Class Is A Unit Which Encapsulates The Data and Logic To Process That Data

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Class is a unit which encapsulates the data and logic to process that data.

In Procedure-oriented languages data and logic processing them is not properly utilised and we
don’t have proper control who can access this data. In procedural languages if each function demands
same data we need to pass it as arguments to each function.
Also if we want to implement object oriented methodologies in procedural language we need to write
very difficult code itself. because these doesn’t provided support for OOP principles.

Note : JVM is an executable program. Which is launched using java command. Each Java command
create one instance of JVM and has different address space.

JVM needs all classes into object format before execution so byte code is loaded into Class class object
which hold byte code information. A Class-loader loads the byte code into JVM memory from theFile

Differnce between equals() , hashcode() and ==

hashCode() - it computes a unique hash value for a given input. It will never computes same hash
value for different set of values.
And for same values it will always computes same hash value.

Hash value y1 = H(x1) ≠ H(x2)

Note :Hashcode will be used for content comparison.

But the default implementation(Object class provided) of hashCode() creates random number
for every object because it will consider each object as separate.

Like Person p = new Person(); // random hash 404040

Person p1 = new Person()); // random hash 23456

To make it work properly we need to override this method so it will keep the contract that for same
content same hash code should be generated.

To create hashvalue multiple a number with a prime no .it will always generate different no.

equals()– it is used to compare content and even the class type of objects as well.
i.e. it uses both hashcode() and classtype to prove equality.
If class types or content of two objects are not same then it will return false, other wise true.

But Object class’s implementation of equals will compare hashcodes only and alwaysreturn
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So always two objects will be treated as different as the default hashcode returns different
hashcode even the content is same.

Thus To make it work properly we need to override this method so it will keep the contract that
same classtype and same content will only return true.

== operatorIt always compares memory references of two objects , if both operand objects are same
then only return true.

Contract B/w Equals() and hashcode()

Exception is means of reports system failure that is encountered during execution of a program.

Two types of Exceptions

1. Checked Exceptions
2. Unchecked Exceptions

Checked Exceptions :
Are also called Recoverable exceptions i.e. their some alterative solution we can use to
maintain normal flow of execution when we encounter any checked exception.
For checked exceptions Java Compiler forces us to handle these exception and provide some
alternative flow of execution.Either we need to handle exception by surrounding the corresponding
code in try catch or use throws to tell Compiler I am not interested to handle this exception or I don’t
know how to handle it, instead my caller method would take care about it.

Un-Checked Exceptions :
Are also called non-recoverable exceptions i.e. their no alterative solution we can use to
maintain normal flow of execution when we encounter any unchecked exception.
Compiler doesn’t care for un-checked exception as there is no way to recover from them, we need to
terminate the application only.

Note :
We can catch both checked and unchecked exceptions and handle them.

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A thread is a small logical independent part of execution that can run
simultaneously/parallel.It is a unit of work.

By default JVM follow sequential execution , that is each line is dependent to previous line. But if we
have independent codes, write this independent code in a thread.

JVM can’t know whether it should follow normal flow or multithreaded flow we need to tell JVM by
telling that my program has these independent part of same program by writing in Thread class.

Thread Vs Runnable
Implementing Runnable doesn’t makes a class as a thread , so we can’t directly start it, rather we need
to pass this class object to thread constructor and then we can callstart() on it..
But extending Thread class makes our class as a thread and we can directly call start() on it.

When we call start method on a thread it won’t start execution rather it moves to Ready-State i.e.
Thread Scheduler can select it for execution.

Packaging and Distribution of Java application

After developing an application we need to distribute the application to client.

We can’t directly give the source code or byte codes in directory form because has following problems
1. Client don’t have technical knowledge so source code will increase complexity for him thus we
need to hide these from him.
2. If we give him directory of byte code he may accidently delete or modify byte code or he may
change the directory structure like delete packages , then application will crash.
3. Even we ensure no one would modify , it is difficult to client to set class path and identify which
is Entry point to execution ,if new release of application is released all this info might
change.this is overhead for him.
4. Also jar guarantees it integrity by jar sign certificates.

Thus we need to give him a single file which is secure from these threats.
Also In jar manifest file developer can write all configuration information to run the application
so that client will have ease of using it by directly clicking it or using following command.

Java –jargame.jar

Note : in this commad classpath will not work. Because jre will never checks classpath for this

To create a executable jar file

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Jar –cvfm game.jar appinfo.txt com

Main-Class: com.ej.test.Game
Class-Path: ./lib/drawbox.jar

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.8.0_72 (Oracle Corporation)
Main-Class: com.ej.test.Game
Class-Path: ./lib/drawbox.jar

ClassNotFoundException vs NoClassDefinitionFoundError

Class Loader

JVM needs all classes into object format before execution so byte code is loaded into Class class
object which hold byte code information. A Class-loader loads the byte code into JVM memory from
the File System.

A class loader is a java class which is requested by JVM to load byte code of data in JVM Memory. Class
loader will reads the byte code from physical memory location and creates a class definition object
having all information about that class in it (i.e. constructors,fields,methods).
Java has provided three class loaders but we can also design our own classloaders.

1. Bootstrap Class Loader/ Native class loader

2. Extension Class Loader
3. System Class Loader/ Application class loader

Each of these class loader loads byte code from specific physical locations.
These are in a hierarchical manner.

Bootstrap Class loader

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Bootstrap classloaderloads the classes which are necessary to run a basic java class i.e.
it loads classes which are shipped as part of java release ( java.lang, java.util, etc. package )
like rt.jar, i18n.jar.
Bootstrap class loader is written in Native languages like C and C++ so that it can be a direct Machine
executable form so that it can directly run on OS. That’s why it is also called Native Class Loader.

Bootstrap classloader loads classes from JRE/lib directory.It will loads the classes form rt jar or i18n
jar but not loads classes from jar that we have placed in this directory.

It is ultimate Parent of all ClassLoaders.

Extension Class loader

It is immediate child of bootstrap class loader.
Extension classloader loads the from jar file placed at either of these two locations.
1. JRE/lib/ext lib directory
2. System property attributejava.ext.dirs pointed locations.
Like java–Djava.ext.dirs=d:work;f:workspace;com.ej.test.Game

A system property is property that can be shared between classes loaded in that JVM

It will never loads .class file directly rather it loads classes which are in jar file.

System Class Loader

It is immediate child of extension class loader.
System classloader loads the from jar file placed at either of these classpath locations.

1. Environment variable classpath pointed locations.

2. –cp or –classpath variable pointed locations
3. Class-Path attribute of jar manifest file

But the default class path is current working directory (represented as . ). When we set
class path it is overwritten and then it will not loads from default class path.

System class loader always prefers .class files for loading rather jar files . SO to load classes
from jar files we need to pass jar file name also as classpath.
Like –cp D:work/lib/game.jar

Principles of class Loaders

All three class loaders works in an integrated way they are not independent.
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1. Principle of Delegation
2. Principle of Visibility
3. Principle of Uniqueness.

1. Principle of Delegation

WheneverJVM request to load a class it will request the class loader with least in
hierarchy(System class loader) to load the class.
After getting request System class loader, classloader will checks whether class is already
loaded or not i.e. it is in class loader cache, otherwisedelegates that request to parent class
loader (Extension class loader) and again that will delegates to its parent class loader. But
Bootstrap classloader don’t have any parent to delegate, so it will search whether it is in java
shipped classes or not , if it can’t load the class it will pass to the child (Extenesion loader) ,
Extension class

loader will check in ext directory and java.ext.dirs pointed location if finds then load otherwise
go to child(System class loader), System class loader will check in classpath locations ,if find
then load otherwise throws exception NoClassDefFoundError or ClassNotFoundException.

if a class/jar is available in parent classloaders location, it never can load that class.

2. Principle of Visibility
A classloader can see/refer the classes which are loaded by either itself or paren
classloader of it but it can’t see classes loaded by same level classloaders(Siblings) or its

[Type here]
Drawbox db = new Drawbox();

Game is loaded by system classloader and Drawbox by extension class loader then ok.
But if Game is loaded by extension classloader and Drawbox by system class it will
throw exception.

3. Principle of Uniqueness

If a class is already loaded by any classloader in the hierarchy, no other classloader will load
the class again in jvm memory i.e. only one copy of class definitionwill reside in JVM memory.
Principle of uniqueness works on top of principle of delegation. If we request another class loader to
load the class again the request will be delegated and the classloader will returns the reference from
class loader cache.

Game is loaded by system class loader and Drawbox by extension class loader then ok.
But if we again want to load Drawbox by another class loader (System class loader) and
by setting classpath to drawbox.jar then also it will load the drwabox class using
Extension class loader as the request is delegated to extension classloader and it
extension’s cache it was already available.

Phases of Class loading

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The physical location of the byte file will be identified and byte code of that class will be
will be read from physical memory location and placed into byte array but it is not dumped into class
definition object. If the class file is not available it will raise exception before class is loaded into JVM


In this phase the loadedbyte code will be verified whether it is proper or not and memory
for it will be allocated and finally all external class references are resolved and the classes
will load . It has 3 stages.

1. Verifying–
performs some series of checks whether the class is in proper executable format
or not,if this checks fails then class won’t be loaded.
i. JRE version and Byte code version(compiled) is compatible or not.
ii. Byte code Integrity check (Byte code is corrupted or not ) by comparing
byte code checksum and computed checksum.
iii. Jar integrity check:jar signing is sealed or opened.

2. Preparing-
After Verifying the byte code will be converted into class construct and
basic memory for representing class is allocated, attributes and methods
of the class will be identified i.e. skeleton(schema) of class is generated.
variables and methods have been provided memory.

3. Resolving-
[Type here]

All Referenced classes( by inheritance or composition) are identified and loaded

in JVM Memory and complete class definition is created for use.


Class is initialized using static initializer blocks and now fully constructed.

However this step can be skipped by following


False represents Do not go for initializing phase.

How to Create Custom Class Loader ?

Classification of Classes
Classes are divided into following types.
POJO (Plane Old Java Object)
Java Bean
POJO (Plain Old Java Object)
If a class is not referring to any other third party vendor provided classes and it can be compilable and it can
be executable in underlying JDK then that class is called POJO class.
Java Bean
When a class contain attribute with accessor method and class should not contain any other method then that
classes is called Java Bean
The classes which are may or may not contain data (attribute) and the methods are carrying the logic of
Business those classes are called Component classes.

Managing dependency between the classes within the application is Spring Core. Several classes will be there,
every component classes refer to each other because they are dependent on each other.

Note: Many of the time POJO or Component classes are talk to any other classes but Java Bean will not talk to
any other classes.

Strategy Design Pattern

It provides solution of Object Oriented Programming Principles.
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Bottom line of creating Spring Core is Strategy Design Pattern.

Strategy Design Pattern provided by GOF (Gang of Four)
Strategy Design Pattern is very crucial. There are three design principle are there in this design

i) Favour Composition over Inheritance.

ii) Always design to interfaces never design to concrete classes.
iii) Code should be open for extension close for modification (open-closed principles)

i) Favour Composition over Inheritance.

Based on Object-Oriented-Paradigm there are two approaches to use the functionality of another class
from one class Inheritance and Composition. These two approaches are language independent.
Don’t use inheritances use composition this is the recommendation or guidelines of GOF.
One class use the functionality of another class is called Composition. Composition also known as HAS-
A Relationship. But in inheritance reuse the functionality of another class. Inheritance is also known
as IS-A Relationship.
class A{
public void m1(){}
class B{
private static A a;
public void m2(){}
a=new A();

When we should go for inheritance?

When sub class need all the behaviour of super class then better to go for inheritance otherwise don’t
use inheritance use composition.
Strategy Design Pattern says that always use composition don’t use inheritance.

Q. Why Strategy Design Pattern say that don’t use Inheritance? What are the drawback of
Answer :
Limitation 1
Most of the time a class don’t want to use all the behaviour of another class wanted to use few of the
behaviour of another class in such case if we use inheritance unnecessary methods also gets inherited
to our class that’s why most of the time we are using composition.
Limitation 2
If multiple classes want to use the functionality of one class in such case one class extended from
multiple classes but many of the programming language not support multiple inheritance that’s why
use composition don’t us inheritance.
Limitation 3

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If we use inheritance component of the application will become fragile so don’t use inheritance rather
use composition.
What do you mean by fragile?
A class is extending from another class overriding the method through inheritance in this case if any
change in super class will effect to the sub class it ensure to modify in sub class also but in such case
not only sub class will be effected rather all the classes those are refer to sub class also get effected.
This is called fragile.
How fragile problem will solved when we go for composition?
Answer ->
class A{
public int m1(){
class B{
A a;
a=new A();
int i=a.m1();
class C{
B b;
b=new B();
int i=b.m1();
In this case if return type of class A is change int to float it will effect to class B but it is manageable by
type casting the return type of int like int i(int)=a.m1(); but it will not effect of any other referring

Limitation 4
Testability will not be possible when we go for Inheritance, it will be easy when we go for

SDP Example

In This example of we are trying to write a message in converted form to display end-user.
We have two converted forms of message: HTML form and PDF form.
MessageWriter class is our component class responsible to write converted message. So it must
contain the logic for writing a message only.

As Strategy Design Pattern emphasize use of Interfaces.

We have created an interface IMessageProducer.

Interface IMessageProducer
[Type here]

String convertMessage(String message);

Its implementationclasses are HtmlMessageProducerImpl and PdfMessageProducerImpl .

class HtmlMessageProducerImpl implements IMessageProducer

public String convertMessage(String message)
return “<html><body>”+message +”</html></body>”;

class PdfMessageProducerImpl implements IMessageProducer

public String convertMessage(String message)
return “<pdf>”+message +”</pdf>”;

Our MessageWriter needs MessageProducer object to convert the message and write the message.
Thus we have to create the MessageProducer object in MessageWriter.

Class MessageWriter
Private HtmlMessageProducermessageProducer; // Line 1

Public void writeMessage( String message)

messageProducer = new HtmlMessageProducer(); // Line 2

String convertedMessage = messageProducer.convertMessage(message);


Our Test Class will supply the message to write. Hence we need MessageWriter object in test class.
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Class Test
Public static void main(String[] args)
MessageWriter messageWriter = new MessageWriter(); // Line 3
messageWriter.writeMessage(“Welcome to Strategy Design Pattern”);


If we create object of another class in our class, our class became tightly coupled because –
1. Our class is exposed with name of other class.
2. To create object our class must know the intantiation process of that class.

At Line 2 & 3to create object our class must know the intantiation process of MessageWriter
&HtmlMessageProducer and we are creating the object thus our class is Tightly-Coupled with
corresponding class.

if we want to switch from Html form to Pdf form we need to change the line 1 to
private PdfMessageProducer messageProducer = null;
and Line 2 to
messageProducer = new PdfMessageProducer();

But switching from one to another converted form we need to modify the source code which is
expensive practise i.e. we should recompile the source code, retest,repackage,redeploy and restart
server etc.

Thus we can use some Factory class to get MessageProducer object.

Class MessageProducerFactory
Public static IMessageProducer createMessageProducer(String type)
If( type.equals(“html” ) )
messageProducer = new HtmlMessageProducer Impl();
messageProducer = new PdfMessageProducer Impl();

[Type here]


Now our MessageWriter class will ask MessageProducerFactory to get MessageProducer object.

Class MessageWriter
Public void writeMessage( String message)
IMessageProducermessageProducer = null;
messageProducer = MessageProducerFactory.createMessageProducer(“html”)
String convertedMessage = messageProducer.convertMessage(message);


This approach is called Object-pulling i.e.don’t create object itself ask some other class (Factory class) to
provide object you need.
But in this approach we are still referring to logical name of messageproducer object. Thus if we want to
change implementation from html to pdf we need to modify MessageWriter class again.

To avoid tightly coupling b/w classes we should:

Do not Create an Object and Pull object of another class.

Someone has to inject our dependencies (provide as an input) if that class wants to use our class.
In this approach we need a setter or constructor for dependent attribute of our class so that whoever needs
MessageWriter will set dependency and can call writeMessage() method.

Class MessageWriter
Private IMessageProducermessageProducer;

Public IMessageProducer setMessageProducer(IMessageProducermessageProducer )

this.messageProducer = messageProducer;

Public void writeMessage( String message)


[Type here]

String convertedMessage = messageProducer.convertMessage(message);


Test class needs to use MessageWriter So it need to create MessageWriter Object and Manage its dependency.

Class Test
Public static void main(String[] args)

MessageWriter messageWriter = new MessageWriter();// Line 1

IMessageProducer messageProducer = new HtmlMessageProducerImpl(); //
Line 2

messageWriter.writeMessage(“Welcome to Strategy Design Pattern”);


Now our MessageWriter (Business Component) became fully Loosely-Coupled.

But the problem is still same our Test class should know Instantiation process of other classes. And
should be modified to change implementation from Html to PDF messageProducer.

Why our test class should create objects it should get them using some factory class by supplying logical
classnames only.

We should write all fully-qualified class names in an external file(properties file) so that by sing logical class
name we can get actual class name;
The benefit here is we can change class names without restarting the server and this migration from
HtmlMessageProducer to PdfMessageProducer won’t affect business of client.

messageWriter.class = com.sdp.beans.MessageWriter
messageProducer.class = com.sdp.beans.HtmlMessageProducer

Class AppFactory
[Type here]

Public static Object createObject( String logicalClassName)

Object obj = null;
Properties props = null;
String className = null;

props = new Properties();

props.load(new FileInputStream(“c:/workspace/StrategyDP/src/com/sdp/common/app-”));

className = props.getProperty(logicalClassName);

obj = Class.forName(logicalClassName).getInstance();
return obj;


Now our test class would be independent of all other classes

Class Test
Public static void main(String[] args)
MessageWriter messageWriter =

IMessageProducer messageProducer =

messageWriter.writeMessage(“Welcome to Strategy Design Pattern”);


This approach is well good and make our application fully independent and manageable but this works only iff
all our class needs same implementation( either HtmlMessageProducer or PdfMessageProducer).

But in many cases our application demands both HtmlMessageProducer or PdfMessageProducer then it would
be difficult to manage but the possible solution is

Maintain two logical classnames in file.

[Type here]

messageWriter.class = com.sdp.beans.MessageWriter
messageProducer1.class = com.sdp.beans.HtmlMessageProducer
messageProducer2.class = com.sdp.beans.PdfMessageProducer

and test class would be like

Class Test
Public static void main(String[] args)
MessageWriter messageWriter =

IMessageProducer messageProducer1 =

IMessageProducer messageProducer2 =



Doing so our Test Class is Managing Dependencies of other classes( setting messageProducer Object to
MessageWriter ) then also our Test Class will become Tightly-Coupledandwe should remove this code from
Test class then only our Test class will become fully loosely-coupled.
But now some has to care about providing MessageProducer object toMessageWriter.

AppFactory should care about manage this dependencies. But we have to write the code for managing
dependencies some where else to make all our Java classes Loosely coupled ( i.e. inside some configuration file)
and then use that configuration file to create objects and manage the dependencies but writing this code by
own ,it seems to boiler plate code.

Spring can do this dependency management for us and won’t need to write boiler plate code.

We just need to tell Spring Core, for which classes we want objects and manage dependencies.
Each class for which spring creates objects or manages dependencies, that class is called Spring Bean.

We should tell spring core about classes for which it should care about in a particular file format i.e. XML or
Properties etc.

Managing the dependencies and Object creation is done by BeanFactory class of Spring Core.

[Type here]

BeanFactory is an interface. It has many Implemententations like XMLBeanFactory and PropsBeanFactory ( for
Xml file and properties files as configuration)etc.

That configuration file is called Spring Bean Configuration File ( application-context.xml).

Each bean is declared using bean tag and under this we manage dependencies and instantiate the object.
Each bean would be identified by identifier supplied in configuration file.

Application-context.xml (Spring Bean Configuration File)

<bean class=”com.fs.beans.MessageWriter” id = “messageWriter”></bean>
<bean class=”com.fs.beans.HtmlMessageProducerImpl” id = “htmlMessageProducer”/>
<bean class=”com.fs.beans.PdfMessageProducerImpl” id = “pdfMessageProducer”/>


Now our Test class will be

Class Test
Public static void main(String[] args)
BeanFactory factory = new XMLBeanFactory( new

MessageWriter messageWriter = (MessageWriter) factory.getBean(“messageWriter”);

IMessageProducer messageProducer = (IMessageProducer)

factory.getBean(“htmlMessageProducer ”);

messageWriter.setMessageProducer(messageProducer );// Line 1

messageWriter.writeMessage(“Hello First Spring Example”);


Here XMLBeanFactory requires input stream for Spring bean configuration file. It don’t know whether
the inputstream is from Absolute path or relative path location.

A possible solution for this problem may be like we can create AbsolutePathXMLBeanFactory and
RelativePathXMLBeanFactory classes but creating two classes only for pointing file path is not a good solution.
And there may be another Factory classes implementations,for those also we need to create two classes for
[Type here]

Thus to differentiate b/w configuration file loading from relative path and Absolute path, Spring has
provided two classes.

ClasspathResource finds resource from Classpath location ( Relative Path) .

FileSystemResource finds resource from FileSystem location ( Absolute Path) .

Resource interface and ClassPathResource, FileSystemResource are the implementation classes.

BeanFactoryfirst checkwhether the Spring Bean Configuration File is well-formed xml documentif it is
not spring will throw exception.
Now BeanFactorychecks Validityof the xml document with Spring DTD file.

Welformness – ensures everyone can read it or not as it is following all xml syntax.
Validity - ensures whether xml document contains Spring understandable tags and with same
structure spring provided.

After this BeanFactorycreates a logical memory area inJVM memorywhich is called IOC container.
IOC container has two parts.
1. Metadata
2. Bean ID-Object Map( Logical Memory Map).

IOC term is not given by Spring People. IOC is a J2EE principle which talks about Object Collaboration
and Life Cycle Management for these objects.
Object Collaborationis like managing dependencies.

BeanFactory loads theSpring Bean Configuration Fileinto it as Metadata. Spring Core will use this
metadata information to create object of required bean.
Whenever we call getBean(“bean id/name”)on beanfactory object , it first checks whether referenced
bean object is available in Logical Memory Map. If it is available it will return a reference to it. Otherwise it
will go Metadata and searches for the referenced bean definition and get its classname and creates object of
corresponding class and put it into Logical Memory Mapand returns reference to it.

Till now we used spring core for object creation.

At Line 1 we are setting messageProducer for MessageWriter class i.e. managing the dependencies.
This part can also be done by Spring core using setter Injection approach. We just need to tell Spring
core for not only creating objects but manage dependencies between them by providing whatever objects they
want to be fully instatiated.

Thus we need to make few change in Spring Bean Configuration File.

<bean class=”com.fs.beans.MessageWriter” id = “messageWriter”>
<property name = “messageProducer” ref=”htmlMessageProducer” ></ property >
<bean class=”com.fs.beans.HtmlMessageProducerImpl” id = “htmlMessageProducer”/>
[Type here]

<bean class=”com.fs.beans.PdfMessageProducerImpl” id = “pdfMessageProducer”/>


Here property tag is used to manage dependency of MessageWriter object i.e. Setting value of
messageProducer attribute using HtmlMessageProducer reference.

This way of managing dependency is called Setter Injection.

Note : MessageWriter class Must have the setter for messageProducer attribute.

To use Contstuctor Injectionchange MessageWriter class As follows ;

public Class MessageWriter

Private IMessageProducermessageProducer;

public MessageWriter (IMessageProducermessageProducer )

this.messageProducer = messageProducer;

Public void writeMessage( String message)


String convertedMessage = messageProducer.convertMessage(message);


Now Change Spring Bean Configuration file.

<bean class=”com.fs.beans.MessageWriter” id = “messageWriter”>
<constructor-arg ref=”htmlMessageProducer” ></ constructor-arg>
<bean class=”com.fs.beans.HtmlMessageProducerImpl” id = “htmlMessageProducer”/>
<bean class=”com.fs.beans.PdfMessageProducerImpl” id = “pdfMessageProducer”/>



[Type here]

IOC stands for Inversion of Control.IOC is a design principle which talks about Object
Collaboration and Life Cycle Management for these objects.
Object Collaborationis like managing dependencies(maki one object available to use in some
other object).
IOC container is a logical memory area inJVM memory.
IOC container has two parts.
1. Metadata
2. Bean ID-Object Map( Logical Memory Map).

Methods of Dependency management in Spring:

Spring provided two ways to manage dependencies Dependency Pull and Dependency Injection.

Dependency Pull is of two types :

1. Dependency Lookup
2. Contextual Dependency Lookup

Dependency injection done by is two ways :

1. Setter Injection
2. Constructor Injection

1. Dependency Pull:
Dependency pulling is old way of managing dependencies.
In dependency pull

2. Dependency Injection:

[Type here]

Differences between Constructor-Injection and Setter-Injection

1. In Constructor-injection dependencies are inject at time of object creation while in Setter-injection

after object creation.
(i.e. Target object can’t be created without dependency but in Setter-injection Target can be created
without injecting dependencies).

2. In Constructor-injection dependency injection is mandatory to create object otherwise object won’t

be created, while in setter-injection it is optional and we can get object without managed
3. We can’t manage cyclic dependencies using Constructor-Injection while Setter-injection can
manage cyclic dependencies.

Prefer Constructor-Injection If

1. Target class needs dependent object to be used inside its constructor.

2. Dependencies are mandatory.
3. We don’t have cyclic dependencies.

Prefer Setter-Injection if

1. Target class doesn’t needs dependent object to be used inside its constructor.
2. Dependencies are optional.
3. We have cyclic dependencies.

Why we use XML file as configuration file in spring IOC and Servlet Container and why we can’t use
Excel file?

Answer: Xml file is portable across platforms and languages (Inter-Operability). Any programing
language that can read files can use XML file, While XLS file will made our Java application dependent
on windows platform and if we have to change window to linux platform we should use linux-specific
excel file format. And this breaks JAVA’s WORA principle.

Collection-Dependency Injection

It is about “How to create collection objects and populate them with some values using spring
and then inject as dependencies in target class object”.

We can create collection objects as beans but we can’tpopulate these collection objects using spring
because we need to follow either setter-injection or constructor-injection to populate the collection object.

[Type here]

But Collection framework implementation-classes doesn’t have any constructor or setter method to
populate values.

i.e. <bean id=”list” class=”java.util.ArrrayList”/>will create an empty arraylist bean with no values.

But our requirement is to inject collections as dependencies with prepopulated values.

Spring supports four type of Collection-Dependency Injection-

1. List - default implementation class = ArrayList

2. Set - default implementation class = LinkedHashSet
3. Map- default implementation class = LinkedHashMap
4. Properties.

Thus spring provided some special tags for Collection-Dependency Injection.

List DI
A list is collection of values with preserved insertion order.

Eg 1. List with primitive values(non-generic)


Eg 2. List with primitive values(generic)

<list value-type = “java.lang.String”>

Eg 3. List with objectreferences(generic)

<listvalue-type = “com.cdi.beans.Course”>
<bean id=”id1”/>
<bean id=”id2”/>
<bean id=”id3”/>

Set DI
[Type here]

A set is collection of values without any duplicates.

Eg 1. Set with primitive values (non-generic)

</set >

Eg 2. Setwith primitive values (generic)

<set value-type = “java.lang.String”>
<value> aaaa</value>
<value> bbbb</value>
<value> cccc</value>
</set >

Eg 3. Set with objectreferences (generic)

<set value-type = “com.cdi.beans.Course”>
</set >
<bean id=”id1”/>
<bean id=”id2”/>
<bean id=”id3”/>

Map DI
A Map is collection of entries. Each entry has one key and one value. These keys and values can be of
any type.

Eg 1. Map withprimitive keys & primitive values (non-generic)

<entry key=”A”>
<entry key=”B”>
<value> bbbb</value>
<entry key=”C”>
<value> cccc</value>

Eg 2. Mapwith primitive keys & primitive values (generic)

[Type here]

<map key-type=”java.lang.String” value-type=”java.lang.String”>

<entry key=”A”>
<value> aaaa</value>
<entry key=”B”>
<value> bbbb</value>
<entry key=”C”>
<value> cccc</value>

Eg 3. Map with primitive keys &Object references as value (generic)

<map key-type=”java.lang.String” value-type=”com.cdi.beans.Course”>
<entry key=”A”>
<entry key=”B”>
<entry key=”C”>
<bean id=”id1”/>
<bean id=”id2”/>
<bean id=”id3”/>

Eg 4. Mapwith Object references as keys & value (generic)

<map key-type=”com.cdi.beans.Faculty” value-type=”com.cdi.beans.Course”>
<entry key-ref=”facultyid1”>
<entry key-ref=”facultyid2”>>
<entry key-ref=”facultyid3”>
<bean id=”id1”/>
<bean id=”id2”/>
<bean id=”id3”/>
<bean id=”facultyid1”/>
<bean id=”facultyid2”/>
<bean id=”facultyid3”/>

[Type here]

Eg 5. Map with short-cut

<map key-type=”com.cdi.beans.Faculty” value-type=”com.cdi.beans.Course”>
<entry key-ref=”facultyid1” value-ref=”id1”></entry>
<entry key-ref=”facultyid2” value-ref=”id2”></entry>
<entry key-ref=”facultyid3” value-ref=”id3”></entry>
<bean id=”id1”/>
<bean id=”id2”/>
<bean id=”id3”/>
<bean id=”facultyid1”/>
<bean id=”facultyid2”/>
<bean id=”facultyid3”/>

<map key-type=”java.lang.String” value-type=”java.lang.String”>
<entry key=”ram” value=”c”></entry>
<entry key=”Shyam” value=”c++”></entry>
<entry key=”Mohan” value=”Java”></entry>

Properties DI

A properties is collection of properties. Each propertyhas one key and one value. These keys and values are

<prop key=”ram”>C</prop>
<prop key=”Mohan”>C++</prop>
<prop key=”Roy”>Java</prop>

Util NameSpace
Came into picture in spring 2.0 version.
1. We can’t customize the implementation class for collection using normal <list>/ <set> etc tags.
2. We can’t create collections as individual bean using normal <list>/ <set> etc tags. Because these
collections are anonymously created and injected for particular property.
We can’t reuse any prepopulated collection to inject into some other target bean using normal
Collection DI tags.

That’s why util namespace came.

<util:list id=”subjectList” list-class=”java.util.vector” value-type=”java.lang.String”>

[Type here]

<bean id=”course” class=”Course”>
<property name=”subjects” ref=”subjectList”>

<util:set id=”subjectList” set-class=”java.util.HashSet” value-type=”java.lang.String”>


<util:map id=”subjectList” map-class=”java.util.HashMap” key-type =”java.lang.String” value-

<entry key=”C”><value>Bala</value></entry>
<entry key=”C++”><value>Raju</value></entry>
<entry key=”Java”><value>Naagu</value></entry>

<util:properties id=”subjectList”>
<prop key=”C”>Bala<prop>
<prop key=”C++”>Raju</entry>
<prop key=”Java”>Naagu</entry>
</util:properties >

Complete Example of Collection DI using Util Namespace




[Type here]


Bean Alias

Apart from Primary name(Bean id) providing alternative names to our bean, is called Bean Aliasing.
Purpose of Bean Aliasing

1st purpose –
To provide our own customized and programmer-friendly names without restrictions to
follow Java Naming Conventions.

When we provide Id for a bean we have to follow Java identifier Naming Conventions.

1. Id can start with either alphabet, $ or _ only.

2. Id can contain alphabets, numbers and, $ or _ only.
3. Must follow Camel Case.

Due to these restrictions we can’t provide beans ids like – 1stAddress or office-address, 505-5th
Floor etc.

But we can provide our own conventional and user-friendly names using Bean Aliasing.

2ndpurpose –
When we want to switch from one bean definition to another bean definition in our
application, we need to change the entire configuration file and wherever we used bean1 reference, change
it to bean2 reference. This task is complicated and even there are chances of changing some other beans
configuration also.
That’s why bean aliasing came into picture rather than changing all bean references,
Simply provide bean1 as an alias of bean2, now both bean1 and bean2 are same.

e.g. <alias name=”bean2” alias=”bean1”/>

[Type here]

Whenever we want the previous configuration just remove the alias tag and old configuration is back.

Suppose we are amazon people, we are providing deliveries in cities using Bluedart courierbecause it has
good service network in metropolitan cities.But it don’t have network in remote cities and towns, then we need
DTDC Transport Servicesto do business inin remote cities and towns. All things were good and we are doing
our business at efficient level.

Our OrderManager Class decides whether to use Bluedart courier or DTDC Transport Servicesdepending on
Zip code of shipping address.

publicclass OrderManager {
private IParcel bluedartParcel;
private IParcel dtdcParcel;

publicvoid shipOrder(Address address,List<String>items)

if(address.getZip() >=500000 &&address.getZip() <=800000)
bluedartParcel.doParcel(items, address);
dtdcParcel.doParcel(items, address);

publicvoid setBluedartParcel(IParcel bluedartParcel) {

this.bluedartParcel = bluedartParcel;
publicvoid setDtdcParcel(IParcel dtdcParcel) {
this.dtdcParcel = dtdcParcel;

Thus in OrderManager we need bothbluedartParcel anddtdcParcel.

Our spring bean configuration file is like

<propertyname="addressLine1"value="505,5th floor"/>

[Type here]

But due to some earth-quick Bluedart Courier’s infrastructure is destroyed and they need at least one
month to recover from it. So our business in Metropolitan cities will suffer now
To prevent this we came up with a solution that ask DTDC Transport to deliver orders in metropolitan
cities also until Bluedart Courier’s infrastructure is completely recovered.

To reflect the changes we need to change our OrderManager class to

publicvoid shipOrder(Address address,List<String>items)
if(address.getZip() >=500000 &&address.getZip() <=800000)
dtdcParcel.doParcel(items, address);
dtdcParcel.doParcel(items, address);

But again for recovering previous version we need to change the source code which is costly.
Let’s change our spring bean configuration file for this purpose.
Find bluedartParcel and replace with dtdcParcel.This can work for a while. But problem
occurs when we want the previous configuration back because there is no way to find out actual
dtdc references and manipulated dtcd references.

Thus bean alias came into picture simple solution is

Comment this line


and add <aliasname="dtdcParcel"alias="bluedartParcel"/>

When we want original configuration back simply uncomment


and remove <aliasname="dtdcParcel"alias="bluedartParcel"/>

Getting all alias for a name

Use getAliases(String name) method to get other alternative names for that bean. It will return
n-1 results.

String [] aliases = factory. getAliases(“address”);

For better understanding this example check Amazon Shopping app project in STS workspace.

We can alias a bean by two ways.

1. Using name attribute.

[Type here]

2. Using <alias> tag – spring2.0 onwards.

1. Using name attribute

When we define a bean we can define alias names also within same bean tag.
We can provide any no. of aliases separated by delimiter coma(,).

<bean id=”address” class=”Address” name=”address1,address2”/>

Here bean address has two aliases – address1 and address2

Problem here is we can’t include delimiter coma in alias name. Spring will treat it as delimiter.

<bean id=”address” class=”Address” name=”505,5th floor”/>

Here also bean addresshastwo aliases – 505and 5th floor. But instead of 505 and 5th floorastwo
different alias we want both as one“505,5th floor”.

2. Using <alias> tag

We can include delimiter coma in our alias name using <alias>. Each alias tag defines one alias
for already available bean id or alias. To create multiple alias we had to use multiple alias tags.

<bean id=”address” class=”Address” />

<alias name=”address” alias=”505,5th floor”>

Here bean addresshasone alias – “505,5th floor”.

Or to create multiple aliases.

<bean id=”address” class=”Address” />

<alias name=”address” alias=”505,5th floor”>
<alias name=”address” alias=”mywork,place”>
<alias name=”address” alias=”work-place”>
<alias name=”work-place” alias=”office-address”>

Here bean addresshas 4 alias – “505,5th floor”,”mywork,place”,”work-place” and ”office-address”.

Working with Constructor Confusions

Sometimes Spring can feel difficulties in properly creating objects as we didn’t provided proper

1. Using type attribute –

[Type here]

If problem is about datatype of value we can use this approach.

publicclassPerson {
private String name;
private String fatherName;

public Person(String name,int id) {

super(); = id; = name;
public Person(String name,String fathername) {
super(); = name;
this.fatherName = fatherName;
public String toString() {
return"Person [id=" + id + ", name=" + name + “, fatherName=" +
fatherName + "]";}


Output : Person [id:0,name:10,fatherName:ramesh]

Because Spring treats each value as String value and then try to find matching conditions if
match is not there then it will cast the value to use available conditions.
I.e. if there was only one constructor with int arg , spring will first try to find String arg
constructor otherwise cast value to int and use int arg constructor.

To resolve these confusion we can provide type with a value.

<constructor-argvalue="10" type =”int”/>

Output : Person [id:10,name:ramesh,fatherName:null]

2. Using index attribute –

By default IOC container will follow left to right order to inject constructor arguments. So we
can’t always know order in which we have placed args in constructor.
Sometime problem is within order in which we are managing injection.

publicclass Product {
private String productname;

[Type here]

public Product(String productname, floatprice) {

this.productname = productname;
this.price = price;

public String toString() {
return"Product [id=" + id + ", productname=" + productname + ", price=" +
price + "]";


RuntimeException:Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor argument with

index 1 of type [int]: Could not convert constructor argument value of type
[java.lang.String] to required type [int]: Failed to convert value of type
'java.lang.String' to required type int; nested exception is
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "mobile"

Here Spring tries to search both values as String and search constructor with first argument String,
second constructor looks suitable according to first value but we cant cast “mobile” into double.
Even we specify the type correctly it can’t inject.
Eachtime someone is writing configuration ,he need to check argument order in Java class. It is not good

To resolve these confusion we can provide index(starting from 0 to n-1)to a value.

This index reflects position of argument inside constructor definition.


<constructor-argvalue="10" index="1"/>

i.e fill value in argument no. 0(productname)

Output: Product [id=0, productname=mobile, price=10.0]

[Type here]

3. Using name attribute –

Some times problem cannot resolved by neither datatypes nor order .then we should use constructor
arg names to resolve conficts.
Suppose Order of Constructor arguments position is misinterpreted by programmer then
configuration will not work.

Public class Warehouse {

Private int id;

private String name;
private long capacity;

public Warehouse(String name, longcapacity) {
super(); = name;
this.capacity = capacity;
public Warehouse(String name,intid) {
super(); = id; = name;
public String toString() {
return"Warehouse [id=" + id + ", name=" + name + ", capacity=" +
capacity + "]";


Here which constructor would be called is decided by the value provided in this tag.
<constructor-argvalue="101568522145"/>Long arg Construtor
<constructor-argvalue="101"/> Int arg Construtor

IF value is in int range then Second constructor otherwise first Constructor. But we
can’t leave our program on uncertainty.
That’s why we need to resolve this using name.


Purpose of @ConstructorProperties

[Type here]

Compiler never creates the same constructor/method argument names as we have provided in JAVA file, while
creating Byte codeCompiler shortens them as $0,$1,$2,$3 etc to reduce size of byte-code. Because this byte
code will be loaded in JVM memory.

But JVM doesn’t know the name we provided in constructor then how Spring can use these names to resolve
@ConstructorProperties maps the byte-code names with programmer provided names.It takes array of names
and map to constructor in order.

Inner Beans
If we don’t need any dependent object separately in our application we should not create it as
an independent bean because –
1. Size of configuration file increases and performance reduces because each bean definition is
searched in the configuration file.
2. To change the dependents properties we need to search it in whole configuration file it is time-
consuming and there are chances of errors.
Rather create the dependent as inner bean.

<bean id=”bicycle” class=”Bicycle”>

<property name=”chain” >
<bean class=”Chain”>
<property name=”type” value=”metal”/>

Now we can easily manage our configuration.

Bean Inheritence:
In bean configuration file we might encounter a case where most of the time bean configuration of a
bean is same for another bean, i.e. we can reuse the bean configuration of one bean fully or partly.
Rewriting the duplicate content is time-consuming and even maintenance is difficult.

When we reuse bean property configuration of one bean for another bean definition
This is called Bean inheritance.
A bean which is inheriting bean configuration is called Child Bean. And bean from it has
inherited is called Parent bean.

Whenever we call getBean(“beanId”) method it searches for corresponding bean definition

and finds whether a Parent is declared or not . If it is defines it copies same bean configuration to
child bean also.
But if we re-declare some properties it won’t copies that property from parent bean. So that
injection is done only once for each property.

[Type here]

Bean inheritance is totally different from Java Class Inheritance.

We can inherit the configuration from any bean to any bean. With just one Constraint:

All the Bean configuration of Parent bean must exist in Child bean’s class as attributes.

We should not inherit configuration from a bean which is in use, because if we change
configuration for parent it would be reflected in all child also.

That is why we need it to declare as an abstract bean. We can’t get object for an abstract bean from
IOC container.
If we are not gonna get object for an abstract bean we don’t need to specify the class attribute for
abstract bean.

Abstract bean is no way related to Abstract Java class.

Bean Autowiring :
Automaticallyidentifying the dependencies of one class and managing them by injecting
them into target class is called Bean Autowiring.
By Default bean autowiring is disabled.
We can create and manage dependencies via Spring IOC container but it is not done
automatically either we need to provide the dependency information to spring or should enable the Bean

We can enable bean autowiring by using autowire attribute at bean tag level.

Autowire = “mode”

Where mode = strategy to detect dependencies automatically.

There arethree modes of autowiring.

1. byname
2. bytype
3. constructor
4. autodetect ( deprecated from Spring 3.0 onwards )

1. ByName
It uses setter injection to inject the dependencies.

When we call getBean(“target”) then it first goes to IOC container and searches for respective bean definition. If
it finds autowiring mode as “ByName”. It first creates object of target class .To detect dependencies it first goes
to target class finds attributes which has their setters and remembers the names of such attributes. Inside In
Memory metadata searches for bean definition whose id is same as dependent attribute name, creates
dependent object and injects the dependent object in target object.
[Type here]

If Inside In Memory metadatathe matching bean definition is not there then returns target object with
dependent references as null.

2. ByType
It uses setter injection to inject the dependencies.

When we call getBean(“target”) then it first goes to IOC container and searches for respective bean definition. If
it finds autowiring mode as “ByType”. It first creates object of target class .
To detect dependencies it first goes to target class finds attributes which has their setters and and remembers
the Class type of such attributesInside In Memory metadatasearches for bean definition whose class type is
same as of dependent attribute class type, creates dependent object and injects the dependent object in target

If Inside In Memory metadatathe matching bean definition is not there then returns target object with
dependent references as null.

If there are more then one bean definition with matching dependent class type then , IOC container get
confused and don’t inject dependency with any beans and then returns target object with dependent references
as null.

One solution for this is to remove all other bean definitions of dependent class type but it may affect other
beans as they may have using them.

To resolve this confusion we should use autowire-candidate = “false”at bean tag level. Then IOC container
don’t consider that bean for autowiring.

3. Constructor
It uses constructor injection to inject the dependencies.

When we call getBean(“target”) then it first goes to IOC container and searches for respective bean
definition. If it finds autowiring mode as “Constructor ”. Itdon’t first creates object of target class .To
detect dependencies it first goes to target class finds constructor with maximum arguments and and
remembers the Class type of such attributes.
Inside In Memory metadatasearches for bean definition whose class type is same as of dependent attribute
class type, creates dependent object and calls the constructor, creates object withinjecting the dependent

If all bean definitions are not therein spring bean configuration file
Matching with max-arg constructor, then it again goes to target class and finds next constructor with
maximum arguments and repeats the same process.
If match is there then creates target object with injected dependencies otherwise If no dependent bean
definitions found then it searches for default constructor and creates the object with dependents as null. If
default constructor is not there in target class thenthrows exception. And doesn’t create any object.

If there are two constructor with same no of arguments and then it goes to Inside In Memory
metadatachoosing any one constructor at random and tries to find dependent bean definitions and creates
[Type here]

object with dependent injected . otherwise choose another constructor and follows the same procedure until
match found.

If there are more then one bean definition of dependent class type and autowire-candidate is notset as false
then, IOC container get confused and again finds next constructor in target class and choose that and follows
same procedure to inject the dependents.

4. autodetect
In this mode the IOC container will detect and manage dependencies using both approaches
Setter Injection and Constructor injection.
First prefers constructor injection and then Setter Injection.
If for a given class,no constructor is there then it would follow setter Injection.

Q. Why It is recommended not to use Bean autowiring ?

Answer: Bean Autowiring is a good feature but we incorporate it in our project it creates many problems
inproject management.

In Bean Autowiring the full configuration about project components is not available at one
single central file( Spring Bean Configuration file)rather we need to check each and every
component classes to deduce dependencies between.

1. Thus if a new member is joined our team, it is very difficult to onboard on application.
2. Debugging of application will became more difficult.
3. Even working with bean autowiring modes make it more difficult.
1. byname : if someone changed the bean id whole application would be affected and
2. byType or constructor:
if we have two beans with same class type then application run on ambiguity even
though we use autowire-candidate =”false”.there may be a case where bean1 is used in some
bean and bean2 in some other and both beans needed In managing dependencies.
3. Autodetect: deprecate in 3.0
Asautodetect follow both injection strategies again deduce the
dependencies more difficult.

Q. Why Spring don’t removed Bean autowiring as it is recommended not to use ?

Answer: Because there are some cases where bean autowiring is beneficial.
Suppose we are trying new feature to introduce in our application we can’t directly
because it is not fully tested and implemented. We first completely test it at different place.
If we manually define all dependencies in configuration file , testing new feature itself is time
Here Bean Autowiring is saviour and quite useful. And that’s why spring doesn’t removed Bean
Autowiring feature.

Working with Null references:

[Type here]

When we have object references as dependentsand using Constructor injection,

In some case if the dependent value is not available then we can pass an null reference.
As follows:


But passing null references is optional in Setter injection.

Nested BeanFactory
IOC container can easily manage the dependencies between beans if these beans are part of same IOC
container. But If our Target bean and Dependent bean are in different IOC containers then spring can’t directly
manage dependencies. Here Nested Bean factory can into picture.

Then we need to nest both beanfactories with each other.

Nesting BeanFactories means joining(making) one beanFactory a part of another beanFacotry.

IOC container (BeanFactory ) containing Dependent bean definition is called Parent BeanFactory.
IOC container (BeanFactory ) containing Target bean definition is called Child BeanFactory .

ChildBeanFactory can inject the dependents from Parent beanFactories into its own beans but
ParentBeanFactory can’t inject the dependents from Child beanFactories into its own beans.

Bean definitions Bean definitions

a,b,c x,y,z

Child BeanFactory Parent BeanFactory

[Type here]

Test Class

BeanFactory parentFactory = new XMLBeanFactory(new ClassPathResource(“parent-beans.xml”));

BeanFactory childFactory = new XMLBeanFactory(new ClassPathResource(“child-



<bean id=”a” class=”A”>

<property name=”b”>

<refparent = “b”></ref>




<bean id=”b” class=”B”>

//property injection
[Type here]


Parent attribute in ref tag will tell IOC container to find dependent inside other(parent) IOC
container. It will never checks in Same IOC container for dependents.

Local attribute in ref tag will tell IOC container to find dependent inside same IOC container. It will
never checks in Parent IOC container for dependents.

Bean attribute in ref tag firstly checks in Same IOC container for dependents if its not there then
checks into parent IOC container.

By default referencesare Bean attribute checking strategy.

Collection Merging

Collection Merging available only when we are using Bean-Inheritence.

When we havean collection type attribute in parent bean with populated values.

If we want both parent collection values and child-specific collection values inside child

We need to merge both collections.

If we rewrite the child property collection the parent values don’t copied.

To solve this

Use collection merging

<value>Discrete Maths</value>

<listvalue-type="java.lang.String" merge="true">
<value>Data Structure</value>
<value>Operating System</value>

[Type here]


When we inject bean reference id as an attribute to another beanthen if

Sometimesif we use dependency injection we may have some problems because IOC container may
not properly inject the dependencies or fail to inject the dependency even in some cases we can’t use
dependency injection. i.e. when we have dynamic dependencies that is which object we want to inject
is decided at runtime.Dependency injection is useful with static dependencies.

So we need to pull the dependencies in this case.

Consider this example Car has dependent engine. But instead we create engine object in Car class
spring will create object for us and we will pull the object in car .

publicinterface IEngine {
int start();
void increaseRPM();
publicclass YamahaEngineImpl implements IEngine

publicint start() {
System.out.println("Started Yamaha Engine");
return 1;

publicvoid increaseRPM() {
System.out.println("Increasing RPM by 800");

publicclass SujkiEngineImpl implements IEngine {

publicint start() {
System.out.println("Started Yamaha Engine");
return 1;

[Type here]

publicvoid increaseRPM() {
System.out.println("Increasing RPM by 500");

publicclass Car {

publicvoid drive()
BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(new

engine = factory.getBean(“yahamaEngine”, IEngine.class);

intstatus = engine.start();

if(status == 1)
System.out.println("Started Driving Car");
System.out.println("Engine didn't Started");

publicvoid accelerate()
BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(new
engine = factory.getBean(engineId, IEngine.class);

Sprinhe ng Bean Configuration File


ButHere our Car class is tightly coupled with logical bean name as we are refering to the bean id if we
want to change yamaha engine to sujki engine Car should be modified.
[Type here]

But we can pass this as argument to method drive() and accelerate() then it would become loosely

However we need engine in whole Car class declare it as an attribute at class level to each method can
use it. And we can pass this attribute value with either constructor or setter injection.

Here we are not injecting the object rather we are injecting id reference of dependent object.
publicclass Car {
private String engineId;

public Car(String engineId) {

this.engineId = engineId;

publicvoid setEngineId(String engineId) {

this.engineId = engineId;

publicvoid drive()
BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(new
IEngine engine = factory.getBean(engineId, IEngine.class);
intstatus = engine.start();

if(status == 1)
System.out.println("Started Driving Car");
System.out.println("Engine didn't Started");

publicvoid accelerate()
BeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(new
IEngine engine = factory.getBean(engineId, IEngine.class);


[Type here]

But this configuration information is not providing proper perception to any other team member
about whether I have used value="sujkiEngine" as bean id reference or a primitive value.

The problems in it:

1. Thus if someone tries to modify the bean idsujkiEngine and change all respective links to it
he might thinks <constructor-arg value="sujkiEngine"/>is not related and won’t change it.
2. BeanFactory also treats it as valid and creates Car object because it it unable to find it as wrong
3. But at runtime it will raise exception and leaves system at inconsistent state which cant we

Thus spring provided a better solution to get right perception of configuration in such case.

<constructor-arg >
<idref bean="sujkiEngine"/>
</constructor-arg >

1. Now every programmer would get the full information about configuration andwhenever
he changes bean id, he will change <constructor-arg
2. BeanFactory also treats it as valid and if any bean with idsujkiEnginenot match in
spring bean configuration file it will give runtime exception while creating Car Object thus
application is not left in inconsistent state.
3. No chance for runtime exception.

Singleton Design Pattern

It is a creational design pattern provided by Gang of Four.

It talks about creating a singleton class i.e. a class which allows only one object to create per JVM

How to create Singleton class:

1. Hide the constructors of class so that no one can create object for our class.
2. Provide one static method to create and return object of our class.
3. Inside that method write logic to create object such that object can be created once only.

[Type here]

publicclass A {
private A a;

private A() {

public A getA() {

a = new A();

return a;

This code doesn’t create a singleton class because one each call to getA() method a new
object will be createdbecause our class never knows whether it already created the
object or not .

We need to declare a static reference which can hold already created object and we can check
whether it is null or not.


publicclass A {
private A instance;

privateA() {
// no code

publicA getInstance() {
if( instance == null)
Instance = new A();

Here We have named the method as getInstance because getA name doesn’t provide right
perception rather it tells that getA would return class A.

And if we left any constructor or method without any code some other people may feel it is not
important and may remove it so always write some comment in empty block if you need them.

Static Factory Method Instantiation

[Type here]

If we have a class and we declare that class as bean in Spring Bean Configuration File then IOC container
will create the object of that class by calling the constructor of the class but not all the class can be
instantiated using the constructor of the class so we have to inform IOC container to create the object of
that class not by calling the constructor but by calling the static method which we provide it

For Example-

class CurrencyConvertor{

private static CurrencyConvertor instance;

private CurrencyConvertor(){}

private static synchronized CurrencyConvertor getInstance(){

if(instance== null){

instance=new CurrencyConvertor();

return instance;


<bean id="currencyConvertor" class="CurrencyConvertor" factory_method="getInstance"

scope="prototype" />

CurrencyConvertor cc1=factory.getBean("currencyConvertor");

CurrencyConvertor cc2=factory.getBean("currencyConvertor");

CurrencyConvertor cc3=CurrencyConvertor.getInstance();

lets say if we have a class called CurrencyConvertor and we create that class as singleton and we declare
that as bean, then by default the scope of the class will be singleton only, so when we call
factory.getBean("currencyConvertor") then it will create only one object of the class by calling the
constructor of that class and if we call another factory.getBean("currencyConvertor") then the IOC
container will use the same object but if we call CurrencyConvertor.getInstance() then it will create on
more object of that class because at this time Instance=null. If we define the scope as prototype and we

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call factory.getBean("currencyConvertor") 2 times then it will create 2 objects of that class i.e. my class will
act as normal class here. To make the class as singleton we define the static method of the class as
factory_method= "name of the class" at bean tag level so that when we call
factory.getBean("currencyConvertor") then it will call the getInstance method of CurrencyConvertor class
and if we call CurrencyConvertor.getInstance() then also it will call same getInstance() method of
CurrencyConvertor class but in the 2nd time as the instance will not null then it will create only one object
of the class.

so that we can use the static factory method instantiation to create the bean as singleton.

Instance Factory Method Instantiation

Lets take a used case of share market to understand the instance factory method instantiation.

There are 2 types of trading in the share market- offline trading and online trading

There is a person who wants to do the online trading through and do the
trading on behalf of that person from share market from BSE or NSE. for this they provide a JSP page to the
person that which company's stock details that person wants and as the person enter the company name
the request will go to corresponding servlet and within the logic is written to get the details of the stock.
For this connect to BSE and get the information about the particular stock but to get the
information about that stock it have to connect to BSE database, but BSE can not share its database
information to anyone because there are many business data stored under that database and if the details
of that database will expose to anyone then there may be a chance that they can misuse the business data
and can change the data as per their requirement, this will be too much loss of the business and there will
so much problem can occur, so BSE define its own application and define the methods in that and written
the logic in that application to connect to the database and BSE Stock Exchange perform its business
operations from this application only(like buying the stock, selling the stock, getting the current price of the
stock etc) and save that application on application server but to connect to that application that is running
on one machine other classes wants the object of that application but my servlet class can not create the
object of the application class which is running on the application server because if it will create the object
of the BSE provided application class then it needs class file of that class and if we provide the class file to
the other class then there may be chance that the other person can decompile that and see the source
code to connect to database and directly connect to the database of the BSE then there will not be any
security of the database. to avoid this problem the BSE application class should itself create the object of
the class but it can not inject the object to the class which is running on different machine and different
JVM because if it will give the object out of the JVM then object will be destroyed automatically, so to give
the object to class which is running on different machine or to share the reference of the object to other
class we use the distributed technology, so that one class which is running on one machine can
communicate to the class which is running on different machine and can share the data and the object to
each other. The application class has to be built on distributed technology either in corba or rmi or ejb or
web services, if we built the server side stock manager application using ejb technology then ejb will be
deployed in ejb container and this ejb can be accessed by other applications which are remotely located to
other machines, other applications can only access the ejb when they have the reference of ejb, but the
reference of ejb is with BSE Stock Exchange on the application server and BSE Stock Exchange has to
expose the object of the ejb so that other application can access it. So we have to bind this ejb object to

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jndi registry with jndi name so that other applications can access it and once those application get the
reference of the object then using that they can call the methods and can use the functionality written as
part of the BSE stock trade application(which is the application of BSE stock exchange). This ejb is within
the jndi registry of the BSE Stock Exchange and to access this ejb in jndi registry servlet class
has to write the lookup logic and this lookup is called jndi lookup.

To perform the jndi lookup we need to use InitialContext object as follows

InitialContext context=new InitialContext(Hashtable(properties);

And we need to pass Hashtable to the InitialContext object-

Hashtable props=new Hashtable();

Then we have to pass factory implementation class that is provided by the platform and then P3 url and
then pass infrared of the platform and password of the platform to the Hashtable and pass the Hashtable
to InitialContext as props and when the InitialContext has been created with these values then we have get
the stockManager object

StockManager sm=context.lookup(“bse/sm”);

where bse/sm is the jndi name of the object which we have binded the jndi registry.

Now the InitialContext will takes the help of factory to acquire the original context object. Once the
original context object will receive then lookup will be called on original context. The context searches in
jndi and returns the object to InitialContext and InitialContext returns it to us.

If we are using weblogic then to use this jndi registry, we have to access this jndi registry using jndi context

Every application server has their own jndi registry and to access this jndi registry, application server have
their own context object class and the context will connects to the jndi registry and performs the

So when the end user provide the name of the stock from the JSP page the request comes to
getStockPriceServlet and after getting the stock name servlet can not access details of the stock from the
database and to access it, servlet needs to get the reference of the stockManager and the stockManager is
with jndi registry and to get the stockManager from the jndi registry servlet has to perform the lookup
operations by connecting to jndi registry using context object and then after getting the object it will call
the getStockPrice() method of StockManager class

stockManager.getStockPrice(stockName), by passing the name of the stock and then it will return price of
the stockName

But We should not write the jndi logic directly in the servlet because there are many more
classes in my application who want to talk to stock manager class in jndi registry and if we write the lookup
logic as part of our classes then we will face the following problems

1- If we write the lookup logic as part of several classes within our application then the logic will gets
duplicated across all the classes in our application, due to which huge maintenance cost will be encoured.
so we should avoid duplication of the logic.
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2- The lookup logic which we have written is environment specific lookup so that if the remote server will
shift from one environment to other environment then there may be chance that username and password
of that environment will be different and there is some more difference in other environment so then
again we have to modify the lookup logic within several classes within our application.

3-The lookup logic we are writing is technology specific lookup so if our remote object has designed in EJB
technology then to get that object we have to perform jndi lookup and if the distributed technology
change from EJB to RMI or WebServices then the same jndi lookup logic will not work so again we have to
modify the code in all the classes within our application.

4- The lookup logic which we hace written as part of our classes is platform specific lookup i.e if our remote
object is running on weblogic server then we have to write the weblogic specific logic within all the classes
and if the application server change to other server like from weblogic to JBoss then the lookup logic in
accessing the object in both the server will not be same, it may be different so wde have to again modify
the lookup logic within all the classes within our application.

so we should not write the lookup logic within all the classes within our application we should write this
logic within a class called ServiceLocator. ServiceLocator is a class which locates the external application
system component and returns their reference to our class.

ServiceLocator is a design pattern which takes care of locating the remote server application component
and those references are brought down and it makes available to our application so that all the methods
and components of my application should not perform the saparate lookup, they will make use of the

The advantages to go for ServiceLocator is-

1- we have written the lookup logic in only one class within our application so that maintainability and
managability of the application will be easy so there will not any duplication of the logic within our

2- If there will change in the environment then we dont have to modify all the classes within our
application just we have to modify ServiceLocator class.

3- As the remote object is technology specific so if the technology shift from EJB to RMI or WebServices
then we dont need to modify the all the classes within our application only we have to modify
ServiceLocator class in our application .

4- As the remote object is plateform specific so if the application server will change from weblogic to Jboss
then we have to modify only one class within our application not all the classes in our application.

so service locator protects our application from such kind of changes which are happening on the remote
application so that service locator shielded our application component so that maintainability of our
application will become easy. Apart from that ServiceLocator provide location transparency, in the location
transparency our class within our application directly talking to other remote server classes but they are
not directly getting the reference of the object but service locator get the reference of the remote server

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object and our classes directly talking to ServiceLocator and will get the reference of that object and our
classes dont know that the reference which they are getting from ServiceLocator is the part of our
application or is it coming from remote server because they are not performing lookup or they are not
writing the logic for pulling the dependencies, in this way our application classes are completely abstracted
from remote object and

other advantage of ServiceLocator is serviceLocator can optimize the data while performing the lookup. To
optimize the data if the multiple requests are coming then like our servlet class it don’t have to connect to
server multiple times but it will connect to server one time and get the object and share the same object to
all the classes within our application so that we avoided costly lookup calls within our application and the
performance of the application will gets optimized.

ServiceLocator will be implemented at client side. the application which is providing the service is server
side application and the application which is consuming the service of the other application is called client
side application. as the client want the object so client have to write the lookup logic so the service locator
is the client side application.

The role of the Service Locator is to perform lookup operation only and after getting the remote object of
the StockManager class it will not call any method of that class rather after getting the remote object it will
return that object to our class.

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//Here StockAnalyser acts as getStockPriceServlet

public class StockAnalyzer {
private StockManager stockManager;

public void analyze(String stockName){

double price=0.0;

BseStockTradeServiceLocator serviceLocator= new

stockManager= serviceLocator.locateStockManager();

price= stockManager.getStockPrice(stockName);

//service locator
public class BseStockTradeServiceLocator {

public StockManager locateStockManager(){

//perform jndi lookup to get the StockManager object
return new StockManagerImpl();

public class IFMITest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

BeanFactory factory= new XmlBeanFactory(new

StockAnalyzer analyzer=factory.getBean("stockAnalyser",


<bean id="stockAnalyser" class="com.ifmi.beans.StockAnalyzer"/>

<bean id="bseStockTradeServiceLocator"
class="com.ifmi.beans.BseStockTradeServiceLocator" />
<bean id="stockManager" factory-bean="bseStockTradeServiceLocator"
factory-method="locateStockManager" />

Application Server Components
//StockManager interface
public interface StockManager {

double getStockPrice(String stockName);


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//implementation of StockManager and stored in jndi registry

public class StockManagerImpl implements StockManager {

public double getStockPrice(String stockName) {
double price=0.0;

if(stockName!=null && stockName.trim().length()>0){

price= 2578.75;
else if (stockName.equals("Ranbaxy")){
price= 356.35;
price= 785.25;
return price;

But by performing above operation my classes will be tightly coupled with other
class because we are not creating the object but we are pulling the object of
StockManager class, and we should not create and we should not pull
StockManager into my class, rather we should inject the StockManager into
StockAnalyzer by using setter or constructor.
We can inject the stockManager into StockAnalyser if both have configured as
beans, but we can not configure stockManager as bean because it is an interface
and we can not declare its implementation class StockManagerImpl as bean
because StockManagerImpl class is not there with us, this class is with
application server in jndi registry so we can not create the object of this
class by calling the constructor of the class.
To get the object of the StockManager we need to go to ServiceLocator i.e.
Instantiate the ServiceLocator and call the factory method and factory method
will return the object and place that object in the ioc container so that it
inject into any application classes, this is called “Instance Factory Method

If we have 2 stockTrade application then we should use it in this way-

public class StockAnalyser {

private StockManager stockManager;

public void setStockManager(StockManager stockManager) {

this.stockManager = stockManager;

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public void analyze(String stockName) {

double price = 0.0;

/*StockTradeServiceLocator serviceLocator = new StockTradeServiceLocator();


price = stockManager.getStockPrice(stockName);

public class StockTradeServiceLocator {

public StockManager locateStockManager(String exchange) {

StockManager stockManager = null;
if (exchange.equals("BSE")) {
stockManager = new BseStockManagerImpl();
} else if (exchange.equals("NSE")) {
stockManager = new NseStockManagerImpl();
return stockManager;


<bean id="stockAnalyser" class="com.ifmiwa.beans.StockAnalyser" >

<property name="stockManager" ref="nseStockManager"/>

<bean id="stockTradeServiceLocator"
class="com.ifmiwa.beans.StockTradeServiceLocator" />

<bean id="bseStockManager" factory-bean="stockTradeServiceLocator"

<constructor-arg value="BSE"/>

<bean id="nseStockManager" factory-bean="stockTradeServiceLocator"

<constructor-arg value="NSE" />

public class IFMIWATest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

BeanFactory factory=new XmlBeanFactory(new

StockAnalyser stockAnalyser= factory.getBean("stockAnalyser",

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Application server component

public interface StockManager {

double getStockPrice(String stockName);


public class BseStockManagerImpl implements StockManager {

public double getStockPrice(String stockName) {
double price = 0.0;

if (stockName != null && stockName.trim().length() > 0) {

if (stockName.equals("Cipla")) {
price = 2578.75;
} else if (stockName.equals("Ranbaxy")) {
price = 356.35;
} else {
price = 785.25;
return price;

public class NseStockManagerImpl implements StockManager {

public double getStockPrice(String stockName) {

double price = 0.0;

if (stockName != null && stockName.trim().length() > 0) {

if (stockName.equals("Infosys")) {
price = 2405.28;
} else if (stockName.equals("TCS")) {
price = 857.56;
} else {
price = 1024.56;
return price;

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--The End--

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