The Arup Journal Issue 2 2005 Comp
The Arup Journal Issue 2 2005 Comp
The Arup Journal Issue 2 2005 Comp
Constitutional Court,
Altstair Avern-Taplin
35 Plantation Place
Mick Brundle
39 Plantation Lane
Lee Hosking, Dec/an O'Carro/1
Caltrans District 7
Headquarters, Los Angeles
Eugene Desouza, Andy Howard,
Teena Videriksen
CClV Headquarters, Beijing China:
Structural engineering design and approvals
Growth in China is happening at an historically unparalleled rate. China Central
Television (CCTV), the principal state-run broadcaster, currently has 13 channels,
but by 2008 it plans to be operating over 200 channels and competing successfully
with CNN , NBC, Sky, and the BBC in the global market. To enable this expansion,
and to place CCTV firmly on the global map, a new headquarters facility was
needed , with the entire television -making process housed in one location within
Beijing's newly-designated Central Business District (Fig 1).
In early 2002 , CCTV organized an international design competition, which
attracted some of the biggest names in architecture. After much effort it was won in 1. CCTV in the new Beijing CBD.
August 2002 by Rem Koolhaas's practice Office for Metropolitan Architecture
(OMA), based in Rotterdam , working with Arup. To secure the project, OMA formed
an alliance with the East China Architecture and Design Institute (ECADI) , which Architectural concept
would act as the local design institute (LOI) of record for both architecture and The client stipulated in the competition brief that the
engineering. Working with an LOI is a statutory stipulation for all projects in China, facility should all be housed on one site , but not
and the LOI 's local knowledge and contacts can make the relationship necessarily constrained to one building . In his
very beneficial. architectural response, however, OMA decided that
by doing just this, it should be possible to break
down the 'ghettoes' that tend to form in a complex
and compartmentalized process like the making of
'Who says that structure should not be reinvented? TV programmes and create a building whose layout
... Who says that reinventing structure cannot be in three dimensions would force all those involved -
creative?' the creative people, the producers, the technicians ,
the administrators - to mix and produce a better
Rem Koolhaas, from a discussion at Tsinghua University, 5 August 2003.
end-product more economically and efficiently.
The winning design thus combines administration
and offices, news and broadcasting , programme
production and services - the entire process - in a
The design team
single loop of interconnected activities. The
When the SD (scheme design) started , the authorities and the client , and offered specialist
project was divided between Arup offices In input such as wind and fire engineering. As the specifics of the structure evolved in tandem with the
Hong Kong and London. The core team, design progressed, additional input was received specifics of the building as they in turn evolved , a
including six staff seconded from Hong Kong from Arup offices in Beijing and Shenzhen. notable example being the placement of double-
and one from Beijing , was located in London to
This close co-operation proved invaluable in height studios within the Towers and Base, which
work closely with OMA in Rotterdam. Given the
delivering a scheme design within four months
many engineering disciplines involved, and the significantly influenced the structural form.
and the EPD and EPR (expert panel review)
need for dedicated project teams for each of the The public facilities included in the project are
approvals within a further six.
three buildings on the site, Arup had a near-
permanent presence In OMA's offices. Four of Arup provided engineering and consultancy input located in a second building , the Television Cultural
ECADl 's engineers joined the Arup team in for structural, building services , geotechnlcal, Centre (TVCC) ; both buildings are serviced from a
London for most of the EPD (extended fire, communications, and security design, single support building which houses major plant as
preliminary design) phase, while their leading the engineering design through SO, EPD
well as the site security.
architectural colleagues worked alongside OMA including the associated approvals processes to
in Rotterdam . tender, working with ECADI engineers. ECADI
Another Arup team In Hong Kong provided currently leads the production of the final
information and guidance on Chinese design and construction information and is to provide site
procedures, maintained contact with local assistance with support from Arup.
Jin Mao CJ Administration VIP
CJ Multlbusiness
(320m) CCTV
CJ News and broadcasting
234m CJ Broadcasting transmission
200 CJ Production
CJ Hotel
CJ Public facilities
CJ Service building
Canteen - + - - ' - -!!,+
CJ Special vehicle park lobby
CJ Guards accommodation
CJ Mediapark
Central kitchen
Staff canteen
Staff and VIP facilities
2. The site layout, showing programme distribution. 3. The functions and layout within the CCTV building .
Having established the inelastic global structure and The force from the braces and edge-beams must be transferred through and into
local member deformation acceptance limits, the the column sections with minimal disruption to the stresses already present in the
next step was to carry out non-linear numerical column . The connection is formed by replacing the flanges of the steel column with
seismic response simulation of the entire 3-0 large 'butterfly' plates, which pass through the face of the column and then
building subjected to level 2 and level 3 design connect with the braces and the edge-beams. No connection is made to the web
earthquakes. Both the non-linear static pushover of the column to simplify the detailing and construction of the concrete around the
analysis method and the non-linear dynamic time steel section.
history analysis method were used to determine the The joints are required to behave with the braces, beams, and columns as
seismic deformation demands in terms of the 'strong joint/weak component' . The connections must resist the maximum probable
maximum inelastic inter-storey drifts and the load delivered to them from the braces with minimal yielding and a relatively low
maximum inelastic member deformation. These degree of stress concentration. High stress concentrations could lead to brittle
deformation demands were compared against the fracture at the welds under cyclic seismic loading, a common cause of failure in
structure's deformation capacities storey-by-storey connections observed after the 1994 Northridge earthquake in Los Angeles. Two
and member-by-member to verify the seismic connections, representing the typical and the largest cases, were modelled from the
performance of the entire building . All global and original AutoCAD drawings using MSC/ NASTRAN. The models were analyzed ,
local seismic deformation demands were shown to subjected to the full range of forces that can be developed before the braces
be within their respective acceptance limits, buckle or yield - assuming the maximum probable material properties - to evaluate
demonstrating that the building achieves the the stress magnitude and degree of stress concentration in the joints. The shape of
quantitative and hence qualitative performance the butterfly plate was then adapted by smoothing out corners and notches until
objectives when subjected to level 2 or level 3 potential regions of yielding were minimized and the degree of stress concentration
earthquakes. reduced to levels typically permitted in civil and mechanical engineering practice.
CAD files of the resulting geometry of the joints were exported from the finite
element models and used for further drawing production (Fig 12).
0 Transfer structures
100 Whilst the external tube structure slopes to give the unique geometry, the internal
steel columns and cores are kept straight for functional layout and to house lift and
services shafts. This resulted in a different configuration for every floor - the spans
from core to fac;:ade , and internal column to fac;:ade , change on each. Consequently,
400 internal columns can be removed where the floor span decreases sufficiently on
500 one side of the core. Similarly, additional columns are needed up the building height
where the floor spans increase significantly on the other side of the core. Transfer
trusses support these additional columns, spanning between the internal core and
the external tube structure. They are typically two storeys deep and located in plant
floors so as to be hidden from view and to minimize the impact on floor planning.
The sizes of the transfer trusses mean that they could potentially act as
outriggers linking the external tube to the internal steel cores - undesirable as this
12. would introduce seismic forces into the relatively slender internal cores. The design
The von Mises stress distribution of a large connection plate
under the most unfavourable loading combination . preference is to keep all the seismic forces in the more robust diagrid framing of the
continuous tube. The transfer trusses are thus connected to the internal cores and
the external columns at singular 'pin-joint' locations only. Detailed analyses were
made to ascertain that no outrigger effects result from the transfer truss geometry.
The floors cantilevered from the two leaning Towers to form the Overhang are Conclusion
enclosed by the continuous tube structure on the outside. This supports a two-way The structural design of CC1V posed many
transfer deck in the bottom two storeys of the Overhang , carrying the columns for technical challenges to the large international team .
the floors above. They were successfully overcome, within a very tight
The Base also contains major transfer trusses, spanning over the principal programme. Arup 's unique global depth of
studios to support the columns and floors above. experience and knowledge made this possible,
enabling the right people to be involved at the right
Construction issues
stages of the project . The Arup team delivered the
The building 's unique form necessitated careful consideration of the construction design through a seamless global collaboration ,
method throughout the design process. Both the method and sequencing of the transcending time zones, physical distance,
works (Fig 13) will affect the permanent distribution of dead load through the cultures, cost centres, and even the SARS
continuous tube. outbreak. Foremost in the team's collective mind
To allow the contractor some flexibility in method and programme, upper and was the need to deliver the complex design on time
lower bound analyses were performed, using staged construction and loading to for the client and in so doing win the approval of
build up the final dead load incrementally. The lowest bound of loading when the the Chinese Ministry of Construction expert panel.
two Towers are connected puts the highest stresses into the Overhang structure
since it acts as a prop between the Towers, while the upper bound puts the largest
stresses into the Towers since they carry more of the load in bending as a
cantilever. Between these two extremes there is scope for the contractor to choose Credits
his programme, and to propose alternative erection procedures. Client: China Central Television Architect: OMA
Stedebouw BV Geotechnical , structural, MEP. fire,
The timing of the connection between the Towers is also important, so as to and security consultant: Arup - Abdel Ahmed, Chuan-
minimize the relative movement between them from thermal and wind effects. It is Zhi Bai, Cecil Balmond, Carolina Bartram, Chris Carroll,
also important to minimize future thermal movements between the Towers that Wayne Chan. Mark Choi, Dean Clabrough, Paul Cross,
Roy Denoon. Omar Diallo, Mimmy Dino, Xiaonian Duan.
could put large stresses into the Overhang where it is restrained by the Towers. Gary Ge, Craig Gibbons, Sam Hatch, Guo-Bo He,
Xue-Mei He, Colin Ho, Goman Ho, Yi Jin, Jonathan
Kerry, Michael Kwok, Francis Lam, Peter Lam, Richard
Lawson, Alexis Lee. Jing-Yu Li, Zhao-Fan Li, Ge-Qing
14. Site work begins, September 2004.
Liu, Peng Liu, Quan Liu, Pierre Lui, Man-Kit Luk,
Andrew Luong, John McArthur. Rory McGowan,
Hamish Nevile, Gordon Ng, Xiao-Chao Pang, Jack
Pappin, Steve Peet, Bill Peng, Dan Pook, Chas Pope,
Oun Shi, Andrew Smith, Stuart Smith, Derek So.
G Y Sun, George Thimont, Alex To. Fei Tong,
Paul Tonkin, Ben Urick, Bai-Qian Wan, Yang Wang,
Will Whitby, Robin Wilkinson. Michael Willford, Michelle
Wong, Stella Wong, Eric Wu, Jian-Feng Yao. Angela
Yeung, Kenneth Yeung, Terence Yip, George Zhao,
Julian Zheng (analysis, geotechnical, structural)
Illustrations: 1, 9 COMA; 2 Nigel Whale; 3 -14 Arup
Project background
HM The Queen officially opened the Scottish
Parliament Building (SPB) in October 2004 after six
years ' design , construction, and debate - principally
about time and cost. The end result has received
much acclaim from critics and journalists, as well as
many thousands of visitors, supporting the intention
for the SPB to be a building for the people. From
the innovative shape of the main debating chamber
(Fig 1) to the contemplative seating in the fac;:ade of
the MSPs ' (Members of the Scottish Parliament)
offices (Fig 2), the vision of the Spanish architect
Enric Miralles has been realized , despite his
untimely death.
Located at the opposite end of the Royal Mile
from Edinburgh Castle, and close to Holyrood
Palace, the site encompasses an area of 1.45ha
within the old road boundaries that houses the new
buildings, plus a further 1.86ha of new landscaping .
It also contains the listed Category A Queensberry
House, where the original 1706 articles of the Union
between England and Scotland were established. It
is poignant that self-determination for Scotland has
now been established and will be practised here,
within an ensemble of individual buildings (Figs 4 &
5) that contain offices and support for the MSPs,
committee rooms, media facilities, and the debating
chamber, all above a common basement area.
In a referendum on 11 September 1997, almost
75% of Scottish voters agreed that there should
be a Scottish Parliament, and this result led to
the search for a permanent home. Holyrood
was selected , and an international competition
launched by the UK government Scottish Office on
1 . The debating chamber.
Bagpipes Galore
Workin g partnerships
Press Tower
A joint venture company was formed between Arup's Edinburgh office and a London group
EMBT and RMJM in Edinburgh, with the collaborated closely on the structural design.
intention of carrying out the design in The former was mainly responsible for the
Edinburgh, but in practice Miralles created it geotechnical work and basement design, the
from his studio in Barcelona. Throughout the refurbishment of Queensberry House, 'Bagpipes
first year, Arup team members travelled regularly Galore' (a former shop whose retained fai;;ade
to Barcelona to visit him and discuss the would front a new building behind), and the
structural designs. His chosen way of working, roads and landscaping. The London group
which suited the complex shapes he was intent designed the superstructure for the new
on creating, was to produce physical models, buildings - The MSP office building, the
ranging from the whole site at small scale In Assembly buildings, the debating chamber, a
pclystyrene to large-scale details in balsa wood. further new building along Canongate, the road
Although frustratingly difficult to pin down, Enric that bounds the site to the north, and the
Miralles was a very charming man, who decorative canopies, as well as the scheme
constantly sought to improve his designs design for the glazed MSPs' foyer linking the
despite programme pressures. It was with great buildings (Fig 3). Both teams also liaised closely
shock that the team learnt of his death from a with Arup Security Consulting.
• MSPs D Clerks , chief executive and presiding officer
brain tumour in summer 2000. By then he had Whilst London staff travelled to Edinburgh for
• Administration, finance and personnel • Distinguished visitors
established the arrangements, the massing, and scheduled meetings and day-long design
the feel of the buildings - the use of fair-faced sessions, it was of great value that the
Ancillary accommodation D Circulation
concrete throughout, the carefully configured Edinburgh office and the resident engineer 5 . Site plan.
sightlines through the seemingly complex could cover all other meetings, on site or with
arrangements - and Joan Callis, his right-hand the architects, and deal with site and design
man, defended these principles throughout the issues at short notice.
remainder of the project.
The site
3. Architect's image of the MSPs' foyer.
Site history
Prior to the SPB, the site was divided into two
distinct areas, the Scottish & Newcastle Brewery to
the east and Queensberry House and its gardens to
the west. The east area had long been associated
with brewing, with William Younger II purchasing
part it in 1825 for £5000. By the late 1870s five
wells were extracting groundwater for brewing, and
records indicate that water was pumped at a rate of
4000 -14 OOO litres/ hour in 1938. Extraction ceased
in the 1960s. Queensberry House itself was built
around 1670. After a series of alterations and
changes of ownership it was bought in 1801 by
William Aitchison , who stripped it of its fittings and
fixtures. Two years later it was sold to the Board of
Ordnance and the site was developed as a barracks
and hospital block with a parade ground on the site
of the former garden. It was then that another
storey was added.
From 1815 onwards it was successively a public Basement and foundation con struction
hospital , a House of Refuge, and a geriatric hospital This involved excavation to depths of around 4m in the west and 7m in the east,
until it was finally closed in 1996 and bought by where the plantroom areas below the debating chamber and Assembly towers are
Scottish & Newcastle Breweries. Its varied life had a located . A hard/ soft secant piled wall was used for much of the excavation
significant impact on the building fabric 's structural perimeter to minimize movement felt by surrounding structures and to prevent
integrity, and it was in poor condition when handed groundwater entering. To the east, an open battered excavation sufficed , as
over to the Parliament. In 1997 Scottish & groundwater levels are lower and there are no adjacent structures.
Newcastle made Queensberry House and the land Piled walls retaining Queensberry House were designed to limit movement
to the east available for the new SPB. behind to 1Omm horizontally and 5mm vertically, due to the listed building's
sensitivity. During excavation a programme of regular monitoring was established to
Site geology and groundwater
record any movements.
The site stratigraphy comprises drift deposits (sand, The foundations are typically pad footings, bearing on rock exposed during
gravel , silt) above rock; to the west lies sandstone excavation . Where rock levels lie up to 2m below the underside of the pad
and to the east volcanic basalt. Rockhead levels foundations , mass concrete was infilled between pad and rock. Only in the south-
generally fall from Canongate to Holyrood Road, west corner were piles used, due to the low rockhead level (Fig 7) .
and particularly significant for the foundation design The basements, which lie beilow the water table, are defined in the client brief as
was the sharp dip in rockhead level in the south- a Grade 2 (better utility) space, in line with 8$8102. This requires no water
west corner, down to 6m below foundation level. penetration and to achieve this, the basement slabs were designed as a watertight
Conjectured groundwater levels were plotted and concrete structure with crack widths limited to <0.2mm. The external retaining walls
taken as the base values for design and are not designed as watertight concrete but as a drained cavity wall.
construction . During the site investigation ,
groundwater levels were recorded and subsequently
confirmed during regular monitoring of water levels 8. Stairs leading down to the MSPs' foyer.
within standpipes located strategically throughout
the site. Design groundwater levels are taken in the
long term to be 2m above the current measured
values to allow a factor of safety against future rises
in groundwater level ; the high levels in parts of the
site influenced the structural design, in particular
requiring the use of tension piles where buoyancy
exceeded the applied dead loads.
7. Foundation strategy.
600mm piles
The debating chamber (Fig 1), some 49m long and 25m maximum width, is
The new buildings immediately above the public foyer. The floor is a major steel grillage that both acts
as a transfer structure to cope with the variable column positions above and below
The public entrance and debating chamber
this level, and allows the chamber to cantilever beyond the ground floor structure
The main public foyer is on the east side, opposite and support the heavy fa9ade and its finishes , designed to withstand terrorist
Holyrood Palace, and contains an exhibition, action. This floor is stepped and integrates the supply air systems and complex
information facilities, and a retail outlet. As the electrical installations within its depth , as well as supporting various mezzanine
'parliament of the people', the SPB opened its levels and the public galleries. All finishes are in oak and this theme is extended
public areas in September 2004, complete with upwards to the roof structure and ceiling arrangements.
guided tours. By the end of November more than Spanning across the entire space is a roof supported on major three-
130 OOO people had visited the building, making it a dimensional timber trusses with stainless steel ties and connections (Fig 9). This
considerable tourist attraction in its own right. structure is entirely sculptured and its geometry required unique nodes and bracing
The foyer is characterized by its high quality fair- systems. The roof extends further skyward on its western boundary, forming large
faced concrete finishes and , in particular, three in roof-lights that allow in considerable natural daylight. In keeping with Parliamentary
situ reinforced concrete vaults with random saltire strength and longevity, the roof materials are of the highest quality - European oak
crosses and irregular light wells, each having an for the glu-lam compression members, and stainless steel for all other elements.
individual geometry with a tapered plan section, The roof geometry coheres with the chamber shape by having the trusses
making it unique in construction terms. They form a arranged in three distinct groups, separated by discontinuity zones with changes of
dramatic ceiling (Fig 14), and contrast with the light ceiling level. This ceiling level is set above the trusses, with a steel purlin roof again
and airy spaces beyond. The vaults rest on three above, carrying the final roof finishes. The trusses are supported on a tri-girder at
main steel beams supported by high quality precast the rear of the chamber and on external concrete-clad steel columns at the inner
columns, also of unique shape and form , which fa9ade. These columns extend like cathedral buttresses from the bottom of a
required them to be cast offsite and upside down. basement light well to the top of the structure. The combination of exposed
All the concrete, whether precast or in situ , was structure and high quality finishes forms a dramatic space for the Parliament to
produced from consistent materials to ensure a conduct its business publicly and openly.
correct colour match.
Assembly buildings
10. Model of the Assembly buildings. The Assembly buildings (Fig 10) accommodate the committee rooms and support
facilities where most Parliamentary business is carried out - an ensemble through
which the MSPs pass at first floor level from their garden to the debating chamber.
Miralles likened the Assembly buildings' external appearance to upturned boats on
a Scottish shore; their geometry and interaction with each other is subtly complex
and the roofs especially so, with stepped double curvatures, achieved by structural
steelwork, reflected in the internal ceilings to give an ecclesiastical ambience
(Fig 11). These spaces contribute to encouraging collaboration rather than
The buildings are designed in post-tensioned reinforced concrete, principally to
achieve clear spans of up to 14m with structural depths of 350mm , thus providing
column-free spaces with minimum floor heights allowing integration of the building
services. The leading points of the buildings are truncated at the lower levels and
cantilever significantly from the main body. The floor structures and shear walls act
together to achieve these cantilevers, which enhance the spaces thus formed at
the ground floor.
Canopies and pergolas The architect required the canopy and the lower
The main public entrance is framed by a complex of three structures. the upper and pergola to have exposed concrete to all faces.
lower pergolas and the north-east canopy (Fig 15). Both pergolas are supported by This had to be considered in conjunction with the
conical 'flame-shaped ' columns that match others in the SPB . Their stocky forms requirement for a 100-year design life, and
act as cantilevers and resist moments from the upper pergola. The columns are concerns about the long-term appearance of the
carried on pad footings designed to resist overturning moments. concrete when viewed from overlooking windows
The upper pergola is a 58m x 9m grillage of stainless steel hollow sections finally led the architect to agree to cladding the
covered by a random arrangement of 'bamboo' (actually Scottish oak), suspended upper surface of the canopy. For the lower pergola
6m - 8m above ground by raking stainless steel hollow sections . The pergola acts beams stainless steel reinforcement was specified ,
as a vierendeel on plan to take the horizontal forces to the flame-shaped columns to reduce the risk of unsightly staining in this highly
and the raking props cast into them . Ties from the tips of the flame-shaped visible structure.
columns to the tips of the raking columns were introduced to control the deflections
at the extreme ends of the pergola, where the cantilever length is around 9m.
The 'lower pergola' is a grillage of fair-faced concrete beams running along the
whole east fa9ade of the SPB , approximately 5m above ground level. This was
designed to be constructed in situ but was re-designed in conjunction with the
contractor as precast beams.
The north-east canopy is a concrete slab, curved in section and cantilevering up
to 9m from the building, taking its principal support by hanging from the pergola
above it and with its backspan disappearing into the main building . It is further
complicated by the presence of an opening , through which one of the flame-
shaped columns passes, thus preventing the canopy taking direct support
from the column (Fig 16).
Although the canopy would deflect significantly under dead load, this was not
seen as a problem as no partitions, cladding , or other fittings were affected , and
the already curved shape made the deflection visually insignificant. The canopy was
designed for a live load of 1.5kN/ m2, with a deflection limit of span/ 500 in case of 16. 'Flame-shaped ' column passing through canopy opening.
unintentional pedestrian loading , perhaps from political protesters!
Foyer roof
Previous work on Portcullis House, Westminster,
with its many similarities in design life requirements
and bomb blast protection , was extremely valuable,
whilst designs developed for the 'lens' at City Hall,
18. Feature panels on the fac;ade of the Assembly tower.
London , also proved useful in achieving the required
flush outer glazed face that would also deliver good
panel retention against lateral loads. The design Specialist glazing
principles progressed through workshops with
This had a much wider scope than the foyer roof package, including glazing to the
Mero, the specialist glazing subcontractor, and were
debating chamber, the bridge that links it with the Assembly towers, and the
then developed through detailed design with Arup
complex shapes enclosing the public stair from the foyer to the end of the bridge.
Security Consulting. The installed cladding (Fig 17)
In addition to specific blast requirements for the specialist glazing , the walls and
is largely unchanged from these initial principles.
rooflights to the debating chamber also had very onerous acoustic performance
criteria to limit road noise penetration . The eventual design employed double-glazed
units, with acoustic damping and blast protection performance, built into the
17. External view of foyer roof.
laminated unit construction , combined with acoustically enhanced curtain-walling
profiles. This system is one of the best performing double-glazed walls yet
developed , and was empirically tested prior to manufacture, to demonstrate
performance in practice.
MSP building
Originally tendered as one package, the east and west fac;;ades were repackaged
into different elements including the timber windows, structural steelwork, stainless
steel , concrete mullions, timber louvres, and stone. Interfaces between the
packages and the wide palette of materials were further complicated by variations
in detailing throughout the fac;;ade, which affected the weathering line of the
envelope. Combining the demanding bomb blast requirements with effective
thermal performance involved extensive use of condensation risk analysis. The team
also advised on other features , including rooflights and the tower windows.
Precast concrete
The cladding to the debating chamber, press tower, and boundary walls was
technically very challenging , and required AFE involvement throughout. A key issue
was its behaviour in the event of a blast - the panels have to stay on the building!
Others included the complex geometry, fixing , buildability (and handling) , and many
intricate interfaces with other fac;;ade elements. Aspects considered in the designs
included durability, robustness, weathertightness and interface with the weathering
envelope, and thermal performance. The cladding also includes fenestration
elements such as large feature panels (3.5m to 5.5m high) of granite and oak louvre
grills (Fig 18), and bamboo panels fixed onto steel carrier frames that stand proud
of the precast cladding (Fig 19). Bespoke concealed brackets and fixings were
designed and fabricated to accommodate the different tolerance requirements,
Landscaping spills out from the built area of the site
into the park south of Holyrood Road. As well as These fascinating and highly varied buildings are characterized by two common
roadworks within the park, upgrading two themes: high quality, fair-faced concrete and complex geometrical shapes, both in
roundabouts and Queens Drive to cater for the overall building outlines and in individual elements such as the 'flame-shaped'
increased traffic flow once Holyrood Road was columns and the boundary wall.
closed to public traffic, significant earthworks were Already popular with visitors and set to become a major landmark in Edinburgh,
needed to establish new topography south of the the Scottish Parliament was a major challenge for Arup in its complexity, its scale,
site and east of the neighbouring Dynamic Earth and its ever-changing requirements. The firm helped to deliver a unique project that
building. The result is publicly accessible landscape, includes 11 buildings - each with its own individual character - contains more than
with embankments, canopies, water features, cycle three times the area compared with the competition, and was presided over by five
paths, footpaths, hard areas, newly-planted trees, different clients during the six years since it was won. The same period also saw
and indigenous flora (Fig 25). the untimely death of the Scottish leader Donald Dewar, very much a driving force
Level differences within the new landscaped behind the Parliament, as well as Enric Miralles. It is hoped that both would have
areas were of paramount architectural importance been satisfied with the reality of their vision.
and were achieved using stone encased behind a
steel mesh. Corrosion, weathering, durability, and
structural stability all had to be addressed in
developing a solution for the Scottish climate.
Architect: EMBT/RMJM Construction manager: Bovis Lendlease Quantity surveyor: Davis
Dressed stone in properly designed, specified, and Langdon Structural, civil, fa9ade, geotechnical , blast and landscaping engineer: Arup -
constructed gabion baskets met all the design Joan Anderson , Francis Archer, Tom Barr, Monika Beyersdorff, Daniele Bosia, Mark Bowman,
Geoffrey Burns, Sam Cook, Rob Davis, Brian Edie, David Guild, Tony Gulston, Arjan Habraken,
criteria for retaining purposes.
David Hadden, Don Henning, Graeme Herd, Mark Holst, Fred llidio, Patricia Johnstone,
Hiroshi Kawamura, Gavin Kerr, Rob Kinch. Ken Knowles, David Lewis, Joan Lindsay, John
McDonald, Andrew Millar, Stewart Millar, Astrid Muenzinger, Hamish Nevile, Steve Peet, Chas
Pope, Stephen Ratchye, Mark Reed, Duncan Richards. Volker Schmid , Annalisa Simonella,
David C Smith, Peter Stevenson, Alan Tweedie, Simon Webster. Gary Wilkie, Robin Wilkinson
Building services engineer: RMJM Specialist glazing subcontractor: Mero Structures Inc
Illustrations: 1, 2, 11 , 18, 19 Arup/Adam Elder/ Scottish Parliamentary corporate body; 3, 4, 10,
13 EMBT/ RMJM ; 5-7, 23 Arup/ Nigel Whale; 8, 12, 20, 25, 26 Arup/ Roland Halbe; 9 Cowley
Structural Timberwork; 14, 16 Arup/ Peter Cook/VIEW; 15 Arup/Paul RafteryNIEW; 17 Arup;
21 David Hadden/Arup; 22 Don Henning/Arup; 24 Ken Knowles/Arup
(1) HADDEN , D. Building in blast protection. The Arup Journal, 33(3), pp20-23, 1998.
(2) HYDE, OW. ConWep Version 2. 1.0. 1. USAE Engineer Research & Development Center, Vicksburg ,
(3) US DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY. Technical Manual TM5-1300 . Design of structures to resist the
effects of accidental explosions. Washington DC, 1990.
26. The garden landscape. (4) LORD FRASER OF CARMYLLIE, The Rt Hon, QC. The Holyrood Inquiry. Scottish Parliamentary
Corporate Body, 2004.
Alistair Avern-Taplin new democratic institution. The brief was to develop
Looking south-east: The
the entire precinct of the chosen site as library's precast fac;;ade is on
'Constitutional Hill' - a public space for the city and the left, and the Rex Welsh
Library tower prominent in the
On 21 March 2004 South Africa a symbolic place for the nation where the foreground . The Great African
Stairs rise towards
Constitutional Court and various other aligned
celebrated 10 years of democracy, institutions such as the Human Rights Commission
Constitutional Square
and the Court entrance, with
and to mark the occasion would be accommodated alongside museums, the exhibition Gallery to their
left and Sections 4 and 5 on
President Thabo Mbeki officially appropriate retail, and residential accommodation, the right. On the far left is
Hillbrow Tower, an Arup
some of which would be accommodated in the
opened the new Constitutional historic prison buildings. While the competition
project from the 1960s.
The Fort and ramparts
At the centre of Constitution Hill is The Fort surrounded
by its ramparts , originally built between 1896 and 1899
by the Boer president. Paul Kruger, as an act of defiance
.:r£rr _\n lfr:o
an independent income from beer brewing - illegal
because the state controlled the sale of liquor to blacks
through its beer halls. Sometimes they had small
children or babies with them. This was especially true
against the might of imperial Britain, and a way to keep
during the late 1950s, when black women were arrested
watch over the uitlanders {foreigners) in the mining Awaiting .............. ,
Trial ____.::"· : in large numbers when they deliberately presented
~ =--c:-in~---,:~? nj
village of Johannesburg, who were plotting an overthrow Block :.......... .. ..... themselves to the police without passes.
of the Boers. In 1900, during the Anglo-Boer War, the The Fort
British took Johannesburg, and imprisoned Boer soldiers The Commission on Gender Equality, an official body
in The Fort. A group of Cape Afrikaners who had fought that looks after the rights of women , took offices in the
on the side of the Boers were executed at The Fort,
killings that marked the beginning of its long history as a e-=
~~~~===~ Women's Gaol in 2003. An exhibition detailing the lives
and experiences of three very different women who were
place of punishment, confinement and abuse, and incarcerated in the gaol is on display in the oval atrium
Johannesburg's main place of incarceration for eight that is at the centre of the building.
decades. \ ~ Orn
The Fort is entered from the south through a set of huge
doors that lead through a tunnel. Prisoners passed into Constitution Hill in a nutshell
Section 4 and 5 'Number Four'
a reception area and were then sent to a 'delousing
room' where they were stripped and sprayed with cold Most South Africans know the whole prison complex The old Fort area bordered by Sam Hancock, Hospital,
water, before being moved to the Awaiting Trail Block. simply as 'Number Four', a term which symbolized Kotze and Joubert streets will become an anchor and a
Once convicted , they were incarcerated in The Fort if courage and fear, the cruelties and indignities of symbol of Johannesburg's inner city regeneration. Apart
they were white men, in the Native Gaol if they were colonialism and apartheid, and the prison system in from the Constitutional Court, the new precinct will also
black men , and in the Women's Gaol if they were female. general. In 1902, Section 4 and 5 of the prison replaced house statutory bodies and a thriving complex of
the native gaol built in 1893. 'Number Four' is to the heritage sites and museums, exhibition and performance
The Awaiting Trial Block north of the ramparts and west of the new Constitutional spaces, offices, shops, restaurants and other tourist
All prisoners went through the Awaiting Trial Block. For Court. It contained the general cells for black male facilities. It will be an engine of growth and
two weeks, the 156 Treason Trialists of 1956, led by prisoners where violent criminals, pass-offenders and transformation for downtown Johannesburg - and a
Nelson Mandela, were held there, as were the scores of political prisoners were incarcerated side-by-side. At the place where visitors can feel safely the heartbeat of this
activists held for three months during the 1960 State of extreme north of Number 4 are 24 punishment cells, vibrant city. The precinct will also be home to one of
Emergency, and hundreds of teenagers held after the which contained men who had committed an offence South Africa's major public art collections. To this end an
Soweto Uprising of 1976. All these groups were kept in inside the prison such as trying to escape. These cells Artworks Project for acquisition of art for the Court and
special communal cells. In these horribly overcrowded also held men with infectious diseases like smallpox, public environment has been initiated.
cells for common criminals, new inmates were inducted juveniles, and men with mental illnesses.
The entire precinct will , in fact, become a 'living '
into the brutal life of prison. They were often robbed, Section 4 and 5 is in a state of extreme disrepair, the museum. Visitors will be able to visit The Fort. At the
attacked and even raped by members of the 'Numbers' paint peeling off its walls, and its courtyards covered in entrance, off Kotze Street , one exhibition already being
gangs who exist to this day. A visitors' room was elephant grass and weeds. It forms a vital heritage staged depicts a short history of the prison complex,
connected to the Awaiting Trial Block, the only place of component of Constitution Hill, and will not be tampered whilst another shows a society in transition , looking
comfort for the prisoners. This has also been dismantled with or renovated. It is the dark heart of the precinct, back at the difficulties of the past and the possibilities
to make way for Constitution Square, but will be rebuilt , giving visitors a salutary sense of what prison life must of the future.
perhaps as a visitors' centre for the precinct. have been like.
The library, showing its ramped floors ; the entire
structure is suspended from a portal at roof level to
avoid columns in the basement.
Site selection and history The Fort was thus an ideally symbolic site for the
All 11 Constitutional Court judges were from the start actively involved in the site Constitutional Court. To transform the prison would
selection. Enabling the eventual building users to choose its location was an act of physically and visually dramatize the contrast
empowerment, and contributed greatly towards feelings of inclusivity and between a past of 'untold suffering and injustice'
ownership. The judges warmed to the opportunity and considered several potential and the future of 'democracy and peaceful co-
sites. in Pretoria and Midrand as well as Johannesburg, but eventually settled on existence' , as the postamble to the Constitution
the run-down The Fort precinct on the northern face of Braamfontein ridge in puts it. More importantly, the decision to house the
Johannesburg, the apex of the Witwatersrand region and bordered by the inner-city Court in inner-city Johannesburg also signifies
neighbourhoods of Hillbrow and Johannesburg. confidence in the idea of a truly shared democratic
How the site was chosen set the tone for the whole project. The judges would public space arising in urban post-apartheid
be actively involved throughout, and the design team welcomed this. As the project South Africa.
unfolded, the design's success rested less and less on pure technical ability and After the site was selected and secured , it was
increasingly on responsive relationships established across professional and decided that a public competition would be the
disciplinary boundaries. Thus South Africa 's most prominent symbol of democracy most appropriate and democratic way of choosing
was born out of a largely democratic process. a design; after negotiations, The Fort precinct was
The 12.5ha site is physically accessible and prominently situated, and was seen donated by the Greater Johannesburg Metropolitan
to have the potential to catalyze the regeneration of Johannesburg's central Council to the Department of Public Works.
business district, but the judges selected it above all because of its rich symbolism. Constitutional Hill will also house the Museum of the
Originally built in 1893 as a military defence outpost, it developed into a penal Constitution, a constitutional library, and various
institution - significantly designed by Sytze Wierda, official architect of the South democratic institutions like the Human Right
African Republic, who also designed the parliament and supreme court building on Commission , the Gender Commission , and the
Church Square, Pretoria. Over the years, many of those fighting political and social Public Protector. In accordance with mixed use
oppression were incarcerated in the The Fort prison, the history of political struggle design principles, Constitution Hill will also include
bestowing on it the doubtful honour of being the only prison in the world in which market, work, and living spaces.
both Ghandi and Mandela were locked up.
Cooling mode 2.30pm - 6pm Winter morning preheat mode Sam - 11 am Credits
Client: South Africa Department of Public Works Client
project manager: Johannesburg Development Agency
11 . Rockstore operation modes.
Arch itects: OMM Design Workshop and Urban Solutions
Multidisciplinary engineer and project manager: Arup -
While the north/ south orientation of the main along the library wing also contribute (minimally) Alistair Avern-Taplin, Peter Basson, Colin Chanraya, Trevor
public spaces of the Court building and of the to cooling the intake air. Mechanical fans drive Chetty, Errol Davison , Safiya Desai , Shaun Dixon, Anthea
judges' chambers is most appropriate for cooler air in summer or warmer air in winter du Preez, Nicholas Featherston, Clive Fick, Ingrid Gardner,
passive or low energy climate controls , the from the rock chambers through channels in the Krish Govender, Lee-Zane Greyling , Roger Hayim, Andy
easVwest orientation of the administration wing floor plenum to floor-mounted outlet vents, to Howard, Jack Jaza, Roy Jones. Kim Leach, Rob Leach,
(which suited the urban design requirement for a moderate the internal temperature . The system Roy Morris, Ephraim Mzimase, Linda Ness, Jayanti
perimeter building) necessitated some climate works in conjunction with steel ventilation Odhav, Michelle Pakes, Ash Parshotam , Mike Rainbow,
mitigation. This is evident in the screens to the chimneys on the roof of the administration wing. Martin Schindler, James Senior, Errol Shak, Rael Smith,
glazed west fac;:ade, and in the layering of the These ex1ract hot air from the interior by natural Con Strydom, Liesl Strydom, Elvira Tessa
internal space that sets the administration stack effect, and are fitted with fans to Quantity surveyor: Hamlyn Gebhardt, Koor Dindar
services back from the west wall, inside the accelerate its release. (The internal ventilation Main contractor: Wilson Bayly Holmes (PTY) Ltd,
temperature mediating zone of the public shafts also house rainwater downpipes and Rainbow Construction Structural engineer: Sibanye
walkway. electrical cabling.) Consulting Engineers Mechanical engineer: Toon
Herman Associates Electrical engineer: Van Der Walt
In consultation with the mechanical engineers
and the client, it was decided that a rock store
The rock store system can take 6- off the
Barry Wet services: DSB Consulting Civil Engineer
extremes of outdoor temperatures to create a
system should be used to provide a low energy Acoustic consultant: Acuslov Landscape architect :
more moderate interior climate. Internal
means to control the building 's interior climate. African Environmental Design Fire consultant: LJK Fire
temperatures are then generally within the 26'C
In principle, this increases a building 's thermal Engineering Consultants Illustrations: 1, 3, 5 , 8
maximum defined by international office
storage capacity, enabling it to store coolness Hi Shots ; 2, 6, 11 Nigel Whale; 4, 7, 9, 10
standards; commonly remaining at around 23·c.
(absorbed from the cold night air in summer) or Angela Buckland
heat (from warm day air in winter), which can It should be noted that some supplementary
then be transferred to the interior spaces. It provisions were required. Conventional
mechanical air-conditioning services the
relies on a climate which has a high diurnal
temperature range - as exists in the Highveld. basement archives (to ensure a stable
environment for archival material) as well as the
About 55Qm3 of packed rocks are held in 14 court chamber, auditorium, and training room .
separate subterranean systems extending 200m These latter spaces are designed for gatherings
along two sides of the basement car-park of people and a passive climate control system
perimeter. Shallow ponds outside the judges' would be inadequate to manage the physical
chambers and a wider, deeper water trough body heat generated by such numbers.
Wintergarden (not
could be constructed as an environmentally Planted heated generally)
responsive, carbon-optimized building. This process
Exposed concrete soffit
addressed the simultaneous beneficial use of providing thermal mass Natural and intermittent
mechanical ventilation
daylight and solar gain to warm the building by
Condensing boiler
using well-positioned windows, glazed elements, for additional heat
'Ground-coupled '
rigorous conceptual framework designed to ensure Piled foundations used to minimize heat transfer loop
'excavated' material and temporary
optimum user comfort, excellent daylight, and works due to high water table ....... Heat storage and
minimized energy use. The resulting design gives
Local underfloor heating
high levels of insulation to the permanently
occupied accommodation, which surrounds a 2. Energy-saving structural and services concepts .
transiently occupied wintergarden that is partially
heated in winter. An ETFE (ethylene
tetrafluoroethylene) roof covering to the Structural systems
wintergarden was felt to be justified because the After considering the merits of a concrete structure with thermal storage properties
space below is not heated fully and because the that could have provided further passive cooling and heating, and which would
material used is fully recyclable. have been designed for extended life, the team decided that the nature of the site
and the building required a more lightweight treatment. A structure that could be
Choice of structural and services systems demounted and reused (or recycled) was therefore adopted , though it was
Having ensured that the building 's passive design recognized that the potential for reuse elsewhere (or if this proves not possible,
was optimized , the building systems were then reuse of parts or recycling) was only possible for the superstructure.
chosen with the aim of further reducing As the site was overlain by 2.5m to 3m of moderately contaminated fill , the safe
carbon impact, via both carbon in use and working practice of capping and leaving in situ was adopted . Methane was
embodied carbon . detected during the site investigation, and this required mitigation through suitable
ground slab design and following the best practice guidance in CIR/A Report 149 1•
A pile solution was adopted, which allowed all the fill material on site to be
3. Upper level walkway and offices beneath skylights.
retained and avoided the environmental penalties of considerable muck-shift and
the associated embodiment of carbon in the sub-structure. Should the site again be
redeveloped , the piles could be reused for residential or similar buildings. The
ground-bearing slabs contain 30% of cement replacement material to reduce the
quantity of cement required .
The structural frame is in steel , with suspended slabs of precast concrete;
encased floor beams were avoided, and a minimal concrete cover to the precast
slabs was used to simplify future dismantling. The steelwork is punched with its
designated size and grade, and jointed by bolting to allow it to be easily identified
and dismantled in the future.
Services systems
The ventilation is mixed mode. When weather permits, occupants can use natural
ventilation , drawn in through the external windows and passing via internal windows
to the wintergarden , from which it exits at high level. At other times modest levels of
fresh air are introduced via heat pumps.
As well as having windows, the south fac;:ade is clad with photovoltaic (PV)
elements. This has several merits. It provides a renewable electrical supply to the
ground-coupled heat pumps, nominally sufficient for their annual supply, and also
acts as a rainscreen with a cavity behind, allowing air to be drawn into the heat
pumps in cold weather, having recovered waste heat from the PV elements. In
addition, it provides shade in summer to the business start-up units. The windows
have retractable shades so that the occupants can harvest useful solar gain in
winter when the sun is low.
4. The public face of 'The Hub ': street entrance to the cafe. 5. SPeAR diagram showing 'The Hub's 'green credentials' .
Because the BSUs were developed to allow for a high degree of cellularization , and Sustainability assessment
IT-intensive users were expected , a modest level of cooling was deemed In support of the PV funding application, a
appropriate in those areas, albeit only to limit internal temperatures to a maximum sustainability assessment was carried out , using
28?C on design days. Various heating and cooling systems were considered , Arup 's SPeAR~ methodology to demonstrate its
and a ground-coupled heat pump system was chosen as it offered minimum sustainable credentials. The building 's primary foci
carbon impact and also allows the BSUs to be heated as required. Eight 150mm on strengthening the local community's economic
ground bores along the northern border of the site were drilled 80m deep to take base through the provision of business start-up
heat from and discharge to the surrounding ground. opportunities and providing a wide range of services
The remaining areas of the building have no mechanical cooling, and are to the community are clearly evident from the
heated either by radiators, or in the case of the partially-heated wintergarden, assessment, where the socio-economic indicators
via underfloor units in the cafe 's seated area. A condensing boiler provides boost demonstrate that the project priorities have been
and back-up heating. successfully met.
Water conservation features include low consumption fixtures and fittings in toilet
areas, with a root irrigation system for the planted walls. A rainwater storage tank is Summary
provided below the children 's external play area to the nursery and is expected to 'The Hub' began with a clear vision, and the brief
contribute to a saving in mains water of around 50% pa. Harvested rainwater is and design process flowed directly from that. It
used for toilet flushing and plant irrigation. opened to the public in October 2004 , following
Electrical systems include the PV arrays on the south fac;:ade, which feed the four months of fitting out by various tenants. It is
building 's main distribution board with power, offsetting around 20% of the total operating successfully and its design and
demand. Metering arrangements allow for export of power to the local grid development have produced useful feedback for the
when demand is below the building 's requirements. Low-energy luminaires are subsequent CRCs in the delivery plan.
used throughout.
informed judgement.
Within Arup, the goal of mobilizing expert knowledge occurs in Types of knowledge
two ways:
• Individual experts can be found through 'Arup People,' an When managing knowledge, a distinction is commonly drawn between knowledge
award-winning tool which provides access to the declared that is tacit (associated with skills and experience in people's heads) and that which
expertise of individuals together with documents such as is explicit (in documents or databases). Both must be managed if organizations are
their CV.
to be successful, but the emphasis will vary according to the business focus.
• Networks and communities of experts in various fields help to
provide a focus, sharing knowledge and responding to Explicit knowledge to support standardization needs to be captured , articulated ,
questions in a range of technical areas, and helping to ensure documented, and stored in electronic databases for reuse at a later date. Tacit
that knowledge flows readily across the firm.
knowledge, by contrast, is highly personal; it is the skills and expertise acquired
through experience, and thus is strongly linked to the context in which the
knowledge exists. It is difficult, if not impossible to capture and reuse tacit
knowledge, but using it effectively is nevertheless essential for companies seeking
to maintain a competitive edge.
Working effectively
Whilst the goal of knowledge work seems relatively
simple, increasing pressure on individuals has made
the effectiveness of today's knowledge worker
A key skill for designers has always been the
need to balance urgency in decision-making with
the ability to pause, reflect, consult, and deliver the
best possible quality of response to clients. Perhaps
the greatest challenge to effectiveness in this type
of work is that the rapid growth of information in
recent years has started to exceed the capacity -
and indeed the desire - of individuals to learn.
One of the largest new projects in the heart of the City The development also incorporates a new
pedestrian route, Plantation Lane, which cuts east-
offers over 100 ooom2 of internal floor space and yet
west from Wren 's church to Mincing Lane. The
avoids overwhelming the adjacent historical buildings. creation of this route - a combination of art,
architecture and urban design - embeds the new
building into the grain of the ancient city and
enhances the urban context. One side is marked by
Plantation Place, designed by Arup Associates for the British Land Company, is one an integrated artwork, also designed by Arup
of the largest new projects in the heart of the City. Comprising almost an entire Associates in collaboration with artist Simon
block, the 1ha site is bounded by Fenchurch Street (north), Mincing Lane (east) , Patterson , depicting the surface of the moon, while
Rood Lane (west) and Eastcheap/ Great Tower Street (south). Christopher Wren's the natural stone pavement is inscribed with text.
grade 1 listed church of St Margaret Pattens occupies the south-west corner, This newly-created route acknowledges the City of
together with an 18th century town house now used as an office. Another office London 's rich historic fabric , reflecting the medieval
building , 51 Eastcheap, remains on this part of the site, adjacent to the church . street pattern.
The Plantation Place development comprises two buildings. The larger, itself The proximity of the site to the River Thames and
known as Plantation Place, and built along Fenchurch Street, has 15 storeys plus its location outside the City's cluster of tall buildings
three basement levels, giving a total of 78 300m 2 gross internal area above ground, set the maximum height. This, coupled with various
including 2300m 2 of net retail at ground level. It has various floor plate sizes and view studies and rights of light agreements, defined
uses ; levels 2 and 3 may be fitted out as trading floors providing 490Qm2 net of the envelope profile of both buildings. Of special
contiguous office area on each floor. The second building , Plantation Place South, concern were the close views of the tower and spire
is 10 storeys high and provides some 22 500m 2 gross internal area. of St Margaret Pattens from Great Tower Street.
Here the upper mass of the building is set back and
this, together with the glass cladding reflecting the
sky, avoids overwhelming Wren's design.
Upper level double-skin cladding
A double skin of glass, the outer a wind and rain
screen of frameless clear tiles tilted at 3°, acts as an
open-jointed thermal flue, rain screen, and wind
baffle. The inner skin of high performance glass
cladding, with opening windows and heavily
insulated glass spandrels, allows occupiers the
choice of natural ventilation or air-conditioning for
East much of the year. Both skins were based on a 1.5m
Stone services wide module and assembled on site as a series of
core 600mm deep prefabricated cassettes , complete
with blinds, glazing , and maintenance walkways.
The zone between the skins contains active solar
blinds on the outside of the inner cladding while
High deep maintenance walkways act as passive solar
fresh shading, reducing the need for descending blinds
on sunny days. These walkways provide maximum
access to the cladding and blinds without disturbing
the office activity within , essential for a typical
densely-occupied City floor plate.
Sensors mounted on the inner far;:ade for every
tenancy zone detect solar conditions for that part of
the building, while controllers inside raise and lower
the blinds accordingly. The far;:ade thus responds
East lift cores locally to solar conditions. The outer skin allows
windows to be opened for ventilation in rainy and
windy conditions, and protects the solar control
Entrance lobby blinds from wind damage when deployed in all but
extreme situations.
edge-bonded to the atrium glass cladding with The critical structural element is the coupling The ladder chassis came to site as one piece
piece that connects the ladder chassis to the and was slid into position on a moving platform.
structural silicone, providing stiffness and reduced The rods were then attached and adjusted for
suspension rods. This element supports the
glass thickness to the whole cladding assembly. glass wall panels via cantilevered brackets and alignment and subsequently for load
With the varying external light entering from the resists the lateral balustrade and kick rail loads. equalization prior to glass installation.
. . '
bracket Projector • less steel
light support shoes
glass fin
Artistic vision
This close collaboration between the artist Simon
Patterson and Arup Associates, funded by
developers British Land , is part of an initiative to
'put something back' into the City of London. The
artwork is integral to Arup Associates ' public realm
concept, and crucially was developed hand-in-hand
with the design of the new public space, rather than
commissioned separately.
The work, 41 m long and 6m high , was
conceived to suggest constancy during times of
change, and Patterson also devised a collection of
texts to be inset into the stone of the new
12. Level 10 garden terrace. pavement. The text sits along a series of great arcs,
which appear to slide underneath the mass of the
13. Level 10 garden concept.
new buildings. Each curve of text represents a
different timeline, beginning with Roman gods and
goddesses, and moving through miscellaneous
information such as the City Guilds, the Livery
Companies and the different membership degrees
of the Freemasons. 'The visitor can either follow a
particular timeline, or choose a more random but
equally fascinating reading by cross-referencing the
different timelines ', says art critic Andrea Schlieker2 .
Patterson settled on an image of the Moon to column sections supports the glass screen, and provides the first level of vertical
counterpoint the difficult, rapid and often violent adjustment. These arms are in turn supported by threaded diagonal tension rods
changes that have imposed themselves on the that carry the glass dead load, and also provide further adjustment. Cruciform
people of London across the ages. Londinium's stainless steel clamping brackets with no visible external fixings are fixed into
Roman inhabitants used the Moon's cycles to threaded ends of these arms. This allows horizontal adjustment to maintain the
underpin their calendar, and today it is a symbol of screen curvature. The glass itself is 1.5m x 2.4m modules in landscape orientation.
scientific progress. The glass and artwork were prototyped in a series of 1m square samples,
'As the same hemisphere of the Moon always inspected in a purpose-built lightbox. In all, 24 samples were examined before the
faces the Earth, people will have witnessed the final glass build-up and printing technique was chosen. Multiple procedures were
identical sight in the night sky throughout history, involved, including several different methods of ink-jet printing onto both glass and
from the first settlers in Londinium to today's City laminate material.
bankers', says Schlieker. 'The image of the Moon is The final glass build-up is a laminate of two sheets of 12mm low iron glass with
particularly rich in associations, within the field of an anti-reflective acid-etched finish to the outer visible surface. This was to avoid
pagan and sacred symbolism , as ubiquitous symbol reflections in the surface when viewed obliquely - an important consideration, as
in legends and myths, as locus for romantic the approach is always at an angle along the narrow Lane. The rear of the inner
yearning, but also as incarnation of scientific glass pane is covered with a 100% ceramic white frit, which diffuses the light
progress in the 20th century. Patterson wants to source and eliminates views inside the screen through the 'white' areas of the
allude to all of these different concepts with this monochromatic image. The final artwork was produced photographically and
mysterious and emblematic image.' laminated with a clear pvb interlayer to complete the sandwich . The completed
image can be viewed in daylight as well as by artificial light.
Engineering The glass panel installation is finished with a clear silicone joint to reduce particle
The screen foundations were cast well in advance migration inside the screen, and to minimize maintenance needs. The back of the
of the final geometry being resolved . An oversized screen is powder-coated aluminium panels, attached by 'hook-on' cladding
1200 x 650mm deep supporting reinforced technology, which can be removed for maintenance. The joints between them are
concrete beam was necessary to give flexibility for sealed with gaskets to eliminate light leakage, which would have been a distraction
the artistic vision, leaving room for some minor to the offices behind the screen.
deviation in the plan geometry and size. Color Kinetics Co/orB/ast LED fittings supply the illumination in rows at the top
In its final resolution, the curved geometry of the and bottom of the light box at 800mm centres, fed from two separate control
screen lines the middle of Plantation Lane's south boxes at each end of the screen. The software-controlled lighting enables a
edge, set out easl/west using a 2.4m x 750mm constantly changing colour rendering behind the glass. The top row of light fittings
module along a radial geometry. The steel frame of is accessed externally via a discreet glazed hinged lid complete with gas struts to
the giant light box comprises a series of structural allow safe maintenance, and restraining clasps to avoid wind uplift.
UC sections 6m tall at 2.4m centres, positioned at
its rear and attached and levelled to the concrete
below by baseplates, with post-drilled bolts.
To maintain the clarity and simplicity of the 16. The Moon screen: colour variations.
design vision, the support system had to minimize
shadowing inside the screen when illuminated and
be positioned far enough behind the artwork to not
show through immediately behind the glass. As the
structure was never designed to be visible, the
lightness of the members was entirely a
consequence of the lighting performance.
A simple system of horizontal arms bolted to the
In addition, various changes to the cold temperature design were made including (2) BRISLIN , P, Editor.
Plantation Lane: Time and
redirecting the rebar within the concrete core to limit heat transfer to this anchoring Tide. RIBA Enterprises
mechanism, and providing specific fireproofing to key connections. Progressive Publishing , 2005.
collapse checks in the fire limit state were carried out on the basis of the ISBN: 1-85946- 173-5
greatly exceeds what is allowed by the governing regulations (NFPA 11 and In contrast to the prescriptive approach which only
specifies methods and systems without identifying how
NFPA 30A2) , which also do not allow multi-level indoor fuelling, and only permit these achieve the desired safety goal, performance-
indoor fuelling on the ground level within 50ft (18m) of an exterior wall. based design in the case of fire protection uses an
The refuelling configuration poses a number of hazards, including : eng1neenng approach based on established fire safety
objectives, analysis of fire scenarios, and assessment
• a larger uncontrolled fuel release in one place than would occur at a smaller, of design alternatives against the obiectives. This
independent facility, due to increased fuel release rate and/or spill duration allows for more design flexibility and innovation in
• more sources of potential ignition from the many fuel dispensing stations construction techniques and materials, gives equal or
better fire safety, and maximizes the cosVbenefit ratio
• greater challenges in fire detection, suppression, and/ or egress than in a during design and construction .
smaller facility
• the potential for explosions from the formation of fuel vapour-air mixtures
• more significant spray fires as a result of the higher pressure in fuel supply lines
to multiple levels stations in the OTA's three levels will provide
• fuel fires flowing from a higher to a lower level, due to the elevated fuel sufficient protection for any hazards from them.)
dispensing Thirdly, the performance-based fire protection
• increased risks to occupants and responding emergency personnel from multi- report gave an overview of the fire protection
level fires and/or explosions. systems and features proposed for the OTA, using
• increased challenges in fire suppression associated with multi-level fuelling . 'performance language' to describe the overall
approach to active and passive fire protection
A risk-informed performance-based approach features in the facility, critical features , and design
In October 2000 a workshop was held to discuss the fire and life safety issues options for these features.
associated with the RCF's conceptual design. The workshop determined that. given Finally, explosion hazard for gasoline fuel spills
the overall scale of the facility, a performance-based approach would be the most within the OTA was further reviewed, and
appropriate, informed by a system safety assessment and risk analysis . documented in the gasoline vapour dispersion and
This was made possible by the existence of regulatory clauses that allow the use overpressures report. This three-part analysis
of alternative methods and materials to those specified by the regulations. The (vapour development, vapour dispersion, and
Miami Dade Aviation Department Aviation Life Safety Bureau thus allowed for a deflagration overpressure estimation) concluded that
performance-based approach as appropriate for the facility, given its uniqueness significant structural damage was unlikely, but as
and incompatibility with prescriptive code requirements. with large spills in on-grade, open-air gasoline
refuelling , persons in the vapour cloud could be
Fire and life safety analyses seriously injured or killed . Specific recommendations
As part of a design development team that also includes EarthTech Consulting Inc and critical management procedures have thus
(project manager), HNTB Architects Engineers Planners (architect), Wallberg Alvarez been developed to address staff and other
(MEP engineer) , and Burns & McDonnell (fuel system design) , Arup was engaged in occupant safety.
2000 as risk and fire protection consultant.
Design solution
As discussed and agreed at the October 2000 workshop, the overall approach
addressed the hazards associated with the refuelling stations in two parts - Based on the performance-based analyses
assessing fire and explosion hazards, and assessing the overall risks associated developed for the OTA, the Arup team defined many
with hazards in the OTA - and following the design and analysis process outlined in critical features as being necessary for a successful
the SFPE Guide3. design. First of all , the overall maintenance and
The first step required a Fire Protection Engineering Design Brief (FP Design operations requirements included the need for a
BrieQ report to be submitted to the stakeholders. In general, this sets forth the comprehensive training and maintenance plan ,
scope of the analysis and details the overall performance-based process used , together with an overall security plan to address
allowing stakeholder and authority input into the process before the bulk of the deliberate events like arson or terrorism .
analysis is performed . This further allows for specific review and approval of the Beyond these, the team produced detailed sets
overall level of safety necessary for the facility. of design characteristics that addressed overall fire
The next step was to quantity the fire scenarios identified in the FP Design Brief and life safety issues; emergency fuel shut-off; the
in engineering terms. Firstly, the system safety assessment for gasoline used risk delivery, dispensing , and storage of fuel , windshield
and failure analysis techniques to determine the significant scenarios that would washing fluid , and lube oil ; and control room panel
need to be addressed through the fire and explosion hazard analyses, and features. These are all detailed overleaf.
estimated the frequency and sizes of spills .
Secondly, this was updated to include additional fuel island systems deemed
necessary by the design/ owner team. These were the lubricating oil , windshield
washer fluid, and compressed air systems, and the updated system safety
assessment outlined and summarized the risks posed by them . (The results
concluded that the safety features specified for the refuelling islands for the 120
Fuel piping
• double-wall welded carbon steel piping, and welded carbon steel containment Computer simulation of the explosive range zone of a gasoline
piping , with 100% radiographic inspection of welds leak from a fuelling station after 120 seconds.
·. ·. ....···· Conclusion
··. ...·· w
detectors w w
The Arup team 's analysis was peer-reviewed and has been ultimately accepted by
3. the authorities. Construction of the OTA and RCF is expected to commence later
Top: plan of RCF and OTA showing the constraints on site this year, with the whole facility scheduled to open for use in 2007 . Arup provided
area by highw ays and rail lines.
Above: layout option for UV/ IR flame detectors at fu elling significant value by demonstrating that this structure could be designed and built
island s, confi gured to prevent fi res bei ng hidden from safely at an overall reduced operating cost, which made the analysis and protection
detector view by parked vehicles w ith doors, hood and
trun k open or closed . features well worth the cost.
buildings for a
wireless world
Alan Newbold
1. North-west view from City Hall, featuring tho light bar and the Eli & Edythe Broad Plaza.
The challenge
In 2000 the State of California initiated a
competition for a new headquarters building that
would incorporate 'world-class design excellence,
sustainability, integration of art and architecture, and
contribute to the revitalization of the civic center'.
The delivery method was 'modified design/ build' ,
in which entrants are initially provided with more
detailed information about the proposed project
2. Plaza view from entry canopy looking north toward City Hall.
than in a conventional design/build approach.
The initial 11 developer/ contractor-driven teams
were reduced to a shortlist of three: Thomas the District 7 Headquarters, were instrumental in developing the 10 minute
Properties/Morley Construction/NBBJ , with OMA Diamond plan for the City of Los Angeles. Sadly Ira Yellin died during the course of
(Rem Koolhaas); Urban Partners/Clark the project, but its completion stands as a fitting symbol of his contribution to
Construction/Gruen , with Morphosis (Thom Mayne); downtown Los Angeles.
and Koll Construction/Langdon Wilson, with Miralles The architectural goals of the project were ambitious, and no less so were its
Tagliabue (Benedetta Tagliabue) . Arup contributed aspirations for sustainability: the building is expected to achieve the US Green
to all three teams. Building Council LEED™ (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)
The Urban Partners/Clark Construction/ Gruen/ Silver Rating.
Morphosis entry won, with Arup providing Upon receiving Notice to Proceed , a formidable project team was immediately
mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and mobilized. The architects and contractor established a joint project office where
telecommunications engineering, as well as teams of engineers and specialists camped during the hectic early weeks of the
sustainability advice. The team was commissioned schedule. Through close collaboration and a tremendous team spirit, the design
in February 2002. The design created 700 000ft 2 was developed rapidly to meet the critical structural steel mill order date, only four
(65 000m 2) of useable area, in a 10-storey tower on months into the design process. At this early stage the MEP design had to be
top of a three-storey podium, together with a sufficiently developed and detailed in order to commit to equipment room locations ,
350 000ft 2 (32 500m 2), four-level, subterranean equipment sizes and loads, and structural beam penetrations. This early critical
parking garage. The project budget was fixed at a milestone demanded tight discipline from the design team and a streamlined and
very competitive $17 4M against an aggressive linear design process.
30-month schedule. Although Arup was originally contracted to provide schematic and detailed
The challenge was to design and build over design services only, with construction documents being prepared by the trade
1Mft2 (100 000m 2) with full tenant improvement, on subcontractors, the modified design/ build contract included a rigorous submission ,
a city centre site that was not only restricted but review, and approval process to ensure design compliance with the bid documents.
architecturally sensitive. It lies opposite the lofty art Based on the value Arup provided in the negotiation of bid alternates and bid
deco splendours of Los Angeles' City Hall, which clarification requests, and to maintain consistency of the design intent, the general
has dominated the area since it was opened in contractor expanded Arup's role.
1928. Also nearby is the Cathedral of Our Lady of During the period when design was being transitioned from the design team to
the Angels , as well as the city's most striking new the trade subcontractors, and the project was already in construction, MEP
public building, the Walt Disney Concert Hall. equipment ordering became critical to the project schedule. Interaction between
In addition, the site lies within the '10 minute designers and builders became intense as the team worked to resolve detailed
Diamond' - a plan originally initiated some 20 years specification interpretation issues that stalled the ordering of major air-handling and
ago to restore downtown Los Angeles. By creating cooling equipment. It was at this particularly demanding stage that the mechanical
an accessible and attractive urban environment, the subcontractor declared bankruptcy, forcing the appointment of a replacement.
plan is intended to draw people back downtown to
both live and work. Dan Rosenfeld and Ira Yellin of
Urban Partners, who led the winning consortium for
Energy efficiency
The building orientation evolved in response to
functional requirements and the surrounding urban
environment, and the resulting form presented
extensive east , south, and west fa9ades on a
narrow plan designed to maximize occupant views
and the use of daylight.
The thermal performance of the fa9ade was
identified as critical to achieving the aggressive
energy conservation targets set forth in the
design/build brief. The client specified that the
measured building performance should better the
energy efficiency requirements of the California
Energy Commission Title 24 by 20%. This equated
to about a 30% improvement on ASHRAE 90. 1,
which is adopted in many states as an energy
usage benchmark. The team exceeded this goal by
documenting 30% savings on Title 24 (equating to
40% improvement on ASHRAE 90.1).
punctuating the otherwise clean lines and flat Financial incentives are available to owners
when a new building's efficiency exceeds the
planes of the building's outer skin . minimum Savings by Design thresholds,
Balancing cost and fa9ade performance was a generally 10% better than Title 24 standards.
continual challenge, particularly as the team These incentives encourage owners to make
energy efficiency a major goal in their new
explored options for some form of protection for the buildings, and help to defray some of the costs 5. View from behind photovoltaic panels .
south elevation that would provide contrast with the of energy-efficient building components .
east and west fa9ades . A range of solutions that To supper! the extra effort for integrated energy of the building compared to the Title 24
design and to reward exceptional design baseline. The design team qualifies for
met the architectural objectives and engineering
accomplishments, Savings by Design also offers incentives when the building design saves
performance criteria was quickly developed , financial incentives to design teams. In its at least 15%.
however delivering these solutions within the Whole Building Approach, a computer
simulation model calculates the energy savings .com
contractor's budget demanded a more innovative
approach to design and procurement. Ultimately,
the team went up-market for a cheaper solution,
leveraging the financial incentives offered by the
State and utility providers to promote alternative Through extensive computational modeling of the sun path across the annual cycle,
energy generation . a balance was struck between the BIPV summer and winter applications. This
On the south fa9ade the aluminum scrim is resulted in a panel angle of 50° off the horizontal and a spacing between panels of
replaced with an open lattice framework that 5ft (1 .5m) .
supports a vision glass wall incorporating a The design/ build team was able to reduce the cost of the unique multifunctional
14 000ft 2 (1300m 2) array of 895 building integrated fa9ade system by securing $800 OOO in rebates from Savings by Design , the
photovoltaic (BIPV) panels. The panels harvest solar Southern California Gas Company, and the Los Angeles Department of Water
energy and convert it to electricity during peak and Power.
hours when cooling demands are at their highest, In addition to the effective performance of the composite fa9ade, the energy
providing significant energy savings due to the conservation target was exceeded through a combination of measures including :
punitive peak demand energy tariff structure. The • control of minimum outside air supply using C02 measurement
direct current power generated by the BIPV cells (demand ventilation)
flows through power conversion equipment and into • premium efficiency motors for all equipment
the building's electrical distribution system , • extensive use of variable speed drives interfacing with the building
contributing 92kW of peak power. management system (BMS)
In addition to its energy saving properties, the • variable volume pumping
south fa9ade behaves similarly to the east and • increased chiller efficiency
west, reducing the heat load by shading from the • equipment sizing to maintain efficiency at actual operating points
opaque, monocrystalline BIPV cells. reducing (ie high peak and part load efficiencies)
infiltration , and promoting natural ventilation • improved control system accuracy and performance
between the two vertical layers of fa9ade . • the building control and automation systems
Detailed sunpath studies were undertaken to • system commissioning
determine: • appropriate minimum thicknesses for pipe and duct insulation
• the optimum power output angle of the panels • optimized thermal insulation performance for building envelope
• their vertical spacing to prevent self-shading • use of dual-pane, low-E, and low solar heat gain coefficient glazing
• the optimum cell density in the panels to achieve • external environmental control in the form of the scrim on the east and
the required output and maximize natural light in west fa9ades
the offices • angled photovoltaic panels over the entire south fa9ade fenestration.
• their positioning relative to each other in order
to balance aesthetic with the occupant lines
of sight.
Mechanical systems
The building is cooled by three water-cooled VFD
centrifugal chillers, utilizing non-HCFC refrigerant;
one sized to handle the base cooling load, while the
other two are each sized to handle 50% of the peak
cooling load. They provide a total cooling capacity
of 1800 tons of refrigeration (6.33MW) - 120% of
peak load - and are in a basement mechanical
equipment room, served by four open-cell, induced-
draft cooling towers of equal size for heat rejection .
The cooling towers were selected to cool 120%
6. View of maintenance walkway on the south fa9ade between glazing and photovoltaic panels. of the peak chiller capacity, equating to 144% of the
peak design load. A constant volume primary and
variable flow secondary chilled water system is
Energy modelling shows the envelope performance to be very good; overall the provided. Part of the cooling system can operate
system was designed to achieve approximately 1 ton of refrigeration per 400ft 2 on emergency power, providing 350 tons of
(94.6W/m 2) in the hot southern California climate. refrigeration (1.2MW) under standby power
The chiller plant was designed to operate with an annual energy efficiency of no scenario.
more than 0.55kWh of energy consumec! per ton-hour (0.156kW per kWh) of Three equal-sized natural gas-fired boilers
cooling capacity delivered to the air distribution system. This includes the chillers, located in a basement level mechanical equipment
chilled water pumps, condenser water pumps, and the cooling tower fans. In room discharge flue gases into a common header
practice, the variable frequency drive (VFD) centrifugal chillers have a full load flue that runs up a dedicated riser shaft to vent at
efficiency of <0.5kW/ton and part load e'fficiency of <0.36kW per ton.
Similarly, the air distribution system was designed to deliver air at an annual
energy consumption of no greater than 0.40kWh of power consumed per ton-hour 7. View of south-east corner from Second Street,
incorporating photovoltaic panels.
(0.114kW per kWh) of cooling delivered.
All major HVAC equipment and drivin1~ motor efficiencies were selected to
minimize effective operating costs. California Energy Commission standards were
used to determine the minimum acceptable level of efficiency for analysis.
The data communications cabling infrastructure is supported by two completely
redundant incoming service routes. One is designed to support local service
providers and the Caltrans fibre optic ring, while the second supports other tenants,
and serves as the building's redundant pathway to the outside world . The pathways
for incoming services are designed to support current cabling infrastructure with an
allowance of 25% for future expansion. Both routes serve the main incoming
9. Aerial view from the north-west.
service room (MPOE) . Through various pathways (conduit and cable tray) , the
MPOE is connected to the main distribution frame (MDF) .
Fire engineering The 900ft 2 (84m 2) main computer room, or data centre, is adjacent to the MDF.
The high rise smoke management is provided by Two sets of telecom rooms. vertically stacked , are designed to provide riser
rated exhaust fans on the upper roof. There are two pathways to connect all 14 floors to the MDF and data centre. A fully redundant
fans at the top of two dedicated riser shafts, one fibre optic ring connects all telecom rooms to the data centre.
per full building height core, and each sized at a The data cabling system comprises a network of copper cable supported by
capacity of 35 OOOft 3/ min (16.5m 3/ sec). Fire-rated fibre optic cable. The data centre houses the electronics that support a network of
shafts extend down the full building height. Under a cameras throughout the Los Angeles metropolitan area, as well as Caltrans data
fire scenario, the smoke dampers off these rising and voice networks. Multiple radio systems are installed in this building to
shafts will open on the fire floor and the fans on the communicate with incoming helicopters. various Caltrans departments, police and
roof will ramp up as required for the particular Caltrans satellite offices.
smoke/ fire zone. These smoke exhaust fans are
State raises the bar
provided with emergency power from thE3
emergency generators for this purpose. Fire Through a design/build process that promoted and placed emphasis on design
fighting/escape stairwells are provided with stairwell excellence through the unique bidding procedure. the State of California has
pressurization systems, with the ability to procured an outstanding piece of urban architecture within an aggressive budget
introduce 12 00Qft3/min (5 .6m 3/ sec) of outside air and to an ambitious schedule. The project has already won several awards and is
into the stairwells, distributed over the fuill height expected to receive the US Green Building Council's LEED™ Silver Rating for its
of the building. demonstrable achievement of exemplary sustainability goals. The building is a
credit to those involved and raises the bar for future public projects in the City
Lighting of Los Angeles.
The open office spaces are illuminated by pendant
direct/indirect three-lamp fluorescent luminaries with
state-of-the-art control to create a visually dynamic
Cred its
environment. The fixtures are unique in that they are
Owner: Department of General Services, California; User: District 7, California Department of
provided with digital addressable ballasts and are Transportation; Design/build team : Main and First Design/Build Associates. Inc .. which
controlled both via a network lighting control system consists of: Urban Partners. LLC (Developer); The Clark Construction Group, Inc. (General
and locally. These ballasts are based on the DALi Contractor); Morphosis (Design Architect); and Gruen Associates (Executive Architect);
Mechanical , electrical, plumbing and telecommunications engineers: Arup - Peter Alspach ,
(digital addressable lighting interface) Robert Buckley, Joe Ceballos . Susan Chen , Vahik Davoudi , Eugene de Souza. Steve Done,
communication protocol and are compa1tible with Keith Franklin, Kathleen Hannon. Andy Howard, Rick Lasser, Craig Macadang, Julian Mamro,
other open protocols used in building automation Anait Manjikian. Vahan Margaryan, Maurya McClintock. Bruce McKinlay, lldiko Mezei, Josef
Nejat, Morad Pajouhan, Jonathan Phillips, Fernando Rivas. Jerry Rodriguez. Lisamarie Roed,
systems, thus presenting opportunities for total Massoud Safaee, Helen Sinanyan, Raymond Tam, Armen Topakian; Construction manager:
building system integration. O'Brien Kreitzberg/URS Corporation; Structural engineer: John A. Martin Associates, Inc
Illustrations: 1, 7, 10 John Linden; 2, Benny Chan/Fotoworks; 3. 6. 8, 9, Roland Halbe;
4, 5 Jim Sinsheimer
Illustrations: 1. M,ami AlrPort OTA: performance-based fire protectoo: Arup: 2. 'The Hub' Community Resource Centre, London: Arup/Oenn,s G,lberWIEW:
Front cover. 3. 4, 5. Plantahon Place development Chnst,an R,chters: 6. Makong knowledge work: Ng Choon Boon: 7 Constotut,onal Court. Johannesburg: Angela Buckland:
8. Des,gn,ng bu,ld,ngs lor a wireless world: N,gel Whale; 9 The Scottosh Parliament Bu,ld,ng. Edinburgh: Peter Cook/V,ew; 10. Caltrans D1stroct 7 Headquarters. Lus Angeles:
Roland Halbe t t, Inside front cover. CClV Headquarters, Be11,ng, China: OMA
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