Determine The Total Head Loss For Multy Story Building

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Determine the total head loss for multy story building.

Government Polytechnic Thane

This is to Certify that the following Students of Fourth Semester
Diploma in
Of institute Government Polytechnic Thane
Has been completed term work satisfactorily in Hydraulics 22401 for
year 2020-21 as prescribed In the curriculum.
Name Roll No. Enrollment No.

Adarsh Suradkar 01 1915700001

Kalpesh Rajput 05 1915700005

Dayesh Pansare 13 1915700015

Sharad Shirke 15 1915700017

Roshan Dongre 12 1915700014

Roshan Mirkute 30 1915700033

Head Loss
Head loss is a measure of the reduction in the total head (sum of
elevation head, velocity head and pressure head) of the fluid as it
moves through a fluid system. Head loss is unavoidable in real
fluids. It is present because of: the friction between the fluid and
the walls of the pipe; the friction between adjacent fluid particles
as they move relative to one another; and the turbulence caused
whenever the flow is redirected or affected in any way by such
components as piping entrances and exits, pumps, valves, flow
reducers, and fittings.
Frictional loss is that part of the total head loss that occurs as the
fluid flows through straight pipes. The head loss for fluid flow is
directly proportional to the length of pipe, the square of the fluid
velocity, and a term accounting for fluid friction called the friction
factor. The head loss is inversely proportional to the diameter of
the pipe.
Head Loss∝f L v2D
Friction Factor
The friction factor has been determined to depend on the Reynolds number for the flow
and the degree of roughness of the pipe's inner surface.

The quantity used to measure the roughness of the pipe is called the relative roughness,
which equals the average height of surface irregularities (ε) divided by the pipe diameter

Relative Roughness=εDRelative Roughness=εD

The value of the friction factor is usually obtained from the Moody Chart, an example of
which is shown below. The Moody Chart can be used to determine the friction factor
based on the Reynolds number and the relative roughness.

Moody Chart


Determine the friction factor (f) for fluid flow in a pipe that has a Reynolds number of
40,000 and a relative roughness of 0.01.


Using the Moody Chart, a Reynolds number of 40,000 intersects the curve
corresponding to a relative roughness of 0.01 at a friction factor of 0.04.
Darcy's Equation
The frictional head loss can be calculated using a mathematical relationship
that is known as Darcy's equation for head loss. The equation takes two
distinct forms. The first form of Darcy's equation determines the losses in
the system associated with the length of the pipe.

Hf=f LD v22 gHf=f LD v22 g


f = friction factor (unitless)
L = length of pipe (ft)
D = diameter of pipe (ft)
v = fluid velocity (ft/sec)
g = gravitational
acceleration (ft/sec2)
Example: Darcy's Head Loss Equation

A pipe 100 feet long and 20 inches in diameter contains water at 200°F
flowing at a mass flow rate of 700 lbm/sec. The water has a density of 60
lbm/ft3 and a viscosity of 1.978×10-7 lbf-sec/ft2. The relative roughness of
the pipe is 0.00008. Calculate the head loss for the pipe.

The sequence of steps necessary to solve this problem is first to determine
the flow velocity. Second, using the flow velocity and the fluid properties
given, calculate the Reynolds number. Third, determine the friction factor
from the Reynolds number and the relative roughness. Finally, use Darcy's
equation to determine the head loss.

vv===m˙ρA700 lbmsec(60 lbmft3)π (10 in)2 1 ft2144 sec25.35 ftsecv=m˙ρA=700
lbmsec(60 lbmft3)π (10 in)2 1 ft2144 sec2v=5.35 ftsec

NR=(60 lbmft3)(5.35 ftsec)(20 in 1 ft12 in)1.978×10−7 lbf-secft2 32.17 ft-lbmlbf-

sec2=8.4×107NR=(60 lbmft3)(5.35 ftsec)(20 in 1 ft12 in)1.978×10−7 lbf-
secft2 32.17 ft-lbmlbf-sec2=8.4×107
Use the Moody Chart for a Reynolds number of 8.4×107 and a relative
roughness of 0.00008.

f = 0.012

HfHf===f LD v22 g(0.012) 100 ft20 in(1 ft12 in)⋅(5.35 ftsec)22(32.17 ftsec2)0.32
ftHf=f LD v22 g=(0.012) 100 ft20 in(1 ft12 in)⋅(5.35 ftsec)22(32.17
ftsec2)Hf=0.32 ft
Minor Losses
The losses that occur in pipelines due to bends, elbows, joints,
valves, etc. are sometimes called minor losses. This is a misnomer
because in many cases these losses are more important than the
losses due to pipe friction, considered in the preceding section.
For all minor losses in turbulent flow, the head loss varies as the
square of the velocity. Thus a convenient method of expressing
the minor losses in flow is by means of a loss coefficient (k).
Values of the loss coefficient (k) for typical situations and fittings
is found in standard handbooks. The form of Darcy's equation
used to calculate minor losses of individual fluid system
components is expressed by Equation 3-15.
Hf=k v22g

Equivalent Piping Length

Minor losses may be expressed in terms of the equivalent length (Leq) of
pipe that would have the same head loss for the same discharge flow rate.
This relationship can be found by setting the two forms of Darcy's equation
equal to each other.

f LD v22 g=k v22gf LD v22 g=k v22g

This yields two relationships that are useful.

Leq=k DfLeq=k Df

k=f LeqDk=f LeqD

Typical values of Leq/D for common piping system components are listed in
Table 1. The equivalent length of piping that will cause the same head loss
as a particular component can be determined by multiplying the value of
Leq/D for that component by the diameter of the pipe. The higher the value
of Leq/D, the longer the equivalent length of pipe.
Table 1: Typical Values of Leq/D

Item Leq/D
Globe Valve
Conventional 400
Y-Pattern 160
Gate Valve
Fully Open 10
75% Open 35
50% Open 150
25% Open 900
Standard Tee
Flow through Run 10
Flow through Branch 60
90° Standard Elbow 30
45° Standard Elbow 16
Return Bend 50
Simplified Bernoulli Equation
Bernoulli's equation results from the application of the general energy
equation and the first law of thermodynamics to a steady flow system in
which no work is done on or by the fluid, no heat is transferred to or from
the fluid, and no change occurs in the internal energy (i.e., no temperature
change) of the fluid. Under these conditions, the general energy equation is
simplified to Equation 3-9.
(PE + KE + PV)1 = (PE + KE + PV)2

Substituting appropriate expressions for the potential energy and kinetic

energy, Equation 3-9 can be rewritten as Equation 3-10.


m = mass (lbm)
z = height above reference
v = average velocity
g = acceleration due to
gravity (32.17 ft/sec2)
gc = gravitational constant,
(32.17 ft-lbm/lbf-sec2)
Energy Conversions in Fluid Systems
Bernoulli's equation makes it easy to examine how energy transfers take place among
elevation head, velocity head, and pressure head. It is possible to examine individual
components of piping systems and determine what fluid properties are varying and how
the energy balance is affected.

If a pipe containing an ideal fluid undergoes a gradual expansion in diameter, the

continuity equation tells us that as the diameter and flow area get bigger, the flow
velocity must decrease to maintain the same mass flow rate. Since the outlet velocity is
less than the inlet velocity, the velocity head of the flow must decrease from the inlet to
the outlet. If the pipe lies horizontal, there is no change in elevation head; therefore, the
decrease in velocity head must be compensated for by an increase in pressure head.
Since we are considering an ideal fluid that is incompressible, the specific volume of the
fluid will not change. The only way that the pressure head for an incompressible fluid
can increase is for the pressure to increase. So the Bernoulli equation indicates that a
decrease in flow velocity in a horizontal pipe will result in an increase in pressure.

If a constant diameter pipe containing an ideal fluid undergoes a decrease in elevation,

the same net effect results, but for different reasons. In this case the flow velocity and
the velocity head must be constant to satisfy the mass continuity equation.

So the decrease in elevation head can only be compensated for by an increase in

pressure head. Again, the fluid is incompressible so the increase in pressure head must
result in an increase in pressure.

Although the Bernoulli equation has several restrictions placed upon it, there are many
physical fluid problems to which it is applied. As in the case of the conservation of mass,
the Bernoulli equation may be applied to problems in which more than one flow may
enter or leave the system at the same time. Of particular note is the fact that series and
parallel piping system problems are solved using the Bernoulli equation.
Example: Bernoulli's Equation

Assume frictionless flow in a long, horizontal, conical pipe. The diameter is 2.0 ft at one
end and 4.0 ft at the other. The pressure head at the smaller end is 16 ft of water. If
water flows through this cone at a rate of 125.6 ft3/sec, find the velocities at the two
ends and the pressure head at the larger end.




v1=125.6 ft3secπ (1 ft)2v1=125.6 ft3secπ (1 ft)2

v1=40 ftsecv1=40 ftsec



v2=125.6 ft3secπ (2 ft)2v2=125.6 ft3secπ (2 ft)2

v2=10 ftsecv2=10 ftsec


P2ν2gcg===P1ν1gcg+(z1−z2)+v21−v222g16 ft+0 ft+(40 ftsec)2−(10 ftsec)22(32.17 ft-lbmlbf-

sec2)39.3 ft
Restrictions on the Simplified Bernoulli Equation
Practical applications of the simplified Bernoulli Equation to real piping
systems is not possible due to two restrictions. One serious restriction of
the Bernoulli equation in its present form is that no fluid friction is allowed
in solving piping problems. Therefore, Equation 3-10 only applies to ideal
fluids. However, in reality, the total head possessed by the fluid cannot be
transferred completely from one point to another because of friction.
Taking these losses of head into account would provide a much more
accurate description of what takes place physically. This is especially true
because one purpose of a pump in a fluid system is to overcome the losses
in pressure due to pipe friction.

The second restriction on Bernoulli's equation is that no work is allowed to

be done on or by the fluid. This restriction prevents two points in a fluid
stream from being analyzed if a pump exists between the two points. Since
most flow systems include pumps, this is a significant limitation.
Fortunately, the simplified Bernoulli equation can be modified in a manner
that satisfactorily deals with both head losses and pump work.
Application of Bernoulli's Equation to a Venturi
Many plant components, such as a venturi, may be analyzed using Bernoulli's equation and the
continuity equation. A venturi is a flow measuring device that consists of a gradual contraction
followed by a gradual expansion. An example of a venturi is shown in Figure 6. By measuring
the differential pressure between the inlet of the venturi (point 1) and the throat of the venturi
(point 2), the flow velocity and mass flow rate can be determined based on Bernoulli's

Figure 6: Venturi Meter

Bernoulli's equation states that the total head of the flow must be constant. Since the elevation
does not change significantly, if at all, between points 1 and 2, the elevation head at the two
points will be essentially the same and will cancel out of the equation. So Bernoulli's equation
simplifies to Equation 3-13 for a venturi.

Pipe system
Calculation memory For a 3-story building, and with 2 apartments each floor.
Each apartments has a toilet, a shower and a kitchen with a dishwasher.
A) Calculate friction losses.Accessories and others.
B)required flow of entry, Output flow in pipe all is 10 L/min
C) Diameters of pipes?
Use the recommended standards (the most common) and specific step by step
Only calculate the potable water pipeline, Discard the drain pipe.

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