PIP Prelim Transes
PIP Prelim Transes
PIP Prelim Transes
I. HISTORY & ORIENTATION TO PHARMACY PART 1 history of preparation & uses of medicines dates
back to ancient time.
Ancient Times
Diseases were thought to be produced by evil
forces or by a god’s anger.
Medicine or drug
Religious persons or magicians were found to be
The art & science of preparing natural & synthetic
associated with the treatment of patients.
sources suitable for distribution and use in the
So called “supernatural” activities and/or
treatment and prevention of diseases.
religious rituals always accompanied with a drug
It is an establishment where drugs are dispensed
by a licensed pharmacist.
Prehistoric men sometimes swallowed plants
(bark, roots, and leaves) to relieve indigestion or
Drug/Drug Substance
applied leaf or mud to protect & soothe bruised
A substance recognized by an official
pharmacopoeia or formulary.
During the earlier times, practice of pharmacy &
A substance intended for use in the diagnosis,
medicine were indistinguishable.
cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of
Such activities resulted in the discovery of many
drugs & devising of many drug products.
A substance (other than food) intended to affect
The physical forms of medications have not so
the structure or any function of the body.
much changed, the approach of people toward
A substance intended for use as a component of
using medicines has drastically changed. All
a medicine but not a device or a component, part
historic cultures have well developed procedures
or accessory of a device.
for the treatment of disease and the preparation
Biological products are included within this
of medicines.
definition and are generally covered by the same
laws and regulations, but differences exist
regarding their manufacturing processes ANCIENT BABYLONIAN
(chemical process versus biological process. Babylon, jewel of ancient Mesopotamia, often
called the cradle of civilization, provides the
Pharmacist earliest known record of practice of the art of the
The person who is an expert on drugs. apothecary.
Antidotaria – similar to dispensatories; collection
of compounds.
Receptaria – more modest formularies; collection
of recipes
Hiera Picra
A warm cathartic composed of aloes and canella
bark made into a powder and mixed with honey.
Tierra Sigillata
Latin meaning “sealed earth” was a greasy clay
Containing silica, alumina, chalk, magnesia, and a
little oxide of iron.
Drugs were formed into large, tablet-like units
upon which the seal of the place origin was
It was used as an antidote for poisons,
dysenteries, fevers and other illnesses.
I. HISTORY & ORIENTATION TO PHARMACY PART 2 Prepared herbs according to the art of the
apothecary for the benefit of the sick and
MIDDLE AGES injured.
First Apothecary Shops Famous manuscripts:
Separated the arts of apothecary and physician De Viribus Herbarum (Herbs Used by the
[Italy, Spain, and France]. People) - Abbot Odo in France
First privately owned drug stores. Causae et Curae - Abbess Hildegard in Germany
Preserved much of the Greco-Roman wisdom
and added to it. Holy Roman King Frederick II
More refined and elegant way of administering Frederick II of Hohenstaufen Emperor of
drugs. German
Developed syrups, confections, conserves, Issued an order known as The Magna Carta of
distilled waters and alcoholic liquids. Pharmacy (1240)
Own treatises – influential and authoritative in Separated Pharmacy from Medicine (Southern
Europe when translated into Latin. Italy & Sicily)
Apothecary shops first appeared in Boston, Joseph Caventou and Joseph Pelletier
New York and Philadelphia. Isolated quinine & cinchonine from cinchona &
Some apothecaries prescribed as well as strychnine and brucine from nux vomica.
dispensed drugs as did some physicians.
Joseph Pelletier and Pierre Robiquet
Christopher Marshall Isolated caffeine Drugs isolated from plants.
Irish immigrant, developed a pioneer
pharmaceutical enterprise. Drugs Isolated from Plants:
The Marshall Apothecary Antitumor agent for the treatment of
A leading retail pharmacy, large-scale chemical metastatic carcinoma from Pacific yew tree or
manufacturer. Taxus baccata.
A place for training pharmacists.
An important supply depot during the Vinca leukoblastine
American Revolution. Antineoplastic drug from Chichirica or Vinca
By 1721, there were 14 apothecary shops in
Boston, and by 1840 some apothecaries were Digoxin
starting to become wholesalers, importing and Cardiac glycoside from Digitalis lanata.
buying large quantities of medicinal agents to
be sold to other apothecaries. Stanislas Limousin
Introduced medicine dropper, the system of
Patents were first granted in 1790 by newly coloring poisons, and wafer cachets.
founded United States of America. Such Developed and perfected inhalational
patents were granted for so-called secret cures. apparatus and therapeutic administration of
William Procter Jr. Invented glass ampoules
Father of American Pharmacy
1st Secretary of APhA Boehring and Roux
American Pharmaceutical Association (APhA) Announced the effectiveness of diphtheria
began in 1852. antitoxin.
Medicines were made with active ingredients Ernest Francois Auguste Fourneau
and made available for druggists to dispense Treatment of syphilis using bismuth and arsenic
directly to patients. compounds.
Discovered Amylocaine (Stovaine®).
Paved the way for the development of
sulfonamides drugs and antihistamines.
Karl Wilhelm Scheele
Discovered lactic acid, citric acid, oxalic acid,
Florey and Chain
tartaric acid, & arsenic acid Enabled the testing and production of
Identified glycerin penicillin.
Identified new methods of preparing calomel
and benzoic acid
Selman Waksman
Discovered oxygen a year before Priestley Discovered streptomycin
Friedrich Serturner
Isolation of morphine from opium
HOSPITAL PHARMACY IN EARLY AMERICA In 1995, the organization changed its name to
The first hospital pharmacy was established at American Society of Health System
the Pennsylvania Hospital started by Benjamin Pharmacists.
Franklin, in Philadelphia in 1752.
Some Important Dates & People in the History of
Jonathan Roberts was the first Pharmacist to Pharmacy
work in a hospital. (350) Dioscorides - writes an important treatise
on Materia Medica
John Morgan a pharmacist and a physician; (1751) Sir Benjamin Franklin - established the
advocated prescription writing and 1st hospital pharmacy.
championed independent practice of the two (1765) John Morgan - American medical
professions. education pioneer advocates prescription
writing in the US
The Philadelphia College of Pharmacy (1729) Christopher Marshall - Irish immigrant,
“The first school of pharmacy” established his apothecary shop in
The history of the University of the Sciences Philadelphia.
began when 68 Philadelphia apothecaries met (1776) Christopher Marshall - makes medicines
in Carpenters’ Hall in 1821 to establish for wounded soldiers.
improved scientific standards and to train more
competent apprentices and students. (1820) Unites States Convention - 1st edition
of US Pharmacopeial Pharmacopoeia is
They sought to enhance their vocation, as well published (USP-NF).
as protect public welfare. (1821) Philadelphia - 1st school of Pharmacy
(1865) Brunswick, Germany - 1st International
In 1812, New York hospital also had a full time Pharmaceutical Conference
pharmacy practitioner. (1906) United States- Federal Food & Drugs Act
The first hospital pharmacy internship was passed
program was started by Harvey Whitney in
1927 at the University Of Michigan Hospital in Caleb Bradham - formulated Pepsi Cola
Ann Harbor. John Pemberton - formulated Coca Cola
Hubert Humphrey - 38th US Vice President
John Maisch, PCP professor Antonio Luna - Filipino General, a painter & a
Proposed the creation of a pharmaceutical hero
board to be appointed by the governor of each Elizabeth Marshall - 1st woman pharmacist,
state and established the term “registered granddaughter of Christopher Marshall who
pharmacist” in 1868. took over his apothecary shop.
Jonathan Roberts - 1st hospital pharmacist.
American Pharmaceutical Association (APhA)
A section for hospital pharmacists within the CONCLUSION
American Pharmaceutical Association (APhA) Pharmacy, with its heritage of 50 centuries of
was established in 1936. service to mankind, has come to be recognized
as of the great professions.
American Society of Hospital Pharmacists
(ASHP) was formed in 1942 and ended joint Pharmacists are among the community's finest
membership with APhA in 1972. educated people.
I. HISTORY & ORIENTATION TO PHARMACY PART 3 3. Various secrets and rarities worth knowing
PHILIPPINE PHARMACY DURING THE SPANISH Faculty of Pharmacy (May 1871) by virtue of
PERIOD: Pre-Pharmacy Period the Modification of the Moret decree.
The work of the Catholic Missionaries 1962, expanded (Bachelor of Science in
Biochemistry and Bachelor of Science in
Father Fernando de Santa Maria Medical Technology)
Wrote Manual de Medicinas Caseras Faculty of Pharmacy the first institution in the
1st ed. 1786 which contained suggestions for University of Santo Tomas to admit female
treatment of certain diseases. students in 1924.
UST introduce BS Biochemistry for the first time
3 Topics of the book: in the Philippines.
1. Medicinal barks and herbs
2. Various sickness
Code Orange – Hazardous Materials (Internal and Code Brown: severe weather
External) Code White: evacuation
Code Pink – Infant/Child Abduction Code Green: emergency activation
Code White – OB Hemorrhage
Code Green – Violent Behavior/Security Assist INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY/ PHARMACEUTICAL
Code Silver – Controlled Access INDUSTRY
The main activities of industrial pharmacists:
Definition of Hospital Color Codes 1. Research and development
Many hospitals have a code blue team who will Pharmacists contribute to research, and their
respond to the code blue within minutes. The expertise in formulation development is of
team is comprised of: particular relevance to the biological
Doctors availability of active ingredients.
A respiratory therapist 2. Manufacture and quality assurance
A pharmacist The pharmacist’s broad knowledge of the
pharmaceutical sciences ensures an integrated
Code blue approach to quality assurance (including GMP)
Cardiac arrest like a heart attack or through the validation of the various stages of
dangerous arrhythmia production and the testing of products before
Respiratory arrest (when someone stops release.
When someone becomes severely confused, 3. Drug information
not alert, or shows signs of stroke The pharmacist has the knowledge and
Sudden and severe drop in blood pressure. expertise to provide detailed information on
medicines to members of the health
Code red professions and the public. Also, pharmacists
Typically means there is a fire or smoke provide an information service within the
within the hospital. company
A code red may be activated if someone
smells or sees smoke or flames. 4. Patent applications and drug registration
The pharmacist is ideally qualified to
Code black understand and collate the diverse information
Most often indicates a bomb threat. required for patent and authorization
Code black may be activated if there has been submissions.
a threat made to the facility from an internal
or external source, or if staff or law 5. Clinical trials and post-marketing surveillance
enforcement officials have identified a The pharmacist has the knowledge of drugs and
possible bomb in or near the facility. health care provision required to facilitate
collaboration between companies, health
Events needing an immediate response professionals and governments in relation to
Some of the more widely used codes in clinical trials and surveillance.
hospitals include:
4. Educational policy
Pharmacists cooperate with educators in
establishing and implementing policies with
regard to undergraduate and continuing
education, in-service training, and other
aspects of manpower development.
Offers rewarding experiences to a limited
number of pharmacists with writing and editing