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Amna Bibi.

BBA 6th Finance.

Assignment # 02
Business Research Method.
Hallmark 0f Scientific Research.

Submitted to:-
Sir Zia Ur Rehman

Hallmark Of Scientific Research:

Identifying Research problem.

Research Problem:
Any situation where a gap exists between an actual and desired state.
Also we can say that it is the managerial issues, controversies and concerns which need the
research study.
To solve the controversies , we have to conduct research.
Example :
Staff turnover is higher than anticipated.
A firm faces a problem of advertising effectiveness.
To identify the problem and to solve the problem we have to conduct research.
Research problems can be practical and theoretical.
Importance of Problem Statement:
Problems can be found in the introduction of a study. It is important because it sets the stages
and provides direction for the rest of the Research projects. It means once if stated a problem in
a better way half of the work on the project is done. In the absence of the problem the
researcher and the reader will be confused.
Research Problems and other parts:
Research Topic: Broad subject address the study.
Research problem: General Managerial Issues.
Purpose: Objective of the study.
Research Questions:
Advertising Effectiveness in Fast Foods. ( Topic).
Lack of Promotional Awareness Among Customers. ( Problem)
To study the factors affecting advertising awareness. ( Purpose)
Does the choice of medium affect the advertising effectiveness. ( Question)
Criteria for a problem to research:
The problem can be researched if you can get access to people and sites. If you can find time
and you have resources and the skills to research a problem then the problem can be
The problem should be researched if your study will fill the gap and also if it is in a new context.
Problems should be researched if the study gives voice to people silenced and informs
practices. The problems be researched if it extends past research or examines the topic more
Quantitative And Qualitative Research:
Qualitative Research is the term used for understanding the nature of the variable.
Quantitative Research is the term used for explaining and predicting the relationship between
the variables.
What does Hallmark Mean?
Hallmark is basically the distinguishing characteristics of scientific research. These are traits or
qualities through which we distinguish scientific research.
There are 8 traits or qualities which are as follows.

PURPOSIVENESS: If we conduct research there should be a specific purpose.

Example: Manager is conducting a research that HOW EMPLOYEES COMMITMENT TO
Here the purpose is
Increasing the commitment of employees to organisation by decreasing the turnover
absenteeism and increasing the employee performances.

RIGOR: Rigor means good theoretical base and sound methodological design.
A scientific research can be rigor when the sample size and sampling method is proper because
Rigor is the degree of exactitude and accuracy in both Theoretical and Methodological
Also rigor helps the rest of the Hallmarks of scientific research.
Testability is the Hallmark of Scientific Research in which we testify Hypothesis and formulate
the hypothesis by strong background theory. Every Hypothesis is not testable.
H: Relationship between employees participation in decision making and commitment .
This is called scientific Hypothesis because it is testable.
REPLACEABILITY: Replicability is the Hallmark which indicates the research on the same
hypothesis in different industries with different sample sizes but with the same design and
As the hypothesis in the above Hallmark we are conducting a research on the relationship
between employees participation in decision making and commitment.
If in industry A it is conducted on by taking the sample size of 500 and In Industry B it is
conducted by taking the sample size 700.
PRECISION: Precision is the Hallmark which indicates the level of the closeness of the result to
the reality. It means it shows how close our findings are to the reality.
It is the accuracy of the results.
OBJECTIVITY: Objectivity is the Hallmark which denies the researcher’s personal opinion the
conclusion drawn should be based on facts we call it that scientific research is objective.
GENERALIZABLE: If we drew some results and findings in one organisation and followed the
same steps and applied in others organisations then we called it generalized scientific research.
PARSIMONY: Parsimony refers to simplicity in explaining the phenomena or problem.
Example: If the commitment to an organisation depends on 2 variables with 50%. The research
should be conducted on it.

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