Ib Research Journal Template
Ib Research Journal Template
Ib Research Journal Template
Unit focus
Concept Focus
Guiding Questions:
Generate guiding questions that will help you answer your larger research question. Guiding questions may
be open or closed questions, and a variety of both would be useful. Generate as many questions as you can
to support your plan.
Guiding Questions
1. The Works Cited page should always be the last page of your essay, report or presentation.
2. Sources should be organized alphabetically by the first word or name in the entry. This first word or
name is what you use in the paper when making a direct citation or quote from the author.
3. You should include every source that is in your research above.
4. Use Easybib.com to create your Works Cited page.
5. Write a short paragraph about your sources that identifies the author and their purpose, then analyze
the source in terms of it timeliness, objectivity, and accuracy in order to evaluate the values and
limitations of the source and make a conclusion about it's validity.
Source Analysis