FAMILY NURSING CARE PLAN Family Health Problem Family Nursing Problem
FAMILY NURSING CARE PLAN Family Health Problem Family Nursing Problem
FAMILY NURSING CARE PLAN Family Health Problem Family Nursing Problem
Problem Nursing Goal of Care of care Nursing Rationale Method of Resources Evaluation
Problem Intervention family required
PRESENCE OF Inability to After Nursing After four hours 1.) Provide 1.) It can Home visit 1.) low cost Goals partially
HEALTH provide a intervention, of home visit information of increase the resources to met.
THREATS home the family the ff: safety need or awareness improve and
Accident environment will think of 1.) The family injury about injury modify facilities The stairs
Hazard: Stair’s conducive necessary will know the prevention and hazards. in home and without handle
without handle to heath action to importance of a motivation to 2.) It can environment can cause
maintenance reduce safe prevent. mobilize them 2.) Time and accident in the
and personal potential environment 2.) Discuss to utilize effort of both family.
developmen hazards in to free from about preventive student public
t due to: the home hazards and supervision for measures. health nurses and
Lack of environment. accident. the young ones family.
knowledge 2.) The family and
on will be aware improvement of
dangerous and knowledge the faculty.
construction able of the
materials hazards in their
that can home including
cause its preventive
damage. measures.
1. Presence of Inability to .after 2 hours After nursing 1.) Discuss with 1.) To avoid Home visit Materials After
insects and pest provide a home of nursing intervention, the the family clean disease. Resources: nursing
environment intervention family will be the kitchen intervention
conducive to the family able: before and after Visual Aids about the family
heath will decide on using it. the effects of makes
maintenance the a.) To make 2.) Discuss 2.) This will presence of action to
and personal appropriate action with the family enhance the insects and pest. avoid
development action to from always cover family’s disease; and
due to: prevent the home the food to knowledge about Human improving
a. Lack of diseases and sanitation. prevent from their health Resources: their home.
knowledge on maintain a b.) To flies and other nutrition.
the possible healthy improve insects. Time and effort
cause of our family. their 3.) Discuss 3.) To control of both the nurse
health through home. with the family the insects and and the clients.
those parasites c.) Will always clean pest.
and insects. consult the home Financial
b. Lack of the nurse environment. Resources:
awareness in after
the delivery Money for the
environment. for nurse’s
guidance. transportation.
1.) poor Inability to .after 30 After nursing .1. analyze with the .1. This Home visit. Materials The family i
lightning and provide a minutes of intervention, family members provides Resources: equipped wit
ventilation home nursing the family; critical issues related knowledge and adequate
environment intervention, the with poor lightning information Visual Aids knowledge
conducive to family will A. will be and ventilation about the said about the about
health decide on the able to fix the issue. effects of improving
maintenance appropriate said problem. 2. Discuss with the presence of their home
and personal actions to family methods on 2. This will insects and and on
development further improve B. Can home environment. enhance the pest. preventing
due to lack of: their home. enumerate family’s accidents.
Skill in ways on how 3. Analyze with the knowledge Human
carrying out to improve family disadvantages about home Resources:
measures to their home. of poor lightning and improvement.
improve home ventilation and how it Time and
environment. C. will will affect the 3. This will effort of both
consult the member of the promote the nurse and
nurse after family. awareness in the clients.
delivery for the family.
guidance. 4. Explore with the Financial
family the ways of 4. Helps the Resources:
encouraging growth family to
promoting activities prevent further Money for the
regarding home accidents in nurse’s
improvement. their home. transportation.