Guidelines Esh Practice BPM Gls jh2021
Guidelines Esh Practice BPM Gls jh2021
Guidelines Esh Practice BPM Gls jh2021
Consensus Document
igh blood pressure (BP) is the leading modifiable h
CIBER Fisiopatologı́a Obesidad y Nutrición (CB06/03), Instituto de Salud Carlos III,
risk factor for morbidity and mortality worldwide. Madrid, Spain, iDivision of Cardiology, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc and Pole of
Cardiovascular Research, Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique, Université
The basis for diagnosing and managing hyperten- Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium, jPoliclinico di Monza, University of Milano-
sion is the measurement of BP, which is routinely used to Bicocca, Milan, Italy and kCharité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, corporate member of
initiate or rule out costly investigations and long-term Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Berlin Institute of Health,
Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Charité University Medicine,
therapeutic interventions. Inadequate measurement meth- Berlin, Germany
odology or use of inaccurate BP measuring devices can lead Correspondence to Professor George S. Stergiou, MD, FRCP, Hypertension Center
to overdiagnosis and unnecessary treatment, or underdiag- STRIDE-7, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Medicine, Third
nosis and exposure to preventable cardiovascular disease Department of Medicine, Sotiria Hospital, 152 Mesogion Avenue, Athens 11527,
Greece. Tel: +30 2107763117, fax: +30 2107719981; e-mail: [email protected]
(CVD). Received 13 February 2021 Accepted 14 February 2021
Office BP (OBP) is measured using different methods J Hypertens 38:000–000 Copyright ß 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights
(auscultatory, automated, unattended with patient alone in reserved.
the office), and out-of-office using ambulatory BP DOI:10.1097/HJH.0000000000002843
Stergiou et al.
SECTION 2: ASPECTS COMMON TO ALL 2.2. Cuffs for BP measuring devices [3,4,7]
Cuff characteristics
2.1. Accuracy of BP measuring devices [5,6] Electronic devices have their own cuffs, which are not
interchangeable with those of other monitors even of
Background the same brand.
Reliable devices are essential for proper BP measure- The selection of an appropriate cuff size is crucial for
ment. If inaccurate devices are used, measurements accurate BP measurement and depends on the arm
may be misleading. Automated electronic devices are circumference of each individual. A smaller than
now used almost exclusively for HBPM and ABPM and required cuff overestimates BP and a larger under-
increasingly for OBP measurement. estimates BP. A single cuff cannot fit the range of arm
For the clinical validation of electronic BP monitors, sizes of all adults.
several protocols developed by scientific organiza- Manual auscultatory devices: use a cuff with inflatable
tions have been used in the past. In 2018, a Universal bladder length which is 75–100% of the individual’s
Standard was developed by the American Association middle upper-arm circumference and width 37–50%
for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, the of the arm circumference.
ESH and the International Organization for Standardi- Automated electronic devices: select cuff size accord-
zation (AAMI/ESH/ISO) for global use. ing to the device’s instructions. Some devices have
Only BP measuring devices, which have been suc- ‘wide-range’ cuffs, which fit the arm of most adults,
cessfully validated by using an established protocol but require proper validation.
should be used (Table 1). Unfortunately, most of the People with large arms (mid-arm circumference
devices available on the market have not been sub- >42 cm): prefer a conic-shape cuff as rectangular cuff
jected to independent evaluation using an established may overestimate BP. When BP cannot be measured
protocol. using an upper-arm cuff device, a validated electronic
An electronic BP monitor, which has been success- wrist-cuff device may be used.
fully validated in adults may not be accurate in other
special populations, including children, pregnant Procedure
women, individuals with very large arms (circumfer- Place the centre of the bladder over the brachial artery
ence >42 cm) and patients with arrhythmias (particu- pulsation in the antecubital fossa.
larly atrial fibrillation). In these populations, separate The lower end of the cuff should be 2–3 cm above the
validation is necessary. antecubital fossa.
The cuff should exert comparable tightness at the top
Selecting reliable devices and bottom edges. One finger should easily fit under
Updated lists of validated devices can be downloaded the cuff at its top and bottom.
from several websites; those associated with scientific
organisations are listed in Table 1.
2.3. White-coat hypertension and masked
At the present time, of the over 4000 devices available
on the market worldwide, fewer than 10% have hypertension [1,2,8–10]
passed established validation protocols. When BP is evaluated using both office and out-of-
BP measuring devices with additional features (e.g. office measurements (HBPM or ABPM), patients are
measurement of pulse wave velocity or central BP, classified into four categories (Fig. 1): normotension
atrial fibrillation detection, actigraphy), need to be (OBP and out-of-office BP not elevated); sustained
validated for these functions, with evidence being hypertension (elevated OBP and out-of-office BP);
provided to support their use in clinical practice. WCH (elevated OBP but not out-of-office BP); MH
(elevated out-of-office but not OBP).
TABLE 1. Organisations with scientific association providing online lists of validated BP monitors
Organisation Device lists Scientific associationa Website
STRIDE BP International European Society of Hypertension – International Society
(English, Chinese, Spanish) of Hypertension – World Hypertension League
BIHS UK/Ireland British and Irish Hypertension Society
VDL USA American Medical Association
Hypertension Canada Canada Hypertension Canada
Deutsche Hochdruckliga Germany German High Pressure League
(German) blutdruckmessgeraete-mit-pruefsiegel
JSH Japan Japanese Society of Hypertension
Two websites are not associated with a scientific organisation (,
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CE: Tripti; JH-D-21-00169; Total nos of Pages: 10;
WCH and MH are common in both untreated individ- SECTION 3: OFFICE BP MEASUREMENT
uals and those with treated hypertension. Even with
carefully taken OBP measurements, about 15–25% of [1^4,13]
individuals attending hypertension clinics have WCH (Poster with key recommendations in Supplement), http://
and 10–20% MH.
The diagnoses of WCH and MH require confirmation
with a second set of out-of-office BP measurements, Background (Table 3)
as their reproducibility is limited (Table 2). OBP remains the most used and often the only
When OBP is close to the 140/90 mmHg threshold, the method used for hypertension detection and manage-
probability of misdiagnosis is increased. Thus, in ment. It is the most well studied method with the
individuals with OBP levels within the grade 1 hyper- strongest evidence, on which the BP classification of
tension range (140–159/90–99 mmHg), the probabil- hypertension and the recommended thresholds for
ity of WCH is increased compared with those with treatment initiation and treatment targets are based.
higher OBP. Likewise, the probability of MH is When used alone, OBP may be misleading in diag-
increased in individuals with OBP within the high- nosing hypertension in several untreated and
normal BP range (130–139/85–89 mmHg) than those treated individuals.
with lower levels. Thus, when OBP is 130–159/ Whenever possible, diagnostic and treatment deci-
85–99 mmHg, out-of-office BP evaluation is strongly sions should be made with confirmatory out-of-office
recommended. BP measurement (HBPM or ABPM). If this is not
In some special cases, such as pregnant women, possible, repeated OBP measurements should be
children and chronic kidney disease patients, out- taken at additional visits.
of-office BP monitoring is particularly important for
both diagnosis and follow-up. Special recommenda-
tions must be followed in these cases, which are not OBP device requirements
discussed in this statement. Use an automated electronic (oscillometric), upper-
arm cuff device, which is validated according to an
established protocol (Table 1). A device that takes
2.4. BP variability [11,12] triplicate readings automatically is preferred.
The adverse cardiovascular consequences of hypertension, If validated automated devices are not available, then
including events and mortality, largely depend on use a manual electronic auscultatory device (hybrid)
increased average BP values. Thus, decision-making in
hypertension is based on average values of several BP
TABLE 3. Advantages and limitations of OBP measurements
readings obtained in and out of the office. However, BP
is characterized by short-term (24 h ABPM), mid-term (day- Advantages Limitations
to-day HBPM) and long-term (visit-to-visit OBP) fluctua- Readily available in Often poorly standardised leading to
tions, which are the result of complex interactions between most healthcare overestimation of BP.
intrinsic cardiovascular regulatory mechanisms and extrin- settings. Inadequate reproducibility, with single-visit
Strong data linking OBP OBP having low diagnostic precision in an
sic environmental and behavioural factors. Observational with CVD. Used in individual.
studies and non-randomized secondary analyses of ran- most observational and Subject to WCH (reduced but still present
domised controlled trials suggest that adverse outcomes are interventional outcome with standardised measurements taken in
trials in hypertension repeated visits).
also independently associated with increased BP variability, Will not detect MH.
yet its additional predictive value is unclear. Thus, at
Stergiou et al.
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CE: Tripti; JH-D-21-00169; Total nos of Pages: 10;
TABLE 4. Interpretation of average OBP (at least 2-3 visits with 2-3 measurements per visit)
Normal-optimal BP High-normal BP Hypertension Grade 1 Hypertension Grade 2 and 3
(<130/85 mmHg) (130–139/85–89 mmHg) (140–159/90–99 mmHg) (160/100 mmHg)
Diagnosis Normotension Consider MH Consider WCH Sustained hypertension
highly probable highly probable
Action Remeasure after 1 year Perform HBPM and/or ABPM. Confirm within a few days or weeksa.
(6 months in those with If not available confirm with repeated office visits Ideally use HBPM or ABPM
other risk factors)
Treat immediately if OBP is very high (e.g. 180/110 mmHg) and there is evidence of target organ damage or CVD.
Stergiou et al.
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CE: Tripti; JH-D-21-00169; Total nos of Pages: 10;
(Poster with key recommendations in Supplement), http:// Quiet room with comfortable temperature. No smoking, caffeine, food or exercise for 30 min before measurement.
Remain seated and relaxed for 3–5 min.
No talking during or between measurements.
Background (Tables 8-9)
Widely used in many countries. Posture
Provides multiple BP readings away from the office, in
the usual environment of each individual. Sitting with back supported by chair.
Legs uncrossed, feet flat on floor.
Identifies WCH and MH. Bare arm resting on table; mid-arm at heart level
Recommended as the best method for long-term
follow-up of treated hypertension. Cuff
Select cuff size that fits the arm circumference according to the
device’s instructions.
TABLE 8. Advantages and limitations of HBPM Wrap the cuff around bare arm according to the device’s instructions (usually
left arm).
Advantages Limitations
Widely available at relatively low Requires medical supervision.
cost. Inaccurate devices and
Preferred method for long-term inappropriate cuff size often
monitoring of treated hypertensive used.
patients. Monitoring may be too
Acceptable to patients for long- frequent, in the presence of Use a reliable device (lists in Table 1).
term use. symptoms, and under Conditions and posture for measurement.
Detects WCH and MH. inappropriate position. Measurement schedule before office visit.
Confirms uncontrolled and resistant May induce anxiety to some Measurement schedule between visits.
hypertension. patients. Interpretation of measurements. Inform patients about usual BP variability.
Detects excessive BP lowering from Risk of unsupervised treatment Action if BP is too high or too low.
drug treatment. changes by patients.
Improves adherence with treatment Possible selective reporting of
and thereby hypertension control BP readings by patients (usually
rates. omitting higher BP values).
Can be used with telemonitoring Doctors may estimate instead
and connection to electronic of calculating average home
patient files. BP.
Box 6 HBPM SCHEDULE (Fig. 4)
Can reduce healthcare costs. No information on BP at work
or during sleep (novel HBPM For diagnosis and before each office visit
devices under testing measure
BP during sleep).
Measurements for 7 days (at least 3 days).
Morning and evening measurements.
Before drug intake if treated and before meals.
Two measurements on each occasion with 1 min between them.
TABLE 9. Clinical indications for HBPM
Long-term follow-up of treated hypertension
Initial diagnosis Treated hypertension
Make duplicate measurements once or twice per week (most frequent), or
To confirm diagnosis Use in all treated hypertensive patients, per month (minimum requirement).
of hypertension. unless incapable or unwilling to perform
To detect WCH and MH. in good quality, or anxious with self-
To identify WCH and MH.
For titration of BP-lowering medication.
For monitoring long-term BP control. upper-arm devices and issues with incorrect use.
To ensure strict BP control where
mandatory (high-risk patients,
Validated wrist devices might be used in people with
pregnancy). very large arms when upper-arm cuff measurement is
To improve patients’ long-term not possible or reliable.
compliance with treatment.
Auscultatory devices are generally not recommended
for HBPM. Also, finger-cuff devices, wristband wear-
ables and other cuffless devices should not be used
HBPM device requirements and use for HBPM.
Electronic (oscillometric) upper-arm cuff device vali- Devices for children or pregnant women must be
dated according to an established protocol (Table 1). validated specifically in these populations.
Prefer devices with automated storage and averaging Select cuff size to fit the individual’s arm circumfer-
of multiple readings, or with mobile phone, PC or ence according to the device’s instructions (section
internet link connectivity enabling data transfer. 2.2).
Wrist devices are generally not recommended Recommendations on HBPM implementation and
because of their inferior accuracy compared with patient training in Boxes 4-7.
Stergiou et al.
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CE: Tripti; JH-D-21-00169; Total nos of Pages: 10;
TABLE 11. Advantages and limitations of BP measurement in and maintenance costs. Digital health is a promising
public spaces
approach and has the potential to significantly improve
Advantages Limitations management of patients with hypertension. However, there
Useful for screening in the Possible use of non-validated devices,
is high heterogeneity of proposed interventions, and more
general population. inappropriate cuff size and conditions adequately powered randomized controlled trials are
Accessible to the public and (posture, rest, talking, etc.). needed to clarify feasibility, efficacy and cost-effectiveness
convenient to patients as no Single standard size or wide-range cuff
appointment is required. generally available, which may not fit
of these new strategies, before they can be recommended
Could save both general too small or large arms. for clinical practice.
practitioner time and Unknown hypertension thresholds.
healthcare costs. Frequent lack of follow-up by medical
professionals. SECTION 10: COMBINED USE OF BP
(Table 12) [1^4]
SPACES OBP is the most used and often the only method
available for hypertension management, on which the
Device Validated electronic upper-arm cuff device BP classification and thresholds for treatment initia-
(Table 1). Preferably the device should have a tion and targets are based.
wide-range cuff to fit arm size of most adults
and should take 2-3 readings automatically. It Out-of-office BP evaluation (ABPM or HBPM) is nec-
should display instructions to user for posture essary for the accurate evaluation of many untreated
and procedure.
Conditions As for OBP (Box 1, Fig. 2), plus follow specific
and treated individuals. If this is not possible, repeated
device’s instructions. Quiet area with OBP measurements should be taken in additional
comfortable temperature and no talking during visits.
or between measurements.
Interpretation Threshold for hypertension unknown and probably
variable according to conditions. Use only for
screening. Diagnosis or treatment decisions ABPM–HBPM
should not be based on such measurements. Both methods are appropriate for hypertension diag-
nosis, treatment titration and long-term follow-up.
ABPM may be more suitable for the initial evaluation
and HBPM for long-term follow-up.
ABPM is better studied and gives results for awake and
asleep BP in an unbiased way within 24 h. However, it
SECTION 8: CUFFLESS WEARABLE BP is relatively expensive, not widely available, inade-
MONITORS [18] quately reimbursed in many countries, and not
A large number of cuffless wearable (wrist-band) devices acceptable for repeated use by some patients.
are available on the market claiming that they accurately HBPM is widely available at relatively low cost in most
measure BP. These devices have a sensor, which evaluates countries, it is well accepted by most patients for long-
the pulsation of arterioles and estimate BP based on pulse term use and improves treatment adherence. How-
wave velocity, or other technologies. Cuffless wearable ever, often it is not standardised, non-validated devi-
devices have great potential as they can obtain multiple ces are often used, and appropriate patient education
or even continuous BP measurements for days or weeks and counselling are necessary.
without the disturbance of cuff-induced limb compression. In general, any two of the three methods (office,
The assessment of the accuracy of cuffless devices requires home, ambulatory), which agree are necessary for
the use of a validation protocol, which is specific for these reliable diagnosis. In most patients, BP should be
devices and includes procedures additional to those used evaluated in the office and with ABPM or HBPM.
for conventional cuff-devices. At present, the accuracy and When office and out-of-office measurements agree
usefulness of cuffless devices are uncertain. Therefore, they on the hypertension classification (Fig. 1), a diagnosis
should not be used for diagnostic or treatment decisions. can be safely made. When they disagree (WCH, MH)
then confirmation with repeated office and out-of-
office BP measurements is necessary and decisions
SECTION 9: MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES^ should be based on ABPM or HBPM. Ideally, both
APPS [19] ABPM and HBPM should be used, as they occasionally
provide different and complementary information.
Recently, impressive expansion of mobile devices has led to
the development of mobile health (mHealth) technologies,
identified by the WHO as a potential promoter of better BP measurement in pharmacies and public
health conditions even in low-income countries, through spaces
strategies based on mobile apps. However, despite good There is inadequate evidence regarding diagnostic
results in clinical studies, BP telemonitoring based on thresholds or clinical utility for hypertension diagnosis
services by professional providers is not regularly imple- and management. Therefore, they are useful for
mented in daily practice, mainly because of high installation screening and not for decision-making.
Stergiou et al.
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