FS1TLA1 Castrodes
FS1TLA1 Castrodes
FS1TLA1 Castrodes
Having a conducive environment is the key in molding the pupils or students mind and
character. A conducive environment is a setting that allows the students and pupils have the
liberty to exchange their ideas and skills by considering the physical, social, cultural and
psychological needs of the students and pupils. Therefore, aside from having great teachers that
impart the rightful knowledge and information to the pupils or students, one of the things to be
considered is a well-structured school because a conducive environment should have a well-
structured school. A well-structured school must have the proper and necessary facilities that will
aid the pupils and students learning. The school must be in great condition because I believe that
the condition or infrastructure of the school has a direct impact on the pupils or students’
academic performance and achievement. And this is for the reason that the school is well built
and is able to provide the needs of every pupil or student to succeed in their study. With the
presence of the teachers, administrators, personnel, staffs, and right facilities along with the
proper equipment it is assured that there’s learning and the pupils or students will receive
imparted information and knowledge and be able to perform the desired tasks and activities.