Gender Schema Theory
Gender Schema Theory
Gender Schema Theory
In 1981, Sandra Bam, a well-renowned psychologist, proposed the theory of gender schema. He states that
children learn about their roles from the society in which they live. It is based on social learning theory that
focuses on children's adoption of their role such as male and female of social development from the society
they interact. According to Gender Schema Theory, children used to behave according to the gender
norms of their society. Further, this theory states that when an individual identifies themselves as a male or
female they opt for gender-appropriate behavior and also positively assess their group characteristics as
compared to the outgroup. They categorized schemas into two categories in group and outgroup. For
instance, five years old kid who identifies herself as a girl believes that applying makeup is a female-
related thing whereas playing cricket is a “male-related thing”. Then she is supposed to talk more about
cosmetics and suggests other girls not to play football because she positively evaluate their group
According to this theory, three main factors influence including psychological, biological, and social
influence individual decision to align their behavior according to their gender. It is formed from the
psychological theory of cognitive development which explains that how children develop their mental
process by taking out information from the external world. In a marketing context, this theory was
explained by (Stokburger Sauer and Teichmann (2013) that how gender schemas influence an individual
buying behavior such as study showed that female is more inclined towards purchasing luxurious products
as compared to males. Moreover, (Gilal et al., 2018) found that females are more motivated by intrinsic
factors as compared to in the e-consumer context. as the theory states their gender-appropriate behavior is
influences by the society in which they live. So, in the consumer behavior, context males will less prefer to
buy grocery and kitchen appliances in Asian societies because they will not match their gender role.
Starr, Christine & Zurbriggen, Eileen. (2017). Sandra Bem’s Gender Schema Theory After 34 Years: A
Review of its Reach and Impact. Sex Roles. 76. 10.1007/s11199-016-0591-4.
Gilal, Faheem Gul & Chandni, Kanwal & Gilal, Naeem & Gilal, Rukhsana & Channa, Nisar. (2019).
Toward a new model for green consumer behaviour: A self-determination theory perspective. Sustainable
Development. 28. 10.1002/sd.2021.
Stokburger-Sauer, N. E., & Teichmann, K. (2013). Is luxury just a female thing? The role of gender in
luxury brand consumption. Journal of Business Research, 66(7), 889–896.