Q4 Math 10 Week 5 6

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Learning Area Mathematics Grade Level 10

W5-6 Quarter 4th Quarter Date

II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING • Identifies sampling techniques, measures of central tendency and
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) variability.
• Formulates statistical mini – research. -M10SP-IVf-g-1
I. Introduction (Time Frame: _20 minutes____)
At the end of this lesson you are expected to :
1. organize the knowledge about sampling techniques, measures of central tendency
and variability;
2. recall the gained knowledge about measures of positions or the quantiles; and
3. conduct statistical mini-research and apply the statistical methods.

From the previous lessons you have already learned and identified the measures of position and the process of

Now that you have a deeper understanding of these concepts, in this lesson, you are going to apply the concepts you
learned in formulating statistical mini-research. But before we proceed, let us check our previous knowledge about sampling
techniques, measures of central tendency, and variability.

Let us recall the following :

Population- the set of all possible values of a variable.
Sample – consists of one or more data drawn from a population.
Sampling – method of choosing a representative from a population.
Probability Sampling involves random selection, allowing you to make strong statistical inferences

about the whole group.

Non- probability involves non-random selection based on convenience or other criteria, allowing you to

collect data easily.

Measures of Central Tendency – are sometimes called measures of central location.

A measure of central tendency is a single value that attempts to describe a set of data by identifying the central position within
that set of data
Mean -often called the average; it is equal to the sum of all the values in the data set divided by the number of values in the
data set.
Median -the middle score for a set of data that has been arranged in order of magnitude.

Range – the difference between the highest and the lowest values in a given set of data.
Interquartile Range - the middle half of the data that is in between the upper and lower quartiles.
Variance is the average squared difference of the values from the mean.
Standard Deviation is the standard or typical difference between each data point and the mean.

Since you are going to conduct a statistical mini-research, the aforementioned terminologies are important, and applications
also of the computational knowledge you gained are significant.
Let us have a review.
Illustrative Example 1 .
Look at the pictures below, does it illustrate something ?What can you say about it ?

Let us make a Concept Map about the measures of central tendency and use the numbers shown from the cards to
identify the mean, median , mode, range, and interquartile range.

Solution :
The picture above illustrates the tabletop game using cards. This game is called Solitaire (Solitaryo in tagalog ay larong
nagsasanay ng utak ) and can be played by one person. This is popular among people even in the old times, particularly in a
remote area. In San Pablo City, we can observe our grandparents playing these tabletop game cards solely while resting after
a hard time working from the farm. Solitaire is an excellent way to diffuse any tension in one’s mind or body and helps the
person enjoys the day or get to sleep better at night; enough sleep keeps the body healthy. It gives the mind something to
focus on, particularly in times of low action when the opportunity to fret is high.

Let us use the number in each card in reviewing the concepts about the measures of central tendency and variability
. These numbers are : 7, 10, 8, 4, 6, 3, 7

By Concept Mapping you can easily organize your knowledge learned from the previous lessons you had when you were in
grade 8 .

Using the number revealed in each card in the tabletop game Solitaire we will compute fore the following :
a. Mean b. Median c. Mode d.Range e. Interquartile Range

Computation :

a. Mean :

b. Median : (To identifify the median, we need to put the data in an array from lowest to greatest.)
3, 4, 6, 7, 7, 8 , 10
We can see that the middle is 7, therefore, the median is 7.

c. Mode : The mode is 7 because it is the number that occurs the most frequently.

d. Range : Highest data – Lowest data = 10 – 3 = 7, thus the range is 7.

e. Interquartile Range: The interquartile range includes the 50% of data points that fall between Q1 and

IQR = Q3 - Q1 = 8 – 4 = 4 , thus the interquartile range is 4.

Now that you have reviewed the concepts about measures of central tendency and variability; and you have already
learned and identified measures of position and the process of computing and interpreting results. All these concepts are
significant as you learn the lesson on how to conduct a statistical mini-research and be able to answer the guide question:
“How can the position of data be described and used in solving problems?”

D. Development (Time Frame: _20 minutes____)

Mini - research Making
Now, let us have an example of how to conduct statistical mini-research. When we say “research”, it is a
scientific investigation and study of something in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

Illustrative Example 2.
Supposed you want to know the level of performance of MDL students in Mathematics for the third quarter,
thus, you are prompted to conduct a statistical mini research.
Mini- research Title:
The Performance of Students in Mathematics of Grade 10 MDL Students in San Jose National High School of 3rd
Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021
I. Background of Study:
For some reason, Mathematics is one of the unloved subjects. Many students have low grades and lack
interest in the subjects. Thus, teachers need to know who among the students are experiencing difficulties with
and make an intervention that will help them to overcome these.
I. II. Statement of the Problem:
This mini-research will help the researcher determine the performance of Grade 10 MDL Section L Students
in Mathematics at San Jose National High School for the 3rd quarter of S.Y. 2020-2021.
II. III. Significance of the Study
The research can be able to identify those students who need help and intervention on the subject. This will
reveal if the students in MDL class are struggling with mathematics or not.
III. IV. Methodology
A. Research Design
This is quantitative research. Documentary analysis and purposive sampling was used
in conducting this mini-research.
B. Participants/ Respondents
Grade 10 MDL Students Section L at San Jose NHS.
C. Data Gathering(This is most important part of statistics, data should be collected accurately and convenient
to use.)
The data were taken from the teacher’s class record.
D. Statistical Treatment :
Mean = Average
Percentile : P15
Percentile Rank

The first thing you should do is to create a frequency table

A frequency table is a table that list items and shows the number of times the items occur. We represent the frequency by
the English alphabet “f”

Then, we have now the final table.

Class Interval f LB <cf Xm fXm
94 - 97 4 93.5 45 95.5 382
90 - 93 5 89.5 41 91.5 457.5
86 - 89 10 85.5 36 87.5 875
82 - 85 9 81.5 26 83.5 751.5
78 - 81 9 77.5 17 79.5 715.5
74 - 77 5 73.5 8 75.5 377.5
70 - 73 3 69.5 3 71.5 214.5
i=4 N= 45 ∑ 𝒇𝑿𝒎 = 3,791.5
Computation :
Mean = (∑ 𝒇𝑿𝒎) /𝑵

= 84. 26%

Percentile : P15

Therefore, 15% of the N has grade of < 75

Percentile Rank
Using Percentile Rank , we are going to determine how many students got the grade below 80. Thus, we
are going to get the Percentile Rank of 79 which is between 78-81 class interval ; it is in the 3rd class.

Therefore 25% of the class got the grade of < 79 .

IV. Results and Findings (Evaluation)

The class has an average of 84.26% or 84%.
15% of the MDL Class Section L has a grade of which is equal or less than 75.
85% of the MDL Class Section L has a grade of which is equal or greater than 75.
25% of the MDL Class Section L has a grade of which is equal or less than 79.
75% of the MDL Class Section L has a grade of which is equal or greater than 79.

V. Conclusion and Recommendation

Based on the results, the MDL Class Section L got a high mastery level of performance for the third quarter in
Mathematics. There are only a few students who will be given an intervention.

The Math Teachers of MDL Grade, 10 section L, must prepare intervention materials for that 25% of the class
who failed to reach above 75% of the grade.

VI. References
Here , you list down the books, journals, links , etc. that helps you in conducting this mini-research.

To summarize, let us consider the following Five Steps in conducting statistical mini-research :

STEP 1- State the problem, concern, or issues you need to solve (You can formulate
STEP 2- Design the Research (You can make the outline to have a meaningful result.)
STEP 3- Gather data (You can gather from records, websites, survey
checklist/questionnaire, interview.)
STEP 4- Use Statistical Treatment ( You can apply formulas you learned in Statistics.)
STEP 5- Formulate conclusions and recommendation (This answers the hypothesis.)
After doing the steps you can now write the final draft of your Mini- research.

E. Engagement (Time Frame: 30 minutes)

Learning Task 1 : Am I a Scholar

Dennis and Christine scored 32 and 23, respectively, in the National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE).
The determining factor for a college scholarship is that a student’s score should be in the top 10% of the scores of
his/her graduating class. The students in the graduating class obtained the following scores in the NCAE.
NCAE f LB <cf Xm fXm
1. Complete the table by filling in the values Scores
of LB (lower boundaries) and <cf (less than 39 - 41 6
cumulative frequency). Explain how you 36 - 38 7
arrived at your answers. 33 – 35 9
30 – 32 13
2. Find the 3rd quartile, 72nd percentile, and
27 – 29 22
the 8th decile of the set of data.
24 – 26 10
3. What is the percentile rank of Dennis and 21 – 23 9
Christine? 18 – 20 7
15 – 17 8
4. Based on their percentile and percentile 12 – 14 4
ranks, will Dennis and Christine receive a 9 –11 2
scholarship? Explain your answer. 6–8 1
3–5 1
A. Assimilation (Time Frame: 60 minutes)

Learning Task 2 : Based on Research

Conduct a mini-research on students’ performance in their third quarter summative test in Mathematics.
Apply the knowledge and skills you have learned in this lesson based on the test results and make/formulate
meaningful decisions based on the results to resolve the identified problem, concern, or issue.

V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame:60 minutes)

Learning Task 3 : Be a Researcher

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. A high BMI
can be an indicator of high body fatness. BMI can be used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health
problems. The TLE and MAPEH teachers usually have a record of this.

Make a mini-research about the nutritional status of Grade 7 students of your school. Apply the knowledge
and skills you learned in this lesson. Like for instance, you will identify the percentile of severely wasted Grade 7
students and what recommendation you can give based on your findings.

Follow the STEPS 1-5, until you do the final draft of your statistical mini-research.

VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: 10 minutes )

Journal Writing
Write an entry in your journal describing how much you have learned about quantiles, and how these can
be applied to real life. Add also the parts of the lesson that you still find confusing, if any. Work on these difficulties
with your teacher.

VII. REFERENCES Mathematics Learner’s Module Grade 10 , pages 396-400


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