Secure Smart Agriculture Monitoring Technique Through Isolation
Secure Smart Agriculture Monitoring Technique Through Isolation
Secure Smart Agriculture Monitoring Technique Through Isolation
through isolation
George Suciu, Cristiana-Ioana Istrate, Maria-Cristina Dițu
R&D Department
Beia Consult International
Bucharest, Romania
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Data regarding the memory usage can be seen by creating a Fig. 6. Organizations from Beia and ODSI.
python script that will display those data in mqtt-spy. For this,
a topic must be created by using the same words as the one Roles within an organization can be modified by
that was used in the script. administrators, who can control user access. Other possible
roles are Edit and View, as seen in Fig. 7, which have different
A python script was written to connect to MQTT and to
and limited permissions within the organization. Also, the
make the user able to view data in Grafana.
permissions for each dashboard can be changed according to
Data displayed in MQTT can be seen in Fig. 4.
user roles, as shown in Fig. 8. Thus, it is possible to isolate
work environments within a single organization.
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