Lesson Plan - Assignment 1
Lesson Plan - Assignment 1
Lesson Plan - Assignment 1
Lesson Type:
Lesson Topic:
House and Home
Identify and use 10 new house and home nouns. Had a discussion about the different household items that they have
in their homes, using the target vocabulary as well as previously
learnt vocabulary, they will now have a better understanding of
Target vocabulary: these nouns.
clock, computer, desk, lamp, toilet, refrigerator, shower, bed, bookcase,
1. Stronger students may dominate over weaker students causing the weaker 1. I will ensure all students are involved in the activities and that certain
students to become shy and not involved in the activities, especially in the individuals are not dominating the class. I will elicit answers from all
production stage. This makes it challenging for the less confident students to students as well as closely monitoring each student during the lesson.
Placing students in groups of three will allow the students to mingle
and get to know one another better, in turn allowing them to feel
2. The class consists of a mixed age group which may cause students to more confident.
Language analysis:
Language Item Meaning of the How you will present Concept Checking Grammatical form Pronunciation
item meaning Questions
5. Toilet An object in which a Picture of a toilet Do you wash your noun /ˈtɔɪlɪt/
person disposes of hands in a toilet? No
their bodily waste What do you do in
(urinate). the toilet? Ie urinate
6. Refrigerator An appliance which Picture of a refrigerator Is it cold? Yes noun /rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtə/
keeps food and drinks What do you put
cold. inside it?
7. Shower A cubicle where a Picture of a shower Do you clean yourself noun /ˈʃaʊə/
person would stand in it? Yes
under a spray of falling Is the shower in the
water to wash bathroom? Yes
8. Bed An item of furniture Picture of a bed What do you sleep noun /bɛd/
where you would sleep on? A bed
or rest on. Which room would
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you find a bed in? A
9. Bookcase A piece of furniture Picture of a bookcase Do you keep books noun /ˈbʊkkeɪs/
where books are kept. on it? Yes
Do you have a
10.Key A small cut and shaped Picture of a key Do you use it to noun /kiː/
piece of metal used to lock/unlock your
lock and unlock a door. house door? Yes
What other keys do
you have?
Stage Name Stage Aim Time Interaction Teacher’s procedure Students will…
Warmer To get the students 6minutes 1. T-S 1. As a warmer we will play a game Will apply their previous knowledge and
engaged and ready for 2. S-S of ‘hot seat’, the teacher will vocabulary learnt to describe the words
the class, allowing write the vocabulary that they to their teammate.
them to think in have learnt in the previous lesson
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English. In doing so on the board.
you will also recap on 2. The teacher will split the students
the previously learnt into three groups and ask one
vocabulary. representative from each group
to sit in front of the class with
their backs facing the board. The
students that are facing the board
must describe the word that is
written on the board to their
teammate, who’s back is facing
the board. He/she must guess the
correct word that is being
described, winning a point for
their team. Ensuring that
dominant/stronger students are
paired with weaker/shyer
Presentation: Introduce the new 7minutes 1. T-S 1. The teacher will write the target This will allow the students to
Meaning vocabulary for the 2. S-S vocabulary on the board as well differentiate the various images with its
lesson. The as show the students the corresponding target word, helping them
teacher will give the corresponding pictures for each to understand the meaning of new
definition of the words word. Teaching the students, the vocabulary.
as well as show the meaning, form and pronunciation
students pictures for a of the words.
better understanding. 2. The pictures will give the students
a better understanding however if
further explaining is needed the
teacher will act out the words.
3. The teacher will write the
definitions on the board, asking
the same groups from the
previous activity to match the
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correct target word(picture) to
the definition.
Presentation: Introducing the form 6minutes S-S 1. In the same three groups, the This activity allows students to practise
Form of the words, allowing students will take part in a mock the spelling of the target vocabulary in
the students to learn spelling test/activity. groups, which may give the weaker
the correct spelling. 2. One representative from each students the confidents that they may
team will do the writing of the need as well as allowing everyone to
spelling of the word, that they participate.
come up with as a team.
3. The teacher will say each word
clearly out aloud for
students(teams) to write the
spelling of each word out on
Presentation: To ensure that the 6minutes T-S 1. The teacher will read out each Allowing the students to repeat after the
Pronunciation students can correctly word asking the students to teacher will give them a clear visual of
pronounce the new repeat after her. Ensuring to put how the word must be said and how the
words. emphasis on the different stress mouth/tongue moves to get that correct
sounds. sound. Repetition allows the students to
2. Demonstrating the movement of practise the words and build confidence.
the mouth/tongue to show
students how to move their
mouth/tongue, to pronounce the
words correctly.
Practice This will allow 8minutes S-S The students will receive a fill in the gap 1. This activity will allow the
(Controlled) students to practise worksheet, where they will individually students to individually put their
the language in a have to fill in the missing words. The skills to practice on the new
controlled activity. words that they can use will be provided vocabulary that they have just
for them. been taught.
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2. This will allow and ensure that
they have a clearer understand
where to put the words and see it
in context of each sentence.
Production This allows the 20minutes S-S 1. The teacher will give the students 1. This will allow the students to
(freer students to practise a task to act/roleplay in their show that they have understood
practice) the target vocabulary previous groups the new the vocabulary that they have
more freely, putting to vocabulary words that they were just learnt as well as using
practise what they taught. previous vocabulary learnt in the
have learnt. 2. They must choose five of the past.
words and present a 2. This is a fun activity allowing the
story/scenario showing that they students to grow in knowledge
understand the meaning of the and in confidence.
Cooler To conclude the lesson 7minutes T-S The teacher will use the concept checking The CCQs will allow the teacher to
and the new questions CCQs to ensure that the analyse whether the students have
vocabulary that they students have fully grasped an understood what was taught to them in
have learnt, showing understanding of the target vocabulary the lesson, based on these questions
the progress that they that they have learnt in the lesson. being answered correctly or incorrectly.
have made.
Lesson Rationale (700-1000 words):
I chose to use the Presentation, Practise and Production Method (PPP) to structure my lesson, as the PPP method is direct and systematic. The PPP method
allows you as the teacher access to a vast variety of different activities and tasks that can be used in lessons to teach the students accordingly. Furthermore,
it gives the students the opportunity to grow not only in knowledge but in confidence in a safe environment, allowing them to see their progress from when
the lesson started to when the lesson ended.
The warmer gives the students a chance to settle in as well as a chance to adjust from their first language into English. The warmer also allows for extra
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time for late comers to arrive without causing much disturbance to the class and the lesson that has been planned out. The warmer can set the tone for the
rest of the lesson and can help create energy in the classroom which in turn can get the students enthusiastic to learn the new vocabulary. Furthermore,
the warmer can also show the teacher the progress of students.
The Presentation is broken up into three stages, the first being “meaning”, this is the introduction of the new vocabulary. The students are introduced to
the new vocabulary, where the teacher presents the images alongside the new words, this will allow the students to easily identify the word as well as the
meaning at a later stage. The students will then be asked to perform the task of matching the image to the correct definition. This activity chosen allows
students in their set groups to brainstorm and discuss which image matches which definition. This allows them to rely on their prior knowledge and
vocabulary learnt in pervious lessons, in doing this the students well discuss all the possible outcomes that their group has come up with, resulting in them
learning what the meaning of the new vocabulary words are. Furthermore, breaking the students up into three groups, will allow the students from
different age groups to bond and create a positive working relationship with one another.
The second presentation being “form”, this is where the students will learn how to spell the target vocabulary. The students will partake in a mock group
spelling test, this will allow the students to become familiar with the spelling of the new words that they have learnt. Furthermore, choosing this activity
will allow the students to learn the correct spelling of the words as well as partaking as a team giving them confidence to spell the words.
The third presentation being “pronunciation”, this is where the students will learn how to pronounce the target vocabulary correctly. Choosing a chorusing
method will allow the students to clearly see how the word is pronounced. The use of the audio-lingual method, based on the idea that humans learn best
through repetition, will allow the students to memorise the word as they repeat it over again. Furthermore, as the entire class consists of Chinese students,
knowing that their first language is vastly different from English, choosing this method will allow me to show them clearly the shape the mouth as well as
the tongue makes when pronouncing the new word. This will allow me to emphasise where to put the stress on the word, to eliminate any future problems
pronouncing the words incorrectly.
The next stage is controlled practice, within this stage students will receive a fill in the gap worksheet which they will complete individually. Choosing this
activity as the controlled practice will allow the students to work alone and use their own knowledge to complete the task, in doing this it will allow them to
come to the correct answer without becoming reliant on their previous teammates. This will ensure the teacher whether the individual student knows the
target vocabulary thoroughly. Furthermore, to avoid confusion as well as a lack of confidence, the target words that need to be used in this activity have
been included on the worksheet in a shaded box.
The final step to the lesson, the cooler. The cooler provides the students a chance to see their progress throughout the lesson as well as the teacher to use
the CCQs to ensure that the students have learnt from the lesson, leaving the lesson with new knowledge, and feeling confident.
Potential Issues:
A potential issue that could appear within the production stage, would be that the students are not fully aware of what is expected of them in this activity.
Being that is a freer practice, and they are left to their own creativity to perform a roleplay, they may be confused and frightened as what to do. The
teacher will resolve the issue by either doing an example roleplay with one of the stronger students or assist them by brainstorming some ideas on the
Other Considerations:
Points to consider, would have been to perhaps include more activities/worksheets such as a word search or a game of some sort, however due to time
including these extra activities would have resulted in the aim of the lesson not being met and an incomplete amount of work would have been covered.
Furthermore, perhaps less group work and more individual work could be included to allow students to progress at their own pace.
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Hello, my name is Bob, and this is my house. Early in the morning when I wake up it is still dark, so I turn on my _______ so that I can see. I get
out of _______ as I am no longer tired, I walk to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I go to the ________ to dispose of my bodily waste and
then wash my hands in the basin. I get into the________ so that I can wash my body and be clean for the day. I dry myself off and get dressed. I
go to the kitchen and open the ________ to get some milk, to make tea. While I’m waiting, I go to the _______ to choose a book to read, I put
the book on top of the_______ and I turn on my_______ to log on to Facebook. I look at the_______ to see the time, I’m going to be late, quickly
I unlock the front door with my______ and off to work I go.