Co-Teaching Lesson Plan
Co-Teaching Lesson Plan
Co-Teaching Lesson Plan
Students will participate in two different stations that will look at the impacts of
vegetation on soil erosion. Using a one teach, one support co-teaching model,
students will be asked to make predictions regarding how vegetation will impact the
rate of soil erosion (Karten & Murawski, 2020). Students will then be divided into two
groups and go to each of the stations to see an instructor-led experiment to
demonstrate the impact of vegetation on soil erosion. Using a parallel co-teaching
model, each instructor will lead one of the two stations. Each experience will use a
LESSON SUMMARY large, cut plastic bottle filled with soil to demonstrate how erosion occurs (Karten &
Murawski, 2020). One station will have soil only, the other station will have a plant in
it along with the soil. Water will be poured over the soil to demonstrate the difference
the plant makes on how quickly the soil erodes. Students will be encouraged to make
observations at each of the stations.
Returning to a one-teach, one-support co-teaching model, students will be asked to
write their conclusions regarding the rate of erosion and the impacts of the
vegetation. Students will also be asked to write about other elements such as wind,
ice, or water that impact the rate of erosion.
This lesson primarily uses two major theories of education: constructivism and
cognitive learning theory. Cognitive learning theory is used by having students make
predictions and observations about the impact of vegetation on the rate of erosion
(Western Governors University, 2020). Teachers will be asking questions and having
students cite specific evidence they saw during each experiment. Additionally,
How is Theory applied
teachers will act as guides in student learning and therefore, the cognitive learning
in this lesson?
theory is also being used. This theory supports the idea that students build on
previous experiences to create their own learning (Western Governors University,
2020). The process of having students make predictions and come to their own
conclusions through writing and drawing aligns to the cognitive learning theory
(Western Governors University, 2020).
ISTE Standards for Students How will you address the ISTE Standards for Students?
1c Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate
their learning in a variety of ways.
STATE or COMMON CORE How will you address your States or the Common Core standards?
G4 Science Standard 4-ESS2-1 Make observations and/or measurements to provide evidence of the effects of
weathering or the rate of erosion by water, ice, wind, or vegetation.
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MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE What will your students be able to do?
How will you know whether your students have made progress toward the objective?
How and when will you assess mastery?
Informal formative assessments will be used throughout by asking students questions. Individual support will be
offered to students while they are writing/drawing their hypotheses, observations, and conclusions.
Students will submit a formative assessment at the completion of the lesson. This assessment will be in the form
of a journal that will include their predictions, observations, and conclusions regarding the erosion experiment.
The concluding section will ask specific questions related to what they have learned and connect to what they
can do to prevent erosion. Students will have the opportunity to show their learning through pictures and may
complete their drawings or writing through their Chromebook and various writing/drawing tools.
Students will show progress towards the objective by being able to show through words or pictures how the
vegetation changed the rate of erosion.
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- Students who need throughout all
assistance with lessons.
spelling/writing will be - Comparable
provided support as experiments to be
well. posted to Google
classroom as well as
the journal
assignment for
students who may be
● Differentiated instruction is not the same as individualized instruction.
● Differentiation allows students to show what they know in different ways.
How will you create a healthy We will create a healthy learning environment by setting clear expectations
learning environment? for student behavior, developing meaningful relationships with my students,
and implementing clear procedures to provide students structure and
optimize learning. School-wide expectations for the classroom are posted in
the classroom (Center on PBIS, n.d.). Expectations can also be referenced
quickly and incorporated into discussions frequently. We will follow through
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with timely, positive feedback, acknowledging students with specific praise,
and also redirecting or correcting students as needed (Office of Special
Education Programs, 2015). Verbal praise will be meaningful and sincere
and provided quickly to reinforce desired actions (Office of Special
Education Programs, 2015).
How will you create and maintain a A safe and supportive classroom is created when procedures are clear,
supportive and safe learning disruptions are minimized so learning can take place, and students are
environment? treated fairly and kindly (Linsin, 2011). We will maintain high expectations
of all students and will respond quickly to address disruptive or
disrespectful behavior (Office of Special Education Programs, 2015).
How will you establish a climate of A climate of learning will be established by engaging students in a variety
learning? of ways, communicating classroom objectives, and providing students with
specific feedback about their learning (Wong & Wong, 2018). Students will
have multiple opportunities to answer questions during the lesson.
Feedback will be provided through one-on-one interactions as they are
working and following the submission of an assignment.
How will you communicate what is about to GE teacher will lead a discussion with students to discuss
happen? How will you communicate how it erosion. The teacher will relate what the students are about to
will happen? learn to their own personal experiences.
-What are some things you notice when it rains?
-What are some things you notice when there is too much water
on something or it floods?
-When it rains do you notice any areas that it does or does not
This will help lead students into the introductory material of
After asking these questions and giving students the chance to
respond, the GE teacher will go over the components of the
lesson for today. GE will discuss the journal and display it on the
overhead projector to give students explicit instruction on how
they will complete the journal. GE teacher will also review the
two stations and how students will be grouped. This will remain
visible for the duration of the lesson and will be referenced
before the group switches stations.
How will you communicate its importance? GE teacher will discuss how erosion affects our lives and the
How will you communicate connections to planet. Previous lessons on erosion and weathering will be
previous & future lessons? mentioned during the opening.
How will you engage students and capture Students will be engaged through discussions and the questions
their interest? surrounding their own experiences regarding rain/erosion. The
journal will allow students a lot of flexibility to both draw and
write their observations and conclusions.
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X One Teach, the discussion on individual students to questions and Material:
One Support erosion and and monitoring provide call and Powerpoint on
☐ Parallel students’ student behavior by response to the erosion, projector
☐ Alternative
experiences. walking around the various vocabulary
☐ Station
☐ Team room. terms. Technology used:
Google slides,
How will you introduce academic Academic language will be displayed on PowerPoint and defined in
language? student’s journals. GE teacher will go through each term and ask questions
to connect student’s experiences and previous lessons to vocabulary.
Introductory questions will check for student understanding. Vocabulary
terms will be used throughout the lesson to help students become familiar
with all terms.
What key points will you The key points of this portion that will be emphasized is the main
emphasize and reiterate? understanding of the term erosion. Another key point will be that erosion
can be prevented to some degree.
We want our students to understand the overall concept of erosion and
some of the elements of our environment that contribute to erosion and
prevent it.
How will you ensure that students To ensure students are actively taking-in information the general education
actively take-in information? teacher will ask open-ended questions throughout the lesson. This will
allow us to see what students are understanding and taking-in. If students
appear to struggle with answers we will rephrase questions and repeat
information. Students will be called on in a variety of ways to provide
opportunities for all students to respond. SPED teacher will support
individual students to ensure they are following along and also taking-in
information being presented by GE teacher.
How will you vary your approach To make information accessible to all students, we will use various forms of
to make information accessible to representation. The slides on the powerpoint will include photos, text,
all students? How will you videos, and audio (as we will be talking verbally). This will help all students
differentiate your instruction for all find the information accessible as each slide will contain something to meet
your learners? their need(s). To differentiate instruction for all the learners in the classroom
we will be incorporating the UDL guidelines prior to composing the lesson.
We will ensure to provide multiple means of representations on our slides
as information is customized based on our learners needs, we will provide
multiple means of engagement as the co-teacher will be monitoring
behaviors in the classroom therefore minimizing threats and distractions,
and we will provide multiple means of action and expression as we will
enhance capacity for monitoring progress. We will do so by asking
questions during the lesson that will guide self-monitoring and reflection.
Which potential Potential misunderstandings include the difference between weathering and
misunderstandings will you erosion; students understanding the term ‘rate of erosion;’ and making
anticipate? hypotheses that connect to the in-class experiment.
Why will students be engaged and To keep students engaged in the introductory portion of the lesson, the
interested? needs and interest of the diverse learners in the room will be kept in mind
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and incorporated in the lesson. A power point will be used to meet various
learning types as text, audio (verbal), videos, and images will be used for
this portion of the lesson. Students will have the opportunity to participate in
the discussion and share their experiences with rain/erosion. We will ask
our students open-ended questions as well.
Students who are engaged during the lesson will also be praised for their
behaviors. This will help create models for positive behaviors in the
classroom. The co-teacher will also be walking around in the room to
monitor behavior. Both of these actions will help minimize distractions in the
classroom, keeping students more focused on the lesson.
How will you clearly state and Prior to sending students to their respective stations, safety will be
model behavioral expectations? discussed. This includes reminding students to walk, stay in their spot, and
keeping their hands to themselves. It will also be regularly discussed and
modeled how to raise a quiet hand when answering a question.
How will you integrate the The key vocabulary terms for this lesson are erosion, vegetation, rate,
academic language? predictions, and observations. These terms will be displayed for the
duration of the lesson and will be used when asking students questions
throughout the lesson.
How will you ensure that all To ensure that all students have multiple opportunities to practice as
students have multiple students will have multiple opportunities to respond during this lesson. The
opportunities to practice? teacher at each station will provide several instructional questions and
statements that require students to give a response to. The teacher will also
provide the students with positive feedback.
How will you scaffold practice Questions will be tiered to encourage higher level thinking as the
exercises from easy to hard? experiment progresses. During the intro, students will have the opportunity
to discuss the vocabulary. Throughout the lesson, teachers will provide
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guidance to assist students with making some basic predictions, writing
their observations, and then guided to draw conclusions.
How will you monitor and correct During each experiment, students will be asked to make observations.
student performance? Questions will be guided to help students record their observations. Each
instructor will check for understanding by moving through the room as
students complete their observation worksheet. Individual assistance will be
provided for those students needing additional guidance.
Why will students be engaged and Students will be engaged and interested in this portion of the lesson as they
interested? are able to connect their prior knowledge, learning in the introduction to the
lesson, now to the real world. Students will get to see how erosion looks
right before their eyes and a method that can be used to prevent it.
This portion of the lesson also keeps students engaged as it gets the
students moving. It is very hands-on as they will get to help when
conducting the science experiment.
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second bottle, they
will be able to
examine how
prevents erosion as
the soil stays intact
and the runoff water
is mainly clear.
During the lesson
the teacher will
discuss how
prevents soil
erosion due to
How will you clearly state and The journal students have been working on will be displayed on the
model behavioral expectations? overhead projector and the GE teacher will provide instructions for the
conclusion portion of the assignment. GE teacher will model how to answer
one of the questions in a complete sentence. Students will have the
opportunity to ask questions about the journal assignment before being
released to work independently. SPED teacher will provide support
throughout the class and provide gentle reminders and positive
encouragements to students throughout independent practice time.
How will students demonstrate Students will write in their journal four full sentences of what they observed
understanding of the academic at each station. This will be a total of eight sentences. Students will draw
language? pictures that correlate to their sentences. They will describe what they saw
and what scientific term this is. Ex: Was this soil erosion? What caused the
erosion? What prevented the erosion?
This will allow students to demonstrate their learning of what erosion is,
what can cause erosion, and one way erosion can be prevented or
In what ways will students attempt Students will have the opportunity to complete summary questions in their
to demonstrate independent journal. They will also draw their observations of the two science
mastery of the objective? experiments and make conclusions as to how the vegetation impacted the
rate of erosion.
How will you provide opportunities Videos of similar experiments will be posted to Google Classroom.
for extension? Students could be provided an extension to find a different experiment
related to erosion or weathering. Students will also have the opportunity to
investigate their own role in preventing erosion.
Why will students be engaged and Students will get to demonstrate their learning in their journal through
interested? writing and drawing. They will also make connections with what they can do
as an individual to reduce the rate of erosion.
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will have Role: GE support individual independently at Materials: Coloring
X One Teach, written co-teacher students as needed their desk. They will supplies (markers,
One Support many will provide to assist in the draw pictures and a pencils, crayons),
☐ Parallel
observatio explicit completion of the total of 4 sentences writing journal, and
☐ Alternative
☐ Station ns during instructions journal. per station on what a pencil.
☐ Team the on completing they saw and what
experience the journal. scientific term they
ment Also support observed. They will
individual write some of the
students and traits they saw at
monitor each station.
learning by
around the
How will students summarize what Students will be called upon to share their predictions, observations, and
they learned? conclusions.
How will students be asked to As a part of the closing discussion and worksheet, students will be
state the significance of what they encouraged to share one thing they could do to help prevent erosion.
learned? Future lessons will build upon their knowledge as to how humans impact
How will you provide all students Student journals will guide students toward making relevant hypotheses,
with opportunities to demonstrate observations, and then conclusions. Students will have the opportunity to
mastery of, or progress toward, show their learning through writing and drawing. Support will be provided by
the objective? the SPED to give students with special needs the opportunity to
demonstrate their learning by answering questions verbally. The sharing
activity will also give this opportunity to many of the students, while also
developing their verbal communication skills.
HOMEWORK (if appropriate). How will students practice what they learned?
Homework will not be assigned at the conclusion of this lesson. Future homework assignments could ask
students to compare weathering and erosion or look at other ways humans could change the rate of erosion.
Rather our lesson will be used as a stepping stone, introducing erosion and one solution that minimizes soil
erosion. We will use various extension activities and lessons to build off of this new knowledge and use it as a
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base. Once this base appears strong for each student and they are able to demonstrate their learning, we will
then have future homework assignments on erosion.
COLLABORATION What other education professionals will you collaborate with to ensure all learner needs are
It is assumed that the special education teacher within the co-taught classroom will help to ensure the needs of all
learners are met.
During prep period, teachers may collaborate with other teachers who have experience with the same group of
students. This will allow us to learn various methods that are and are not successful, as well as gain insightful
feedback from our co-workers. We can then use this knowledge to modify and personalize our instruction and
assignments which will help ensure that all learners' needs are being met.
Which of the following social and Critical thinking/problem solving: Students will learn what erosion is.
emotional competencies (World They will observe the process of soil erosion due to water and how
Economic Forum, 2016), does this vegetation and afforestation can help reduce the rate of erosion. As they
lesson support? observe the experiments they will critically think about why this is occurring.
● Critical Thinking/Problem Prior to the lesson they will also use critical thinking skills to write two
Solving hypotheses of what they believe will happen during each phase of the
● Creativity experiment.
● Communication Communication skills are also being supported through discussions at
● Collaboration the beginning, during the experiment, and when writing their conclusions.
Students will be provided an opportunity to share their observations and
conclusions with the class.
Which of the following social and Curiosity: Students will be open-minded when listening to other students
emotional character qualities respond to questions during the lesson and be mindful and aware of
(World Economic Forum, 2016), diverse perspectives and opinions in the classroom. Students will be active
does this lesson support? listeners in the classroom. Both teachers in the classroom will be
● Social and cultural awareness encouraging students to ask questions. Open-ended questions will be
● Leadership asked in various components of the lesson, therefore giving the students
● Adaptability more opportunities to participate.
● Persistence/Grit
● Initiative
● Curiosity
World Economic Forum. (2016). New vision for education: fostering social and emotional learning through technology.
Geneva, Switzerland: World Economic Forum. Retrieved from
Standard #1: Learner Development. The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that
patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional,
and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning
Standard #2: Learning Differences. The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures
and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.
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Standard #3: Learning Environments. The teacher works with others to create environments that support
individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in
learning, and self-motivation.
Standard #4: Content Knowledge. The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of
the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make the discipline accessible and
meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.
Standard #6: Assessment. The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage
learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision
Standard #7: Planning for Instruction. The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting
rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and
pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.
ISTE Standards for Teachers What InTASC standards are supported by this lesson?
1c Stay current with research that supports improved student learning outcomes, including findings from
the learning sciences.
4c Use collaborative tools to expand students’ authentic, real-world learning experiences by engaging virtually
with experts, teams and students, locally and globally.
4d Demonstrate cultural competency when communicating with students, parents and colleagues and interact with
them as co-collaborators in student learning.
(ISTE, n.d.)
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journals. During the experiment, the student to
teacher ratio is reduced allowing students more
opportunities for students to participate in the
discussion and get up close with the experiment.
Additionally, by working on this lesson plan
together, we were able to incorporate more
differentiation and create a better plan. The
creation of a better plan also supports all student
REFERENCES: List any research used or quoted consistent with APA style guidelines.
Bateman, D.F. & Cline, J.L. (2016). A teacher’s guide to special education. ASCD.
CAST (2018). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.2. Retrieved from
Council of Chief State School Officers. (2013, April). Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium
InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards and Learning Progressions for Teachers 1.0: A Resource for Ongoing
Estes, T. H., & Mintz, S. L. (2016). Instruction: A models approach. (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Education, Inc.
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (n.d.) Standards for teachers.
Karten, T. J. & Murawski, W. W. (2020). Co-teaching do’s, don’t’s, and do betters. ASCD.
Western Governors University. (2020, May 30). Five educational learning theories.
Wong, H.K., & Wong, R.T. (2018). The first days of school: How to be an effective teacher. (5th ed.). Harry K.
Version 2
InTASC Of the InTASC standards identified as being supported by this lesson, rate your performance:
*Note. This is an opportunity for you to identify areas of development. It is important for you to be honest in your reflection, so
you know what areas you need to strengthen.
ISTE Standards for Teachers Of the ISTE standards identified as being supported by this lesson, rate your
*Note. This is an opportunity for you to identify areas of development. It is important for you to be honest in your reflection, so
you know what areas you need to strengthen.
TPE’s Of the TPE’s identified as being supported by this lesson, rate your performance:
*Note. This is an opportunity for you to identify areas of development. It is important for you to be honest in your reflection, so
you know what areas you need to strengthen.
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