Paren Trivedi - MBD2066 - FEA Course Project
Paren Trivedi - MBD2066 - FEA Course Project
Paren Trivedi - MBD2066 - FEA Course Project
Material Selection.…………………………………………………………………. 2
Solid Model.………………………………………………………………………... 3
Analysis.……………………………………………………………………………. 4
Results ………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Conclusion …………………...……………………………………………………… 6
Problem Statement
Consider the beam in figure given below. It is clamped on the left side and has a
point for 6KN acting downward on the right end of the beam. The beam has a
length of 4 meters, width of 0.35 meters and height of 0.35 meters (cross-section
oof beam is a square), Young’s Modulus= 2.7e^10 Pa
Poisons ratio= 0.3. Calculate the following
1. Calculate Deformation of the Beam
2. Maximum Bending stress along the Beam
3. Bending Moment along the beam
Fig 1
Material Selection
We select the material for the beam is steel.
Fig. 2
(Solid model from Ansys Mechanical)
Fig. 3
Fig. 6
5. Now to Draw a line of 4 meters, click on sketching and select line and
draw a line of 4 meters on X- axis. (Line is highlighted by yellow color)
Fig. 6
6. In order to Dimension the line, select Dimension and select line to edit its
length= 4 meters.
Fig. 7
7. Need to convert it into sketch, go to concept and select lines from
sketches then click on this line as Base object and click apply.
Fig. 8
8. Click on generate now, since we have created one part or we can say one
Fig. 9
9. Now we have to provide the cross-section to this one body, go to concept
and click on cross-section and select rectangular. This will create a
rectangular cross-section.
Fig. 10
10. Since in our problematic specified that the cross-section is square so give
the value B= 0.35 meter and H= 0.35 meters in Dimension: 2
Fig. 11
11.Now click generate now and go to one part one body then select line body
in order to create the cross-section attached to this body and again click
on generate now.
Fig. 12
12. Go to the file and close the Design Modular. Now Engineering Data and
geometric portion is over.
13.We need to enter into the model so double click it and it will open the
Ansys mechanical now. It will take some time to attached our beam
geometry to Ansys mechanical. So, this will create the center line in order
to the beam.
Fig. 13
14.Go to the display and select cross-section solid so this is our square cross-
section of the beam and select XY plain.
Fig. 14
15. Now before getting along since our material is steel by default. Select
line body to add material assignment as steel assignment and select steel.
Fig. 15
16. Now go to mesh and click update to get the default mesh. Now if you
drop down this menu and click on the statistics you will see there Are 43
Nodes and 21 elements in this beam.
17.Next step to apply support. Go to environment then click on support and
select fixed support and click on the left side vertex to apply fix support
and make sure to highlight the vertex and click on apply.
Fig. 17
18.Select static structural to applied point load on the right-hand side vertex
and then select force. Select and highlight the vertex point then click on
apply and in defined by we can be changed it to component. In Y-
component give Force value -6000 N (Force in Downward Direction).
Fig. 18
19.Now go to solution and select Total Deformation and again select solution
go to tools and select beam tools but we need to evaluate this so right
click on total deformation to solve.
Fig. 19
20.Again, Select the beam tool and select stress and apply maximum
Bending stress and right click on maximum Bending stress and evaluate
Fig. 20
21.Now we need to have Bending moment along the beam for that select
model and go to construction geometry and select the path and in path
type instead of having two points select edge. go through a selection filter
and select centerline of the beam and go to geometry and apply.
Fig. 21
22.Now go to solution and click Beam result and select bending moment.
23.Now in scoping method instead of using geometry selection, select path
and in path, select path and in definition, choose Directional Bending
moment and select the orientation= Z-axis and now, right click on
directional bending moment. Evaluate all results.
Fig. 22
1. Total Deformation as shown in fig. 23
Minimum Deformation= 0 m
Maximum Deformation= 0.0038134 m