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Professional Qualifications Standards for

Medical Gas Systems Personnel
Donald Summers Jr., Chairman Matthew Marciniak
UA Local 562 IAPMO
St. Louis, Missouri Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Sean Cleary Barry Pines, CPD
IAPMO C & R Plumbing
Scranton, Pennsylvania Shelby Township, Michigan
Laurence T. Coleman Richard J. Prospal
UA Local 597 Prospal Consulting Services Inc.
Mokena, Illinois Brunswick, Ohio
Dana Colombo Philip Roach
Solarc Architecture & Engineering, Inc
Metairie, Louisiana Portland, Oregon
National Inspection Testing & Certifcation (NITC)

Robert L. Cross Kenneth Schneider

UA Local 68 Sprinkler Fitters LU 268
Houston, Texas St Louis, Missouri
Scott Hamilton Stephen Silber
UA Local 75 UA Local 342
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Concord, California
Edward Lyczko Stephen Stahnke
Cleveland Clinic - Retiree Stan-Key Plumbing, Inc.
Cleveland, Ohio Arnold, Missouri
Ramiro Mata Marianne Waickman
Westlake, Ohio Westlake, Ohio

viii Professional Qualifications Standard for Medical Gas Systems Personnel

Series 6000 – 2012
Professional Qualifications Standards for
Medical Gas Systems Personnel
Edward Lyczko, Chairman Dimitrios (Jim) Kamilis PE
Cleveland Clinic - Retiree Hill Group
Cleveland, Ohio Franklin Park, Illinois
Mark Allen Leslie Kendall
ASPE UA Canada
Beacon Medical Products Dundas, Ontario, Canada
Rock Hill, South Carolina
James Kendzel - Alternate
Gary Bonetti Jr. ASPE
UA Local 342 Des Plaines, Illinois
Concord, California
Fritz Koppenberger
Sean Cleary Environmental Testing Services, Inc.
IAPMO Houston, Texas
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Matthew Marciniak - Alternate
Laurence Coleman IAPMO
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Mokena, Illinois
Pip eftters LU 597 Training Fund

Mike Massey
Tot Darden
EMGS Los Angeles, California
National Insp ection Testing & Certifcation (NITC)

Villa Rica, Georgia

Daniel Miller
Keith Ferrari MedGasTech, Inc.
Praxair Inc. Charlotte, North Carolina
Raleigh, North Carolina
David Mohile
Leroy Givens Medical Engineering Services, Inc.
Florida Pipe Trades Leesburg, Virginia
Silver Springs, Florida
Alfred Moon
Willie Carl Gregory Medical Technology Associates, Inc.
Plumbers LU 803 JAC Overland Park, Kansas
Orlando, Florida

Professional Qualifications Standard for Medical Gas Systems Personnel ix

Series 6000 – 2012
Thomas Mraulak Tom Spremo
Local 98 P.I.T.C. Purely Med Gas, Inc.
Romulus, Michigan Mukwonago, Wisconsin
Patrick Murray Robert Sutter
f BR Compliance Association
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Murray B ack ow Training School

Deerfeld B each, Florida

Mike O’Boyle - Alternate Deborah Toth - Alternate

Hill Group
Monee, Illinois Franklin Park, Illinois
Pip eftters LU 597 Training Fund

James Larry Rains, Jr. Jaime V. Valdivia - Alternate

SSR, Inc.
Nashville, Tennessee Upland, California
National Insp ection Testing & Certifcation (NITC)

Terry Rucker J. Richard Wagner

Nashville Machine Company, Inc. J. Richard Wagner, PE, LLC
Nashville, Tennessee Timonium, Maryland
Richard Schaefer Marianne Waickman - Non-voting
Medical Gas Consultants, LLC ASSE
Blue Springs, Missouri Westlake, Ohio
George Scott Kenneth Whitson
Scott Associates, LLC
South Salem, New York Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Plumbers & Pipeftters LU 3 4 4

Jason Shank Jonathan C. Willard

Plumbers LU 55
Cleveland, Ohio New Boston, New Hampshire
Certifed Medical Gas Services

Rick Ziegan
Brooklyn Heights, Ohio

x Professional Qualifications Standard for Medical Gas Systems Personnel

Series 6000 – 2012
SERIES 6000 • STANDARD #6001

Listed Standards and Terminology in ASSE

Series 6000 Professional Qualifications Standard

1-1.1 Reference and Industry Standards 1 -1 .1 .1 2 ASTM B81 9 Standard Specifcation for Seamless
T h e fo llo wi ng li s t o f re fe re n c e a nd i nd u s tr y Copper Tube for Medical Gas Systems, 2000 edition
standards is part o f the requirements o f ASSE (R2006) .
Standard 6005, ASSE Standard 601 0, ASSE Standard
1 -1 .1 .1 3 ASTM B828 Standard Practice for Making Capillary
601 5, ASSE Standard 6020, ASSE Standard 6030,
Joints by Soldering o f Copper and Copper Alloy
ASSE Standard 6035, ASSE Standard 6040, ASSE
Tube and Fittings, 2002 edition (R201 0) .
Standard 6050 and ASSE Standard 6055. Re fer to
Annex K for information to contact the various 1 -1 .1 .1 4 AWS B2.2 Specifcation for Brazing Procedure and
standards organizations. Performance Qualifcation, 201 0 edition.

1 -1 .1 .1 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section 1 -1 .1 .1 5 CGA C-9 Standard Color Marking o f Compressed
I X - Q uali fic atio n S tandard fo r We lding and Gas Containers for Medical Use, 4th edition, 2004
Brazing Procedures, Welders, Brazers, and Welding (R2008) .
and Brazing Operators, 201 0 edition, 201 1 addenda.
1 -1 .1 .1 6 CGA E-1 0 Maintenance o f Medical Gas and Vacuum
1 -1 .1 .2 AS S E 6 0 0 5 Medical Gas S ys tems Generalis ts Systems in Health Care Facilities, 3rd edition, 2007.
Pro fessional Qualifcations Standard, revised 201 2.
1 -1 .1 .1 7 CGA G-4.1 Cleaning Equipment for Oxygen Service,
1 -1 .1 .3 AS S E 6 0 1 0 Me d i c al G as S ys te m s I n s talle rs 6th edition, 2009.
Pro fessional Qualifcations Standard, revised 201 2.
1 -1 .1 .1 8 CGA G-1 0.1 Commodity Specifcation for Nitrogen,
1 -1 .1 .4 ASSE 601 5 Bulk Medical Gas Systems Installers 7th edition, 2008.
Pro fessional Qualifcations Standard, revised 201 2.
1 -1 .1 .1 9 CGA M-1 Guide for Medical Gas Supply Systems
1 -1 .1 .5 ASSE 6020 Medical Gas Systems Inspectors Pro fes - at Consumer Sites, 2nd edition, 2007.
sional Qualifcations Standard, revised 201 2.
1 -1 .1 .20 CGA M-7- Guideline for Qualifying Suppliers used
1 -1 .1 .6 A S S E 6 0 3 0 M e d i c a l G a s S ys te m s Ve r i fi e r s by Medical Gas Manufacturers and Distributors, 3rd
Pro fessional Qualifcations Standard, revised 201 2. edition 2009.

1 -1 .1 .7 ASSE 6035 Bulk Medical Gas Systems Verifers 1 -1 .1 .21 CGA P-2 Characteristics and Safe Handling o f Medi-
Pro fessional Qualifcations Standard, 201 2. cal Gases, 9th edition, 2006.

1 -1 .1 .8 ASSE 6040 Medical Gas Sys tems Maintenance 1 -1 .1 .22 CGA P-1 8 Standard for Bulk Inert Gas Systems at
Personnel Pro fessional Quali fications Standard, Consumer Sites, 3rd edition, 2006.
revised 201 2.
1 -1 .1 .23 CGA P-41 Locating Bulk Storage Systems in Courts,
1 -1 .1 .9 AS S E 6 0 5 0 Medical Gas S ys tems I ns tr ucto rs 1 st edition, 201 0.
Pro fessional Qualifcations Standard, revised 201 2.
1 -1 .1 .24 CGA SB-45 Proper Handling o f Insulated Tanks
1 -1 .1 .1 0 ASSE 6055 Bulk Medical Gas Systems Instructors that are in Obvious Signs o f Loss o f Vacuum, 1 st
Pro fessional Qualifcations Standard, revised 201 2. edition, 201 1 .

1 -1 .1 .1 1 ASTM B32 Standard Specifcation for Solder Metal, 1 -1 .1 .25 CGA V-1 Standard for Compressed Gas Cylinder
2008 edition. Valve Outlet and Inlet Connections, 1 2th edition,

Professional Qualifications Standard for Medical Gas Systems Personnel 1

Series 6000 – 2012
1 -1 .1 .26 CSA Z7369.1 Medical Gas Pipeline Systems - Part 1 -1 .2.1 7 Critical care and life support area
1 : Pipelines for Medical Gases and Vacuum, 2009
1 -1 .2.1 8 Cross-connection

1 -1 .2.1 9 Dew point

1 -1 .1 .27 Copper Development Association Copper Tube
Handbook, published 201 0. 1 -1 .2.20 Emergency oxygen supply connection (EOSC)

1 -1 .1 .28 NFPA 55 Compressed Gases and Cryogenic Fluids 1 -1 .2.21 Fire stopping
Code, 201 0 edition.
1 -1 .2.22 Flowmeter
1 -1 .1 .29 NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, 201 1 edition.
1 -1 .2.23 Gas contamination
1 -1 .1 .30 NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code, 201 2 edition.
1 -1 .2.24 Gas-specifc demand check fttings
1 -1 .1 .31 NFPA 1 01 Life Safety Code, 201 2 edition.
1 -1 .2.25 Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) autogenous orbital
1 -1 .1 .32 US Food & Drug Administration Current Good welded j oints
Manufacturing Practices, Title 21 o f the CFR Parts
21 0 and 21 1 , revised 201 1 . 1 -1 .2.26 General anesthesia and levels o f sedation/analgesia

NOTE: All questions related to applicability shall be directed 1 -1 .2.27 Health care facility requirements

to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) .

1 -1 .2.28 Helium, USP

1 -1 .2.29 Hyperbaric
1-1.2 Terminology
T h e fo l lo wi n g l i s t o f te r m s i s p a r t o f th e 1 -1 .2.30 Hyperbaric medical gas piping systems and acces-

re quire ments o f AS S E S tandard 6 0 0 5 , AS S E sories

Standard 601 0, ASSE Standard 601 5, ASSE Standard

1 -1 .2.31 In-building emergency reserve
6020, ASSE Standard 6030, ASSE Standard 6035,
ASSE Standard 6040, ASSE Standard 6050 and 1 -1 .2.32 Instrument air
ASSE Standard 6055.
1 -1 .2.33 Labeled

1 -1 .2.1 Acceptable j oints

1 -1 .2.34 Limited care facility requirements

1 -1 .2.2 Alarms - area, local, master

1 -1 .2.35 Listed

1 -1 .2.3 Anesthetizing location

1 -1 .2.36 Local j urisdiction

1 -1 .2.4 Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ)

1 -1 .2.37 Local signal

1 -1 .2.5 Blowdown
1 -1 .2.38 Manifold

1 -1 .2.6 Brazed j oints

1 -1 .2.39 Manufactured assemblies

1 -1 .2.7 Bulk medical gas systems

1 -1 .2.40 Medical air, USP

1 -1 .2.8 Bulk Medical Gas Systems Installer

1 -1 .2.41 Medical gas and vacuum systems

1 -1 .2.9 Bulk Medical Gas Systems Instructor

1 -1 .2.42 Medical gas rails (MGR)

1 -1 .2.1 0 Bulk Medical Gas Systems Verifer

1 -1 .2.43 Medical Gas Systems Inspector

1 -1 .2.1 1 Carbon dioxide, USP

1 -1 .2.44 Medical Gas Systems Installer

1 -1 .2.1 2 Category 1 medical gas and Category 1 medical/

1 -1 .2.45 Medical Gas Systems Instructor
surgical vacuum system
1 -1 .2.46 Medical Gas Systems Maintenance Personnel
1 -1 .2.1 3 Category 2 medical gas and Category 2 medical/
surgical vacuum system 1 -1 .2.47 Medical Gas Systems Verifer

1 -1 .2.1 4 Category 3 medical gas and Category 3 vacuum 1 -1 .2.48 Medical support gases
1 -1 .2.49 Metal inert gas (MIG) welded j oints
1 -1 .2.1 5 Category 3 gas powered devices supply system
1 -1 .2.50 Nitrogen, NF
1 -1 .2.1 6 Code
1 -1 .2.51 Nitrogen purge gas source alarm

2 Professional Qualifications Standard for Medical Gas Systems Personnel

Series 6000 – 2012
1 -1 .2.52 Nitrous oxide, USP d) A procedure for employers and customers to
verify the certifed person’s validity.
1 -1 .2.53 Nonf ammable
e) Demonstrate that their procedures and policy
1 -1 .2.54 Nursing home requirements are not in conflict with generally accepted
business ethics and adhere to all applicable laws,
1 -1 .2.55 Oxygen, USP both federal and state.
f) That certi fication documents are issued to
1 -1 .2.56 Particulate contaminants
the applicant, including name, ID number,
1 -1 .2.57 Patient care room expiration date and including the title o f the
standard that the certifcation test is based on
1 -1 .2.58 Patient medical gases
so certifed persons are assured they were tested
1 -1 .2.59 Piped distribution system to a standard that is applicable to the reason for
becoming certifed.
1 -1 .2.60 Prohibited piping j oints g) A p rovis io n fo r dis c o ntinue d us e o f the
certifcate if the certifcate is used in a misleading
1 -1 .2.61 Purge
1 -1 .2.62 SCFM, ACFM, CFM, CFH, LPM

1 -1 .2.63 Special fttings

1 -1 .2.64 Standard

1 -1 .2.65 Surface-mounted medical gas rails (MGR)

1 -1 .2.66 Third-party certifcation agency (See 1 .3)

1 -1 .2.67 Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welded j oints

1 -1 .2.68 Use point

1 -1 .2.69 Waste anesthetic gas disposal (WAGD) systems

1-1.3 Third Party Certifcation Agencies

A recognized third party certifcation agency shall
at a minimum be able to demonstrate to interested
parties the following components:

1 -1 .3.1 Management Systems

a) Have a management s ys tem that includes
management review, document controls and
internal audits.

1 -1 .3.2 Applications and Security

a) Accepts applications and issues certifcations in
a non-discriminatory manner.
b) Have a management s ys tem that includes
management review, document controls and
internal audits.
c) The pass/ fail scores are determined through
an accepted validation process, and if multiple
tests are used for the same certifcation, they are
consistent in degree o f diffculty.
d) Examinations and related items are protected
and kept in a secure environment.

1 -1 .3.3 Procedures and Certifcates

a) An appeal process.
b) Have a re-certifcation process.
c) A suspension and/or revocation process.

Professional Qualifications Standard for Medical Gas Systems Personnel 3

Series 6000 – 2012

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