Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship Learning Activity Sheet (Las) Week 1 Name: - Strand/Section

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Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship


Week 1

Name: _________________________________ Strand/Section_______________

IMPORTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING COMMUNITY 1. It is the change and development involved in a

DYNAMICS AND COMMUNITY ACTION community that includes all forms of living organisms.
Background Information for the Learners 2. It helps in the dynamics or the degree of
When one wants to study a community, he should have a improvement of a community.
clear understanding of what is a community, community 3. It is generally defined by its common cultural
dynamics and community action. Communities are heritage, language, beliefs and shared interests.
generally defined by their common cultural heritage, 4. It is a feature of a community which pertains to
language, beliefs and shared interests. Community the set of interactions or human behaviors that have
dynamics is the change and development involved in a meaning to and expectations from its members.
community that includes all forms of living organisms; 5. It refers to the community as the center of
whereas, community action is putting communities as the service development and service delivery.
center of service development and service delivery. This LEARNING TASK 1 2. Let’s try Analogy
initiative aims to cater the primary needs of the Direction: Read each statement carefully.
communities before implementing it. In such way, Write A if the first statement is true and the second
community action will help the community dynamics or the statement is false. Write B if the first statement is false and
degree of improvement of the community. It is important the second statement is true. Write C if both statements
to understand these two because these will propel the are true, and
success and stability of the communities. They go hand in Write D if both statements are false.
hand and are proportionally related.
The dynamics of a community is determined by its nature 1. a. A sense of belongingness among individuals is
and structure and how it reacts with external or internal develop when one becomes a part of a community.
forces. It is thus important to recognize the characteristics b. We can see, touch and directly experience a community.
and features of a community to understand why it acts and
reacts in a certain way. Here are the following features of 2. a. A community in some senses may not even
community: have a physical location but be demarcated by a group of
A community has a sociological construct or a set people with a common interest.
of interactions or human behaviors that have meaning and b. A community is not just about the people who are in it.
expectations between its members.
A community has fuzzy or imprecise boundaries, 3. a. Community dynamics is the capacity to
and has stayed that way to this day people interact not only influence to bring about change.
with fellows within their village but also outside of it. b. The behavior of power actors can break or make
A community can exist within a larger community including community development interventions.
districts, regions, ethnic groups, nations, and other
boundaries 4. a. Power actors are powerful producers of
A community may move--move to find work for a living. relationships that connect people to people.
Moreover, a community, in order to have its dynamics at b. A community will only exist when all of its residents are
play, needs power actors to bring about its needed change. born.
These power actors should have the capacity to influence
the decision-making and distribution processes to get 5. a. A community may have members who have
things done in a community. This reality indicates that to temporarily moved to other locations.
work in a community or to undertake community b. The degree of improvement of a community relies on
interventions is a challenging task. Finally, development community dynamics
work requires understanding community dynamics and
processes. LEARNING TASK 1.3. My Journey Directions:
Learning Competency with Code Take a mental tour in the community where you belong.
Close your eyes and imagine that you are travelling back to
Explain the importance of studying community dynamics the things that happened in your community way back 5-10
and community action in relation to applied social sciences years ago or in the years that we were not yet affected by
and the learners' future career options. the Covid-19 pandemic. Be quiet and let your mind travel
Week 1 HUMSS_CSC12-IIIa-c-1 from the previous happenings in your community until you
reach the present year.
LEARNING TASK 1.1. Define Me In your mental tour, determine the changes that happened
Direction: Tell what is being described in each statement. in your community 5-10 years ago.
Write your answer on the space provided for. Make a comparison of your community then and now by
presenting it through a poster.
In your poster, identify the important community dynamics questions below. You may use separate sheet for your
and community action that brought changes in your answers
community. What can you do to help your community at this time of
the pandemic?
*Draw your poster at the back of paper or you may use Are you willing to volunteer for
separate paper missions/organizations/foundations that will help others
Rubrics and your community? Why?
rubrics How can you help in nation building?

4 3 2 1
Quality Remarkably Good Poor Very
Relevant Relevant and Not so poor
and very attractive. relevant construction.
attractive. Irrelevant and
and not so not attractive.
Inventive Remarkably A good Some thinking Not creative
ness inventive amount of was put into
and thinking was the
creative. A put into the presentation.
lot of presentation.
thinking was
used to
make the
Innovativ Remarkably Good Some Poor or
eness innovative innovation elements of no
and original innovation innovation
LEARNING TASK 1.4. Career Ko! Push Ko!
Direction: Recall the time when you were still a kid and
dreamt of becoming a successful person someday. What
was your greatest ambition since then? Accomplish the
table on the second column by answering the questions on
the first column. You may use/add separate sheet for your

What do you want to

accomplish 5-8 years from
now? Rubrics

What is your personal career

4 3 2 1
Theme Is able to write Is able to write Is able to Is unable
What makes you choose a mission write a to create a
a clearly statement but mission mission
this career? Or who
articulated rather unclear statement but statement
influenced or motivated unclear
you to choose this career?
How did community affect Is able to write Is able to Is able to Is able to write
your career choice? an original write an write a a somewhat
What is the importance of mission original somewhat original mission
understanding your statement mission original statement but
community dynamics and that strongly statement mission does not state
community action for your conveys that conveys statement student’s
future career? student’s student’s that does not willingness to
willingness to convey much
LEARNING TASK 1.5. Career Ko, Para sa Community Ko! willingness
help student’s help
Direction: Make a mission statement on your community to help
engagement as future professionals. Consider the guide
to help
Style and Is able to use Is able to write Is able to write Writes
Mechanics correct a statement a statement a statement
grammar, with minor with moderate with major
spelling and errors in errors in errors in
punctuations. grammar, grammar, grammar,
Writing is clear spelling or spelling or spelling or
and concise. punctuation. punctuation. In punctuation.
Writing is still some instances Writing is still
clear and writing is still unclear and
concise. unclear and wordy.

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