Updated Swa 122
Updated Swa 122
Updated Swa 122
of Days
Form No.: From: 3/18/2020
Convergence and Special Support Program - Construction/Improvement of Access Roads leading to Trades, Industries and Economic Zones, Balud National Road Connecting Barangay
Contract ID#: 19FO0063 Name of project :
Danao in Support of Agribusiness, Balud, Sta. 79+406.81 - Sta. 80+120.00, Balud, Masbate(2nd Legislative District).
Wt. Accomp.
Phy. Accomp. Phy. Balance
Item No. Description Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Wt % Previous This Period To Date Previous This Period To Date (%)
(%) Accomp. (%) (Physical Qty.)
B.5 Project Billboard/Signboard 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 0.03% 2.00 - 2.00 100.00% 12,512.00 - 12,512.00 100.00% 0.026% 0.00
B.7(1) Occupational Safety and Health Program 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 0.45% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 140,049.00 - 140,049.00 65.00% 0.290%
B.8(1) Traffic Management 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 0.71% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 221,130.00 - 221,130.00 65.00% 0.458% 0.35
B.9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 0.57% 1.00 - 1.00 100.00% 275,940.00 - 275,940.00 100.00% 0.572% 0.00
100(3)a1 Individual Removal of Trees,150-300mm dia.,Small 6.00 ea. 2,384.00 14,304.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
102(2) Surplus Common Excavation 24,838.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,098,270.00 24,595.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,058,175.00 8.41% 22,015.00 615.00 22,630.00 92.01% 3,632,475.00 101,475.00 3,733,950.00 92.01% 7.739% 1,965.00
100(4)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation,Common Soil 1,734.00 cu.m. 244.00 423,096.00 1,468.00 cu.m. 244.00 358,192.00 0.74% 1,423.00 - 1,423.00 96.93% 347,212.00 - 347,212.00 96.93% 0.720% 45.00
105(1)a Subgrade Preparation, Common Materials 8,749.00 sq.m. 18.00 157,482.00 9,445.00 sq.m. 18.00 170,010.00 0.35% 8,439.00 - 8,439.00 89.35% 151,902.00 - 151,902.00 89.35% 0.315% 1,006.00
200(1) Aggregate Subbase Course 1,767.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,770,534.00 1,900.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,903,800.00 3.95% 1,105.70 1,105.70 58.19% 1,107,911.40 - 1,107,911.40 58.19% 2.296% 794.30
201(1) Aggregate Base Course 3.00 cu.m 1,373.00 4,119.00 3.00 cu.m. 1,373.00 4,119.00 0.01% 0.63 0.63 21.00% 864.99 - 0.00% 0.000% 2.37
311(1)e1 PCCP (Unreinforced), 0.28m thk, 14 days 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 34.82% 1,100.40 1,100.40 14.91% 2,505,610.80 - 2,505,610.80 14.91% 5.193% 6,278.60
101(4)a1 Removal of Actual Structures/Obstructions, 610mm dia. RCPC 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 0.00% 6.00 6.00 100.00% 1,260.00 - 1,260.00 100.00% 0.003% 0.00
103(1)a Structure Excavation, Common Soil 1,678.00 cu.m. 282.00 473,196.00 1,306.00 cu.m. 282.00 368,292.00 0.76% 270.00 270.00 20.67% 76,140.00 - 76,140.00 20.67% 0.158% 1,036.00
103(3) Foundation Fill 7.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 20,237.00 9.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 26,019.00 0.05% - - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 9.00
103(6)a Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, Common Soil 242.00 cu.m. 228.00 55,176.00 303.00 cu.m. 228.00 69,084.00 0.14% 32.00 32.00 10.56% 7,296.00 - 0.00% 0.000% 271.00
404(1)a Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 49,167.00 kgs. 59.00 2,900,853.00 39,723.00 kg. 59.00 2,343,657.00 4.86% 7,902.05 7,902.05 19.89% 466,220.95 - 466,220.95 19.89% 0.966% 31,820.95
405(1)a3 Structural Concrete, 20.68 Mpa, Class A, 28 days 674.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 6,156,316.00 548.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 5,005,432.00 10.37% 27.05 27.05 4.94% 247,074.70 - 247,074.70 4.94% 0.512% 520.95
500(1)a3 Pipe Culverts, 910mm dia., Class II RCPC 46.00 l.m. 6,660.00 306,360.00 60.00 l.m. 6,660.00 399,600.00 0.83% 12.00 24.00 36.00 60.00% 79,920.00 159,840.00 239,760.00 60.00% 0.497% 24.00
505(2)a Grouted Riprap, Class A 1,180.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,178,480.00 1,185.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,204,660.00 12.86% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 1,185.00
506(1) Stone Masonry 46.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 284,188.00 78.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 481,884.00 1.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 78.00
622(1)a Coco Net, CN 400 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 0.99% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
622(2)c Coco Log/Fascine, CN 400 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 0.56% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 312.00
622(3)b Vegetation, Vertiver Grass System 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 0.68% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
a. Roadside Furnitures
600(4) Curb and Gutter, Cast in Place 1,082.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,527,784.00 847.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,195,964.00 2.48% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 847.00
603(3)a1 Metal Guard rail(Metal Beam)Including Post, Single, W-Beam 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 4.46% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 601.98
603(4)a Metal Beam End Piece, Fish Tail 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 0.04% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 10.00
611(1) Trees Furnishing & Transplanting 600.00 ea. 74.00 44,400.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(White) 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 0.30% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 169.00
612(2) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(Yellow) 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 0.09% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 68.00
b. Road Signs
605(6)e1 Hazard Markers, 450mm x 600mm, Chevron Signs 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 0.51% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 18.00
102(3)a Surplus Rock Excavation(Soft) 7,193.00 cu.m. 265.00 1,906,145.00 3.95% 4,258.00 4,258.00 59.20% 1,128,370.00 - 1,128,370.00 59.20% 2.339% 2,935.00
103(1)b Structure Excavation(Soft Rock) 114.00 cu.m. 580.00 66,120.00 0.14% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 114.00
624(1)1a Single Arm Post (8.00m), w/ Street Light, LED 16.00 pc. 143,990.00 2,303,840.00 4.77% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 16.00
Project Engineer Project Manager Cost Control Engineer Planning Head Operations Manager General Manager
Project ID No.: 0122 Date covered : No. of Days
Form No.: From: 3/18/2020
Convergence and Special Support Program - Construction/Improvement of Access Roads leading to Trades, Industries and Economic Zones, Balud National Road Connecting Barangay Danao in
Contract ID#: 19FO0063 Name of project :
Support of Agribusiness, Balud, Sta. 79+406.81 - Sta. 80+120.00, Balud, Masbate(2nd Legislative District).
Wt. Accomp.
Phy. Accomp. Phy. Balance
Item No. Description Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Wt % Previous This Period To Date Previous This Period To Date (%)
(%) Accomp. (%) (Physical Qty.)
B.5 Project Billboard/Signboard 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 0.03% 2.00 - 2.00 100.00% 12,512.00 - 12,512.00 100.00% 0.00
B.7(1) Occupational Safety and Health Program 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 0.45% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 140,049.00 - 140,049.00 65.00% 0.290% 0.35
B.8(1) Traffic Management 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 0.71% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 221,130.00 - 221,130.00 65.00% 0.458% 0.35
B.9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 0.57% 1.00 - 1.00 100.00% 275,940.00 - 275,940.00 100.00% 0.572% 0.00
100(3)a1 Individual Removal of Trees,150-300mm dia.,Small 6.00 ea. 2,384.00 14,304.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
102(2) Surplus Common Excavation 24,838.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,098,270.00 24,595.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,058,175.00 8.41% 22,015.00 615.00 22,630.00 92.01% 3,632,475.00 101,475.00 3,733,950.00 92.01% 7.739% 1,965.00
100(4)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation,Common Soil 1,734.00 cu.m. 244.00 423,096.00 1,468.00 cu.m. 244.00 358,192.00 0.74% 620.00 - 620.00 42.23% 151,280.00 - 151,280.00 42.23% 0.314% 848.00
105(1)a Subgrade Preparation, Common Materials 8,749.00 sq.m. 18.00 157,482.00 9,445.00 sq.m. 18.00 170,010.00 0.35% 8,439.00 - 8,439.00 89.35% 151,902.00 - 151,902.00 89.35% 0.315% 1,006.00
200(1) Aggregate Subbase Course 1,767.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,770,534.00 1,900.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,903,800.00 3.95% 1,105.70 148.28 1,253.98 66.00% 1,107,911.40 148,571.55 1,256,482.95 66.00% 2.604% 646.03
201(1) Aggregate Base Course 3.00 cu.m 1,373.00 4,119.00 3.00 cu.m. 1,373.00 4,119.00 0.01% 0.63 0.63 21.00% 864.99 - 0.00% 0.000% 2.37
311(1)e1 PCCP (Unreinforced), 0.28m thk, 14 days 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 34.82% 1,361.44 1,361.44 18.45% 3,099,998.88 - 3,099,998.88 18.45% 6.425% 6,017.56
101(4)a1 Removal of Actual Structures/Obstructions, 610mm dia. RCPC 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 0.00% 6.00 6.00 100.00% 1,260.00 - 1,260.00 100.00% 0.003% 0.00
103(1)a Structure Excavation, Common Soil 1,678.00 cu.m. 282.00 473,196.00 1,306.00 cu.m. 282.00 368,292.00 0.76% 270.00 270.00 20.67% 76,140.00 - 76,140.00 20.67% 0.158% 1,036.00
103(3) Foundation Fill 7.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 20,237.00 9.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 26,019.00 0.05% 4.54 4.54 50.44% 13,125.14 - 13,125.14 50.44% 0.027% 4.46
103(6)a Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, Common Soil 242.00 cu.m. 228.00 55,176.00 303.00 cu.m. 228.00 69,084.00 0.14% 32.00 193.35 225.35 74.37% 7,296.00 44,082.66 51,378.66 74.37% 0.106% 77.66
404(1)a Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 49,167.00 kgs. 59.00 2,900,853.00 39,723.00 kg. 59.00 2,343,657.00 4.86% 7,902.05 7,902.05 19.89% 466,220.95 - 466,220.95 19.89% 0.966% 31,820.95
405(1)a3 Structural Concrete, 20.68 Mpa, Class A, 28 days 674.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 6,156,316.00 548.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 5,005,432.00 10.37% 27.05 27.05 4.94% 247,074.70 - 247,074.70 4.94% 0.512% 520.95
500(1)a3 Pipe Culverts, 910mm dia., Class II RCPC 46.00 l.m. 6,660.00 306,360.00 60.00 l.m. 6,660.00 399,600.00 0.83% 12.00 24.00 36.00 60.00% 79,920.00 159,840.00 239,760.00 60.00% 0.497% 24.00
505(2)a Grouted Riprap, Class A 1,180.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,178,480.00 1,185.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,204,660.00 12.86% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 1,185.00
506(1) Stone Masonry 46.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 284,188.00 78.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 481,884.00 1.00% 16.00 16.00 20.51% 98,848.00 - 98,848.00 20.51% 0.205% 62.00
622(1)a Coco Net, CN 400 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 0.99% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
622(2)c Coco Log/Fascine, CN 400 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 0.56% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 312.00
622(3)b Vegetation, Vertiver Grass System 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 0.68% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
a. Roadside Furnitures
600(4) Curb and Gutter, Cast in Place 1,082.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,527,784.00 847.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,195,964.00 2.48% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 847.00
603(3)a1 Metal Guard rail(Metal Beam)Including Post, Single, W-Beam 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 4.46% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 601.98
603(4)a Metal Beam End Piece, Fish Tail 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 0.04% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 10.00
611(1) Trees Furnishing & Transplanting 600.00 ea. 74.00 44,400.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(White) 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 0.30% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 169.00
612(2) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(Yellow) 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 0.09% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 68.00
b. Road Signs
605(6)e1 Hazard Markers, 450mm x 600mm, Chevron Signs 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 0.51% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 18.00
102(3)a Surplus Rock Excavation(Soft) 7,193.00 cu.m. 265.00 1,906,145.00 3.95% 4,258.00 4,258.00 59.20% 1,128,370.00 - 1,128,370.00 59.20% 2.339% 2,935.00
103(1)b Structure Excavation(Soft Rock) 114.00 cu.m. 580.00 66,120.00 0.14% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 114.00
624(1)1a Single Arm Post (8.00m), w/ Street Light, LED 16.00 pc. 143,990.00 2,303,840.00 4.77% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 16.00
Project Engineer Project Manager Cost Control Engineer Planning Head Operations Manager General Manager
Project ID No.: 0122 Date covered : No. of Days
Form No.: From: 5/25/2020
Convergence and Special Support Program - Construction/Improvement of Access Roads leading to Trades, Industries and Economic Zones, Balud National Road Connecting Barangay Danao in
Contract ID#: 19FO0063 Name of project :
Support of Agribusiness, Balud, Sta. 79+406.81 - Sta. 80+120.00, Balud, Masbate(2nd Legislative District).
Wt. Accomp.
Phy. Accomp. Phy. Balance
Item No. Description Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Wt % Previous This Period To Date Previous This Period To Date (%)
(%) Accomp. (%) (Physical Qty.)
B.5 Project Billboard/Signboard 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 0.03% 2.00 - 2.00 100.00% 12,512.00 - 12,512.00 100.00% 0.00
B.7(1) Occupational Safety and Health Program 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 0.45% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 140,049.00 - 140,049.00 65.00% 0.290% 75,411.00
B.8(1) Traffic Management 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 0.71% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 221,130.00 - 221,130.00 65.00% 0.458% 119,070.00
B.9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 0.57% 1.00 - 1.00 100.00% 275,940.00 - 275,940.00 100.00% 0.572% 0.00
100(3)a1 Individual Removal of Trees,150-300mm dia.,Small 6.00 ea. 2,384.00 14,304.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
102(2) Surplus Common Excavation 24,838.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,098,270.00 24,595.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,058,175.00 8.41% 22,015.00 615.00 22,630.00 92.01% 3,632,475.00 101,475.00 3,733,950.00 92.01% 7.739% 324,225.00
100(4)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation,Common Soil 1,734.00 cu.m. 244.00 423,096.00 1,468.00 cu.m. 244.00 358,192.00 0.74% 1,423.00 - 1,423.00 96.93% 347,212.00 - 347,212.00 96.93% 0.720% 10,980.00
105(1)a Subgrade Preparation, Common Materials 8,749.00 sq.m. 18.00 157,482.00 9,445.00 sq.m. 18.00 170,010.00 0.35% 8,439.00 - 8,439.00 89.35% 151,902.00 - 151,902.00 89.35% 0.315% 18,108.00
200(1) Aggregate Subbase Course 1,767.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,770,534.00 1,900.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,903,800.00 3.95% 1,105.70 148.28 1,253.98 66.00% 1,107,911.40 148,571.55 1,256,482.95 66.00% 2.604% 647,317.05
201(1) Aggregate Base Course 3.00 cu.m 1,373.00 4,119.00 3.00 cu.m. 1,373.00 4,119.00 0.01% 0.63 0.63 21.00% 864.99 - 0.00% 0.000% 4,119.00
311(1)e1 PCCP (Unreinforced), 0.28m thk, 14 days 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 34.82% 1,361.44 1,361.44 18.45% 3,099,998.88 - 3,099,998.88 18.45% 6.425% 13,701,984.12
101(4)a1 Removal of Actual Structures/Obstructions, 610mm dia. RCPC 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 0.00% 6.00 6.00 100.00% 1,260.00 - 1,260.00 100.00% 0.003% 0.00
103(1)a Structure Excavation, Common Soil 1,678.00 cu.m. 282.00 473,196.00 1,306.00 cu.m. 282.00 368,292.00 0.76% 270.00 270.00 20.67% 76,140.00 - 76,140.00 20.67% 0.158% 292,152.00
103(3) Foundation Fill 7.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 20,237.00 9.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 26,019.00 0.05% 4.54 4.54 50.44% 13,125.14 - 13,125.14 50.44% 0.027% 12,893.86
103(6)a Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, Common Soil 242.00 cu.m. 228.00 55,176.00 303.00 cu.m. 228.00 69,084.00 0.14% 32.00 193.35 225.35 74.37% 7,296.00 44,082.66 51,378.66 74.37% 0.106% 17,705.34
404(1)a Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 49,167.00 kgs. 59.00 2,900,853.00 39,723.00 kg. 59.00 2,343,657.00 4.86% 7,902.05 7,902.05 19.89% 466,220.95 - 466,220.95 19.89% 0.966% 1,877,436.05
405(1)a3 Structural Concrete, 20.68 Mpa, Class A, 28 days 674.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 6,156,316.00 548.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 5,005,432.00 10.37% 27.05 27.05 4.94% 247,074.70 - 247,074.70 4.94% 0.512% 4,758,357.30
500(1)a3 Pipe Culverts, 910mm dia., Class II RCPC 46.00 l.m. 6,660.00 306,360.00 60.00 l.m. 6,660.00 399,600.00 0.83% 12.00 22.00 34.00 56.67% 79,920.00 146,520.00 226,440.00 56.67% 0.469% 173,160.00
505(2)a Grouted Riprap, Class A 1,180.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,178,480.00 1,185.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,204,660.00 12.86% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 6,204,660.00
506(1) Stone Masonry 46.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 284,188.00 78.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 481,884.00 1.00% 16.00 16.00 20.51% 98,848.00 - 98,848.00 20.51% 0.205% 383,036.00
622(1)a Coco Net, CN 400 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 0.99% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 476,325.00
622(2)c Coco Log/Fascine, CN 400 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 0.56% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 270,816.00
622(3)b Vegetation, Vertiver Grass System 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 0.68% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 326,250.00
600(4) Curb and Gutter, Cast in Place 1,082.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,527,784.00 847.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,195,964.00 2.48% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 1,195,964.00
603(3)a1 Metal Guard rail(Metal Beam)Including Post, Single, W-Beam 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 4.46% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,151,476.52
603(4)a Metal Beam End Piece, Fish Tail 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 0.04% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 20,410.00
611(1) Trees Furnishing & Transplanting 600.00 ea. 74.00 44,400.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(White) 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 0.30% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 145,509.00
612(2) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(Yellow) 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 0.09% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 42,092.00
605(6)e1 Hazard Markers, 450mm x 600mm, Chevron Signs 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 0.51% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 248,346.00
102(3)a Surplus Rock Excavation(Soft) 7,193.00 cu.m. 265.00 1,906,145.00 3.95% 4,258.00 4,258.00 59.20% 1,128,370.00 - 1,128,370.00 59.20% 2.339% 777,775.00
103(1)b Structure Excavation(Soft Rock) 114.00 cu.m. 580.00 66,120.00 0.14% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 66,120.00
624(1)1a Single Arm Post (8.00m), w/ Street Light, LED 16.00 pc. 143,990.00 2,303,840.00 4.77% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,303,840.00
Project Engineer Project Manager Cost Control Engineer Planning Head Operations Manager General Manager
Project ID No.: 0122 Date covered : No. of Days
Form No.: From: 5/30/2020
Convergence and Special Support Program - Construction/Improvement of Access Roads leading to Trades, Industries and Economic Zones, Balud National Road Connecting Barangay Danao in
Contract ID#: 19FO0063 Name of project :
Support of Agribusiness, Balud, Sta. 79+406.81 - Sta. 80+120.00, Balud, Masbate(2nd Legislative District).
Wt. Accomp.
Phy. Accomp. Phy. Balance
Item No. Description Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Wt % Previous This Period To Date Previous This Period To Date (%)
(%) Accomp. (%) (Physical Qty.)
B.5 Project Billboard/Signboard 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 0.03% 2.00 - 2.00 100.00% 12,512.00 - 12,512.00 100.00% 0.00
B.7(1) Occupational Safety and Health Program 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 0.45% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 140,049.00 - 140,049.00 65.00% 0.290% 0.35
B.8(1) Traffic Management 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 0.71% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 221,130.00 - 221,130.00 65.00% 0.458% 0.35
B.9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 0.57% 1.00 - 1.00 100.00% 275,940.00 - 275,940.00 100.00% 0.572% 0.00
100(3)a1 Individual Removal of Trees,150-300mm dia.,Small 6.00 ea. 2,384.00 14,304.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
102(2) Surplus Common Excavation 24,838.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,098,270.00 24,595.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,058,175.00 8.41% 22,015.00 615.00 22,630.00 92.01% 3,632,475.00 101,475.00 3,733,950.00 92.01% 7.739% 1,965.00
100(4)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation,Common Soil 1,734.00 cu.m. 244.00 423,096.00 1,468.00 cu.m. 244.00 358,192.00 0.74% 1,423.00 - 1,423.00 96.93% 347,212.00 - 347,212.00 96.93% 0.720% 45.00
105(1)a Subgrade Preparation, Common Materials 8,749.00 sq.m. 18.00 157,482.00 9,445.00 sq.m. 18.00 170,010.00 0.35% 8,439.00 - 8,439.00 89.35% 151,902.00 - 151,902.00 89.35% 0.315% 1,006.00
200(1) Aggregate Subbase Course 1,767.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,770,534.00 1,900.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,903,800.00 3.95% 1,105.70 198.35 1,304.05 68.63% 1,107,911.40 198,746.70 1,306,658.10 68.63% 2.708% 595.95
201(1) Aggregate Base Course 3.00 cu.m 1,373.00 4,119.00 3.00 cu.m. 1,373.00 4,119.00 0.01% 0.63 0.63 21.00% 864.99 - 0.00% 0.000% 2.37
311(1)e1 PCCP (Unreinforced), 0.28m thk, 14 days 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 34.82% 1,361.44 1,361.44 18.45% 3,099,998.88 - 3,099,998.88 18.45% 6.425% 6,017.56
101(4)a1 Removal of Actual Structures/Obstructions, 610mm dia. RCPC 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 0.00% 6.00 6.00 100.00% 1,260.00 - 1,260.00 100.00% 0.003% 0.00
103(1)a Structure Excavation, Common Soil 1,678.00 cu.m. 282.00 473,196.00 1,306.00 cu.m. 282.00 368,292.00 0.76% 270.00 270.00 20.67% 76,140.00 - 76,140.00 20.67% 0.158% 1,036.00
103(3) Foundation Fill 7.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 20,237.00 9.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 26,019.00 0.05% 5.30 0.76 6.06 67.33% 15,322.30 2,197.16 17,519.46 67.33% 0.036% 2.94
103(6)a Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, Common Soil 242.00 cu.m. 228.00 55,176.00 303.00 cu.m. 228.00 69,084.00 0.14% 32.00 199.35 231.35 76.35% 7,296.00 45,451.80 52,747.80 76.35% 0.109% 71.65
404(1)a Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 49,167.00 kgs. 59.00 2,900,853.00 39,723.00 kg. 59.00 2,343,657.00 4.86% 7,902.05 7,902.05 19.89% 466,220.95 - 466,220.95 19.89% 0.966% 31,820.95
405(1)a3 Structural Concrete, 20.68 Mpa, Class A, 28 days 674.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 6,156,316.00 548.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 5,005,432.00 10.37% 27.05 27.05 4.94% 247,074.70 - 247,074.70 4.94% 0.512% 520.95
500(1)a3 Pipe Culverts, 910mm dia., Class II RCPC 46.00 l.m. 6,660.00 306,360.00 60.00 l.m. 6,660.00 399,600.00 0.83% 12.00 25.00 37.00 61.67% 79,920.00 166,500.00 246,420.00 61.67% 0.511% 23.00
505(2)a Grouted Riprap, Class A 1,180.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,178,480.00 1,185.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,204,660.00 12.86% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 1,185.00
506(1) Stone Masonry 46.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 284,188.00 78.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 481,884.00 1.00% 16.00 16.00 20.51% 98,848.00 - 98,848.00 20.51% 0.205% 62.00
622(1)a Coco Net, CN 400 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 0.99% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
622(2)c Coco Log/Fascine, CN 400 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 0.56% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 312.00
622(3)b Vegetation, Vertiver Grass System 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 0.68% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
600(4) Curb and Gutter, Cast in Place 1,082.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,527,784.00 847.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,195,964.00 2.48% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 847.00
603(3)a1 Metal Guard rail(Metal Beam)Including Post, Single, W-Beam 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 4.46% 50.00 50.00 8.31% 178,700.00 - 178,700.00 8.31% 0.370% 551.98
603(4)a Metal Beam End Piece, Fish Tail 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 0.04% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 10.00
611(1) Trees Furnishing & Transplanting 600.00 ea. 74.00 44,400.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(White) 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 0.30% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 169.00
612(2) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(Yellow) 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 0.09% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 68.00
605(6)e1 Hazard Markers, 450mm x 600mm, Chevron Signs 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 0.51% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 18.00
102(3)a Surplus Rock Excavation(Soft) 7,193.00 cu.m. 265.00 1,906,145.00 3.95% 4,258.00 4,258.00 59.20% 1,128,370.00 - 1,128,370.00 59.20% 2.339% 2,935.00
103(1)b Structure Excavation(Soft Rock) 114.00 cu.m. 580.00 66,120.00 0.14% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 114.00
624(1)1a Single Arm Post (8.00m), w/ Street Light, LED 16.00 pc. 143,990.00 2,303,840.00 4.77% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 16.00
Project Engineer Project Manager Cost Control Engineer Planning Head Operations Manager General Manager
Project ID No.: 0122 Date covered : No. of Days
Form No.: From: 6/6/2020
Convergence and Special Support Program - Construction/Improvement of Access Roads leading to Trades, Industries and Economic Zones, Balud National Road Connecting Barangay Danao in
Contract ID#: 19FO0063 Name of project :
Support of Agribusiness, Balud, Sta. 79+406.81 - Sta. 80+120.00, Balud, Masbate(2nd Legislative District).
Wt. Accomp.
Phy. Accomp. Phy. Balance
Item No. Description Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Wt % Previous This Period To Date Previous This Period To Date (%)
(%) Accomp. (%) (Physical Qty.)
B.5 Project Billboard/Signboard 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 0.03% 2.00 - 2.00 100.00% 12,512.00 - 12,512.00 100.00% 0.00
B.7(1) Occupational Safety and Health Program 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 0.45% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 140,049.00 - 140,049.00 65.00% 0.290% 0.35
B.8(1) Traffic Management 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 0.71% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 221,130.00 - 221,130.00 65.00% 0.458% 0.35
B.9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 0.57% 1.00 - 1.00 100.00% 275,940.00 - 275,940.00 100.00% 0.572% 0.00
100(3)a1 Individual Removal of Trees,150-300mm dia.,Small 6.00 ea. 2,384.00 14,304.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
102(2) Surplus Common Excavation 24,838.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,098,270.00 24,595.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,058,175.00 8.41% 23,150.00 23,150.00 94.12% 3,819,750.00 - 3,819,750.00 94.12% 7.917% 1,445.00
100(4)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation,Common Soil 1,734.00 cu.m. 244.00 423,096.00 1,468.00 cu.m. 244.00 358,192.00 0.74% 1,423.00 - 1,423.00 96.93% 347,212.00 - 347,212.00 96.93% 0.720% 45.00
105(1)a Subgrade Preparation, Common Materials 8,749.00 sq.m. 18.00 157,482.00 9,445.00 sq.m. 18.00 170,010.00 0.35% 8,539.00 8,539.00 90.41% 153,702.00 - 153,702.00 90.41% 0.319% 906.00
200(1) Aggregate Subbase Course 1,767.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,770,534.00 1,900.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,903,800.00 3.95% 1,354.05 1,354.05 71.27% 1,356,758.10 - 1,356,758.10 71.27% 2.812% 545.95
201(1) Aggregate Base Course 3.00 cu.m 1,373.00 4,119.00 3.00 cu.m. 1,373.00 4,119.00 0.01% 0.63 0.63 21.00% 864.99 - 0.00% 0.000% 2.37
311(1)e1 PCCP (Unreinforced), 0.28m thk, 14 days 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 34.82% 1,361.44 1,361.44 18.45% 3,099,998.88 - 3,099,998.88 18.45% 6.425% 6,017.56
101(4)a1 Removal of Actual Structures/Obstructions, 610mm dia. RCPC 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 0.00% 6.00 6.00 100.00% 1,260.00 - 1,260.00 100.00% 0.003% 0.00
103(1)a Structure Excavation, Common Soil 1,678.00 cu.m. 282.00 473,196.00 1,306.00 cu.m. 282.00 368,292.00 0.76% 270.00 270.00 20.67% 76,140.00 - 76,140.00 20.67% 0.158% 1,036.00
103(3) Foundation Fill 7.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 20,237.00 9.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 26,019.00 0.05% 7.30 7.30 81.11% 21,104.30 - 21,104.30 81.11% 0.044% 1.70
103(6)a Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, Common Soil 242.00 cu.m. 228.00 55,176.00 303.00 cu.m. 228.00 69,084.00 0.14% 261.35 261.35 86.25% 59,587.80 - 59,587.80 86.25% 0.124% 41.65
404(1)a Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 49,167.00 kgs. 59.00 2,900,853.00 39,723.00 kg. 59.00 2,343,657.00 4.86% 7,902.05 7,902.05 19.89% 466,220.95 - 466,220.95 19.89% 0.966% 31,820.95
405(1)a3 Structural Concrete, 20.68 Mpa, Class A, 28 days 674.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 6,156,316.00 548.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 5,005,432.00 10.37% 27.05 27.05 4.94% 247,074.70 - 247,074.70 4.94% 0.512% 520.95
500(1)a3 Pipe Culverts, 910mm dia., Class II RCPC 46.00 l.m. 6,660.00 306,360.00 60.00 l.m. 6,660.00 399,600.00 0.83% 50.00 50.00 83.33% 333,000.00 - 333,000.00 83.33% 0.690% 10.00
505(2)a Grouted Riprap, Class A 1,180.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,178,480.00 1,185.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,204,660.00 12.86% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 1,185.00
506(1) Stone Masonry 46.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 284,188.00 78.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 481,884.00 1.00% 57.00 57.00 73.08% 352,146.00 - 352,146.00 73.08% 0.730% 21.00
622(1)a Coco Net, CN 400 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 0.99% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
622(2)c Coco Log/Fascine, CN 400 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 0.56% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 312.00
622(3)b Vegetation, Vertiver Grass System 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 0.68% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
600(4) Curb and Gutter, Cast in Place 1,082.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,527,784.00 847.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,195,964.00 2.48% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 847.00
603(3)a1 Metal Guard rail(Metal Beam)Including Post, Single, W-Beam 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 4.46% 50.00 50.00 8.31% 178,700.00 - 178,700.00 8.31% 0.370% 551.98
603(4)a Metal Beam End Piece, Fish Tail 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 0.04% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 10.00
611(1) Trees Furnishing & Transplanting 600.00 ea. 74.00 44,400.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(White) 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 0.30% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 169.00
612(2) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(Yellow) 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 0.09% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 68.00
605(6)e1 Hazard Markers, 450mm x 600mm, Chevron Signs 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 0.51% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 18.00
102(3)a Surplus Rock Excavation(Soft) 7,193.00 cu.m. 265.00 1,906,145.00 3.95% 4,258.00 4,258.00 59.20% 1,128,370.00 - 1,128,370.00 59.20% 2.339% 2,935.00
103(1)b Structure Excavation(Soft Rock) 114.00 cu.m. 580.00 66,120.00 0.14% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 114.00
624(1)1a Single Arm Post (8.00m), w/ Street Light, LED 16.00 pc. 143,990.00 2,303,840.00 4.77% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 16.00
Project Engineer Project Manager Cost Control Engineer Planning Head Operations Manager General Manager
30 150
80 1200 2066.12
Project ID No.: 0122 Date covered : No. of Days
Form No.: From: 6/13/2020
Convergence and Special Support Program - Construction/Improvement of Access Roads leading to Trades, Industries and Economic Zones, Balud National Road Connecting Barangay Danao in
Contract ID#: 19FO0063 Name of project :
Support of Agribusiness, Balud, Sta. 79+406.81 - Sta. 80+120.00, Balud, Masbate(2nd Legislative District).
Wt. Accomp.
Phy. Accomp. Phy. Balance
Item No. Description Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Wt % Previous This Period To Date Previous This Period To Date (%)
(%) Accomp. (%) (Physical Qty.)
B.5 Project Billboard/Signboard 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 0.03% 2.00 - 2.00 100.00% 12,512.00 - 12,512.00 100.00% 0.00
B.7(1) Occupational Safety and Health Program 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 0.45% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 140,049.00 - 140,049.00 65.00% 0.290% 0.35
B.8(1) Traffic Management 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 0.71% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 221,130.00 - 221,130.00 65.00% 0.458% 0.35
B.9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 0.57% 1.00 - 1.00 100.00% 275,940.00 - 275,940.00 100.00% 0.572% 0.00
100(3)a1 Individual Removal of Trees,150-300mm dia.,Small 6.00 ea. 2,384.00 14,304.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
102(2) Surplus Common Excavation 24,838.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,098,270.00 24,595.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,058,175.00 8.41% 23,150.00 563.00 23,713.00 96.41% 3,819,750.00 92,895.00 3,912,645.00 96.41% 8.109% 882.00
100(4)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation,Common Soil 1,734.00 cu.m. 244.00 423,096.00 1,468.00 cu.m. 244.00 358,192.00 0.74% 1,423.00 - 1,423.00 96.93% 347,212.00 - 347,212.00 96.93% 0.720% 45.00
105(1)a Subgrade Preparation, Common Materials 8,749.00 sq.m. 18.00 157,482.00 9,445.00 sq.m. 18.00 170,010.00 0.35% 8,539.00 160.00 8,699.00 92.10% 153,702.00 2,880.00 156,582.00 92.10% 0.325% 746.00
200(1) Aggregate Subbase Course 1,767.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,770,534.00 1,900.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,903,800.00 3.95% 1,354.05 180.00 1,534.05 80.74% 1,356,758.10 180,360.00 1,537,118.10 80.74% 3.186% 365.95
201(1) Aggregate Base Course 3.00 cu.m 1,373.00 4,119.00 3.00 cu.m. 1,373.00 4,119.00 0.01% 0.63 0.63 21.00% 864.99 - 0.00% 0.000% 2.37
311(1)e1 PCCP (Unreinforced), 0.28m thk, 14 days 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 34.82% 1,361.44 494.00 1,855.44 25.14% 3,099,998.88 1,124,838.00 4,224,836.88 25.14% 8.756% 5,523.56
101(4)a1 Removal of Actual Structures/Obstructions, 610mm dia. RCPC 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 0.00% 6.00 6.00 100.00% 1,260.00 - 1,260.00 100.00% 0.003% 0.00
103(1)a Structure Excavation, Common Soil 1,678.00 cu.m. 282.00 473,196.00 1,306.00 cu.m. 282.00 368,292.00 0.76% 270.00 270.00 20.67% 76,140.00 - 76,140.00 20.67% 0.158% 1,036.00
103(3) Foundation Fill 7.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 20,237.00 9.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 26,019.00 0.05% 7.30 7.30 81.11% 21,104.30 - 21,104.30 81.11% 0.044% 1.70
103(6)a Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, Common Soil 242.00 cu.m. 228.00 55,176.00 303.00 cu.m. 228.00 69,084.00 0.14% 261.35 261.35 86.25% 59,587.80 - 59,587.80 86.25% 0.124% 41.65
404(1)a Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 49,167.00 kgs. 59.00 2,900,853.00 39,723.00 kg. 59.00 2,343,657.00 4.86% 7,902.05 7,902.05 19.89% 466,220.95 - 466,220.95 19.89% 0.966% 31,820.95
405(1)a3 Structural Concrete, 20.68 Mpa, Class A, 28 days 674.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 6,156,316.00 548.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 5,005,432.00 10.37% 27.05 27.05 4.94% 247,074.70 - 247,074.70 4.94% 0.512% 520.95
500(1)a3 Pipe Culverts, 910mm dia., Class II RCPC 46.00 l.m. 6,660.00 306,360.00 60.00 l.m. 6,660.00 399,600.00 0.83% 50.00 50.00 83.33% 333,000.00 - 333,000.00 83.33% 0.690% 10.00
505(2)a Grouted Riprap, Class A 1,180.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,178,480.00 1,185.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,204,660.00 12.86% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 1,185.00
506(1) Stone Masonry 46.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 284,188.00 78.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 481,884.00 1.00% 57.00 5.00 62.00 79.49% 352,146.00 30,890.00 383,036.00 79.49% 0.794% 16.00
622(1)a Coco Net, CN 400 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 0.99% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
622(2)c Coco Log/Fascine, CN 400 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 0.56% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 312.00
622(3)b Vegetation, Vertiver Grass System 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 0.68% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
600(4) Curb and Gutter, Cast in Place 1,082.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,527,784.00 847.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,195,964.00 2.48% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 847.00
603(3)a1 Metal Guard rail(Metal Beam)Including Post, Single, W-Beam 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 4.46% 50.00 50.00 8.31% 178,700.00 - 178,700.00 8.31% 0.370% 551.98
603(4)a Metal Beam End Piece, Fish Tail 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 0.04% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 10.00
611(1) Trees Furnishing & Transplanting 600.00 ea. 74.00 44,400.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(White) 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 0.30% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 169.00
612(2) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(Yellow) 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 0.09% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 68.00
605(6)e1 Hazard Markers, 450mm x 600mm, Chevron Signs 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 0.51% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 18.00
102(3)a Surplus Rock Excavation(Soft) 7,193.00 cu.m. 265.00 1,906,145.00 3.95% 4,258.00 4,258.00 59.20% 1,128,370.00 - 1,128,370.00 59.20% 2.339% 2,935.00
103(1)b Structure Excavation(Soft Rock) 114.00 cu.m. 580.00 66,120.00 0.14% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 114.00
624(1)1a Single Arm Post (8.00m), w/ Street Light, LED 16.00 pc. 143,990.00 2,303,840.00 4.77% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 16.00
Project Engineer Project Manager Cost Control Engineer Planning Head Operations Manager General Manager
Project ID No.: 0122 Date covered : No. of Days
Form No.: From: 6/13/2020
Convergence and Special Support Program - Construction/Improvement of Access Roads leading to Trades, Industries and Economic Zones, Balud National Road Connecting Barangay Danao in
Contract ID#: 19FO0063 Name of project :
Support of Agribusiness, Balud, Sta. 79+406.81 - Sta. 80+120.00, Balud, Masbate(2nd Legislative District).
Wt. Accomp.
Phy. Accomp. Phy. Balance
Item No. Description Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Wt % Previous This Period To Date Previous This Period To Date (%)
(%) Accomp. (%) (Physical Qty.)
B.5 Project Billboard/Signboard 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 0.03% 2.00 - 2.00 100.00% 12,512.00 - 12,512.00 100.00% 0.00
B.7(1) Occupational Safety and Health Program 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 0.45% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 140,049.00 - 140,049.00 65.00% 0.290% 0.35
B.8(1) Traffic Management 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 0.71% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 221,130.00 - 221,130.00 65.00% 0.458% 0.35
B.9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 0.57% 1.00 - 1.00 100.00% 275,940.00 - 275,940.00 100.00% 0.572% 0.00
100(3)a1 Individual Removal of Trees,150-300mm dia.,Small 6.00 ea. 2,384.00 14,304.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
102(2) Surplus Common Excavation 24,838.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,098,270.00 24,595.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,058,175.00 8.41% 23,713.00 23,713.00 96.41% 3,912,645.00 - 3,912,645.00 96.41% 8.109% 882.00
100(4)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation,Common Soil 1,734.00 cu.m. 244.00 423,096.00 1,468.00 cu.m. 244.00 358,192.00 0.74% 1,423.00 - 1,423.00 96.93% 347,212.00 - 347,212.00 96.93% 0.720% 45.00
105(1)a Subgrade Preparation, Common Materials 8,749.00 sq.m. 18.00 157,482.00 9,445.00 sq.m. 18.00 170,010.00 0.35% 8,699.00 8,699.00 92.10% 156,582.00 - 156,582.00 92.10% 0.325% 746.00
200(1) Aggregate Subbase Course 1,767.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,770,534.00 1,900.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,903,800.00 3.95% 1,534.05 1,534.05 80.74% 1,537,118.10 - 1,537,118.10 80.74% 3.186% 365.95
201(1) Aggregate Base Course 3.00 cu.m 1,373.00 4,119.00 3.00 cu.m. 1,373.00 4,119.00 0.01% 0.63 0.63 21.00% 864.99 - 0.00% 0.000% 2.37
311(1)e1 PCCP (Unreinforced), 0.28m thk, 14 days 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 34.82% 2,209.44 145.50 2,354.94 31.91% 5,030,894.88 331,303.50 5,362,198.38 31.91% 11.114% 5,024.06
101(4)a1 Removal of Actual Structures/Obstructions, 610mm dia. RCPC 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 0.00% 6.00 6.00 100.00% 1,260.00 - 1,260.00 100.00% 0.003% 0.00
103(1)a Structure Excavation, Common Soil 1,678.00 cu.m. 282.00 473,196.00 1,306.00 cu.m. 282.00 368,292.00 0.76% 270.00 270.00 20.67% 76,140.00 - 76,140.00 20.67% 0.158% 1,036.00
103(3) Foundation Fill 7.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 20,237.00 9.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 26,019.00 0.05% 7.30 7.30 81.11% 21,104.30 - 21,104.30 81.11% 0.044% 1.70
103(6)a Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, Common Soil 242.00 cu.m. 228.00 55,176.00 303.00 cu.m. 228.00 69,084.00 0.14% 279.65 279.65 92.29% 63,760.20 - 63,760.20 92.29% 0.132% 23.35
404(1)a Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 49,167.00 kgs. 59.00 2,900,853.00 39,723.00 kg. 59.00 2,343,657.00 4.86% 7,902.05 7,902.05 19.89% 466,220.95 - 466,220.95 19.89% 0.966% 31,820.95
405(1)a3 Structural Concrete, 20.68 Mpa, Class A, 28 days 674.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 6,156,316.00 548.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 5,005,432.00 10.37% 27.05 27.05 4.94% 247,074.70 - 247,074.70 4.94% 0.512% 520.95
500(1)a3 Pipe Culverts, 910mm dia., Class II RCPC 46.00 l.m. 6,660.00 306,360.00 60.00 l.m. 6,660.00 399,600.00 0.83% 54.00 54.00 90.00% 359,640.00 - 359,640.00 90.00% 0.745% 6.00
505(2)a Grouted Riprap, Class A 1,180.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,178,480.00 1,185.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,204,660.00 12.86% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 1,185.00
506(1) Stone Masonry 46.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 284,188.00 78.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 481,884.00 1.00% 74.00 4.00 78.00 100.00% 457,172.00 24,712.00 481,884.00 100.00% 0.999% 0.00
622(1)a Coco Net, CN 400 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 0.99% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
622(2)c Coco Log/Fascine, CN 400 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 0.56% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 312.00
622(3)b Vegetation, Vertiver Grass System 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 0.68% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
600(4) Curb and Gutter, Cast in Place 1,082.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,527,784.00 847.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,195,964.00 2.48% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 847.00
603(3)a1 Metal Guard rail(Metal Beam)Including Post, Single, W-Beam 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 4.46% 50.00 50.00 8.31% 178,700.00 - 178,700.00 8.31% 0.370% 551.98
603(4)a Metal Beam End Piece, Fish Tail 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 0.04% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 10.00
611(1) Trees Furnishing & Transplanting 600.00 ea. 74.00 44,400.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(White) 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 0.30% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 169.00
612(2) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(Yellow) 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 0.09% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 68.00
605(6)e1 Hazard Markers, 450mm x 600mm, Chevron Signs 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 0.51% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 18.00
102(3)a Surplus Rock Excavation(Soft) 7,193.00 cu.m. 265.00 1,906,145.00 3.95% 4,258.00 4,258.00 59.20% 1,128,370.00 - 1,128,370.00 59.20% 2.339% 2,935.00
103(1)b Structure Excavation(Soft Rock) 114.00 cu.m. 580.00 66,120.00 0.14% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 114.00
624(1)1a Single Arm Post (8.00m), w/ Street Light, LED 16.00 pc. 143,990.00 2,303,840.00 4.77% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 16.00
Project Engineer Project Manager Cost Control Engineer Planning Head Operations Manager General Manager
Project ID No.: 0122 Date covered : No. of Days
Form No.: From: 6/27/2020
Convergence and Special Support Program - Construction/Improvement of Access Roads leading to Trades, Industries and Economic Zones, Balud National Road Connecting Barangay Danao in
Contract ID#: 19FO0063 Name of project :
Support of Agribusiness, Balud, Sta. 79+406.81 - Sta. 80+120.00, Balud, Masbate(2nd Legislative District).
Wt. Accomp.
Phy. Accomp. Phy. Balance
Item No. Description Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Wt % Previous This Period To Date Previous This Period To Date (%)
(%) Accomp. (%) (Physical Qty.)
B.5 Project Billboard/Signboard 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 0.03% 2.00 - 2.00 100.00% 12,512.00 - 12,512.00 100.00% 0.00
B.7(1) Occupational Safety and Health Program 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 0.45% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 140,049.00 - 140,049.00 65.00% 0.290% 0.35
B.8(1) Traffic Management 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 0.71% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 221,130.00 - 221,130.00 65.00% 0.458% 0.35
B.9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 0.57% 1.00 - 1.00 100.00% 275,940.00 - 275,940.00 100.00% 0.572% 0.00
100(3)a1 Individual Removal of Trees,150-300mm dia.,Small 6.00 ea. 2,384.00 14,304.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
102(2) Surplus Common Excavation 24,838.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,098,270.00 24,595.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,058,175.00 8.41% 23,713.00 120.00 23,833.00 96.90% 3,912,645.00 19,800.00 3,932,445.00 96.90% 8.150% 762.00
100(4)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation,Common Soil 1,734.00 cu.m. 244.00 423,096.00 1,468.00 cu.m. 244.00 358,192.00 0.74% 1,423.00 - 1,423.00 96.93% 347,212.00 - 347,212.00 96.93% 0.720% 45.00
105(1)a Subgrade Preparation, Common Materials 8,749.00 sq.m. 18.00 157,482.00 9,445.00 sq.m. 18.00 170,010.00 0.35% 8,699.00 8,699.00 92.10% 156,582.00 - 156,582.00 92.10% 0.325% 746.00
200(1) Aggregate Subbase Course 1,767.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,770,534.00 1,900.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,903,800.00 3.95% 1,534.05 1,534.05 80.74% 1,537,118.10 - 1,537,118.10 80.74% 3.186% 365.95
201(1) Aggregate Base Course 3.00 cu.m 1,373.00 4,119.00 3.00 cu.m. 1,373.00 4,119.00 0.01% 0.63 0.63 21.00% 864.99 - 0.00% 0.000% 2.37
311(1)e1 PCCP (Unreinforced), 0.28m thk, 14 days 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 34.82% 2,209.44 145.50 2,354.94 31.91% 5,030,894.88 331,303.50 5,362,198.38 31.91% 11.114% 5,024.06
101(4)a1 Removal of Actual Structures/Obstructions, 610mm dia. RCPC 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 0.00% 6.00 6.00 100.00% 1,260.00 - 1,260.00 100.00% 0.003% 0.00
103(1)a Structure Excavation, Common Soil 1,678.00 cu.m. 282.00 473,196.00 1,306.00 cu.m. 282.00 368,292.00 0.76% 270.00 270.00 20.67% 76,140.00 - 76,140.00 20.67% 0.158% 1,036.00
103(3) Foundation Fill 7.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 20,237.00 9.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 26,019.00 0.05% 7.30 7.30 81.11% 21,104.30 - 21,104.30 81.11% 0.044% 1.70
103(6)a Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, Common Soil 242.00 cu.m. 228.00 55,176.00 303.00 cu.m. 228.00 69,084.00 0.14% 279.65 279.65 92.29% 63,760.20 - 63,760.20 92.29% 0.132% 23.35
404(1)a Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 49,167.00 kgs. 59.00 2,900,853.00 39,723.00 kg. 59.00 2,343,657.00 4.86% 7,902.05 7,902.05 19.89% 466,220.95 - 466,220.95 19.89% 0.966% 31,820.95
405(1)a3 Structural Concrete, 20.68 Mpa, Class A, 28 days 674.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 6,156,316.00 548.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 5,005,432.00 10.37% 27.05 27.05 4.94% 247,074.70 - 247,074.70 4.94% 0.512% 520.95
500(1)a3 Pipe Culverts, 910mm dia., Class II RCPC 46.00 l.m. 6,660.00 306,360.00 60.00 l.m. 6,660.00 399,600.00 0.83% 54.00 54.00 90.00% 359,640.00 - 359,640.00 90.00% 0.745% 6.00
505(2)a Grouted Riprap, Class A 1,180.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,178,480.00 1,185.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,204,660.00 12.86% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 1,185.00
506(1) Stone Masonry 46.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 284,188.00 78.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 481,884.00 1.00% 74.00 4.00 78.00 100.00% 457,172.00 24,712.00 481,884.00 100.00% 0.999% 0.00
622(1)a Coco Net, CN 400 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 0.99% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
622(2)c Coco Log/Fascine, CN 400 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 0.56% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 312.00
622(3)b Vegetation, Vertiver Grass System 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 0.68% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
600(4) Curb and Gutter, Cast in Place 1,082.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,527,784.00 847.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,195,964.00 2.48% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 847.00
603(3)a1 Metal Guard rail(Metal Beam)Including Post, Single, W-Beam 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 4.46% 50.00 50.00 8.31% 178,700.00 - 178,700.00 8.31% 0.370% 551.98
603(4)a Metal Beam End Piece, Fish Tail 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 0.04% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 10.00
611(1) Trees Furnishing & Transplanting 600.00 ea. 74.00 44,400.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(White) 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 0.30% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 169.00
612(2) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(Yellow) 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 0.09% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 68.00
605(6)e1 Hazard Markers, 450mm x 600mm, Chevron Signs 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 0.51% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 18.00
102(3)a Surplus Rock Excavation(Soft) 7,193.00 cu.m. 265.00 1,906,145.00 3.95% 4,258.00 4,258.00 59.20% 1,128,370.00 - 1,128,370.00 59.20% 2.339% 2,935.00
103(1)b Structure Excavation(Soft Rock) 114.00 cu.m. 580.00 66,120.00 0.14% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 114.00
624(1)1a Single Arm Post (8.00m), w/ Street Light, LED 16.00 pc. 143,990.00 2,303,840.00 4.77% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 16.00
Project Engineer Project Manager Cost Control Engineer Planning Head Operations Manager General Manager
Project ID No.: 0122 Date covered : No. of Days
Form No.: From: 7/4/2020
Convergence and Special Support Program - Construction/Improvement of Access Roads leading to Trades, Industries and Economic Zones, Balud National Road Connecting Barangay Danao in
Contract ID#: 19FO0063 Name of project :
Support of Agribusiness, Balud, Sta. 79+406.81 - Sta. 80+120.00, Balud, Masbate(2nd Legislative District).
Wt. Accomp.
Phy. Accomp. Phy. Balance
Item No. Description Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Wt % Previous This Period To Date Previous This Period To Date (%)
(%) Accomp. (%) (Physical Qty.)
B.5 Project Billboard/Signboard 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 0.03% 2.00 - 2.00 100.00% 12,512.00 - 12,512.00 100.00% 0.00
B.7(1) Occupational Safety and Health Program 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 0.45% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 140,049.00 - 140,049.00 65.00% 0.290% 0.35
B.8(1) Traffic Management 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 0.71% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 221,130.00 - 221,130.00 65.00% 0.458% 0.35
B.9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 0.57% 1.00 - 1.00 100.00% 275,940.00 - 275,940.00 100.00% 0.572% 0.00
100(3)a1 Individual Removal of Trees,150-300mm dia.,Small 6.00 ea. 2,384.00 14,304.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
102(2) Surplus Common Excavation 24,838.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,098,270.00 24,595.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,058,175.00 8.41% 23,833.00 380.00 24,213.00 98.45% 3,932,445.00 62,700.00 3,995,145.00 98.45% 8.280% 382.00
100(4)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation,Common Soil 1,734.00 cu.m. 244.00 423,096.00 1,468.00 cu.m. 244.00 358,192.00 0.74% 1,423.00 - 1,423.00 96.93% 347,212.00 - 347,212.00 96.93% 0.720% 45.00
105(1)a Subgrade Preparation, Common Materials 8,749.00 sq.m. 18.00 157,482.00 9,445.00 sq.m. 18.00 170,010.00 0.35% 8,699.00 335.00 9,034.00 95.65% 156,582.00 6,030.00 162,612.00 95.65% 0.337% 411.00
200(1) Aggregate Subbase Course 1,767.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,770,534.00 1,900.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,903,800.00 3.95% 1,534.05 130.00 1,664.05 87.58% 1,537,118.10 130,260.00 1,667,378.10 87.58% 3.456% 235.95
201(1) Aggregate Base Course 3.00 cu.m 1,373.00 4,119.00 3.00 cu.m. 1,373.00 4,119.00 0.01% 0.63 0.63 21.00% 864.99 - 0.00% 0.000% 2.37
311(1)e1 PCCP (Unreinforced), 0.28m thk, 14 days 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 34.82% 2,354.94 2,354.94 31.91% 5,362,198.38 - 5,362,198.38 31.91% 11.114% 5,024.06
101(4)a1 Removal of Actual Structures/Obstructions, 610mm dia. RCPC 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 0.00% 6.00 6.00 100.00% 1,260.00 - 1,260.00 100.00% 0.003% 0.00
103(1)a Structure Excavation, Common Soil 1,678.00 cu.m. 282.00 473,196.00 1,306.00 cu.m. 282.00 368,292.00 0.76% 270.00 270.00 20.67% 76,140.00 - 76,140.00 20.67% 0.158% 1,036.00
103(3) Foundation Fill 7.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 20,237.00 9.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 26,019.00 0.05% 7.30 7.30 81.11% 21,104.30 - 21,104.30 81.11% 0.044% 1.70
103(6)a Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, Common Soil 242.00 cu.m. 228.00 55,176.00 303.00 cu.m. 228.00 69,084.00 0.14% 279.65 279.65 92.29% 63,760.20 - 63,760.20 92.29% 0.132% 23.35
404(1)a Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 49,167.00 kgs. 59.00 2,900,853.00 39,723.00 kg. 59.00 2,343,657.00 4.86% 7,902.05 7,902.05 19.89% 466,220.95 - 466,220.95 19.89% 0.966% 31,820.95
405(1)a3 Structural Concrete, 20.68 Mpa, Class A, 28 days 674.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 6,156,316.00 548.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 5,005,432.00 10.37% 27.05 27.05 4.94% 247,074.70 - 247,074.70 4.94% 0.512% 520.95
500(1)a3 Pipe Culverts, 910mm dia., Class II RCPC 46.00 l.m. 6,660.00 306,360.00 60.00 l.m. 6,660.00 399,600.00 0.83% 54.00 54.00 90.00% 359,640.00 - 359,640.00 90.00% 0.745% 6.00
505(2)a Grouted Riprap, Class A 1,180.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,178,480.00 1,185.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,204,660.00 12.86% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 1,185.00
506(1) Stone Masonry 46.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 284,188.00 78.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 481,884.00 1.00% 78.00 78.00 100.00% 481,884.00 - 481,884.00 100.00% 0.999% 0.00
622(1)a Coco Net, CN 400 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 0.99% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
622(2)c Coco Log/Fascine, CN 400 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 0.56% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 312.00
622(3)b Vegetation, Vertiver Grass System 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 0.68% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
600(4) Curb and Gutter, Cast in Place 1,082.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,527,784.00 847.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,195,964.00 2.48% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 847.00
603(3)a1 Metal Guard rail(Metal Beam)Including Post, Single, W-Beam 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 4.46% 50.00 60.00 110.00 18.27% 178,700.00 214,440.00 393,140.00 18.27% 0.815% 491.98
603(4)a Metal Beam End Piece, Fish Tail 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 0.04% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 10.00
611(1) Trees Furnishing & Transplanting 600.00 ea. 74.00 44,400.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(White) 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 0.30% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 169.00
612(2) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(Yellow) 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 0.09% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 68.00
605(6)e1 Hazard Markers, 450mm x 600mm, Chevron Signs 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 0.51% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 18.00
102(3)a Surplus Rock Excavation(Soft) 7,193.00 cu.m. 265.00 1,906,145.00 3.95% 4,258.00 4,258.00 59.20% 1,128,370.00 - 1,128,370.00 59.20% 2.339% 2,935.00
103(1)b Structure Excavation(Soft Rock) 114.00 cu.m. 580.00 66,120.00 0.14% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 114.00
624(1)1a Single Arm Post (8.00m), w/ Street Light, LED 16.00 pc. 143,990.00 2,303,840.00 4.77% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 16.00
Project Engineer Project Manager Cost Control Engineer Planning Head Operations Manager General Manager
Project ID No.: 0122 Date covered : No. of Days
Form No.: From: 7/11/2020
Convergence and Special Support Program - Construction/Improvement of Access Roads leading to Trades, Industries and Economic Zones, Balud National Road Connecting Barangay Danao in
Contract ID#: 19FO0063 Name of project :
Support of Agribusiness, Balud, Sta. 79+406.81 - Sta. 80+120.00, Balud, Masbate(2nd Legislative District).
Wt. Accomp.
Phy. Accomp. Phy. Balance
Item No. Description Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Wt % Previous This Period To Date Previous This Period To Date (%)
(%) Accomp. (%) (Physical Qty.)
B.5 Project Billboard/Signboard 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 0.03% 2.00 - 2.00 100.00% 12,512.00 - 12,512.00 100.00% 0.00
B.7(1) Occupational Safety and Health Program 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 0.45% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 140,049.00 - 140,049.00 65.00% 0.290% 0.35
B.8(1) Traffic Management 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 0.71% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 221,130.00 - 221,130.00 65.00% 0.458% 0.35
B.9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 0.57% 1.00 - 1.00 100.00% 275,940.00 - 275,940.00 100.00% 0.572% 0.00
100(3)a1 Individual Removal of Trees,150-300mm dia.,Small 6.00 ea. 2,384.00 14,304.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
102(2) Surplus Common Excavation 24,838.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,098,270.00 24,595.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,058,175.00 8.41% 24,213.00 220.00 24,433.00 99.34% 3,995,145.00 36,300.00 4,031,445.00 99.34% 8.356% 162.00
100(4)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation,Common Soil 1,734.00 cu.m. 244.00 423,096.00 1,468.00 cu.m. 244.00 358,192.00 0.74% 1,423.00 - 1,423.00 96.93% 347,212.00 - 347,212.00 96.93% 0.720% 45.00
105(1)a Subgrade Preparation, Common Materials 8,749.00 sq.m. 18.00 157,482.00 9,445.00 sq.m. 18.00 170,010.00 0.35% 9,034.00 120.00 9,154.00 96.92% 162,612.00 2,160.00 164,772.00 96.92% 0.342% 291.00
200(1) Aggregate Subbase Course 1,767.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,770,534.00 1,900.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,903,800.00 3.95% 1,664.05 80.00 1,744.05 91.79% 1,667,378.10 80,160.00 1,747,538.10 91.79% 3.622% 155.95
201(1) Aggregate Base Course 3.00 cu.m 1,373.00 4,119.00 3.00 cu.m. 1,373.00 4,119.00 0.01% 0.63 0.63 21.00% 864.99 - 0.00% 0.000% 2.37
311(1)e1 PCCP (Unreinforced), 0.28m thk, 14 days 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 34.82% 2,354.94 335.00 2,689.94 36.45% 5,362,198.38 762,795.00 6,124,993.38 36.45% 12.695% 4,689.06
101(4)a1 Removal of Actual Structures/Obstructions, 610mm dia. RCPC 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 0.00% 6.00 6.00 100.00% 1,260.00 - 1,260.00 100.00% 0.003% 0.00
103(1)a Structure Excavation, Common Soil 1,678.00 cu.m. 282.00 473,196.00 1,306.00 cu.m. 282.00 368,292.00 0.76% 270.00 270.00 20.67% 76,140.00 - 76,140.00 20.67% 0.158% 1,036.00
103(3) Foundation Fill 7.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 20,237.00 9.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 26,019.00 0.05% 7.30 7.30 81.11% 21,104.30 - 21,104.30 81.11% 0.044% 1.70
103(6)a Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, Common Soil 242.00 cu.m. 228.00 55,176.00 303.00 cu.m. 228.00 69,084.00 0.14% 279.65 279.65 92.29% 63,760.20 - 63,760.20 92.29% 0.132% 23.35
404(1)a Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 49,167.00 kgs. 59.00 2,900,853.00 39,723.00 kg. 59.00 2,343,657.00 4.86% 7,902.05 7,902.05 19.89% 466,220.95 - 466,220.95 19.89% 0.966% 31,820.95
405(1)a3 Structural Concrete, 20.68 Mpa, Class A, 28 days 674.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 6,156,316.00 548.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 5,005,432.00 10.37% 27.05 27.05 4.94% 247,074.70 - 247,074.70 4.94% 0.512% 520.95
500(1)a3 Pipe Culverts, 910mm dia., Class II RCPC 46.00 l.m. 6,660.00 306,360.00 60.00 l.m. 6,660.00 399,600.00 0.83% 54.00 54.00 90.00% 359,640.00 - 359,640.00 90.00% 0.745% 6.00
505(2)a Grouted Riprap, Class A 1,180.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,178,480.00 1,185.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,204,660.00 12.86% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 1,185.00
506(1) Stone Masonry 46.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 284,188.00 78.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 481,884.00 1.00% 78.00 78.00 100.00% 481,884.00 - 481,884.00 100.00% 0.999% 0.00
622(1)a Coco Net, CN 400 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 0.99% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
622(2)c Coco Log/Fascine, CN 400 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 0.56% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 312.00
622(3)b Vegetation, Vertiver Grass System 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 0.68% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
600(4) Curb and Gutter, Cast in Place 1,082.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,527,784.00 847.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,195,964.00 2.48% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 847.00
603(3)a1 Metal Guard rail(Metal Beam)Including Post, Single, W-Beam 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 4.46% 110.00 60.00 170.00 28.24% 393,140.00 214,440.00 607,580.00 28.24% 1.259% 431.98
603(4)a Metal Beam End Piece, Fish Tail 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 0.04% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 10.00
611(1) Trees Furnishing & Transplanting 600.00 ea. 74.00 44,400.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(White) 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 0.30% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 169.00
612(2) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(Yellow) 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 0.09% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 68.00
605(6)e1 Hazard Markers, 450mm x 600mm, Chevron Signs 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 0.51% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 18.00
102(3)a Surplus Rock Excavation(Soft) 7,193.00 cu.m. 265.00 1,906,145.00 3.95% 4,258.00 4,258.00 59.20% 1,128,370.00 - 1,128,370.00 59.20% 2.339% 2,935.00
103(1)b Structure Excavation(Soft Rock) 114.00 cu.m. 580.00 66,120.00 0.14% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 114.00
624(1)1a Single Arm Post (8.00m), w/ Street Light, LED 16.00 pc. 143,990.00 2,303,840.00 4.77% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 16.00
Project Engineer Project Manager Cost Control Engineer Planning Head Operations Manager General Manager
Project ID No.: 0122 Date covered : No. of Days
Form No.: From: 7/18/2020
Convergence and Special Support Program - Construction/Improvement of Access Roads leading to Trades, Industries and Economic Zones, Balud National Road Connecting Barangay Danao in
Contract ID#: 19FO0063 Name of project :
Support of Agribusiness, Balud, Sta. 79+406.81 - Sta. 80+120.00, Balud, Masbate(2nd Legislative District).
Wt. Accomp.
Phy. Accomp. Phy. Balance
Item No. Description Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Wt % Previous This Period To Date Previous This Period To Date (%)
(%) Accomp. (%) (Physical Qty.)
B.5 Project Billboard/Signboard 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 0.03% 2.00 - 2.00 100.00% 12,512.00 - 12,512.00 100.00% 0.00
B.7(1) Occupational Safety and Health Program 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 0.45% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 140,049.00 - 140,049.00 65.00% 0.290% 0.35
B.8(1) Traffic Management 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 0.71% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 221,130.00 - 221,130.00 65.00% 0.458% 0.35
B.9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 0.57% 1.00 - 1.00 100.00% 275,940.00 - 275,940.00 100.00% 0.572% 0.00
100(3)a1 Individual Removal of Trees,150-300mm dia.,Small 6.00 ea. 2,384.00 14,304.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
102(2) Surplus Common Excavation 24,838.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,098,270.00 24,595.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,058,175.00 8.41% 24,433.00 24,433.00 99.34% 4,031,445.00 - 4,031,445.00 99.34% 8.356% 162.00
100(4)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation,Common Soil 1,734.00 cu.m. 244.00 423,096.00 1,468.00 cu.m. 244.00 358,192.00 0.74% 1,423.00 - 1,423.00 96.93% 347,212.00 - 347,212.00 96.93% 0.720% 45.00
105(1)a Subgrade Preparation, Common Materials 8,749.00 sq.m. 18.00 157,482.00 9,445.00 sq.m. 18.00 170,010.00 0.35% 9,154.00 160.00 9,314.00 98.61% 164,772.00 2,880.00 167,652.00 98.61% 0.347% 131.00
200(1) Aggregate Subbase Course 1,767.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,770,534.00 1,900.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,903,800.00 3.95% 1,744.05 50.00 1,794.05 94.42% 1,747,538.10 50,100.00 1,797,638.10 94.42% 3.726% 105.95
201(1) Aggregate Base Course 3.00 cu.m 1,373.00 4,119.00 3.00 cu.m. 1,373.00 4,119.00 0.01% 0.63 0.63 21.00% 864.99 - 0.00% 0.000% 2.37
311(1)e1 PCCP (Unreinforced), 0.28m thk, 14 days 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 34.82% 2,689.94 116.40 2,806.34 38.03% 6,124,993.38 265,042.80 6,390,036.18 38.03% 13.244% 4,572.66
101(4)a1 Removal of Actual Structures/Obstructions, 610mm dia. RCPC 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 0.00% 6.00 6.00 100.00% 1,260.00 - 1,260.00 100.00% 0.003% 0.00
103(1)a Structure Excavation, Common Soil 1,678.00 cu.m. 282.00 473,196.00 1,306.00 cu.m. 282.00 368,292.00 0.76% 270.00 270.00 20.67% 76,140.00 - 76,140.00 20.67% 0.158% 1,036.00
103(3) Foundation Fill 7.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 20,237.00 9.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 26,019.00 0.05% 7.30 7.30 81.11% 21,104.30 - 21,104.30 81.11% 0.044% 1.70
103(6)a Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, Common Soil 242.00 cu.m. 228.00 55,176.00 303.00 cu.m. 228.00 69,084.00 0.14% 279.65 279.65 92.29% 63,760.20 - 63,760.20 92.29% 0.132% 23.35
404(1)a Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 49,167.00 kgs. 59.00 2,900,853.00 39,723.00 kg. 59.00 2,343,657.00 4.86% 7,902.05 7,902.05 19.89% 466,220.95 - 466,220.95 19.89% 0.966% 31,820.95
405(1)a3 Structural Concrete, 20.68 Mpa, Class A, 28 days 674.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 6,156,316.00 548.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 5,005,432.00 10.37% 27.05 27.05 4.94% 247,074.70 - 247,074.70 4.94% 0.512% 520.95
500(1)a3 Pipe Culverts, 910mm dia., Class II RCPC 46.00 l.m. 6,660.00 306,360.00 60.00 l.m. 6,660.00 399,600.00 0.83% 54.00 54.00 90.00% 359,640.00 - 359,640.00 90.00% 0.745% 6.00
505(2)a Grouted Riprap, Class A 1,180.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,178,480.00 1,185.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,204,660.00 12.86% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 1,185.00
506(1) Stone Masonry 46.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 284,188.00 78.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 481,884.00 1.00% 78.00 78.00 100.00% 481,884.00 - 481,884.00 100.00% 0.999% 0.00
622(1)a Coco Net, CN 400 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 0.99% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
622(2)c Coco Log/Fascine, CN 400 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 0.56% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 312.00
622(3)b Vegetation, Vertiver Grass System 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 0.68% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
600(4) Curb and Gutter, Cast in Place 1,082.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,527,784.00 847.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,195,964.00 2.48% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 847.00
603(3)a1 Metal Guard rail(Metal Beam)Including Post, Single, W-Beam 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 4.46% 170.00 170.00 28.24% 607,580.00 - 607,580.00 28.24% 1.259% 431.98
603(4)a Metal Beam End Piece, Fish Tail 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 0.04% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 10.00
611(1) Trees Furnishing & Transplanting 600.00 ea. 74.00 44,400.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(White) 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 0.30% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 169.00
612(2) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(Yellow) 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 0.09% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 68.00
605(6)e1 Hazard Markers, 450mm x 600mm, Chevron Signs 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 0.51% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 18.00
102(3)a Surplus Rock Excavation(Soft) 7,193.00 cu.m. 265.00 1,906,145.00 3.95% 4,258.00 4,258.00 59.20% 1,128,370.00 - 1,128,370.00 59.20% 2.339% 2,935.00
103(1)b Structure Excavation(Soft Rock) 114.00 cu.m. 580.00 66,120.00 0.14% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 114.00
624(1)1a Single Arm Post (8.00m), w/ Street Light, LED 16.00 pc. 143,990.00 2,303,840.00 4.77% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 16.00
Project Engineer Project Manager Cost Control Engineer Planning Head Operations Manager General Manager
Project ID No.: 0122 Date covered : No. of Days
Form No.: From: 7/18/2020
Convergence and Special Support Program - Construction/Improvement of Access Roads leading to Trades, Industries and Economic Zones, Balud National Road Connecting Barangay Danao in
Contract ID#: 19FO0063 Name of project :
Support of Agribusiness, Balud, Sta. 79+406.81 - Sta. 80+120.00, Balud, Masbate(2nd Legislative District).
Wt. Accomp.
Phy. Accomp. Phy. Balance
Item No. Description Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Wt % Previous This Period To Date Previous This Period To Date (%)
(%) Accomp. (%) (Physical Qty.)
B.5 Project Billboard/Signboard 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 0.03% 2.00 - 2.00 100.00% 12,512.00 - 12,512.00 100.00% 0.00
B.7(1) Occupational Safety and Health Program 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 0.45% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 140,049.00 - 140,049.00 65.00% 0.290% 0.35
B.8(1) Traffic Management 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 0.71% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 221,130.00 - 221,130.00 65.00% 0.458% 0.35
B.9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 0.57% 1.00 - 1.00 100.00% 275,940.00 - 275,940.00 100.00% 0.572% 0.00
100(3)a1 Individual Removal of Trees,150-300mm dia.,Small 6.00 ea. 2,384.00 14,304.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
102(2) Surplus Common Excavation 24,838.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,098,270.00 24,595.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,058,175.00 8.41% 24,433.00 24,433.00 99.34% 4,031,445.00 - 4,031,445.00 99.34% 8.356% 162.00
100(4)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation,Common Soil 1,734.00 cu.m. 244.00 423,096.00 1,468.00 cu.m. 244.00 358,192.00 0.74% 1,423.00 - 1,423.00 96.93% 347,212.00 - 347,212.00 96.93% 0.720% 45.00
105(1)a Subgrade Preparation, Common Materials 8,749.00 sq.m. 18.00 157,482.00 9,445.00 sq.m. 18.00 170,010.00 0.35% 9,314.00 9,314.00 98.61% 167,652.00 - 167,652.00 98.61% 0.347% 131.00
200(1) Aggregate Subbase Course 1,767.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,770,534.00 1,900.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,903,800.00 3.95% 1,794.05 1,794.05 94.42% 1,797,638.10 - 1,797,638.10 94.42% 3.726% 105.95
201(1) Aggregate Base Course 3.00 cu.m 1,373.00 4,119.00 3.00 cu.m. 1,373.00 4,119.00 0.01% 0.63 0.63 21.00% 864.99 - 0.00% 0.000% 2.37
311(1)e1 PCCP (Unreinforced), 0.28m thk, 14 days 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 34.82% 2,806.34 2,806.34 38.03% 6,390,036.18 - 6,390,036.18 38.03% 13.244% 4,572.66
101(4)a1 Removal of Actual Structures/Obstructions, 610mm dia. RCPC 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 0.00% 6.00 6.00 100.00% 1,260.00 - 1,260.00 100.00% 0.003% 0.00
103(1)a Structure Excavation, Common Soil 1,678.00 cu.m. 282.00 473,196.00 1,306.00 cu.m. 282.00 368,292.00 0.76% 270.00 72.60 342.60 26.23% 76,140.00 20,473.20 96,613.20 26.23% 0.200% 963.40
103(3) Foundation Fill 7.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 20,237.00 9.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 26,019.00 0.05% 7.30 7.30 81.11% 21,104.30 - 21,104.30 81.11% 0.044% 1.70
103(6)a Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, Common Soil 242.00 cu.m. 228.00 55,176.00 303.00 cu.m. 228.00 69,084.00 0.14% 279.65 279.65 92.29% 63,760.20 - 63,760.20 92.29% 0.132% 23.35
404(1)a Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 49,167.00 kgs. 59.00 2,900,853.00 39,723.00 kg. 59.00 2,343,657.00 4.86% 7,902.05 7,902.05 19.89% 466,220.95 - 466,220.95 19.89% 0.966% 31,820.95
405(1)a3 Structural Concrete, 20.68 Mpa, Class A, 28 days 674.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 6,156,316.00 548.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 5,005,432.00 10.37% 27.05 27.05 4.94% 247,074.70 - 247,074.70 4.94% 0.512% 520.95
500(1)a3 Pipe Culverts, 910mm dia., Class II RCPC 46.00 l.m. 6,660.00 306,360.00 60.00 l.m. 6,660.00 399,600.00 0.83% 54.00 54.00 90.00% 359,640.00 - 359,640.00 90.00% 0.745% 6.00
505(2)a Grouted Riprap, Class A 1,180.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,178,480.00 1,185.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,204,660.00 12.86% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 1,185.00
506(1) Stone Masonry 46.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 284,188.00 78.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 481,884.00 1.00% 78.00 78.00 100.00% 481,884.00 - 481,884.00 100.00% 0.999% 0.00
622(1)a Coco Net, CN 400 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 0.99% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
622(2)c Coco Log/Fascine, CN 400 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 0.56% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 312.00
622(3)b Vegetation, Vertiver Grass System 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 0.68% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
600(4) Curb and Gutter, Cast in Place 1,082.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,527,784.00 847.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,195,964.00 2.48% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 847.00
603(3)a1 Metal Guard rail(Metal Beam)Including Post, Single, W-Beam 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 4.46% 170.00 170.00 28.24% 607,580.00 - 607,580.00 28.24% 1.259% 431.98
603(4)a Metal Beam End Piece, Fish Tail 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 0.04% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 10.00
611(1) Trees Furnishing & Transplanting 600.00 ea. 74.00 44,400.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(White) 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 0.30% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 169.00
612(2) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(Yellow) 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 0.09% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 68.00
605(6)e1 Hazard Markers, 450mm x 600mm, Chevron Signs 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 0.51% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 18.00
102(3)a Surplus Rock Excavation(Soft) 7,193.00 cu.m. 265.00 1,906,145.00 3.95% 4,258.00 4,258.00 59.20% 1,128,370.00 - 1,128,370.00 59.20% 2.339% 2,935.00
103(1)b Structure Excavation(Soft Rock) 114.00 cu.m. 580.00 66,120.00 0.14% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 114.00
624(1)1a Single Arm Post (8.00m), w/ Street Light, LED 16.00 pc. 143,990.00 2,303,840.00 4.77% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 16.00
Project Engineer Project Manager Cost Control Engineer Planning Head Operations Manager General Manager
Project ID No.: 0122 Date covered : No. of Days
Form No.: From: 8/1/2020
Convergence and Special Support Program - Construction/Improvement of Access Roads leading to Trades, Industries and Economic Zones, Balud National Road Connecting Barangay Danao in
Contract ID#: 19FO0063 Name of project :
Support of Agribusiness, Balud, Sta. 79+406.81 - Sta. 80+120.00, Balud, Masbate(2nd Legislative District).
Wt. Accomp.
Phy. Accomp. Phy. Balance
Item No. Description Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Wt % Previous This Period To Date Previous This Period To Date (%)
(%) Accomp. (%) (Physical Qty.)
B.5 Project Billboard/Signboard 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 0.03% 2.00 - 2.00 100.00% 12,512.00 - 12,512.00 100.00% 0.00
B.7(1) Occupational Safety and Health Program 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 0.45% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 140,049.00 - 140,049.00 65.00% 0.290% 0.35
B.8(1) Traffic Management 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 0.71% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 221,130.00 - 221,130.00 65.00% 0.458% 0.35
B.9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 0.57% 1.00 - 1.00 100.00% 275,940.00 - 275,940.00 100.00% 0.572% 0.00
100(3)a1 Individual Removal of Trees,150-300mm dia.,Small 6.00 ea. 2,384.00 14,304.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
102(2) Surplus Common Excavation 24,838.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,098,270.00 24,595.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,058,175.00 8.41% 24,433.00 24,433.00 99.34% 4,031,445.00 - 4,031,445.00 99.34% 8.356% 162.00
100(4)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation,Common Soil 1,734.00 cu.m. 244.00 423,096.00 1,468.00 cu.m. 244.00 358,192.00 0.74% 1,423.00 - 1,423.00 96.93% 347,212.00 - 347,212.00 96.93% 0.720% 45.00
105(1)a Subgrade Preparation, Common Materials 8,749.00 sq.m. 18.00 157,482.00 9,445.00 sq.m. 18.00 170,010.00 0.35% 9,314.00 9,314.00 98.61% 167,652.00 - 167,652.00 98.61% 0.347% 131.00
200(1) Aggregate Subbase Course 1,767.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,770,534.00 1,900.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,903,800.00 3.95% 1,794.05 1,794.05 94.42% 1,797,638.10 - 1,797,638.10 94.42% 3.726% 105.95
201(1) Aggregate Base Course 3.00 cu.m 1,373.00 4,119.00 3.00 cu.m. 1,373.00 4,119.00 0.01% 0.63 0.63 21.00% 864.99 - 0.00% 0.000% 2.37
311(1)e1 PCCP (Unreinforced), 0.28m thk, 14 days 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 34.82% 2,806.34 2,806.34 38.03% 6,390,036.18 - 6,390,036.18 38.03% 13.244% 4,572.66
101(4)a1 Removal of Actual Structures/Obstructions, 610mm dia. RCPC 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 0.00% 6.00 6.00 100.00% 1,260.00 - 1,260.00 100.00% 0.003% 0.00
103(1)a Structure Excavation, Common Soil 1,678.00 cu.m. 282.00 473,196.00 1,306.00 cu.m. 282.00 368,292.00 0.76% 342.60 342.60 26.23% 96,613.20 - 96,613.20 26.23% 0.200% 963.40
103(3) Foundation Fill 7.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 20,237.00 9.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 26,019.00 0.05% 7.30 7.30 81.11% 21,104.30 - 21,104.30 81.11% 0.044% 1.70
103(6)a Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, Common Soil 242.00 cu.m. 228.00 55,176.00 303.00 cu.m. 228.00 69,084.00 0.14% 279.65 279.65 92.29% 63,760.20 - 63,760.20 92.29% 0.132% 23.35
404(1)a Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 49,167.00 kgs. 59.00 2,900,853.00 39,723.00 kg. 59.00 2,343,657.00 4.86% 7,902.05 7,902.05 19.89% 466,220.95 - 466,220.95 19.89% 0.966% 31,820.95
405(1)a3 Structural Concrete, 20.68 Mpa, Class A, 28 days 674.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 6,156,316.00 548.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 5,005,432.00 10.37% 27.05 27.05 4.94% 247,074.70 - 247,074.70 4.94% 0.512% 520.95
500(1)a3 Pipe Culverts, 910mm dia., Class II RCPC 46.00 l.m. 6,660.00 306,360.00 60.00 l.m. 6,660.00 399,600.00 0.83% 54.00 54.00 90.00% 359,640.00 - 359,640.00 90.00% 0.745% 6.00
505(2)a Grouted Riprap, Class A 1,180.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,178,480.00 1,185.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,204,660.00 12.86% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 1,185.00
506(1) Stone Masonry 46.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 284,188.00 78.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 481,884.00 1.00% 78.00 78.00 100.00% 481,884.00 - 481,884.00 100.00% 0.999% 0.00
622(1)a Coco Net, CN 400 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 0.99% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
622(2)c Coco Log/Fascine, CN 400 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 0.56% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 312.00
622(3)b Vegetation, Vertiver Grass System 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 0.68% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
600(4) Curb and Gutter, Cast in Place 1,082.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,527,784.00 847.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,195,964.00 2.48% 37.00 4.37% - 52,244.00 52,244.00 4.37% 0.108% 810.00
603(3)a1 Metal Guard rail(Metal Beam)Including Post, Single, W-Beam 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 4.46% 170.00 50.00 220.00 36.55% 607,580.00 178,700.00 786,280.00 36.55% 1.630% 381.98
603(4)a Metal Beam End Piece, Fish Tail 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 0.04% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 10.00
611(1) Trees Furnishing & Transplanting 600.00 ea. 74.00 44,400.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(White) 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 0.30% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 169.00
612(2) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(Yellow) 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 0.09% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 68.00
605(6)e1 Hazard Markers, 450mm x 600mm, Chevron Signs 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 0.51% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 18.00
102(3)a Surplus Rock Excavation(Soft) 7,193.00 cu.m. 265.00 1,906,145.00 3.95% 4,258.00 4,258.00 59.20% 1,128,370.00 - 1,128,370.00 59.20% 2.339% 2,935.00
103(1)b Structure Excavation(Soft Rock) 114.00 cu.m. 580.00 66,120.00 0.14% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 114.00
624(1)1a Single Arm Post (8.00m), w/ Street Light, LED 16.00 pc. 143,990.00 2,303,840.00 4.77% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 16.00
Project Engineer Project Manager Cost Control Engineer Planning Head Operations Manager General Manager
Project ID No.: 0122 Date covered : No. of Days
Form No.: From: 8/8/2020
Convergence and Special Support Program - Construction/Improvement of Access Roads leading to Trades, Industries and Economic Zones, Balud National Road Connecting Barangay Danao in
Contract ID#: 19FO0063 Name of project :
Support of Agribusiness, Balud, Sta. 79+406.81 - Sta. 80+120.00, Balud, Masbate(2nd Legislative District).
Wt. Accomp.
Phy. Accomp. Phy. Balance
Item No. Description Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Wt % Previous This Period To Date Previous This Period To Date (%)
(%) Accomp. (%) (Physical Qty.)
B.5 Project Billboard/Signboard 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 0.03% 2.00 - 2.00 100.00% 12,512.00 - 12,512.00 100.00% 0.00
B.7(1) Occupational Safety and Health Program 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 0.45% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 140,049.00 - 140,049.00 65.00% 0.290% 0.35
B.8(1) Traffic Management 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 0.71% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 221,130.00 - 221,130.00 65.00% 0.458% 0.35
B.9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 0.57% 1.00 - 1.00 100.00% 275,940.00 - 275,940.00 100.00% 0.572% 0.00
100(3)a1 Individual Removal of Trees,150-300mm dia.,Small 6.00 ea. 2,384.00 14,304.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
102(2) Surplus Common Excavation 24,838.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,098,270.00 24,595.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,058,175.00 8.41% 24,433.00 24,433.00 99.34% 4,031,445.00 - 4,031,445.00 99.34% 8.356% 162.00
100(4)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation,Common Soil 1,734.00 cu.m. 244.00 423,096.00 1,468.00 cu.m. 244.00 358,192.00 0.74% 1,423.00 - 1,423.00 96.93% 347,212.00 - 347,212.00 96.93% 0.720% 45.00
105(1)a Subgrade Preparation, Common Materials 8,749.00 sq.m. 18.00 157,482.00 9,445.00 sq.m. 18.00 170,010.00 0.35% 9,314.00 9,314.00 98.61% 167,652.00 - 167,652.00 98.61% 0.347% 131.00
200(1) Aggregate Subbase Course 1,767.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,770,534.00 1,900.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,903,800.00 3.95% 1,794.05 1,794.05 94.42% 1,797,638.10 - 1,797,638.10 94.42% 3.726% 105.95
201(1) Aggregate Base Course 3.00 cu.m 1,373.00 4,119.00 3.00 cu.m. 1,373.00 4,119.00 0.01% 0.63 0.63 21.00% 864.99 - 0.00% 0.000% 2.37
311(1)e1 PCCP (Unreinforced), 0.28m thk, 14 days 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 34.82% 2,806.34 2,806.34 38.03% 6,390,036.18 - 6,390,036.18 38.03% 13.244% 4,572.66
101(4)a1 Removal of Actual Structures/Obstructions, 610mm dia. RCPC 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 0.00% 6.00 6.00 100.00% 1,260.00 - 1,260.00 100.00% 0.003% 0.00
103(1)a Structure Excavation, Common Soil 1,678.00 cu.m. 282.00 473,196.00 1,306.00 cu.m. 282.00 368,292.00 0.76% 342.60 120.00 462.60 35.42% 96,613.20 33,840.00 130,453.20 35.42% 0.270% 843.40
103(3) Foundation Fill 7.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 20,237.00 9.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 26,019.00 0.05% 7.30 7.30 81.11% 21,104.30 - 21,104.30 81.11% 0.044% 1.70
103(6)a Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, Common Soil 242.00 cu.m. 228.00 55,176.00 303.00 cu.m. 228.00 69,084.00 0.14% 279.65 279.65 92.29% 63,760.20 - 63,760.20 92.29% 0.132% 23.35
404(1)a Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 49,167.00 kgs. 59.00 2,900,853.00 39,723.00 kg. 59.00 2,343,657.00 4.86% 7,902.05 7,902.05 19.89% 466,220.95 - 466,220.95 19.89% 0.966% 31,820.95
405(1)a3 Structural Concrete, 20.68 Mpa, Class A, 28 days 674.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 6,156,316.00 548.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 5,005,432.00 10.37% 27.05 27.05 4.94% 247,074.70 - 247,074.70 4.94% 0.512% 520.95
500(1)a3 Pipe Culverts, 910mm dia., Class II RCPC 46.00 l.m. 6,660.00 306,360.00 60.00 l.m. 6,660.00 399,600.00 0.83% 54.00 54.00 90.00% 359,640.00 - 359,640.00 90.00% 0.745% 6.00
505(2)a Grouted Riprap, Class A 1,180.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,178,480.00 1,185.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,204,660.00 12.86% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 1,185.00
506(1) Stone Masonry 46.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 284,188.00 78.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 481,884.00 1.00% 78.00 78.00 100.00% 481,884.00 - 481,884.00 100.00% 0.999% 0.00
622(1)a Coco Net, CN 400 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 0.99% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
622(2)c Coco Log/Fascine, CN 400 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 0.56% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 312.00
622(3)b Vegetation, Vertiver Grass System 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 0.68% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
600(4) Curb and Gutter, Cast in Place 1,082.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,527,784.00 847.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,195,964.00 2.48% 37.00 52.00 6.14% 52,244.00 21,180.00 73,424.00 6.14% 0.152% 795.00
603(3)a1 Metal Guard rail(Metal Beam)Including Post, Single, W-Beam 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 4.46% 220.00 50.00 270.00 44.85% 786,280.00 178,700.00 964,980.00 44.85% 2.000% 331.98
603(4)a Metal Beam End Piece, Fish Tail 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 0.04% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 10.00
611(1) Trees Furnishing & Transplanting 600.00 ea. 74.00 44,400.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(White) 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 0.30% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 169.00
612(2) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(Yellow) 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 0.09% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 68.00
605(6)e1 Hazard Markers, 450mm x 600mm, Chevron Signs 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 0.51% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 18.00
102(3)a Surplus Rock Excavation(Soft) 7,193.00 cu.m. 265.00 1,906,145.00 3.95% 4,258.00 4,258.00 59.20% 1,128,370.00 - 1,128,370.00 59.20% 2.339% 2,935.00
103(1)b Structure Excavation(Soft Rock) 114.00 cu.m. 580.00 66,120.00 0.14% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 114.00
624(1)1a Single Arm Post (8.00m), w/ Street Light, LED 16.00 pc. 143,990.00 2,303,840.00 4.77% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 16.00
Project Engineer Project Manager Cost Control Engineer Planning Head Operations Manager General Manager
Project ID No.: 0122 Date covered : No. of Days
Form No.: From: 8/17/2020
Convergence and Special Support Program - Construction/Improvement of Access Roads leading to Trades, Industries and Economic Zones, Balud National Road Connecting Barangay Danao in
Contract ID#: 19FO0063 Name of project :
Support of Agribusiness, Balud, Sta. 79+406.81 - Sta. 80+120.00, Balud, Masbate(2nd Legislative District).
Wt. Accomp.
Phy. Accomp. Phy. Balance
Item No. Description Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Wt % Previous This Period To Date Previous This Period To Date (%)
(%) Accomp. (%) (Physical Qty.)
B.5 Project Billboard/Signboard 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 0.03% 2.00 - 2.00 100.00% 12,512.00 - 12,512.00 100.00% 0.00
B.7(1) Occupational Safety and Health Program 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 0.45% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 140,049.00 - 140,049.00 65.00% 0.290% 0.35
B.8(1) Traffic Management 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 0.71% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 221,130.00 - 221,130.00 65.00% 0.458% 0.35
B.9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 0.57% 1.00 - 1.00 100.00% 275,940.00 - 275,940.00 100.00% 0.572% 0.00
100(3)a1 Individual Removal of Trees,150-300mm dia.,Small 6.00 ea. 2,384.00 14,304.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
102(2) Surplus Common Excavation 24,838.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,098,270.00 24,595.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,058,175.00 8.41% 24,433.00 24,433.00 99.34% 4,031,445.00 - 4,031,445.00 99.34% 8.356% 162.00
100(4)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation,Common Soil 1,734.00 cu.m. 244.00 423,096.00 1,468.00 cu.m. 244.00 358,192.00 0.74% 1,423.00 - 1,423.00 96.93% 347,212.00 - 347,212.00 96.93% 0.720% 45.00
105(1)a Subgrade Preparation, Common Materials 8,749.00 sq.m. 18.00 157,482.00 9,445.00 sq.m. 18.00 170,010.00 0.35% 9,314.00 60.00 9,374.00 99.25% 167,652.00 1,080.00 168,732.00 99.25% 0.350% 71.00
200(1) Aggregate Subbase Course 1,767.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,770,534.00 1,900.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,903,800.00 3.95% 1,794.05 40.00 1,834.05 96.53% 1,797,638.10 40,080.00 1,837,718.10 96.53% 3.809% 65.95
201(1) Aggregate Base Course 3.00 cu.m 1,373.00 4,119.00 3.00 cu.m. 1,373.00 4,119.00 0.01% 0.63 0.37 1.00 33.33% 864.99 508.01 0.00% 0.000% 2.00
311(1)e1 PCCP (Unreinforced), 0.28m thk, 14 days 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 34.82% 2,806.34 273.00 3,079.34 41.73% 6,390,036.18 621,621.00 7,011,657.18 41.73% 14.532% 4,299.66
101(4)a1 Removal of Actual Structures/Obstructions, 610mm dia. RCPC 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 0.00% 6.00 6.00 100.00% 1,260.00 - 1,260.00 100.00% 0.003% 0.00
103(1)a Structure Excavation, Common Soil 1,678.00 cu.m. 282.00 473,196.00 1,306.00 cu.m. 282.00 368,292.00 0.76% 462.60 200.00 662.60 50.74% 130,453.20 56,400.00 186,853.20 50.74% 0.387% 643.40
103(3) Foundation Fill 7.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 20,237.00 9.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 26,019.00 0.05% 7.30 7.30 81.11% 21,104.30 - 21,104.30 81.11% 0.044% 1.70
103(6)a Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, Common Soil 242.00 cu.m. 228.00 55,176.00 303.00 cu.m. 228.00 69,084.00 0.14% 279.65 279.65 92.29% 63,760.20 - 63,760.20 92.29% 0.132% 23.35
404(1)a Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 49,167.00 kgs. 59.00 2,900,853.00 39,723.00 kg. 59.00 2,343,657.00 4.86% 7,902.05 7,902.05 19.89% 466,220.95 - 466,220.95 19.89% 0.966% 31,820.95
405(1)a3 Structural Concrete, 20.68 Mpa, Class A, 28 days 674.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 6,156,316.00 548.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 5,005,432.00 10.37% 27.05 27.05 4.94% 247,074.70 - 247,074.70 4.94% 0.512% 520.95
500(1)a3 Pipe Culverts, 910mm dia., Class II RCPC 46.00 l.m. 6,660.00 306,360.00 60.00 l.m. 6,660.00 399,600.00 0.83% 54.00 54.00 90.00% 359,640.00 - 359,640.00 90.00% 0.745% 6.00
505(2)a Grouted Riprap, Class A 1,180.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,178,480.00 1,185.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,204,660.00 12.86% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 1,185.00
506(1) Stone Masonry 46.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 284,188.00 78.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 481,884.00 1.00% 78.00 78.00 100.00% 481,884.00 - 481,884.00 100.00% 0.999% 0.00
622(1)a Coco Net, CN 400 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 0.99% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
622(2)c Coco Log/Fascine, CN 400 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 0.56% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 312.00
622(3)b Vegetation, Vertiver Grass System 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 0.68% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
600(4) Curb and Gutter, Cast in Place 1,082.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,527,784.00 847.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,195,964.00 2.48% 52.00 52.00 6.14% 73,424.00 - 73,424.00 6.14% 0.152% 795.00
603(3)a1 Metal Guard rail(Metal Beam)Including Post, Single, W-Beam 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 4.46% 270.00 270.00 44.85% 964,980.00 - 964,980.00 44.85% 2.000% 331.98
603(4)a Metal Beam End Piece, Fish Tail 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 0.04% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 10.00
611(1) Trees Furnishing & Transplanting 600.00 ea. 74.00 44,400.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(White) 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 0.30% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 169.00
612(2) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(Yellow) 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 0.09% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 68.00
605(6)e1 Hazard Markers, 450mm x 600mm, Chevron Signs 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 0.51% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 18.00
102(3)a Surplus Rock Excavation(Soft) 7,193.00 cu.m. 265.00 1,906,145.00 3.95% 4,258.00 4,258.00 59.20% 1,128,370.00 - 1,128,370.00 59.20% 2.339% 2,935.00
103(1)b Structure Excavation(Soft Rock) 114.00 cu.m. 580.00 66,120.00 0.14% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 114.00
624(1)1a Single Arm Post (8.00m), w/ Street Light, LED 16.00 pc. 143,990.00 2,303,840.00 4.77% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 16.00
Project Engineer Project Manager Cost Control Engineer Planning Head Operations Manager General Manager
Project ID No.: 0122 Date covered : No. of Days
Form No.: From: 8/17/2020
Convergence and Special Support Program - Construction/Improvement of Access Roads leading to Trades, Industries and Economic Zones, Balud National Road Connecting Barangay Danao in
Contract ID#: 19FO0063 Name of project :
Support of Agribusiness, Balud, Sta. 79+406.81 - Sta. 80+120.00, Balud, Masbate(2nd Legislative District).
Wt. Accomp.
Phy. Accomp. Phy. Balance
Item No. Description Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Wt % Previous This Period To Date Previous This Period To Date (%)
(%) Accomp. (%) (Physical Qty.)
B.5 Project Billboard/Signboard 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 0.03% 2.00 - 2.00 100.00% 12,512.00 - 12,512.00 100.00% 0.00
B.7(1) Occupational Safety and Health Program 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 0.45% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 140,049.00 - 140,049.00 65.00% 0.290% 0.35
B.8(1) Traffic Management 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 0.71% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 221,130.00 - 221,130.00 65.00% 0.458% 0.35
B.9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 0.57% 1.00 - 1.00 100.00% 275,940.00 - 275,940.00 100.00% 0.572% 0.00
100(3)a1 Individual Removal of Trees,150-300mm dia.,Small 6.00 ea. 2,384.00 14,304.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
102(2) Surplus Common Excavation 24,838.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,098,270.00 24,595.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,058,175.00 8.41% 24,433.00 100.00 24,533.00 99.75% 4,031,445.00 16,500.00 4,047,945.00 99.75% 8.390% 62.00
100(4)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation,Common Soil 1,734.00 cu.m. 244.00 423,096.00 1,468.00 cu.m. 244.00 358,192.00 0.74% 1,423.00 - 1,423.00 96.93% 347,212.00 - 347,212.00 96.93% 0.720% 45.00
105(1)a Subgrade Preparation, Common Materials 8,749.00 sq.m. 18.00 157,482.00 9,445.00 sq.m. 18.00 170,010.00 0.35% 9,374.00 9,374.00 99.25% 168,732.00 - 168,732.00 99.25% 0.350% 71.00
200(1) Aggregate Subbase Course 1,767.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,770,534.00 1,900.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,903,800.00 3.95% 1,834.05 1,834.05 96.53% 1,837,718.10 - 1,837,718.10 96.53% 3.809% 65.95
201(1) Aggregate Base Course 3.00 cu.m 1,373.00 4,119.00 3.00 cu.m. 1,373.00 4,119.00 0.01% 1.00 1.00 33.33% 1,373.00 - 0.00% 0.000% 2.00
311(1)e1 PCCP (Unreinforced), 0.28m thk, 14 days 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 34.82% 3,079.34 3,079.34 41.73% 7,011,657.18 - 7,011,657.18 41.73% 14.532% 4,299.66
101(4)a1 Removal of Actual Structures/Obstructions, 610mm dia. RCPC 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 0.00% 6.00 6.00 100.00% 1,260.00 - 1,260.00 100.00% 0.003% 0.00
103(1)a Structure Excavation, Common Soil 1,678.00 cu.m. 282.00 473,196.00 1,306.00 cu.m. 282.00 368,292.00 0.76% 662.60 662.60 50.74% 186,853.20 - 186,853.20 50.74% 0.387% 643.40
103(3) Foundation Fill 7.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 20,237.00 9.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 26,019.00 0.05% 7.30 7.30 81.11% 21,104.30 - 21,104.30 81.11% 0.044% 1.70
103(6)a Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, Common Soil 242.00 cu.m. 228.00 55,176.00 303.00 cu.m. 228.00 69,084.00 0.14% 279.65 279.65 92.29% 63,760.20 - 63,760.20 92.29% 0.132% 23.35
404(1)a Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 49,167.00 kgs. 59.00 2,900,853.00 39,723.00 kg. 59.00 2,343,657.00 4.86% 7,902.05 7,902.05 19.89% 466,220.95 - 466,220.95 19.89% 0.966% 31,820.95
405(1)a3 Structural Concrete, 20.68 Mpa, Class A, 28 days 674.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 6,156,316.00 548.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 5,005,432.00 10.37% 27.05 27.05 4.94% 247,074.70 - 247,074.70 4.94% 0.512% 520.95
500(1)a3 Pipe Culverts, 910mm dia., Class II RCPC 46.00 l.m. 6,660.00 306,360.00 60.00 l.m. 6,660.00 399,600.00 0.83% 54.00 54.00 90.00% 359,640.00 - 359,640.00 90.00% 0.745% 6.00
505(2)a Grouted Riprap, Class A 1,180.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,178,480.00 1,185.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,204,660.00 12.86% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 1,185.00
506(1) Stone Masonry 46.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 284,188.00 78.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 481,884.00 1.00% 78.00 78.00 100.00% 481,884.00 - 481,884.00 100.00% 0.999% 0.00
622(1)a Coco Net, CN 400 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 0.99% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
622(2)c Coco Log/Fascine, CN 400 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 0.56% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 312.00
622(3)b Vegetation, Vertiver Grass System 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 0.68% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
600(4) Curb and Gutter, Cast in Place 1,082.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,527,784.00 847.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,195,964.00 2.48% 52.00 52.00 6.14% 73,424.00 - 73,424.00 6.14% 0.152% 795.00
603(3)a1 Metal Guard rail(Metal Beam)Including Post, Single, W-Beam 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 4.46% 270.00 270.00 44.85% 964,980.00 - 964,980.00 44.85% 2.000% 331.98
603(4)a Metal Beam End Piece, Fish Tail 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 0.04% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 10.00
611(1) Trees Furnishing & Transplanting 600.00 ea. 74.00 44,400.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(White) 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 0.30% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 169.00
612(2) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(Yellow) 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 0.09% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 68.00
605(6)e1 Hazard Markers, 450mm x 600mm, Chevron Signs 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 0.51% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 18.00
102(3)a Surplus Rock Excavation(Soft) 7,193.00 cu.m. 265.00 1,906,145.00 3.95% 4,258.00 500.00 4,758.00 66.15% 1,128,370.00 132,500.00 1,260,870.00 66.15% 2.613% 2,435.00
103(1)b Structure Excavation(Soft Rock) 114.00 cu.m. 580.00 66,120.00 0.14% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 114.00
624(1)1a Single Arm Post (8.00m), w/ Street Light, LED 16.00 pc. 143,990.00 2,303,840.00 4.77% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 16.00
Project Engineer Project Manager Cost Control Engineer Planning Head Operations Manager General Manager
Project ID No.: 0122 Date covered : No. of Days
Form No.: From: 8/31/2020
Convergence and Special Support Program - Construction/Improvement of Access Roads leading to Trades, Industries and Economic Zones, Balud National Road Connecting Barangay Danao in
Contract ID#: 19FO0063 Name of project :
Support of Agribusiness, Balud, Sta. 79+406.81 - Sta. 80+120.00, Balud, Masbate(2nd Legislative District).
Wt. Accomp.
Phy. Accomp. Phy. Balance
Item No. Description Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Quanity Unit Unit Cost Amount Wt % Previous This Period To Date Previous This Period To Date (%)
(%) Accomp. (%) (Physical Qty.)
B.5 Project Billboard/Signboard 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 2.00 ea. 6,256.00 12,512.00 0.03% 2.00 - 2.00 100.00% 12,512.00 - 12,512.00 100.00% 0.00
B.7(1) Occupational Safety and Health Program 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 1.00 l.s. 215,460.00 215,460.00 0.45% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 140,049.00 - 140,049.00 65.00% 0.290% 0.35
B.8(1) Traffic Management 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 1.00 l.s. 340,200.00 340,200.00 0.71% 0.65 - 0.65 65.00% 221,130.00 - 221,130.00 65.00% 0.458% 0.35
B.9 Mobilization/Demobilization 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 1.00 l.s. 275,940.00 275,940.00 0.57% 1.00 - 1.00 100.00% 275,940.00 - 275,940.00 100.00% 0.572% 0.00
100(3)a1 Individual Removal of Trees,150-300mm dia.,Small 6.00 ea. 2,384.00 14,304.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
102(2) Surplus Common Excavation 24,838.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,098,270.00 24,595.00 cu.m. 165.00 4,058,175.00 8.41% 24,533.00 24,533.00 99.75% 4,047,945.00 - 4,047,945.00 99.75% 8.390% 62.00
100(4)a Embankment from Roadway Excavation,Common Soil 1,734.00 cu.m. 244.00 423,096.00 1,468.00 cu.m. 244.00 358,192.00 0.74% 1,423.00 - 1,423.00 96.93% 347,212.00 - 347,212.00 96.93% 0.720% 45.00
105(1)a Subgrade Preparation, Common Materials 8,749.00 sq.m. 18.00 157,482.00 9,445.00 sq.m. 18.00 170,010.00 0.35% 9,374.00 9,374.00 99.25% 168,732.00 - 168,732.00 99.25% 0.350% 71.00
200(1) Aggregate Subbase Course 1,767.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,770,534.00 1,900.00 cu.m. 1,002.00 1,903,800.00 3.95% 1,834.05 1,834.05 96.53% 1,837,718.10 - 1,837,718.10 96.53% 3.809% 65.95
201(1) Aggregate Base Course 3.00 cu.m 1,373.00 4,119.00 3.00 cu.m. 1,373.00 4,119.00 0.01% 1.00 1.00 33.33% 1,373.00 - 0.00% 0.000% 2.00
311(1)e1 PCCP (Unreinforced), 0.28m thk, 14 days 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 7,379.00 sq.m. 2,277.00 16,801,983.00 34.82% 3,079.34 3,079.34 41.73% 7,011,657.18 - 7,011,657.18 41.73% 14.532% 4,299.66
101(4)a1 Removal of Actual Structures/Obstructions, 610mm dia. RCPC 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 6.00 l.m. 210.00 1,260.00 0.00% 6.00 6.00 100.00% 1,260.00 - 1,260.00 100.00% 0.003% 0.00
103(1)a Structure Excavation, Common Soil 1,678.00 cu.m. 282.00 473,196.00 1,306.00 cu.m. 282.00 368,292.00 0.76% 662.60 662.60 50.74% 186,853.20 - 186,853.20 50.74% 0.387% 643.40
103(3) Foundation Fill 7.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 20,237.00 9.00 cu.m. 2,891.00 26,019.00 0.05% 7.30 7.30 81.11% 21,104.30 - 21,104.30 81.11% 0.044% 1.70
103(6)a Pipe Culvert and Drain Excavation, Common Soil 242.00 cu.m. 228.00 55,176.00 303.00 cu.m. 228.00 69,084.00 0.14% 279.65 279.65 92.29% 63,760.20 - 63,760.20 92.29% 0.132% 23.35
404(1)a Reinforcing Steel, Grade 40 49,167.00 kgs. 59.00 2,900,853.00 39,723.00 kg. 59.00 2,343,657.00 4.86% 7,902.05 2,500.00 10,402.05 26.19% 466,220.95 147,500.00 613,720.95 26.19% 1.272% 29,320.95
405(1)a3 Structural Concrete, 20.68 Mpa, Class A, 28 days 674.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 6,156,316.00 548.00 cu.m. 9,134.00 5,005,432.00 10.37% 27.05 27.05 4.94% 247,074.70 - 247,074.70 4.94% 0.512% 520.95
500(1)a3 Pipe Culverts, 910mm dia., Class II RCPC 46.00 l.m. 6,660.00 306,360.00 60.00 l.m. 6,660.00 399,600.00 0.83% 54.00 54.00 90.00% 359,640.00 - 359,640.00 90.00% 0.745% 6.00
505(2)a Grouted Riprap, Class A 1,180.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,178,480.00 1,185.00 cu.m. 5,236.00 6,204,660.00 12.86% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 1,185.00
506(1) Stone Masonry 46.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 284,188.00 78.00 cu.m. 6,178.00 481,884.00 1.00% 78.00 78.00 100.00% 481,884.00 - 481,884.00 100.00% 0.999% 0.00
622(1)a Coco Net, CN 400 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 219.00 476,325.00 0.99% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
622(2)c Coco Log/Fascine, CN 400 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 312.00 l.m. 868.00 270,816.00 0.56% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 312.00
622(3)b Vegetation, Vertiver Grass System 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 2,175.00 sq.m. 150.00 326,250.00 0.68% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 2,175.00
600(4) Curb and Gutter, Cast in Place 1,082.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,527,784.00 847.00 l.m. 1,412.00 1,195,964.00 2.48% 52.00 52.00 6.14% 73,424.00 - 73,424.00 6.14% 0.152% 795.00
603(3)a1 Metal Guard rail(Metal Beam)Including Post, Single, W-Beam 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 601.98 l.m. 3,574.00 2,151,476.52 4.46% 270.00 270.00 44.85% 964,980.00 - 964,980.00 44.85% 2.000% 331.98
603(4)a Metal Beam End Piece, Fish Tail 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 10.00 ea. 2,041.00 20,410.00 0.04% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 10.00
611(1) Trees Furnishing & Transplanting 600.00 ea. 74.00 44,400.00 - - - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 0.00
612(1) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(White) 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 169.00 sq.m. 861.00 145,509.00 0.30% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 169.00
612(2) Reflectorized Thermoplastic Pavement Markings(Yellow) 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 68.00 sq.m. 619.00 42,092.00 0.09% - 0.00% - - 0.00% 0.000% 68.00
605(6)e1 Hazard Markers, 450mm x 600mm, Chevron Signs 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 18.00 ea. 13,797.00 248,346.00 0.51% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 18.00
102(3)a Surplus Rock Excavation(Soft) 7,193.00 cu.m. 265.00 1,906,145.00 3.95% 4,758.00 550.00 5,308.00 73.79% 1,260,870.00 145,750.00 1,406,620.00 73.79% 2.915% 1,885.00
103(1)b Structure Excavation(Soft Rock) 114.00 cu.m. 580.00 66,120.00 0.14% - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 114.00
624(1)1a Single Arm Post (8.00m), w/ Street Light, LED 16.00 pc. 143,990.00 2,303,840.00 4.77% - - 0.00% - - - 0.00% 0.000% 16.00
Project Engineer Project Manager Cost Control Engineer Planning Head Operations Manager General Manager