XR1045 Comprimido
XR1045 Comprimido
XR1045 Comprimido
Safety Manual
Xtreme Manufacturing
8350 Eastgate Road
Henderson, NV 89015, USA
Contact Us:
Corporate Office
T: 1.800.497.1704
T: 1.702.636.2969
F: 1.702.636.4943
Service Hotline
T: 1.702.984.7249
Parts Hotline
T: 1.702.984.7250
Table of Contents
3 Operation Manual
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Description Page Description Page
Operation Fork Ratings 59
Pre-Operation Inspection 47 Standard Carriage Operation 59
Pre-Operation Inspection Checklist 49 Fork Positioning Carriage Operation 59
Functional Tests 50 Quick Attach System 60
Operator Maintenance 51 Load Handling 63
Before Starting Forklift 52 Boom Lift Point 64
Starting Forklift 53 Suspended Loads 64
Normal Starting 53 Pick Up a Load 64
Jump Starting 54 Carry a Load 65
After Extended Shutdown Or Oil Change 54 Place a Load 65
Operating the Engine 55 Load Shift 65
Forklift Travel 55 Elevating Personnel 65
Steering Modes 55 Load Capacity Charts 67
Starting Travel 56 Frame Leveling 69
Shifting Gears 56 Preventive Maintenance
Warning Indicators 55 Establishing a Maintenance Program
Changing Travel Direction 57 Maintenance Schedule 70
Stopping Travel 57 Engine Diagnostic Fault Codes 71
Shut Down Procedure 57 Boom Emergency Lowering 72
Refueling 58 Lockout / Tagout
Fuel Types 58 Do Not Operate - Accident Prevention Tags 73
Engine Protection System 58 New or Additional Operators 73
Pintle Hook 58 Lockout/Tagout Procedure 73
Attachments 58 “Do Not Operate” Tags 74
Attachment Disclaimer 58
Operation Manual 4
This Operation and Safety Manual provides the information When contacting our parts department, please have the
needed to safely operate the XR1045 Reach Forklift. forklift serial number available. The serial number plate is
located in the operator’s cab, at the base of the seat.
This manual should be considered a permanent part of the
forklift, and kept in the protective manual case located in the
For easy reference, you can record the serial number in the
operator’s cab.
space below.
Serial Number:
Before operating the forklift, read this manual complete-
ly and carefully to understand the safety instructions
and the operation of controls and safety equipment. You
must comply with all DANGER, WARNING, and CAUTION
notices. They are for your benefit.
Replacement Manuals
Xtreme Manufacturing
Phone: (800) 497-1704
www.XMFG.com LEFT
Figure 2. Forklift Direction Orientation
5 Operation Manual
DANGER (Red) used with the safety alert symbol indicates
an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
will result in death or serious injury.
Operation Manual 6
Perform DO NOT
Operator Operate If Using
Inspection Alcohol, Drugs,
Before Starting Or Medications
This Telehandler Hardhat
Protective No Smoking
Lead Acid
Equipment Batteries Create Keep Lit
Ear Protectors Explosive Gases Cigarettes
Hot Oil!
Hydraulic System Rotating
Unless Cap Is
Under Pressure Fan Blades
Cool To Touch
Can Cut
7 Operation Manual
Jump While Allow Riders
Dismounting On Auxiliary
The Telehandler Attachments
Set Parking
DO NOT Allow DO NOT Allow Brake To OFF
Riders On Telehandler Riders On Or In
Frame Or Fenders The Operator Cab Disengage
Parking Brake
Warning! DO NOT
Raise Boom While Hot Surface!
DO NOT Travel Traveling On A Keep Hands Away
With Boom Raised Slope
Warning! Danger!
Electrocution Can Keep A Safe Pinch Points
Cause Death Or Distance From Body
Serious Injury Electrical Lines
Have Adequate
DO NOT Allow Ventilation If
Pinch Points
Anyone Under Operating This
A Raised Load Telehandler In An
Enclosed Space
Warning! Warning!
DO NOT Use Ether Operate With
As A Starting Aid Caution During
Storms Or High Wind
Operation Manual 8
Under Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Operators must be in good physical and mental condition,
rules, employers are required to train workers about hazards with appropriate reflexes, reaction time, vision, depth
related to operating and maintaining the forklift. Successful perception, and hearing.
completion and certification of the Safety Training for Rough
Terrain Forklifts is required. Operators must possess a valid, current driver’s license as
required for the work site; plus those required by applicable
Additional safety information and training resources can be State, Federal, and/or local laws:
obtained through these publications, organizations, and/or
appropriate sources: Successful completion and certification of Safety Training for
Rough Terrain Forklifts is required.
• (29CFR) Code of Federal Regulations.
• (OSHA) Occupational Safety and Health Administration. • Operators must be properly instructed on how to operate
• (NIOSH) National Institute for Occupational Health and the forklift and attachments.
Safety. • Operators must operate the forklift according to ALL
• (ANSI) American National Standards Institute appropriate safety regulations.
• (AEM) Association of Equipment Manufacturers • Operator trainees must remain under constant
• (ITSDF) Industrial Truck Standards Development observation and supervision of an experienced operator.
Always consult Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for chemical hazards Modifications
and first aid instructions for any oil or lubricant being used.
SDS should be available from the manufacturer/supplier of
the fluid. Warning
9 Operation Manual
Mounting/Dismounting Warning
Operation Manual 10
Warning Warning
Keep the Operation and Safety Manual A brief description of controls, indicators,
on the forklift at all times. Contact Xtreme and instruments is provided as a convenience
Manufacturing for replacement manuals. for the operator. These descriptions DO NOT
provide complete operation instructions.
Read and understand the entire manual to
prevent death, serious injury, or equipment damage.
Clearly define responsibilities and procedures
for operating the forklift and all attachments.
DO NOT proceed until you seek expert Keep fingers and feet away from
assistance from a qualified person if any moving parts or pinch points to
doubt or question arises about the correct or prevent pinching or crushing.
safe methods for operating the forklift. DO NOT allow anyone between
the tires and the forklift frame
To avoid death or serious injury, while operating the forklift. Doing so can result in death or
carefully read and understand serious injury.
all instructions before operating
the forklift. DO NOT operate, Always check the condition of the seat belt
modify, repair, or maintain the and mounting hardware before operating the
forklift unless you read and understand the instructions forklift. If the seat belt or mounting hardware
and warnings in this and all other applicable manuals and is defective, it may not properly restrain the
technical publications. Follow all State and Federal health operator, resulting in death or serious injury.
and safety laws and/or local regulations.
• DO NOT operate the forklift until the seat belt or mount-
ing hardware is replaced, if worn or damaged.
Consult Safety Data Sheets • The seat belt MUST be worn while operating the forklift.
(SDS) for chemical hazards and Failure to wear the seat belt could result in death or
first aid instructions. MSDS serious injury.
should be available from the
manufacturer or supplier of the
11 Operation Manual
Operation Manual 12
NEVER use crab or four wheel (4W) steering for • Slow down for rough, slippery, or soft terrain.
traveling at high speeds. Use only two wheel • Use caution around steep slopes, creeks, gullies, ridges,
(2W) steering for higher speed travel and slow ditches, and ravines.
the forklift before turning. Rapid turning
• Stay away from soft edges that could collapse under
while using crab or four wheel steering can
the forklift.
cause tip over which could result in death or serious injury.
13 Operation Manual
Follow appropriate procedures to prevent • Reposition the forklift if it cannot be leveled using the
sudden changes in forklift speed that could frame sway control.
result in death or serious injury. • DO NOT enter or exit a tilted cab.
• Turn the gear select lever to the lowest • Remain seated with the seat belt securely fastened
speed before descending a slope and before while the cab is tilted.
loading or unloading a trailer. • Keep personnel at least 30 feet from a tilted forklift.
• DO NOT adjust the travel select lever while the forklift
is moving.
• DO NOT coast downhill. Keep the travel select lever in Load Safety
the appropriate position.
• DO NOT exit the forklift without following proper shut-
down procedures.
Engine fuel is flammable and
Failure to follow proper safety procedures
can cause a fire or explosion
when lifting, lowering, and traveling with a
resulting in death or serious in-
load could result in death, serious injury, or
jury. DO NOT smoke while refu-
property damage.
eling and keep sparks and open
flames away from the forklift. DO NOT exceed forklift capacity of 10,000 lbs.
The total rated capacity of the forks being used must equal
Contact with hot surfaces and the exhaust or exceed forklift capacity. Forks can break causing loss of
pipe after the forklift has been operated load and possible death or serious injury.
could result in serious personal injury.
DO NOT exceed the manufacturer’s rated
load for any auxiliary attachment. Any
Check warning indicators and gauges on the attempt to lift or carry loads in excess of the
dash panel frequently during operation. If a manufacturer’s rated load may cause forklift
warning indicator is illuminated or a gauge tip over, loss of load, or structural damage
shows abnormal readings, stop the forklift, which could result in death or serious injury.
follow proper shut down tag the forklift
with “Do Not Operate” tags, and have a qualified mechanic Failure to keep personnel clear of the load
service or repair the forklift BEFORE placing it into service area while the load is being raised or lowered
again. Ignoring warning indicators can result in death, could result in death or serious injury. DO
serious injury, or property damage. NOT lift, swing, or move a load over anyone
or over a forklift cab.
• Review the rated load capacity of each auxiliary
Caution attachment before performing any operation.
• Use the correct load chart and NEVER exceed specified
Release the key immediately after the engine starts. DO weights and load centers.
NOT crank the engine for more than 15 seconds at a time. • DO NOT exceed the manufacturer’s recommended load
Failure to do so can damage the starter motor. capacity.
• DO NOT operate the forklift with an unsafe load
Warning • Adjust the load as necessary, especially for nonstandard
The forklift includes a Frame Sway Override • Use caution when handling loose material that can fall
switch. Improper use of the Frame Sway into the cab.
Override switch could result in death, serious • Remove overhanging load materials, when possible,
injury, or property damage. and watch for sliding material.
Make sure the forklift frame is level before raising and • DO NOT reach a load over posts or other objects that
extending the boom. Frame swaying left or right with the can enter the cab, if tipped.
boom raised is extremely dangerous and can result in death • Avoid sudden stops, starts, or turns.
or serious injury. • Avoid carrying a swinging load. If necessary, secure
• Use the frame sway control to level the forklift before the load by attaching it to the forklift tie-downs and/
raising the boom. or have another person assist with safely steadying the
Operation Manual 14
Warning Warning
Improper connection of an auxiliary attachment could Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper
result in death or serious injury. Attachments not locked maintenance to make sure the forklift continues to meet
into place can become unstable and fall on the operator or manufacturer’s specifications. Failure to properly maintain
other personnel near the forklift. the forklift can result in improper performance, which could
cause death, serious injury, or property damage.
• Make sure attachment locking devices are always in
place. Attach “Do Not Operate” tags to the Ignition
• DO NOT operate the forklift until you have positive switch and steering wheel before beginning
indication that the coupler pin and lever are fully any service or maintenance.
• Hydraulic attachments have a maximum hydraulic
pressure rating. Failure to make sure the attachment
• “Do Not Operate” tags indicate the forklift should not be
is equipped with a pressure reducing valve, or is rated
operated until all service or maintenance is completed.
to be equal or greater than 3,500 psi, which is the
• Keep two (2) legible “Do Not Operate” tags with the
maximum pressure of the forklift auxiliary hydraulic
forklift at all times. “Do Not Operate” tags are provided
system at the quick-disconnect couplers, could result in
in this manual.
death or serious injury.
• DO NOT operate the forklift and attachments if they re-
• Make sure all hydraulic connections are tight (if
quire repairs.
• Make sure basic maintenance is completed and service
problems are corrected.
• Death or serious injury can result from operating a fork-
Shut Down Procedure lift before all repairs have been made and all proper
maintenance is completed.
15 Operation Manual
It is possible for the forklift to move suddenly ately. Flushing must begin immediately to avoid per-
when the brakes are released, which could manent eye tissue damage.
result in death, serious injury, or property • Internal contact - Drink large quantities of water or milk
damage. To prevent sudden movement of to dilute stomach contents. Do not induce vomiting.
the forklift, place wheel chocks in front of and Get medical attention immediately.
behind wheels before the brakes are released. IMPORTANT - In case of internal contact, DO NOT give fluids
that induce vomiting.
If the forklift is to be towed, make sure the
released brake(s) can be reapplied or the tow Warning
forklift has the braking capacity to stop the
forklift. California Proposition 65
Operation Manual 16
Block all four (4) wheels. Failure to do so could result in 7. To reapply parking brake, disconnect the manual hydraulic
death or serious injury from forklift roll away. pump from the parking brake release ports of the axle and
re-connect the hydraulic hose.
1. Block all four wheels to prevent the forklift from moving
once the parking brake is disabled.
2. Position the towing vehicle in place. Attach any chain
needed to secure the disabled forklift.
3. Locate the two (2) parking brake hydraulic connection
ports as shown in Figure 3.
17 Operation Manual
Operation Manual 18
Cab View
54 16
19 Operation Manual
Table 1. Labels
Item Qty Part No. Description Item Qty Part No. Description
Operation Manual 20
Replacement labels may be obtained by contacting Xtreme Please have the correct label number available when you call.
Manufacturing at (702) 636-2969.
Parking Brake
Rear Wash
Front and Rear
On Wheels Must Be
Centered Before
Turn Off
Front Left Right Crab
On Up
702-636-2969 www.XMFG.com 800-497-1704 Off Down
Hazard 4W
18004-060 Lights Outriggers
1) 18008-000 2) 18004-060
3) 18010-001 4) 18011-001
Ultra Low Sulphur
Fuel Only
Maximum Sulphur
Minimum Oil Specification:
Content: 15ppm API CJ-4 or higher
18013-002 18014-002
5) 18013-002 6) 18014-002
21 Operation Manual
7) 18015-001 8) 18016-001
Operation Manual 22
23 Operation Manual
Operation Manual 24
25 Operation Manual
Operation Manual 26
27 Operation Manual
18056-000 18057-000
46) 18057-000
45) 18056-000
47) 18058-000
48) 18311-000
Operation Manual 28
1,800 LBS
2,200 LBS
2.0 FT
3,000 LBS
4,500 LBS
6,000 LBS
8,000 LBS
10,000 LBS
9,000 LBS
15 LOAD 15 15
1,800 LBS
2,200 LBS
3,000 LBS
4,500 LBS
6,000 LBS
10,000 LBS
8,000 LBS
9,000 LBS
10 10
10 5
5 5
5 0
0 -5 D C B
-8 F
5 D C B
0 E
F -5
30 25 20 15 10 5 0
P/N 17181-000
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
P/N 17020-000
Wait at least two (2) minutes after shutting
engine off before setting the battery disconnect
switch to OFF. Equipment damage may occur if
the engine control systems are not allowed to
shutdown properly. 18412-000R01
54) 18412-000
29 Operation Manual
Operation Manual 30
31 Operation Manual
Operator Cab
Operator Cab
Ignition Switch
Accelerator Pedal
The ignition switch has three (3) positions: OFF, RUN, and
Ignition Switch
Position Purpose
OFF Shuts down entire electrical system, except
the horn and accessory outlet.
RUN All controls and indicators are operable.
START Engages starter motor to crank engine.
Operation Manual 32
Operator Cab
Press the service brake pedal to slow or stop the forklift. The Press the horn button to sound the horn.
service brake pedal activates the service brakes on all four (4)
Operator Seat
Steering Wheel
Operator Seat Controls
Turn the steering wheel left or right to steer the forklift in the
corresponding direction. The operator seat can be adjusted four (4) ways: weight
suspension, lumbar support, fore and aft, and backrest angle.
33 Operation Manual
Operator Cab
Rotate the weight suspension lever to increase or decrease the Pull the fore and aft adjustment lever outward from the seat
seat cushion suspension based on the weight of the operator to release the seat lock. Slide the seat forward or backward to
and comfort level desired. a comfortable location and release the lever to lock the seat in
the desired position.
Lumbar Support
Backrest Angle Adjustment Lever
The seat controls include a four (4) position lumbar support
knob. Rotate the lumbar support knob to raise, lower, increase, Pull the backrest angle adjustment lever up to release the seat
or decrease the lumbar support. backrest lock. Adjust the angle of the backrest and release the
lever to lock the backrest to the desired angle.
Operation Manual 34
Operator Cab
Before starting the engine, adjust the seat for position and
Seat Belt comfort (refer to the Operator Seat section of this manual) and
then adjust the seat belt as follows:
Warning 1. Grasp the free end of the seat belt (located on the left side
of the seat) and make sure the belt webbing is not twisted or
Always check the condition of the seat belt entangled in any portion of the seat assembly.
and mounting hardware before operating the
forklift. If the seat belt or mounting hardware 2. Pull the retractable seat belt across your lap. Position the
is defective, it may not properly restrain seat belt as low on your body as possible.
the operator, which could result in death or
serious injury. 3. Insert the latch plate into the buckle (on the right side of
the seat) until a “click” is heard.
• DO NOT operate the forklift until the seat belt or
mounting hardware is replaced, if worn or damaged. 4. Make sure seat belt retracts snugly across your lap.
• The seat belt MUST be worn while operating the forklift.
Failure to wear the seat belt could result in death or
serious injury.
Rear View Mirrors
The forklift is equipped with a standard two inch (2”) wide
retractable seat belt. A three inch (3”) wide retractable seat Two (2) adjustable rear view mirrors are provided to aid the
belt is available where required by local laws and regulations. operator’s rear vision. One (1) rear-view mirror is mounted on
the upper left of the operator’s cab.
35 Operation Manual
Operator Cab
The Gear Select switch has a twist grip handle with the
Controls and Indicators following positions: 1 - FIRST, 2 - SECOND, 3 - THIRD, and
Travel Select Lever NOTE: The forklift can be operated in three (3) forward and
three (3) reverse gears. Automatic should be selected for
The travel select lever has three (3) positions: FORWARD, normal driving.
NEUTRAL, and REVERSE, which change the direction of travel.
Operation Manual 36
Operator Cab
Set Parking Brake switch (A) to ON (DOWN) to engage the The display allows the operator to view vital engine
parking brake and to OFF (UP) to disengage the parking brake. information and other critical functions, including gauge
The parking brake indicator (B) illuminates when the parking display, engine diagnostics to monitor engine condition and
brake is set to ON (engaged). performance, fault codes, and warning indicators.
37 Operation Manual
Operator Cab
A. HIGH HYDRAULIC OIL TEMP red. If the indicator turns red (shows oil pressure below 10psi)
The hydraulic oil temperature indicator illuminates when the and the Oil Pressure Warning (red) is displayed, stop the
oil temperature is above 1800 F. If the hydraulic oil temperature forklift, follow proper shut down procedures, tag forklift with
indicator illuminates, stop and idle the engine to allow time for “Do Not Operate” tags, and have a qualified mechanic service
cooling. If the hydraulic oil temperature indicator does not go or repair the forklift BEFORE placing it into service again.
out after five (5) minutes, stop the forklift, follow proper shut
down procedures, tag the forklift with “Do Not Operate” tags, K. REAR AXLE CENTERED INDICATOR
and have a qualified mechanic service or repair the forklift Indicates that the rear axle is centered.
BEFORE placing it into service again.
B. WATER IN FUEL Displays the direction of travel selected: Forward or reverse.
The Water in Fuel Indicator will be displayed when there is
water present in the Diesel fuel. M. FUEL GAUGE
The fuel gauge indicates the percentage of fuel left in the tank.
C. LOW BRAKE PRESSURE INDICATOR AND WARNING The total capacity of the fuel tank is 48 gallons. Above 20%
The Low Brake Pressure indicator illuminates if the hydraulic of fuel left in the tank, the indicator is green, turning yellow
oil pressure gets too low. If the Low Brake Pressure indicator between 10 and 20%. It turns red when the fuel level is very
is illuminated, do not release the parking brake or engage low, 10% and under.
transmission until the indicator is out. If the indicator does not
go out, stop the forklift, follow proper shut down procedures, N. TRANSMISSION GEAR INDICATOR
tag forklift with “Do Not Operate” tags, and have a qualified Displays the transmission gear selected. The available
mechanic service or repair the forklift BEFORE placing it into positions are: 1, 2, 3, and Automatic. Automatic is displayed as
service again. A1, A2, or A3, with the numbers representing the current gear
the transmission is in.
The Oil Pressure Warning is displayed when the engine oil O. ENGINE COOLANT TEMP INDICATOR
pressure is DANGEROUSLY low, 0-10 psi. If the Oil Pressure The Engine Coolant Temp Indicator monitors the temperature
Warning comes on during normal operation, stop the forklift, of the coolant in the engine cooling system. After starting the
follow proper shut down procedures, tag forklift with “Do Not forklift, allow time for the indicator to display a temperature
Operate” tags, and have a qualified mechanic service or repair close to the normal range before operating the forklift. After
the forklift BEFORE placing it into service again. the engine has sufficiently been warmed up, normal engine
coolant temperature should read between 180 to 2050F.
E. WAIT TO START The Engine Coolant Temp Indicator turns yellow at coolant
The Wait to Start Indicator is displayed when the key switch is temperatures between 205 and 2150F to warn that the engine
moved to the RUN position. Wait until the indicator goes out operates at higher than normal temperature. The Engine
before starting the engine. Coolant Temp Indicator becomes red when the temperature
reaches 2160F, indicating an engine overheating situation.
The Service Reminder Indicator flashes for 30 seconds at key P. BATTERY VOLTAGE INDICATOR
ON to indicate that Service is required. The Battery Voltage Indicator monitors the amount of charge
in Volts (V). The normal system voltage is between 12.5 and
G. REAR AXLE LOCKED INDICATOR 14 V. The indicator turns yellow if the charge is between 11.5
Indicates that the rear axle is locked. and 12.5 V, and becomes red if the charge drops below 11.5V.
If the voltage indicator shows abnormal readings (below
H. TACHOMETER 11.5V), stop the forklift, follow proper shut down procedures,
The Tachometer indicates engine RPM using an analog display tag forklift with “Do Not Operate” tags, and have a qualified
and below it a digital display. mechanic service or repair the forklift BEFORE placing it into
service again.
J. OIL PRESSURE INDICATOR The Hour meter indicates and records engine operating
The Oil Pressure Indicator monitors the engine oil pressure. hours. Use the Hour meter to establish a forklift maintenance
At normal operating pressure it stays green (above 20 psi). schedule.
Between 12-20 psi it turns yellow and below 10 psi it becomes
Operation Manual 38
Operator Cab
Display Features
39 Operation Manual
Operator Cab
Pressing the SERVICE REMINDERS soft button will display data
pertaining to maintenance schedules. Figure 38. Calibration Machine Conditions Check
Operation Manual 40
Operator Cab
Pressing the ENGINE DIAGNOSTICS soft button will display
engine information. Use the up/down buttons to navigate
Pressing the MENU button will return to the GAUGE DISPLAY
mode. Figure 43. User Settings
The default settings can be restored using the top left button.
Each Restore Defaults needs to be confirmed or canceled on
the next screen. Pressing the MENU button will return to the
previous menu.
41 Operation Manual
Operator Cab
DO NOT change steering modes until the forklift slows The boom control handle is used to raise, lower, extend,
or comes to a complete stop. Align all four (4) wheels retract the boom, tilt the carriage (or attachment), and
perpendicular to the axle, before changing steering mode. control auxiliary functions (when equipped with a carriage or
Changing steering modes at higher travel speeds can make attachment with additional functions).
the forklift unstable, and cause a loss of control, which NOTE: The boom control handle is a variable speed control.
could result in death, serious injury, or property damage. Function speed is proportional to handle movement. The
more the handle is moved in the appropriate direction, the
The Steering Select switch has three (3) steering positions: faster the corresponding function will occur.
Crab, Two Wheel Steering (2W), and Four Wheel Steering (4W). NOTE: Increasing engine speed can increase boom lift and
extend speed.
NOTE: Two (2) boom functions can be performed at the
same time by moving the handle into the corner between (2)
Operation Manual 42
Operator Cab
D 2
Figure 47. Boom Control Handle Functions Figure 49. Attachment Tilt Switch
(1) Attachment Tilt Down (2) Attachment Tilt Up
43 Operation Manual
Operator Cab
Frame Sway
Control Handle
Control Auxiliary Attachment Control
Function Purpose The Auxiliary Attachment Control lever controls the functions
of approved optional attachments that can be mounted to
Frame sway right Move handle right the forklift and require hydraulic supply for operation.
Frame sway left Move handle left
NOTE: Lock the frame sway by placing the travel select lever
in NEUTRAL or applying the service or parking brake.
NOTE: Maximum frame sway is 220 overall or 110 each Figure 52. Auxiliary Attachment Control Lever
direction, left and right.
The frame sway feature becomes locked and will not operate
when the boom is raised 40° or more. Pressing the Frame
Sway Override switch (the trigger) on the control handle will
override the lockout feature and allow slow frame sway. Figure 53. Lights Switch
Operation Manual 44
Operator Cab
The boom angle indicator is located on the left side of the The frame level indicator is mounted on the upper right
boom and is visible from the operator’s seat. Use the boom corner of the operator’s cab. The frame level indicator allows
angle indicator to determine the boom angle when referring the operator to view if the forklift has been positioned in a
to load capacity charts. Refer to the LOAD CAPACITY CHARTS level condition.
section of this manual for more information.
NOTE: The boom angle indicator is a plumb arrow with
angular graduations from -50 to +700
45 Operation Manual
Operator Cab
The XR1045 lifting points are shown below. The forklift Ensure that no one is in the work radius before
should only be lifted if lifting points are installed. lifting forklift to avoid crushing hazard.
Boom Maintenance Stand (If Equipped) • Proceed by slowly lowering machine boom to lay on
stand. Verify that hoses and wiring do not contact the
pad. If this occurs, raise the boom and adjust stand as
The Boom Maintenance Stand is an optional safety equipment needed.
used to support the boom during any and maintenance
When not in use, fold the support down and latch it in place.
activities where the boom is raised.
• When preparing to remove boom stand, make sure all
• When preparing to set boom stand, make sure machine
maintenance has been performed and area is clean.
is on a flat level ground and machine has no load on the
forks. • Raise machine boom to 40 degrees for clearance and
remove pin from stand weldment
• Raise machine boom to 40 degrees for clearance and
remove latch and pin from boom stand weldment. • Lay boom stand in the down position and re-latch stand
to secure.
• Position the boom stand in the upright position and re-
apply the pin to secure stand.
Operation Manual 46
To perform the pre-operation inspection make sure the Contact with hot surfaces and the exhaust
forklift is NOT running, the engine is cool, the forklift is parked pipe after the forklift has been operated
on level ground, the boom is completely retracted, and the could result in serious personal injury.
frame is level.
Remove forklift from service and place “Do Never remove the radiator cap while the
Not Operate” tags on the Starter switch and engine is hot. The cooling system is under
steering wheel if anything is found to be in pressure. Hot coolant could cause severe
need of repair or maintenance, defective, or burns or eye injury. Wear protective clothing
unsafe in any way. and safety glasses.
47 Operation Manual
Warning Warning
Tires must have proper ballast. DO NOT
California Proposition 65 replace foam-filled tires with pneumatic tires.
Use of pneumatic tires will severely affect
Battery posts, terminals, and related forklift load capacity, which could result in
accessories contain lead and lead death, serious injury, or property damage.
compounds, chemicals known to the State
of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or
other reproductive harm. Wash hands after Warning
handling these items.
Use DEF meeting ISO 22241-1. There is NO acceptable
substitute. Using anything other than DEF fluid may result
in permanent aftertreatment damage.
Operation Manual 48
Walk around the ENTIRE forklift while visually performing the pre-operation inspection.
Check that “Do Not Operate” tags have not been placed on the forklift.
Check that load capacity charts match the carriage installed and are legible.
Check that frame level indicator is working properly.
Check condition and operation of the seat belt and mounting hardware.
Check that Operation and Safety Manual is in the protective case and legible.
Check forks for welds, cracks, misalignment, or any other damage.
Check that carriage fork pins are straight and in place to prevent forks from changing position or coming off the carriage.
Check all hydraulic hoses and hose connections for wear or leaks.
Check tilt cylinders for leaks or any other damage
Check boom for straightness or any other damage.
Check all four (4) tires and wheels for:
Punctures, cracks, cuts, gouges, bulges, foreign objects, or any other damage to tires.
Loose or missing lug nuts.
Bent flanges or any other damage to rims.
Check front and rear sway cylinders and hoses for leaks or any other damage.
Check electrical connections on rear sway cylinder.
Check mirrors for cracks, cleanliness, and proper adjustment.
Check hydraulic reservoir sight gauge for proper fluid level. Add hydraulic fluid, if necessary.
Check engine compartment with engine off for:
Loose or damaged belts, hoses, and radiator fan blades.
Check air filter minder (on air filter housing).
Coolant reservoir level. Add radiator coolant, if necessary.
Engine oil level. Add engine oil, if necessary.
Electrical wires and connectors.
Check transmission fluid level while engine is running.
Check front and rear axles for leaks or any other damage.
Check main boom lift cylinder, carriage master tilt cylinders, and hydraulic lines for leaks or any other damage.
Check battery terminals for corrosion.
Check battery for cracked, melted, or damaged case.
Check that all labels are present and legible. Replace
. any damaged or illegible labels.
Check that operator’s cab is empty of all trash, debris, or any loose items.
Check that personal belongings are secured in the personal storage box.
Check that pedals, and non-skid surfaces are clean and free of grease, oil, dirt, snow, or ice.
49 Operation Manual
Functional Test Checklist Operate the sway control handle left and right to frame
sway left or right.
Operate the auxiliary attachment control (if an auxiliary
Warning attachment is being used).
Perform a pre-operation inspection and func- Turn work lights on and off.
tional tests at the beginning of each work Press the horn button to sound the horn.
shift. Perform the pre-operation inspection
first. DO NOT perform the pre-operation Place the travel select lever in reverse to sound the
inspection with the engine running or hot. backup alarm.
Contact with moving or heated parts could cause death or Release the parking brake.
serious injury.
Operate the forklift in forward and reverse.
Perform the pre-operation inspection and
Test the service and parking brakes.
functional tests in an open area and away
from any other obstacles or equipment. In- • Apply the service brake pedal after the forklift
spections and functional tests may require begins to move and the forklift should stop
assistance. Keep the assistant visible and a immediately.
safe distance from the forklift to prevent death or serious • Apply the parking brake. Make sure brakes hold
injury. on the steepest incline at the job site. The forklift
If anything is found to be in need of repair or should not move unless the parking brake is re-
maintenance, defective, or unsafe in any way, leased.
remove forklift from service and place “Do Test each steering function. Operate the forklift in
Not Operate” tags on the starter switch and forward and reverse at low idle speed and turn the
steering wheel. steering wheel approximately 1/4 turn in each direction
for each of the following modes:
The safety, efficiency, and service life of your forklift will be
• Align the wheel and set the Steering Select switch
increased by performing functional tests at the beginning
to crab steering.
of each shift. If any of the items in the functional tests are
not operating properly or within set tolerances, stop the • Align the wheel and set the Steering Select switch
forklift, follow proper shut down procedures, tag the forklift to 2 wheel (2W) steering.
with “Do Not Operate” tags, and have a qualified mechanic • Align the wheel and set the Steering Select switch
service or repair the forklift before placing it into service to 4 wheel (4W) steering.
Check the gauges after the engine warms to the proper
operating range.
Operate the boom control handle forward and • Check the voltage gauge. The voltage gauge
backward to lower and raise boom. should read between 11 and 15 volts.
Operate the boom control handle left and right to • Check the engine coolant temperature gauge. The
retract and extend boom. engine coolant temperature gauge should read be-
tween180 to 2000F.
Operate the attachment tilt thumb stick up and down
• Check the engine oil pressure gauge. The engine
to tilt the attachment.
oil pressure gauge should read between 40 to 80
Operation Manual 50
Operator Maintenance
Figure 58. Check Hydraulic Oil Sight Gauge Figure 61. Check Engine Oil Level. Add Engine Oil (API CJ-4), If Neces-
Figure 59. Add Hydraulic Oil, If Necessary Figure 62. Check Battery Case and Terminals
Figure 60. Check Coolant Reservoir Level. Add Coolant, if Necessary. Figure 63. Store Operation Manual in Protective Case
51 Operation Manual
• Keep steps clear of dirt, mud, snow, ice, debris, and oth-
er hazards.
Face the forklift for mounting or dismount-
ing. Use hand holds and steps to maintain
three (3) points of contact at all times, either
both hands and one foot or both feet and one
hand. Figure 64. Travel Select Lever Must Be in NEUTRAL (N) to Start the Fork-
• DO NOT use the controls, steering wheel, or foot pedals
as hand holds or steps. Avoid accidentally engaging or
disengaging a control. The Parking Brake switch (A) has two (2) positions: ON and
DO NOT jump from the forklift. Clothing
can get caught on pedals, levers, or other
protruding parts. Landing on uneven surfaces
could result in death or serious personal
Operation Manual 52
Starting Forklift
Normal Starting
To prevent death, serious injury, or property
Figure 67. Turn Key in Ignition Switch to START
damage, the operator must be seated with
seat belt fastened, arms, legs, and head com- 7. Release key immediately after the engine starts. The
pletely inside the Rollover Protection Struc- Ignition Switch will automatically return to RUN.
ture/Falling Object Protection Structure
(ROPS/FOPS), the travel select lever in NEUTRAL, and the Caution
Parking Brake switch ON (engaged) BEFORE starting the
forklift. Release the key immediately after the engine starts. DO
NOT crank the engine for more than 15 seconds at a time.
1. Place Key in Ignition Switch. Failure to do so can damage the starter motor.
53 Operation Manual
Warning Follow the Normal Starting Procedure in this section. The en-
gine will not start until the minimum cranking oil pressure is
Wear eye protection when starting a forklift detected by the ECM. It can take more cranking time to start
with jump start cables. Improper jump the engine after an extended shut down or oil change.
start procedures could cause the battery
to explode, which could result in death or
serious injury.
• Never jump start a frozen battery, as it can explode. Let Do not idle for extended periods of time. Excessive idle time
the battery thaw out before charging. can cause poor engine performance.
• NEVER jump start the forklift when travel select lever is
Operation Manual 54
55 Operation Manual
To shift gears rotate the gear select lever to the next gear
Starting Travel while the forklift is traveling.
• Use first gear (1) for highest torque and pulling power.
Warning • Use higher gears for higher ground speed.
• Never travel in top gear (3) when carrying a load.
Use proper safety procedures and avoid
hazardous situations while operating the • Allow the engine speed to slow down before shifting to
forklift to prevent death, serious injury, or a lower gear.
property damage.
• Check the work site for any hazards before
operating the forklift. Warning Indicators
• Check the work surface for loose soil conditions and
overhead power lines.
Warning A fault condition may trigger a pop-up dialog
box on the display describing the nature of
To prevent death or serious injury, the the fault during operation. Corresponding
operator must be seated with seat belt red or amber warning lights will illuminate to
fastened, the travel select lever set to indicate the severity of the fault. If an Engine
NEUTRAL, the Parking Brake ON (engaged),
Shutdown fault condition is present, stop the forklift, follow
and the area free of people and obstructions
proper shut down procedures, tag the forklift with “Do
BEFORE starting the forklift. Not Operate” tags, and have a qualified mechanic service
1. Start the forklift. Refer to the Starting Forklift section in or repair the forklift BEFORE placing it into service again.
this manual. Report all warning indicators and fault codes to a qualified
2. Apply service brake. mechanic. Ignoring warning indicators or fault codes can
cause improper performance, which could result in death,
3. Insure that the travel select lever is in NEUTRAL position.
serious injury, or property damage.
4. Release parking brake.
Fault condition dialog boxes will pop up and warning lights
5. Rotate the gear select switch to the gear desired. Automatic
on the display will illuminate during critical circumstances.
should be selected for normal driving conditions.
Some of these conditions demand immediate attention and
6. Move the travel select lever to FORWARD or REVERSE for forklift servicing. If an Engine Shutdown fault condition is
the appropriate direction of travel. present, the forklift should be shut down as soon as practical
7. Release the service brake pedal. Slowly press the to prevent serious mechanical failure. For more information
accelerator pedal to start travel. refer to “Display Indicators” section on page 37.
Some of the following indicators are green while the engine
is within normal operation range, turning yellow when the
Shifting Gears normal operating range is exceeded. Some of these indicators
turn red and become warnings when a particular parameter
reaches or exceeds a critical level.
Battery Voltage Indicator, between 11.5 to 12.5 V.
DO NOT shift through multiple gears with a Normal operating range: 12.6-14V
single turn of the gear select lever. Allow the
engine speed to slow down before shifting to Battery Voltage Warning, below 11.5 V
the next lower gear. Improper use of the gear
select lever could cause transmission damage Coolant Temperature Indicator, between 205 and
or forklift tip over/roll over and could result in death or 2150F. Normal operating range: 180 to 2050F
serious injury.
The transmission has three (3) gears that can be used for trav- Coolant temperature Warning, above 2160F
eling in forward or reverse. Automatic should be selected for
normal driving conditions.
Operation Manual 56
Fuel Level Indicator, between 10 and 20% fuel left Stopping Travel
in the tank
1. Stop the forklift by applying the service brake pedal.
Low Fuel Level Warning, below 10%
2. Slow the forklift until it comes to a complete stop.
High Hydraulic Temperature Indicator 3. Move the travel select lever to NEUTRAL (N).
4. Set the parking brake to ON (engaged).
Low Brake Pressure Warning
Low Oil Pressure Warning. Engine must be running
above 500 RPM. It turns red below 10 psi To prevent death, serious injury, or property
Low Oil Pressure Indicator, between 10 and 20 psi. damage, apply service brakes until the forklift
Engine must be running above 500 RPM comes to a complete stop, move travel select
lever to NEUTRAL (N), set the Parking Brake
Low Oil Pressure Warning, below 10 psi switch to ON (engaged), lower and retract the
boom, and shut off the engine before exiting the forklift.
Service Reminder
Failure to follow the correct shutdown procedure may
Transmission Temperature Indicator, between 215
result in damage to the turbocharger and shorten the
and 224 0F
turbocharger life.
Transmission Temperature Warning, above 225 0F 1. Park forklift on level ground, if possible.
2. Stop the forklift by applying the service brake pedal.
Wait To Start Indicator 3. Place the travel select lever in NEUTRAL (N) and set the
parking brake to ON (engaged).
Water In Fuel Indicator 4. Lower the boom and rest carriage on ground.
5. Allow the engine to idle 3 to 5 minutes before shutting it
off after a full-load operation. This allows adequate cool
down of pistons, cylinders, bearings, and turbocharger
Changing Travel Direction components.
57 Operation Manual
Fuel Types
Operation Manual 58
(4,536 Kilograms). The total rated capacity of
the forks being used must equal or exceed
forklift capacity. Forks can break causing loss
of load and could result in death or serious
All approved forks for this forklift are marked with a maximum
load capacity rating (A). This rating is stamped on the left edge
of the fork just below the fork pivot shaft. The rating listed is
in pounds and is based upon a 24 inches load center (B). This B
rating specifies the maximum load capacity that the individual
fork can safely carry at a maximum load center of 24 inches.
59 Operation Manual
To move the forks outward, press the top button (1) on the • Make sure attachment locking devices are always in
front control handle, or move the auxiliary handle (3) to the place.
left. To move the forks inward, press the lower button (2) on • DO NOT operate the forklift until you have positive
the front control handle, or move the auxiliary handle (3) to indication that the carriage attachment is fully engaged.
the right (figure 69). 1. Position the forklift directly behind the attachment.
NOTE: Allow enough distance to extend the boom ap-
proximately 18 to 20 inches.
2. Tilt the quick attach adapter forward.
Hydraulic attachments have a 3. Extend the boom and/or drive the forklift forward until
maximum hydraulic pressure the pivot pins (A) are below and between the two (2)
rating. Failure to make sure the attachment hooks (B).
attachment is equipped with
a pressure reducing valve, or
is rated to be equal or greater than 3,500 psi, which is the
maximum pressure of the forklift auxiliary hydraulic system
at the quick-disconnect couplers, could result in death or
serious injury.
When the auxiliary attachment
control lever is moved right or
left it activates hydraulic pressure
through the quick attach
couplers (A) and (B) to move the
Figure 75. Drive Forklift Forward to Align Pivot Pins (A) with Attachment
B Hooks (B)
A 4. Raise the boom until pivot pins (A) have seated fully in at-
tachment hooks (B).
This forklift includes a quick attach system that allows for easy
attachment changes. Perform attachment connection and
removal procedures on level ground.
Attachment Connection
Operation Manual 60
C Figure 79. Insert Quick Attach Pin Through Attachment and Quick Attach
B 8. Release the quick attach lock lever and make sure it has
lowered and seated itself in groove (A) of the quick attach pin.
Figure 77. Tilt Attachment To Align Holes Between Quick Attach Adapter
(C) and Attachment (B).
Figure 80. Quick Attach Lock Lever and Quick Attach Pin.
61 Operation Manual
9. Connect the quick attach couplers (this only applies to at- 7. Raise the quick attach lock lever.
tachments with a quick attach hydraulic system).
Figure 83. Quick Attach Lock Lever
8. Pull out the quick attach pin at the bottom of the quick
Figure 81. Quick Attach Couplers For Hydraulic Systems. attach adapter.
(A) Female Coupler. (B) Male Coupler.
Attachment Removal
NOTE: To remove a standard carriage with forks, spread the
forks apart on the carriage shaft. This provides adequate sup-
port for the carriage to stand alone.
1. Bring the forklift to a complete stop.
2. Move the travel select lever to NEUTRAL (N).
3. Set the parking brake switch to ON (engaged).
4. Extend the boom approximately 18 to 20 inches.
5. With the attachment 10”-12” off of the ground, tilt the
attachment backward.
6. Disconnect the quick attach couplers (this only applies to Figure 84. Pull Quick Attach Pin from Attachment and Quick Attach
attachments with a quick attach hydraulic system). Adapter.
Figure 82. Quick Attach Couplers For Hydraulic Systems.
(A) Female Coupler. (B) Male Coupler. Figure 85. Lower Attachment to Ground in Level Position.
Operation Manual 62
10. Tilt and lower boom until pivot pins (A) have disconnected Keep the forklift, attachments, and loads a
from attachment hooks (B). safe distance from electrical power lines.
Figure 86. Tilt and Lower Boom to Release Pivot Pins (A) from Attach- DO NOT exceed forklift capacity of 10,000 lbs. The total
ment Hooks (B). rated capacity of the forks being used must equal or exceed
forklift capacity. Forks can break causing loss of load and
could result in death or serious injury.
11. Retract the boom to fully disconnect the attachment from
the quick attach link.
Load Handling
DO NOT exceed the manufacturer’s rated
load for any auxiliary attachment. Any
attempt to lift or carry loads in excess of the
Danger manufacturer’s rated load may cause forklift
tip over, loss of load, or structural damage
Death or serious injury by electrocution which could result in death, serious injury, or property
will result from contact with or inadequate damage.
clearance with energized power lines or
apparatus. Failure to keep personnel clear of the load
area while the load is being raised or lowered
could result in death or serious injury. DO
• Never operate the forklift in an area where active
NOT lift, swing, or move a load over anyone
overhead power lines, overhead or underground
or over a forklift cab.
cables, or other power sources exist.
• Contact the appropriate power or utility company • Review the rated load capacity of each auxiliary
to de-energize power lines or take other suitable attachment before performing any operation.
precautions. • Use the correct load chart and NEVER exceed specified
weights and load centers.
• DO NOT exceed the manufacturer’s recommended load
• DO NOT operate the forklift with an unsafe load
63 Operation Manual
Operation Manual 64
Elevating Personnel
Place A Load
1. Before placing the load, refer to the appropriate load
capacity chart to determine safe boom extension range. Use only a compliant work platform to lift or lower
personnel. Never drive the forklift with the work platform
2. Set the Parking Brake switch to ON (engaged). in a raised position or with personnel on board, even for
3. Use the frame sway control to level the forklift. For a short distance. Doing so could result in death, serious
additional information, refer to the Frame Leveling injury, or property damage.
section in this manual.
Use of the frame sway control with the boom Design Requirements For A Personnel Platform:
raised above horizontal could cause tip over
resulting in death or injury. Always use the
frame sway control to level the forklift BE- 1. Platform floor must have a slip resistant surface located
FORE raising the boom above horizontal. not more than 8” above the normal load supporting
If the forklift cannot be leveled using the frame sway con- surface of the fork.
trol, do not attempt to raise or place load. Reposition fork- 2. Platform floor dimensions shall not exceed two times the
lift or have the surface leveled. load center distance. This floor dimension is measured
parallel to the longitudinal center pane of the forklift.
4. Align the forks at the level the load is to be placed. 3. Platform floor width shall not be greater than the overall
5. Extend the boom slowly until the load is just above the width of the forklift, measured across the load bearing
area where it is to be placed. tires, plus 10” on each side.
6. Lower the boom until the pallet rests in position and the 4. Minimum space requirements for each person on the
forks are free to retract. platform shall not be less than 18” in either direction.
7. Retract the forks slowly from under the load. 5. Minimum 4” height toe plate around the perimeter of the
platform which may be omitted at the access opening.
Warning 6. On the overhead protection device, when requested by
the user.
Exercise caution when moving objects con-
7. Protection must be provided for the personnel in their
taining liquids, as the load may shift during
normal working position on the platform from moving
lifting and handling.
parts of the rough terrain forklift that represent a hazard.
65 Operation Manual
8. Information prominently indicated on the platform; 2. Make sure that the work platform is securely attached to
A) Maximum work load including personnel and equipment. the quick attach or forks. Follow the platform manufacturer’s
B) Weight of empty platform. instructions.
9. Provide a means so that the platform can only be centered 3. Make sure the platform, carriage, and forks are secured to
laterally on the forklift and retained against the vertical face of prevent them from pivoting from side to side.
the forks, carriage, or lifting mechanism.
4. On side tilt or swing carriage, the carriage must be centered
10. Provide a means to securely attach the platform to and/or leveled horizontally and vertically. The hydraulic
the lifting mechanism, and to prevent the platform from system quick disconnects must also be disconnected and the
inadvertent pivoting. carriage securely fastened to prevent any tilting or side to side
swinging motion.
11. Provide restraining means for securing personnel such
as an anchorage for attaching the lanyard of a body belt or 5. Ensure the forklift has a firm footing and is level.
6. Be sure the forklift is in a level position (side to side) before
12. Provide a guardrail or similar structure with a nominal any operation is begun. Use the frame sway to level the
height to the platform of 42” around its upper periphery and forklift. If the forklift cannot be leveled, reposition the forklift.
include a mid rail. It may be hinged, removable, or of chains,
and used if proper positioning is easily discernible. 7. Place the travel select lever in the NEUTRAL position.
Such restraining means shall be capable of withstanding a
concentrated horizontal force of 200 lbs applied at the point 8. Engage the parking brake switch. Blocking the wheels is
of least resistance without permanent deformation. A body also recommended.
belt and lanyard is to have an attachment point provided for
freedom of movement, and its length is limited to a free-fall of 9. Level the platform in both the side-to-side and front-to-
5 feet, measured from the point of attachment to the operator. back directions before use.
The complete system shall be capable of withstanding three
consecutive drop test to simulate a 250 lbs person free falling 10. Before lifting or lowering personnel, be sure the forklift
6 ft. without allowing the test weight to fall free to the ground. lifting mechanism operates smoothly through the entire
A deceleration device may be included. lifting and lowering of the platform and maintains its self-
leveling function. The forklift must operate smoothly both
13. Lanyards shall be arranged so as not to cause a tripping empty and loaded.
11. Lift and lower personnel smoothly, with caution, and only
14. Body belts should have a width of at least 1.75”. at their request.
15. Structural safety factor - all load supporting structural 12. Keep hands and feet clear of controls other than those in
elements of the work platform shall have a structural safety use.
factor of not less than 2 to 1 based on the minimum yield
strength of the material used. 13. Be certain that the path of platform travel is clear of
hazards, e.g., storage racks, scaffolds, overhead obstructions,
Capacity Limitations: and electrical wires.
The combined weight in lbs of the platform, load, and 14. Be sure any lift limiting devices and latches are functioning
personnel shall not exceed 33% of the capacity of the related properly.
load center position indicated on the machine load chart.
15. A trained operator shall be in position to control the
Preparation and Set-Up: forklift. When the operator is not in the operating position,
block the wheels and apply the parking brake with all controls
1. DO NOT alter or modify the work platform in any manner in neutral.
that is detrimental to its safe use.
16. Alert elevated personnel before moving the platform.
Then move the platform smoothly and with caution.
Operation Manual 66
17. Always lower the platform if you must move the forklift for how far to extend the boom.
adjustment in positioning.
NOTE: For example, when letter “A” first appears, the boom
Load Capacity Charts extension corresponds to the arc of line “A” throughout all the
load capacity charts.
Load capacity charts, located on the left side of the dash The boom angle indicator is located on the left side of the
panel, are provided to assist the operator in determining how boom and is visible from the operator’s seat. Use the boom
to safely operate the boom to pick up, carry, and set down angle indicator to determine the boom angle when referring
a load with the forklift, including what angle, how high, and to load capacity charts.
67 Operation Manual
NOTE: The boom angle indicator is a plumb arrow with For example:
angular graduations from -50 to +700.
1. The operator determines load weight and makes sure load
does not exceed fork, attachment, or boom capacity.
The load is 3,000 lbs.
2. The operator safely moves the load to a loading position.
• Places forks under load
• Tilts and raises load safely
• Fully retracts boom
• Drives forklift to position perpendicular to structure
• Levels the forklift
3. The operator determines height of structure where load is
to be placed.
Figure 90. Boom Angle Indicator. The structure height is 30 feet from ground level.
4. The operator determines distance from front tires where
Reading Load Capacity Charts load will be placed.
To accurately read the load capacity charts, you must The distance in front of forklift where load will be placed is 20
determine three (3) things: feet.
• Weight of the load being lifted 5. Operator reads load capacity chart for attachment carriage
• Height of structure where load is to be placed to learn it will be safe to place the load at any boom angle with
• Distance from front tires where load will be placed the boom extend letter “E” showing.
20 20
2.0 FT
Figure 91. Load Capacity CENTER
1,800 LBS
2,200 LBS
3,000 LBS
4,500 LBS
6,000 LBS
10,000 LBS
8,000 LBS
9,000 LBS
5 0
5 D C B
0 E
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
P/N 17020-000
Operation Manual 68
level condition. Always frame sway the forklift right or left un-
Frame Leveling til the indicator shows 0° (level).
The frame sway control handle has variable motions from the
center that control frame sway (right and left). Figure 93. Frame Level Indicator.
The frame sway feature becomes locked and will not operate
when the boom is raised 40° or more. Applying service brake,
parking brake, and placing travel select lever in NEUTRAL,
then pressing the Frame Sway Override switch (the trigger on
the Front Control handle) will override the lockout feature and
allow frame sway.
The frame sway control handle controls the frame sway (right
and left) functions.
To lock the frame sway, place the travel select lever in
NEUTRAL or apply the service or parking brake.
NOTE: Maximum frame sway is 22° overall or 11° each direc-
tion, left and right.
A frame level indicator is mounted on the inside upper right
corner of the operator’s cab. The frame level indicator allows Figure 94. Frame Sway Override Switch.
the operator to view if the forklift has been positioned in a
69 Operation Manual
Preventive Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance
Check for oil and coolant leaks
Establishing a Maintenance Program Check condition and tension of drive belts (use
tension meter to check belt tension)
The hour meter displays elapsed engine operating hours Lubricate front and rear drive shaft grease fittings
and has a total readout of 9,999.9 hours. Use the hour meter
Lubricate outrigger pivot point grease fittings
and the schedules contained in this section to establish a
comprehensive preventive maintenance program. Lubricate front and rear axle grease fittings
Change differential oil
Change wheel-end oil
Check wheel lug nuts torqued to 380-420 ft-lbs
Lubricate boom pivot point grease fittings
Lubricate front and rear axle cylinder pivot point
grease fittings
Lubricate boom roller grease fittings and chains
Replace hydraulic return line filter
Replace transmission filter and top off fluid, as required
Figure 95. Hourmeter Lubricate boom pivot point grease fittings
Lubricate front and rear axle cylinder pivot point grease
Maintenance Schedule
After Every 250 Hours of Operation or 3 Months
Every Day or 8 Hours of Operation
Check structures for damage and cracked welds
All items from Pre-Operation Inspection Checklist
Check pins for wear and damage
Crankcase Breather Tube
Verify that all fasteners are in place and are tight
Fuel-Water Separator Check air cooler and air piping
Lubricating Oil Level Check air filter (replace if necessary)
Coolant Level Check tension and condition of drive belts (use
Fan, Cooling tension meter to check belt tension)
Drive Belts Lubricate front and rear drive shaft grease fittings
Lubricate front and rear axle grease fittings
Air Cleaner Restriction
Check differential oil level
Dust Ejection Valve
Check wheel-end oil level
Air Intake Piping
Check boom chain tension (adjust if necessary)
After First 50 Hours of Operation Inspect boom rollers and slide blocks for condition
Change engine oil and filters and tightness
Check air filter (replace if necessary) Lubricate boom roller grease fittings and chains
Replace fuel filter and pre-filter
After Every 500 Hours of Operation or 6 Months
Check engine hoses and connections for leaks,
damage, and tightness Replace air filters
Check radiator hoses for leaks, damage, and tightness Replace fuel filters
Check electrical cables, leads, and connections for Check cooling system antifreeze
damage and tightness
Operation Manual 70
Preventive Maintenance
Check engine hoses and connections for leaks, All fault codes recorded will either be active (fault code is pres-
damage, and tightness ently active on the engine) or inactive (fault code was active at
Check radiator hoses for leaks, damage, and tightness some time, but is not presently active).
Check cooling fan belt tensioner The STOP ENGINE lamp is red and indicates the need to stop
the engine as soon as it can be safely done. The engine must
Check electrical cables, leads, and connections for remain shut down until the engine can be repaired.
damage and tightness
When illuminated, the yellow “WARNING” or “CHECK ENGINE”
Check specific gravity of engine coolant
lamp indicates that the engine is in need of repair at the first
Replace transmission fluid and filters and perform the available opportunity.
required transmission calibration
Another function of the WARNING or CHECK ENGINE lamp
Replace hydraulic reservoir air breather (yellow lamp) is to flash for 30 seconds at key ON when one of
Replace hydraulic return line filter the following occurs:
Replace hydraulic high-pressure filter • Maintenance is required (if the Maintenance Monitor fea-
ture is enabled)
After Every 1,000 Hours of Operation • Water in fuel is detected.
If the warning light flashes for 30 seconds at Ignition Switch
Comply with 50-Hour Maintenance Requirements
ON and water is drained from the primary water-separating
Comply with 250-Hour Maintenance Requirements fuel filter, the secondary fuel filter must be replaced.
Comply with 500-Hour Maintenance Requirements Fault codes can be accessed using the electronic service tool
Change wheel-end oil or by fault code flash out.
Change differential oil To check for active engine electronic fuel system and engine
protection system fault codes, turn the Ignition Switch OFF
Inspect boom chains
and move the diagnostic switch to the ON position.
After Every 2,000 Hours of Operation Turn the vehicle Ignition Switch to the ON position.
If no active fault codes are recorded, both lights will come on
Comply with 50-Hour Maintenance Requirements and stay on.
Comply with 250-Hour Maintenance Requirements If active fault codes are recorded, both lights will come on mo-
Comply with 500-Hour Maintenance Requirements mentarily, then begin to flash the code numbers of the record-
ed fault codes.
Comply with 1000-Hour Maintenance Requirements
The fault code flashes in the following sequence:
Change hydraulic fluid
• A WARNING (amber) light flashes.
Clean or replace hydraulic reservoir strainer
• Following a short one or two second pause, the number
After Every 4,000 Hours of Operation of the recorded fault code flashes in the STOP (red) lamp.
Drain and flush cooling system • There is a one or two second pause between each num-
Engine Diagnostic Fault Codes • After the number finishes flashing in red, an amber light
appears again.
The electronic engine control system displays and records cer- The lights flash each fault code out three times before advanc-
tain detectable fault conditions. These failures are displayed ing to the next code. To skip to the next fault code, move the
as fault codes, which make troubleshooting easier. The fault Increment/Decrement switch, if equipped, momentarily to
codes are retained in the ECM. the increment (+) position. You can go back to the previous
There are two types of diagnostic codes: fault code by momentarily moving the Increment/Decrement
• Engine electronic control system fault codes inform the switch, if equipped, to the decrement (-) position. If only one
operator that there is a problem with the control system active fault code is recorded, the same fault code will contin-
that requires troubleshooting. uously be displayed when either (+) or (-) switch is depressed.
• Information and engine protection fault codes inform the The diagnostic switch must remain in the OFF position (short-
operator that the control system has detected an engine ing plug removed) while the engine is being operated for all
condition outside the normal operating range. fault codes to be logged.
71 Operation Manual
Preventive Maintenance
The diagnostic on/off switch circuit signals the system that the
operator is requesting to read any active fault code recorded
in the ECM.
When the ECM receives the signal from the diagnostic
ON/OFF switch, the yellow and red warning lights come on
and start flashing if any active fault code is recorded in the
ECM. If both warning lights remain on and do not flash, there
are no active fault codes present.
NOTE: The equipment must be stationary. If road speed is
detected, the flashing sequence will not occur.
Turn the diagnostic switch OFF when the diagnostic system
is not in use.
Operation Manual 72
Lockout / Tagout
Lockout / Tagout
73 Operation Manual
Lockout / Tagout
Operation Manual 74
Lockout / Tagout
75 Operation Manual
Xtreme Manufacturing Product Warranty Policy
1) Xtreme Manufacturing warrants, its authorized sales and service centers (herein referred to as “SSC”), new
product(s) the mainframe and chassis weldments shall be free from defect in material and workmanship for
the period of 10 years or 10,000 hours whichever comes first. The boom weldment and boom rollers shall be
free from defects in material and workmanship for the period of 5 years or 5,000 hours whichever comes first.
The powertrain assemblies consisting of engine, transmission and drive axles and all other components not
listed above shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for the period of 2 year or 2,000 hours
after date of delivery. This warranty is made to the original owner of the new product(s) and is transferable for
the duration of the coverage period, to the subsequent owner with prior written approval from Xtreme
Manufacturing (see limitations).
2) Machines may be held in an authorized Distributor/ SSC’s stock for a maximum period of six (6) months
from the date of shipment from Xtreme, before the warranty period is automatically initiated on each
3) It is the responsibility of the Distributor/SSC to complete and return to Xtreme Manufacturing a Pre‐delivery
Inspection Record, Warranty Registration Form, before the act of rental / loan / demonstration of the machine
or delivery to an end user. In the case of direct sale to end customers the same responsibility lies with the end
4) Any end customer, SSC, distributor or dealer shall not be entitled to the benefits of this warranty and
Xtreme Manufacturing shall have no obligations here under unless the “Pre‐Delivery and Inspection Record”
has been properly completed and returned to the Xtreme Manufacturing Warranty department within fifteen
(15) days after delivery of the Xtreme Manufacturing product to the Customer or Dealer’s demonstration /
rental fleet. Xtreme Manufacturing must be notified, in writing, within ten (10) days, of any machine sold to a
Customer from a Dealer/SSC’s rental fleet during the warranty period.
5) Any part or parts which upon examination by the Xtreme Product Support Department are found to be
defective within the specified warranty period, will be replaced or repaired at the sole discretion of Xtreme
Manufacturing, through its local Authorized Distributor/SSC, at no charge. Any parts replaced under warranty
must be original Xtreme parts obtained through an authorized Xtreme Manufacturing Distributor/SSC unless
expressly agreed otherwise in writing and in advance by Xtreme Manufacturing’s warranty department.
Operation Manual 76
Xtreme Manufacturing Product Warranty Policy
6) All parts claimed under warranty must be held available for return and inspection upon request for a period
of 90 days from date of claim submission, it is necessary that all parts are individually tagged or marked with
their part number and the warranty claim number. All parts returning should be still in a factory state, free of
any alteration to the original design. If the parts are subject to repair it will need to be pre authorized by the
Xtreme Product Support Group and or Warranty Department prior to the repair being completed. After 90
days all parts replaced under warranty which have not been returned, to Xtreme Manufacturing should be
destroyed. Failure to produce parts requested by the Warranty Administrator for inspection within a period of
14 days will result in the claim being automatically rejected in full. Materials returned for warranty inspection
must have the following procedure:
Carefully packaged to prevent additional damage during shipping
Drained of all contents and all open ports capped or plugged
Shipped in a container tagged or marked with the RMA number
Shipped PREPAID (ground service only). Any item(s) returned for warranty by any other means may
be refused and returned, unless prior approval is agreed with Xtreme.
7) At the direction of the Xtreme Manufacturing Warranty department, any component part(s) of Xtreme
Manufacturing products to be replaced or repaired under this warranty program must be returned freight
prepaid for inspection. An RMA (Returns material authorization) must be requested from Xtreme
Manufacturing Warranty department, a copy to be placed with the returning component part(s).
8) All warranty replacement parts will be shipped freight prepaid (standard charges, ground shipping only)
from the Xtreme Manufacturing Parts department, Service Department or from the Vendor to Dealer/SSC or
Customer. Any other shipping method is the customer responsibility.
9) All warranty claims are subject to approval by Xtreme Manufacturing Service department. Xtreme
Manufacturing reserves the right to limit or adjust claims with regard to defective parts, labor or travel time
based on usual and customary guidelines.
10) Reimbursement policy, labor will be paid at 75% of posted hourly shop rate. Travel time will be paid at $50
per hour up to a maximum of 3 hours. Xtreme Manufacturing will pay 1 hour of troubleshooting time per
warranty claim, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing and in advance by Xtreme’s Warranty
Department. An annual rate declaration must to be supplied to the Xtreme Warranty administrator by January
31st and will be used as the reimbursable rate for that calendar year.
77 Operation Manual
Xtreme Manufacturing Product Warranty Policy
1. Any part replaced under this limited warranty is not subject to further warranty cover beyond the normal
warranty period of the machine upon which the part was installed.
2. Any replacement parts sold (not delivered under a warranty claim) will be subject to a warranty period of
(6) six months from the date of invoice.
3. Parts held by an authorized Distributor/SSC are covered under warranty for a period of (12) twelve months
from the date of invoice, provided that those parts have been subject to appropriate storage to prevent
damage and deterioration (conditional on Xtreme Manufacturing review).
The Xtreme Manufacturing Warranty department must be notified within forty‐eight hours (48) of any
possible warranty situation during the applicable warranty period. Personnel performing major warranty
repair or parts replacement must obtain specific approval by the Xtreme Manufacturing Warranty department
prior to performing the warranty repair or replacement.
When a Distributor/SSC / Customer perceive a warranty issue to exist the following steps must be adhered to:
• Customer/SSC / Distributor to place a purchase order for genuine Xtreme Manufacturing replacement
• Xtreme Manufacturing to dispatch parts via the requested method (in line with the required response
• Confirmation that a qualified technician is available to replace the part and that this person has been
accepted by Xtreme Manufacturing to carry out such work under the warranty of the machine. Failure
to do this may nullify the warranty.
• Customer /SSC / Distributor to allocate a warranty claim number to the repair.
• All correspondence in respect of the claim to be on an official Xtreme Manufacturing warranty claim
form as supplied by Xtreme Manufacturing’s warranty department.
• All warranty claims must be submitted within 30 days of the date of the machine repair.
• If a machine is received in a damaged condition, then the damage must be noted on the bill of lading
and /or delivery documents and photographs must be taken at the point of delivery, prior to signing
acceptance of the consignment.
• The freight company and Xtreme Manufacturing must be contacted by the Distributor and a damage
claim registered by either party immediately.
Operation Manual 78
Xtreme Manufacturing Product Warranty Policy
• The above requirements apply only to freight damage associated with equipment supplied by Xtreme
Manufacturing transport. Customer freight issues are excluded from this warranty policy.
1. Engines, motors, tires and batteries are manufactured by specialist suppliers to Xtreme Manufacturing, who
furnish their own warranty policies. Xtreme Manufacturing will, however, to the extent permitted pass
through any such warranty protection to the Distributor/SSC / Customer.
2. Xtreme Manufacturing products which has been modified or altered outside Xtreme Manufacturing
factories without written approval, if such modification or alteration, in the sole judgment of Xtreme
Manufacturing Engineering and/or Service Departments, adversely affects the stability, reliability or service
life of the Xtreme Manufacturing product or any component thereof.
3. Any Xtreme Manufacturing product which has been subject to misuse and abuse, improper maintenance or
accident. “Misuse” includes but is not limited to operation beyond the factory‐rated load capacity and speeds.
“Improper maintenance” includes but is not limited to failure to follow the recommendations contained in the
Xtreme Manufacturing Operation, Maintenance, and repair Parts Manuals.
4. Normal wear of any Xtreme Manufacturing component part(s). Normal wear of component parts may vary
with the type, application or type of environment in which the machine may be used; such as, but not limited
to sandblasting applications.
5. Routine maintenance, routine maintenance items and minor adjustments are not covered by this warranty,
including but not limited to hydraulic fluid, filters and lubrication, paint and decals engine tune‐up, brake
adjustments etc. Xtreme Manufacturing will not cover leaks from fittings, hoses and any other connection
points after the unit has been in service for 90 days or 150 hours of operation which ever comes first.
6. Any Xtreme Manufacturing product that has come into direct contact with any chemical or abrasive
7. Incidental or consequential expenses, losses, or damages related to any part or equipment failure, including
but not limited to freight cost to transport the machine to a repair facility, downtime of the machine, lost time
for workers, lost orders, lost rental revenue, lost profits, expenses or increased cost. This warranty is expressly
in lieu of all other warranties, representations or liabilities of Xtreme Manufacturing, either expressed or
implied, unless otherwise amended in writing by Xtreme Manufacturing.
8. Xtreme Manufacturing warranty policy does not cover any duties, taxes, environmental fees including
without limitation, disposal or handling of tires, batteries and petrochemical items.
9. Items specifically excluded are: fuel injectors, motor brushes, glow plugs, contactor tips and springs, filters,
lamp bulbs, lamp lenses, coolants, lubricants, brake pads and cleaning materials.
10. Failure of replacement parts due to fault misdiagnosis or incorrect fitting by the
79 Operation Manual
Xtreme Manufacturing Product Warranty Policy
Distributor/SSC / Customer.
Wherever possible the end customer shall obtain all warranty support & make all warranty claims through the
local Xtreme Manufacturing authorized Distributor /SSC / Dealer. Warranty support should be from the
Distributor /SSC / Dealer from whom the Xtreme Manufacturing product was purchased. Where Xtreme
Manufacturing equipment is supplied directly from the factory, the end customer, if unable to contact a
Distributor/SSC / Dealer, may contact the Xtreme Manufacturing Warranty Department for further assistance.
The buyer may appeal in writing against a rejected or adjusted claim to Xtreme Manufacturing warranty
department within a period of 21 days of receiving the rejection or adjustment notice. The appeal should be
grounded on express reasons and supported by relevant evidence. Appeals received outside of this time limit
will not be considered.
Operation Manual 80
Xtreme Manufacturing Product Warranty Policy
Limited Warranty Periods
Item Warranty Period
10 years or 10,000 hours, parts
Main Frame and Chassis
replacement or repair
5 years or 5,000 hours, parts replacement
Boom weldment and rollers
or repair
2 years or 2,000 hours, parts replacement
Powertrain and all other components not listed above
or repair
12 months from date of invoice, subject
Parts held in a Distributor’s stock
to adequate storage / protection.
Parts sold (non warranty) 6 months from date of invoice
81 Operation Manual
(702) 636-2969 (800) 497-1704