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1. Making Request & Asking For Permission

A. Making Request
Do you think you could … ?
This page lists useful expressions for the language function of making a request for something or some action from other people.
a) ...borrow... (from you)
b) ...lend me...
c) Can I...?
d) Can you...?
e) Could I possibly...?
f) Could I...?
g) Could you possibly...?
h) Could you...?
i) I look forward to hearing from you soon.
j) I need (to)... Can you help?
k) I'd be (very) grateful if you could...
l) May I...?1

B. Asking For Permission

When you ask for permission to use something that belongs to someone else you have to do your best to be polite. It is desirable to
use the word "please."
Asking for Permission:
1) Can I go out, please?
2) May I open the window, please?
3) Please, can I have a look at your photo album?
4) Please, may I taste that hot spicy couscous dish?2

Siwi Sulistyani
2. Simple Past, Regular, & Irregular
This page will present the simple past tense:
 its form
 and its use.
Before you continue the lesson read the following passage and try to see how the verbs are formed and used. 3
Well, in simple past tense verbs are classified into regular and irregular.
Spelling of Regular verbs
We form the past simple of most regular verbs by adding -ed to the main verb.
wash – washed
kiss – kissed
play – played
For verbs ending in -e, we add –d.
love – loved
like – liked
For verbs ending in a consonant + y, we drop the –y and add –ied .
cry – cried
carry – carried
For verbs ending in a stressed vowel between two consonants, we double the last consonant and add -ed.
stop – stopped
fit – fitted
Spelling of Irregular verbs
For irregular verbs their spelling in the simple past tense is totally different, check these examples:
think – thought
see – saw
write – wrote
say – said
draw – drew
do – did
Regular and irregular verbs in simple past forms
In the following chart pay attention to the structure of regular and irregular verbs in the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms:

It is important to notice that in negative and interrogative sentences the main verb does not change. It must be in the simple form.
When we ask for specific information we use wh-question words at the beginning:
What did you wear for the party? I wore a beautiful red dress and high heels.
How did you know you were soul mates? I don’t know, but when I met him I just felt it.
When did you have your first kiss? Oh, when I was 15 years old.
Where did you celebrate Christmas last year? I celebrated Christmas at my mom’s home.
Why did you react like that? Because I was in love with her.4

Siwi Sulistyani

Siwi Sulistyani
3. Past Continuous VS Simple Past
The past continuous and the past simple help us to show how two past actions or situations are connected.
A. Past Continuous
The past continuous shows us that the action was already in progress at a certain time in the past.
What were you doing at 8 p.m. last night? I was studying.
This means that I started studying before 8 p.m. and I continued after 8 p.m.
The past continuous can also show that an activity was in progress for some time, not just for a moment.
We were cleaning the house all morning.
We make the past continuous with was or were and the -ing form of the verb.
She couldn't come to the party. She was working.
Three years ago, we were living in my home town.
I tried to give him some advice, but he wasn't listening.
What were you doing this time last year?

B. Past Simple
The past simple shows us that an action was in the past, not in the present. Regular past simple verbs have -ed at the end
(e.g. called, played, arrived). Irregular verbs have a different form, usually with a different vowel sound
(e.g. wake → woke, break → broke, feel → felt).
My parents called me yesterday.
I woke up early this morning.
Sam played basketball when he was at university.
We make the negative with didn't and the infinitive verb.
My parents didn't call me yesterday.
I didn't wake up early this morning.
We make the question form with did and then the subject and infinitive verb.
Did you wake up early this morning?
Did Sam play basketball when he was at university?

Past continuous and past simple

When we use these two tenses together, it shows us that the past simple action happened in the middle of the past continuous action,
while it was in progress.
While I was studying, I suddenly felt sleepy.
We often use these tenses to show an action interrupting another action.
I broke my leg when I was skiing.
As I was going to work, I saw an old friend.
We were watching television when the power went off.
Can you see a difference in the meaning of these two sentences?
When the guests arrived, Jane was cooking dinner.
When the guests arrived, Jane cooked dinner.
In the first one, Jane started cooking dinner before the guests arrived. We know that because it uses the past continuous. In the second
sentence, the guests arrived first and then Jane started cooking.5

Siwi Sulistyani
4. Simple Future “Will” And Simple Future “Be Going To”
A. Simple Future “Will”
a) We use the future simple with 'will' to predict the future. It is the basic way we talk about the future in English, and we often
use it if there is no reason to use another future tense. We can use it for future facts and for things that are less certain.
 The sun will rise at 7am.
 I think the Conservatives will win the next election.
b) Promises / requests / refusals / offers. This is sometimes called 'volitional' will. It's about wanting to do something or not
wanting to do something in the future.
 I'll help you with your homework.
 Will you give me a hand?
 I won't go!
In a similar way, we often use 'will' when we're talking about a decision at the moment of speaking. We are usually making an
offer or promise or talking about something that we want to do.
 A: I'm cold. B: I'll close the window.
c) We use the simple future with 'will' in the first conditional, and in other sentences that have a conditional feeling.
 If it doesn't rain, we'll go to the park.
 Let's arrive early. That will give us time to relax.

B. Simple Future “Be Going To”

a) We often use 'be going to' to talk about our future intentions and plans. We have usually made our plans before the moment of
 A: We've run out of milk. B: I know, I'm going to buy some.
b) We can also use 'be going to' to make a prediction about the future. Often it's possible to use both 'be going to' and 'will' but it's
more common to use 'be going to' if we can see evidence in the present.
 Look at those boys playing football! They're going to break the window.
 The sky is getting darker and darker. It's going to rain.6

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5. Countable And Uncountable Nouns
Nouns can be countable or uncountable. Countable nouns can be counted, e.g. an apple, two apples, three apples, etc. Uncountable
nouns cannot be counted, e.g. air, rice, water, etc. When you learn a new noun, you should check if it is countable or uncountable and
note how it is used in a sentence.
A. Countable Nouns
For positive sentences we can use a/an for singular nouns or some for plurals.
1) There's a man at the door.
2) I have some friends in New York.
For negatives we can use a/an for singular nouns or any for plurals.
3) I don't have a dog.
4) There aren't any seats.

B. Uncountable Nouns
Here are some examples of uncountable nouns:

We use some with uncountable nouns in positive sentences and any with negatives.

There's some milk in the fridge.
There isn't any coffee.7

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6. Modal Verb
A. Obligation
We can use have to + infinitive, must + infinitive and should + infinitive to express obligation (something you have to do).
Present Positive Negative

have to / strong obligation (possibly from outside) no obligation

don't have to Children have to go to school. I don't have to work on Sundays.
(sometimes 'have got to')
You don't have to eat anything you don't
Be careful about the difference between mustn't and don't have to!
Mustn't means it's not allowed, or it's a bad idea:
 You mustn't eat so much chocolate, you'll be sick
Don't have to means you don't need to do something, but it's fine if you want to do it:
 I don't have to get up early at the weekend (of course, if I want to get up early, that's fine, but I can stay in bed if I want).
Past Positive Negative

had to / didn't have to obligation in the past no obligation in the past

I had to wear a school uniform when I was We didn't have to go to school on
a child. Saturdays.
* Remember 'must have done' is a modal verb of deduction or speculation, not obligation in the past. For example: Julie must have
left. Her coat's not here.8

B. Possibility “CAN / CAN'T”

CAN / CAN'T shows ability, inability, request, permission, possibility, and inappropriateness.
a. I can speak English.
b. You can leave early today.
c. Can I come in, please?
Positive: Subject + CAN + Verb1
Negative: Subject + CAN'T + Verb1


I can speak English I can't speak English

He can run very vest You can't run very fast

He can sit in the garden He can't sit in the garden

She can come with us She can't come with us

It can jump to the other side It can't jump to the other side

We can make delicious cakes We can't make delicious cakes

You can pass the exam You can't pass the exam

They can draw pictures They can't draw pictures

NOTE: Negative form of CAN is either “cannot” or “can not” and its negative contraction is “Can’t”. In British English, it is
pronounced /ka:nt/ but in American English, it is /kent/.
The florist can deliver the bouquet early.

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My friend can visit me this week
Note: can is not normal used to describe future possibility in the positive form.
INCORRECT: It can rain tomorrow.9

C. Suggestion
If we make a suggestion, it means that we mention a possible course of action to someone. There are a number of expressions which
we can use to make suggestions.
a) Should
‘Should’ is used when the speaker wants to make a strong suggestion:
 The sun is shining bright, so you should wear a cap.
 You look pale. I don’t think you should go to school today.
 The road is wet. You shouldn’t drive too fast.
Should + have
We use should have + past participle to talk about things we regret, when we feel sorry about something that happened or did not
happen in the past.
 I should have called you sooner.
 I shouldn’t have shouted at her.
b) Had better
If you want to give an important piece of advice, warning or recommendation (that can have a negative consequence if not followed),
use ‘had better’:
 You had better (You’d better) leave for work, it’s 8 o’clock already.
 We’d better go that way, we’ll save about 10 minutes.
 He’d better park his car correctly or he will get fined.
Note: Had better is a strong expression. We use it if we think there will be negative results if someone does not do what is desired or
c) why don’t
Why not …? and why don’t …?
We can use why not to make a general suggestion. We often find it in advertising:
Why not take a break in the south-west?
Why not treat yourself to a meal at the Icon Restaurant?
We can use why don’t …? to make a specific suggestion:
It’s getting late in the evening now. Why don’t we stop now and work on this tomorrow morning?11

Siwi Sulistyani
7. Present perfect
The form of the present perfect tense
Let's first review the form of the present perfect tense:
The auxiliary 'have' (in the simple present form) + Verb (in the past participle form)
The different forms of the present perfect:
Positive Negative Interrogative
I have I have not done... Have you done...?
A. Ever/Never
The adverbs ever and never express the idea of an unidentified time before now(Have you ever visited Berlin?)
'Ever' and 'never' are always placed before the main verb (past participle). Ever is used:
In questions
 Have you ever been to England?
 Has she ever met the Prime Minister?
In negative questions
 Haven't they ever been to Europe?
 Haven't you ever eaten Chinese food?
In negative statements using the pattern nothing+ever or nobody+ever
Nobody has ever said that to me before.
Nothing like this has ever happened to us.
With 'The first time'
 It's the first time that I've ever eaten snails.
 This is the first time I've ever been to England.
Never means at no time before now, and is the same as not ..... ever: (I have never visited Berlin)
BE CAREFUL!You must not use never and not together
 I haven't never been to Italy.
 I have never been to Italy.12

B. For/Since
'For' is used to say how long something has lasted.
 I haven't seen him for two years.
Position: 'For' is used before a period of time: for two years, for a long time, for a week...
You can use 'since' when you are mentioning a time or event in the past and indicating that a situation has continued from then until
 I haven't seen Lacy since 2014
Position: 'Since' is used before a time when something began.

C. Just, Yet, Already

'Just' is used to indicate that something happened in the immediate past, that is a very short time ago.
 He has just called.
'Just' comes between 'have'/ 'has' and the past participle (i.e. the mid position).

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Related pages
Yet is used in negative statements and questions, to mean (not) in the period of time between before now and now, (not) up to and
including the present. Yet is usually placed at the end of the sentence.
 Have you met Judy yet?
I haven't visited the Tate Gallery yet
Has he arrived yet?
They haven't eaten yet
Already refers to an action that has happened at an unspecified time before now. It suggests that there is no need for repetition.
I've already drunk three coffees this morning. (= and you're offering me another one!)
Don't write to John, I've already done it.
 It is also used in questions:
Have you already written to John?
Has she finished her homework already?
Already can be placed before the main verb (past participle) or at the end of the sentence:
I have already been to Tokyo.
I have been to Tokyo already.13

Siwi Sulistyani
8. The Comparative And The Superlative
Comparative adjectives
Comparative adjectives are used to compare differences between the two objects they modify (larger, smaller, faster, higher). They
are used in sentences where two nouns are compared, in this pattern:
Noun (subject) + verb + comparative adjective + than + noun (object).
The second item of comparison can be omitted if it is clear from the context (final example below).
 My house is larger than hers.
 This box is smaller than the one I lost.
 Your dog runs faster than Jim's dog.
 The rock flew higher than the roof.
 Jim and Jack are both my friends, but I like Jack better. ("than Jim" is understood)
Superlative adjectives
Superlative adjectives are used to describe an object which is at the upper or lower limit of a quality (the tallest, the smallest, the
fastest, the highest). They are used in sentences where a subject is compared to a group of objects.
Noun (subject) + verb + the + superlative adjective + noun (object).
The group that is being compared with can be omitted if it is clear from the context (final example below).
 My house is the largest one in our neighborhood.
 This is the smallest box I've ever seen.
 Your dog ran the fastest of any dog in the race.
 We all threw our rocks at the same time. My rock flew the highest. ("of all the rocks" is understood)14

Siwi Sulistyani

 Making Request & Asking For Permission

A. Making Request
Ada beberapa pola kalimat yang dapat digunakan dalam membuat ungkapan making request dalam
bahasa Inggris. Pola kalimat making request yang paling umum adalah dengan can / could + pronoun + verb.
Pola kalimat ini merupakan pola kalimat yang formal sehingga biasanya digunakan saat berdialog dengan orang
yang lebih tua atau atasan kerja.
Sementara itu, jika kamu ingin berbicara dengan pola kalimat yang lebih resmi saat membuat permintaan
baik permintaan bantuan atau menerima sesuatu, kamu bisa menggunakan pola kalimat may / might + pronoun
+ verb. Pola kalimat ini biasanya dikatakan dalam acara resmi. Sehingga, biasanya jarang digunakan dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kamu juga bisa menggunakan pola kalimat yang lain untuk membuat sebuah ungkapan making request.
Pola kalimat lain yang bisa digunakan adalah will / would + pronoun + verb. Jika may / might  merupakan
ungkapan making request yang formal, maka will / would merupakan ungkapan yang lebih informal. Sehingga,
pola kalimat ini sering dijumpai dalam percakapan kehidupan sehari-hari. 15
Formal Sentence:
1) Could we have a meeting next monday?
2) Can i lend your book
3) Can i help you to copy this book?
Official Event:
4) May i see your experiment book?
5) May i ask some questions about your lab work?
6) Might i ask your favor?
Informal Sentences:
7) Would you to go a party with me?
8) Would you like to go a cinema with me tonight?
9) Will you go to the library with me?
10) Will you send me some copies of your notebook?

B. Asking For Permission

Permission sendiri jika di terjemahkan secara langsung adalah “ijin”, artinya apa jika dalam bahasa
Inggris. Berikut ini adalah beberapa pengertian “permission” menurut kamus oxford:
Oxforddictionary - the act of allowing somebody to do something, especially when this is done by
somebody in a position of authority.
Jadi menurut kamus oxford “permission” adalah tindakan mengijinkan seseorang untuk melakukan
sesuatu, terutama ketika hal tersebut dilakukan oleh orang yang memiliki kuasa. Contohnya ya didalam kelas
yang memiliki kuasa adalah guru kalian, guru memiliki kekuasaan mengatur kelasnya, termasuk perijinan di
Beberapa pengertian lainnya dari Oxford Disctionary:
Ijin untuk sesuatu. Kamu harus meminta ijin
Ijin untuk melakukan sesuatu setelah banyak bujukan 17

Siwi Sulistyani
1) Would you mind if I sit here?
2) Shall I bring you a pillow?
3) Can I do the dishes for you?
4) Shall I help you with your project?
5) Can I borrow your book, please?
6) Would you mind if I ask you something?
7) May I bring my phone to school?
8) May I go out tonight mom?
9) Is it okay if I turn off the TV?
10) Can I keep the dog mom?

Siwi Sulistyani
1. Simple Past, Regular, & Irregular Verb
Simple past tense adalah kalimat tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau dan
telah berakhir di masa lampau. Berbeda dengan past continous tense, yakni menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa
lampau, namun masih terjadi di masa sekarang.
Rumus Simple Past Tense
Untuk membentuk kalimat simple past tense, Rumusnya adalah sebagai berikut
S + Verb 2 + O
Dalam kalimat simple past tense, kata kerja yang digunakan merupakan bentuk kata kerja kedua. Terdapat dua jenis kata
kerja, yakni regular verb dan irregular verb.
A. Regular verb, tambahkan -ed/-d dibelakang setelah kata kerja bentuk pertama. Sebagai contoh:
 Stay – stayed (Tinggal)
 Punch – Punched (Memukul)
 Play – Played (Bermain)
 Touch – Touched (Menyentuh)
B. Irregular verb, termasuk didalamnya to be, bentuk kata kerja keduanya sangat berbeda. Sebagai contoh:
 Awake – Awoke (Terbangun)
 Begin – Began (Memulai)
 Drink – Drank (Minum)
 Eat – ate (Makan)
 Run – ran (Berlari)
Namun, ada sebagian irregular verb yang memiliki bentuk kata kerja yang sama dengan bentuk kata kerja dasar. Sebagai
 Put – Put (Meletakkan)
 Split – Split (Membagi)
 Spread – Spread (Menyebarkan)
 Set – Set (Mengatur)
 Cut – Cut (Memotong)19

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3. Past Continuous VS Simple Past

A. Past Continuous
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau ketika kejadian lain terjadi.
Rumus :
S + was/were + Verb I (ing) + ……
Affirmative (+) : S + be(was/were) + V1-ing/present participle  
Negative (-) : S + be(was/were) + not + V1-ing/present participle
Interrogative (?) : be(was/were) + S + V1-ing/present participle?
Penggunaan Past Continuous Tense :
a. Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang sudah dimulai dan masih tetap berlangsung ketika kejadian lain terjadi
di waktu lampau.
b. Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang sedang terjadi di waktu lampau.
Tanda waktu (signal time) yang biasa digunakan :
 When                                       : Ketika (diikuti dengan past tense)
 While                                       : Selagi (diikuti dengan past tense)
 As                                            : Ketika
 The whole day last Sunday      : Sepanjang hari minggu yang lalu20

B. Simple Past
Untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu perbuatan kegiatan situasi terjadi pada waktu lampau   dan  berakhir pada saat tertentu di
waktu lampau dan waktu berakhirnya diketahui.
Rumus :
S + To Be (was/were) + ……..
S + Verb II + …….
Affirmative (+) : S + Verb II  
Negative (-) : S + did not + Verb I
Interrogative (?) : Did + S + Verb I
Untuk membentuk kalimat tanpa (interrogative) maka ditambah ‘did’ dimuka subjek dan kata kerjanya kembali ke bentuk
pertama. Bila dalam kalimat telah terdapat kata bentuk (was/were) Could, Might, Must, maka hanya kata bantunya saja yang
diletakkan di muka subyek. Bila dalam kalimat telah terdapat kata bantu (was/were) Could, Might, Must, maka setelah kata
bantu  ditambah NOT (N’T)
Tanda waktu (signal time) yang digunakan dalam bentuk ini adalah :
 Yesterday : Kemarin
 Yesterday morning : Kemarin pagi
 Last Monday : Hari senin lalu
 An hour ago : Sejam yang lalu
 Two days ago : Dua hari yang lalu
 The other day : Beberapa hari yang lalu
 Every day last year : Tiap hari tahun lalu

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 Last night : Tadi malam
 Last year : Tahun lalu
 The day before yesterday : Kemarin dulu
 A Few minute ago : Beberapa menit lalu
Rumus kalimat Simple Past Tense
Rumus kalimat Simple Past Tense yang tidak menggunakan kata kerja (Non VERB)
(+) Subject + be (was/were) + Non Verb + Object
(-) Subject + be (was/were) + NOT + Non Verb + Object
(?) be (was/were) + Subject + Non Verb + Object?
(-?) Question Word + be (was/were) + NOT+ Subject + Non Verb + Object?
Rumus kalimat Simple Past Tense yang menggunakan kata kerja (VERB II)
(+) Subject + Verb 2 + Object
(-) Subject + Didn’t + Verb 2 + Object
(?) Did + Subject + Verb 1 + Object?
(-?) Question Word + Did + Subject + Verb 1?
Simple Past Tense digunakan untuk :
a) Menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lampau.
b) Menyatakan suatu kebiasaan yang dilakukan di masa lampau.
c) Menyatakan urutan peristiwa atau aktivitas yang terjadi di masa lampau.
d) Untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau kejadian yang seandainya terlaksana dilakuan di masa lampau. 21

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A. Past Continuous Examples
a. Untuk membuat kalimat Tanya (interrogatif) kemudian itu / diletakkan di depan subjek. Untuk membuat kalimat menyangkal
(negatif) maka setelah menjadi (was/ was) plus = NOT (N'T). Example:
1) (+) I was reading book when father watched tv.
2) (-) I was not reading book when father watched tv.
3) (?) Was I reading book when father watched tv?
4) (-?) Was I not reading book when father watched tv?
a. Digunakan untuk mendeklarasikan peristiwa yang telah dimulai dan masih berlangsung ketika peristiwa lain terjadi di masa
5) When she came to my house, I was listening the radio.
6) I was reading when she met me.
7) When he arrived at my house, I was listening the radio.
b. Untuk menyatakan tindakan atau peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lalu.
8) They were studying English all morning last Monday.
9) Yudi was watching tv the whole night last Sunday.
10) We were practicing dancing all morning last Monday.

B. Simple Past
1) (+) She was sick yesterday
2) (-) She was not sick yesterday
3) (-?) Why she was not sick yesterday?
4) (+) She went to Bandung last week.
5) (-) She didn’t go to Bandung last week.
6) (?) Did she go to Bandung last week
7) I did the homework yesterday.
8) He usually analyzed the scientific books.
9) Finishing my work, I walked to the beach, and foun a nice place to swim.
10) If you came to my home what would you do? 22

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4. Simple Future “Will” Dan Simple Future “Be Going To”
Simple future digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang akan terjadi di masa depan,untuk rumus simple future sendiri kita
Subjek + will/shall + Verb 1 + object.
 I will go to your house two days later.
(Saya akan kerumah mu dua hari lagi.)
 She will tell you the truth.
(Dia perempuan akan memberitahukan mu kebenaran.)
 We will give you much money.
(Kita akan memberikan mu banyak uang.)
 They will come here on time.
(Mereka akan datang kesini tepat waktu.)
Pada simple future will biasanya di gantikan dengan Be going to. Berikut adalah penjelasan mengenai perbedaan will dan be going to.
A. Will
Will biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang akan terjadi di masa depan, will juga biasanya digunakan untuk
menyatakan harapan dan menawarkan bantuan will biasanya diikuti dengan verb 1,
Untuk kalimat negative: will + not = won’t
 It will not warm up for several days
 The snow won’t melt soon
 Untuk question: will + Subject+ V1
 Will it be icy tomorrow?
 how will you get here?
Will biasanya digabungkan dengan pronouns dalam speaking atau informal writing tapi tidak untuk formal writing seperti I’ll you’ll
we’ll they’ll he’ll it’ll.
Spoken: He’ll shovel the snow.
Writing: He will shovel the snow
 Spoken or very informal writing: Nobody’ll be out, that’ll be strange,  there’ll probably be some accidents.
B. Be Going To
Be going to juga sering digunakan untuk mengekspresikan prediksi tentang masa depan dan menyatakan sebuah rencana yang sudah
ada sebelum pembicaraan terjadi. Pada informal speech, going to sering di singkat menjadi ‘gonna’
*Negative: be + not + going to.
*Question: be + subject + going to
 Snow is going to continue all week.
 The roads are going to be icy.
*informally spoken: Snow’s gonna  continue all week.
 I’m not going to go out.
 Is the storm going to be dangerous?
 I’m going to paint my room tomorrow.23

Siwi Sulistyani
5. Countable Noun dan Uncountable Noun
A. Countable Noun
Countable noun adalah kata benda yang dapat dihitung secara langsung, seperti one pencil, two pencils, dsb. Kata bendanya bisa
berupa singular (tunggal) dan juga berupa plural (jamak). Contohnya animal, person, bag, dog, cat, plate, book, cup, glass dan benda
serupa lainnya. Countable noun juga dapat menggunakan article the, a dan an. Jika kata benda nya jamak countable noun dapat
dirangkai menggunakan kata some atau any.
Contoh kalimat:
 I have two sisters, Ranu and Amy. ( Aku punya dua saudara perempuan, Ranu dan Amy)
 There are a man in the backyard. (Ada seorang laki-laki di halaman belakang)
 I have some flowers. (Aku punya beberapa bunga).
 All of the book in my bag are red. (Semua buku di tasku berwarna merah).
 There are ten students in the class. (Ada 10 murid di kelas)

B. Uncountable Noun
Perbedaan Countable dan Uncountable noun adalah jika Countable merupakan kata benda yang dapat dihitung, Uncountable noun
adalah kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (berupa benda, zat, ide abstrak dan emosi). Contohnya rice, sugar, oil, milk, coffee, tea,
money, love, advice, art dan serupa lainnya. Kata benda tersebut tidak bisa dihitung langsung dengan a tea atau two tea. Tetapi dapat
digunakan dengan menyisipkan kata benda lainnya seperti a cup of …, a glass of …, a bag of …, dsb.
Contoh kalimat:
 Give me a bowl of rice, please. (Tolong bawakan semangkuk nasi untukku).
 She need much money to buy the shoes. (Dia membutuhkan banyak uang untuk membeli sepatu).
 I need two cups of milk. (Aku membutuhkan dua cangkir susu).
 Adina buy a bottle of water. (Adina membeli sebotol air).
 My wife bring a cup of coffe. (Istriku membawa secangkir kopi).24

Siwi Sulistyani
6. Modal verb
A. Obligations
Dalam Bahasa Inggris, ungkapan-ungkapan yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan keharusan atau kewajiban dikategorikan ke
dalam topik Obligations. Sedangkan pengertian obligations itu sendiri dalam Kamus Oxford Learners dinyatakan sebagai berikut.
“Obligations is the state of being forced to do something because it is your duty or because of a law to, etc. or something which you
must do because you have promised, because of a law, etc.”
Dari pengertian di atas, dapat diambil beberapa poin penting yaitu:
 Obligations membicarakan tentang pernyataan keharusan untuk melakukan sesuatu yang sesuai dengan tugas seseorang
 Penggunaan Obligations untuk menyatakan keharusan melakukan sesuatu sesuai peraturan atau hukum yang berlaku
 Bentuk Obligations juga digunakan untuk menyatakan keharusan melakukan sesuatu hal yang telah dijanjikan sebelumnya.
Simpulan dari ketiga poin penting terkait Obligations Bahasa Inggris adalah Obligations merupakan ekspresi yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan sebuah situasi yang mengharuskan seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu.
Have to
Bentuk ekspresi kalimat obligasi atau obligations Bahasa Inggris berikutnya menggunakan kata kerja bantu atau modals
berupa Have to. Penggunaan bentuk have to pada kalimat obligasi Bahasa Inggris memiliki makna akan kewajiban atau
keharusan yang datang dari luar pembicara. Dengan kata lain, kewajiban atau aturan yang berasal dari luar diri pembicara
yang meminta pembicara untuk melakukan sebuah keharusan atau kewajiban dalam situasi tertentu. Misalnya terdapat
pada kalimat: I have to use my own computer at work. (Saya harus menggunakan komputer milik sendiri di tempat kerja).
Pada kalimat di atas, terdapat aturan atau keharusan di tempat kerja pembicara untuk mempergunakan komputer milik
sendiri pada saat bekerja.
Don’t have to
Bentuk have to yang digunakan dalam kalimat negatif memiliki makna BUKAN KEHARUSAN / BUKAN KEWAJIBAN. Jadi
merupakan kebalikan dari yang seharusnya. Contoh kalimat serta artinya sebagai berikut.
They don’t have to use their own computers. (Mereka tidak harus menggunakan komputer mereka sendiri).
Pada kalimat di atas dinyatakan bahwa subjek TIDAK HARUS mempergunakan komputer mereka sendiri, meskipun mereka boleh
menggunakannya jika mereka mau. Dengan kata lain, tidak ada keharusan yang dinyatakan dalam kalimat tersebut.25

B. Possibility
Modal verb of possibility adalah modal+kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu suatu keadaan/aksi yang mungkin terjadi.
Kemungkinan di masa sekarang (present) atau masa depan (future), digunakan modal may, might, atau could. Atu jika ingin mebuat
suatu pernyataan umum tentang sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi, gunakan can.
Untuk sesuatu yang merupakan suatu probability (kemungkinan karena ada tanda/bukti), gunakan must.
Konstruksi kalimat:
S + may/might/could/can/must + verb
They may call you tonight.
She might be home now.
He could be stuck in traffic.
The weather can be very hot in August.
He looks pale. He must be sick.
Can/Can’t vs Could
Can hanya untuk digunakan untuk suatu fakta yang mungkin terjadi (It can be very dangerous after dark), They can’t be dinosaur
bones. > meaning: I am certain they are not dinosaur bones. (Itu tidak mungkin tulang dinosaurus. > arti: saya yakin itu bukan tulang
dinosaurus). Untuk possibility yang kita pikir mungkin terjadi gunakan could (He could be late for the meeting

C. Suggestion
Suggestion / sə(g)ˈjesCHən: an idea or plan put forward for consideration (Noun)
Dalam kamus Bahasa Inggris memiliki beberapa arti, antara lain:
 saran
 usul
 petunjuk
Dapat di simpulkan bahwa Suggestion adalah sebuah bentuk kata benda yang memiliki arti sebuah ide atau saran yang diajukan
kepada orang lain.
Penggunaan dan Contoh Kalimat Suggestion
Suggestion/ Suggest dapat digunakan dengan tiga cara yang berbeda dengan arti yang identik atau mirip.

Siwi Sulistyani
1.  Suggest dapat diikuti langsung oleh gerund atau oleh kata sifat kepemilikan (possessive adjective) + gerund saat gerund tidak
merujuk ke subjek kalimat.
Contoh Kalimat:
 She suggested going to Jakarta.
Dia menyarankan pergi ke Jakarta.
 She suggested my going to Jakarta.
Dia menyarankan saya pergi ke Jakarta.
 I suggested visiting your grandmother.
Saya menyarankan untuk mengunjungi nenek Anda.
 I suggested you visiting your grandmother
Saya menyarankan Anda mengunjungi nenek Anda.
2. Suggest juga dapat diikuti oleh that + subjek + should + kata kerja, tetapi dalam klausa-klausa berikut, that dan should dapat
dihilangkan sehingga hanya subjek setelah kata kerja suggest.
Contoh Kalimat:
 He suggests that I should go to Boston.
Dia menyarankan agar aku pergi ke Boston.
 He suggests that I go to Boston.
Dia menyarankan agar aku pergi ke Boston.
 He suggests I should go to Boston.
Dia menyarankan agar aku pergi ke Boston.
 He suggests I go to Boston.
Dia menyarankan saya pergi ke Boston.
3. Suggest dapat diikuti oleh kata benda jika artinya sudah diketahui dengan jelas dari konteks.
Contoh Kalimat:
 What kind of cake are you having? I suggest Brownies.
Kue seperti apa yang kamu makan? Saya sarankan Brownies.
 I suggest Tom for this project.
Saya sarankan Tom untuk proyek ini.
 He suggested the Honda Brio instead of another LCGC car.
Dia menyarankan Honda Brio daripada mobil LCGC lain.
 If you are allergic to hair, I suggest a bird or a fish as a pet.Jika Anda alergi terhadap bulu, saya sarankan seekor burung atau
ikan sebagai peliharaan.
4.  suggest dapat diikuti oleh question word + infinitive.
Contoh Kalimat:
 He suggested where to go.
Dia menyarankan ke mana harus pergi.
 I suggested what to see.
Saya menyarankan apa yang harus dilihat.
 You suggested when to leave.
Anda menyarankan kapan harus pergi.
 They suggested which coat to buy.
Mereka menyarankan mantel mana yang harus dibeli.
Penggunaan MODAL dalam Kalimat Suggestion : Should, Ought To, Had Better
Should dan Shouldn’t
“Should” is the most common way to give advice. Kata “Should” memiliki banyak fungsi, misal, kata ini bisa digunakan untuk
mengungkapkan keyakinan atau kepastian akan sesuatu.
Contoh Kalimat:
 She should be here at three o’clock.
Dia pasti sudah disini jam tiga
 She should wash them, but there wasn’t time.
Dia harus mencuci mereka, tetapi tidak ada waktu.
 It should be ready now.
Itu harus siap sekarang.
 So, what should she pack?
Jadi, apa yang harus dia kemasi?
Kata “Should” bisa juga menggantikan kata “If”
Siwi Sulistyani
Should you need more information, just click PustakaBahasaInggris.com.
If you need more information, just click PustakaBahasaInggris.com.
Tapi kata “Should” sebenarnya lebih sering digunakan untuk memberikan suggestion atau advice yang bersifat friendly.
Contoh Kalimat:
 You should apply for that job.

Kamu sebaiknya melamar pekerjaan itu.

 You shouldn't yell at your parents when you need something. (Tidak seharusnya/sepatutnya kamu berteriak kepada orang tua
kamu bila kamu mengingatkan sesuatu). Termasuk saran yang keras dan seharusnya tidak dilakukan untuk menghormati
adab yang ada.
Had better
Had better – urgency, demand, threat, worry. Kata “Had better” atau yang umumnya disingkat menjadi (‘d better) juga digunakan
untuk memberikan suggestion atau saran. Namun dibandingkan dengan “Should” dan “Ought to” kata “Had better” ini cenderung
lebih kuat dan membawa penekanan yang lebih keras atas saran yang diungkapkan, dan cenderung berbentuk seperti ancaman tak
Pola kalimat Should dan Ought to, yaitu:
had better + Infinitive
 You had better finish your assignment. (Kamu sebaiknya menyelesaikan tugasmu.)
Dalam kalimat diatas, terlihat bahwa kita tidak sedang memberikan saran sebenarnya, namun memberikan ancaman secara tidak
langsung, yang berarti bahwa jika subjek tidak menyelesaikan tugasnya, maka akan terjadi sesuatu, atau akan membuat subjek berada
dalam masalah.
Tapi, bukan berarti kata “Had better” selalu bermakna mengancam atau tidak sopan.
Perhatikan contoh di bawah ini:
 The train is leaving! You had better run!
Keretanya mulai berangkat, kamu sebaiknya berlari.
Dalam hal ini maksud si pembicara adalah jika si subjek tidak berlari, maka kemungkinan besar dia akan ketinggalan kereta nya.
Walaupun tidak bermakna mengancam, tapi tetap saja, penekanan dalam kalimat tersebut sangat kuat.
 There´s someone moving about downstairs. We had better call the police, quickly.
Ada seseorang yang bergerak turun. Lebih baik kita memanggil polisi, cepat.
 He had better not be late again or he´ll be in trouble.
Dia lebih baik tidak terlambat lagi atau dia akan berada dalam masalah.
 Damn. It is pouring down. We had better get a taxi or we´ll get soaked.
Sial. Hujan. Kita sebaiknya naik taksi atau kita akan basah kuyup.26
Why Don’t
Giving Suggestion (memberikan saran) dengan menggunakan Why Don’t
Why don't adalah suatu ungkapan yang paling utama dalam bahasa Inggris untuk memberikan saran dengan ramah.
 Why don't we go to a movie?
(Pada konteks kalimat diatas, "Why don't we go = Let's go")
 Why don't you come around seven
(Pada konteks kalimat diatas, artinya: Saya menyarankan kamu untuk datang sekitar pukul 7)27

Siwi Sulistyani
7. Present Perfect
Present Perfect Tense adalah salah satu tenses yang merupakan kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa aksi atau
tindakan telah di mulai di masa lalu dan masa yang masih akan berlanjut sampai sekarang atau telah selesai. Present perfect dibentuk
dengan kata Have dan Has.
Dalam penggunaan bahasa inggris, sering kita temukan kata-kata yang sederhana, namun tahukah kamu, jika kata yang terlihat simple
itu memiliki arti yang cukup sering salah dalam penggunaannya. Dan ini juga akan mengecoh jika kita melakukan tes bahasa inggris
seperti tes TOEF. Misalnya kata-kata yang akan dibahas pada pembahasan berikut ini yaitu kata Yet, Just, And Already Serta For And
Since dalam penggunaannya di present perfect. Untuk lebih jelasnya perhatikan pembahasan berikut ini.
A. Ever/Never
Kata keterangan (adverb) ever dan never menyatakan waktu yang tidak diketahui sebelum sekarang (Have you ever visited Berlin?).
Ever dan never selalu diletakkan sebelum kata kerja (verb) utama dalam bentuk past participle. Ever digunakan:
Dalam pertanyaan
Contoh :
 Have you ever been to England?
 Has she ever met the Prime Minister?
Dalam pertanyaan negatif
Contoh :
 Haven't they ever been to Europe?
 Haven't you ever eaten Chinese food?
Dalam kalimat negatif menggunakan pola nothing+ever atau nobody+ever
Contoh :
 Nobody has ever said that to me before.
 Nothing like this has ever happened to us.
Dengan kata the first time
Contoh :
 It's the first time that I've ever eaten snails.
 This is the first time I've ever been to England.

Never berarti "tidak pernah sebelum sekarang", dan sama artinya dengan not ..... ever: (I have never visited Berlin).
HATI-HATI! Anda tidak boleh menggunakan never dan not secara bersamaan.
Contoh :
I haven't never been to Italy. (salah)
I have never been to Italy. (benar)28

B. For/Since
For dalam present perfect tense biasanya digunakan untuk menjelaskan periode waktu suatu kegiatan tersebut dilakukan, For juga
termasuk kata penghubung. Biasanya for juga digunakan untuk menyatakan untuk seseorang dan waktu yang dilakukan.
 Dwi was standing here for 8 minutes (Dwi telah berdiri selama 8 menit)
Fachri was reading the book for 2 hours (Fachri telah membaca buku selama 2 jam)29
Since memiliki arti sejak, semenjak, dari. Pada sebuah kalimat present perferct tense, kata since digunakan sebagai penjelas kapan
suatu kegiatan tersebut dimulai. Penggunaan since pada kalimat present perfect tense sering digunakan karena menyatakan kata
Since 1997-2002, I was stay in Jakarta ( Sejak 1998-1999 saya tinggal di Jakarta)

C. Just, Yet, Already

kata ‘Just’ digunakan dalam present perfect tense untuk kejadian yang baru saja terjadi. Dan kata ini juga khusus digunakan hanya
pada saat penggunaan present perfect tense. Just memiliki arti yaitu kejadian beberapa saat yang lalu.

Siwi Sulistyani
Jadi, dapat disimpulkan kejadian yang menggunakan kata ‘just’ berarti baru saja lewat sebentar, belum terlalu lama. Di dalam present
perfect, kata ‘just’ muncul di antara the auxiliary verb (have) dan past participle.
Contoh :
 I’ve just seen Dwi coming out of the classroom. (Saya melihat Dwi keluar dari ruang kelas)
 Rena just called. Can you ring him back please? (Rena baru saja menelepon, dapatkah kamu menelepon dia kembali?)
 Have you just taken my book? Where has it gone? (Kamu baru saja mengambil buku saya, dimana perginya?)
Kata ‘yet’ biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat tanya, kalimat positif dan kalimat negatif. Kata ini digunakan ketika
membicarakan sesuatu yang diprediksi akan terjadi. Dalam present perfect tense kata yet digunakan untuk membuat suatu pertanyaan
untuk sesuatu yang belum dilakukan. Jadi, menanyakan apakah sesuatu sudah dilakukan atau belum.
Kemudian yet untuk kalimat yang bukan pertanyaan biasanya menjelaskan bahwa sesuatu kejadian belum selesai dikerjakan. Setiap
kata yet terletak pada akhir kalimat.
Contoh :
 Have you finished your homework yet? (Sudahkah kamu menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahmu?)
 I haven’t finished it yet. I’ll do it after dinner. (Belum saya selesaikan, saya akan menyelesaikannya setelah makan malam.)
Penggunaan kata already ini mengandung arti bahwa kejadiannya sudah terjadi pada saat diucapkan. Hanya pada saat itu tidak jelas
keterangan waktunya. Penempatan kata ‘already’ biasanya di tengah kalimat.
Contoh :
 I’ve already spent my food. (Saya sudah menghabiskan makanan saya)
 The train’s already left. (Kereta sudah berangkat)

Siwi Sulistyani
8. Comparative Dan Superlative
Melansir dari Grammarly, comparative digunakan untuk membandingkan antara dua benda. Sedangkan superlative membandingkan
satu benda dari banyak benda. 
A. Comparative adjective
Saat membandingkan dua benda dalam bahasa Inggris, kita menggunakan bentuk comparative. 
Ada dua cara untuk menunjukkan berbandingan comparative: Menggunakan -er dan more.
Bersumber dari Learn English British Council, imbuhan -er digunakan untuk kata yang hanya memiliki satu suku kata:
 The train is faster than car. Artinya, kereta api lebih cepat dari mobil. 
Penggunaan more untuk kata yang memiliki lebih dari satu suku kata:
 In my opinion Johnny Depp is more handsome than Nicholas Cage. Artinya, menurut saya Johnny Depp lebih tampan dari
Nicholas Cage. 
Jangan lupa untuk memberi tambahan than setelah kata adjective.

B. Superlative adjective
Untuk membandingkan satu benda dengan banyak benda, kita menggunakan superlative. 
Sama seperti comparative, ada dua cara untuk menunjukkan superlative: Menggunakan -est dan most
Imbuhn -est digunakan untuk kata dengan satu suku kata. Contoh kalimat superlative dengan imbuhan -est:
 The tiniest student in the class is Tina. Artinya, murid yang paling mungil di kelas adalah Tina.
Penggunaan most untuk kata dengan lebih dari satu suku kata:
 The most interesting movie so far is Fantastic Beasts. Artinya, film yang paling bagus saat ini adalah Fantastic Beasts.
Dalam kalimat superlative, tidak menggunakan than. Namun demikian, jangan lupa untuk menambahkan "the" sebelum adjective. 

Comparative dan superlative pada irregular adjectives

Selain bentuk -er/-est dan more/most, ada satu bentuk lagi yang perlu diketahui. Bentuk tersebut adalah irregular adjectives. 
Dalam bentuk ini, adjectives akan berubah sesuai dengan tipe kalimatnya. 
Berikut daftar irregular adjectives dikutip dari Grammarly:
 Good/well -> better -> best
 Far -> farther further -> the farthest the furthes
 Bad/badly -> worse -> worst
 Little -> less -> least
Penggunaan untuk kata dengan lebih dari satu suku kata:
 Yogyakarta is the best city to study, I guess. Artinya, Yogyakarta adalah kota terbaik untuk belajar, menurutku.
 I got the worst score among the students in my class. Artinya, saya mendapat nilai paling jelek di antara murid-murid 30

Siwi Sulistyani
1. Making Request And Asking For Permission31
A. Decide if questions number 1 – 10 are a request (R), or asking for permission (P).
1) I am sorry to be a nuisance, but would it be all right if I spread these papers on the table here? It’ll only take a couple of
minutes. > ___
2) Are you going out now? Would you post these letters for me? > ___
3) I need to call my parents. Could I use your phone for a second? > ___
4) My friend said there was a great news. Can I have a quick look at your newspaper? > ___
5) Can you buy me some apples when you go out? > ___
B. Use situations and instructions number 1 – to make requests and ask for permission.
6) You are writing a letter to a travel company. Request their brochure.
7) You are in a friend’s house. It’s hot. Ask permission to open the window.
8) You are at a restaurant table with friends. Request the salt.
9) You need a day off work. Ask your boss for permission.
10) Your neighbour is playing the music out loud at night. Ask her to turn it down.
C. Think of a suitable negative response to the requests and requests for permission (number 1-8).
11) I’d like to borrow your minidisc player if it is not too much trouble.
12) I need some fresh air. Is it Ok if I open the window?
13) Oh I have just remembered. I need to call Jan. I do not suppose it would be possible to use your mobile for a few
14) You are going out are you? Can you just post these letters for me, please?
15) Can you take these tables and chairs and move them to the other room, please?
16) I wonder if you could help me getting the food ready tomorrow night? I have got a lot of people coming for dinner.
17) Do you want to eat out with me tonight? I don’t feel like cooking.
18) Can you tell me how to use this DVD? I don’t understand the instructions.
19) Can I have some more apple juice? I am still thirsty.
20)  I forget to bring my mobile phone. I'm going to borrow yours to call my mom.Would you mind lending it?

Siwi Sulistyani
2. Simple Past, Regular And Irregular
A. Pilihlah simple past (verb 2) yang tepat bagi regular dan irregular verb dibawah ini.32
1) He had taken his pills before he ... (sleep) last night.
a. sleeped
b. slept

Your answer:
2) You ... (affect) my decision to apply as a transfer student.
a. affected
b. affectted
Your answer:
3) When I ... (buy) my first property, I did a little research.
a. buyed
b. bought
Your answer:
4) It was Julius von Haast who ... (study) geology and mineralogy at the University of the Rhine.
a. studied
b. studyed
Your answer:
5) In 2005 she ... (begin) working at a police office located in Illinois.
a. begun
b. began
Your answer:
6) Who just ... (speak) at the conference?
a. speaked
b. spoke
Your answer:
7) It's been a long time since we last ... (chat).
a. chated
b. chatted
Your answer:
8) I heard that they ... (cry out) for help.
a. cried out
b. cryed out
Your answer:
9) He ... (wear) an overcoat with jeans yesterday.
a. wore
b. worn
Your answer:
10) The trained nurse ... (touch) blood with gloves.
a. touch
b. touched
Your answer:

B. Lengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan simple past tense (verb-2) dari regular atau irregular verb di dalam kurung.
1) My father……..(talk) to him last night.33 6) They…..(watch) the movie togeher two days ago.
2) The police……...(arrest) the thief yesterday. 7) She…….(arrive) at the office two hours ago.
3) I……...(build) my house last year. 8) I…………(meet) my uncle at the restaurant just now.
4) We………..(wash) the dishes last night. 9) He………(hurt) his leg in an accident last week.
5) I……..(see) Miss Jenny last week. 10) We…………..(marry) in Turkey last month.

Siwi Sulistyani
3. Past Continuous
Soal Pilihan Ganda Materi Soal Past Continuous Tense 34
1) She was . . . . . the movie while her mother was . . . . . for dinner yesterday.
a. Watched, cooked
b. Watching, cook
c. Watch, cooking
d. Watching, cooking
2) I was . . . . . when my mother . . . . . me yesterday.
a. Teaching, called
b. Teach, call
c. Taught, calling
d. Teaching, calling
3) He was not . . . . . the television when you . . . . . to his house to borrow his car yesterday.
a. Repaired, came
b. Repair, come
c. Repairing, come
d. Repairing, came
4) It has already been late at night. When Carla came home, her husband along with her two daughters ……dinner for
their mother.
a. Is cooking
b. Cook
c. Were cooking
d. Has cooked
5) Shane really loves to drive very fast on the free way. And he …… on Main Street when his car broke down.
a. Were driving
b. Is driving
c. Drives
d. Was driving
6) Nicole …… her homework when her friend called.
a. Did
b. Was doing
c. Done
d. Do
7) The bridge … (repair) yesterday so the traffic was delayed.
a. Was repaired
b. Was repairing
c. Were repairing
d. Was being repairing
8) When we arrived, the supper … (eat)
a. Was being eaten
b. Was eaten
c. Were being eat
d. Were being eaten
9) The music … (play) when I left her.
a. Was playing
b. Were palying
c. Were being playing
d. Was played
10) The house … (burn), when jack’s family left.
a. Were burn
b. Were burnt
c. Was burn
d. Was burnt

Siwi Sulistyani
Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong dengan mengetik a atau b.35
11) Where … you meeting your client at 10 o’clock yesterday?
a. were
b. was

Your answer:
12) Someone tried to steal her phone while she … for a railway ticket.
a. queued
b. was queuing

Your answer:
13) My sister and I … walking on the beach at 5 pm last week.
a. was
b. were

Your answer:
14) At 7 this morning he … breakfast with his kids.
a. was eating
b. is eating

Your answer:
15) Who ... the car when it ...?
a. was driving, crashed
b. drove, was crashing

Your answer:
16) My father, together with mother, … in the garden all day yesterday.
a. was working
b. were working

Your answer:
17) Were the students … the video during class?
a. watching
b. watch

Your answer:
18) The fire alarm rang … the boarding school students were sleeping.
a. while
b. when

Your answer:
19) Was she … kind to her friends?
a. be
b. being

Your answer:
20) He … taking a bath when you knocked on the door.
a. is
b. was

Your answer:

4. Simple future “will” dan “be going to”

A. Complete the following sentence36

Siwi Sulistyani
1) I ........ clean the windows in this class.
2) He .......... wash the car
3) She ......... angry if I am late.
4) We ......... sad if I get bad score.
5) They ......... play football if it is raining.
6) I ........ clean the windows in this class.
7) He .......... wash the car
8) She ......... angry if I am late.
9) We ......... sad if I get bad score.
10) They ......... play football if it is raining.
B. Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong37
19) Will you … me?
a. Married
b. Marrying
c. Marry
20) She will … loved.
a. Is
b. Has
c. Be
21) What … I learn in Civil Engineering?
a. Will
b. Am going to
c. Would
22) Your teacher … proud if you win in the contest.
a. Will
b. Will be
c. Be
23) Tomorrow … rainy.
a. Is going to be
b. Will
c. Will be
24) … buy the extra foods in winter.
a. I will
b. I’m going to
c. I’m going
25) It is eight already, we … be late.
a. Are going to
b. Be going to
c. Were going to
26) They won’t … to school soon.
a. Be go
b. Went
c. Go
27) … we come together?
a. What
b. Are
c. Shall
28) The thesis … written by me.
a. Is
b. Will
c. Will be

5. Countable And Uncountable Nouns

1) How (many/much) years have you lived in Bandung?
2) There is (a few/a little) men in the bus.
Siwi Sulistyani
3) He pays me (fewer/less) money than I thought.
4) How (many/much) friends do you have?
5) He did not have (many/much) sugar left.
6) I wonder how to climb trees without …
a. branch
b. branchs
c. branches
7) Stamped kitchen … are usually cheaper than forged kitchen …
a. knife
b. knives
c. knifes
8) He cleaned up his kitchen sink after finding two …
a. mouses
b. mouse
c. mice
9) Have you ever been to the … ?
a. island
b. islands
c. island/islands
10) To improve database efficiency, they use these …
a. method
b. methodes
c. methods38
11) Our house has three ...
a. hair
b. man
c. bathroom
d. party
12) Thank you so much, i have a great time at the ...
a. hair
b. man
c. bathroom
d. party
13) My mother wearing four rings and a ...
a. neckalce
b. restaurant
c. babies
d. photo 
14) We build two hotel and a ... in this town
a. neckalce
b. restaurant
c. babies
d. photo 
15) Last year i have three ...
a. neckalce
b. restaurant
c. babies
d. photo 
16) Let’s take a ... with me
a. neckalce
b. restaurant
c. babies
d. photo 
17) My ...still love me
a. wife 
b. children
c. plan
Siwi Sulistyani
d. photo 
18) in the corner you can see many ...
a. wife 
b. children
c. plan
b. photo 
19) My family’s ... is go to beach in this holiday
a. wife 
b. children
c. plan
d. photo 
20) I wonder how to climb trees without …
a. Branch
b. Branchs
c. Branches
d. Branching39

Siwi Sulistyani
6. Modal Verb
1) I .... to go to the Cinema
a. ought
b. won't
c. can
d. going
2) Learning science has been made as a ..... for me.
a. honor
b. hypocrisy
c. error
d. necessity
3) Where....we bring this stuff ?
a. will not
b. should
c. Can not
d. For
4) It's a....for us to know the true meaning of love.
a. Need
b. useless
c. not important
d. It's up to you
5) You ... help your mom in the kitchen.
a. have no
b. haven'
c. have to
d. banned

6) Your friend situation: I’ve gained some weight.
What should be the response to this statement
A. I would suggest you to drink a lot.
B. I would suggest you to sleep earlier.
C. I would suggest you to go to the cinema.
D. I would suggest you to change your lifestyle.
E. Just eat more!
7) Situation: Heru is having cold.
Doctor’s advice below is correct, except…
A. You should take a bed rest
B. I suggest you to eat chicken soup
C. I advise you to eat ice cream more
D. My advice is to wear mask outside, to protect yourself and other people.
E. I recommend you to take a bath
8) Situation: My neighbor is noisy.
You should…………
A. Let them be.
B. Tell your neighbor to increase their voice
C. Tell politely to neighbor to be silent for a while
D. I don’t know, tell me!
E. speak louder than him
9) Situation: I have toothache. What should I do?
The suggestion is proper, except…
A. If I were you, I would go to the dentist.
B. Why don’t you go to the dentist?

Siwi Sulistyani
C. I would suggest to take pain killer pills. Maybe it will help?
D. I’m sorry I never had toothache.
E. You should visit your dentist!
10) Situation: You want to test your crush, but you are afraid to do that. You want to ask for some advice from your friend.
You can say all the followings, except ….
A. what do you think I should do?
B. what should I do?
C. can I ask your advice about texting my crush?
D. do you think it is better to test or not to test him/her?
E. why don’t you text him/her?
11) Situation: Your friend needs a book for his homework. But he doesn’t have enough money to buy it.
What will you suggest him?
A. You should borrow from our seniors
B. I think you shouldn’t do the homework.
C. What if we go to the zoo?
D. You ought to get some rest.
E. Why don’t you go to book store?
12) Situation: You and your friends are on a trip to Pasir Putih beach. However, none of you knows about the route to the beach.
What will be your suggestion?
A. I think we can go home now.
B. What about going to a restaurant?
C. You should open Google Maps application on your phone.
D. You should read the instruction more carefully.
E. Call police!
13) I miss my grandparents. What …………………… I do now ?
A. Better
B. Had better
C. Should
D. Did
E. Do
14) Advice if your friend failed the exam?
A. It doesn’t matter
B. I advise you to learn harder and smarter. I can help you with that.
C. I advise you to just forget about it.
D. What exam?
E. Just forget it!
15) You should …………… to past the test.
A. Study hard
B. Studying
C. Studying hard
D. Studied
E. Studied hard

16)  Sarry   :‘Do you think that we can finish this by today?’
    Tomy     : ‘I have no doubt that we can finish it in time.’
The underlined sentence means …
A.  agreement
B.   disagreement
C.  certainty
D.  uncertainty
E.  impossibility
17) Yato    : ‘are you sure to come to Yukine’s birthday tonight?’
    Hiyori  : i believe I can come.
The underlined sentence means …
A.  disagreement
B.   displeasure
C.  possibility
Siwi Sulistyani
D.  uncertainty
E.   disappointed
18) Etty    :I’d like to go to the cinema tonight, will you join me?
   Charles : …. Its great.
A.   I don’t think I’ll go with you
B.   I have something to do.
C.   Oh really, but I don’t like it
D.   I think I have to see it
E.    Sure, I’m really looking forward to seeing it
19)  Is it possible we win this race?
Alex     :.....
a. there is possibility of being the winner
b. probably, i’m not sure you go to the mall
c. i may be join too
d. i don’t know the rules
e. lets buy a car
20) Is there a chance that we’ll win the football match?
Alex     :...
a. i like football
b. lets watch it
c. Of course there is a chance to win
d. may be you can buy a ball
e. i am very confuse

Siwi Sulistyani
7. Present Perfect43
A. Buatlah lima kalimat present perfect tense menggunakan kata-kata di bawah ini.
1) Buy
2) Eat
3) Go
4) Read
5) See
6) Break

B. Gunakan present perfect tense dalam kalimat di bawah ini.

7) He (attend, not) … any parties since he came here.
8) Christina (type) … the letter.
9) Finally, you (start) … to write.
10) I (know) … Adam for ten years.
11) How many tests have you (take) … since the beginning of the semester?
12) She (get) … twelve letters so far this week.
13) My neighbors (ask) … me over the dinner.
14) The weather (be) … nice lately. 

C. Lengkapilah kalimat di bawah ini dengan keterangan waktu (adverb of time) yang tepat.
15) You have been a manager for …
16) He has known Miss Lita since …
17) You have had this book for …
18) Raka has not taken several tests since …
19) Mr. Billy has taught English since …
20) My family have lived in Java for …

Siwi Sulistyani
8. Comparative Dan Superlative
1) Her cook is ………………… (spicy) than my mother cook.
2) The building is ……………. (high) than his company.
3) Rony’s design is ……………………. (bad) than other designs.
4) Living in London is ………………………. (expensive) than New York.
5) She couldn’t be ……………………… (thrilled) to work with him.
6) Do you have a …………………………. (sharp) knife than this?
7) The harvest this month is …………………………. (little) than zero.
8) What is ………………….. (important) than family?
9) The banana flaky is ………………………. (crunchy) than cassava flaky.
10) The patient needs ……………….. (much) support after the accident.

11) The headmaster gave the scholarship to Alan because he is the ……………. (smart) student in the school.
12) She works the ………………. (diligent) than other workers in this company everyday.
13) The boy draws the ……………… (creative) in the event.
14) My father was the …………………. (disappointed) to me because I did not take the opportunity.
15) You looked the …………………. (bright) with your beautiful dress tonight.
16) Her last performance is the …………………….. (entertain) the audience.
17) This restaurant is the ………………. (famous) in this city.
18) The novel is the …………………. (interesting) to read in my traveling.
19) My brother created the ………………. (wonderful) song to the film.
20) He is the …………………….. (gently) in the campus

Siwi Sulistyani
1. Making Request And Asking For Permission
1) P 11) Oh, I am sorry. I will be using it this weekend.
2) R 12) I am sorry. I don’t think it is good to open the window
3) P because it is very cold outside.
4) P 13) Oh I am sorry. I am still using my mobile phone right now
5) R because I also want to call my Mom.
6) Could you give me your travel company 14) I am sorry, I don’t think I could post your letters. I am in a
brochure? hurry to go to the hospital.
7) It is hot here. Can I open the window, please? 15) I am very sorry I can’t do it. My hands still hurts.
8) Can you pass the salt for me, please? 16) I am so sorry. I’ll be going out tomorrow.
9) I wonder if I could have a day off work. 17) I am sorry I need to finish my paper tonight. Can we just
10) Can you turn the music down, please? buy food and eat it at home?
18) I am sorry. I don’t understand it either.
19) I am very sorry. It was the last glass of apple juice we had.
20) Oh, no problem. Here it is.
2. Simple Past, Regular And Irregular
1) b 6) b 11) talked 16) watched
2) a 7) b 12) arrested 17) arrove
3) b 8) a 13) built 18) met
4) a 9) a 14) washed 19) hurt
5) b 10) b 15) saw 20) married
3. Past Continuous
1) a 6) a 11) d. Watching, cooking 16) b. Was doing
2) b 7) a 12) a. Teaching, called 17) b. Was repairing
3) b 8) a 13) d. Repairing, came 18) a. Was being eaten
4) a 9) b 14) c. Were cooking 19) a. Was playing
5) a 10) b 15) d. Was driving 20) d. Was burnt
4. Simple future “will” dan “be going to”
1) I will clean the windows in this class. 6) I am going to clean the 11) Marry 16) I’m going to
2) He will wash the car. windows in this class. 12) Be 17) Are going to
3) She will be angry if I am late. 7) He is going to wash the car. 13) Will 18) Go
4) We will be sad if I get bad score. 8) She is going to be angry if I am 14) Will be 19) Shall
5) They will play football if it is late. 15) Will be 20) Will be
raining. 9) We are going to be sad if I get
bad score.
10) They are going to play football
if it is raining.
5. Countable And Uncountable Nouns
1) Many 6) branches 11) c. bathroom 16) d. photo 
2) A few 7) knives  12) d. party 17) a. wife 
3) Less 8) mice  13) a. neckalce 18) b. children
4) Many 9) island/islands 14) b. restaurant 19) c. plan
5) Much 10) methods 15) c. babies 20) c. Branches
6. Modal Verb
1) a. 3) b. 5) c. 7) c. 9) d. 11) a. 13) c. 15) a. 17) c.   19) a. 
2) d. 4) a. 6) d. 8) c. 10) e. 12) c. 14) b. 16) e.   18) a.   20) c
7. Present Perfect
1) My mother has bought 6) Have you ever broken 10) have known 15) five years
some skirts. your arm? 11) taken 16) 2015
2) You have been eaten 7) has not attend 12) has gotten 17) three days
burger since yesterday. 8) has typed 13) have asked 18) the beginning of the
3) They have gone to Ubud 9) have started 14) has been semester
for two weeks. 19) six years ago
4) My little sister has been 20) over thirty years
read comic since three
years ago.
5) Rina has never seen the
sea for five months.
8. Comparative Dan Superlative
1) Spicier 6) Sharper 11) Smartest 16) Most entertain
2) Higher 7) Less 12) Most diligent 17) Most famous
3) Worse 8) More important 13) Most creative 18) Most interesting
4) More expensive 9) More crunchy 14) Most disappointed 19) Most wonderful
5) More thrilled 10) More 15) Brightest 20) Most gently

Siwi Sulistyani
Siwi Sulistyani

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