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Self-Study Guide For 11th Grade (Unit 3, Week 4) : English

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Guía de trabajo autónomo

Self-Study Guide for 11th Grade (Unit 3, Week 4)

El trabajo autónomo es la capacidad de realizar tareas por nosotros mismos, sin necesidad de que
nuestros/as docentes estén presentes.

Centro Educativo/ School Name: CNVMTS I.E.G.B América Central

Educador/a Teacher: Ilanit Solano
Nivel/ Level: 11th Grade (11-1/11-2)
Asignatura/ Subject: English

1. Me preparo para hacer la guía/ Getting ready to do my self-study guide

Pautas que debo verificar antes de iniciar mi trabajo. /Aspects to verify before I start
Suggested materials:
Materiales o recursos que voy
 Notebook, pencil, pen, eraser, highlighters, etc.
a necesitar/
 Self- study guide #3 for 11th grade
Materials needed
 Computer & Internet access if possible
Condiciones que debe tener el
lugar donde voy a trabajar/  Work in a place where you do your assignments
Conditions of the place to and homework daily.
 This self-study guide will take you 80 minutes to
be completed.
Tiempo en que se espera que
 Work 40 minutes, take a 10 minutes break, and
realice la guía/
then work the 40 minutes left to complete the work
Expected time to work this
self-study guide (Trabajo por 40 minutos, tomo un descanso de 10
minutos y luego termino la guía de estudio en los
40 minutos restantes.)

2. Me preparo para resolver la guía. Recalling what I learned in

Indicaciones / Dear student,
The following tasks will help you review and reinforce Unit 3: The
Instructions Earth’ Our gift and Our Responsibility.

Fecha de entrega: 19/10/2021

3. Pongo en práctica lo aprendido. Putting into practice what I learned.

Task 1. Elaborating (classification)

Complete the following statement with the correct simple past form verb.
1. ONU talked (talk) about the importance of using green energy
2. Scientist paid (pay) close attention to the effects of clime change on food
3. People threw (throw) garbage into rives and oceans for years in the past
4. The teacher explained (explain) simple ways to recycle paper
5. The students learned (learn) some tips to reuse old garment
6. I read (read) some articles about how to save electricity at home
7. Min did (do) some research on the use of fossil fuels

Task 2. Reading (construction & application)


Task 3. Writing (construction & application)

Read the following information:

“A persuasive paragraph tries to convince the reader that a particular point of view is
worthy of consideration. It wants you to consider both sides of an issue, but it reveals a
bias in favor of one side over another.” (Taken from:
%20over%20another .)

Some tips on how to write a persuasive paragraph are:

1. Pick a topic you’re passionate concerning environmental problems and

helping nature.
2. Research both sides. In order to convince the reader to agree with you, you
also have to know what you’re trying to get them to disagree with.
3. Be empathetic. An effective persuasion technique is the use of empathy. A
reader is more inclined to believe you if they feel like you can relate to and
understand their experiences.
4. Ask rhetorical questions. Presenting questions that the reader will be forced
to answer for themselves later on is another good persuasive strategy,
especially when the information provided to help make that decision is
supportive of your point of view.
5. Emphasize your point. The use of exaggeration in order to express urgency,
exclusivity, or just to make a point is another useful persuasive technique.
6. Repeat yourself. Strategic repetition can be an effective way to gradually
remind the reader of your message. Finding different ways to make the same
point by use of rephrasing, true stories, metaphors, or other literary devices all
serve to reinforce your point without bogging down the reader with
(Taken and adapted from: https://www.masterclass.com/articles/persuasive-writing-tips-
and-techniques#8-tips-for-better-persuasive-writing .)
Task: You are in charge of the environment section of your school digital newspaper
and you want to write a 50- word persuasive paragraph about different ways to help
nature to be included in the next issue. Include a title, main reasons (arguments), facts
and examples (evidence) and a conclusion.

Pollution, an urgent problem for the planet

Pollution of our environment is one of the most worrying and controversial


Earth is a unique planet in the solar system. With an incredible diversity of

life, man does not realize that he has an unrepeatable gift in which to
develop his existence.

The issue of pollution of our planet is not something new, but it could be
said that today the study of it requires special importance. Because? Simply
because now more than ever man is polluting.

Several studies carried out by experts have shown that air, soil and sea
pollution in the last hundred years has been greater than that produced in
several centuries of history.

Another of the well-known consequences is the phenomenon known as

climate change. In this regard, the European Union points out, "Climate
change is one of the greatest challenges that humanity will have to respond
to in the coming years. Rising temperatures, melting glaciers,
multiplication of droughts and floods: everything points to because climate
change has begun. The risks are immense for the planet and future
generations, forcing us to act urgently "
Con el trabajo autónomo voy a aprender a aprender/
With the self-study guide, I’m going to learn how to learn.
Reviso las acciones realizadas durante la construcción del trabajo. /
I check the actions carried out while completing the self-study guide
Marco una X encima de cada símbolo al responder las siguientes preguntas/
Mark with an X on the icon that answers the following questions.
¿Leí las indicaciones con detenimiento?
Did I read the instructions carefully?
¿Subrayé las palabras que no conocía?
Did I underline the words that I didn’t understand?
¿Busqué en el diccionario o consulté con un familiar el significado de las palabras que no
Did I use the dictionary or asked a relative about the meaning of the words that I
didn’t understand?
¿Me devolví a leer las indicaciones cuando no comprendí qué hacer?
Did I read the instructions again when I didn’t understand what I had to do?

“Autoevalúo mi nivel de desempeño”

Marque con un X la opción que mejor describe su desempeño en cada indicador.
Indicators Muy satisfecho con lo Satisfecho con lo logrado, pero debo Aún no me siento satisfecho con lo
logrado/ practicar más logrado. Necesito mejorar.

W.2. writes a persuasive

paragraph regarding
environmental problems and
helping nature.

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