Adult Executive Functioning Inventory (ADEXI) Validity, Reliability, and Relatio
Adult Executive Functioning Inventory (ADEXI) Validity, Reliability, and Relatio
Adult Executive Functioning Inventory (ADEXI) Validity, Reliability, and Relatio
DOI: 10.1002/mpr.1567
Int J Methods Psychiatr Res. 2018;27:e1567. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1 of 9
Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Functions – Adult version 1.1 | Aims of the present study
(BRIEF‐A; Roth, Isquith, & Gioia, 2005), Barkley's Deficits in Executive
The overall aim of the present study was to examine the psychometric
Function Scale (BDEFS; Barkley, 2011) and the Dysexecutive
properties of ADEXI scores. More specifically, the present study aimed
Questionnaire (DEX; Burgess, Alderman, Wilson, Evans, & Emslie,
to address the following aspects:
1996). However, as further explained later, these ratings suffer from
limitations. The present study therefore aimed at introducing a new
1. Use factor analysis to investigate whether the two major factors
instrument, the Adult Executive Functioning Inventory (ADEXI).
found for the CHEXI (i.e. inhibition and working memory) can be
The most important limitation of existing EF rating instruments is
replicated using the ADEXI.
that most of them include items measuring ADHD symptoms. For
example, the BRIEF‐A includes items that measure difficulties in sitting 2. Study the reliability of ADEXI scores in terms of both test–retest
still, or having a short attention span. These items are essentially iden- and interrater reliability.
tical to the symptom criteria for ADHD as presented in the fifth edition 3. Study the convergent validity of the ADEXI by investigating the
of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM‐5; association between ADEXI scores and scores from both another
American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). The DEX also contains EF rating instrument and laboratory measures of EF.
questions concerning ADHD symptoms such as impulsivity and 4. Examine to what extent ADEXI scores can be used to discriminate
restlessness. between adults with ADHD, and adults either with or without
Another aspect that needs to be taken into consideration is what another psychiatric disorder.
constructs the questionnaire intends to capture. When examining indi-
vidual items, it becomes evident that some available rating instruments
are very broad as they include items measuring cognitive functioning in
general (e.g. not being able to process information quickly or ade- 2 | METHOD
quately) or items that are related to EF but do not measure this con-
struct directly (e.g. easily becoming angry or upset, which measures 2.1 | Participants and procedure
emotional reactivity/regulation). There are also examples of items
The present study included altogether 202 participants from three
reflecting how others behave towards the rater rather than character-
groups: a clinical group of adults with ADHD (n = 51, 39% men); a clin-
istics the rater sees in him/herself (e.g. that other people tell the
ical group of adults diagnosed with other psychiatric disorders (n = 46,
patient that he/she is lazy or unmotivated). The inclusion of these
28% men); and a non‐clinical sample consisting of individuals from a
items makes it difficult to draw conclusions regarding to what extent
random sample and a sample of university students (n = 105, 42%
a patient has specific problems with EF or more general neuropsycho-
men). The groups did not differ significantly from one another with
logical deficits.
regard to age, F = 1.23 [not significant (n.s.)] [ADHD group: mean
A final limitation is that the rating instruments described earlier
(M) = 27.43, standard deviation (SD) = 6.31; Clinical controls:
are quite extensive (i.e. 75–89 items except for the DEX and the
M = 25.65, SD = 4.76; Non‐clinical controls: M = 26.50, SD = 5.57)
short‐version of the BDEFS). Adults who are being referred to a clinic
or gender (χ2 = 2.56, n.s.). However, there was a significant difference
for a neuropsychiatric assessment often have difficulties answering
with regard to educational level. The two clinical groups had a similar
long rating scales. This emphasizes the need for a short screening
educational level, but they both had lower educational level compared
instrument that can assess different aspects of EF deficits in a valid
to the non‐clinical controls.
and reliable way. The ADEXI is intended to serve such a purpose and
to address the earlier‐mentioned limitations.
The ADEXI has been used in one previous study (Holst & Thorell, 2.1.1 | Clinical samples
2017) in which significant group differences were found between The participants in the two clinical samples were recruited through
adults with ADHD and a clinical control group of adults with other psy- advertisements at three outpatient psychiatric clinics, and they visited
chiatric disorders. However, the reliability of the questionnaire was not the clinic on two occasions to perform the neuropsychological testing.
examined, and the previous study did not include a non‐clinical control Questionnaire data was also collected from a close relative or friend
group. Thus, there is a need to know more about the psychometric of each participant. The participants in the ADHD group underwent a
properties of the ADEXI and to what extent it can be used to discrim- neuropsychiatric assessment conducted by a licensed psychologist.
inate between adults with ADHD and healthy controls. The ADEXI is The assessment included a clinical judgement using the second version
an adult version of the Childhood Executive Functioning Inventory of the Diagnostic Interview for ADHD in Adults (DIVA 2.0; (Kooij &
(CHEXI; Thorell & Nyberg, 2008). Furthermore, similar to the CHEXI, Francken, 2010). This semi‐structured interview consists of two parts:
the ADEXI is freely available for use by both researchers and clinicians one for assessing the presence of all 18 criteria in the fourth edition of
( CHEXI scores have been shown to have good test– the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM‐IV;
retest reliability (r = 0.89) and factor analysis has identified two factors APA, 1994) during childhood and in the present; the other for assessing
tapping working memory and inhibition (Thorell & Nyberg, 2008). In impairment in five areas of functioning (i.e. education, work, family,
addition, scores from the CHEXI have been shown to discriminate well social/relationships, and self‐confidence) in childhood and in the pres-
between children with ADHD and controls (Catale, Meulemans, & ent. In addition, current levels of ADHD symptoms were assessed using
Thorell, 2015; Thorell, Eninger, Brocki, & Bohlin, 2010). self‐report on the Adult ADHD Self‐Report Scale (ASRS‐v1.1; Kessler
et al., 2005). The psychologist also interviewed a close relative of the 2.2 | Measures
participant, in most cases his/her mother, to obtain a detailed anamne-
2.2.1 | Self‐ratings
sis. All participants in the ADHD group met the full diagnostic criteria
according to the DSM‐5 (APA, 2013). Finally, all participants underwent ADEXI
testing of global intellectual ability using the fourth edition of the The ADEXI is a 14‐item questionnaire (see Table 1) measuring working
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS‐IV; Wechsler, 2008). Exclusion memory and inhibition. As mentioned earlier, it is an adult version of
criteria were an IQ score of <80 on WAIS‐IV and the presence of sub- the CHEXI, and both the child and adult version are freely available
stance‐related disorders. In addition to a primary ADHD diagnosis, the in several languages (see Several of the items from
participants in the ADHD group also met the criteria for the following the CHEXI are also included in the ADEXI. However, a few items that
comorbid diagnoses: mood disorders including “major depression” were considered irrelevant to adults (e.g. “Has difficulty following
(15.8%), bipolar disorder (5.3%), unspecified anxiety disorder (UNS) through on less appealing tasks unless he/she is promised some type
(5.3%), panic disorder (3.5%), obsessive compulsive disorder (1.7%), of reward for doing so”) were deleted. We also tried to minimize item
social phobia (1.7%), and personality disorders (5.3%). Five of the partic- overlap in order to make the ADEXI as quick as possible to complete
ipants had more than one comorbid diagnosis. (14 items in the ADEXI versus 24 in the CHEXI), although still including
The diagnoses in the clinical control group were the following: enough items to be able to capture the most central aspects of working
mood disorders including “major depression” (43.4%), bipolar disorder memory and inhibition.
(11.3%), anxiety disorder UNS (15.1%), social phobia (9.4%), panic
disorder (1.8%), obsessive compulsive disorder (5.7%), general anxiety B‐DEFS
disorder (5.7%), post‐traumatic stress disorder (5.7%), eating disorders
In addition to the ADEXI, the non‐clinical sample also completed the
(1.8%), and personality disorders (11.3%).
BDEFS (Barkley, 2011). The BDEFS includes the following six sub-
scales: Self‐organization/Problem Solving (24 items), Self‐management
2.1.2 | Non‐clinical sample
of Time (21 items), Self‐restraint/Inhibition (19 items), Self‐regulation
The study also included two non‐clinical groups – a random sample and
of Emotion (13 items), and Self‐motivation (12 items). There is also a
a sample of university students – which were combined in all analyses
short‐version of the BDEFS, which includes 20 items.
included in the present study. The random non‐clinical sample of adults
was recruited from a larger random sample recruited from a national
2.2.2 | Laboratory measures of EF deficits
population based register. From this sample, a subsample of 44 adults
(41% men) matched to the clinical ADHD sample with regard to age Working memory
and gender were included in the present study. In addition, a conve- Working memory was measured by two subtests from the WAIS‐IV
nience sample of university students (n = 61, 43% men) was recruited (Wechsler, 2008): Letter‐Number Sequencing and Digit Span. In
through advertisements on the university campus. Exclusion criteria in Letter‐Number Sequencing, participants have to repeat a series of ran-
the two non‐clinical control groups were the presence of any psychiat- domly mixed letters and numbers starting with the numbers in ascend-
ric disorder. ing order followed by the letters in alphabetical order. For Digit Span,
5. When someone asks me to do several things, I sometimes remember only the first or last. .915
1. I have difficulty remembering lengthy instructions. .890
12. I have difficulties with tasks or activities that involve several steps. .845
7. I have difficulty coming up with a different way of solving a problem when I get stuck. .813
2. I sometimes have difficulty remembering what I am doing in the middle of an activity. .726
13. I have difficulty thinking ahead or learning from experience. .634
8. When someone asks me to fetch something, I sometimes forget what I am supposed to fetch. .578
11. I sometimes have difficulty understanding verbal instructions unless I am also shown how to do something. .537 .319
9. I have difficulty planning for an activity (e.g. remembering to bring everything necessary when going on a .440
trip/to work/to school).
14. People that I meet sometimes seem to think that I am more lively/wilder compared to other people my age. – .318 .938
4. I sometimes have difficulty stopping myself from doing things that I like even though someone tells me that it .724
is not allowed.
6. I sometimes have difficulty refraining from smiling or laughing in situations where it is inappropriate. .706
3. I have a tendency to do things without first thinking about what could happen. .663
10. I sometimes have difficulty stopping an activity that I like (e.g. I watch television or sit in front of the .369 .325
computer in the evening even though I know that it is time to go to bed).
Explained variance (%) 48.84 9.18
the mean raw score (i.e. number of correct trials) for Digit Span Back- belonging to the ADHD group beyond the influence of EF deficits. In
wards and sequencing was included. In the backwards condition, par- all analyses addressing discriminant analyses, only the random non‐
ticipants have to repeat the series in a backwards order, and in Digit clinical sample, not the student sample, was included as it was consid-
Span Sequencing, the numbers are randomly presented and must be ered important to compare the ADHD group with an age‐matched
repeated in the correct number order. control group with a similar level of education.
Inhibition was measured using the Colour Word Test from the D‐KEFS
(Delis et al., 2001). Only the third trial (i.e. interference trial) was used.
In this trial, participants are presented rows of words printed in disso- 3.1 | Factorial validity of ADEXI scores
nant colours and are instructed to inhibit reading the words and Both a two‐ and three‐factor solution was examined when conducting
instead name the dissonant colours in which the words are printed. the factor analysis in order to determine whether the same number of
The number of seconds (i.e. raw score) needed to complete the trial factors obtained for the childhood version of the questionnaire (i.e. the
was used as a measure of inhibition. CHEXI) could also be found for the ADEXI. The three‐factor solution
did not appear to provide a good fit for the data as several items
2.3 | Statistical analyses loaded on more than one factor. However, the two‐factor solution
showed two clear factors. The scree test and the eigenvalue criterion
All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 23.0 statistical
also supported a two‐factor solution. An oblique rotation method
package. In order to first determine whether the two factors found in
was chosen as two factors were shown to be highly correlated,
the CHEXI could be replicated using the ADEXI (i.e. working memory
r = 0.69. The two‐factor solution accounted for 50.02% of the vari-
and inhibition), factorial validity was investigated using the maximum
ance. As expected (see Table 1), one factor was comprised of items
likelihood procedure. Kaiser's measure of sampling adequacy was
from the a priori subscale tapping working memory and the other fac-
0.93 and Bartlett's test of sphercity was significant, χ2 = 3170,
tor was comprised of items from the a priori subscale tapping inhibi-
p < 0.0001.
tion. The exception was item 10 (“I sometimes have difficulty
In order to study reliability, the internal consistency for the scores
stopping an activity that I like”) which had a similar factor loading on
of each subscale was first examined. In line with recommendations
both factors. Based on the a priori subscales, this item was selected
(Nunnaly, 1978), an α‐value of 0.70 to 0.79 was considered as fair,
to be part of the inhibition subscale.
0.80 to 0.89 as good, and ≥0.90 as excellent. Second, test–retest reli-
ability using ratings collected 2–3 weeks apart were examined using
both Pearson correlation analyses and intra‐class correlations (ICCs). 3.2 | Reliability of ADEXI scores
Third, Pearson correlation analyses and ICCs were used to investigate All reliability estimates are presented in Table 2. The results first of all
interrater reliability between the scores obtained from the self‐ratings showed high internal consistency for scores on the ADEXI full scale as
and those collected from a close relative/friend. In line with recom- well as for scores on the inhibition and working memory subscales.
mendations (Cohen, 1988), the following guidelines were used for ade- Second, the test–retest reliability was found to be adequate with esti-
quate (0.70–0.79), good (0.80–0.89), and excellent (≥ 0.90) reliability mates ranging between 0.68 and 0.72 for bivariate correlations and
when examining correlations. As regards to ICC, values less than 0.40 between 0.62 and 0.72 for ICCs. However, as can also be seen in
were considered poor, 0.40–0.59 were considered fair, 0.60–0.74 Table 2, the interrater reliability for the full scale between self‐ratings
were considered good, and above 0.75 were considered excellent (i.e. ratings made by the participant him/herself) and other‐ratings
(e.g. Cicchetti, 1994). Paired t‐tests were used to investigate to what (i.e. ratings made by a close relative/friend) was low: 0.53 for
extent self‐ratings and rating completed by a significant other differed bivariate correlations and 0.49 for the ICC. The concordance between
significantly from one another. self‐ratings and other ratings was especially low with regard to inhibi-
Convergent validity was first examined by studying correlations tion but also relatively low for working memory. Paired‐samples t‐tests
between scores from the ADEXI and the scores from the BDEFS. In showed that the mean scores for the full scale as well as the two sub-
addition, we studied correlations between ADEXI scores and scores scales were all significantly higher (i.e. more problems) for self‐ratings
from laboratory measures of EF. For discriminant validity, analyses of compared to other ratings, all t values <2.88, p values <0.01.
variance (ANOVAs) were used to study group difference for the
ADEXI. Group differences were complemented with measures of
effect sizes using Cohen's effect size formula, where 0.30 represents
3.3 | Convergent validity of ADEXI scores
a small effect size, 0.50 a medium effect size, and 0.80 a large effect As shown inTable 2, relatively strong relations (r values ranging between
size (Cohen, 1992). In addition to ANOVAs, logistic regression analyses 0.48 and 0.72) were found for all three ADEXI scores and scores on the
were conducted. In the first regression model, only ADEXI was BDEFS subscales. As expected, scores on the working memory subscale
included. In the second model, hierarchical regression analyses were of the ADEXI were most strongly related to scores on the BDEFS sub-
used. Here, the executive function tasks were entered in step one scale “Self‐organization/Problem Solving”, whereas scores on the
and the ADEXI in step two. This allowed us to examine whether adding ADEXI Inhibition subscale were most strongly related to scores on the
ADEXI scores would increase the sensitivity and/or specificity of BDEFS subscale referred to as “Self‐restraint/Inhibition”.
TABLE 2 Reliability and convergent validity for the adult executive As a second measure of convergent validity, we examined the
functioning inventory (ADEXI) relation between ADEXI scores and neuropsychological test scores
ADEXI tapping inhibition or working memory (see Table 3). With regard to
Working self‐ratings, scores on the ADEXI full scale and ADEXI working mem-
Full scale Inhibition memory ory subscale were significantly correlated with scores on the Colour
Internal consistency Word Task measuring inhibition in both the clinical and the non‐clinical
Total sample (n = 461) .91 .77 .90 sample. In addition, scores on the ADEXI working memory subscale
Non‐clinical sample (n = 364) .89 .72 .88 were related to the two working memory measures within the non‐
Clinical sample (n = 97) .90 .73 .89 clinical sample. As regards to other ratings, no significant relations
Test–retest reliability were found between the three ADEXI measures and scores on the
Bivariate correlations (n = 105) .71 .72 .68 digit span task. However, all ADEXI measures rated by a significant
Intra‐class correlations (n = 105) .67 .72 .62 other were related to scores on the number‐letter sequencing task
Interrater reliability and the Colour Word Task except for a non‐significant relation
Bivariate correlations (n = 88) .53 .38 .56 between scores on the ADEXI inhibition subscale and scores on the
Intra‐class correlations (n = 88) .49 .34 .54 Colour Word Task. In summary, it can be concluded that although a
BDEFS subscales (n = 127) number of significant relations were found between ADEXI scores
Self‐organization/problem solving .71*** .51*** .72*** and scores obtained from the laboratory tests, all correlations were
Self‐management of time .66*** .51*** .65*** of small effect sizes (i.e. r values <0.30).
Self‐restraint/inhibition .64*** .62*** .57***
Self‐regulation of emotion .58*** .48*** .55***
Self‐motivation .64*** .57*** .59***
3.4 | Discriminant validity of the ADEXI
BDEFS short version .70*** .58*** .66*** The results of the ANOVAs examining group difference (see Table 4)
***p < .001 showed that the ADHD group reported higher scores (i.e. more EF
TABLE 3 Relations between the adult executive functioning inventory (ADEXI) and neuropsychological test measures (one‐tailed)
Clinical sample (n = 97) Non‐clinical sample (n = 105)
Digit span Number‐letter sequencing Colour‐word test Digit span Number‐letter sequencing Colour‐word testa
Full scale −.13 −.14 .19* −.10 −.09 .21*
Inhibition −.15 −.11 .12 .09 .10 .09
Working memory −.11 −.14 .20* −.18* −.18* .24**
Other ratings
Full scale −.16 −.29** .26* NA NA NA
Inhibition −.14 −.26** .15 NA NA NA
Working memory −.15 −.27** .28** NA NA NA
TABLE 4 Group differences on the adult executive functioning inventory (ADEXI) between the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
group (n = 51), the clinical control group (n = 46), and the non‐clinical group (n = 44)
Effect sizes
Clinical Non‐clinical
ADHD group control group control group Group I versus Group I versus
(group I) (group II) (group III) group III group II
M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) F Post hoc d d
ADEXI full scale 3.41 (.71) 2.50 (.80) 2.03 (.61) 70.32 1>2>3 2.07 1.21
ADEXI inhibition 3.46 (.84) 2.72 (.92) 2.14 (.71) 48.06 1>2>3 1.69 .84
ADEXI working memory 3.39 (.78) 2.39 (.90) 1.97 (.68) 59.62 1>2>3 1.93 1.19
deficits) than both the clinical and the non‐clinical control group for all scores from the ADEXI generally have relatively good psychometric
three measures with large effect sizes. For the logistic regression anal- properties. However, due to the low correlations between ADEXI
yses (see Table 5), we first compared the ADHD group with non‐clinical scores and those obtained from laboratory EF tests, the ADEXI should
controls. Only the ADEXI scores were included in this analysis. The be used as a complement rather than a replacement for neuropsycho-
result showed that the model was significant (χ2 = 56.08, n = 95, logical tests. In addition, the low concordance between self‐ratings and
p < 0.001), and the ADEXI scores classified 85% of the participants other ratings demonstrates the need to use ratings from multiple
in the correct category with a sensitivity of 86% and a specificity of sources rather than relying solely on self‐ratings.
84% (Model 1). Second, we compared the ADHD group with the clin-
ical control group. The results showed that this model was also signif-
icant (χ2 = 30.09, n = 97, p < 0.001) and the ADEXI scores classified
4.1 | Reliability of the ADEXI scores
76% of the sample correctly with a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity With regard to the reliability of the ADEXI scores, the internal consis-
of 72% (Model 2). tency was shown to be high (i.e. αs around 0.90 for the ADEXI full
In a second set of logistic regression analyses, we wanted to exam- scale) and comparable or higher compared to those of other EF rating
ine to what extent ADEXI scores can increase the discriminatory ability scales for adults such as the BDEFS (α values ≥0.91; Barkley, 2011)
beyond the influence of EF tests. When comparing the ADHD group and the BRIEF‐A (α = 0.98 for the full scale and 0.84 for the inhibit sub-
with non‐clinical controls (Model 3), the results showed that scores from scale and 0.90 for working memory subscale; Roth et al., 2005). The
the EF tasks correctly classified 71% of the participants with a sensitiv- test–retest reliability for the ADEXI scores was shown to be within
ity of 64% and a specificity of 77%. When adding ADEXI scores in the the range of what is generally considered as adequate (r values ranging
second step, this step was significant (χ2 = 42.76, n = 95, p < 0.001) between 0.68 and 0.72 and ICC between 0.62 and 0.72). The obtained
and classified 85% of the participants in the correct category with a sen- bivariate correlation coefficients for test–retest reliability is somewhat
sitivity of 87% and a specificity of 84%. When comparing the ADHD lower compared to studies using the BRIEF‐A (r values <0.82; Roth
group with the clinical control group (Model 4), the results showed that et al., 2005), but higher compared to estimates for some of the sub-
scores on the EF tasks correctly classified 67% of the participants with a scales included in BDEFS (r values <0.62; Barkley, 2011). The present
sensitivity of 64% and a specificity of 70%. When adding ADEXI scores study as well as the previous studies using the BRIEF‐A and BDEFS
in the second step, this step was significant (χ2 = 24.00, n = 97, p < 0.001) included only non‐clinical samples when assessing test–retest reliabil-
and could classify 81% of the participants in the correct category with a ity. This is a limitation as these instruments are intended to be used
sensitivity of 84% and a specificity of 77%. in clinical populations. However, the test–retest reliability for scores
on the Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scale (CAARS) has been shown
to be higher in clinical compared to non‐clinical samples (Christiansen
4 | DISCUSSION et al., 2012). As the CAARS assess similar constructs as the ADEXI, this
study could be taken to mean that the test–retest reliability of the
In this study, we have emphasized the need for a short reliable rating ADEXI scores is likely to be adequate also in clinical samples, although
scale focused on measuring EF deficits not including items measuring this issue needs to be empirically examined.
other related constructs or symptoms of ADHD. However, no instru- The interrater reliability between participants and a close relative/
ment meeting these criteria has been made available, which is the rea- friend was found to be low with regard to inhibition (r = 0.38) but also
son why the ADEXI was created. The present study showed that quite low for working memory (r = 0.56). These estimates are lower
than those obtained for the BDEFS (r values =0.66–0.79; Barkley,
TABLE 5 Results of the logistic regression analyses 2011). However, the interrater reliability has been found to be very
Sensitivity Specificity Total correctly low (r < 0.50) for several of the subscales included in BRIEF‐A (Roth
(%) (%) classified (%) et al., 2005). In addition, there are previous studies that have demon-
Model 1: ADHD versus non‐clinical controls strated very low concordance between self‐ratings and other ratings
Step 1. Only ADEXI 86.3 84.1 85.3 also for ratings of ADHD symptoms (e.g. Mörtstedt, Corbisiero, Bitto,
Model 2: ADHD versus clinical controls & Stieglitz, 2015).
Step 1. Only ADEXI 80.4 71.7 76.3 In addition to studying correlations between self‐ratings and those
Model 3: ADHD versus non‐clinical controls obtained by a significant other, it can also be of value to study mean dif-
Step 1. Only executive 64.4 77.3 70.8 ferences. In the present study, the results showed that the scores
functioning tasks obtained for the self‐ratings were significantly higher compared to
Step 2. Executive functioning 86.7 84.1 85.4 those obtained from a significant other. This finding is in line with two
tasks + ADEXI
previous studies of EF ratings in adults using either the BRIEF‐A (Roth
Model 4: ADHD versus clinical controls
et al., 2005) or the DEX (Rizzo, Steinhausen, & Dreschler, 2012) as well
Step 1. Only executive 64.4 70.5 67.4
functioning tasks as with two previous studies investigating ratings of ADHD symptom
Step 2. Executive functioning 84.4 77.3 80.9 levels (Katz, Petscher, & Welles, 2009; Kooij et al., 2008). Interestingly,
tasks + ADEXI Kooij et al. (2008) concluded that although patients rated their symptom
Note: ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ADEXI, Adult Execu- levels as higher than significant others, both tended to under‐report
tive Functioning Inventory. symptom levels in relation to investigator reports.
In summary, it appears as if interrater reliability is often relatively measure (Doyle, Biederman, Seidman, Weber, & Faraone, 2000). How-
low when investigating EF deficits or related constructs in ADHD sam- ever, one study showed that scores on the BRIEF‐A had a sensitivity of
ples. This is problematic and points to the importance of including 0.75 and a specificity of 0.79 when trying to discriminate between col-
information from several sources in order to obtain a full picture of lege students with or without ADHD (Hauser, Lukomski, & Samar,
the patient's strength and weaknesses. Further research is clearly 2013). Another study showed that 89–98% of adults with ADHD
needed in order to determine how to best integrate information from were considered to be in the clinically significant range compared to
different sources when interrater agreement is low. only 8–11% of the community control group using scores on the
BDEFS (Barkley, 2011). In summary, the results of the present study
show that ADEXI scores can discriminate between individuals with
4.2 | Validity of the ADEXI scores
ADHD and healthy controls as well as, or even better than, other avail-
Regarding convergent validity, the results showed that scores on all able EF rating instruments for adults.
BDEFS subscales correlated significantly with scores on the ADEXI full Previous studies using either EF test or ratings have shown that
scale as well as with scores on the two subscales, inhibition and work- adults with other psychiatric disorders besides ADHD (e.g. depression
ing memory. As expected, scores from the subscales that aimed to and anxiety) also have EF deficits (e.g. Castaneda, Tuulio‐Henriksson,
assess the most similar constructs were also those that showed the Marttunen, Suvisaari, & Lönnqvist, 2008; Henin et al., 2009; Nilsson
highest correlations. Thus, these findings could be taken as support et al., 2016; Snyder, 2016). However, all these studies contrasted psy-
for the convergent validity of the ADEXI scores. chiatric patients with healthy controls. It is therefore very interesting
As a second measure of convergent validity, relations between to note that our study showed that EF deficits were more pronounced
ADEXI scores and neuropsychological test scores were investigated, among individuals with ADHD compared to the clinical controls as
but the results showed only small, and mostly non‐significant, rela- demonstrated both by significant group differences and a classification
tions. These findings are in accordance with several previous studies rate above 0.80 when including both ratings and tests.
examining the relation between scores obtained from EF ratings and
EF tests using either a childhood or adult sample (for a review, see
Toplak et al., 2013). This could be taken as an indication that ratings 5 | C O NC LUSI O NS A ND FU T UR E
and tests capture at least partially different constructs. In line with this DIRECTIONS
thinking, the present study was able to show that sensitivity was much
In conclusion, we have shown that ADEXI scores have adequate psy-
increased when the scores from both the laboratory test and the
chometric properties and that this instrument serves a partly different
ADEXI were entered into the logistic regression model. The fact that
purpose compared to other available EF rating instruments for adults.
EF tests and EF ratings explain independent variance in relation to
Compared to the BRIEF‐A, the ADEXI has a clear advantage of not
ADHD suggests that EF ratings should be used as a complement rather
including items that are more or less identical to the diagnostic criteria
than as a replacement for laboratory tests. Previous studies comparing
for ADHD, but instead focuses more specifically on EF deficits. In com-
EF tests and EF ratings have also argued that EF ratings have higher
parison with BDEFS, the ADEXI is much less comprehensive, which
ecological validity as they are more predictive of functional impair-
could be seen as a disadvantage. However, individuals with EF deficits
ments in daily life such as occupational adjustment, antisocial behav-
often have difficulties completing long rating instruments, and it might
iours, and social relations (Barkley & Murphy, 2010, 2011). It will
therefore be an advantage to have a quick and easily administered
therefore be of importance for future studies to investigate the link
screening instrument focusing specifically on two central EF aspects
between ADEXI scores and measures of daily functioning.
(i.e. inhibition and working memory), which is also freely available
4.3 | Discriminative validity
The ADEXI scores were shown to have high discriminative validity
with large effect sizes being found when comparing ADHD patients This study was supported by a grant from the Swedish Research
to either non‐clinical or clinical controls. The sensitivity was 0.76 and Council to the last author. The authors wish to thank Emelie von
the specificity was 0.91 when comparing the ADHD group to the Vogelsang Antonsson for her valuable help with data the collection.
non‐clinical control group and including only the ADEXI scores. Cur-
rent models of heterogeneity within ADHD research (e.g. Nigg, 2006) DECLARATION OF INTERES T STATEMENT
have emphasized that only a subgroup of individuals with ADHD has The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
significant EF deficits. It is therefore not surprising, that the present
study showed that the sensitivity (i.e. the true positive rate) was lower RE FE RE NC ES
compared to the specificity (i.e. the true negative rate) when compar-
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