints to be able to communicate with each other, a
proxy service must be implemented for each application protocol. The
gateways/proxies are carefully designed to be reliable and secure because they
are the only connection point between the two networks.
• When a client issues a request from the untrusted network, a connection is
established with the application gateway/proxy. The proxy determines if the
request is valid (by comparing it to any rules or filters) and then sends a new
request on behalf of the client to the destination. By using this method, a direct
connection is never made from the trusted network to the untrusted network and
the request appears to have originated from the application gateway/proxy.
• The request is answered in the same manner. The response is sent back to the
application gateway/proxy, which determines if it is valid and then sends it on to
the client. By breaking the client/server model, this type of firewall can
effectively hide the trusted network from the untrusted network.

20. List the Strengths & weakness of Application gateway/proxy

• Do not allow a direct connection to be made between endpoints
• Do not route between networks
• » keeps the internal network separate from the external one
• More control over traffic passing through the firewall
• Offer robust user authentication
• It has extensive logging capabilities
• Slower than packet filtering methods
• Each protocol (HTTP, SMTP, etc.) requires its own gateway/proxy
• application
• Require additional client configuration
• Performance typically degrades when the number of clients increases

21. What is netfilter/iptables

• Netfilter and iptables are building blocks of a framework inside the Linux 2.4.x
• 2.6.x kernel.
• This framework enables packet filtering, network address and other packet
• Improved successor of the previous ipchains and Linux 2.0.x ipfwadm systems.
• Netfilter is a set of hooks inside the Linux kernel that allows kernel modules to

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• Callback functions with the network stack.

• A registered callback function is then called back for every packet that traverses
• respective hook within the network stack.
• Iptables is a generic table structure for the definition of rule sets. Each rule
within an IP table consists of a number of classifiers (iptables matches) and one
connected action (iptables target).
• Netfilter, iptables and the connection tracking as well as the NAT subsystem
together build the whole framework.

22. Write the Applications of Iptables

• Build internet firewalls based on stateless and stateful packet filtering • Use NAT and
masquerading for sharing internet access if you don't have enough public IP addresses.

• Use NAT to implement transparent proxies • Aid the tc and iproute2 systems used to
build sophisticated QoS and policy routers • Do further packet manipulation
(mangling) like altering the TOS/DSCP/ECN bits of the IP header

23. Write the IPTables command options

There are three built-in tables in the Linux kernel's netfilter, and each has built-in
chains. the iptables command is used to configure these tables.
1. Filter – A table that is used for routing network packets. This is default table,
and is assumed by iptables if the -t parameter is not specified.
• INPUT – Network packets that are destined for the server.
• OUTPUT – Network packets that originate on the server.
• FORWARD – Network packets that are routed through the server.
2. Nat – A table that is used for NAT. NAT is a method of translating internal IP
address To external IP addresses.
• PREROUTING- network packets that can be altered when they arrive at the
• OUTPUT- Network packets that originate on the server
• POSTROUTING – Network packets that can be altered right before they
are sent out.
3. Mangle – A table that is used for altering network packets.
• INPUT – Network packets that are destined for the server.
• OUTPUT – Network packets that originate on the server.
• FORWARD – Network packets that are routed through the server.
• PREROUTING- network packets that can be altered when they arrive at
the server.
• POSTROUTING – Network packets that can be altered right before they
are sent out.
Commands tell IPTables to perform a specific action, and only one command
is allowed per iptables command string. Except for the help command, all
Commands are written in upper-case characters.

24. Define Proxy Server

A web proxy server is a useful service to have on your network, or between
your network and the Internet, as it provide an extra security layer that insulates your
users from the Internet. A proxy server can also act as a cache, allowing users to share

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downloads transparently and speeding up Internet access, especially for frequently used

23. Define GNU RCS (Revision control System).

GNU RCS (Revision Control System) manages multiple revisions of files. RCS
can store, retrieve, log, identify, and merge revisions. It is useful for files that are revised
frequently, e.g. programs, documentation, graphics, and papers. It can handle text as
well as binary files, although functionality is reduced for the latter.

24. What is NAT?

NAT allows an Internet Protocol (IP) network to maintain public IP addresses

separately from private IP addresses. NAT is a popular technology for Internet
connection sharing. It is also sometimes used in server load balancing applications on
corporate networks.

25. What is the use of Diff command?

Diff - find differences between two files

In the simplest case, diff compares the contents of the two files from-file and to-file. A
file name of - stands for text read from the standard input. As a special case, diff - -
compares a copy of standard input to itself.

Part - B

1. Explain about Setting up a firewall - Using netfilter and ip tables.

2. Explain about using the GNU Compiler Collection –GNU compiler tools
i. The C preprocessor (cpp)
ii. The C compiler (gcc)
iii. The C++ compiler (g++)
iv. Assembler (gas).

3. Explain about understanding build systems :

i. Constructing make files and using make
ii. Using autoconf and autogen.

4. Explain about using source code versioning and management tools - using CVS to
manage source code revisions, patch & diff.

5. Discuss the CVS.

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Part - A

1. What is Apache Web Server?

The Apache Geronimo v3.0-beta-1 -– Leading Open Source Application Server

Now Certified Java EE 6 Full- and Web Profile Compatible. Flexible, modular, and easy
to manage, Apache Geronimo is the ideal platform for lightweight server deployments to
full-scale enterprise environments, with complete support for Java EE...

2. Define CGI.
CGI refers to the Common Gateway Interface, and is the most common method
of executing external programs or scripts on the server side to generate content. Even
things like PHP make use of the concepts of CGI to perform their functions and features.
CGI can also be your worst security nightmare, so use it carefully, and pay close
attention to your server configuration. Probably the best instructions on enabling CGI in
Apache ever written are the CGI HOWTO included with the Apache documentation.

3. What is SSI?
SSI Server Side Includes (SSI) allows for an easy way to include right in the
middle of a web page such things as file modification time, values of environment
variables, current date and time, and even the output of programs and scripts.

4. What is MDA?
“Model Driven Architecture is a new way of writing specifications and developing
applications, based on a platform independent model (PIM).”[OMG]

5. What are the features of Model Driven Architecture?

A New Way to Specify and Build Systems
– Based on modeling with UML
– Supports full lifecycle: analysis, design, implementation, deployment,
maintenance, evolution & integration with later systems
– Builds in Interoperability and Portability
– Lowers initial cost and maximizes ROI

6. List the Goals of MDA

Speeding up the development process
• Increasing the quality of software
• Central error correction
• Increasing the re-use
• Reducing complexity through abstraction

7. What are the models of MDA?

Computation Independent Model (CIM)
• Platform Independent Model (PIM)
• Platform Specific Model (PSM)

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8. Distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of MDA

advantages disadvantages
Reduces the complexity of a system Manual changes in code
• Allows easy adaptation to new • Manual changes in lower level models
technologies • How optimized will the generated code
• Standardization allows integration be
between • Still unresolved standard issues
different tools • Increased complexity of the modeling
• Simple models allow easier languages
with the customer
• Automatic code generation

9. Give some of the tools in MDA.

• Open-source : AndroMDA,
• Kermeta,
• MOFScript,
• ModFact,
• OpenMDX,
• XDoclet,

10. What are the benefits of using MDA?

o Portability
o Cross-platform Interoperability,
o Platform Independence, Productivity

11. List the four principles from the OMG's view of MDA.
• Models expressed in a well-defined notation are a cornerstone to understanding
systems for enterprise-scale solutions.
• The building of systems can be organized around a set of models by imposing a
series of transformations between models, organized into an architectural framework of
layers and transformations.
• A formal underpinning for describing models in a set of metamodels facilitates
meaningful integration and transformation among models, and is the basis for
automation through tools.
• Acceptance and broad adoption of this model-based approach requires industry
standards to provide openness to consumers, and foster competition among vendors.

12. Why should we use MDA?

• MDA allows you to model the functionality and behavior only once.Therefore
saves a lot of time.E.g. Carphone Warehouse were using
• Uniface Software and now are switching to Java.

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13. Differentiate between model and Meta model

Model Meta model
a “description or analogy used to help Metamodels describe models (i.e.,
visualize something that metamodel instances)
cannot be directly observed” • allowed metaelements, their properties
• models are used for describing, and relationships
visualizing, and observing • well-formedness rules for the instantiated
• models describe a system from different models
viewpoints, for • in essence, an abstract syntax for models!
different stakeholders, at different levels of

14. List an Adopted technologies in Object Management Group (OMG).

• Model Driven Architecture (MDA)

• Meta-Object Facility (MOF)
• Unified Modeling Language (UML)
• XML Metadata Interchange (XMI)
• Common Warehouse Metamodel (CWM)
• Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)

15. Define MOF.

MOF(The Meta-Object Facility) defines an abstract language and a framework

for specifying, constructing, and managing technology neutral metamodels (e.g. UML,
MOF itself)

16. What is MOF specification?

• A formal definition of MOF meta-metamodel
• Abstract language for specifying MOF metamodels
• A mapping from arbitrary MOF metamodels to CORBA IDL
• Produces IDL interfaces for managing metadata
• A set of reflective CORBA IDL interfaces
• For representing and managing MOF metamodels
• An XMI format for MOF metamodel interchange

17. Differences between MOF and UML.

Binary associations N -ary associations
No AssociationClasses or Qualifiers AssociationClass, Qualifier
Direct References Navigation through Associations
Generalization and Generalization and
Dependency are Associations Dependency are metaclasses
No support for templates Template metaclass
Subset of CORBA primitive data types No CORBA awareness
and constructors

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18. List the features of MOF

MOF offers metamodeling and a metadata architecture implementation
• an industry standard
• support for existing and upcoming technologies
• aligned with UML
• “a single reference point throughout the enterprise”

19. Define the services provided by Web server.

Web server: A webserver is a computer system that delivers web pages. Every
web server has an IP address and possibly a domain name. for example an URL: in our browser. This sends a request to the server
whose domain name is the server fetches the page named index.html and
sends back to our browsers.

20. What is Distributed Computing Environment?

The Distributed Computing Environment is a set of standard pioneered by the
open software foundation (OSF), includes a standard for RPC. Although the DCE
standard has been around for some time, and was probably a good idea, it has never
gained wide acceptance and exists today as little more than an historical curiosity.

21. What is patch file?

Linux and UNIX source software often comes with security and other patches.
Patch takes a patch file patchfile containing a difference listing produced by the diff
program and applies those differences to one or more original files, producing patched
versions. Normally the patched versions are put in place of the originals.

Part - B

1. How to configure of Apache web server?

2. Explain the Model Driven Architecture?
3. Make a comparison with Apache web server and IIS server.
4. List the Features of Meta Object facility.
5. Discuss the concept of UML.

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Part - A

1. Discuss the Basics of the X Windows server architecture.

• X was designed with a client-server architecture. The applications themselves are

the clients; they communicate with the server and issue requests, also receiving
information from the server.
• The X server maintains exclusive control of the display and services requests
from the clients.
• At this point, the advantages of using this model are pretty clear.
• Applications (clients) only need to know how to communicate with the server,
and need not be concerned with the details of talking to the actual graphics
display device.
• At the most basic level, a client tells the server stuff like "draw a line from here
to here", or "render this string of text, using this font, at this position onscreen".

2. Define Window Managers

Window managers: The metaphor of desktop is important for a user. By analogy,
a user may choose to activate one of the tasks from many on his desk. The window
managers are designed to provide this illusion. In other words, a window manager (WM
in short) must provide facilities that can support such desk-oriented operation from the
view on the screen.

3. List some X-Clients and its functionalities

• xclock: A clock display. It is possible to have a numerical or an analog display
for the current time.
• xbiff: A Berkeley support program that displays mail status with a flag up, to
Show the arrival of a new mail.
• xterm: It provides a user with a new terminal window. With -C option the
window can receive and display console messages.

4. What Is Thin-Client/Server Computing?

The thin-client/server computing model involves connecting thin-client software
or a thin-client hardware device with the server side using a highly efficient network
protocol such as Citrix's ICA. The thin-client/server architecture enables 100 percent
server-based processing, management, deployment, and support for mission-
critical,productivity, Web-based, or other custom applications across any type of
connection to any type of client hardware, regardless of platform. The client hardware
can include Windows-based terminals, PCs, NetPCs, network computers, Apple
Macintosh computers, or UNIX devices.

5. Define Qt Programming.

Qt is a library of C++ GUI application development software. Its purpose

is to provide everything needed to develop the user interface portion of
applications. It does this primarily in the form of a collection of C++ classes.

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6. Give silent features of Qt Programming.

• A Qt program is created by having the mainline of the program create a
QApplication object and use it to control the windows. A KDE program
is formed the same way, using a KApplication object.
• The main window of an application is a single widget. This widget normally
Contains a collection of other widgets that display information and supply
the user interface.
• An object can be written to broadcast one or more signals. An object can also
contain one or more slots designed to receive broadcast signals. The
implementation details of slots and signals are automated through the use of
macros and the MOC compiler.

7. What is the purpose of Qt?

Cross platform applications built from one source Builds native applications
with native look and feel Easy to (re)use API, high developer productivity, openess, fun
to use

8. What are the mechanisms in Qt?

It contains many of the mechanisms that make up Qt
• events
• signals and slots
• properties
• memory management

9. What is GTK+, and how can I use it?

GTK+, or the GIMP Toolkit, is a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical
user interfaces. Offering a complete set of widgets, GTK+ is suitable for projects
ranging from small one-off tools to complete application suites.

10. Where can I use this GTK+?

Everywhere! GTK+ is cross-platform and boasts an easy to use API, speeding up
your development time. Take a look at thescreenshots to see a number of platforms
GTK+ will run.

11. What languages are supported for GTK+ ?

GTK+ is written in C but has been designed from the ground up to support
a wide range of languages, not only C/C++. Using GTK+ from languages such as Perl
and Python (especially in combination with the Glade GUI builder) provides an effective
method of rapid application development.

12. Are there any licensing restrictions are for GTK+?

GTK+ is free software and part of the GNU Project. However, the licensing
terms for GTK+, the GNU LGPL, allow it to be used by all developers, including those
developing proprietary software, without any license fees or royalties. Get
on overview of GTK+. Understand who started it, the basic architecture and why we use
the license we do.
GTK+ has been involved in many projects and some big platforms. To get a
glimpse of what people think of GTK+ and how it has been used in commercial
projects, read the success stories...

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13. List the GTK libraries.

o Glib
o Pango
o GdkPixbuf
o Cairo

14. Define Signal, Event and Callback.

GTK+ library is an event driven system. All GUI applications are event driven.
The applications start a main loop, which continuously checks for newly generated
events. If there is no event, the application waits and does nothing. In GTK+ an event is
a message from the X server. When the event reaches a widget, it may react to this event
by emitting a signal. The GTK+ programmer can connect a specific callback to a signal.
The callback is a handler function that reacts to a signal.

15. What is GTK+ dialogs?

Dialog windows or dialogs are an indispensable part of most modern GUI
applications. A dialog is defined as a conversation between two or more persons. In a
computer application a dialog is a window which is used to "talk" to the application. A
dialog is used to input data, modify data, change the application settings etc. Dialogs are
important means of communication between a user and a computer program.

16. Define GTK+ Widgets.

Widgets are basic building blocks of a GUI application. Over the years, several
widgets became a standard in all toolkits on all OS platforms. For example a button, a
check box or a scroll bars. The GTK+ toolkit's philosophy is to keep the number of
widgets at a minimum level. More specialized widgets are created as custom GTK+

17. Give ant 2 features of GKT+.

• GTK (GIMP Toolkit) is a library for creating graphical user interfaces. It is
licensed using the LGPL license, so you can develop open software, free
software, or even commercial non-free software using GTK without having to
spend anything for licenses or royalties.

• GTK is essentially an object oriented application programmer’s interface (API).

Although written completely in C, it is implemented using the idea of classes and
callback functions (pointers to functions).

18. What is the Video LAN project?

VideoLAN is a complete software solution for video streaming, developed by
students of the Ecole Centrale Paris and developers from all over the world, under the
GNU General Public License (GPL). VideoLAN is designed to stream MPEG videos on
high bandwidth networks.

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19. What are The VideoLAN solutions?

• VLS (VideoLAN Server), which can stream MPEG−1, MPEG−2 and MPEG−4
files, DVDs, digital satellite channels, digital terrestial television channels and
live videos on the network in unicast or multicast,
• VLC (initially VideoLAN Client), which can be used as a server to stream
MPEG−1, MPEG−2 and MPEG−4 files, DVDs and live videos on the network in
unicast or multicast ; or used as a client to receive, decode and display MPEG
streams under multiple operating systems.

20. What is multicast?

Multicast is a norm implemented in all modern network hardware (switches,
routers ...). It provides an intelligent manner to send a stream to a dynamic group of
machines. If you want to use multicast, make sure that all your network hardware
support it.

21. What is a codec?

A codec is a compression algorithm, used to reduce the size of a stream. There
are audio codecs and video codecs. MPEG−1, MPEG−2, MPEG−4, Vorbis, DivX, ... are
codecs A container format contains one or several streams already encoded by codecs.
Very often, there is an audio stream and a video one. AVI, Ogg, MOV, ASF, ... are
container formats. The streams contained can be encoded using different codecs. In a
perfect world, you could put any codec in any container format. Unfortunately, there are
some incompatibilities. You can find a matrix of ossible codecs and container formats
on the features page

22. How to manipulate the Manipulating X Client Windows?

• Moving Windows: Moving a window.
• Resizing Windows: Resizing a window.
• Destroying Windows: When you don't want a window anymore.
• Minimizing Windows: Turning a window into an icon.
• Maximizing Windows: Restoring a window from an icon.

23. How to configure X windows?

To Configuring X windows by using these modes
• Video Modes: Changing video modes and resolutions.
• Xsession: Running certain clients automatically.
• Root Window: Changing the root window parameters.
• Window Managers: The choice of window manager is yours!

24. What is ImageMagick?

ImageMagick is a suite of programs that convert and manipulate graphics files
from the
command line. It is also well suited for batch conversions — that is, converting many
files at once. In addition, ImageMagick includes PerlMagick, a binding that lets you
invoke the ImageMagick utilities from the Perl programming language. It comes with
most Linux distributions;

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1. Explain: X Windows server architecture

2. What is Qt Programming? Explain with example program.
3. Write simple a Qt program for simple window creation.
4. What is Gtk+ Programming? Explain with example program.
5. Write simple a Gtk+ program for simple window creation.
6. Explain Python Programming with examples?
7. Explain Glade: A Visual Designer Tool for GTK, GNOME?
8. Explain Programming GUI applications with localization support?
9. Explain GUI applications with localization support using Qt program?
10. Explain signals and slots?

Prepared By Verified by

Reviewed by Approved By
Dr.S.Karthik, Prof & Head/CSE Dr.V.P.Arunachalam

SNSCT – Department of Computer Science & Engineering (UG&PG) Page 37

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