Investments For Healthy Food Systems: Unscn
Investments For Healthy Food Systems: Unscn
Investments For Healthy Food Systems: Unscn
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EN Discussion Paper
The authors of this paper are Professor Rachel Nugent and Daniel Grafton, Department of Global Health,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA . Near the conclusion of this project, Professor Nugent became
Vice President for Global Non-communicable Diseases at Research Triangle Institute International. She is a
member of the International Expert Group for the Global Nutrition Report and the U.S. Institute of Medicine
Committee on Economic Evaluation of Interventions for Children and Families.
The authors gratefully acknowledge support from the UN Standing Committee on Nutrition, especially the
helpful guidance of Dr Francesco Branca and Marzella Wüstefeld PhD. They also greatly benefited from
review comments provided by Angelina Balz, Helene Delisle, Charlotte Dufour, James Garrett, Corinna
Hawkes, Anna Herforth, Carl Lachat, Carol Levin, Tim Lobstein, Iain MacGillivray, Catherine Mah, Laura
Michele, Noreen Mucha, Stineke Oenema, Jomo Sundaram, Ismael Thiam, and Miriam Yiannakis. The
authors also acknowledge Janice Meerman, who provided comments and edits to the final draft. All errors
and omissions are the responsibility of the authors.
This work was made possible through funding support from the Government of the Federal Republic of
Germany, through BMEL.
Table of contents
Foreword 3
Key messages 5
1. Introduction 7
2. What is a healthy food system? 9
2.1. Components of a food system 9
2.2. Understanding differences in food systems 10
2.3. Nutrition and health outcomes by food system category 11
3. Investments to improve nutrition in different food systems 16
3.1. Industrial and mixed (systems 1 & 2) 16
3.2. Transitional food systems (system 3) 18
3.3. Emerging and rural food systems (systems 4 & 5) 19
4. Applying the food system typology to investment choices 21
5. Conclusions and recommendations 24
References 26
Appendix 31
Agricultural interventions for improved nutrition 31
Infrastructure investments and nutrition 36
Investments in technology and R&D for nutrition 37
List of abbreviations 38
Investments for Healthy Food Systems
As with International Trade Policy – the topic of an earlier paper in this series – investment policies
are generally far divorced from nutrition policies and programmes. Macroeconomic investment policies
are intended to improve future economic growth rates – generally by sacrificing current consumption
for future gains. Similarly, agricultural and food investment policies aim to increase economic rates
of return in the sectors, rather than specifically the quality of what is produced in those sectors. This
disconnect should be corrected. There is no necessary conflict between agriculture and healthy food
systems and a strong rate of return for investors in the sector. In fact, as consumers increasingly
demand quality, diversity, taste and safety in the foods they eat, those mutual goals can be met through
investments that meet those demands.
Discussion Paper
Many choices are presented in this paper that can achieve mutual benefit for agriculture and food
system investors – both private and public – and nutrition and health of the population. In just
one example, private investors are increasingly finding opportunity in value chains for fresh, local
horticulture to be made more available in supermarkets around the world. Through farmer training and
technical support, they invest in the capacity of smallholder farmers to reach commercial markets. In
addition, the public sector is responsible for important investments, such as infrastructure for water
and roads, which create the enabling environment for the private sector to be efficient. It also can
deploy its investment decisions to encourage – through co-investing, taxing, subsidizing, or regulating
– private sector investments in healthy food systems.
With this paper, we offer a framework for understanding food systems and their investment needs,
along with evidence for interventions and investments that promote nutrition and health. It is intended
to encourage dialogue and further investigation of the most promising investments for healthy food
systems, across many varied country and local contexts. It also highlights important knowledge gaps
that should be further explored in order to help countries implement the recommendations of the ICN2
regarding their public and private investments.
Director Director
Nutrition and Food Systems Department Nutrition for Health
Division & Development
Investments for Healthy Food Systems
Key messages
Investments to support healthier food systems are at hand for countries that wish to
implement the ICN2 Framework for Action. Investments to improve nutrition and health range
R from large- scale infrastructure improvements to small-scale technical and marketing support,
and should be complemented by regulatory and voluntary measures, consumer education and
R Every food system has the capacity to produce the healthy food that is needed for good
nutrition and human health.
R Food system investments need to be tailored to specific contexts. Investment decisions should
take into account food system variation and learn from other experiences.
Investments have a higher pay-off when enabling conditions are present, and when
R interventions reinforce one another by creating multiple types of capital (human, financial,
While most investing for the food system is made by the private sector, the public sector holds
primary responsibility for providing public goods and enhancing social values by filling gaps
R not addressed by the private market. The public sector should test new ways to leverage its
investments and regulatory power to incentivize the private sector to include improved nutrition
among its goals.
Public investments in food systems should be aligned with other social goals. Too often, agricultural
R and industrial policies ignore the social and health implications of their expenditures. Government has a
responsibility to increase social well-being and should align investment policies toward that end.
Significant gaps remain and need to be closed in the knowledge available to countries and investors
R about how to select among the investment choices and which to prioritize for a given food system and
nutrition context.
R Development banks and other financial institutions should provide contextualized financial
information to better identify promising investments that improve nutrition and health.
Investments for Healthy Food Systems
1 Introduction
The Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) which took place on 21 November 2014 was a milestone
in advancing the linkages between agriculture and nutrition. The Conference produced the Rome Declaration
on Nutrition,1 a political document that includes commitments to reduce malnutrition in all its forms, and the
Framework for Action, a policy document that provides policy options and strategies to countries to achieve
those commitments.2 Recommendation 17 of the ICN2 Framework for Action encourages governments, UN
agencies, programs and funds, and other actors to use investment policies to identify opportunities to achieve
the agreed global food and nutrition targets.
Discussion Paper
Public sector investment policies refer to government expenditures intended to enhance future societal benefits.
In the agriculture and food sectors, such investments aim to increase production, productivity, affordability,
access, and consumption of healthy foods. They can also include government efforts to attract private sector
investment in healthy food systems. Examples of investment policies include creating nutrition-enhancing value
chains, supporting smallholder and family farmers, and improving infrastructure.
According to FAO (2013), Food systems influence the availability and accessibility of diverse, nutritious foods and
thus the ability of consumers to choose healthy diets. But the linkages from the food system to nutritional outcomes
are often indirect – mediated through incomes, prices, knowledge and other factors. What is more, food system
policies and interventions are rarely designed with nutrition as their primary objective, so impacts can be difficult to
trace and researchers sometimes conclude that food system interventions are ineffective in reducing malnutrition.
While not the conclusion of this paper, it is certainly the case that strong evidence of the link between food
systems and nutrition outcomes is elusive. According to the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems
for Nutrition, Policy interventions in the market and trade domain have been sparsely studied in relation to food
systems in low and middle income countries. There is a need for more critical emphasis on this “missing middle” of
the policy space between agricultural policies and consumer policies (GloPan, 2015).
Government policies play a role in influencing whether agriculture and food systems contribute to healthy diets
and improved nutrition (FAO, 2015). They are neither the only influence nor the strongest, but if formulated
strategically, they can provide public goods, catalyze support from the private sector to make positive
contributions, and create incentives that guide consumers to make good choices. This paper describes
government policies and investment opportunities which can improve nutrition and health outcomes. It also
highlights strategies for government to encourage private sector investment in healthier outcomes from
agriculture. The private sector is a key partner: Private interests are the largest investors in agriculture (FAO,
2012), but will continue to under-invest in healthy outcomes unless government can create incentives for social
and environmental benefit, namely an enabling environment in terms of risk and profitability.
Recognizing that policy needs, feasibility and outcomes are context- specific, this paper proposes a typology of
food systems, from “rural” to “industrial”, and provides guidance about which investments are most appropriate
to fit the needs of each.3
3 Annex A provides a review of evidence for improving nutrition through five different channels within food systems: 1) enhancing nutrition sensitivity of value chains;
2) implementing specific agricultural practices; 3) enhancing governance and institutions; 4) improving infrastructure; and 5) promoting new technologies and R&D.
Investments for Healthy Food Systems
Food systems encompass the many stages of converting natural resources and human effort into food to sustain human
life. These stages – from “farm to flush” – include growing, harvesting, processing, packaging, distributing, marketing,
trading, consuming, and disposing of waste. Most of those steps are called the “supply side” of the food system and
often involve complex and sophisticated supply chains, although short and simple food supply chains can and still do
provide healthy options in many communities. The “demand side” is similarly varied, affected by price, location, consumer
preferences, knowledge, tastes, cultural habits, and perceptions. Selecting the right public and private investments can
make each of these steps more efficient in producing multiple outcomes, including improved nutrition.
Figure 1.
Framework for assessing effects of the food system
Source: Nesheim, M.C., et al., 2015. A Framework for Assessing Effects of the Food System. U.S. Institute of Medicine.
Figure 1 shows a very high level depiction of the many influences on what food gets produced and consumed in a
country, exposing multiple possible investment opportunities to improve nutrition. However, no food system is alike;
investments need to be tailored to specific contexts and require supportive elements to be in place. For instance,
increasing production capacity of fresh, perishable products for urban markets is a viable nutrition strategy only if
Discussion Paper
transport, distribution and refrigeration capacity is adequate and reliable. Thus, investments should be suited to the
level of development in the agriculture Investments for Healthy Food Systems 9 sector, with gradual “scaffolding” of
more complex investments. This paper does not attempt to comprehensively assess all investment possibilities to
improve nutritional outcomes; rather it assesses current evidence for a range of investments- affecting production,
consumption, and other food system aspects - to improve nutrition, and suggests where additional evidence is needed.
A serious challenge to this objective is that data on investments in agriculture are very limited (FAO, 2013). One of the
most apparent needs is financial or economic information about which investments provide the best return over time.
Recent analyses4,5 use five important features to define food system types: demographics, agricultural productivity,
environmental sustainability, food availability and diversity and food accessibility. Demographics captures the degree of
urbanization in a country and hence the rural-urban transition and the concomitant changes in lifestyles and diet but also
changes in food value-chains.6 Consumption characteristics are captured, in part, by food availability and diversity. Lack of
data precluded a more precise categorization of food systems. Nevertheless, the five domains represent key features of food
systems.7 The purpose of the food system typology is to move from a categorization of countries solely along productivity
indices (e.g. GDP) towards a more nuanced conceptualization of food systems. The typology suggests multiple indicators
can be used to measure the ways a food system affects nutritional outcomes in a country. This multidimensional definition
reflects the approach used to understand health systems starting in 2002 and carried forward since then (WHO, 2000).
Figure 2.
Agriculture’s share of GDP, by food system type
Percentage of Agriculture in Total GDP
Industrial Mixed Transitioning Emerging Rural
4 The food system typology was prepared for the Global Nutrition Report 2015. See chapter 7 for further methodological details and application of the typology to
nutrition and health outcomes.
5 Borrowing from the method used in Reytar et al (2014) to produce indicators of sustainable agriculture.
6 High urbanization is correlated with the structural transformation of food systems, which entails more highly processed foods and less diversity in primary production
(see World Bank 2008; Nugent 2011).
7 Reardon et al. 2012; Hawkes et al. 2012). Domains not included here, and some sources for them, are: eg, resiliency (CIMSANS), socio-economic sustainability
(CIMSANS), agricultural stewardship (San Diego Foodshed Assessment), governance (ATNI), and social (IOM).
Investments for Healthy Food Systems
Table 1 shows five types of food systems, along with indicative countries in each system. Figure 2 shows that
agriculture’s share of GDP is strongly correlated with food system type, with higher-income countries having a
lower share of agriculture in GDP and lower-income countries having a higher share. This suggests that, while
countries in each food system category have many investment opportunities to choose from that will improve
their food and nutrition outcomes, those in Food Systems 4 and 5 have the strongest economic reasons to invest
in agriculture and food chains (World Bank, 2008). Understanding the major features of each different food system
helps to align those investments to desired outcomes.8,9,10
Table 1.
Features of the five food systems
Food system 1 Food system 2 Food system 3 Food system 4 Food system 5
• United States, Denmark, • Switzerland, Bulgaria, • Ukraine, Ecuador, Brazil, • Honduras, Namibia, • Senegal, Nepal,
Korea, Canada, Lebanon, Italy, Estonia, Germany, Malaysia, Mauritius, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Ethiopia,
Sweden, Australia Hungary, Barbados Guyana China, Cameroons Bangladesh
Food systems are not themselves good or bad, healthy or unhealthy. However, they can contribute to more or
less desirable outcomes for nutrition (e.g. healthy child growth versus stunting), health (e.g. normal blood sugar
levels versus diabetes), and the environment (e.g. healthy versus contaminated soils). Table 2 provides a general
description of outcomes seen along the food system spectrum from Rural (Food System 5) to Industrial (Food
System 1). When considering this table, it is important to note that many outcomes are produced in a given food
system; even when countries fall into the same typology, there are important differences across countries in those
outcomes. In addition, food systems defined at the country level are still highly aggregated and omit important
intercountry variations which are better captured by commodity supply chain analysis.
In general, as countries move from rural to industrial, diets become more diverse, including more packaged
processed foods and more protein of all types, especially animal protein. There is less reliance on staple foods and
typically less food price volatility. The proportion of household budgets spent on food declines from a high of 50%
or more in countries with rural food systems, to less than 20% in countries with industrial food systems.
8 Total emissions (CO2eq) from agriculture per capita (FAO, 2011 and WB population data, 2011).
9 Supply (i.e. production) of energy provided by cereals, roots, and tubers as percentage of total Dietary Energy Supply (FAO, Food Security Indicators, 2011).
10 As proportion of consumer expenditure per capita spent on food and non-alcoholic beverages, derived from Euromonitor share of “Consumer Expenditure on Food
and Non-Alcoholic Beverages” out of total “Consumer Expenditure” (Euromonitor, 2014).
Discussion Paper
Undernutrition and obesity (double burden of malnutrition) coexist in all countries to some degree, but are
especially pronounced in Food systems 3-5, and especially intractable in some Type 5 countries. Box 1 provides
country examples of the producer and consumer experiences in three types of food systems, encompassing high-
income, upper-middle, and low-income countries.11,12
Table 2.
Outcomes by type of food system
Food system Food system 1 Food system 2 Food system 3 Food system 4 Food system 5
Outcome Industrial Mixed Transitioning Emerging Rural
(High productivity (High productivity (Urbanization (Lower (Lowest
& urbanization) & lower same as system 2 urbanization urbanization
urbanization + but lower & productivity & productivity)
emissions) productivity) than systems 1-3)
Food diversity11 and • Diverse diets, • Diverse diets, • Diverse diets with • Less diverse, range • Least diverse, low
reliable availability high packaged balanced in protein high fresh food and of processed foods, animal and other
processed foods sources. protein intake. high fresh foods. protein.
and animal protein.
Food accessibility • Low budget share • Low budget share • Moderate budget • High budget share • High budget share
spent on food; spent on food; share spent on spent on food; spent on food; high
stable prices. stable prices. food; higher price highest price price volatility.
volatility. volatility.
Health and nutrition12 • Mostly overweight/ • Mostly overweight/ • Less overweight, • High stunting, low • High stunting,
diabetes. diabetes. some stunting. child overweight, double burden,
high adult emerging child
overweight. overweight.
Based on IFPRI (2015). High, moderate, and low are relative. For rough cut-off points, see IFPRI (2015). Sources include: Food price volatility index (FAO, 2011),
Packaged and fresh food retail volume, kg per capita (Euromonitor, 2014), Avg protein supply in grams/cap/day 3-year average (FAO, 2011), Budget share spent on food
(Euromonitor, 2014 – see footnote 9), Child stunting and overweight (UNICEF, years vary), Adult overweight (WHO, 2014), Diabetes prevalence (IDF, 2014).
The broad descriptions above suggest a wide range of investment needs for each of the five types of food systems.
Ideally, investment choices should be based on assessment of relative rates of return in the specific setting, with
resources allocated to those with the highest returns, subject to equity goals. Unfortunately, very little public information
is available about the economic or even financial returns of different investments in agriculture vis a vis health and
nutrition outcomes.
11 A diverse diet is defined here as a diet sufficient in calories and protein, as well as low in reliance on staples.
12 There are certainly other diet-related NCDs, particularly cardio-vascular diseases, that vary across food system types. However, the authors examined a select
number of adverse health outcomes that are easily attributable to diet (IFPRI, 2015).
Investments for Healthy Food Systems
Box 1.
Country food system outcomes: Germany, Brazil, Indonesia, Sénégal
Discussion Paper
Investments for Healthy Food Systems
Senegal has made substantial progress against malnutrition in the past couple of decades, including reducing rates of
stunting in children under 5 and contributing to an almost 40% decline in child mortality within the past 5 years alone
(Wuehler et al, 2011). This progress is likely attributable to: widespread vitamin A supplementation; a national nutrition
program; upscaling of child survival activities (via the Basic Support for Institutionalizing Child Survival platform, 1994-
2006); and the improvement of communications to increase “harmonized behavior change” (Wuehler et al, 2011). Gains in
economic growth and overall welfare have been more moderate. While the average growth for sub- Saharan countries in
recent years has been about 6%, Senegal saw growth of just 4% between 2000 and 2010 and only 3.3% since 2006 (USAID,
2014). In addition, expansion of the agriculture sector has made up only a small portion of this economic growth. While
agriculture employs 68% of the labor force, it accounts for just 14% of the country’s GDP (Wuhler et al, 2011).
Agricultural development has been hindered by weak governance, a poor investment climate, and heightened international
competitiveness. Additional constraints include repeated energy shortages, droughts, and flooding, all of which make
entry into the agricultural sector difficult. Poverty rates have declined only slightly, from 48.3% in 2005 to 46.7% in 2011,
while the poverty gap between rural (57.1%) and the urban capital Dakar (26.1%) has actually widened (USAID, 2014).
Senegal’s agriculture sector has significant potential to grow and to create greater economic stimulus for the country.
According to Feed the Future, Senegal’s government has increased its investment in agriculture by over 10% per year
(Feed the Future, 2015). Further, Millennial Challenge Corporation (MCC) funded investments in the northwest, where rice
is the predominant crop, are expected to increase the irrigation efficiency of 7,800 hectares and to increase the production
capacity of 32,500 hectares; these improvements are projected to benefit approximately 260,000 smallholder farmers
(MCC, 2015). With access to international markets through a major port, an abundance of arable land, and motivated
entrepreneurs, agriculture-led economic growth is quite attainable. Both for export and domestic markets, horticultural
production should be an area of expansion.
Discussion Paper
Public sector investment goals are broad. They include reducing poverty and hunger, providing public goods
that complement private investment, and creating social and environmental benefits (FAO, 2012). Nutrition is
rarely an explicit primary goal of agriculture, but increasingly agriculture and food systems are being turned
to for improving nutrition outcomes through “nutrition-sensitive” investments. Different food systems present
different opportunities and constraints for achieving improved nutrition. The main features of the defined food
systems, along with opportunities and constraints for improving nutrition outcomes in each, are explored below.
For simplicity, the five food system types defined above are placed into three categories: Industrial/Mixed,
Transitional, and Emerging/Rural.
Industrial and mixed food systems are characterized by complex supply and value-chains and often high levels
of food processing.13 Powerful large scale retailers and processors can have considerable influence over the
nutritional value in the foods produced (Gereffi et al., 2009). Complex supply chains may enhance the availability
and affordability of food products through improvements in productivity and efficiency of supply. However, these
gains may be offset by reductions in variety and increased access to processed foods (e.g. Gereffi et al., 2009).
Indeed, complex, and vertically-integrated supply and value chains may deprive consumers of choice (World Bank,
2008). Farm output is often shaped by the needs and preferences of processors, wholesalers, and transporters
whose output is shaped by the demands of manufacturers. These in turn cater to the needs of major retailers: low
cost, long shelf-lives, and uniform quality. Nowhere in current supply-chains does nutrition factor in as a primary
concern. Enhancement of the retail sector is needed in order to maintain diversity of food outlets for consumers. It
is also needed to increase access to fresh foods, especially in urban areas where bulk distribution and large retail
outlets combine to reduce food options for the poorest consumers.
Solutions may be found by focusing not only on agricultural production alone, but rather on changing the ways
in which primary ingredients are substituted, transformed, distributed and marketed (Hawkes, 2012). Indeed, in
industrial and mixed type food systems, next to consumer education, regulation and incentives that shape supply
may be among the most efficient and effective actions to improve nutrition outcomes.
Value-chain approaches concentrating on the actions of large processors and retailers may have a significant
impact on nutritional outcomes. For example, creating incentives for large firms to substitute healthier ingredients in
their product formulations, and creating and enforcing regulations to provide consumer information (e.g. mandatory
nutritional labeling can induce companies to change the formulation of their products (Hawkes, 2015). One way to
13 Food systems that have undergone structural transformation have longer supply chains, more highly processed foods, and less diversity in primary production (see
World Bank 2008; Nugent 2011; Reardon et al. 2012; Hawkes et al. 2012).
Investments for Healthy Food Systems
improve the nutritional and environmental health of communities is to promote local sourcing by linking producers
with nearby vendors such as restaurants, markets, and public institutions.
Downstream solutions notwithstanding, agricultural production and the policies that influence it remain significant
concerns for the healthiness of industrial and mixed food systems. A major obstacle to healthier food formulations
and marketing are the agricultural subsidy regimes in place in many industrial and some mixed food systems. In
countries with these regimes, food and agricultural policies have had the long-term deleterious effect of concentrating
support on a few commodities – grains, dairy, livestock, sugar – which are now pervasive in the food supply (Anand
et al, 2015). These unhealthy commodity subsidies are not confined to rich countries. Anderson et al (2013) document
how agricultural subsidies in some developing countries are creating perverse incentives such that government
policies are working against the creation and maintenance of healthy food supply chains. While subsidies could
also be directed toward healthy agricultural products, this is less common and far smaller in magnitude. Substantial
political and economic effort is required to revamp these outdated and harmful agricultural support systems, and to
chart a path toward better alignment of agriculture and health goals.
• Long, complex supply chains shaped by powerful agribusiness (e.g. large producers, processors and retailers, often
with all three functions vertically integrated in the same multinational).
• Limited consumer awareness of health benefits of nutritious foods and of costs of unhealthy foods.
Discussion Paper
Regulation and private-sector partnerships can provide incentives for emerging retailers and processors to develop
nutrition-sensitive value chains by, for instance, creating incentives for the production and consumption of fortified
and nutritionally-dense foods. Actions to ensure sustainability over the long term of value-chains that are nutrition-
oriented include strengthening producer organizations, supporting small-scale technologies, and improving post-
harvest handling through investments in storage and transport improvements.
• Increasingly complex supply chains limited by gaps in post-harvest technology (e.g. cold chains).
• Increased supply and consumption of processed foods.
• Limited consumer awareness of health benefits of nutritious foods and of costs of unhealthy foods.
• Connect smallholder to high-value emerging supply chains driven by growth of large urban centers.
• Incorporate nutrition into value chains by improving post-harvest handling, implementing safety standards, and
incorporating more nutritious crops including fortified foods.
• Promote demand for nutritious foods through packaging, branding and product differentiation.
• Provision of, and standards for, healthier foods in specific settings (e.g. schools, health care).
• Promote consumer choice through nutritional labeling, social marketing and nutrition education.
• Regulations: safety and nutrition standards, restricted marketing of unhealthy foods, standards for nutrient
information and claims on food labels, limits on salt and removal of trans fats.
• Support smallholders in addressing constraints to production (e.g. producer organization and meeting safety and
quality standards).
Investments for Healthy Food Systems
In many regions of countries with emerging and rural food systems, markets may be poorly developed and difficult
to reach, leading households to be partially or fully self-sufficient in terms of food supply (Muller, 2009). In this
context, household decisions on what food to produce is informed by consumption needs, thereby linking food
production directly with household nutrition outcomes. Investments that target household production may thus be
most cost effective in regions with less developed food chains.
In a related example, also from India, a smallholder dairy production initiative was successful in leveraging a
value-chain approach to improve and build on existing market linkages. The initiative worked at multiple levels of
the value-chain: the farmer level to introduce productivity-enhancing technologies and establish cooperatives; the
policy-level to shape the policy environment; and the commercial level to improve the procurement, processing,
and marketing of milk in part by linking India’s urban and rural areas by infrastructural improvements (Cunningham,
2009). The initiative grew to include 13 million members and through targeted investments, India transitioned from
a dairy importing country to becoming the top goat and buffalo milk producer, as well as the sixth largest producer
of cow milk worldwide.
Where markets make it possible for traders and retailers to reach producers, interventions to improve market-
linkages may be more effective given scarce resources. Here, value-chain approaches can be effective in
overcoming supply and demand constraints of nutritious commodities and products. Either public or private
agricultural extension services can be highly instrumental in building market linkages. Hawkes et al. (2011) suggest
a framework for utilizing value-chain approaches in subsistence farming contexts.
These interventions cut across the entire supply chain, starting with targeted support to producers and ending with
marketing, consumer outreach and nutrition education.
Besides investments that increase household production diversity and improve market-linkages, countries and
regions with rural food systems require public investments in infrastructure. Nearly sixty percent of rural citizens
in Nigeria walk more than two kilometers to access the nearest all-season road and 65 percent do not have access
to electricity (World Bank, 2008). While the evidence on whether investments in infrastructure contribute directly to
positive nutrition and health outcomes is weak (Headey, 2012), investments in rural road systems can bring about
positive synergies with other sectors and spillovers into health and nutrition outcomes. Improved infrastructure
grants farmers access to additional markets and reduces post-harvest losses, providing rural populations additional
income and enhanced food security. Investments in irrigation and other productivity enhancing technology and
infrastructure may also yield substantial nutritional benefit where agricultural productivity is low and irrigation
mechanisms are weak or non-existant.
Discussion Paper
In countries where rural agriculture predominates, government capacity may not suffice to deliver the interventions
and investments listed below. Some of these may be most effectively implemented through decentralized
approaches by utilizing nongovernmental organizations (Headey, 2012), or public-private partnerships (PPPs).
Many new PPPs have been formed in recent years, but very little work has been done to evaluate their possible
impact on nutrition outcomes. One clear exception is the HarvestPlus Challenge Program, which promotes the
biofortification of staple foods and includes explicit nutrition goals (Meenakshi et al 2010, FAO 2012).
Finally, transnational food companies are increasingly investing in foreign affiliates to increase sales in developing
countries (Hawkes, 2005). Therefore, system 4 and 5 countries could also benefit from encouraging nutritionally-
responsible foreign direct investment (FDI), in tandem with public health and safety regulations of the food industry.
Investments for Healthy Food Systems
Applying the food system typology
to investment choices
A food system typology elucidates the different needs and investment opportunities facing countries as they
implement the ICN2 Framework for Action. Countries with “rural” food systems which remain heavily reliant on
agriculture for economic growth face a particular dilemma as they attempt to meet the current consumption needs
of their populations, while simultaneously investing in the future to improve both economic and nutrition outcomes.
Countries with “industrial” food systems face a very different set of challenges, most of which concern assuring an
affordable supply of fresh, local foods despite a highly efficient, mechanized, vertically integrated agrifood industry
which favors low cost, long shelf-lives, and uniform quality over nutrition. Careful investing in agriculture, food
systems, and institutions can put people to work today in ways that will produce healthier food systems tomorrow
– whether the starting point is a rural or an industrial food system.
Table 3 lists categories of investment policies for which there is some evidence of being able to improve nutrition
outcomes, either via producer-oriented investments or consumer-oriented ones. Farmers are also consumers
and, in many cases, support for production can increase own-consumption in farming households. Thus, some
investments address needs on both sides of the below ledger. Because the quality of evidence is variable and many
of the categories in question are not supported by evidence of direct impact on nutrition, Appendix A provides a
partial review of the evidence for using these types of policies to achieve healthy food systems. It is noted that
some of these policies are particularly relevant for certain food systems – for instance, research and development
(R&D) for product reformulation is especially needed in industrial/mixed food systems where consumers are
heavily dependent on processed food.
Table 3.
Categories of investments for healthy food systems
Investment affecting nutrition through production Investment affecting nutrition through consumption
• Producer contracts, cooperatives, and other collective organizations • Creating demand and improving access to local produced food
• Marketing through supermarkets • Home gardening
• Post-harvest handling management and loss reduction • Crop diversity
• Home gardening • Livestock production
• Crop diversity • Dairy, poultry, and aquaculture production
• Livestock production • Social safety nets and cash transfer programs
• Dairy, poultry, and aquaculture production
• Infrastructure: irrigation, roads, electricity, water supply
• Land tenure reform
• Communication
• Biofortification and fortification
Discussion Paper
Analysis of the evidence shows that there are well proven interventions that can improve nutrition, increase food
and production diversity, and enhance farmer livelihoods (IFPRI 2014, Berti 2004, Malapit et al 2013, Behrman et al
2012). It shows that there are policy objectives – such as increasing the nutrition sensitivity of social safety nets
and increasing access to nutritious foods at the household or institutional level– that are beneficial in all settings,
regardless of food system type. Actions in support of these objectives are likely to directly improve consumer
choices and access to healthy foods, and there is strong evidence of their effectiveness, such as Opportunidades
in Mexico and “Buy Fresh, Buy Local” in Iowa, USA.
However, the food system typology also reveals how different investment interventions address different nutrition
needs, and therefore the priorities to recommend to different countries. Perhaps not surprisingly, among the most
needed investments in rural and emerging food systems (food systems 4 and 5) are production and post-harvest
infrastructure investments, which are costly and require sustained investment. But smaller investments in home
gardening and household livestock and improving market access also pay off well in those contexts.
Investments for Healthy Food Systems
Institutional changes are called for in all food system contexts, though not necessarily the same ones. In
rural and emerging food systems, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play an important role where
government capacity is weak. This implies that investments directed to strengthening and utilizing NGOs to
support household awareness of and capacity to produce and access nutritious food may be an efficient path
to improved nutrition. In transitioning food system countries (Food System Type 3), institutional arrangements
to strengthen producer organizations’ capacity to negotiate with supermarkets and to increase the value-added
aspects of products are wise investments. Finally, legal and regulatory actions in industrial and mixed food
systems may be needed to enable public institutions (schools, hospitals, etc.) to purchase from local farmers,
enhancing freshness and diversity of food supplies to their clients.
The analysis presented here has significant limitations. First, and perhaps foremost, there is virtually no
available financial or economic information about most of the investments described above, save in a few
instances, and particularly for infrastructure (FAO 2012, Hoddinott et al 2013). The lack of financial information
severely limits the ability to compare across investment categories and discern a financial rate of return, or even
a cost-effectiveness ratio. It is thus not possible to say with certainty that any of these strategies – even those
for which there is evidence of positive results – are a “good” investment, in the standard sense of the term. This
is not unusual as public sector investments are generally not expected to demonstrate the kind of financial
returns that the private sector requires. Nevertheless it would be preferable to use rate of return calculations
to compare and potentially rank alternative investments, given that public resources for nutrition investments
are limited, and because such measures are a pro forma step for development banks in decisions about public
sector lending. Further, as happened with nutrition specific investments through the 2008 and 2013 Lancet
series on maternal and child nutrition (Bhutta et al., 2008 & 2013), academically vetted cost-benefit measures
could catalyze and harmonize donor investments by creating consensus as to which investments should be
Second, this work provides a qualitative assessment of the research evidence supporting specific agricultural,
nutrition, and other investments to improve food system outcomes (Appendix A). This partial review illustrates
that different investment approaches are more suitable to some food system contexts than others. However,
this review of evidence is based on results of a limited number of heterogeneous studies in a limited number of
Finally, the scope of this work derives ambiguity from the Framework for Action (FFA) Recommendation 17
to use investment policies to achieve food and nutrition policies. As described above, investment is generally
used to refer to expenditures aimed at increasing benefits in the future. Many such interventions and policies
were discussed at the ICN2 and elsewhere by health and nutrition officials and advocates, and are included in
this report. However, other interventions to improve health and nutrition outcomes of food systems are more
appropriately called consumption measures (procuring healthy food for school feeding programs), regulation
(taxing unhealthy food and beverages), or transfers (using social safety nets to encourage healthy eating).
Because these offer proven health and nutrition benefits, they are important to the ICN2 FFA and the most
favored among these are included in this report even though they are not expected to pay future returns.
Discussion Paper
This report reviews current evidence on investments to promote healthy food systems, in furtherance of the ICN2
Framework for Action, Recommendation 17. It uses a food system typology from the Global Nutrition Report
2015 that allows for differentiation among countries with respect to food system outcomes. It finds that there are
significant differences among food systems that call for countries to make different investments to meet their food
and nutrition needs. It further suggests that many types of investments and investors can be involved in improving
the nutrition and health outcomes of a food system: public, private, and households.
Countries with rural and emerging food systems are, according to the typology, primarily low-income countries.
Undernutrition remains a challenge in these countries, although some are also experiencing increased prevalence
of overweight and obesity, implying a rapid change in food systems and nutrition conditions. These countries
can benefit from a wide range of investments, particularly infrastructure and productivity enhancements in
agriculture, and also strategies to enable the provision of more diverse food choices to their populations, either
through commodity value chains or household production. Many of these investments will improve agricultural and
economic returns in the future. And many are costly, relative to income levels in those countries as well as relative
to some of the investments that are needed in more developed countries.
Investments for Healthy Food Systems
In contrast, countries with transitional food systems already have more diverse diets with reasonable intake of
fresh foods and protein. There is growing consumption of packaged foods, and remaining pockets of undernutrition,
especially stunting. Food system investments in these countries would prioritize value chains for non-staples,
especially strengthening cold chain technology and addressing other post-harvest challenges that improve overall
sector productivity, as well as improving access and awareness of healthy foods for consumers. Some of these
investments may be costly, but on average they cost less than the infrastructure investments so urgently needed in
rural and emerging food system countries. In short, transitional food systems generally deliver good diversity and
availability of food, but can improve their economic and health returns with the right investments.
For industrial and mixed food systems, emphasis in investment choices should be on better alignment of public
policy with health and nutrition objectives, particularly to support fresh and specialized production rather than a
small number of grains. Policy and governance changes that incentivize healthy consumer behavior and restrict
certain industrial practices and powers are needed. These changes do not cost much in terms of financial outlays,
but are politically difficult.
A wide range of investment options to support healthier food systems are available for countries that wish to
implement the ICN2 Framework for Action. They range from large-scale infrastructure improvements, to small-scale
technical assistance and marketing support, to consumer education and incentives. Some require costly financial
expenditures which will pay back over multiple years in more productive and nutrition-sensitive agriculture, while
others require no financial outlays but only regulatory action.
Significant gaps remain in the knowledge available to countries and investors about how to select among these
investment choices, and which to prioritize for a given food system and nutrition context. It is hoped that
development banks and other financial institutions will work with the nutrition community to provide contextualized
financial information about the promising interventions that are discussed in this report, so that informed choices
among investment alternatives can be made by countries with any type of food system.
Discussion Paper
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Discussion Paper
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Investments for Healthy Food Systems
Agriculture can influence nutrition through several pathways and the literature acknowledges four
of them as key factors (Ruel & Alderman, 2013): (i) food prices, (ii) income from agriculture, (iii)
consumption of own production due primarily to market imperfections, and (iv) factors linked to gender.
If household-level effects of agriculture on nutrition exist, they are most likely the result of one or a
combination of these factors. A review of 23 studies on five types of interventions (biofortication,
home vegetable gardens, dairy development, fisheries, and animal husbandry) found that households
increased the production and consumption of the food items targeted in the intervention. Evidence
is mixed on the effect of agricultural interventions on other measures, including micronutrient and
nutritional status as well as income. The authors attribute this to the studies lack of statistical power
and data collection, rather than the lack of program efficacy (Masset et al., 2011).
Girard et al. (2012) report that agricultural strategies consistently and significantly improved dietary
patterns and vitamin A intakes for women and children, though this did not translate into positive
effects on vitamin A status, anaemia or morbidity. Some studies in their review report significant
effects on stunting and wasting while the authors’ summary estimates do not.
Discussion Paper
Supermarket channels
Developing countries have experienced the rapid growth of supermarkets due to transformations in supply and
demand side factors. Supermarkets can be local or international in ownership, and typically offer a wide range
of Investments for Healthy Food Systems 27 food and other products from one location. Through vertical and
horizontal integration (Reardon et al, 2012), they often concentrate ownership, distribution and other food system
functions. In spite of these risks, studies have mostly found positive impacts of new supermarket channels on farm
productivity, sales prices, and income. Chege et al. (2015) found that farmers in Kenya participating in supermarket
channels have higher incomes and produce more vegetables. The authors show that these two pathways – income
and crop production choices - had positive effects on nutrition: farm households that supply supermarkets consume
about 15-20% more calories, iron, and zinc and 30% more vitamin A. A caveat is that commercialization favors
specialization, reducing production diversity of individual farmers.
Investments for Healthy Food Systems
The positive impacts of home-gardening interventions on nutritional status, income, and dietary patterns are well
documented (Taren & Alaofè, 2013). While some home-gardening systems focus on production of foods, legumes
and tubers, production of fruits, vegetables, herbs and condiments are most common (Taren & Alaofè, 2013). For
example, a home kitchen gardening intervention in Nepal combined with nutrition education increased the nutrition
knowledge and dietary diversity of participants. Also, participants were more likely to feed infants complementary
foods and to preserve foods (Jones et al., 2005).
In a review of agricultural interventions, all nine home-gardening interventions reviewed reported moderate to high
positive effects on diets. All three of the interventions which measured anthropometry reported reduced underweight,
wasting, and or stunting in children. This compares favorably to the other types of interventions reviewed, but the
authors note that most gardening interventions included an explicit nutrition objective and entailed human capital
investment components, whereas most non-home gardening interventions did not. This makes it difficult to compare
home-gardening with other interventions and to isolate the reasons behind homegarden success. It does suggest
however, that interventions including broad investments in different types of capital such as nutritional education
and gender consideration are more successful than those that do not (Berti, 2004).
Crop diversity
In a review of agricultural strategies to improve nutrition, Carletto et al. (2015) reviewed three studies exploring the
linkages between crop diversity and nutrition. In Nepal, evidence from a multisectoral nutrition program reveals
that dietary diversity for mothers and children as well as weight-for-age-scores in children was strongly associated
with production diversity14 at the household level (Malapit et al., 2013). Interestingly, the study finds that women’s
empowerment mitigates negative effects of low production diversity on dietary diversity and height-for-age-scores
(HAZ) in mothers and children. Using panel data, econometric analysis estimates that in Nigeria, a 10% increase
in crop diversity leads to a 2.4% increase in dietary diversity (Dillon et al., 2014). In Zambia, production diversity as
measured by total number of different number of crops and food groups produced as well as agricultural activities
engaged in (e.g. animal husbandry, fruit and vegetable production, production of field crops) in subsistence
households was positively associated with HAZ scores and inversely associated with stunting in children older
than 24 months (Kumar et al., 2015). This implies that production diversity at the household level can have positive
effects on dietary diversity and anthropometric measures in children and mothers.
Livestock production
Household-level interventions targeting livestock and or aquaculture have mostly focused on income generation
rather than consumption. While there is little available evidence on the impact of these types of investments on
nutrition and diets, animal-source foods are nutrient dense and there is some evidence to support positive impacts
on nutrition outcomes. A review of eight studies examining the links between agricultural production of both crops
and livestock, household dietary diversity, and child nutrition outcomes concludes that livestock is linked to positive
nutrition outcomes (Carletto et al., 2015).
14 Using a nine-food item production diversity index. Included food groups: starchy staples; beans, legumes, and nuts; dark green leafy vegetables; vitamin A-rich fruits,
vegetables, and tubers; other fruits and vegetables; milk and milk products; eggs; fish; and meat.
Discussion Paper
Land tenure
A review of twenty studies (Lawry et al, 2014), found that land tenure interventions which formalize ownership
rights such as freehold titling, registration through land redistribution, and formal registration of customary rights
are associated with gains in productivity and welfare. De jure recognition of tenure was found to increase the
monetary value of land productivity by 40% on average, though the heterogeneity of results limits the ability to draw
conclusive results. Title recipients’ welfare as measured by consumption or income increased by 15 percent on
average. The authors note that the quality of evidence does not provide a firm basis for generalization of results and
that qualitative measures fail to take into account social consequences of land tenure policies such as displacement
and gender equality. Gains were significantly greater in Asia and Latin America than in Africa and varied by income
level; smaller effects in sub-Saharan Africa may be explained by already wide-spread and established customary
tenure. While it appears that tenure recognition contributes to welfare, effects are highly variable and context
specific (Lawry et al, 2014).
Investments for Healthy Food Systems
Public-Private Partnerships
Food consumption in any given country is determined by the food production, processing, distribution, and retail
sectors. Therefore, the private sector has an enormous impact on dietary patterns and nutrition outcomes. In addition,
sectors such as the mobile phone, media, and health sectors shape consumer preferences and consumption. Public-
private partnerships (PPPs) could help connect farmers to supply-chains by providing investments in public goods
and in policies that facilitate trade and market development, as well as in education and training to develop farmers’
technical capacity and meet sorting, packing, and growing standards (Narrod et al., 2008).
Further, the public sector can encourage the private sector to adopt pro-nutrition policies. It can do this through
direct regulation, voluntary commitments, or through PPPs whereby both sectors leverage the other’s resources and
create shared value. PPPs may allow the public sector to scale interventions and leverage investments through the
private sector’s established development and delivery capacity. The private sector, in turn, may benefit through risk
sharing and shared value through improved public perception. Evidence on PPPs targeting nutrition is sparse and
it is not clear whether PPPs are more effective than alternative engagements with the private sector (Hoddinott et
al, 2015).
Discussion Paper
Investments for Healthy Food Systems
Biofortification can be a highly cost-effective investment: after initial outlays to develop biofortified varieties, conduct
in-country trials, and create demand and local markets, micro-nutrient supplementation through biofortification can
be self-sustaining with little recurring costs (Meenakshi, 2008). Scaling up value chains for biofortified and fortified
foods holds promise for improving dietary intake of micro-nutrients and for improving overall nutritional status of
consumers. Marketing campaigns that add nutrition education increase consumer acceptance and willingness to
pay for these types of foods (Meenakashi et al., 2012).
The evidence base regarding the effectiveness of biofortification in increasing levels of micro-nutrient stores is strong
and growing. For example a well known study (Low et al., 2007) assessed a two-year program in Mozambique which
targeted 741 farm households. The program provided access to orange fleshed sweet potato (OFS P) vines (bred to
be high in beta carotene), and extension services. The extension services covered topics from nutrition knowledge to
production methods and commercialization. Children of beneficiary households increased vitamin A intake and mean
serum retinol levels increased significantly while prevalence of low serum retinol decreased from 60 to 38 percent.
No changes were observed in controls, although all children in the community had access to vitamin A supplements.
The authors point out that their findings underscore the need for multiple interventions, including supplementation,
as well as food-based approaches (Low et al., 2007). More recent evidence from larger scale, randomized and
controlled studies have also reported positive effects of OFS P introduction among 12 and 10 thousand households
in Mozambique and Uganda respectively (Hotz et al., 2011; Hotz et al., 2012).
Other crops besides OFS P can be biofortified, for example zinc-biofortified wheat, high-iron rice, and improved
protein maize; each of these have demonstrated potential to increase stores of the targeted micro or macro-nutrient
(Taren & Alaofè, 2013). Evidence supporting the nutritional efficacy of biofortification is strong, but further research
is required to determine how biofortified crops affect yields and farmer profits and how to create local markets and
demand in varying climatic and socio-economic conditions. Evidence from rural Ghana suggests that consumers are
willing to pay a premium for biofortified crops, provided consumers receive information on the nutritional benefits
(Banerji et al., 2013).
Discussion Paper
List of abbreviations
CIMSANS Center for Integrated Modeling of Sustainable Agriculture & Nutrition Security
HAZ Height-for-age-scores
WB World Bank
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UNSCN vision
A world free from hunger and all forms of malnutrition is attainable in this generation
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