Facebook Marketing Proposal
Facebook Marketing Proposal
Facebook Marketing Proposal
it is generic in nature and not suitable for use without revision. New sections can and should be
added to address specific needs and legal requirements of the issuing company.
This document is not intended to constitute professional advice.
The purpose of this section is to give a brief overview of the company issuing the RFP and the social
media project or desired work relationship between the company and the vendor.
1. Company Overview
<Company ABC’s History>
<Company ABC’s business objectives>
<Reasons why Company ABC intends to participate in social media>
2. Overview of Project
<Objectives of the project>
<Explanation of type of vendor relationship desired i.e. Project-based, Agency of Record, etc>
3. Overview of Audiences and Stakeholders
<List primary audiences for the company, i.e. demographics, psychographics, etc>
<List primary information needs of each audience group>
4. Primary contact
<List Company ABC’s primary contact for questions related to process and RFI document>
1. Vendor Company Name
2. Parent Company (if applicable)
3. Ownership structure
4. Years in operation
5. Mailing address (Head Office)
6. Other office locations
7. Main telephone
8. Fax number
9. Web URL
10. Vendor blog URL
11. Primary Vendor contact (name, title, phone and email address)
12. Total number of Vendor employees
13. Number of Vendor employees whose primary function is social media
14. Top five social media clients by revenue percentage and length of relationship
15. Current clients (social media work only)
16. Percentage of total revenue that is social-media related
17. Please list three references for social media work including; Company name, primary client
name, contact details and brief explanation of services provided
18. List of accounts lost or resigned in the last two years
19. Please list any potential conflicts with existing Vendor client base and this RFP
20. Senior social media staff bios
21. Links to senior social media staff profiles on social sites (i.e. Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook…)
22. Please provide a complete list of relevant social media platform and technology partners, with
23. If a partner, outside contractor or anyone not currently employed with the company has prepared
any part of this response, please list details
1. Please list all social media services provided to clients
2. Do you have any proprietary tools or products related to social media?
3. Please list any experience you have with integrating social, paid and/or earned media
4. Please identify your most common type of clients, with examples: marketing, communications,
IT, human resources, internal deployment of Enterprise 2.0 programs, other
5. Please list and provide links to primary social media communication channels for your company
(i.e. Company blog, Twitter account, Facebook group, blogs authored by principals, etc.)
1. Do you offer social media training services for clients?
2. What format does your training take (i.e. workshops, presentations, walkthroughs,
webinars/online learning)
3. What internal processes do you have in place to ensure that your staff are kept current on social
media innovations and best practices?
4. How do you measure progress and evaluate training effectiveness?
5. Please provide sample curriculum/outline
6. Please provide testimonials or feedback from training participants
Social Media Group has been Ford Motor Company's social media agency since 2007. Other clients
include SAP, Yamaha Motor, and ING Direct bank, among others.
Visit this link for more presentations and social media statistics from Social Media Group.