World War II
World War II
World War II Editors
The instability created in Europe by the First World War (1914-18) set the stage for
another international conflict—World War II—which broke out two decades later and
would prove even more devastating. Rising to power in an economically and politically
unstable Germany, Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi Party, rearmed the nation and signed
strategic treaties with Italy and Japan to further his ambitions of world domination.
Hitler’s invasion of Poland in September 1939 drove Great Britain and France to declare
war on Germany, marking the beginning of World War II. Over the next six years, the
conflict would take more lives and destroy more land and property around the globe than
any previous war. Among the estimated 45-60 million people killed were 6 million Jews
murdered in Nazi concentration camps as part of Hitler’s diabolical “Final Solution,” now
known as the Holocaust.
The devastation of the Great War (as World War I was known at the time) had greatly
destabilized Europe, and in many respects World War II grew out of issues left unresolved
by that earlier conflict. In particular, political and economic instability in Germany, and
lingering resentment over the harsh terms imposed by the Versailles Treaty, fueled the
rise to power of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist German Workers’ Party, abbreviated
as NSDAP in German and the Nazi Party in English..
Did you know? As early as 1923, in his memoir and propaganda tract "Mein Kampf" (My
Struggle), Adolf Hitler had predicted a general European war that would result in "the
extermination of the Jewish race in Germany."
In late August 1939, Hitler and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin signed the German-Soviet
Nonaggression Pact, which incited a frenzy of worry in London and Paris. Hitler had long
planned an invasion of Poland, a nation to which Great Britain and France had
guaranteed military support if it were attacked by Germany. The pact with Stalin meant
that Hitler would not face a war on two fronts once he invaded Poland, and would have
Soviet assistance in conquering and dividing the nation itself. On September 1, 1939,
Hitler invaded Poland from the west; two days later, France and Britain declared war on
Germany, beginning World War II.
On September 17, Soviet troops invaded Poland from the east. Under attack from both
sides, Poland fell quickly, and by early 1940 Germany and the Soviet Union had divided
control over the nation, according to a secret protocol appended to the Nonaggression
Pact. Stalin’s forces then moved to occupy the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia and
Lithuania) and defeated a resistant Finland in the Russo-Finnish War. During the six
months following the invasion of Poland, the lack of action on the part of Germany and
the Allies in the west led to talk in the news media of a “phony war.” At sea, however, the
British and German navies faced off in heated battle, and lethal German U-boat
submarines struck at merchant shipping bound for Britain, sinking more than 100 vessels
in the first four months of World War II.
On April 9, 1940, Germany simultaneously invaded Norway and occupied Denmark, and
the war began in earnest. On May 10, German forces swept through Belgium and the
Netherlands in what became known as “blitzkrieg,” or lightning war. Three days later,
Hitler’s troops crossed the Meuse River and struck French forces at Sedan, located at the
northern end of the Maginot Line, an elaborate chain of fortifications constructed after
World War I and considered an impenetrable defensive barrier. In fact, the Germans
broke through the line with their tanks and planes and continued to the rear, rendering it
useless. The British Expeditionary Force (BEF) was evacuated by sea from Dunkirk in late
May, while in the south French forces mounted a doomed resistance. With France on the
verge of collapse, Italy’s fascist dictator Benito Mussolini formed an alliance with Hitler,
the Pact of Steel, and Italy declared war against France and Britain on June 10.
On June 14, German forces entered Paris; a new government formed by Marshal Philippe
Petain (France’s hero of World War I) requested an armistice two nights later. France was
subsequently divided into two zones, one under German military occupation and the
other under Petain’s government, installed at Vichy France. Hitler now turned his
attention to Britain, which had the defensive advantage of being separated from the
Continent by the English Channel.
To pave the way for an amphibious invasion (dubbed Operation Sea Lion), German planes
bombed Britain extensively beginning in September 1940 until May 1941, known as the
Blitz, including night raids on London and other industrial centers that caused heavy
civilian casualties and damage. The Royal Air Force (RAF) eventually defeated the
Luftwaffe (German Air Force) in the Battle of Britain, and Hitler postponed his plans to
invade. With Britain’s defensive resources pushed to the limit, Prime Minister Winston
Churchill began receiving crucial aid from the U.S. under the Lend-Lease Act, passed by
Congress in early 1941.
On June 22, 1941, Hitler ordered the invasion of the Soviet Union, codenamed Operation
Barbarossa. Though Soviet tanks and aircraft greatly outnumbered the Germans’, Russian
aviation technology was largely obsolete, and the impact of the surprise invasion helped
Germans get within 200 miles of Moscow by mid-July. Arguments between Hitler and his
commanders delayed the next German advance until October, when it was stalled by a
Soviet counteroffensive and the onset of harsh winter weather.
With Britain facing Germany in Europe, the United States was the only nation capable of
combating Japanese aggression, which by late 1941 included an expansion of its ongoing
war with China and the seizure of European colonial holdings in the Far East. On
December 7, 1941, 360 Japanese aircraft attacked the major U.S. naval base at Pearl
Harbor in Hawaii, taking the Americans completely by surprise and claiming the lives of
more than 2,300 troops. The attack on Pearl Harbor served to unify American public
opinion in favor of entering World War II, and on December 8 Congress declared war on
Japan with only one dissenting vote. Germany and the other Axis Powers promptly
declared war on the United States.
After a long string of Japanese victories, the U.S. Pacific Fleet won the Battle of Midway in
June 1942, which proved to be a turning point in the war. On Guadalcanal, one of the
southern Solomon Islands, the Allies also had success against Japanese forces in a series
of battles from August 1942 to February 1943, helping turn the tide further in the Pacific.
In mid-1943, Allied naval forces began an aggressive counterattack against Japan,
involving a series of amphibious assaults on key Japanese-held islands in the Pacific. This
“island-hopping” strategy proved successful, and Allied forces moved closer to their
ultimate goal of invading the mainland Japan.
Toward Allied Victory in World War II (1943-45)
In North Africa, British and American forces had defeated the Italians and Germans by
1943. An Allied invasion of Sicily and Italy followed, and Mussolini’s government fell in
July 1943, though Allied fighting against the Germans in Italy would continue until 1945.
On the Eastern Front, a Soviet counteroffensive launched in November 1942 ended the
bloody Battle of Stalingrad, which had seen some of the fiercest combat of World War II.
The approach of winter, along with dwindling food and medical supplies, spelled the end
for German troops there, and the last of them surrendered on January 31, 1943.
An intensive aerial bombardment in February 1945 preceded the Allied land invasion of
Germany, and by the time Germany formally surrendered on May 8, Soviet forces had
occupied much of the country. Hitler was already dead, having died by suicide on April 30
in his Berlin bunker.
Heavy casualties sustained in the campaigns at Iwo Jima (February 1945) and Okinawa
(April-June 1945), and fears of the even costlier land invasion of Japan led Truman to
authorize the use of a new and devastating weapon. Developed during a top secret
operation code-named The Manhattan Project, the atomic bomb was unleashed on the
Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in early August. On August 15, the Japanese
government issued a statement declaring they would accept the terms of the Potsdam
Declaration, and on September 2, U.S. General Douglas MacArthur accepted Japan’s
formal surrender aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.
A tank and crew from the 761st Tank Battalion in front of the Prince Albert Memorial in Coburg,
Germany, 1945.
The National Archives
World War II exposed a glaring paradox within the United States Armed Forces. Although
more than 1 million African Americans served in the war to defeat Nazism and fascism,
they did so in segregated units. The same discriminatory Jim Crow policies that were
rampant in American society were reinforced by the U.S. military. Black servicemen rarely
saw combat and were largely relegated to labor and supply units that were commanded by
white officers.
There were several African American units that proved essential in helping to win World
War II, with the Tuskegee Airmen being among the most celebrated. But the Red Ball
Express, the truck convoy of mostly Black drivers were responsible for delivering essential
goods to General George S. Patton’s troops on the front lines in France. The all-Black
761st Tank Battalion fought in the Battle of the Bulge, and the 92 Infantry Division, fought
in fierce ground battles in Italy. Yet, despite their role in defeating fascism, the fight for
equality continued for African American soldiers after the World War II ended. They
remained in segregated units and lower-ranking positions, well into the Korean War, a
few years after President Truman signed an executive order to desegregate the U.S.
military in 1948.
The legacy of the war would include the spread of communism from the Soviet Union into
eastern Europe as well as its eventual triumph in China, and the global shift in power
from Europe to two rival superpowers–the United States and the Soviet Union–that
would soon face off against each other in the Cold War.
Pearl Harbor
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