The Role of Enhanced "Follow - Up" and Simplified Video Tutorial in Blended Learning During The Pandemic
The Role of Enhanced "Follow - Up" and Simplified Video Tutorial in Blended Learning During The Pandemic
The Role of Enhanced "Follow - Up" and Simplified Video Tutorial in Blended Learning During The Pandemic
, 2021
Nearly everyone involved in the education system is new to blended learning. While teachers have to
navigate around the new environment, they have to ensure that their learners are not left behind. Teachers’
awareness of students’ experiences during the pandemic, be it school-related or personal helps them
adjust their approaches to the teaching-learning process. This study employed the qualitative research,
specifically the multiple case study design. Informal interview transcripts, school documents, call
transcripts, and validation statements were the main source of data for the study. The result of the study
revealed three themes in the pursuit to answer the research questions presented in this research. These
themes were student experiences in the new normal modality of education, factors that affect student
participation rate in blended learning, and school and teacher interventions that learners seek. In this
research, the videos were simplified by the teacher through explaining the lesson in a simpler language
without compromising the substantial content. Students’ consistent response that simplified lesson videos
helped them learn in their own pace must encourage teachers to include such support in planning for their
synchronous and asynchronous classes. Another vital support that teachers and the school can provide
during these challenging times is to look after the well-being of their students. Constant and enhanced
follow-up of learners done in a subtle and encouraging manner will increase learner motivation to continue
their studies despite the challenges and struggles they encounter in their life and in their studies.
Keywords: Blended Learning, Simplified Video Lessons, Student Experiences During the Pandemic,
School and Teacher Interventions
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