Cheruvu, 1989
Cheruvu, 1989
Cheruvu, 1989
co~~! v~o~ nation smooth bar-notch bar type creep rupture speci-
mens, with a theoretical stress concentration factor of
approximately 4 at the notch, were machined from the
hot and cold locations of the rotor and the three cast-
ings. The dimensions of a combination creep rupture
specimen were given elsewhere. 1151 These specimens
Fig. 1 - - T e s t sample locations in the HP-IP rotor. were utilized for creep rupture tests to evaluate potential
C Mn Si Ni Cr Mo V S P Sn As Sb
After service 0.33 0.73 0.22 0.11 1.05 1.15 0.25 0.026 0.031 0.011 0.007 0.001
Original test report 0.31 0.70 0.19 0.18 1.07 1.35 0.24 0.026 0.030 -- -- --
Rotor forging heat treatment for properties: austenitized at 1010 ~ (1850 ~ cooled; tempered at 666 ~ (1230 ~ cooled.
Component C Mn Si Ni Cr Mo S P Sn As
F l o w guide 0.16 0.57 0.40 0.07 2.60 0.74 0.015 0.015 0.014 0.017
Blade ring 0.16 0.60 0.44 0.07 2.63 0.76 0.020 0.016 0.013 0.016
Nozzle chamber 0.11 0.58 0.48 0.07 2.22 0.68 0.035 0.021 0.021 0.015
A S T M castings tl41 0.17 0.56 0.40 -- 2.32 0.93 0.036 0.030 -- --
Heat treatment: All castings were normalized and tempered.
Fig. 2--Microstmctures of (a) cold location of Cr-Mo-V rotor-exposed at 288 ~ (b) 2.25Cr-lMo flow guide-exposed at 454 ~ (c) 2.25Cr-
1Mo blade ring-exposed at 427 ~ (d) 2.25Cr-lMo nozzle chamber-exposed at 538 ~
not due to elevated temperature exposure during service, tent with the tensile ductility results, the creep rupture
but can be attributed to the temperature at which the ro- ductility of the rotor steel also i m p r o v e d c o n s i d e r a b l y as
tor was austenitized.t~8,19~ F o l l o w i n g the initial notch fail- a result of service exposure at 529 ~ (985 ~
ure, all these specimens were tested for a smooth-bar
failure. 2. 2 . 2 5 C r - l M o steel
Several interesting observations can be m a d e from the The creep rupture results o f 2 . 2 5 C r - l M o cast steel
creep rupture results. First, service exposure at 530 ~ c o m p o n e n t s are s u m m a r i z e d in T a b l e VII. In this case,
(985 ~ reduced s m o o t h - b a r rupture life by approxi- all specimens failed first in the gage section, suggesting
mately a factor of two, without significantly affecting that these steels were not notch sensitive. F o l l o w i n g the
notch bar rupture life, as c o m p a r e d to that of specimens initial failure in the s m o o t h - b a r section, no tests were
from the cold location. A l t h o u g h service exposure led to conducted on the notch section. In a sharp contrast to
softening at the hot location, the notch rupture life was C r - M o - V results, these steels exhibited good creep rup-
not increased as a result of softening. H o w e v e r , consis- ture ductility; reduction of area of all specimens was in
Test Rupture
Temperature Stress Time,
Component ~ ~ MPa Ksi Hours Pct Elong. Pct RA
Flow guide 482 900 241 35 185 34.8 79.3
510 950 193 28 409 32.1 81.8
538 1000 145 21 1113 34.4 86.6
566 1050 110 16 2074 31.5 88.9
593 1100 82 12 7043 -- 82.6
593 1100 110 16 517 45.0 84.6
579 1075 110 16 1203 -- 87.2
566 1050 110 16 3144 43.2 86.1
552 1025 110 16 7019 21.5 85.2
538 1000 110 16 9000 not failed --
Blade ring 482 900 241 35 415 27.1 78.9
510 950 193 28 453 37.1 83.1
538 1000 145 21 1826 47.9 86.5
566 1050 110 16 3623 44.7 90.3
593 1100 82 12 8155 -- 87.6
Nozzle chamber 552 1025 110 16 649 49.2 84.9
566 1050 110 16 366 54.1 88.9
566 1050 110 16 320 55.6 90.3
579 1075 110 16 127 54.5 87.3
593 1100 110 16 63 43.4 88.0
538 1000 110 16 2311 53.7 83.5
579 1075 90 13 1069 47.1 89.9
566 1050 90 13 2197 44.6 88.0
593 1100 69 10 4531 50.4 92.4
621 1150 48 7 5986 35.5 89.9
C. Impact Properties
ture toughness results reported by CheruvuJ 9] Further-
1. Cr-Mo-V steel more, it is interesting to note that FATT of the samples
Variation of FATT and upper shelf energy of the machined from the hot location exposed at the highest
Cr-Mo-V rotor steel as a function of service temperature temperature was lower than that of cold location, and
is shown in Figure 6. The F A T T increased with increas- this drop in F A T T was, in part, due to softening. The
ing operating temperature up to approximately 427 ~ improvement in upper shelf energy of the samples from
(800 ~ reached a m a x i m u m value, then sharply de- the hot location can also be attributed to the drop in ten-
creased with further increase in temperature. The upper sile strength.
shelf energy exhibited a reverse trend of FATT; it de- The FATT and upper shelf energy of the samples in
creased with increasing temperature to around 427 ~ the de-embrittled condition are also shown in Figure 6.
(800 ~ and then increased with further increase in tem- The de-embrittling treatment lowered the FATT of the
perature. The improvement in upper shelf energy above samples from Ring 6 from 249 ~ (480 ~ to 168 ~
this temperature is consistent with the plane strain frac- (335 ~ suggesting that the embrittlement that occurred
in service was reversible. In addition, the FATT and up-
T (K) (20 + log tt) x 10 .3 per shelf energies of the specimens from the hot location
18 20 22
in the service-exposed condition were comparable to those
of de-embrittled specimens.
60 2.25 Cr - 1 M o STEEL CASTINGS
Figure 7 shows the typical fracture mode of broken
9 B L A D E RING Charpy specimens from the cold location, Ring 1, and
the hot location. The fracture mode of the specimens from
Ring 1, which was exposed at 454 ~ (850 ~ was
204 300 400 50o 590
# _~ 45O
i 400 9
10 2oo
i? ~ E4
O t=
m \\ = 40 w , ~
40 -= aso 99 -Z~ "4, t ~tu
150 300 ,17 o~ u ~z
Fig. 4 - - C r e e p rupture strength of 2.25Cr-lMo cast steel after Fig. 6--Variation of FATT and upper shelf energy of Cr-Mo-V steel
service. with service temperature.
chamber casting in the service-exposed condition were Fig. 8 - - A u g e r spectra of Cr-Mo-V samples from (a) cold location;
lower than those of both the flow guide and blade ring. (b) Ring 1.
Exposure- Temperature Upper Shelf Upper Shelf
Temperature Impact Energy Temperature Energy 50 Pct FATT
Component ~ ~ Joules Ft/Lbs ~ ~ Joules Ft/Lbs ~ ~
Flow guide 454 850 22 16 149 300 152 112 93 200
Flow guide
de-embrittled -- -- 132 97 93 200 174 129 4 40
Blade ring 427 800 29 21 204 400 156 115 132 270
Nozzle chamber 538 1000 8 6 204 400 111 82 82 180
Nozzle chamber
de-embrittlement -- -- 27 20 204 400 81 60 57 t35
Consistent with tensile ductility, these results suggest that the Cr-Mo-V rotor steel softens during service is signif-
the toughness of the nozzle chamber casting decreased icantly higher than what they have reported. The exis-
as a result of service exposure. The blade ring which was tence of minimum exposure temperature for softening to
exposed at 427 ~ (800 ~ exhibited the highest tran- occur during service is related to the higher tempering
sition temperature; however, the de-embrittling treat- temperatures normally used for these steels.
ment at 638 ~ (1180 ~ significantly lowered the FATI" The main factors affecting the tensile and creep strengths
and increased the impact energy of the flow guide steel, of a low alloy ferritic steel are the morphology and type
suggesting that the embrittlement that took place in of carbides, and the amount of alloying elements present
service was reversible. On the other hand, the de- in the ferrite. The carbide morphology and alloying ele-
embrittling treatment slightly lowered the FATT of the ments in solid solution control movement of dislocations
nozzle chamber steel from 82 ~ (180 ~ to 57 ~ in the ferrite grains. I2~ It has been suggested that the
(135 ~ Therefore, the embrittlement which occurred creep strength of these steels decreases as the carbides
in this steel during service was predominantly irrevers- grow and lose coherency with the matrix, and is also
ible. Though the nozzle chamber was exposed at 538 ~ affected by the level of molybdenum content in the ma-
(1000 ~ and had softened significantly, the softening trix; t21,221 the strength is directly related to the molyb-
did not improve impact toughness of this steel, as it did denum content. Williams and Wilshire I23~ have further
in Cr-Mo-V steel. shown that the hardness of a 0.5Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V steel
The broken Charpy specimens machined from the flow before and after service at elevated temperatures de-
guide and blade ring in the service-exposed condition creases with increasing inter-carbide particle spacing and
exhibited intergranular fracture mode, while the one from with decreasing alloying elements in the solid solution.
the nozzle chamber failed in cleavage and dimple modes Though the influence of service exposure on the micro-
of fracture. As expected, the de-embrittling treatment structure is not evaluated in this study, there is evidence
changed the fracture mode from intergranular to trans- in the literature to show that service exposure at elevated
granular in the flow guide and blade ring steels. Typical temperatures of 454 ~ (850 ~ and above results in
fractographs are shown in Figure 9. Auger spectrum ob- coarsening of carbides, 123,24] spheroidization of car-
tained from an intergranular fracture surface is compared bides, E7,81an increase in inter-particle spacing, t231and pre-
with the transgranular fracture of the specimen from the cipitation of more stable carbides E3-24j in the Cr-Mo-V
nozzle chamber in Figure 10. The spectrum of the for- and Cr-Mo type steels. Recent studies by several inves-
mer fracture surface showed considerable amounts of tigators [6,8,241 have shown service exposure causes pre-
phosphorus and tin on the prior austenite grain bound- cipitation of acicular carbide needles (M2C) and spherical
aries. The calculated phosphorus and tin on the bound- carbide particles (M6C) and H-type carbides. Precipita-
aries were 5.6 and 0.7 at. pct, respectively. These results tion of these carbides during service depletes the alloy-
suggest that segregation of phosphorus and tin to the grain ing element content in the ferrite matrix. In fact, the
boundaries in service was responsible for the observed chemical analyses of the ferrite phase of service-exposed
embrittlement of the flow guide and blade ring castings. Cr-Mo TMand Cr-Mo-V 161 steels have revealed a signifi-
cant decrease in molybdenum and carbon contents in sol-
id solution after service exposure. The observed softening
of Cr-Mo-V rotor steel and the 2.25Cr-lMo nozzle
IV. D I S C U S S I O N chamber casting in this study can be attributed to changes
in microstructure and depletion of alloying elements in
A. Softening
solid solution that occurred in service. Since these mi-
The results presented in the previous section demon- crostructural changes are thermally activated processes,
strate that both Cr-Mo-V and 2 . 2 5 C r - l M o steel soften the degree of softening is directly related to the service
when they are exposed at a temperature greater than 454 ~ temperature. From the present mechanical property re-
(850 ~ Contrary to the observations of Zhe et al.,tl~ sults, it can be inferred that carbides produced during
the results of this study show no appreciable softening the original high temperature tempering are extremely
in the samples taken from Ring 1 after service exposure, stable during long-term service at temperatures up to
suggesting the minimum exposure temperature at which 454 ~ (850 ~