Cleaning Compounds: About This Chapter

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Cleaning Compounds


In this chapter you will learn:
1. About different types of soil
2. How soil is attached to and can be removed from surfaces
3. How cleaning compounds work
4. How and when to use different cleaning and scouring compounds
5. How to choose a cleaning compound
6. How to handle and use cleaning compounds safely
7. How cleaning chemicals can contaminate food

Cleaners are made for specific jobs, such as washing floors and walls or use in high-
pressure dishwashers. Good cleaners are economical, easy to measure, and dissolve
well. They are approved for use on food surfaces, are not corrosive, and do not cake,
leave dust, or break down during storage.
Different cleaning compounds work well for different areas and different types of
equipment. When choosing a cleaning compound, it is important to consider the
type of soil (dirt), the water supply, how the cleaner will be used, and the area and
kind of equipment being cleaned.

Soil is material in the wrong place. It is made up of dirt, dust, and scraps of food.
Examples of soil are fat smears on a cutting board, lubricant on a moving conveyor
belt, and food scraps on processing equipment.
It is important to select the correct cleaning compound to remove a specific type
of soil. Table 5.1 shows whether various kinds of soil are soluble in water, acid, or al-
kali; whether heat helps to remove them; and how hard they are to remove. An acid
cleaning compound works best to remove inorganic deposits; an alkaline cleaner is
more effective for removing organic deposits. Table 5.2 shows examples of different
types of inorganic and organic soil.

TABLE 5.1. Removing Different Types of Soil

Type of Soil Solubility Ease of Removal Effects of Heat

Salts Soluble in water Easy to difficult Reacts with other types of soil
Soluble in acid and becomes harder to remove
Sugar Soluble in water Easy Caramelizes and becomes
difficult to remove
Fat Insoluble in water Difficult Molecules join together and
Soluble in alkali become difficult to remove
Protein Insoluble in water Very difficult Molecules change shape
Slightly soluble in acid (denature) and become very
Soluble in alkali difficult to remove

TABLE 5.2. Types of Soil

Type of Soil Soil Subclass Examples

Inorganic soils Hard-water deposits Calcium and magnesium carbonates

Metallic deposits Common rust, other oxides
Alkaline deposits Films left when an alkaline cleaner is not
rinsed off properly
Organic soils Food deposits Food scraps and specs
Petroleum deposits Lubrication oils, grease, and other lubricants
Nonpetroleum Animal fats and vegetable oils

Soil deposits are often complex mixtures of organic and inorganic materials. It is
important to know the type of soil and use the best cleaning compound or combina-
tion of compounds to remove it. Employees often need to use a two-step cleaning
procedure, using more than one cleaning compound to remove a combination of in-
organic and organic deposits. Table 5.3 shows the best type of cleaning compound
for each type of soil.
TABLE 5.3. Cleaning Compounds for Different
Types of Soil

Type of Soil Cleaning Compound

Inorganic soils Acid cleaner

Organic soil
Nonpetroleum Alkaline cleaner
Petroleum Solvent cleaner


Type of Surface
Something else to consider when choosing a cleaner is the type of surface (see Table
5.4). The type of surface affects the type of soil that collects and how it is removed.
Sanitation employees should know about the finishes on all equipment and areas
in the food facility and which cleaning chemicals could attack each surface. If manage-
ment is not familiar with the cleaning compounds and surface finishes, they should ask
a consultant or reputable supplier of cleaning compounds for technical assistance.

Removing Soil from Surfaces

Soil is difficult to remove from cracks, crevices, and other uneven surfaces, especially
in hard-to-reach areas. It is easiest to remove soil from surfaces that are smooth,
hard, and nonporous. Removal of soil from a surface takes three steps: (1) separating
the soil from the surface, (2) dispersing the soil in the cleaning solution, and (3) pre-
venting dispersed soil from reattaching to the surface.
Step 1: Separating soil from the surface, material, or equipment to be cleaned. Soil can be
separated mechanically (using high-pressure water, steam, air, or scrubbing) or chemi-
cally (for example, the reaction of an alkali cleaner with a fatty acid to form a soap).
The soil and surface must be thoroughly wet for a cleaning compound to help
separate the soil from the surface. The cleaning compound reduces the strength of the
bond between the soil and the surface, so that the soil is loosened and separated. Heat
or mechanical action (scrubbing, shaking, or high-pressure spray) can help reduce the
strength of the bond (although heat does not help loosen some protein and fat soils).
Step 2: Dispersing soil in the cleaning solution. Dispersion means diluting soil in a
cleaning solution. Cleaning staff must use enough cleaning solution to dissolve all of
the soil. More soil will need more cleaning solution. As the cleaning solution be-
comes saturated with soil, staff need to use fresh cleaning solution.
Some soils that have been loosened from the surface will not dissolve in the
cleaning solution. Dispersion of soils that do not dissolve is more complicated. It is
important to break up the soil into smaller particles or droplets that can be carried
TABLE 5.4. Characteristics of Surfaces in Food-Processing Plants

Material Characteristics Precautions

Wood Soaks up moisture, fats, and oils. Do not use, because it is

Difficult to maintain. Softened by unsanitary. Use stainless steel,
alkali. Destroyed by caustics. polyethylene, or rubber instead.
Black metals Acid or chlorinated detergents Often tinned or galvanized to
may cause rust. prevent rust. Use neutral detergents
to clean.
Tin May be corroded by strong Do not allow tin surfaces to
alkaline or acid cleaners. touch foods.
Concrete May be etched by acid foods Concrete should be dense and
and cleaning compounds. acid resistant. Should not make
dust. Can use acid brick instead.
Glass Smooth and impervious. May Clean glass with moderately
be etched by strong alkaline alkaline or neutral detergents,
cleaning compounds.
Paint Method of application affects Some edible paints can be used
surface quality. Etched by strong in food plants,
alkaline cleaning compounds.
Rubber Should not be porous or spongy. Rubber cutting boards can warp
Not affected by alkaline detergents. and their surface dulls knife blades.
Attacked by organic solvents and
strong acids.
Stainless steel Generally resists corrosion. Smooth, Stainless steel is expensive and
impervious surface. Resists may not be readily available in
oxidation at high temperatures. the future. Some stainless steel is
Easy to clean. Nonmagnetic. attacked by halogens (chlorine,
iodine, bromine, and fluorine).

away from the cleaned surface. Mechanical energy (shaking, high-pressure water, or
scrubbing) helps cleaning compounds break down the soil into small particles.
Step 3: Preventing dispersed soil from reattaching to the surface. Cleaning methods
• Remove the dispersed solution from the surface being cleaned.
• Shake the dispersed solution to stop the soil from settling.
• Prevent reactions between the cleaning compound and water on the soil
(i.e., by using soft water to prevent deposits formed when hard water reacts
with soap in the cleaning compound).
• Flush or rinse the cleaned surface to remove all dispersed soil and cleaning
solution residues.
• Keep the soil finely dispersed so that it does not become trapped on the
cleaned surface.

Successful soil removal depends on several factors:

• Cleaning procedures
• Proper supervision
• Cleaning compounds
• Water quality
• High-pressure application of cleaning solutions
• Mechanical shaking
• Temperature of the cleaning compounds and solutions


Food particles and other debris provide nutrients for microorganisms to grow. Food
particles also protect microorganisms during cleaning by neutralizing the effects of
chlorinated cleaning compounds and sanitizers so that they cannot get to the mi-
crobes. Cleaning staff must completely remove all soil using mechanical energy and
cleaning compounds before they can inactivate the microbes using sanitizers.

Two Ways They Work

Cleaning compounds work in two ways:
• They lower the energy of the bond between the soil and the surface so that the
soil can be dislodged and loosened.
• They suspend soil particles in the solution so that they can be flushed away.
To complete the cleaning process, a sanitizer is applied to destroy residual mi-
croorganisms that are exposed through cleaning.
Good-quality water helps cleaners to work. The water should be free of minerals
(i.e., soft water), free of microorganisms, clear, colorless, and noncorrosive. Hard wa-
ter contains minerals that may react with some cleaning compounds and prevent
them from working properly (although some cleaning compounds can overcome the
effects of hard water).
One of the oldest and best-known cleaning compounds is plain soap. Fats, oils,
and grease do not dissolve in water, but soap disperses tiny particles of these materi-
als in the solution. After the soap disperses the fat or oil, the soil is easily flushed
away. Dispersion of materials that are insoluble in water by soap is called emulsifica-
tion. In emulsification, the cleaning compound molecules surround soil particles and
suspend them in the cleaning solution (see Fig. 5.1). Food-processing and foodser-
vice operations rarely use soap because it does not clean well and reacts with hard
water to form an insoluble curd (like the ring around the bathtub). Many food oper-
ations use detergents instead of soaps.

Cleaning-Compound Terms
Sanitation workers need to understand the terms used to describe cleaning com-
pounds. Each manufacturer uses its own brand names and codes. This text provides
generic information, rather than endorsing brand names.
Chdating agent (sequestering agent or sequestrant): Chemical added to cleaning
compounds to prevent the salts of calcium and magnesium in hard water from form-
ing deposits on equipment surfaces (i.e., scale).
Emulsification: Breakdown of fat and oil drops into smaller droplets that are dis-
persed in the cleaning solution. The soil is still there, but the particles are smaller
and are dispersed in the solution, rather than settling on the surface.
Rinsibility: The ability of a cleaning compound to be removed from a surface
without leaving a residue.

Cleaning Compound Molecules (suds)

FIGURE 5.1. Suspended soil particle.

Surfactant: A complex molecule that is blended with a cleaning compound to re-
duce the energy of the bonds around the soil and allow closer contact between the
soil and the cleaning compound.
Suspension: The process of loosening, lifting, and holding soil particles in solution.
Water hardness: The amount of inorganic salts (such as calcium chloride, magne-
sium chloride, sulfates, and bicarbonates) in water.
Water softening: Removes or inactivates the calcium and magnesium ions in water.
Wetting (penetration): Caused by a surfactant that allows the cleaning compound to
wet or penetrate the soil deposit and loosen it from the surface.


Most cleaning compounds used in the food industry are blended products.
Manufacturers combine ingredients to make a specific product for a particular type
of surface or dirt. The following types of cleaning compounds are used most often in
foodservice facilities and processing plants. You will see several of these chemicals in
a typical cleaning compound.

Alkaline Cleaning Compounds

Alkaline cleaning solutions have a pH between 7 (neutral) and 14 (most alkaline).
There are several types of alkaline cleaners.

Strongly alkaline cleaners. These cleaners have strong dissolving powers and are
very corrosive. If these cleaners come in contact with skin they can cause burns, ul-
cers, and scarring; prolonged contact may cause permanent damage. Inhaling the
fumes or mist damages the lungs.
An example of a strongly alkaline compound is sodium hydroxide (caustic soda),
which destroys microbes, dissolves protein, and is good at dispersing and emulsify-
ing soil. Silicates make sodium hydroxide less corrosive, better at penetrating soil,
and better at rinsing away soil. These cleaners are used to remove heavy soils, such
as those in commercial ovens and smokehouses, but they are not good at removing
mineral deposits. They are not used as manual cleaners because they can be harmful
to people and equipment.

Heavy-Duty Alkaline Cleaners

These compounds have moderate dissolving powers and are either slightly corrosive
or not corrosive at all. However, if they are in contact with the skin for long, they
may remove necessary oils from the skin, leaving it open to infections.
These cleaners are often used for cleaning in place or high-pressure or other
mechanized systems. They are very good at removing fats but do not remove mineral
deposits. Sodium carbonate is quite low in cost, is widely used in heavy-duty and
manual cleaning procedures, and is used to buffer many cleaning compounds. Sulfites
reduce the corrosive effect of heavy-duty alkaline cleaners on tin and tinned metals.

Mild Alkaline Cleaners

Mild alkaline cleaning solutions such as sodium bicarbonate are used to clean lightly
soiled areas by hand. These compounds are good at softening water but do not re-
move mineral deposits.

Acid Cleaning Compounds

Acid cleaning compounds remove materials that are dried on or encrusted on sur-
faces and dissolve mineral scale. They are especially good at removing mineral de-
posits formed by alkaline cleaning compounds. When hard water is heated above
8O0C (1760F), some of the minerals are deposited. These deposits stick to metal sur-
faces and leave a rusty or whitish scale. Acid cleaners dissolve the minerals in the de-
posits so that they can be easily removed.
Organic acids (such as citric, tartaric, sulfamic, and gluconic acids) are also excellent
water softeners, rinse off easily, and do not corrode surfaces or irritate the skin. Inorganic
acids are excellent at removing and controlling mineral deposits, but they can be very
corrosive to surfaces and irritating to the skin. Acid cleaning compounds are used for
special purposes rather than for all-purpose cleaning. Acid cleaning compounds are
less effective than alkaline compounds against the soil caused by fats, oils, and proteins.

Strongly Acid Cleaners

These compounds corrode concrete, most metals, and fabrics. Heating some acid clean-
ers produces corrosive, toxic gases, which can damage the lungs. Strongly acid cleaners
remove encrusted surface matter and mineral scale from steam equipment, boilers, and
some food-processing equipment. When the solution is too hot, the mineral scale may
redeposit and form a tarnish or whitish film on the equipment being cleaned.
Phosphoric acid and hydrofluoric acid both clean and brighten certain metals.
But hydrofluoric acid is corrosive to stainless steel and dangerous to handle because
it tends to release hydrogen gas. Phosphoric acid is widely used in the United States.
It is not very corrosive and works well with many surfactants.

Mildly Acid Cleaners

These compounds are slightly corrosive and may cause sensitivity reactions. Some
acid cleaners attack skin and eyes. Examples of mildly acid cleaning compounds are
levulinic, hydroxyacetic, acetic, and gluconic acids. These cleaners may contain
other chemicals, such as wetting agents and corrosion inhibitors. Organic acids are
good manual cleaners, are more expensive than the other acid cleaning compounds,
and can soften water.
Solvent Cleaners
Solvent cleaners are based on ether or alcohol. They work well on soils caused by pe-
troleum products, such as lubricating oils and greases. Most of the time, food estab-
lishments use alkaline cleaners to remove organic soils. But they use solvent cleaners
to remove large amounts of petroleum deposits in areas free of protein-based and
greasy soils, i.e., in the maintenance shop and on motors, gear boxes, pallet trucks,
and fork trucks.
Solvent cleaners may be mixed with wetting agents, water softeners, and other
additives. Heavy-duty solvent cleaners do not mix with water and often form an
emulsion when water is added.

Soaps and Detergents

Soaps and detergents emulsify fats, oils, and grease so that they are easily washed
away. Soaps and detergents usually contain chemical builders to make them clean
more effectively Chemical builders are usually alkaline. Alkalis and alkaline chemi-
cals are sometimes called caustics, but the general term bases is more correct. Soaps
and detergents for household cleaning have a pH of 8 to 9.5. Regular and prolonged
use of these cleaners removes grease from the skin, but ordinary use is safe.
Detergents either remove natural oils from the skin or react with the oils so that the
skin becomes sensitive to chemicals that do not usually affect it. Some hand soaps
are slightly acid (pH 6, the same as skin) and can clean very dirty skin without re-
moving the grease.


Manufacturers add various chemicals to cleaning compounds to protect sensitive
surfaces or improve the cleaning properties of the compound.

These additives are also known as chelating agents and sequestering agents. They soften
water by forming complex molecules with the magnesium and calcium in hard water.
Organic chelating agents act as water conditioners and are more efficient than
phosphates in sequestering calcium and magnesium ions and preventing scale
buildup. These chelating agents do not break down at temperatures above 6O0C
(14O0F) and when the solution is stored for long periods.

These agents help to spread cleaning and sanitizing compounds over the surface to
be cleaned. Surfactants wet, penetrate, emulsify, disperse, and suspend soil particles.
Cleaning detergents are made up of a surfactant and a builder. Builders make clean-
ers more effective by controlling properties that make the surfactant less effective.
Phosphates are excellent builders, especially for heavy-duty cleaning compounds.
Scouring compounds or chemical abrasives are normally made from neutral or
mildly alkaline ingredients. Abrasives are usually mixed with soaps and used with
brushes or metal sponges. Neutral scouring compounds are often mixed with acid
cleaners to remove alkaline deposits and encrusted materials. Abrasive cleaning com-
pounds should be used carefully on stainless steel to avoid scratching it.

Slightly Alkaline Scouring Compounds

Borax and sodium bicarbonate are mildly alkaline scouring compounds used for
light deposits of soil. They are not good detergents or emulsifiers.

Neutral Scouring Compounds

These compounds are made from volcanic ash, pumice, silica flours, or feldspar.
Cleaning powders or pastes used for manual scrubbing and scouring may contain these.


It is important to choose the right cleaning compound for the type of soil. A good rule
to remember is that like cleans like. Therefore an acid soil requires an acid cleaner,
while an alkaline cleaning compound works best to remove an alkaline soil. Alkaline,
general-purpose cleaning compounds work best to remove organic soils. Heavy-duty
alkaline cleaning compounds work best for heavy deposits of fats and proteins (or-
ganic soil). Acid cleaning compounds remove mineral deposits (inorganic soil) and
other soils that are not removed by alkaline cleaning compounds. Phosphates com-
plexed with organic chlorine are the most common types of cleaner-sanitizers.

Type and Amount of Soil

Heavy soil may need different cleaning compounds and additives from light soil for
effective cleaning. Different cleaning compounds and additives work best to remove
different kinds of soil. It is important to use the right compounds so that cleaning is
effective. Some types of soil need more than one cleaning compound to remove them
thoroughly It is often safer to use two cleaning compounds one after the other, be-
cause cleaning compounds can react together dangerously if they are mixed.

Temperature and Concentration

Hotter and more concentrated (stronger) cleaning-compound solutions are more ac-
tive than cooler and less-concentrated solutions. However, high temperatures (above
550C [1310F]) and stronger concentrations than the manufacturer or supplier rec-
ommends can change the shape of the protein in the soil deposits and make it harder
to remove. High temperatures can also cause more etching (scratching) of surfaces.
Cleaning Time
The surface becomes cleaner when the cleaning compound is in direct contact with
the soil for longer. The way the cleaning compound is used and the type of cleaner
affect how long the surface is exposed to the cleaner.

Mechanical Force
Mechanical energy (shaking and high-pressure sprays) helps the cleaning compound
to penetrate the soil and separate soil from the surface. Chapter 7 discusses how me-
chanical energy (cleaning equipment) helps remove soil.


Most cleaners absorb moisture if they are left uncovered. Containers must be kept
sealed to prevent contamination and to keep the materials from caking.
Cleaning compounds should be stored away from normal traffic. This special
area should have pallets, skids, or storage racks to keep the containers off the floor.
The floor and air should be dry, and the temperature should be moderate so that liq-
uid products do not freeze. The storage area should be locked to prevent theft.
An inventory sheet helps keep track of when new supplies need to be ordered
and shows when employees have used unusually large or small amounts of products.
One person should be responsible for controlling and supplying cleaning materials
to make sure that products are not wasted and that cleaning supplies do not run out.
This worker should be familiar with each cleaning operation so that he or she can
teach other employees how to use various types of cleaner and cleaning equipment.
Choosing the right cleaning compound and how to use it can be complicated.
Suppliers of cleaning compounds can help managers decide what compound to use
and how to use it. Managers should give employees clear instructions on how to use
the product so that they can clean surfaces and equipment properly without damag-
ing them. Managers should read the instructions suppliers send with commercial
cleaning compounds. They should not mix compounds from different suppliers.
Different types of soil in food plants need different mixtures of cleaning com-
pounds. Managers of large plants buy basic cleaning compounds and blend them in
batches. Staff may put together between 12 and 15 mixtures for specific cleaning jobs
around the plant. Managers of smaller facilities usually buy ready-mixed formulas.
Employees should always be extremely careful when they are using cleaning
compounds. Strong chemical cleaners can cause burns, poisoning, dermatitis (in-
flammation of the skin), and other problems.

Hazards of Alkali Cleaners

Strong alkaline cleaning compounds corrode body tissues, especially the eyes. Solid
and solution forms of these cleaners are equally dangerous. The irritation begins as
soon as the cleaner comes in contact with the body. These cleaners can cause burns
and scarring. Even dilute solutions can destroy body tissues if the tissue is exposed
for a long time. Dilute solutions can gradually remove grease from the skin, leaving it
exposed and open to bacteria. Dry powder or particles can get inside gloves or shoes
and cause severe burns. Inhaling the dust or a concentrated mist of alkaline solutions
can damage the airways and lungs.
Many alkaline chemicals react violently when they are mixed with water. The
heat released when they are mixed can make the solution boil. This releases large
amounts of hazardous mist and vapor.

Hazards of Acid Cleaners

SuIfamic acid. This acid cleaner is fairly safe to use and store. It is important to store
it away from heat and potential fire hazards because it produces toxic oxides of sulfur
when it gets hot.

Acetic acid. This acid damages skin and eyes. It is important to store it in an area designed
for flammable materials because it catches fire more easily than other acid cleaners.

Citric acid. This cleaning acid is fairly safe, although it often causes allergic reactions
if it is in contact with skin for a long time. It is unlikely to catch fire, but it produces
irritating fumes when it gets hot.

Hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid). This acid can easily injure someone if it is used
incorrectly. Air containing 35 parts per million (ppm) hydrochloric acid vapor
quickly irritates the throat. The amount of hydrochloric acid vapor in air cannot
legally be higher than 5 ppm throughout an 8-hour work shift. Cleaners used to
descale metal equipment often contain this acid because it reacts with tin, zinc, and
galvanized coatings. Hydrochloric acid loosens the outer layers of soil and stain and
carries them away. Hydrochloric acid makes the surface of concrete floors rougher
and more slip resistant. If this acid gets hot or comes into contact with hot water or
steam, it produces toxic and corrosive hydrogen chloride gas.

Sodium acid sulfate and sodium acid phosphate. These cleaners irritate skin and
cause chemical burns if they are in contact with the skin for a long time. Solutions of
these compounds are very acidic and can damage the eyes if they are not flushed im-

Phosphoric acid. Metal cleaners and metal brighteners contain this acid. Concentrated
phosphoric acid corrodes skin and eyes very quickly. When heated for a long time,
phosphoric acid produces toxic fumes of phosphorus oxides. Metal cleaners contain-
ing phosphoric acid mixed with other chemicals should be used sparingly

Hydrofluoric acid. Hydrofluoric acid helps to clean and brighten metal, e.g., alu-
minum. On its own, hydrofluoric acid irritates and corrodes the skin and nasal pas-
sages. Breathing the vapor can cause ulcers in the airways and lungs. Hydrofluoric
acid should be used carefully, even when it is very dilute. When it gets hot, it pro-
duces a very corrosive fluoride vapor, and it reacts with steam to produce a toxic and
corrosive mist. Usually, very small amounts are used, because larger quantities can
release hydrogen gas if it is in contact with metal containers. It must be stored in a
safe environment like that used for flammable liquids.
Acid cleaners tend to attack the skin and eyes more slowly than alkaline cleaners.
People may not immediately realize how badly they are injured. Hydrofluoric acid can
destroy the oil barrier of the skin so that washing and flushing the area may not help
much. Hydrofluoric acid is especially hazardous because it gives little warning of an
injury until the damage is serious. It is important not to confuse hydrofluoric acid
with other acids because it acts differently and needs different medical treatment.

Protective Equipment
Sanitation workers should wear waterproof, knee-high footwear to keep their feet
dry Trouser legs should be worn outside boots to stop powders, hot water, or strong
cleaning solutions from getting into boots. Trouser legs can only be tucked in if the
worker is wearing strap-top boots.
Employees need different types of protective equipment, depending on the
strength of the solution and how it is being used. Employees should wear protective
hoods, long gloves, and long aprons when cleaning solutions are dispensed from
overhead sprayers. If the chemicals produce mists or gases when they are mixed or
used, employees need to wear protective devices to protect their lungs and airways.
Supervisors should make sure that employees wear the right size and type of equip-
ment and that it is used and maintained properly
Employees should wear chemical goggles or safety glasses, even when handling
mild cleaning compounds. Even a mild hand soap can irritate the eyes because of the
alkaline pH (pH -9). Constant contact with mild cleaning solutions can cause der-
matitis (inflamed skin). A person wearing contact lenses should wear chemical gog-
gles when he or she works in any area where dangerous chemicals are handled.

Mixing and Using

Employees must wear an apron, goggles, rubber gloves, and dust mask when mixing
dry ingredients. Only experienced, well-trained staff should prepare cleaning chemi-
cals. The sanitation supervisor should understand the basic chemistry of the ingredi-
ents and should teach workers what they need to know to prevent accidents.
Workers should know the hazards of each chemical and how chemicals react when
mixed. Supervisors should make sure that workers understand that cleaning chemi-
cals are not just soaps, and that they need protective equipment to protect them from
strong and sometimes dangerous chemicals. Employees must clean protective equip-
ment after they use it.
Employees should use cold water to mix most cleaning solutions. Only a few
chemicals require hot water to dissolve. It is important to keep solutions cool during
mixing so that they do not give off dangerous fumes.
Sanitarians should use the recommended concentration for each chemical. After
mixing, staff should store chemicals in a clearly marked container that gives the com-
mon name of the compound, its ingredients, any precautions for use, and its concen-
tration. Supervisors must make sure that workers do not mix stronger solutions than
are recommended, thinking that if a little is good, a lot would be better. Stronger so-
lutions may be unsafe. Workers need to understand how important it is not to mix
cleaners once they are prepared. Supervisors should warn workers not to put dry
chemicals back in barrels and not to mix them with unknown chemicals.

Storing and Transporting Chemicals

Bulk cleaner ingredients should be stored in protected areas, away from heat, water,
or whatever could cause the chemical to react. The storage space should have sepa-
rate areas for acid, alkaline, and reactive cleaners. All storage areas should be fire-
safe. Lids must fit tightly, especially if the area has an automatic sprinkler system. All
chemicals should be clearly labeled, but especially those that need special warnings.
Workers must completely seal containers of alkaline material between uses, be-
cause these chemicals soak up water from the air.

First Aid for Chemical Burns

If cleaning chemicals splash an employee's skin or eyes:
1. Flush the area with plenty of water immediately. Keep flushing for 15 to 20 minutes.
2. Do not use chemicals with the opposite pH to neutralize the burn (i.e., acid chemicals
on an alkali burn or alkaline chemicals on an acid burn). The chemicals may react
and have an even more serious effect.
3. Workers can carry a buffered eye solution, sold in sealed containers. If water is
not available, the worker can use this solution to dilute and wash away chemi-
cals from their eyes. (They can also carry a plastic squeeze bottle of sterile wa-
ter.) The employee should then get to a water source as soon as possible and
flush his or her eyes for 15 to 20 minutes. Employees should hold their eyes
open, and throw handfuls of water into their eyes if necessary.
4. A doctor should always check workers' eyes after they have been in contact
with chemicals.
5. Workers should not rely on emergency treatment to protect them. They should
always use the proper equipment to protect their eyes, especially where flushing water
is not close by.
6. Medical staff should not release an injured employee from first aid or medical treat-
ment until all of the chemical is removed.
7. It is important to act quickly when an employee has a chemical burn. An em-
ployee with a severe burn may be confused and need help. The supervisor or
other workers should help the injured employee remove contaminated clothes
and flush the area as quickly as possible.
8. Chemical burn showers or eyewash stations are the best places to flush away
chemicals. But any source of water, even if it is not clean, is better than not
flushing the area. All areas where workmen use corrosive chemicals should
have a good water supply An ordinary showerhead or garden hose spray nozzle
does not supply water fast enough to flush away a chemical. A chemical burn
shower has a valve that opens as soon as someone steps on a platform or
touches another easy-to-use control.
9. After flooding the victim's injury with water, laymen should not attempt other
first-aid treatments. A doctor with specialized training in burn treatment
should treat all chemical burns. Some chemicals have a toxic effect on the body,
and the skin is open to bacterial infections when it is damaged.
10. If the injured person is confused or in shock, keep him still, cover him with a
blanket, and take him to a medical facility.

Preventing Skin Problems

Industrial doctors can decide whether employees should be assigned to different
tasks because cleaning chemicals irritate their skin. Employees can become sensitive
to chemicals even if they have used them for some time without problems. If em-
ployees suddenly develop dermatitis, an experienced doctor should examine them. If
they have developed a sensitivity, management may need to give the employee differ-
ent tasks or use a different chemical. Management should keep lists of the chemicals
used in the cleaning operation and the recommended treatment for burns both in
the first-aid room and in the supervisor's office. The list should include information
on how to reach local doctors and medical centers.


Some of the chemicals (such as cleaning compounds, sanitizers, insecticides, roden-
ticides, and air fresheners) used in food preparation areas may remain on equipment,
utensils, or surfaces, and contaminate the food. Most people have at some time
drunk from a glass or cup and tasted the dishwashing soap used to clean it.
Insecticides, rodenticides, air fresheners, and deodorizers applied using a spray or
vapor may also get into foods. Use of a paint or solid insecticide or pesticide can pre-
vent this problem.
Managers responsible for sanitation can protect equipment and food from chem-
ical contamination by making sure that production and cleanup employees follow
procedures. Employees can reduce or even eliminate contamination from food con-
tainers and waste if they are careful and vigilant.

• Sanitation supervisors need to understand the types of soil they need to remove
and which chemicals will work best to remove them.
• The best cleaning compound depends on the type of soil. An acid cleaner usu-
ally removes inorganic deposits, an alkaline cleaner removes nonpetroleum or-
ganic soils, and a solvent-type cleaner removes petroleum soils.
• Cleaning compounds help loosen soil and and flush it away. Cleaning com-
pounds may contain detergent auxiliaries to protect sensitive surfaces or help
them clean better.
• Supervisors must know how to handle cleaning compounds to protect employ-
ees from injuries.
• If a cleaning compound accidentally splashes onto a worker's skin, eyes, or
clothes, the worker should immediately flush the area with plenty of water.

Anon. 1976. Plant Sanitation for the Meat Packing Industry. Office of Continuing
Education, University of Guelph and Meat Packers Council of Canada.
Marriott, N. G. 1994. Principles of Food Sanitation, 3d ed. Chapman & Hall, New
. 1990. Meat Sanitation Guide Il American Association of Meat Processors and
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg.
Moody, M. W 1979. How cleaning compounds do the job. In Sanitation Notebook for
the Seafood Industry, p. 11-68, G. J. Flick et al., eds. Department of Food Science
and Technology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg.
Zottola, E. A. 1973. How cleaning compounds do the job. In Proceedings of the
Conference on Sanitation and Safety, p. 53. Extension Division, State Technical
Services and Department of Food Science and Technology, Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University, Blacksburg.

1. Give three characteristics of surfaces that are easy to clean.
2. What are the three steps of removing soil?
3. How does mechanical energy (shaking, scrubbing, or high-pressure water) help in clean-
4. Why do surfaces have to be clean before they can be sanitized?
5. What is good-quality water for cleaning?
6. Give one example of a type of soil alkali cleaners are good at removing and one example
of a type of soil acid cleaners are good at removing.
7. Where and how should cleaning compounds be stored?
8. What is the most important part of first aid for chemical burns?
1. Look at the manuals of various pieces of kitchen equipment (oven, range, refrigerator,
mixer, slicer, etc.). Does the manufacturer recommend a specific type of cleaner or clean-
ing procedure?
2. Read the labels or inserts of cleaning compounds used in the kitchen at work or at home.
Is the cleaner acid or alkali? What type of soil does the cleaner remove? Does the cleaner
need to be diluted and, if so, how much? Does the manufacturer give any special warn-
ings about the product?
3. Contact your supplier of cleaning chemicals at work (or contact the manufacturer of a
cleaner you use at home), and ask if the supplier can send you any information about
cleaning compounds.
4. Find and record the telephone number of your local poison control center.

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