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Revit Rebar Tutorial

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Version 1.

Revit Rebar


1. Intro ................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1. Presentation of the problem ................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Rebar Cover ............................................................................................................................. 3
1.3. Set-up view .............................................................................................................................. 4
2. The objects ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Wall 1 (W1) “Classic” technique .............................................................................................. 5
Placing rebars in section – U-shape................................................................................. 5
Placing rebars in section – Straight shape ....................................................................... 7
Area reinforcement ......................................................................................................... 8
2.2. Wall 2 (W2) Free form rebar ................................................................................................. 10
Free form rebar surface................................................................................................. 10
Free form rebar Surface – edit constraints ................................................................... 13
Free form rebar aligned................................................................................................. 15
2.3. Structural path reinforcement .............................................................................................. 19
2.4. Wall 3 (W3) “Free form rebar and dynamo........................................................................... 22
Free form rebar ............................................................................................................. 22
U-shape with dynamo ................................................................................................... 22
3. 3D rebar color view ....................................................................................................................... 30
3.1. Filter....................................................................................................................................... 30
3.2. Dynamo – 3D view with color based on partition number ................................................... 35
4. Rebar schedule .............................................................................................................................. 38
5. Rebar titleblock ............................................................................................................................. 45

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1. Intro
1.1. Presentation of the problem
This Revit-Rebar tutorial will explain how to place rebars in 4 different objects, as shown in the
picture below. A straight wall(W1), a curved wall(W2), a curved wall with a slope(W3) and a floor. We
are going to use several different techniques to accomplish the goal.

The tutorial will cover:

- Placing rebars using the “classic” technique, meaning placing rebars in 2D-views.
- Area reinforcement.
- Path reinforcement.
- Free form rebar.
- Generating U-shaped rebars in a curved and sloped wall using Dynamo.
- 3D rebars view with color using filter and dynamo
- Rebar schedule with a customized rebar shape
- Title block with shared parameters.

Before we go into the funny stuff, a small intro of the rebar cover settings and how I prefer to set-up
my views.

Picture 1:Intro

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1.2. Rebar Cover
Before placing any rebars, make sure the rebar cover is adjusted and assigned for the Revit element.
This is done by first add, remove, or modify existing rebar cover under rebar cover settings, then
select the element and change the value under Structural, properties. Picture 2.

A green dotted line will appear, when placing a rebar in a section, this line represents the rebar
cover, and the rebar will automatically snap to it. Picture 3

Picture 2:Rebar cover

Picture 3: Rebar cover - green dotted line

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1.3. Set-up view
The second task I like to do before diving into the fun of placing rebars, with the “classic” technique,
is to set up my views, so I have good control and a nice overview.

For the wall I want one 3D view, two sections, and an elevation. A plan view might also be useful.
Picture 4

Use the command WT to evenly distribute the views as shown below. The command TW will expand
the view you are in into full screen.

Picture 4: Set-up overview - WT

Picture 5: Set-up overview - TW

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2. The objects
2.1. Wall 1 (W1) “Classic” technique
Placing rebars in section – U-shape

Picture 6: Placing a rebar.

The first rebar we choose to place out is a U-shaped rebar. But before that It is a couple of options
we need to address, when pressing the rebar button.

Placement plan, is, in my case always set to Current Work Plane, (The other options might be useful if you
have varying spacing between the rebars along the wall, for instance, at the end you want a spacing on 150mm, you can
then use Near Cover Reference, and then drag the rebars from the end to the point where the spacing is increased to
200mm, the 200mm spacing is set out with a new rebar.)

Next one is Placement Orientation, for our rebar with a U shape, we need to use the parallel to
workplane option, as we want the rebar to be placed parallel to the section direction. (We will explore
the other options later.)

Rebar set decides if we want spacing between our rebars, with a specific spacing, or a fixed number
of rebars that will be placed out. In my case, I want a maximum spacing of 200mm.

When these choices are determined, and we have selected rebar shape 21, we can hoover over our
wall in the section and the rebar will automatically snap to our predetermined cover for the wall.

Picture 7: Placing U-shaped rebar

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The rebar is now placed, click the rebar, and apply a partition(the partition will be used later when
creating a rebar schedule) number and change the dimensions: a, b and c to desired values.

Picture 8: Partition and dimensions U-shaped rebar

Placing the U-shaped rebars, at the end of the wall is done in the exact same way, the only different
is, we use section view 2. (see video for walkthrough)

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Placing rebars in section – Straight shape
Placing the straight-shaped rebars, parallel to the work plane is done in the exact same way as
placing the U-shaped once. (see video for walkthrough).

When placing the perpendicular 0-shaped rebars, the only different is the Placement Orientation
option, here set to Perpendicular to cover.

Picture 9: Straight rebar shape, placed perpendicular to cover.

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Area reinforcement
“All roads lead to Rome”. Instead of placing the straight rebars in the section view, another viable
option is to use Area Reinforcement. This is placed out in the 3D-view (For set-up of the 3D rebar view, se
the color-rebar section).

Select the Area button, click the element you want to place the area reinforcement in.

Picture 10: Area reinforcement

When the element is selected, the window under will appear. Here you will draw the area where the
area reinforcement will be placed, with the draw tool. Be aware of selection of the major direction, it
will determine which of the vertical or horizontal rebars will be placed closets to the edge of the wall.
When the area is drawn, decide the rebar type and spacing under properties Layers

Picture 11: Area reinforcement 2

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When done, it’s possible to remove area system, you do it if you want to separate vertical and
horizontal rebars with partition numbers, be careful, when removing area system, it can’t be undone.

Picture 12:Remove area reinforcement

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2.2. Wall 2 (W2) Free form rebar
We now move over to our second wall, a curved wall. To solve the rebar challenges, free form rebar
option will be used. For the straight rebars, Free form rebar surface will be applied, and for the U-
shaped rebars, the free form rebar Aligned used.

Free form rebar surface

To apply the free form rebar option, open a 3D view and press the Rebar button. Picture 13.

Picture 13:3D rebar

The picture below shows the option that appears after pressing rebar button in a 3D view. What we
want is to place horizontal rebars along the curved wall.

First off, decide the values for the rebar set, select the Surface option and mark the curved surface of
the wall.

Picture 14:Free form Surface - 1

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When that is done, and you have the same set up as shown above, Select Start Surface, and mark the
top surface of the wall, further select End Surface, and mark the bottom surface of the curved wall.

Picture 15:Free form Surface – select top surface - 2

Picture 16:Free form Surface – select bot surface - 3

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Do the exact same on the other side. For the Vertical straight rebars, only different, change the start
and end surface to the vertical surfaces and the end of the wall(se video for walkthrough).

The finished product will look like the picture below. For a full walkthrough see the video. The rebars
will snap to our predetermined rebar cover settings.

Picture 17:Free form Surface - finished

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Free form rebar Surface – edit constraints
Let’s say the wall will continue up in a vertical direction for a new store, and we want our vertical
rebars to extend up 1000mm.

Select the vertical rebars and press Edit constraints. Revit will appear like Picture 18. Press the small
dot, marked in the picture and write in the desired number the rebars will extend upwards from the

Picture 18:Free form Surface – edit constrains-1

Picture 19:Free form Surface – edit constrains-2

The second edit constraints adjustment that demands attention is the horizontal rebars, it needs to
be reorganized so it won’t collide with the vertical once. See picture below.

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Picture 20:Free form Surface - edit constrains-3

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Free form rebar aligned
Next up is our U-shaped rebars, this task can be done by the function Free Form Rebar Aligned. But
some manual work, calculation and edit constraint is needed. When hitting the Rebar button, when
having a 3D view open, the screen below will appear.

Press aligned and select the host surfaces for the U-shaped rebar. A total of 3 surfaces is selected
before pressing the path button. The 3 selected surfaces form a U-shape which will eventually form
the U-shaped rebars. If we only desired an L-shape rebar, 2 surfaces would be the desired number of
surfaces selected from the host surfaces option.

Picture 21:Free form Aligned -1

Further, when done selecting the surfaces, press path and select the path the rebars will follow, in
our case, it will follow the bottom curved line.

Picture 22:Free form Aligned -2

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After completion, the U shaped rebars will form but the rebars have not the desired dimensions
values, to correct it, change the Workshop instructions from straight to bend.

Picture 23:Free form Aligned -3

The rebar now acts as a U-shape, with the correct shape and dimensions values a, b, and c, but the
values are greyed out and not possible to change, we need to edit constraints and do some simple
calculations to get our desired dimensions values.

Picture 24:Free form Aligned -4

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Picture 25:Free form Aligned, Edit constraints -5

Picture 26:Free form Aligned -6

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After subtracting 2365 for our U-shaped rebar length using edit constrainst, we accomplishes the
desired values for a and c.

Do the same for the top rebars.

Picture 27:Free form Aligned -finished

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2.3. Structural path reinforcement
The path option under reinforcement is a nice tool to place rebars in, for example, slabs, It’s easy and

So, you need to stay in a plan view to deploy the rebars, have a 3D view open for a better overview
and maneuverability.

In our example, we want to place U-shaped rebars along the edges of our slab, this can be done by
the “classic” technique used earlier, but the more effective way is to use the path option.

Picture 28: Path location on the toolbar

First off, we use pick lines to pick the edges of our slab, further we press the double arrow, because
we want the U-shaped rebars to go into the slab and not outwards, and last edit the values under the
properties tab.

Picture 29: Structural path reinforcement -1

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When done, press the green finish button, the result will look like the picture below. The U-shaped
rebars are the wrong way, this is a quick fix, just mark them and hit the space bar a couple of times to
get the desired position.

Picture 30: Structural path reinforcement -2

To remove the path system, press the Remove path system button, we now have the opportunity to
change the a, b, and c values for our U-shaped rebars

Picture 31: Structural path reinforcement -3

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Picture 32: Structural path reinforcement -3

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2.4. Wall 3 (W3) “Free form rebar and dynamo
The last wall, a curved wall with varying height, Dynamo will be applied to generate the U-shaped
rebars both top and bot.

Under the top U-shaped rebars using dynamo will be explained, for the bot U-shaped rebars,
Dynamo player will be used. Making your script Dynamo player ready makes it easy for yourself and
your colleagues when running the script again later.

Free form rebar

The same approach is used which we have gone through in previous chapters.

U-shape with dynamo

Picture 33: Dynamo overview

Select edge is the rebar path, the rest of the input values are pretty straight forward and need no
further explanation.

A little side note, the rebar length and width will appear as 600mm and 180mm when generating the
U-shaped rebars.

Picture 34: Input 1

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2. Spacing along the curve, trim line for rebar cover

Curve.TrimByParameter is used to shorten the curve at both sides, the distance that shortens
represent the rebar cover.

To divide the newly created curve into equal segments length equivalent to spacing specified in
input_1, we use Curve.PointsAtSegmentLengthFromPoint. The number of segment length is counted
with List.Count.

The number of points found with List.Count is a parameter in the code block, the code block is set up
as follow: 0..1..#a. You can interpret the first part (0..1) as a percent of the curve. The 0, means you
start at 0% at the curve, and the 1, you end at 100% of the curve’s length. If the number were
0,1..0,9, we would have started at 10%into the curve and end at 90%, in total 80% of the midsection
of the curve will have distributed the #a numbers.

in our case, 100% of the curve will be used to place out x-number of points along the curve. The
number of points is determined by the input value #a, previously found with list.Count.

So, the code block is used as a parameter in the node Curve.PointAtParameter. We now have the
spacing between the rebars, symbolized as points on the curve.

Picture 35: Spacing along the curve, trim line for rebar cover

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3. Vector, 90 degrees on the curve.

What we want is to create individual vectors that are perpendicular to the curve for every point we
sat along the curve in the previous section, this allows us to place the U-shaped rebars at the correct
angle, with the correct dimensions.

The first step is to make a plane perpendicular to the line for each of the points, using
Curve.PlaneAtParameter. further, turn this into a vector with Plane.Normal, then extracting the
vector from Plane.Normal, we only need direction in the XY-plane, then rotate the vector 90

In the last step, we retrieve vector.X and vector.Y from the previous Vector.Rotate, and
uses Vector.ByCoordinates to merge the vectors again, leaving the Z vector blank, The reason for this
is because we want this value to be 0(only rotation in XY-plane). We now have individual vectors in
XY direction for each of the points along the curve.

Picture 36: Vector, 90 degrees on the curve.

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4. Points

The tools (points along the curve with correct spacing and a perpendicular vector for every point)
needed are now created and available for the next phase.

The next phase consists of creating the 4 points, using the tools, that will eventually form our U-
shaped rebar.

Every point is created with the node Geometry translate, and collected in a list with List.Create.

Picture 37: Points.

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5. Lines

To create the U-shape we desire, the node Line.ByStartPointEndpoint is used to create lines
between the points that were made in the previous section.

Further, the lines are assembled using a code block, it is important that the order of the lines is
correct so that the lines that are made form a U-shape as shown in picture 6. List.Transpose
reorganizes the list so the list can be read by the node PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves, to form one curve
out of the three lines.

The U-shaped rebars have now been produced in dynamo, the last step, getting them into Revit as

Picture 38: Lines.

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6. Input

We now arrive at the second input box; this box is related to the rebars value.

Rebar style is standard, the diameter of the rebar is 10 (in this example), none RebarHookType,
select the model the rebars are going to be placed in, RebarHookOrietation is left.

The vector input value is probably best communicated by Dieter Vermeulen at Autodesk

- The vector is the direction in which the rebar would get distributed, and represent the normal
vector of the plane in which the rebar sketch is created. This can be easily found with the
curve.normal node.

the four last nodes determine the parameter values for the shape (21) and partition-POS.Nr(51).

Picture 39: Input 2

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7. Import rebar to Revit

The main node in this section is CreateFrom.Curves, and can be found in the package dynamo for
rebar. All the input values are described in the 6.Input.

The parameters mentioned are (shape and partition) set by the node Element.SetParameterByName
and linked with the main node, this means that all the rebars created from the main node will have
the parameters decided in 6.Input.

We also want the rebars created to be solid in view, this is done by using the node

Picture 40: Revit

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Picture 41: Dynamo finished

Picture 42: Revit finished

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3. 3D rebar color view
When modeling rebars, it’s easy to lose track of it all. A good tool to use both during the rebar
modeling phase and to quickly get back the overview, a clean and colorful 3D might do wonders.

I will go through how to get color on every rebar based on their diameter, using Revit Filter. Second
part, Dynamo will color all rebars in different colors based on their partition.

3.1. Filter

Picture 43: Filter view -1

First off, we want to make the walls transparent. Open up the visibility graphic (VG), select walls, and
set transparency level to 80%.

Picture 44: Filter view -setting a transparent wall.

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We can now see our rebars in the wall. Further, mark all the rebars and make them solid in view, like
shown in the picture below.

Note: for this to work the detail level need to be fine.

Picture 45: Filter view -View as solid.

Open visibility graphic(VG), and select filter. This is the process that applies color on the rebar based
on the parameters.
The parameters, in our case, we want to separate, is by rebar diameter.

Add new parameter –> edit/new –> create new.

Picture 46: Filter view -Creating new filter-1.

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The filter menu opens, check the structural rebar box. Bar diameter is selected, equals to 16.
Meaning every Structural rebar with a bar diameter of 16 will be affected by choices done in the next

Picture 47: Filter view -Creating new filter-2.

Add the newly created ø16 filter to the filter list. Apply the color red for lines and patterns. Do the
same for rebars with bar diameter 12 and 25, use a different color.

Picture 48: Filter view -Creating new filter-3.

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Picture 49: Filter view -Creating new filter and applying color-4.

Hit apply and OK.

Picture 50: Filter view -Creating new filter-5.

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The rebars has now been colorized based on their diameter, using Revit filters.

Picture 51: Filter view -finish.

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3.2. Dynamo – 3D view with color based on partition number
Sometimes it’s very nice to be able to see the different kinds of rebars based on their partition, and
not just rebar size when checking the model for errors.

Dynamo will assist us in that task.

Picture 52: Color rebar with dynamo overview.

1. Select all rebar elements in view

First thing, hide the rebars you don’t want to “paint” and then open up the dynamo script.
We want to select all our structural rebars in the active view we have open, will do that with the
nodes Document.Current and document.ActiveView, and the costume
node Springs.Collector.ElementinView.
Now all the rebars in the active view are selected in dynamo, and we are ready to proceed to the
next step.

Picture 53: Select all rebar elements in view.

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2. List breakdown
Not a completely necessary step, but choose to split up the list into 3 lists, to avoid partition close to
each other to get a similar color. Since we separate it from the list, 3 partitions will get the same
color, but it will be more spread. This means, for example, that partition 11 and 12 will have a larger
color difference, but partition 11 and 26 will have the same color.

Picture 54: List breakdown.

3. Color palette
Create a larger color palette by adding in a total of 6 colors to choose from. Se the color range in the

Picture 55: Color palette.

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The costume node Color.ByParameter is used to apply color to the element based on their chosen
parameter, in this case, we want to separate the different elements by a partition, so each partition
in the chosen category (structural rebars) will get a color from the color palette created in the
previous section.
If you want to reset or delete colors on the structural rebars, set boolean to true, and run the script

Picture 56: Revit.

Picture 57: Color rebars using dynamo

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4. Rebar schedule
At this point we are done with the rebar modeling and want to set up at rebar schedule of our rebars
from the first wall we created.

Picture 58: Rebar schedule - 1

Picture 59: Rebar schedule – 2

When hitting the OK botton, the box in the picture below appears, hear we select the desired values
from the rebar properties bar, as shown.

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Picture 60: Rebar schedule – 3 Fields

Our rebar numbering (partition value under properties) is set up so that wall one (the first wall we
placed rebars in) has partition numbers from 10-20 wall 2 has 20-30 etc., it makes it easy to
distinguish the desired rebar numbering in our list using filters.

Picture 61: Rebar schedule – 3 Filter

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Under sorting/grouping we aim at sorting our partition numbers from low too high in a rising order,
10,11,12, 13.etc. It’s important that Itemize every instance is checked off, like shown in the picture

Picture 62: Rebar schedule – 4 Sorting/grouping

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The schedule is now showing the mm sign after every number (green arrow), to remove it follow the
picture below.

Picture 63: Rebar schedule – 5 Formatting

The rebar schedule is starting to form, but it still needs some small adjustment. The shape image for
our rebar shape 7 is missing and the total bar length must be added.

Picture 64: Rebar schedule – 6

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Let’s start off with our custom rebar shape. Some manual work is needed, draw the shape in a legend
or draft view, use snipping tool and save the image at your desktop, then click the custom rebar and
press edit family.

Picture 65: Rebar schedule – 6

Picture 66: Rebar schedule – 7

In the custom rebar shape click the family types and add the image saved to the desktop, se picture

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Picture 67: Rebar schedule – 8

To change the row height when you add an image to the schedule and place the schedule on a sheet.
Click on the schedule in the sheet view and the resize button will appear on the modify schedule
graphics bar.

Picture 68: Rebar schedule – 9, Schedule on sheet.

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The final step for our rebar schedule is to add a total bar length parameter.

In the schedule properties under fields click Add calculated parameter, and punch in the values
shown below.

For final result, se Picture 74.

Picture 69: Rebar schedule – 10, Total bar length

Picture 70: Rebar schedule – 11, Finish

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5. Rebar titleblock
For an easier and better overview for the different constructions part we have created through the
project, we want to create a rebar schedule sheet for every construction part, to do that we have to
create a title block with shared parameters.

The title block presented is a simplified version just to show and clarify how to create a title block
with shared parameters. You may create your own title block with preferred text and parameters
that is personalized for your needs.

To create a new title block, go to:

File  New  Title block

As this is a A4 sheet, we set it up properly, with the necessary A4 borders. Add appropriate text,
same way as in Revit.

Picture 71: Rebar title block – 1, Set up.

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Picture 72: Rebar title block – 2, Set up.

Here comes the tricky part, adding labels, maneuver through the labyrinth of options, and getting it
all to work after you load the title block into Revit main file. To solve the problem, shared parameter
will be used. I will go through it step by step.

Hit the label button localized in the picture above.

In the process shown below we want to create a txt document that will contain our newly created
shared parameters.

Edit label appears, click add parameter  Select Edit Create, save the txt document. The txt
document will be used to “transfer” the created parameters from the title block family to our main
Revit file.

Picture 73: Rebar title block –3, create a shared parameter

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In the Edit shared parameters window, we create a Parameter group, this group will contain the
parameters that belong to this Rebar schedule title block.

Picture 74: Rebar title block – 4, Edit shared parameter.

When the OK button is pressed in the Edit shared parameters window, select the parameter you
want to implement in the edit label list (In our case, all the parameters will be added), in the
parameter properties, just hit OK and the parameter will appear in the Edit label menu.

Picture 75: Rebar title block – 5, shared parameter.

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When done with this confusing part, locate the parameter in the menu and add it. Add all the
parameters to a label, and load into project when finish.

Picture 76: Rebar title block – 6, Edit label.

Picture 77: Rebar title block – 7, Load into project

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Back to the main Revit-file after loaded the title block into it. To start off, create a sheet, select the
title block you just created. You may notice that it is not possible to change the value for our created
parameters, the last step to get our shared parameters operative remains.

The TXT file that was created earlier will be linked, you can see that under manage  Shared
parameters, but to get them to work you need to apply them to the project and sheet category.

Click the project parameter shown below and follow the steps. As you can see our created shared
parameters appears as a choice under the Shared parameter window.

Picture 78: Rebar title block – 8, Project parameters

Check the instance (Enables you to modify the parameter value separately for every instance), sheets
(make the parameter available on the sheet), hit OK, do the same for the other parameters.

All the parameters are now active and ready to be used. Place the desired rebar schedule in the
sheet, and fill in the parameters values and the sheet are ready to be sent.

Picture 79: Rebar title block – 9, Parameter properties

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Picture 80: Rebar Sheet

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