Impact Factor 5.244
Index Copernicus Value: 83.27
ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i8.21
Results Discussion
All 7 patients were operated between november Mechanism of injury did not seem to affect the
2014 to june 2016. There were no intra operative result. One of the patients who failed to unite after
complications. Post operatively 1 patient the operation had sustained injury as a result of
developed mild infection but healed with proper direct blow. We left the plaster on for about 2
dressing and short course of antibiotics. This weeks after we confirmed that the fracture has
study contained 5 male and 2 female subjects. The united radiographically. Mean time for
ages of the patients in the study ranged from 21 to immobilization in plaster was 16.25 weeks in the
48 years. The average age was 29.6 years. 75% of study. Stark et al.[12] kept the plaster on for 17
the patients were younger than 35 years of age. weeks in their study which shows 90% positive
Dominant wrist was affected in 5 patients, and outcome.
non-dominant was affected in 2. One of the probable advantages of screw fixation
The range of motion (Flexion, Extension, Radial over the k-wires is that it allows early
and Ulnar deviation) of the operated wrist was mobilization. A meta analysis [18] found the
compared to the opposite side. The mean loss of average union rate to be same in four studies that
flexion extension was about 14% compared to used no immobilization and other studies shows
opposite side and mean loss in radial-ulnar that used more than 6 weeks of immobilization. 4
deviation was 19%. Most of the patients showed to 12 weeks of immobilization are often reported
evidence of radiological union between 14 to 16 for non-union of the scaphoid [14,16]. It has been
weeks. Range from 12 to 23 weeks and an average seen that screw over K wire fixation the long time
of 16.40 weeks. Most of the patients returned in plaster did not seem to adversely affect the
back to there original profession. Most of the range of motion in our patients. The mean loss of
patients had little or no pain. 2 out of the 7 flexion-extension was about 14% compared to
patients had pain on exertion of the wrist and took opposite side and mean loss in radial-ulnar
occasional analgesics. 1 patient who had poor deviation was 19%. This is similar to or better
result complained of persistent pain. Grip strength than the mobility reported after screw fixation in
was subjectively assessed and compared to spite of shorter immobilization (14,15,16). The time
opposite hand by the same examiner to minimise in plaster of Paris for our patients is not quite as
bias. Most of the patients has good grip strength. long as the 4-6 months recommended after Russe
Mean grip strength at follow up was 80% operation [17]. Only 2 of the 5 patients had poor
compared to opposite hand. result. The success rate was in the region was high