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Numenor Tolkiens Literary Utopia

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History of European Ideas, Vol. 16, No. 4-6, pp.

633-638, 1993
Printed in Great Britain 0191-6599/93 $6.00 + 0.00
©1993 Pergarnon Press Ltd



In the last four decades modern fantasy literature outstripped its traditional
domains. Without abandoning the main characteristics of the genre, fantasy
authors rediscovered mythology and legends, and the power of symbols.
Gradually, fantasy literature lost the almost inevitable and exclusive association
with terror fiction, and found new connections. Expressions like 'High Fantasy',
'Heroic Fantasy', 'Children Fantasy', 'Space Fantasy', etc., are of common use
nowadays, and editors no longer fear the 'spectrum' of a sales failure when they
venture to publish fantasy fiction. Seemingly in the past two decades the scholar
community has demonstrated a growing interest in this kind of literature,
producing an ever increasing number of studies.
Several factors may be acknowledged as decisive to the substantial change
produced in the panorama of fantasy fiction. The most obvious was what came to
be known as 'the Tolkien phenomenon'. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's major
fictional work published in the mid-fifties, The Lord of the Rings 1 had a quite
unexpected popular and financial success not only in Great Britain and the
United States but wherever it came to be published (and translated).
Tolkien's fiction, along with C.S. Lewis's fantasy books, opened the doors to a
whole new mode and fantasy is now to be found, discussed and studied in world
literature and the arts.
Several scholars tried in the past two decades to define 'the fantastic'. To quote
just the most notable we have Tzetan Todorov, Luis Vax, C.N. Manlove,
W .R. Irwin, Eric Rabkin, Stephan Prickett and Roger C. Schlobin. The fact that
they all came up with different and yet similar definitions of 'the fantastic',
proves that scholars move on particularly slippery ground when facing the task
of setting bounds to an object as unpredictable as imagination itself. This leads us
inevitably to Carl Gustav Jung's psychological theories who, as Roger Schlobin
puts it, 'has been one of the fantasy's greatest advocates'. 2 In his work
Psychological Types Jung defines fantasy as being 'pre-eminently, the creative
activity from which the answer to all unanswerable questions come; it is the
mother of all possibilities, where, like all psychological opposites, the inner and
outer worlds are joined together in living union. -Fantasy it was and ever is which
fashions the bridge between the irreconcileable claims of subject and object,
introversions and extroversion. In fantasy alone both mechanisms are united'. 3
This Jungian definition allows us to understand the difficulty felt by scholars to
find more than satisfactory definitions of fantasy. Inevitably all definitions,
though accurate, will make us feel that fantasy is, so to say, 'more than that'.

634 Maria do Rosario Monteiro

Fantasy is inherent to human creativeness. That is why it can hardly be confined

to a rational final definition.
Focusing our attention on fantasy literature, we are now prepared to see it as
'what could never have been, cannot be and can never be within the actual social,
cultural and intellectual milieu of its creation' .4 And this is exactly what we find
in Tolkien's fantasy world-Middle-earth.
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973) was born in Bloemfontain, South
Africa, and came to England when he was three. Apart from a few short trips
abroad he never left England, spending most of his life in Oxford, where he
graduated in English Language and Literature. In 1925 he became Professor of
Anglo-Saxon at Oxford, and twenty-five years later he was elected Merton
Professor of English Language and Literature.
When in the mid-fifties George Alien & Unwin published his fantasy fiction
The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien had a sound reputation in the academic milieu, but
he was almost unknown to the common reader. In fact his previous literary work
had been a story for children: The Hobbit. 5 But what came to be published in
1954/55, though intended as a sequel to the former book, was in fact partly the
result of Tolkien's work on a private fantastic mythology.
For some thirty-seven years Tolkien imagined a fantastic world-Middle-earth
-and created a mythology, legends and a history for it. Using all his vast
erudition on Western myths, legends, literature and languages, Tolkien created a
complex 'believable' fantasy world with natural phenomena and intelligent
beings that not only inhabited it but had a history, legends, myths, different
languages and cultures.
In The Lord of the Rings the reader finds the legends and history of Middle-
earth while in The Silmarillion 6 he is confronted with the full mythological corpus
of that strange but somehow familiar world. In Tolkien's fiction several
traditions such as Christian, Classical, Celtic and Nordic ones are intimately
interweaved with enormous mastery and profound knowledge. This definitely
contributes to the feeling one has while reading it that although strange, nothing
in Middle-earth is alien to us.
Among the myths one can find in The Silmarillion there is the myth of Atlantis
re~created in the episode of the 'Downfall ofNiimenor' (Akallabethj.1
The result of Tolkien's 're-creation', though only some 30 pages long, is quite
impressive. He creates a Utopia that bears close references to Plato's Atlantis,
but the ultimate result is a modern Utopia that echoes the myth of the Golden Age
and that of the Lost Paradise. In other words in this episode we find a unique
compromise between Antiquity and Modernity.
Tolkien's Utopia is an extremely synthetic one. Many of the traditional
schemes used in classical Utopias are either ignored or reduced to their minimum
functional aim. For instance there is no narrator arriving at an unknown island.
The fact that the episode is integrated on a larger impersonal narrative that
frames it, makes such a stratagem impossible.
The episode sets forth with the creation of the island by the gods (sort of
secondary deities subordinated to Eru lluvatar, 'The Creator'). The island is then
offered to a particular human race as a reward for its decisive involvement in the
wars fought by elves and gods against Melkor ('Fallen Angel') and the forces of
Tolkein's Literary Utopia 635

Numenor is ab initio a land of election, isolated, a place with no past, but

definitely with a present and a future to accomplish. This island created by the
gods from the depth of the sea (symbol of life and death, alpha and omega of all
creation) has the shape of a five-pointed star. Three gods were directly involved
in creating, shaping and making it inhabitable. They were: Osse, the lord of the
waters (an equivalent to the Greek god Poseidon) who made the island arise from
the sea; Aule, the smith god, shaped it; and Yavanna, the goddess of vegetation
made the land fertile and the weather mild.
The island had a large central plain protected from the northern wind by a
complex mountain chain. In the middle of the plain stood Meneltarma 'Heaven-
pillar', the highest mountain in the island. Its plane peak was like an opened
temple created by the gods for the ritual celebrations to Iluvatar. To get up there
one had to climb a winding road that began at the southern side of the mountain
and ended at the northern side of the peak. On a short hill at the foot of Meneltarma
stood the city of Armenelos, 'Royal-Heaven fortress', where the kings held their
courts. A main road led from Armenelos to R6menna, the main harbour.
Tolkien's description of the creation of Numenor, its geography and the
existence of rituals to honour the supreme god allows us to establish several
connections to Plato's Atlantis as it is described in Timaeus and Critias. Both
islands have a divine origin and both have a geometric centred form-Atlantis
had a circular form and Niimenor a decagonal one. They both had a main central
mountain where the inhabitants celebrated their gods-Poseidon and Iluvatar.
There is still another resemblance, though a less direct one: the chosen
inhabitants. In Atlantis they were originally Poseidon and Clito's five pairs of
twins. In Numenor they were the descendants of the three human races that
fought alongside with the elves and the gods against Melkor. Though they had no
godlike origins, Eonwe (Manwe's emissary) came to them and gave them three
gifts: power, wisdom and a larger lifespan, thrice any other mortal man.
Numenor's shape, similar to a five-pointed star, symbolically associates the
island with a place of perfection. This symbolism is re-enforced by the existence
of a central mountain with the kings' city at its foot. Being an ideal place for the
theopanies, the mountain is the place where heaven and earth meet, and also the
final goal of man's ascent. The rituals held thrice a year at the peak and the
Numenoreans' behaviour were in accordance with this symbolism of perfection.
At the vernal equinox, the summer solstice and at the autumnal equinox, the king
established his dialogue with god. The procession began at the mountain foot,
the king at its head. All the participants in these rituals were clad in white (the
neophytes' colour) and walked in silence (every initiation is mainly an inner
process). Besides, silence was the main feature of the place for both men and
nature stood always perfectly soundless on the mountain peak.
The fact that the rituals took place thrice a year is another symbol of the
intended perenniality of this island. In other words while the cycles of life are
divided in four phases (a year has four seasons, life has four periods, etc.), divine
order lacks the fourth moment: death/decay.
The geographic situation of the island, west of Middle-earth (where the other
mortal races live) and east of Valinor, the 'Undying Lands' (where the gods had
their domains) shows the intention present in all Utopias to preserve the ideal
place from the dangerous contacts that may lead it astray.
636 Maria do Rosario Monteiro

While classical Utopias are based on city-states (symbols of rationalisation), in

Tolkien's Utopia the main concern is the search for a· balanced relationship
between man and his environment or, in other words, between conscience and
the unconscious. Therefore the philosopher-legislator is replaced here by the
king, symbol of the union oflhivatar's sons (of men and elves), that is to say,
symbol of a Coincidentia Oppositorum.
Another aspect in which Numenor swerves from traditional Utopias is in the
absence of a precise definition of social, economical and political structures. The
reader infers that Numen6rean society is in some way a medieval one. The king,
head of the system is simultaneously legislator,judge and priest (as the Kings of
Atlantis). Underneath him in the social hierarchy are the nobles or the king's
counsellors, and at the bottom of the hierarchy there are the farmers, the
craftsmen and the sailors. This structure will be kept later with slight adjustments
in human societies in Middle-earth.
The gods did not simply offer men the island. They also set the rules its
inhabitants should abide by. For instance, they allowed and even encouraged the
contacts between the elves ofValinor and the Numen6reans so that these should
learn with the former not only the language but also the crafts and culture of a
more advanced society. But the gods also set a ban: men were to sail and land
wherever they could and wanted to, but they were never to enter the Undying
Lands. These were forever interdict to mortal men. Therefore all contacts with
western elves were, so to say, unilateral. The gods wanted them to seek perfection
within the limits of their mortal condition.
For many centuries Numen6reans prospered and became experts in several
crafts and as sailors. They sailed to Middle-earth and there taught those men who
still lived barbarously. Later they set colonies and created a mighty eastern
empire. In the beginning, as happened with the Atlantes, their power, wisdom
and wealth did not make them ambitious, but they rather sought virtue and
righteousness. However, from that generation on, their lifespan diminished and
the way they faced existence got out of focus.
Traditional Utopias end with the vision of the islanders' spiritual and material
wealth. But Tolkien's fantasy utopia does not end like that. If it did, modern
readers would simply dismiss the story as an impossible one and the 'magic' of
Tolkien's 'secondary world' would vanish.
We all know that closed, perfect, static societies are impossible to accept today.
Our Western culture is characterised by diversity. The political, moral, social and
economical values of Western civilisation are constantly changing. Man no longer
believes in his ability to control his own creations without losing part of his
individuality in the process. That's why, to quote Robert Elliott, usually 'one
man's Utopia is another man's nightmare'. 8
A less careful interpretation might lead us to conclude that fantasy literature
does not have to face the same problems as 'realistic' literature, and that fantasy
worlds would be freed from the problems of a 'real' one. But fantasy literature is
not only escapism. It has very precise relations with real life. As every literary
genre, fantasy literature is rooted in the social and cultural values of its milieu of
That is why, in the mid-fifties, Tolkien had inevitably to create a Utopia with
Tolkein's Literary Utopia 637

an opened structure, for this seems to be one of the few possibilities left to
Utopian literature by the evolution of Western civilisation. The perpetuation of a
state of perfection is something man will dream about ad infinitum.
Modern Utopias, in order to retain some credibility, have to conceive evolution
as a one way route through shadow and light and so forth. In other words, every
Utopia must be able to find in itself its own anti-Utopia. Static situations are no
longer plausible, that is why we can no longer find them in fictional worlds.
Literature is rooted in the unconscious as well as the conscious. Therefore
modern literary utopias are only possible, if, to quote Northrop Frye, they 'pay
some attention to the lawless and violent lusts of the dreamer, for their
foundations will still be in dreamland'. 9
In T olkien's Utopia we can clearly find in the creation of the island the elements
that will cause the unbalance and consequent destruction of the Utopian state.
Gods placed the island between 'heaven and earth', and allowed the contacts
between the two races: the mortal men and the immortal elves. But they also set a
ban limiting men's actions. This ban will be as the small crack in the initially
balanced creation.
Every interdiction tends to be broken. When the Numen6reans attained
outmost power and wealth, when natural limits could no longer stop them, their
fall became inevitable. The psychological balance was lost by the inflation of the
conscious. Then men started to doubt the validity of the ban, and the pact
between men and gods was broken.
When the gods allowed men to develop faster than they naturally would, they
also condemned them to destruction. This took place when a Numen6rean fleet
left the harbour to conquer the immortality they thought was kept in Valinor. The
island sank under a huge wave and the shape of the world was altered by Iluvatar.
The world became a globe condemning men to its surface, and the Undying Lands
were removed from earth.
Tolkien's description of the drowning ofNumenor undoubtedly echoes that of
Atlantis as it is told in Timaeus. Numenor became a memory for those who were
saved. These will be exiled ones, inevitably unhappy with their fate, hoping for
the lost 'paradise'.
Through the ages the memory of Numenor will be kept and altered until it
becomes a myth for men in Middle-earth. Numenor will then stand for that short
moment men lived in harmony with the gods, before the fall. But it will be also a
stimulus for men to try to build new states, new Utopias. Within man lies the
ability to endlessly hope and aspire for perfection.
This is the message we find at the end of The Lord of the Rings when after facing
a deadly battle with evil, man regains his lost dignity and restores the lineage of
the Kings of Numenor at the beginning of the fourth age.

Maria do Rosario Monteiro

New University of Lisbon
638 Maria do Rosario Monteiro


I. J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings (London: George Alien & Unwin, 1954/55),
3 vols [4th ed. 1981].
2. Roger C. Schlobin, 'In the Looking Glasses: The Popular and Cultural Fantasy
Response' in The Scope of the Fantastic, Robert A. Collins and Howard D. Pearce (eds)
(Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1985), vol. I, p. 8.
3. Car! Gustav Jung, Psychological Types, trans H.G. Baynes, rev. R.F.C. Hull, in
The Collected Works of C. G. Jung (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971), p. 52.
4. Roger Schlobin, 'Introduction: Fantasy and its Literature' in The Literature ofFantasy;
A Comprehensive Annotated Bibliography of Modern Fantasy Literature (New York:
Garland Publishing, 1979), p. xxvi.
5. J.R.R. Tolkieh, The Hobbit (London: George Alien & Unwin, 1937) [4th ed. 1981].
6. J.R.R. Tolkien, The Silmari!lion, ed. Christopher Tolkien (London: George Alien
& Unwin, 1980).
7. Idem (London: Unwin Paperbacks, 1982 [1984]), pp. 309-339. For a more
comprehensive information on the geography of Numenor we suggest the reading of
'A Description of the Island ofNumenor' in Unfinished Tales of Numenor and Middle-
earth, J.R.R. Tolkien, ed. Christopher Tolkien (London: George Alien & Unwin,
1980), pp. 164-172.
8. Robert Elliot, The Shape of Utopia (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970), p. 87.
9. Northrop Frye, 'Varieties of Literary Utopias' in Utopias and Utopian Thought,
Frank Manud (London: Souvenir Press, 1973), p. 49.

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