Star Fleet Battles - Sublight Rules 1979

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Scott Johnson toyed around with missiles having a max

VII. THE SUB-LIGHT GAME speed of 6 (or speed 8 using an 8-segment turn with the ships
still only going a max speed of 6) and 1 or 2 hit points, as well
(The First Romulan War) as faster shorter range missiles.
The are the sublight game rules originally published in the (56.21) Players should add two boxes to the SSDs to represent
1979 Pocket Edition and Designer's Edition of Star Fleet the atomic missile launchers. These would be destroyed on
Battles. As you will note, we numbered rules differently in "Drone" hits. Use Type I Drones. [60.0 speed 8, endurance 3,
those long-forgotten days. As you will see, these were more a warhead 12 (4), hits to destroy 4, space 1]
few notes than a full set of rules. Scott Johnson was kind
enough to recover the rules text for us, and to do several (57.0) SHIPS AND SHIP SYSTEMS
SSDs, which provide more data than was originally available. A At the time period 100 years prior to that shown in the
very minimal effort was made to bring these rules up to the Sublight Game, much of the technology of the later time was
current stylebook (spelling fixes, capitalization, format, etc.). not available. Also, the ships which were available in this
Sublight Game are rather limited.
The sublight game is, functionally, an entirely separate Note: While this is the original text, and defined how to
and different game from the rest of Star Fleet Battles. It covers change published warp-speed SSDs into sublight SSDs, the
a time period including the First Romulan War, which was SSDs provided by Scott Johnson already reflect the correct
fought approximately 100 years prior to the time shown in the layout.
original television series.
(57.1) The following are not available in the Sublight Game and
(55.0) MOVEMENT should be eliminated from any ships used in it: Probes, Photon
The scale of the game is changed to reflect the slower Torpedoes, Plasma Torpedoes, Warp Engines, Tractor Beams,
movement rates. A movement rate of 20 hexes per turn would Transporters, Boarding Parties, Emergency Deceleration,
represent the speed of light, but no ship in this game may Cloaking Devices, and Shields.
move faster than six hexes per turn. Movement, functionally, is
done exactly the same as in the normal game, but a separate (57.2) The Romulan Warbird is available in this game.
chart has been provided. One unit of energy is sufficient for Eliminate the systems listed in (57.1), and use the phaser
speeds up to three hexes per turn, and two units of energy is boxes as lasers.
sufficient for speeds of 4 to 6.
(57.3) The Federation Light Cruiser is available in this game.
(55.1) SUB-LIGHT GAME MOVEMENT CHART Eliminate the systems listed in (57.1), and use the Phaser
boxes as Lasers. Add two additional APR boxes.
6 5 4 3 2 1
1 -- -- -- -- -- (57.4) An early version of the Federation cruiser is available in
2 1 1 1 -- -- this game. To convert the SSD for the CA to this type,
3 2 2 -- 1 -- eliminate the Secondary Hull and all the systems listed in
4 3 -- 2 -- -- (57.1), EXCEPT that the CA may operate its Shields at
5 4 3 -- -- -- "minimum" setting. [(5.1.11) requires one unit of power
6 5 4 3 2 1 provides five Shield boxes in each Shield with power]
(55.2) The Romulan ship has a Turn Mode of 2, and the (57.5) Use the scenarios listed in the normal game.
Federation ships have Turn Modes of 3.
(57.6) Shuttles have a speed of 3 and a Turn Mode of 1, and
(56.0) COMBAT one laser each.
[Scott Johnson fiddled around with fast shuttles packing
(56.1) LASERS: The main weapon used in the Sublight Game one or two one-turn endurance missiles and having a light
is the Laser Beam. These are used just as phasers are used in (short range) laser, but only two hit points (a shuttle taking an
the normal game. The laser, however, uses an entirely atomic missile and two lasers (or six lasers) to kill seemed
different Combat Chart. Each laser, if it hits, will score one wildly tough in the sub-light game).]
point of damage, regardless of the range, so the chart below
simply shows the number required (on a die roll) to secure a Notes by Steve Cole: If we ever decide to do Module Q,
hit. One unit of energy is sufficient to power all the lasers on a we will start with the data in Module Y and Module Y2, as this
given ship. includes a considerable amount of information on the earlier
RANGE 0-1 2-4 5-7 8-10 11-15
Hit 1-5 1-4 1-3 1-2 1
Miss 6 5-6 4-6 3-6 2-6

(56.2) ATOMIC MISSILE COMBAT: Both the Romulan

Warbird and the Federation light cruiser carried nuclear-tipped
missiles during the First Romulan War.
Note: Later data, in Module Y, changed this, and the
Warbird carried other weapons.
These are not shown on the SSDs for the ship. Both ships
have two such launchers, and each launcher has four missiles.
Each launcher may fire one missile per turn. These use the
Drone Rules (20.0) except that the warhead strength is 4.
Players should borrow drone counters from the Klingons and
Kzintis, which are not used in the Sublight Game. [Drones:
speed 8, Turn Mode 1, 3-turn endurance, 4 hit points.]

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