Crop Science DIRECTION: Encircle The Letter of The Best Answer From The Choices Given
Crop Science DIRECTION: Encircle The Letter of The Best Answer From The Choices Given
Crop Science DIRECTION: Encircle The Letter of The Best Answer From The Choices Given
DIRECTION : Encircle the letter of the best answer from the choices given.
1. The word cereal is derived from the name of the most important grain deity.
a. the Roman Goddess Venus c. the Roman God of Soul
b. the Roman Goddess Ceres. d. the Xeres God of Israel
2. The synonym of family Leguminoceae is
a. Fabaceae . c. Convulvolaceae
b. Monocotyledonae d. Pedaliaceae
3. The botanical classification of agricultural crops using the scientific names is an accepted means
of plant classification worldwide and it was found by the scientist
a. Linneaus. c. Louisky
b. Leuwenhook d. Lovendorf
4. An example of pulse crop is
a. Cowpea. c. tomato
b. squash d. eggplant
5. Which is not under the family Leuminoceae
a. Phaseolus lunatus. c. Lagenaria siceraria
b. Vigna unguiculata d. Phaseolus vulgaris
6. Which does not belong to the group?
a. centro c. stylo
b. siratro d. paragrass.
7. Which is not an example of root crops?
a. sweet potato c. potato.
b. arrow root d. cassava
8. Which of these crops can be classified as an agronomic crops and horticultural crops based on
their uses under Philippine condition?
a. rice c. sorghum
b. mungbean. d. peanut
9. Analyze the statements: I. An example of family Cucurbitaceae are : a. M. charantia b. C.
sativum c. C. lunatus II. An example of family Leguminoceae are: a. A. hypogaea b. Cajanus
cajan c. V. radiata.
a. Statements I and II are correct.
b. Statement I and II are not correct
c. Statement I is correct but Statement II is not correct.
d. Statement I is not correct but Statement II is correct.
10. Which among the crops does not fall under the family Solanaceae?
a. L. esculentum c. S. melongena
b. C. annuum d. P. lunatus.
11. An example of small fruit is
a. Pineapple. . c. tamarind
b. lanzones d. duhat
12. Which does not belong to the group of forage crops?
a. R. communis. c. M. atropurpureum
b. S. humilis d. P. purpureum
13. Which does not belong to the Crucifer family?
a. B. juncea. c. B. oleraceae
b. B. sinenis d. B. alba
14. The scientific name of bitter gourd is
a. Momordica charantia c. Citrullus lunatus.
b. Luffa acutangula d. Luffa cylindrical
15. The scientific name of watermelon is
a. C. lunatus. c. C. maxima
b. S. edule d. C. sativus
16. Momordica charantia and Sechium edule, are examples of the family
a. Cucurbitaceae. c. Moringaceae
b. Malvaceae d. Compositae
17. The scientific name of durian is
a. Durio zibethinus. c. Artocarpus altilis
b. Durio discolor d. Averrhoa bilimbi
18. The scientific name of mangosteen is
a. Garcinia mangostana. c. Artocarpus altilis
b. Durio discolor d. Averrhoa bilimbi
19. Mango’s scientific name is
a. Mangifera indica c. Artocarpus altilis
b. Durio discolor d. Averrhoa bilimbi.
20. The scientific name of lanzones is
a. Durio zibithinus. c. Artocarpus altilis
b. Durio discolor d. Lansium domesticum
21. This is the scientific name of rambutan
a. Nephelium lappaceum. c. Artocarpus altilis
b. Durio discolor d. Averrhoa domesticum
22. The scientific name of wheat is
a. Triticum aestivum. c. Oryza sativa
b. Zea mays d. Saccharum officinarum
23. Plants that grow on live trees or dead trunks but do not depend on them for water and nutrients
a. epiphytes c. xerophytes
b. terrestrial d. bryophytes.
24. Pterocarpus indicus Willd, the Philippine National Tree, represents a type of dry indehiscent fruit
a. achene c. schizocarp.
b. nut d. samara
25. Root hairs are uncutinized epidermal appendages located at the
a. cell division region
b. meristem region
c. cell maturation region
d. cell elongation region that increase the water absorbing capacity of the root.
26. Which is not a characteristic of dicotyledonous plants?
a. netted venation c. floral parts in 5’s or multiple of 5
b. tap root system. d. distinct nodes and internodes
27. Mangifera indica L., our national fruit, is what type of fleshy fruit?
a. fibrous drupe c. berry
b. fleshy drupe. d. pepo..
28. The increase in the girth of the stem of dicotyledonous plants is due to the division of a
meristematic tissue called
a. protoderm c. procambium
b. vascular cambium. d. apical meristem
29. Water is translocated from the basal part of the plant, the root, to the upper parts, the stem,
the leaves, the flowers or the fruits via two members of the conducting tissue namely
a. vessel and sieve tube c. tracheids and sieve tube.
b. tracheids and vessels d. vessel and companion cell
30. A flower that bears both reproductive structures, the pistil and stamen, is called
a. complete c. perfect
b. determinate. d. essential flower
31. The enlarged, fleshy root of some plants like Daucus carota, Ipomea batatas, Raphanus sativus,
etc. is example of modified root doing the function
a. water absorption c. anchorage.
b. food storage d. all of these
32. Analyze the following statements:
1. The most colorful whorl of the flower is the petals and these attract insects for pollination.
2. Flowers that are inconspicuous are provided with mechanism responsible for attracting
insects called showy or brightly colored leaves.
a. Statement I is correct or true and Statement 2 is incorrect or false
b. Statement I is incorrect or false and Statement 2 is correct or true
c. Both statements are correct or true.
d. Both statements are incorrect or false
33. The most common type of cell and tissue in the plant body is
a. aerenchyma c. sclerenchyma
b. Collenchyma d. parenchyma.
34. The phloem tissue is found in the bark which is composed of
a. sieve tube, fibers, parenchyma and companion cell.
b. trancheids, vessel, parenchyma and companion cell
c. sieve tube, vessels, parenchyma and fibers
d. sieve tube, companion cell, fibers and vessels used in transporting the photosynthetic
35. The structure in plants located either at the upper, lower or both epidermis of the leaves
responsible for exchange of gases is known as
a. root hair c. stomata.
b. crystal d. trichome
36. A type of sclerenchyma that is short and more or less cuboidal in shape that imparts gritty
feeling when fruits containing them are eaten is called
a. fibers c. sclereids.
b. strings d. tracheids
37. Provided with tap root system in which the main root is capable of penetrating down the soil
surface to seek water level and this explains why these plants are rather long lived. They are:
a. ferns c. monocots
b. dicots .. d. mosses
38. A leaf is held to the stem by a petiole, a leaflet to the rachis by a petiolule, a solitary flower to
the stem by a peduncle and a flower in a cluster by
a. pedicel c. filament
b. style d. receptacle
39. The main cell type and tissue type comprising the whole plant body that performs the function
of food production, storage and secretion is
a. collenchyma c. parenchyma.
b. clorenchyma d. schlerenchyma
40. The ultimate origin of all the primary tissues in the root and the stem is
a. protoderm c. ground meristem
b. procambium d. apical meristem.
41. Stems of monocot plants are generally small compared to the dicot plants because of the
absence of meristematic primary tissue called
a. cork cambium c. phellogen
b. cortex d. vascular cambium.
42. Kangkong, ampalaya, and camote tops are easily chewed because of the absence of supporting
and strengthening tissue called
a. Parenchyma c. sclerenchyma.
b. Cholenchyma d. sclereids
43. The smooth texture of the monocot stem is generally due to the absence of the porous swelling
that facilitates gaseous exchange in this organ of the plant. This structure is called
a. pneumatophore c. lenticels.
b. stoma d. cuticle
44. An indication that corn and rhizome are stems although they are generally below the ground is
the presence of
a. node and internode. c. node and leaf sheath
b. node and buds d. node and roots
45. Which is not a kind of parallel venation?
a. veinlets run on the same direction as midrib
b. veinlets form an angle with the midrib
c. veinlets originate from a common point and project like the fingers of a palm.
d. veinlets are perpendicular to the midrib
46. A strengthening tissue present in the plant that can be extracted and can be transformed into
economic products like rope, jute sack, cotton balls or cloth is
a. aerenchyma c. sclereids
b. collenchyma d. fibers..
47. A condition exhibited by the plant bearing both pistillate and staminate flowers that may be
derived from either the lateral or terminal bud is called
a. decisuous c. monoecious..
b. dioecious d. papilionaceous condition
48. In some plants like acacia trees, the outer covering especially of the older portion of the stem
that breaks, separates and flakes off is the
a. Phellem.. c. phelloderm
b. cuticle d. epidermis
49. Oryza sativa L., is the Filipino’s staple food and it represents a kind of indehiscent fruit called
a. Caryopsis… c. schizocarp
b. samara d. achene
50. In coconut, Cocos nucifera L., the endosperm is classified into coconut meat and coconut water.
The botanical term for the coconut meat is
a. liquid endosperm c. endocarp
b. solid endosperm. d. mesocarp
51. Several plants have the characteristic of becoming leafless during a year’s growth. These plants
that shed off their leaves are called
a. monoecious c. deciduous.
b. dioecious d. foliaceous
52. The pigment found in some plants that is soluble in water is known as
a. Anthocyanin.. c. xanthophylls
b. carotene d. lycopene
53. The tranformation of one plastid to another like the transformation of leucoplast to chloroplast
is manifested in the following instances
a. senescence of a green leaf c. greening of a potato tuber.
b. ripening of a fruit d. abscission of leaf
54. Crystals are metabolic waste products of the cell that could not be excreted and therefore
stored in an organelle called
a. golgi bodies c. vacuole.
b. microbodies d. microtubules
55. Based on habit, plants exist as tree, shrubs and vines. Vines cling to support or crawl on the soil
surface and could not attain a vertical growth by itself because of the absence of
a. Permanent c. primary
b. secondary d. mechanical tissue.
56. Corn or Zea mays l., is a monocot plant that uses its terminal bud for the formation of the
staminate flower and the lateral bud in the formation of the pistillate flower. Such condition
exhibited by this plant is known as
a. Dioecious c. indeterminate
b. determinate d. monoecious condition.
57. The plant that is considered the tree of life simply because of the many uses of its stem, leaves
and fruits is
a. Oryza sativa c. cocos nucifera L..
b. Zea mays L. d. Musa paradisiaca L.
58. The tissue found in the root but not in the stem is known as
a. Endodermis.
b. epidermis
c. pericycle
d. pith which is the inner boundary line of the cortex
59. Analyze the following statements:
1. Terminal buds are necessary for the increase in the height of the plant as well as for fruit
2. Lateral buds are necessary for fruit formation only.
a. both statements are true
b. both statements are false
c. statements 1 is true, statement 2 is false.
d. statement 1 is false, statement 2 is true]
60. Adjacent cell walls are cemented together by means of
a. cell membrane c. middle lamella.
b. plasma membrane d. lipid membrane
61. Storage plastids store starch, oil and proteins are called
a. aleuroplast c. elaioplast
b. amyloplast d. leucoplast.
62. The meristematic tissue found in the periderm responsible for the production of the cork and
the parenchyma is
a. phellem c. phellogen.
b. phelloderm d. exocarp
63. These are meristems found at the apices of the stem and the root mainly responsible for the
increase in length of these plant organs are called
a. secondary meristems c. intercalary meristems
b. lateral meristems d. promeristems.
64. Stomata are avenues for the exchange of gases in the leaves. When these avenues are located
on both epidermis of the leaves, they are called
a. Amphistomata. c. hypostaomata
b. epistomata d. mesostomata
65. Photosynthesis occurs also in other organs of the plant as specialized function. A modified stem
capable of food production is called
a. mesophyll c. megaphyll
b. cladophyll d. chlorophyll.
66. Branch roots or secondary roots are produced due to the division of a meristematic tissue called
a. pericycle . c. radicle
b. hypocotyls d. stele
67. Fruits are derived from one flower with several ovaries
a. Aggregate . c. Simple
b. Multiple d. Accessory
68. Analyze the following statements:
1. Endospermic or albuminous seeds contain endosperm for food storage
2. Corn and rice are two plants, whose seeds are classified as non-endospermic or
a. Both statements are correct
b. Both statements are incorrect
c. Statement 1 is correct, statement 2 is incorrect
d. Statement 1 is incorrect, statement 2 is correct.
69. There are several agents that transfer pollen grains to hasten fruit development. Some flowers
are pollinated by bats and these flowers are called
a. Hydrophilous c. entomophilous
b. Anemophilous d. chiropterophilous.
70. Apical dominance is a phenomenon wherein lateral buds are dormant in the presence of
terminal buds is effected by
a. ethylene c. auxins.
b. gibberellins d. cytokinins
71. Stomatal closure is not only due to deficiency of turgor pressure but also due to the action of
hormones. It is effected by
a. ethylene c. cytokinins
b. gibberellins d. abscissic acid.
72. Senescence is yellowing of leaves due to maturity and it is due to a hormone called
a. ethylene . c. cytokinins
b. gibberellins d. auxins
73. Short day plants are plants that bears flowers during the period of the year when nights are
longer than daytime. The flowering of these kinds of plants is due to the action of the hormone
a. auxin c. ethylene
b. abscissic acid . d. cytokinins
74. The production of ethylene is due to the action or growth hormone known as
a. gibberellins c. auxins.
b. cytokinins d. abscissin
75. Geotropism is responsible of the plants to gravity. This responsible is an effect of growth
hormone called
a. auxin c. cytokinins
b. gibberellins d. ethylene.
76. Senescence is effected by ethylene but prevented by
a. auxin c. gibberellins
b. cytokinins. d. abscissic acid
77. Storing matured fruits in plastic bags
a. Enhances. c. stops
b. delays d. prevents ripening of these fruits
78. The foolish seedling growth is associated with what kind of growth hormone?
a. Auxins c. gibberellins.
b. cytokinins d. ethylene
79. If the flowering of short day plant is controlled by a growth hormone, the flowering of long day
plant is likewise controlled by growth hormones. The hormone responsible for this effect is
a. auxins c. gibberellins.
b. cytokinins d. ethylene
80. Growth is also manifested in the increase in the girth of the trunk. This growth is due to the
division of a meristematic tissue called
a. cork cambium c. protoderm
b. vascular cambium. d. ground meristem
81. Tissues at the cell elongation region are
a. protoderm, epidermis and cortex
b. procambium, cortex and pith
c. protoderm, ground meristem and procambium.
d. procambium, phloem and xylem
82. Cork cells are derived from the division of the tissue called
a. Cortex c. vascular cambium
b. cork cambium. d. phloem
83. The grand phase of growth is known as
a. logarithmic phase c. exponential phase
b. linear phase. d. declining phase
84. A tissue found only in the dicot but not in the monocot root and stem as well as dicot stem is
a. Cortex c. endodermis.
b. phellogen d. epidermis
85. Is an irreversible increase in the size of the organism
a. Development c. Catabolism
b. Growth. d. Anabolism
86. This law states that additional farm inputs in excess of the required does not bring an increase in
the amount of produce
a. limiting factors c. cytokinin
b. optima d. ethylene.
87. The hormone that inhibits organ formation is known as
a. Auxin c. cytokinin
b. Gibberellin. d. ethylene
88. The appearance of a plant with respect to a particular character
a. Phenotype. c. ideotype
b. Genotype d. prototype
89. The genetic constitution of an individual
a. Genotype. c. gametophyte
b. Phenotype d. ideotype
90. The observable variation present in a character in a population is called
a. phenotypic variation. c. dominance variation
b. genotypic variation d. environmental variation
91. The component of variation that is due to genotypic differences among individuals within a
population is called
c. a. phenotypic variation c. dominance variation
d. genotypic variation . d. environmental variation
92. The differential performance of genotypes in different environments is termed as
a. adaptation c. plant reaction
b. GE interaction. d. adaptability
93. The ratio of genotypic variance to the total variance is termed as
a. genetic advance c. repeatability
b. heritability . d. combining
94. Characters governed by several genes with small effects are known as
a. qualitative c. dominant
b. quantitative. d. recessive characters
95. The phenomenon of a single major gene affecting more than one character is known as
a. Pleiotropy. c. expressivity
b. penetranx d. isogenic
96. Modification in the expression of a dominant gene by another non-alletic dominant gene is
known as
a. gene interaction. c. geneflow
b. gene action d. modifies
97. Bacillus thuringensis is
a. Bacterium.
b. fungi
c. virus
d. all of the above which is a major component of the microbial pesticides
98. Bt corn is a variety of corn where the Bt gene has been inserted and makes corn resistant to
a. Asiatic corn borer . c. cotton bollworm
b. Potato beetle d. tobacco budworm
99. The first genetically modified food crop produced in developed countries due to its delayed
ripening is
a. Tomato. c. watermelon
b. eggplant d. soybean
100. The process of introducing a recombinant DNA molecules into cells of bacteria plants
or animal is called
a. DNA cloning c. recombination
b. Transformation. d. introduction
101. Cells containing nucleus of one specie but cytoplasm from both the parental species
a. Cybrids. c. transgenic
b. Hybrids d. symmetric hybrids
102. Plant in which a gene has been transformed through genetic engineering is called
a. transgenic plant. c. engineered plant
b. modified plant d. biotech plant
103. The capacity of a cell cultured in vitro to regenerate into a plant
a. Potency c. sustainability
b. Totipotency. d. culturability
104. Production of various organs such as root, shoot, etc. from cells and tissue cultures is known as
a. Organogenesis. c. megagametogenesis
b. adventiseous d. gametogenesis
105. The plant part to be cultured in vitro is known as
a. mother plant c. explants.
b. source plant d. stock plant
106. Removal of developing embryo from seed and its cultivation in vitro is called
a. ovule culture c. seed culture
b. endosperm culture d. embryo cultures.
107. The cultivation of apical meristems, particularly of shoot apical meristem is known as
a. meristem culture. c. apiculture
b. root culture d. stem culture
108. Vegetative multiplication through meristem culture is known as
a. cloning c. shoot cloning
b. mericloning . d. somacloning
109. The implantation of a meristem from another plant to a plantlet or sterile plant in vitro
a. Grafting c. budding
b. Micrografting. d. layering
110. This refers to a group of cells, tissues or plant derived from a single mother cell, tissue or plant
through asexual means and is expected to be genetically identical
a. Clone. . c. bud
b. meristem d. scion
111. A group of substances whether natural or synthetic
a. auxins c. gibberellins
b. cytokinins. d. vitamins
112. A standard procedure of testing whether plant or plant tissue carry known diseases or not
a. Quarantine c. disease tracing
b. Diagnostic d. disease indexing.
113. A substance whether natural or synthetic that can modify growth
a. growth regulator. c. nutrient media
b. fertilizer d. enhancer
114. A plant originating from a meristem or other organ isolated in vitro
a. Mericlone c. shoot
b. cyclone d. protocorm.
115. The clonal true-to-type rapid propagation of plants in vitro is
a. Enculturation c. fertilization
b. clonal propagation d. micropropagation.
116. A sterile plant with a functional roots and shoots developed in vitro is
a. seedling c. plantlet..
b. embryo d. radicle
117. This refers to the group of cells that develops into a organ
a. somatic cells c. callus
b. primordeum. d. cell culture
118. The increased genetic variability brought about by tissue culture is
a. Mutation c. somaclonal variation.
b. genetic variation d. none of the above
119. Group of plant hormones that induces cell elongation and cell division
a. Gibberellins. c. vitamins
b. growth regulator d. trace elements
120. Any organic substance which at low concentrations, promotes inhibits or modifies growth
a. Hormone. c. enhancer
b. Fertilizer d. modifier
121. Actively dividing non-organized tissues of undifferentiated and differentiated cells often
developing from injury (wounding) or in tissue cultures.
a. Celloluse c. protocorm
b. Callus. d. cell suspension
122. Organic compounds serving as a source of energy, including sugars, starches and cellulose.
a. Fertilizer c. CO2
b. Carbohydrates. d. hormone
123. The development of cells or tissues with a specific function and/or the regeneration of organs
or organ-like structure (roots, shoots, etc.) or embryo
a. Differentiation. c. rejuvenation
b. Development d. organogenesis
124. Is the phenomena that, after a number of subcultures, cells can grow without the addition of
hormones, although this was originally necessary.
a. Habituation. c. acclimatization
b. Adaptation d. maturation
125. An undesirable phenomenon that sometime develops in culture appearing as overly succulent,
crisp water-logged or glassy tissues.
a. Vitification c. degradation
b. Oxidation . d. retardation
126. Combining together a root stock and scion until they unite permanently
a. Marcotting c. grafting.
b. Layering d. cutting
127. Example of plant propagated by root cutting
a. onion c. guava.
b. okra d. eggplant
128. Air layering is also known as
a. Marcotting . c. grafting
b. Budding d. inarching
129. In cleft grafting the wedge is located at the
a. Scion. c. Top of the scion
b. Root Stock d. Above the scion
130. Inarching is also known as
a. Grafting by approach. c. Marcotting
b. Layering d. Serpentine
131. Most tropical seed usually germinate in air containing
a. 50% O2 c. 40% O2
b. 55% O2 d. 20% O2…
132. For rapid rate of multiplication the type of propagation generally practiced is
a. micro propagation c. sexual.
b. asexual d. grafting
133. Method of plant propagation for discovery of new variety
a. tissue propagation c. vegetative propagation
b. embryo propagation d. sexual propagation.
134. The easiest method of artificial propagation
a. Marcotting c. layering
b. Inarching d. cutting.
135. Type of germination when the cotyledon comes above the ground
a. Hypogeal c. hypho-epigeal
b. Epigeal. d. exodermus
136. Term to describe the mucilage or waxy materials around some seed which causes physical
a. Exodernus c. Sarco-testa.
b. Seed coat d. Hypogeal
137. The treatment that removes the seed coat or alter it making it permeable to water
a. Scarification. c. vernalization
b. Stratification d. separation
138. The placement of seeds between layers of either moist, sand, soil or sawdust at high or low
temperature so the action of water high and low temperature will soften the seedcoat
a. Separation c. scarification
b. Vernalization d. stratification.
139. Term used to described seeds of some plants that could be kept viable for longer periods,
provided they are properly dried and stored
a. Recalcitrant c. Orthodox.
b. Foundation d. Certified
140. Term used to describe seeds of plants that could not kept viable for a long time. It cannot
withstand drying and should not permit to dry out before planting.
a. Recalcitrant. c. Foundation
b. Registered d. Orthodox
141. Another term for propagating material
a. vegetative c. division
b. separation d. propagules.
142. Slender specialized aerial stem that grows horizontally along the ground from the leaf axil at
the base or crown that produce roots and leaf at the near tip
a. Sucker c. slip
b. runner/stolon. d. water sucker
143. Method of artificial vegetative propagation involving regeneration of severed plant part (roots,
leafs or stem, from the parent plant)
a. Layering c. budding
b. Grafting d. cutting.
144. Type of cuttings consist of leaf blade, petiole and short piece of the stem with an axillary bud
a. stem cutting c. leaf bud.
b. leaf d. root
145. These are small suckers just emerging from underground stem
a. maiden c. peepers.
b. water d. sword
146. Type of grafting for overgrown stocks too large for other grafting operation
a. saddle c. cleft
b. whip and tongue d. bark.
147. In grafting, when the wedge is made on the stock and the split on the scion the process is
a. whip and tongue grafting c. saddle grafting.
b. bark grafting d. cleft grafting
148. These type of grafting allows a bigger area of cambial contract between the rootstock and the
scion hence, it heals quickly and makes a very strong union.
a. cleft grafting c. Whip & tongue grafting.
b. Saddle grafting d. Budding
149. An specialized form of grafting in which a single detached bud is used as the scion, instead of
the stem.
a. Cleft c. Whip & Tongue
b. Saddle d. Budding.
150. Method of artificial vegetative propagation when the plant part to be rooted is still attached
from the parent plant which supplies the nutrients and moisture while the parts is rooting
a. Cutting c. Layering.
b. Grafting d. Budding
151. This type of layering was originated by the Chinese centuries ago
a. tip layering c. air layering.
b. simple layering d. mound layering
152. Method of artificial plant propagation when rootstock and scion are made to unite while both
of them are still growing on their own roots.
a. marcotting c. grafting
b. inarching. d. layering
153. Sexual propagation is also known as
a. Vegetative propagation c. Embryo Culture
b. Tissue Culture d. Seed Propagation.
154. Marcotting is a method of
a. Asexual propagation. c. Micro propagation
b. Sexual propagation d. Vegetative propagation
155. Propagation which preserve the characters of the parent plant
a. Sexual c. Asexual.
b. Thinning d. Etiolation
156. A property dried seed can be stored for longer duration with high germination using this
a. paper bags c. jute sack
b. sealed tin cans. d. plastic sack
157. An example of recalcitrant seeds
a. tomato c. avocado.
b. eggplant d. star apple
158. It is not an example of classes of seed recognized by the Philippines Seed Certification scheme
a. Foundation seeds c. Good seed.
b. Registered seed d. Certified seed
159. Cabbage, onion, carrots require
a. vernalization.
b. rainfall
c. high temperature
d. adequate amount of fertilizer for flower induction
160. An example of biennial vegetable crop is
a. tomato c. eggplant
b. onion. d. squash
161. Which is not included as rogues in seed production?
a. weeds
b. plants that are genetically pure and conform with the standard of the variety intended for
c. plants of another cultivars of the same species
d. diseased plant of the same species
162. Theoretically, crops intended for seed production shall be harvested at the point of
a. physiological maturity.
b. when the fruits are very dry
c. when there is no rain
d. when the sunlight is very intense so that seed quality are good
163. Under Philippine condition, what character is not routinely analyzed in the seed testing
laboratory to become a certified seed
a. physical purity c. incidence of seedborne diseases.
b. germination d. moisture content
164. The inability of a viable seeds to germinate under favorable conditions
a. Seed dormancy. c. Fermentation
b. Vernalization d. Quiscence
165. An example of monoecious plant
a. Corn . c. Eggplant
b. Beans d. Tomato
166. The scientist who formulated the “Rule of Thumb” in seed storage of seeds is
a. Harrington.. c. Collin
b. Taylor d. Van Daar
167. Which is not recommended for treating seed dormancy?
a. hydrochloric acid treatment
c. hot treatment
d. mechanical abrasion of seed coat.
e. treating the seeds using abscissic acid
168. The best seed storage temperature for orthodox seeds at relatively low humidity is at