ASSE IAPMO ANSI Series 6000 2012 2 PDF (010 015)
ASSE IAPMO ANSI Series 6000 2012 2 PDF (010 015)
ASSE IAPMO ANSI Series 6000 2012 2 PDF (010 015)
Mike Massey
Tot Darden
EMGS Los Angeles, California
National Insp ection Testing & Certifcation (NITC)
Rick Ziegan
Brooklyn Heights, Ohio
1-1.1 Reference and Industry Standards 1 -1 .1 .1 2 ASTM B81 9 Standard Specifcation for Seamless
T h e fo llo wi ng li s t o f re fe re n c e a nd i nd u s tr y Copper Tube for Medical Gas Systems, 2000 edition
standards is part o f the requirements o f ASSE (R2006) .
Standard 6005, ASSE Standard 601 0, ASSE Standard
1 -1 .1 .1 3 ASTM B828 Standard Practice for Making Capillary
601 5, ASSE Standard 6020, ASSE Standard 6030,
Joints by Soldering o f Copper and Copper Alloy
ASSE Standard 6035, ASSE Standard 6040, ASSE
Tube and Fittings, 2002 edition (R201 0) .
Standard 6050 and ASSE Standard 6055. Re fer to
Annex K for information to contact the various 1 -1 .1 .1 4 AWS B2.2 Specifcation for Brazing Procedure and
standards organizations. Performance Qualifcation, 201 0 edition.
1 -1 .1 .1 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section 1 -1 .1 .1 5 CGA C-9 Standard Color Marking o f Compressed
I X - Q uali fic atio n S tandard fo r We lding and Gas Containers for Medical Use, 4th edition, 2004
Brazing Procedures, Welders, Brazers, and Welding (R2008) .
and Brazing Operators, 201 0 edition, 201 1 addenda.
1 -1 .1 .1 6 CGA E-1 0 Maintenance o f Medical Gas and Vacuum
1 -1 .1 .2 AS S E 6 0 0 5 Medical Gas S ys tems Generalis ts Systems in Health Care Facilities, 3rd edition, 2007.
Pro fessional Qualifcations Standard, revised 201 2.
1 -1 .1 .1 7 CGA G-4.1 Cleaning Equipment for Oxygen Service,
1 -1 .1 .3 AS S E 6 0 1 0 Me d i c al G as S ys te m s I n s talle rs 6th edition, 2009.
Pro fessional Qualifcations Standard, revised 201 2.
1 -1 .1 .1 8 CGA G-1 0.1 Commodity Specifcation for Nitrogen,
1 -1 .1 .4 ASSE 601 5 Bulk Medical Gas Systems Installers 7th edition, 2008.
Pro fessional Qualifcations Standard, revised 201 2.
1 -1 .1 .1 9 CGA M-1 Guide for Medical Gas Supply Systems
1 -1 .1 .5 ASSE 6020 Medical Gas Systems Inspectors Pro fes - at Consumer Sites, 2nd edition, 2007.
sional Qualifcations Standard, revised 201 2.
1 -1 .1 .20 CGA M-7- Guideline for Qualifying Suppliers used
1 -1 .1 .6 A S S E 6 0 3 0 M e d i c a l G a s S ys te m s Ve r i fi e r s by Medical Gas Manufacturers and Distributors, 3rd
Pro fessional Qualifcations Standard, revised 201 2. edition 2009.
1 -1 .1 .7 ASSE 6035 Bulk Medical Gas Systems Verifers 1 -1 .1 .21 CGA P-2 Characteristics and Safe Handling o f Medi-
Pro fessional Qualifcations Standard, 201 2. cal Gases, 9th edition, 2006.
1 -1 .1 .8 ASSE 6040 Medical Gas Sys tems Maintenance 1 -1 .1 .22 CGA P-1 8 Standard for Bulk Inert Gas Systems at
Personnel Pro fessional Quali fications Standard, Consumer Sites, 3rd edition, 2006.
revised 201 2.
1 -1 .1 .23 CGA P-41 Locating Bulk Storage Systems in Courts,
1 -1 .1 .9 AS S E 6 0 5 0 Medical Gas S ys tems I ns tr ucto rs 1 st edition, 201 0.
Pro fessional Qualifcations Standard, revised 201 2.
1 -1 .1 .24 CGA SB-45 Proper Handling o f Insulated Tanks
1 -1 .1 .1 0 ASSE 6055 Bulk Medical Gas Systems Instructors that are in Obvious Signs o f Loss o f Vacuum, 1 st
Pro fessional Qualifcations Standard, revised 201 2. edition, 201 1 .
1 -1 .1 .1 1 ASTM B32 Standard Specifcation for Solder Metal, 1 -1 .1 .25 CGA V-1 Standard for Compressed Gas Cylinder
2008 edition. Valve Outlet and Inlet Connections, 1 2th edition,
1 -1 .1 .28 NFPA 55 Compressed Gases and Cryogenic Fluids 1 -1 .2.21 Fire stopping
Code, 201 0 edition.
1 -1 .2.22 Flowmeter
1 -1 .1 .29 NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, 201 1 edition.
1 -1 .2.23 Gas contamination
1 -1 .1 .30 NFPA 99 Health Care Facilities Code, 201 2 edition.
1 -1 .2.24 Gas-specifc demand check fttings
1 -1 .1 .31 NFPA 1 01 Life Safety Code, 201 2 edition.
1 -1 .2.25 Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) autogenous orbital
1 -1 .1 .32 US Food & Drug Administration Current Good welded j oints
Manufacturing Practices, Title 21 o f the CFR Parts
21 0 and 21 1 , revised 201 1 . 1 -1 .2.26 General anesthesia and levels o f sedation/analgesia
NOTE: All questions related to applicability shall be directed 1 -1 .2.27 Health care facility requirements
1 -1 .2.29 Hyperbaric
1-1.2 Terminology
T h e fo l lo wi n g l i s t o f te r m s i s p a r t o f th e 1 -1 .2.30 Hyperbaric medical gas piping systems and acces-
1 -1 .2.5 Blowdown
1 -1 .2.38 Manifold
1 -1 .2.1 4 Category 3 medical gas and Category 3 vacuum 1 -1 .2.48 Medical support gases
1 -1 .2.49 Metal inert gas (MIG) welded j oints
1 -1 .2.1 5 Category 3 gas powered devices supply system
1 -1 .2.50 Nitrogen, NF
1 -1 .2.1 6 Code
1 -1 .2.51 Nitrogen purge gas source alarm
1 -1 .2.64 Standard