New Race: Denizens of Madness
New Race: Denizens of Madness
New Race: Denizens of Madness
Characters who have ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can learn more about a quorbound creature. When a character succeeds on a skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs.
The base creature and its characteristics must be identified using the appropriate skill, according to the base creature's type.
Knowledge (psionics)
DC Result
20 This creature has been altered to possesses mental faculties sharper than normal for its type, as well as psionic powers.
40 This creature might be quorbound, a creatures whose psionic powers are the result of quori meddling on the Material Plane.
make a level check against a DC equal to 20 + the failed vessel's
QUORBRED CREATURE HD. Failure on the check means the effect fails.
The quori had three millennia in Dal Quor to plan their domi- Immunities (Ex): Quorbred creatures enter dreamless state when
nation of Sarlona, and so they devised the Inspired and the they sleep. They are immune to dream and nightmare spells, as
quorbound. But the quori's success with these breeds came well as any other effect that relies on a subject's ability to dream.
along with failures. They tried many experiments, some offering A quorbred creature is further immune to fear and fear effects.
more physical prowess than humanlike forms had and others Intellectual (Ex): Quorbred creatures can use Intelligence in place
intended to create reliable slaves. Individuals descended from of Wisdom or Charisma to determine the save DCs for abilities
these castoff experiments are still born intermittently among that are normally Wisdom- or Charisma-based.
Sarlona's natives. Most are indistinguishable from their kin, but Power Resistance (Ex): Quorbred creatures have power resistance
a few show severe psycho-spiritual backlash against the quori's equal to 11 + their HD. If the base creature has better spell re-
meddling. These creatures have traits that make them antithet- sistance or power resistance, the quorbred creature keeps that
ical to psionic beings. Scholars note them as quorbred creatures; figure.
the quori and Inspired arrogantly call them "failed vessels." Saves: Quorbred creatures get a + 4 bonus on saves against illu-
sions and mind-affecting spells and abilities.
CREATING A QUORBRED Abilities: Quorbred creatures have lost some of their sense of self
and will, but their minds are sharper. Apply the following mod-
"Quorbred'' is an inherited template that can be added to any
ifiers: Int + 4, Wis —2, Cha —4. The minimum score for Wisdom
aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast,
and Charisma is 3 or that of the base creature, whichever is
or monstrous humanoid (referred to hereafter as the base crea-
ture). A quorbred uses all the base creature's statistics and abil-
Feats: Quorbred creatures get Hostile Mind and Mental Re-
ities except as noted here.
sistance (EPH 47 and 48 respectively) as bonus feats regardless
Type: Animals that gain this template become magical beasts. Do
of whether they meet the prerequisites. A quorbred spellcaster
not recalculate any of the animal's statistics. It gains the appro-
can take the Antipsionic Magic feat(EPH 47) without meeting
priate augmented subtype.
the prerequisite.
Special Attacks: A quorbred creature has all the special attacks of
Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1.
the base creature, plus the following.
Favored class: If the base creature favors a class that is reliant on
Disruptive Strike (Su): An opponent struck by a quorbred's melee
Charisma, the quorbred creature can have a different favored
attack must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the quor-
class. For example, a creature that normally has bard or sorcerer
bred's racial HD + Int modifier) or be unable to use spells, spell-
as a favored class can have wizard instead.
like abilities, or psionics for 1 round.
Environment: A quorbred creature is found wherever the base
Special Qualities: A quorbred creature has all the special qualities
of the base creature, plus the following. creature is found.
Antipsionic (Ex): Quorbred creatures cannot learn or use psionic Typical Physical Characteristics: Little differentiates a quorbred
powers or feats, nor can they use psionic items. creature from others of the base creature's kind. Many are out-
Closed Mind (Ex): Quorbred creatures leave few psychic impres- siders or social outcasts.
sions on their surroundings, and they are difficult to detect with Alignment: Usually neutral.
divination magic and clairsentience powers, including other Treasure: As base creature. Quorbred creatures favor practical
powers that duplicate such effects (such as a wish spell). The items over anything fanciful or artistic.
user of any such ability who targets the quorbred creature must Advencement: As the base creature does.
Level Adjustment: +2
Characters who have ranks in Knowledge (psionics) can learn more about a quorbred creature. When a character succeeds on a skill check, the following lore is revealed,
including the information from lower DCs. The actual base creature and its characteristics must be identified using the appropriate skill, according to the base creature's type.
Knowledge (psionics)
DC Result
20 This is an antipsionic creature of some sort.
30 A creature of this sort is probably very resistant to psionics and to mind-affecting abilities. It is possible that it suffers from mental deficiencies.
40 This creature's powers indicate that it might be one of the quorbred, creatures whose antipsionic powers are the result of quori meddling on the Mate-
rial Plane
A quori with at least 4 Hit Dice and a Charisma of 13 can shuck
Quori its physical form on Dal Quor and take on an ethereal spirit
form. Its spirit can then possess a suitable and willing human
The plane of Dal Quor is home to a host of creatures called the
host (referred to hereafter as a human vessel). While the creature
quori—living embodiments of dream and nightmare. Quori are
is in ethereal form, the quori’s corporeal body lies senseless on
the masters of the Dreaming Dark and survive on the Material
Dal Quor in a state of suspended animation. The body does not
Plane by inhabiting specially prepared human vessels, called
require air or food, but direct damage or exposure to an extreme
the Inspired.
environment harms it normally. The quori can roam ethereally
Quori Subtype: Quori is a subtype of the outsider type. It refers
as long as it wants, but the ethereal quori dies if its body is de-
to a native of the plane of Dal Quor.
stroyed. It instantly returns to its body if dispel magic (or a similar
Traits: A quori possesses the following traits (unless otherwise
effect) is successfully cast on the quori’s body.
noted in a creature’s entry).
A quori spirit can attempt to possess a human vessel as a stand-
—Energy Resistance (Ex): acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10.
ard action. First, it must be adjacent to the desired human vessel.
—Greater Teleport (Su): On the plane of Dal Quor, a quori can use
Second, the human vessel must have a Charisma score equal to
greater teleport at will, as the spell (caster level 14th), except that
or greater than the quori’s Charisma score. Third, the human
the quori can only transport itself and up to 50 pounds of ob-
vessel must have the same alignment as the quori. Last, the hu-
jects. This ability does not function on other planes.
man vessel must be willing to accept the quori spirit and cannot
—Immunities (Ex): Quori have immunity to fear, charm, and
be warded by a protection from evil spell or similar effect.
sleep effects.
A possessing quori spirit has immediate access to all the human
—Power Resistance (Ex): 11 + its Hit Dice.
vessel’s thoughts and memories, and takes full control of the
—See in Darkness (Su): A quori can see perfectly in darkness of
body. Physical harm to the human vessel does not harm the
any kind, even that created by a deeper darkness spell.
quori. Killing the human vessel forces the quori’s spirit back
—Telepathy (Su): A quori can communicate telepathically with
onto the Ethereal Plane, where it can attempt a new possession.
any other creature within 100 feet that has a language.
Not even ethereal creatures can harm a possessing quori. A
Quori Special Abilities: Quori that meet certain prerequisites
quori spirit possessing a human vessel grants the receptacle a +4
gain the following additional special abilities.
profane bonus to Charisma. The human vessel loses this profane
—Invade Dreams (Su): Once per day, a quori with at least 9 Hit
bonus if the quori spirit is banished or otherwise expelled (by a
Dice residing on the plane of Dal Quor can send a dream or night-
dismissal spell, for example).
mare (as the spell) to a specified creature on another plane. When
If a human vessel’s Charisma score ever drops below 13, the
appearing in a dream, a quori can assume an alternate form, as if
possessing quori spirit is no longer able to inhabit the human
using alter self. The caster level for this ability equals the quori’s
vessel and is immediately expelled and thrust into an adjacent
Hit Dice, and the save DC for the nightmare version of this ability
is Charisma-based.
A quori spirit retains its psi-like abilities and spell-like abilities
—Possession (Su): Through dreams and nightmares, the quori
while possessing a human vessel. However, it cannot use any of
prepared specially bred hosts to serve as vessels for them on the
its extraordinary or supernatural abilities. The quori spirit com-
Material Plane. Until recently, that was the only way the quori
bines its skill ranks with those of its human vessel and either
could have a physical presence on Eberron.
retains its mental ability scores or adopts the mental ability
The great monoliths built throughout Riedra have strengthened
scores of the human vessel, whichever are higher.
the connection to Dal Quor, and today a quori can possess any
willing human.
Characters who have ranks in Knowledge (the planes) can learn more about quori. When a character succeeds on a skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.
Knowledge (the planes)
DC Result
15 This creature is a quori, a malign outsider from Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. Such creatures cannot manifest physically on the Material
Plane. This result reveals all outsider, extraplanar, psionic, and quori traits.
20 Quori have powers relating to specific emotions, such as fear or rage. They actually invade the dreams of sleeping mortals, and they feed on the en-
ergy of the dreams.
25 Quori can also possess willing humans, though few have the force of personality to accept such a spirit. They can see in any from of darkness and
can communicate telepathically. All quori are resistant to acid, cold, fire, magic, and psionics, as well as immune to charm, fear, and sleep.
30 Only good-aligned weapons can wound quori effectively, and on Dal Quor, they can travel from place to place instantaneously. It's possible that the
"divine spirits" guiding the Inspired are quori.
A nightmarish creature slithers toward you. Its headless torso is cov-
ered with eyes and twitching limbs. Two massive arms sprout from the
top of the torso, ending in powerful pincers. The creature is covered
with plates of black chitin, and its serpentine tail sports a vicious
Tsucoras are among the weakest and most numerous quori. When they
are not serving in the great cities of their nightmare realm, they hunt
the dreaming spirits of mortals. Most tsucoras are cruel and calculat-
ing; they enjoy having power over others and concoct elaborate schemes
to advance their own positions and discredit their rivals.
A tsucora stands about 5 feet tall, although its long, serpentine body
makes it seem larger. Tsucoras speak Common, Riedran, and Quori.
Special Attacks: Possession, psi-like abilities, terrifying sting mor, psionic scent. Manifester level 6th.
1/day—body adjustment, id insinuation (DC 15), mindlink,
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/good, greater teleport,
psionic charm (DC 14), recall agony (DC 15); The save DCs are
immunities, outsider traits, , resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and Charisma-based.
fire 10, see in darkness, telepathy Terrifying Sting (Su): A tsucora quori’s stinger conjures up the
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +9
worst fears of any creature it strikes. The effects of the stinger are
Spell/Psi Resistance: 17 identical to a phantasmal killer spell. On a successful sting at-
Abilities: Str 17, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 17, Wis 18, Cha 17 tack, the victim must make a DC 18 Will save. If the Will save
Skills: Autohypnosis +15, Bluff +12, Concentration +13, Diplo- succeeds, the victim overcomes her fear and suffers no addi-
macy +16, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (psionics) +14, Knowledge tional effect. If the Will save fails, the victim must succeed on a
(the planes) +12, Move Silently +11, Psicraft +14, Search +8*, DC 18 Fortitude save or die of fright. Even if the Fortitude save
Sense Motive +13, Spot +17*, Survival +4 (+6 on other planes) succeeds, the victim still takes 3d6 points of damage. This is a
Feats: Ability Focus (terrifying sting), Lightning Reflexes, Multi mind affecting fear effect. The saving throw DC is Charis-
Attack mabased and includes the +2 bonus for the tsucora’s Ability Fo-
Environment: Mind Scape cus feat.
When it slays a victim with this attack, a tsucora immediately
Organization: Solitary, pair, or team (3–5)
heals 3d6 points of damage as it draws energy from the terror of
Treasure: Standard its slain opponent.
Alignment: Usually lawful evil Outsider Traits: A tsucora quori is not affected by raise dead,
Advancement: 7–9 HD (Medium); 10–18 HD (Large) reincarnate, or resurrection spells or abilities (though a limited
wish, wish, miracle, or true resurrection spell can restore life).
Skills: *A tsucora has dozens of eyes scattered around its body,
Tsucoras prefer to fight from a position of power. If caught by
surprise, a tsucora may flee a battle it could easily win, returning and very little escapes its notice. A tsucora gains a +4 racial bo-
after analyzing the situation and devising a plan of attack. A nus on Search and Spot checks.
tsucora uses its mental powers to sow chaos and confusion, but When a tsucora quori possesses a human host, it combines its
its goal is always to get close enough to use its deadly tail sting, skill ranks with those of the host (see Inspired, page 290). A typ-
which takes advantage of the primal fears of a victim. ical tsucora quori has 9 ranks in each of the following skills: Au-
A tsucora’s natural weapons are considered evil-aligned and tohypnosis, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Intimidate,
lawful-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduc- Knowledge (the planes), Knowledge (psionics), Move Silently,
tion. Psicraft, Sense Motive, and Spot.
This creature is a grotesque, bulbous, flying mass that extrudes three thick
tendrils, each one capped with an eyeball that augments the central eye in
its body. Three pairs of stubby wings protrude from along the sides of its
body, and it's difficult to see how they can possibly support its weight.
Du'ulora quori, also called blackfuries, are spirits of rage capable of driving
mortals to unreasoning fury. A du'ulora is a maelstrom of eyes and wings
suspended in a whirlwind of solid shadow.
Usually LE Medium outsider (evil, extraplanar, lawful, psionic,
Initiative: +3;
Aura intimate knowledge (60 ft., DC 20)
Languages: Celestial, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Quori, Rie-
dran, telepathy 100 ft.
AC: 17, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +4 natural)
HP: 60 (8 HD +24);
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares), fly 40 ft. (perfect)
Base attack: +8; Grp +10
Melee: idyllic touch +10 (1d4+1 Wis plus brain lock)
Space/Reach: 5ft/5 ft.
Special Attack: aligned strikes (evil, lawful), Psi-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: familiar face, greater teleport (Dal Quor
only), invade dreams, possession, malleable form, Senses see in
darkness, immune charm, fear, sleep, resist acid 10, cold 10, fire
10, DR 5/crysteel or good; empathic feedback, Psi-Like Abilities
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +10
Spell/Psi Resistance: 19
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 20, Wis 18, Cha 23
Feats: Inquisitor EPH, Negotiator, Persuasive
Skills: Autohypnosis +16, Bluff +20, Concentration +13, Diplo-
macy +26, Disguise +11 (+13 when acting in character), Gather
information +16, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Also as a free action, a hashalaq can focus this power on a single
Knowledge (history) +10, Knowledge (local) + 10, Knowledge individual. If it does so, it loses its broader awareness and the
(nobility and royalty) +10, Knowledge (psionics) +17, ability to make Sense Motive checks as free actions. The target
Knowledge (the planes) +15, Listen +9, Psicraft +17, Search +10, can make a successful DC 20 Will save to resist the effect. If the
Sense Motive +18, Spellcraft +12, Spot +14, Survival +4 (+6 on subject fails the save, the hashalaq gains a +2 insight bonus to
other planes) AC against attacks made by the subject and a +2 insight bonus
Advancement 9—20 HD (Medium) on attack rolls and damage rolls against the subject. The hasha-
Psi-Like Abilities: (ML 8th, all powers augmented to ML8): laq also gains the ability to read the subject's surface thoughts as
if using a detect thoughts spell. This is a mind-affecting ability.
At will—farhand (range 50 feet, 11 pounds), mindlink, psionic
The save DC is Charisma-based. Empathic Feedback (Su) Any
charm (affects animal, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, or
time a hashalaq is injured, the opponent that injured it takes 12
monstrous humanoid, 8 days, DC 20)
points of damage or half the damage of the attack, whichever is
3/day—body adjustment (3d12), ego whip (2d4, DC 20), inertial
less. The hashalaq takes the rest. Due to its empathic nature,
armor (+7 AC), mind probe (DC 21)
damage transferred to the opponent overcomes damage reduc-
1/day—dream (see spell, PH 225), hostile empathic transfer (up
tion and similar effects.
to 80 points, DC 19), mind thrust (8d10, DC 20)
In addition, whenever a creature successfully uses a mind-af-
Intimate Knowledge Aura (su): A hashalaq quori has an intuitive
fecting spell or ability on a hashalaq quori, that creature must
awareness of the emotions and thoughts of creatures within 60
make a successful DC 20 Will save or suffer the same effect. The
feet. This aura mimics the psionic powers empathy and detect
save DC is Charisma-based.
hostile intent. As a free action, a hashalaq can make Sense Mo-
Idyllic Touch (Su) The touch of a hashalaq floods its victim with
tive checks against any creature within this area.
sensations of joy and pleasure so intense they can destroy the
victim's mind. The touch deals 1d4+1 points of Wisdom damage.
A struck opponent must succeed on a DC 20 Will save or be af-
fected as if by brain lock (EPH 81) for 1d4+1 rounds, as its
thoughts are overwhelmed by blissful ecstasy. If a creature's
Wisdom is reduced to 0 by this power, that creature suffers a
catastrophic cerebral overload and dies.When it slays a victim
with this attack, a hashalaq immediately heals 2d6 points of
damage. This is a mindaffecting ability. The save DC is Cha-
Invade Dreams (Su): Dreaming creatures that are killed in the
dream by a hashalaq using invade dreams and the associated
nightmare effect take 1d4+1 points of Wisdom damage.
Familiar Face (Su): Using its empathic abilities, a hashalaq quori
dredges the mind of an opponent within 60 feet. The subject
must succeed on a DC 20 Will save, or the hashalaq finds an im-
age of someone with whom the target empathizes; a loved one,
close friend, or even an injured child. The hashalaq then as-
sumes that form, using its malleable form ability, but the bonus
on Disguise checks rises to +20 due to the hashalaq's empathic
knowledge. As long as it concentrates on its target, the hashalaq
draws expected reactions from that creature's mind; it always
knows what the subject wants to hear and how the subject ex-
pects the false form to react.
The subject of this effect must make a successful DC 20 Will sav-
ing throw to attack the hashalaq even if it's apparent the quori
isn't what it appears to be. A new save is allowed each round.
Anyone who successfully saves against this ability is immune to
its use by the same hashalaq for 24 hours. If the hashalaq takes
any violent action against the subject or that creature's allies, the
effect ends immediately. This is a mind-affecting ability. The
save DC is Charisma-based.
Malleable Form (Su): A hashalaq can assume the form of any
creature of Medium size as a standard action, rearranging its
tentacles and using an effect similar to disguise self to mask its
alien exterior, gaining a +10 bonus on Disguise checks. Those
who interact physically with a hashalaq in its malleable form re-
ceive a DC 20 Will save to see through the facade. A hashalaq
can remain in an assumed shape until it chooses to assume a
new one. True seeing reveals the hashalaq's true form, and it re-
turns to its natural shape if slain. The save DC is Charisma-
Skills: The intimate knowledge ability of a hashalaq provides it
with a +2 insight bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and
Sense Motive checks.
When a hashalaq quori possesses a human host, it combines its
skill ranks with those of the host. A typical hashalaq has 10 ranks
in Autohypnosis, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Knowledge
(arcana), Knowledge (psionics), Knowledge (the planes),
Psicraft, Sense Motive, and Spot; 8 ranks in Gather Information;
and 5 ranks in Disguise, Knowledge (history), Knowledge (lo-
cal), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Listen, Search, and Spell-
A humanoid figure formed of pure shadow looms before you. A nimbus
of light surrounds it, shedding no actual light, serving only to high-
light the absolute darkness of the being within. The figure is completely
featureless, but a host of disembodied eyes of all shapes and sizes whirl
around it. These eyes are constantly shiftin, sometimes fading away,
other times bursting like bubbles. Kalaraq understands all languages.