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INGLÉS - 4° Año - 2da Entrega

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Dirección Provincial de Educación Primaria.

Segundo Ciclo. 4° año.

Propuestas de enseñanza 2021

Señor Lobo, ¿qué hora es? - What 's the time, Mr Wolf?
¡Bienvenidos y bienvenidas! En las clases que siguen, vamos a explorar un juego tradicional muy
popular en inglés y vamos a leer un cuento inspirado en ese juego. ¿Lo conocen? ¿Les recuerda
a algún otro que hayan jugado? Lo descubrimos.

1. Antes de empezar - Before the Start. Juegos tradicionales: anotá los que te guste
jugar - Traditional Games: Write down those you like to play.

Traditional Children’s Games

Hopscotch What to Play: Where to Play: Musical Chairs

-................................... -..................................
-................................... -..................................
-................................... -..................................
-................................... -..................................

Tag Skipping-Rope Hide-and-Seek Elastics

What do you like to play?

Tag in the park.

Musical Chairs in the playground.
Elastics in the P.E. class.
I like to play
Hopscotch at school.
I don’t like to play
Hide-and-Seek at a birthday party.
Skipping-Rope at home.
… ...

Examples: I like to play tag at school. It’s fun. - I don’t like to play Elastics. It’s boring.

I ______________________________________________________________
My mate likes to play_________________________________________________

2. Prepararse para jugar - Getting Ready to Play. Rimas de conteo para elegir a un
jugador: el lobo - Counting-out rhymes to pick out one player: The Wolf.

‘Dip, dip, dip, ‘One potato, two potatoes,

‘Black shoe,
My little ship three potatoes, four.
Brown shoe,
Sails on the ocean Five potatoes, six potatoes,
Black shoe, out!’
You’re not it!’ seven potatoes, more!’

(Sing in a circle until there is only one participant.)

3. Cómo jugar ‘Señor Lobo, ¿qué hora es?’- How to play ‘What’s the time, Mr Wolf?’
Mirá la pintada del patio.Leé las instrucciones.Look at the markings.Read the instructions.

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

How to play:

1. One player -girl or boy- is Mr Wolf (face to the wall).
2. Children ask Mr Wolf (from a distance): 11
3. Mr Wolf answers: ‘IT’S 2 O’CLOCK!’ 8
Children walk 2 steps: ‘ONE, TWO!’ 7
4. Children repeat again and again:
5. At Mr Wolf’s ‘DINNER TIME!’...children run! 3
What’s the time,
HAVE FUN! Mr Wolf?
[Audio disponible al final de la secuencia.]

4. Cómo jugar: en imágenes- How to play: in pictures. Recortá y ordená los pasos del
juego - Cut out and order the steps of the game.

DINNER TIME!!! It’s 2 o’clocK!!! One, Two!!!


REMEMBER! Super Simple English: Ordering.

Look! This is number one. And this is number two.

This is three, this is four and this is five.

5. ¡A jugar! - Playtime! Variantes seguras para el aula - Safe variants for the classroom.
Variant 1: Play With Cards
How to play:
1. Sing ‘Black Shoe’ to pick Mr Wolf.
2. Children ask ‘WHAT’S THE TIME, Mr WOLF?’
[And pick one card (1-12)]

3. Mr Wolf answers ‘IT’S SIX O’CLOCK!”

4. Children sing ‘ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE, SIX!’

And repeat: ‘WHAT’S THE TIME, Mr WOLF?’

5. Mr Wolf answers: ‘DINNER TIME!’

[Mr Wolf inspects: The girl or boy with number SIX is the next Mr Wolf.
Two children with the same number? Mr Wolf decides. No matches? Keep playing!]

(cut out the cards to play)

Variant 2: Freeze! Don’t Move!

How to play:
1. Sing ‘Dip Dip Dip’’ to pick Mr Wolf.
2. Children ask ‘WHAT’S THE TIME, Mr WOLF?’

3. Mr Wolf answers ‘IT’S FOUR O’CLOCK!”

4. Children sing ‘ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR!’

And repeat: ‘WHAT’S THE TIME, Mr WOLF?’

5. Mr Wolf answers: ‘DINNER TIME!’

[Children freeze! Don’t move or… YOU are the next Mr Wolf.]

Variant 3: In groups or pairs, write your version to play safely in the classroom. Any ideas?
Showing fingers? Freezing? Throwing a paper ball to tag? Follow the models above.

Start like this:

How to play:
1. Sing ….. to pick Mr Wolf.
6. Antes de leer-Before Reading. Mirá los 12 dibujos del cuento ¿Dónde está el lobo? Tildá
la opción correcta. Look at the 12 pictures in the story. Where’s the wolf? Tick correct option.

Where’s the Wolf?

Tick or Cross

He’s in the forest. He’s at Granny’s house.

He’s home. He’s at the Three Little Pig’s House

in the forest?
No, he’s not...
at Granny's house?
Is he …? at the Three Little Pig’s House?
home? In the kitchen? In the bathroom? Yes, he’s...

Para ubicar la presencia o ausencia de alguien, podemos usar algunas frases como estas:

He’s home - She’s home - I’m home.

He’s not at Grannie’s - She’s not at Grannie’s - I’m not at Grannie’s.

7. Del patio al libro - From the playground to the book. ¿Qué será igual? ¿Qué será
diferente? - What do you think? What’s the same? What’s different?

I think I think
this is the same. this is different.

-Mr Wolf. …...…… …………. …………………………

-The Children. ………………………… …………………………
-The question: “What’s the time, Mr Wolf?” ………………………… …………………………
-The answer: “It’s … o’ clock.” ………………………… …………………………
-Routine Activities. ………………………… …………………………
-The Ordering. ………………………… …………………………
-The Repetitions. ………………………… …………………………
-Mr Wolf’s “DINNER TIME!” ………………………… …………………………
8. ¿Señor Lobo, qué hora es? - What’s the time, Mr Wolf? Leé el cuento. Poné los relojes en
hora - Read the story. Set the clocks on time.

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s seven o’clock. Time to get up.

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s eight o’clock. Time to brush my teeth.

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s nine o’clock. Breakfast time: coffee and toasts.
I’m hungry!

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s ten o’clock. Time to get dressed.

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s eleven o’clock. Time to wash my hands.

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s twelve o’clock.
Lunchtime: a bowl of hot soup for me. Yummy!
I’m hungry!
What’s the time, Mr Wolf?
It’s one o’clock. Time to wash the dishes.

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s two o’clock. Time to watch TV.

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s three o’clock. Time to have my shower.

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s four o’clock. Time to listen to the radio.

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s five o’clock. Tea time. I’m hungry!

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?



[Audio disponible al final de la secuencia.]

9. Volvé a chequear - Check it out. Chequeá tus predicciones del ejercicio 7. ¿Eran
correctas? - Check your predictions in exercise 7. Were you right?

The question
is the same. Yes, the routines
are different.
The answers And the ordering
are different. is different.

10. Después de leer - After Reading. Anotá las acciones del lobo según el momento del
día. Write down the Wolf 's actions according to the time of the day.

In the morning At midday In the afternoon In the evening

7am- Time to get up
……………………... …………………….. …………………..

11. Bingo! - Bingo! Elegí 6 imágenes para jugar - Pick 6 cards to play.

(cut out the cards to play)

12. En pares o con toda la clase - In pairs or Whole Class. Preguntale la hora al lobo.
Adiviná por su mímica - Ask the Wolf for the time. Guess from his miming.
Student A: What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

Student B: (Mimes action. For example: Drinking soup)

Student A: It’s twelve o’clock!

Student B: Yes! / No, try again.

13. Lectura en voz alta - Reading aloud. Lectura grupal. Volvé a leer la historia con tus
compañeros. Organicen la asignación de partes. Group reading. Read the story again.

14. Lobos reales e imaginarios - Mr Wolf vs A Real Wolf. Los cuentos e historias
suelen humanizar a los animales. Completá esta divertida ficha para identificar cómo -
Identify human characteristics of animals in stories. Fill out this funny fact file.

Funny Fact File

Mr Wolf Maned Wolf

(Big Bad Wolf in English; (Aguará Guazú in Guaraní language;
Lobo feroz in Spanish.) Lobo de crin in Spanish.)

Habitat: He is home. Habitat:

Diet: Diet:

Language: Language:

Activity: Activity:

Personality: Personality:

He is home. He sleeps in nature.

He is in the forest. He sleeps in a bed and wears pyjamas.
He has soup, tea, coffee and toast. He can watch TV and listen to the radio.
He eats birds and small animals. He can walk long distances.
He can speak English. He is not good and he is not bad.
He can’t speak. He is bad.

‘El encanto de las fábulas

no es tanto su moraleja
sino que el lobo conversa con el cordero
y el buey conversa con un ruiseñor.’ The Tortoise and
The Hare.
15. ¡Extra, Extra! - Extra, Extra!

Si en algún momento tenés posibilidades de conectarte a los siguientes enlaces, vas a

poder escuchar el audio del cuento y de la rima, entre otros1. Y vas a poder ver algunos
videos y escuchar algunas canciones relacionados con el juego:

AUDIO DEL PUNTO 1: Traditional Children’s Games.

Escuchá los nombres de los juegos en inglés en el siguiente enlace:


AUDIO DEL PUNTO 2: Counting-Out Rhymes.

Escuchá la rima para seleccionar a un jugador en el siguiente enlace:



Escuchá las instrucciones de cómo jugar en el siguiente enlace:


AUDIO DEL PUNTO 8: Audiobook.

Escuchá el cuento y seguí la lectura del punto 8 en el siguiente enlace:


Mirá el video de la rima One Potato:

One Potato, Two Potatoes | Super Simple Songs

Mirá un video de chicos y chicas explicando cómo jugar el juego:

How To Perform 'What's The Time Mr Wolf'

Escuchá y mirá el juego hecho canción interpretada por The Wiggles:
(Para los más chiquitos)

The Wiggles: What's The Time Mr Wolf? | Kids Songs

Escuchá otra versión de la canción interpretada por músicos de Nueva Zelanda:
(Para los más grandes).

What's the Time Mr Wolf New Zealand song

Los audios se descargarán en formato MP3.
APÉNDICE I - APPENDIX I Rimas ilustradas - Illustrated Counting-Out Rhymes.

‘Black shoe, ‘Dip, dip, dip,

Brown shoe, My little ship
Black shoe, out!’ Sails on the ocean
You’re not it!’

‘One potato,
two potatoes,
three potatoes,
‘Coca cola, pepsi cola,
Coca cola, split!’
Five potatoes,
six potatoes,
seven potatoes, more!’

‘Banana, banana, ‘Coconut, coconut,

Banana, split!’ Coconut, crack!’

‘Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe,

Catch a tiger by the toe,
If he roars let him go,
Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Moe
It is you!’

APÉNDICE II - APPENDIX II What 's the Time, Mr Wolf? - Recortes de mayor tamaño para leer
con toda la clase, reordenar o distribuir la lectura.
What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s seven o’clock.

Time to get up.

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s eight o’clock.

Time to brush my teeth.

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s nine o’clock. Breakfast time:

coffee and toasts.
I’m hungry!

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s ten o’clock.

Time to get dressed.
What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s eleven o’clock.

Time to wash my hands.

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s twelve o’clock. Lunchtime:

a bowl of hot soup for me.
Yummy! I’m hungry!

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s one o’clock.

Time to wash the dishes.

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s two o’clock.

Time to watch TV.
What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s three o’clock.

Time to have my shower.

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s four o’clock.

Time to listen to the radio.

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

It’s five o’clock.

Tea time. I’m hungry!

What’s the time, Mr Wolf?



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