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Single Block Double Block Pivoted Block Differential Double Block

1 This type of brake is often used in electric cranes
Brake Brake Brake Band Brake Brake
These are friction devices used to bring two members having Brakes and Brakes and Brakes and
2 Clutches Brakes
relative motion to a state of no relative motion Clutches Flywheel Clutches
Rack and None of the Rack and
3 Straight line gear is called Straight Gear Rack
Pinion above Pinion
External shoe Block or
Which of the following friction devices are applicable for both Centrifugal
4 on a drum and wrapping band Cone and Disk Cone and Disk
brakes and clutches? shoe and disk
cone on a drum
The stress in the bar when load is applied suddenly is ____ as
5 Same Three times Double Four times Double
compared to the stress induced due to gradually applied load
In this type of bearings, sliding takes place along the surfaces of Slipper or Rolling Contact Thin Film
6 Plain Bearings Plain Bearings
contact between the moving element and the fixed element. Guide bearings Bearings Bearings

Move towards
Move towards Move towards Move towards
Iave contact at left of the
rigth of the right of the left of the
When a shaft rotates in anticlockwise direction at slow speed in a the lowest bearing
7 bearing making bearing making bearing making
bearing, then it will point of making metal
metal to metal no metal to metal to metal
bearing to metal
contact metal contact contact
The phenomenon when the tip of a tooth undercuts the root on its Interchangeabi All of the
8 Interference Involuteness Interference
mating gear lity above
Band and Block
9 A breake commonly used in railway trains is Shoe Brake Band Brake Cone Brake Shoe Brake
A square - threaded jack has a lead angle of λ. The … will be self-
10 f = tan λ f > tan λ f = cot λ f = sin λ f > tan λ
locking when the coefficient of friction (f) is
It is the stress at which the stress-strain curve … to deviate from None of the
11 Yield Point Plastic Limit Elastic Limit Plastic Limit
the straight line. above
An automobile is stopped on the slope of a hill moving downwards KE of KE of
KE of KE of
at a certain initial velocity. … energy absorbed by the brake during KE of rotation, translation and translation and
12 translation and translation,
stopping consists of the follow: (KE = kinetic energy, PE = potential and PE rotation, and rotation, and
rotation inertia, and PE
energy) PE PE
Centrifugal Single Disk Centrifugal
13 Which of the following is a radial friction device? Cone Clutch Jaw Clutch
Clutch Clutch Clutch
Both tensile
Compressive and Tensile
14 All stresses produced in a belt are Tensile stresses Shear stresses
stresses compressive stresses

driving tension driving tension driving tension driving tension driving tension
in tight side is in tight side is in slack side is in slack side is in tight side is
15 When a belt drive is transmittin maximum power, three times twice the equal to the twice the twice the
the centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal
tension tension tension tension tension

A type of end fixity where the end of the column is guided so that
None of the None of the
16 it cannot sway from side to side, but offers no resistance to Fixed end Pinned - end Free end
above above
rotation of the end.
The relationship between the pitch of the chain (p) and pitch circle p = Dsin p = Dsin p = Dsin p = Dsin
17 p = Dsin (90/T)
diameter of the sproket (D) is given by (120/T) (360/2T) (360/T) (360/2T)
For a roller chain drive, the slack side tension is approximately None of the None of the
18 0 percent 20 percent 25 percent
____ of the tight side tension. above above
chain of usual lightweight
lightweight rollerless rollerless
proportion chain with
19 Roller chain no. 25 is a chain of 1/4 in bushing chain bushing chain
with roller and roller and 1/4
pitch of 1/4 in pitch of 1/4 in pitch
1/4 in pitch in pitch
For spur gears, the radial distance from the ___ to the clearance Addendum Dedendum Addendum
20 Pitch circle Root circle
cicle is claled working depth/ circle circle circle
dissipation Mass of the All of the All of the
21 The temperature rise of the brake depends upon Braking time
capacity of the brake drum above above
22 In spur gears, which is radial distance? Tooth space Backlash Working depth Working depth
This phenomenon results in relative motion between the belth and
Loss of None of the
23 the pulley surfaces caused belt extension or contraction when the Slip of the belt Creep of belt Creep of belt
frictional grip above
belt pass from slack side to tight side or vice - versa.

the neutral the outermost the outermost

24 In torsion, the maximum stress happens at the netural … the centroid …
axis fiber fiber
A key attached
to one
member of a
25 A feather key is generally pair and which
relative axial
Sides and
Bottom of Anywhere in
Sides of groove bottom of Sides of groove
26 The v - belts make contact at groove of the the groove of
of the pulley groove of the of the pulley
pulley the pulley
It is the simplest type of positive clutch that permits one shaft to Centrifugal
27 Claw clutch Cone clutch Disc clutch Claw clutch
drive another shaft through a direct contact of interlocking jaws. clutch
Sometimes, a gear meshes externally with a gear in a straight line.
28 The circular toothed wheel is called pinion and its mating gear is Gear Annular wheel Internal gear Rack Gear
If T is the actual number of teeth on a helical gear and ϕ is the
Tcsc^3 ϕ/cot^3 Tcsc^3
29 helix angle for the teeth, the virtual number of teeth may be T/sec^3 ϕ T/sin^3 ϕ T/cos^3 ϕ
ϕ ϕ/cot^3 ϕ
written as
Single block Double block Pivoted block Differentian Double block
30 This type of brake is often used in electric cranes.
brake brake brake band brake brake
The effective turning force at the circumference of a driven pulley Initial tension Tight side Slack side Net belt Net belt
is the in the belt tension tension Tension tension
Double shoe Centrifugal Differential
32 Which of the following is not a radial friction device? Cone clutch Cone clutch
brake clutch band brake
These are friction devices used to bring two members having Brakes and Brakes and Brakes and
33 Clutches Brakes
relative motion to a state of no relative motion. clutches flywheels clutches
The coefficient of fluctuation of speed is the ____ of mean speed Reciprocal of Reciprocal of
34 Ratio Product Difference
and the maximum fluctuation of speed. the ratio the ratio
Journal Pedestal
35 Which of the following is antifriction bearing? Collar bearing Needle bearing Needle bearing
bearing bearing
External shoe Block or
Which of the following friction devices are applicable for both Centrifugal
36 on a drum and Cone and disk wrapping band Cone and disk
brakes and clutches? shoe and disk
cone on a drum
The axial load on the worm corresponds to ___ load on the worm
37 Radial Tangential Separating Axial Tangential
Band and block
38 A brake commonly used in railway trains is Shoe brake Band brake Cone brake Shoe brake

Driving tension Driving tension Driving tension Driving tension Driving tension
in tight side is in tight side is in slack side is in slack side is in tight side is
39 When a belt drive is transmitting maximum power, three times twice the equal to the twice the twice the
the centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal
tension tension tension tension tension

The coefficient The coefficient

of friction of friction The power The power The power
40 When the speed of belt decresases, between the between the transmitted transmitted transmitted
belt and pulley belt and pulley decreases increases decreases
increases decreases

The relationship between the pitch of the chain (p) and pitch circle p = Dsin p = Dsin p = Dsin p = Dsin
41 p = Dsin (90/T)
diameter of the sproket (D) is given by (120/T) (360/2T) (360/T) (360/2T)
For a roller chain drive, the slack side tension is approximately ___ None of the None of the
42 10 percent 20 percent 25 percent
of the tight side tension. above above
chain of usual lightweight
lightweight rollerless rollerless
proportion chain with
43 Roller chain no. 25 is a chain of 1/4 in bushing chain bushing chain
with roller and roller and 1/4
pitch of 1/4 in pitch of 1/4 in pitch
1/4 in pitch in pitch
In plate clutches, normal wear is proportional to the porduct of the
normal pressure p and the sliding velocity v. Which of the nomal wear = normal wear = normal wear = None of the None of the
following relationship is not true? (k = proportionality constant; r = kpv kpr kpd above above
raidus; d = diameter)
Mass of the dissipation All of the All of the
45 The temperature rise of the brake depends upon Braking time
brake drum capacity of the above above
46 In spur gears, which is not a radial distance? Whole depth Backlash Working depth Clearance Backlash
Gears my be classified based on their peripheral speeds. If a gear Low velocity Medium High velocity Very high High velocity
has a pitch line velocity of 35m/s, it is considered as gear velocity gear gear velocity gear gear
It may be defined as that point where the axes of two mating gears Apex of back
48 Pitch point Cone point Cone center Pitch point
intersect each other. cone
Less than one -
Greater than Greater than
Equal to the Less than the half of the
49 The width of a flat pulley should be the width of the width of
width of belt width of belt width of the
belt belt
For spur gears, the radial distance from the ___ to the clearance Addendum Dedendum Addendum
50 Pitch circle Root circle
circle is called working depth circle circle circle
How many revolutions per minute is a spur gear rotating when its
51 number of teeth is 42, module is 2mm and pitch line velocity is 534rpm 569rpm 567rpm 568rpm 568rpm m= D/T v=πDN/60
Find the center distance between gears with 50 teeth and 25 teeth C=(D1+D2) T1/T2 =
52 5.5in 6.5in 7.5in 8.5in 7.5in Pd=T/D
if the diametral pitch is 5 tetth per inch. /2 D1/D2
A belt drive transmits 25hp at a velocity of 13.5m/s, find its net where (F1- 746W =
53 1.381kN 2.483kN 1.105kN 2.482kN 1.381kN
belt pull. F2) is net 1hp
belt pull
The velocity of the belt running over a 450mm diameter driven
54 pulley is 16.5m/s. If belt slip is estimated as 2%, calculate the 11.21rps 11.44rps 11.91rps 11.67rps 11.91rps N=rpm
rotational speed of the pulley.
Find the frictional torque based on uniform wear of a cone clutch T=(0.125*0
55 with mean diameter of 250mm if the cone elements are inclide 8° 80.8N-mm 161.7N-mm 80.8N-m 161.7N-m 80.8N-m .2)*(450/si
and the axial force is 0.45kN. n8)
Determine the power capacity of the clutch above, if the rotational 80.8=(60P)
56 1.7kW 3.4kW 1.7W 3.4W 1.7kW P=Tw w=πN/60
speed of the driver is 200rpm and the coefficient of friction is 0.2. /2π*N)
Estimate the temperature rise of a 5kg brake made of cast iron if
57 the heat generated on it amounts to 35kJ. The specific heat of cast 15.21°C 15.2°C 15.22°C 15.14°C 15.22°C Q=mCΔT
iron is approximately 460J/kg-°C
A plate clutch has 6 pairs of contacting friction surfaces. An axial
force of 125lbs acts on the clutch. The rotational speed of the shaft
58 3.33hp 1.67hp 2.33hp 1.33hp 3.33hp T=nfWR P=Tw ft/s=1hp
is 400rpm. If the frictional radius is 2in and the coefficient of
friction is 0.35, calculate the power that the clu
The ratio of the driving tension for a v-belt is 3.3. If the coefficient β=half of
59 of friction is 0.16 and the angle of wrap is 135°, compute for the 44.3° 22.1° 36.8° 18.4° 36.8° groove
half of the suitable groove angle for the sheave. angle
In band brake, the angle of embrace of the band on drum is 3/4 of
the drum circumference, and the ratio of the slack side to tight None of the F1/F2=e^f f=ln(F1/F2)
60 0.095 0.586 0.293 0.293
side tension of the band is 0.251, estimate the coefficient of above θ /θ
friction of the band material.
Tension under Are of contact
Velocity of the which the belt between the All of the All of the
61 The power transmitted by means of a belt depends upon
belt is placed on belt and the above above
the pulleys smaller pulley

The coefficient The coefficient

of friction of friction The power The power The power
62 When the speed of belt increases, between the between the transmitted transmitted transmitted
belt and pulley belt and pulley will decrease will increase will increase
increases decreases

Less than one -

Greater than Greater than
Equal to the Less than the half of the
63 The width of a flat pulley should be the width of the width of
width of belt width of belt width of the
belt belt
Is equal to
Increases the Decreases the Has no effect Has no effect
64 The centrifugal tension in the blet power power on the power on the power
tension on the
transmitted transmitted transmitted transmitted
Effective Effective Driving tension Driving tension Driving tension
tension is tension is half in slack side is in tight side is in tight side is
65 When a belt drive is transmitting maximum power, equal to the to the equal to the equal to the equal to the
centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal
tension tension tension tension tension
Sides and
Bottom of Anywhere in
Sides of groove bottom of Sides of groove
66 The v-belts make contact at groove of the the groove of
of the pulley groove of the of the pulley
pulley the pulley
The velocity of the belt running over a 450mm diameter driven
67 pulley is 16.5m/s. If belt slip is estimated as 2%, calculate the 710rpm 720rpm 11.91rps 11.67rps 11.91rps N=rpm
rotational speed of the pulley.
A belt drive transmites 20hp at a velocity of 13.5m/s, find its net P=(F1-
68 1.481lbs 1.105N 1.105kN 148.1lbs 1.105kN 746W=1hp
belt pull F2)/v
The ratio of the driving tension for a v-belt drive is 3.3. If the β=half of
69 coefficient of friction is 0.16 and the angle of wrap is 135°, 40.6° 38.6° 36.8° 39.2° 36.8° groove
compute for the suitable groove angle for the sheave. angle
Sides and
Bottom of Anywhere in Bottom of Bottom of
Sides of groove bottom of
70 The wire ropes make contact at groove of the the groove of groove of the groove of
of the pulley groove of the
pulley the pulley pulley the pulley
The relationship between the pitch of the chain (p) and pitch circle p = Dsin p = Dsin p = Dsin p = Dsin
71 p = Dsin (90/T)
diameter of the sproket (D) is given by (120/T) (360/2T) (360/T) (360/2T)
In order to have smooth operation, the minimum number of teeth
72 15 21 17 24 21
on the smaller sprocket, for high speeds, should be
Consider a chain drive consisting of two sprockets of equal number
of teeth which is 17. The driving sprocket rotates at a constant v=TpN/60=
73 2.64 2.49 2.53 2.72 2.72 where # is
speed of 600rpm and the chain is RC40. Determine the pitch πDN/60
diameter of the sprockets in inches
Consider a chain drive consisting of two sprockets of equal number
of teeth which is 17. The driving sprocket rotates at a constant
74 420fpm 425fpm 427fpm 422fpm 420fpm
speed of 600rpm and the chain is RC40. Estimate the minimum
linear velocity of the chain.
A hoisting wire rope is to accelerate at 0.6m/s^2. If it carries a total
75 weight of 25600N including its own weight, find the additional load 1567.5N 1565.7N 1576.5N 1556.7N 1565.7N
on the rope due to acceleration.
Composite or
In the popular wire rope, the direction of twist of wires in the Regular lay
76 Cross lay rope Lang lay rope reverse laid Lang lay rope
strands is the same as that of the strands in the rope. rope
Crossed flat
77 Which one of the following is a positive drive? Rope drive ? Chain drive Chain drive
belt drive
Keep speed Keep speed
Increase the
A flywheel is a rotating member that acts as a reservoir of energy Maintain a Deliver work as fluctuation fluctuation
78 fluctuation of
in order to constant speed needed within suitable within suitable
limits limits
The coefficient of fluctuation of speed is the ___ of mean speed Reciprocal of Reciprocal of
79 Ratio Product Difference
ans the maximum fluctuation of speed the ratio the ratio
The work done per cycle for a 4 stroke internal combustion engine
80 4π 2π π 2π/4 4π
is the product of mean torque and θ, where θ is
Simply Fixed at both Cantilever Fixed at both
supported ends and beam fixed at ends and
beam carrying carrying a the hub and carrying a
In order to find the maximum bending moment on the arms, it is None of the
81 a uniformly uniformly carrying a uniformly
assumed as a above
distributed distributed concentrated distributed
load over the load over the load at the free load over the
arm arm end of the rim arm
These are friction devices used to bring two members having Brakes and Brakes and Brakes and
82 Clutches Brakes
relative motion to a state of no relative motion clutches flywheels clutches
Regulate the Slow down
Put to stop a All of the All of the
83 Brakes are friction devices used to speed of a motion of a
moving body above above
body body
84 Which of the following is a positive clutch? Cone clutch Disk clutch Plate clutch Jaw clutch Jaw clutch
For clutches, considering uniform axial wear, the following relation
85 pr = constant R = (r1-r2)/2 p = constant R = (r1-r2)/2 pr = constant
holds tru
Mass of the dissipation All of the All of the
86 The temperature rise of the brake depends upon Braking time
brake drum capacity of the above above
Increased An increase in Reduction in Reduction in
All of the
87 Excessive temperature increase of the brake results in torque coefficient of the life of the the life of the
capacity friction friction lining friction lining
A sliding bearing which supports load without any relative motion Hyrdodynamic Boundary Hydrostatic Hydrostatic
Zero film
88 between the journal and the bearing by forcing pressurized lubricated lubricated lubricated lubricated
lubricant between the members, is called bearing bearing bearing bearing
It is the ability of the bearing material to accommodate shaft
Corrosion Comformabilit
89 deflections and bearing inaccuracies by plastic deformation Bondability Comformability Embeddability
resistance y
without excessive wear and heating
It can be used It is It has lower
None of the None of the
90 Nylon is rapidly replacing teflon as wear surface material because at higher dimensionally coefficient of
above above
temperatures stable friction
For a bearing subjected to large fluctuations of load and heavy
91 impacts having bearing characteristic number of 25, estimate the 8.33 1.67 2.5 1.25 1.67
bearing modulus.
For an oil film temperature of 60°C and an ambient temperature of
92 44°F 16°F 111°F 60.8°F 111°F
28°C, estimate the bearing surface temperature.

It has been found that the life of 50 percent of a group of bearings

93 will complete or exceed is approximately ___ times the life which 40 5 4 30 5
90 percent of the bearings will complete or exceed

It may be defined as the constant stationary radial load or axial

Dynamic Static Dynamic
load which, if applied to a bearing with rotating inner ring and Basic Dynamic Basic Static
94 Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
stationary outer ring, would give the same life as that which the Load Load
Load Load Load
bearing will attain under the actual conditions of load an
It may be defined as the number of revolutions (or hours at some
given constant speed) which the bearing runs before the first Rating life of a Minimum life Maximum life Life of a Life of a
evidence of fatigue develops in the material of one of the rings or bearing of a bearing of a bearing bearing bearing
any of the rolling elements.
Light series Heavy series Medium series Medium series Medium series
A bearing is designated by the number 308. It means that a
96 with bore of with bore of with bore of with width of with bore of
bearing is of
8mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm
Journal Pedestal
97 Which of the following is antifriction bearing? Collar bearing Needle bearing Needle bearing
bearing bearing
All of the
98 In spur gears, which in not a radial distance? Whole depth Backlash Working depth Backlash
If b denotes the face width and L denotes the cone distance, then None of the
99 1-b/L b/L b/2L 1-b/L
the bevel factor is written as above
All of the All of the
100 The thrust load of mating single helical gears depends on ___. Circular pitch Helix angle Overlap
above above
For spur gears, the radial distance from the ___ to the clearance Dedendum Addendum Addendum
101 Pitch circle Root circle
circle is called working depth. circle circle circle
Pitch angle - Pitch angle + Pitch angle - Pitch angle + Pitch angle +
102 The face angle of a bevel gear is equal to Addendum Addendum Dedendum Dedendum Addendum
angle angle angle angle angle
If T is the actual number of teeth on a helical gear and ϕ is the
Tcsc^3 ϕ/cot^3 Tcsc^3
103 helix angle for the teeth, the virtual number of teeth may be T/sec^3 ϕ T/sin^3 ϕ T/cos^2 ϕ
ϕ ϕ/cot^3 ϕ
written as
104 The usual proportion for the addendum of a bevel gear is l/Pc Pc/π Pc/π
For a bevel gear having a pitch angle θ, the ratio of formative (sin^2 θ+cos^2 (sin^2 θ-cos^2 (sin^2 θ+cos^2
105 sinθ/cotθ sinθcosθ
number of teeth (Te) to actual number of teeth (T) is θ)/cosθ θ)/cosθ θ)/cosθ

A flat belt drive consists of two pulleys of different materials. The

F1/F2=e^(0 F1/F2=e^(
angle of contact for the smaller pulley and the riven pulley is 160° F1/F2=e^f
106 2.56 2.93 2.65 2.39 2.39 .35)(160xπ 0.25)(200x
and 200°, respectively. If the coefficient of friction between the θ
/180) π/180)
belt and smaller pulley is 0.35 and that with the

Internal wire Independent Internal wire Independent Independent

107 IWRC stands for
rope cable wire rope cable rope core wire rope core wire rope core

Chain of usual Lightweight

Lightweight Rollerless Rollerless
proportion chain with
108 Roller chain is no. 25 is a chain of 1/4 in. bushing chain bushing chain
with roller and roller and 1/4
pitch of 1/4 in. pitch of 1/4 in. pitch
1/4 in. pitch in. pitch
Composite or
In this popular wire rope, the direction of twist of wires in the Regular lay
109 Cross lay rope Lang lay rope reverse laid Lang lay rope
strands is the same as that of the strands in the rope rope
Crossed flat
110 Which one of the following is a positive drive? Rope drive V belt drive Chain drive Chain drive
belt drive
Consider a chain drive consisting of two sprockets of equal number
of teeth which is 17. The driving sprocket rotates at a constant v=(17)(0.5)
111 420 fpm 425 fpm 427 fpm 422 fpm 420 fpm v=TPN
speed of 600 rpm and the chain is RC40. Estimate the minimum (600)
linear velocity of the chain.
In centrifugal clutch, the inward force on each shoe exerted by the
112 9/16 mωr 3/4 mω^2 r 9/16 mv^2/r 3/4 mv/r 9/16 mv^2/r
spring may be taken to be equal to
Single block Pivoted block Double block Differential Double block
113 This type of brake is often used in electric cranes.
brake brake brake band brake brake
In band brake, the angle of embrace of the band on drum is 3/4 of
the drum circumference, and the ratio o the slack side to tight side None of the
114 0.095 0.586 0.293 0.293
tension of the band is 0.251, estimate the coefficient of friction of above
the band material.
Positive disk
115 Which of the following is a positive clutch? Cone clutch Plate clutch Jaw clutch Jaw clutch
Regulate the Slow down
Put to stop a All of the All of the
116 Brakes are friction devices used to speed of a motion of a
moving body above above
body body
For clutches considering uniform axial wear, the following relation
117 pr=constant R=(r1-r2)/2 p=constant R=(r2-r1)/2 pr=constant
holds tru
The coefficient of fluctuation of speed is the ___ of mean speed Reciprocal of Reciprocal of
118 Ratio Product Difference
and the maximum fluctuation of speed the ratio the ratio
A sliding bearing which supports load without any relative motion Hyrdodynamic Boundary Hydrostatic Hydrostatic
Zero film
119 between the journal and the bearing by forcing pressurized lubricated lubricated lubricated lubricated
lubricant between the members, is called bearing bearing bearing bearing
It may be defined as the constant stationary radial load or axial
Dynamic Dynamic
load which, if applied to a bearing with rotating inner ring and Basic dynamic Basic static Static
120 equivalent equivalent
stationary outer ring, would give the same life as that which the load load equivalent load
load load
bearing will attain under the actual conditions of load an

As shown by experiments, the relationship between the

121 temperature of the bearing (tb), the temperature of the oil fild (to) tb=0.5(to-ta) tb=0.5(to+ta) 2tb=(to-ta) to=2(tb-ta) tb=0.5(to+ta)
and the temperature of the outside air (ta) may be written as,

Light series Heavy series Medium series Medium series Medium series
A bearing is designated by the number 311. It means that a
122 with bore of with bore of with width of with bore of with bore of
bearing is of
11mm 55mm 55mm 55mm 55mm
Journal Pedestal
123 Which of the following is antifirction bearing? Collar bearing Needle bearing Needle bearing
bearing bearing
If T is the actual number of teeth on a helical gear and ϕ is the
Tcsc^3 ϕ/cot^3 Tcsc^3
124 helix angle for the teeth, the virtual number of teeth may be T/sec^3 ϕ T/sin^3 ϕ T/cos^2 ϕ
ϕ ϕ/cot^3 ϕ
written as
Conditions for
The common tangent at the point of contact between a pair of
constatnt Lawa of None of the None of the
125 teeth must always pass through the pitch point. This statement Law of gearing
velocity ratio tangetns above above
summarizes the
of gears
Band and Block
126 A brake commonly used in railway trains is Shoe brake Band brake expanding Shoe brake
Internal Internal
Band and Block
127 A brake commonly used in motor cars is Shoe brake Band brake expanding expanding
brake brake
The material used for brake lining should have ___ coefficient of
128 Low High High
When the frictional force helps to apply the brake, then the brake Self energezing Self locking Self energezing
is said to be brake brake brake
For a band brake, the width of the band for a drum diameter
130 150mm 250mm 200mm 300mm 150mm
greater than 1m, should not exceed
In a flat belt drive, the belt can be subjected to a maximum tension
131 (T) and centrifugal tension (Tc). The condition for transmission of T=Tc T=3Tc T=2Tc T=√3 Tc T=3Tc
maximum power is given by
effective effective driving tension driving tension driving tension
tension is tension is half in slack side is in tight side is in tight side is
132 When a belt drive is transmittin maximum power, equal to the of the equal to the twice the twice the
centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal centrifugal
tension tension tension tension tension
both tensile
compressive and
133 All stresses produced in a belt are tensile stresses shear stresses tensile stresses
stresses compressive
134 For maximum power, the velocity of the belt will be √(T/m) √(T/2m) √(T/3m) √(T/3m)
is equal to
increases the has no effect decreases the has no effect
135 The centrifugal tension in the belt power on the power power on the power
tension on the
transmitted transmitted transmitted transmitted
When bevel gears having equal teeth and equal pitch angles
angular bevel internal bevel crown bevel
136 connect two shafts whoes axes intersect at right angle, then they mitre gears mitre gears
gears gears gears
are known as
pitch angle - pitch angle - pitch angle + pitch angle + pitch angle +
137 The face angle of a bevel gear is equal to addendum dedendum addendum dedendum addendum
angle angle angle angle angle
pitch angle - pitch angle - pitch angle + pitch angle + pitch angle -
138 The root angle of a bevel gear is equal to addednum dedendum addendum dedendum dedendum
angle angle angle angle angle
If b denotes the face width and L denotes the cone distance, then
139 b/L 1-2bL b/2L 1-b/L 1-b/L
the bevel factor is written as
For a bevel gear having the pitch angle θ, the ratio of formative
140 1/sinθ 1/tanθ 1/cosθ sinθcosθ 1/cosθ
number of teeth (Te) to actual number of teeth (T) is
If Z = absolute viscosity of the lubricant in kg/m-s, N = speed of the
141 journal in rpm, and p = bearing pressure in N/mm^2, then the ZN/p Z/pn Zp/N pN/Z ZN/p
bearing characteristic number is
along the axis parallel to the in any along the axis
142 In thrust bearings, the load acts to the axis of
of rotation axis of rotation direction of rotation
143 The crowning on a 300mm width of pulley face should be 9mm 15mm 12mm 18mm 9mm
The steel pulleys are ___ in weight than cast iron pulleys of the
144 heavier lighter lighter
same capacity.
For a steel pulley of 500mm, the recommended number of spokes
145 2 6 4 8 6
146 The thickness of rim for all sizes of steel pulleys should be 5mm 15mm 10mm 20mm 15mm
greater than greater than
euqal to the less than the
147 The width of the pulley should be the width of the width of
width of belt width of belt
belt belt
In a boundary lubricated bearing, there is a ___ of lubricant
148 thick film thin film thin film
between the journal and the bearing.
move towards
move towards move towards move towards
have contact left of the
right of the left of the right of the
When a shaft rotates in anticlockwise direction at slow speed in a at the lowest bearing
149 bearing making bearing making bearing making
bearing, then it will point of making metal
metal to metal metal to metal no metal to
bearing to metal
contact contact metal contact
The property of a bearing material which has the ability to
150 accommodate small particles of dust, grit et., without scoring the bondability comformability embeddability embeddability
material of the journal, is called
low coefficient smaller space better heat All of the
151 Teflon is used for bearings because of coefficitent of
of friction consideration dissipation above
When the bearing is subjected to large fluctuations of load and
152 heavy impacts, the bearing characteristic number should be ___ 5 times 10 times 15 times 20 times 15 times
the bearing modulus.
When the length of the journal is equal to the diameter of the medium
153 short bearing long bearing square bearing square bearing
journal, then the bearing is said to be a bearing
154 The cross section of the flywheel arms is usually elliptical rectangular I-section L-section elliptical
simply fixed at both cantilever
beam fixed at
supported ends and beam fixed at
the hub and
beam carrying carrying a the hub and
In order to find the maximum bending moment on the arms, it is None of the carrying a
155 a uniformly uniformly carrying a
assumed as a above concentrated
distributed distributed concentrated
load at the
load over the load over the load at the free
free end of the
arm arm. end of the rim
equal to the twice the three times the four times the twice the
156 The diameter of the hub of the flywheel is usually taken diameter of diameter of diameter of diameter of diameter of
the shaft the shaft the shaft the shaft the shaft
positive action positive action
157 A jaw clutch is essentially a cone clutch friction clutch disc clutch
clutch clutch
The material used for lining of friction surfaces of a clutch should
158 low high high
have ___ coefficient of friction
159 The torque developed by a disc clutch is given by T=0.25μWR T=0.75μWR T=0.5μWR T=μWR T=μWR
In case of multiply disc clutch, if n1 are the number of discs on the
None of the
160 driving shaft and n2 are the number of the discs on the driven n1+n2 n1+n2+1 n1+n2-1 n1+n2-1
shaft, then the number of pairs of contact surfaces will be
small cone exposure to difficulty in All of the All of the
161 The cone clutches have become obsolete because of
angles dirt and dust disengaging above above
In worm gears, the angle between the tangent to the thread helix
162 on the pitch cylinder and the plane normal to the axis of worm is pressure angle lead angle helix angle friction angle lead angle
The normal lead, in a worm having multiple start threads, is given
163 ln=l/cosλ ln=l cosλ ln=l ln=ltanλ ln=l cosλ
The number of tarts on the worm for a velocity ratio of 40 should
164 single double triple quadruple single
165 The axial thrust on the worm (Wa) is given by Wa=Wt tanΦ Wa=Wt tanλ Wa=Wt/tanΦ Wa=Wt/tanλ Wa=Wt/tanλ
The material suitable for the belts used in agricultural equipments
166 cotton rubber leather balata gum rubber
tension under arc of contact
velocity of the which the belt between the All of the All of the
167 The power transmitted by means of a belth depends upon
belt is placed on belt and the above above
the pulleys smaller pulley

the coefficient the coefficient

of friction of friction the power the power the power
168 When the speed of belt increases, between the between the transmitted transmitted transmitted
belt and pulley belt and pulley will decrease will increase will increase
increases decreases

In a crossed belt drive, the shafts are arranged parallel and rotate
169 same opposite opposite
in the ___ directions
The tension in the slack side of the belt is ___ the tension in the
170 equal to less than greater than less than
tight side of the belt.
maximum coefficient of
In a turning moment diagram, the variations of energy above the fluctuation of None of the fluctuation of
171 fluctuation of fluctuation of
below the mean resisting torque line is called energy above energy
energy energy
If E = mean kinetic energy of the flywheel, Cs = coefficient of
172 fluctuation of speed and ΔE = maximum fluctuation of energy, ΔE = E/Cs ΔE=E x Cs ΔE=E^2 x Cs ΔE=2E x Cs ΔE=2E x Cs
The ratio of the maximum fluctuation of energy to the ___ is called workdown per workdown per
173 fluctuation of
coefficient of fluctuation of energy cycle cycle
Due to the centrifugal force acting on the rim, the flywheel arms compressive None of the
174 tensile stress shear stress tensile stress
will be subjected to stress above
The tensile stress in the flywheel rim due to the centrifugal force
175 ρv^2 /4 3ρv^2 /4 ρv^2 /2 ρv^2 ρv^2
acting on the rim is given by
If T is the actual number of teeth on a helical gear and ϕ is the
176 helix angle for the teeth, the formative number of teeth may be T sec^3 ϕ T/sec^3 ϕ T sec^2 ϕ T cosec^3 ϕ T sec^3 ϕ
written as
In helical gears, the distance between similar faces of adjacent
177 teeth along a helix on the pitch cylinders normal to the teeth, is normal pitch axial pitch diametral pitch module normal pitch
In helical gears, the right hand helices on one gear will mesh ___
178 right hand left hand left hand
helices on the other gear.
179 The helix angle for single helical gears fanges from 10° to 15° 15° to 20° 20° to 35° 35° to 50° 20° to 35°
180 The helix angle for double helical gears may be made up to 45° 60° 75° 90° 45°
In a full journal bearing, the angle of contact of the bearing with
181 120° 180° 270° 360° 360°
the journal is
boundary hydrodynamic hydrostatic hydrostatic
A sliding bearing which can support steady loads without any zero film
182 lubricated lubricated lubricated lubricated
relative motion between the journal and the bearing is called bearing
bearing bearing bearing bearing
crossed flat
183 Which one of the following is a positive drive? rope drive v belt drive chain drive chain drive
belt drive
184 The chain drive transmits ___ power as compared to belt drive. more less more
The relation between the pitch of the chain (p) and pitch circle p=Dsin p=Dsin
185 p=Dsin (90°/T) p=Dsin (120°/T) p=Dsin (180°/T)
diameter of the sprocket (D) is given by (360°/T0 (180°/T)
In order to have smooth operation, the minimum number of teeth
186 15 17 21 25 17
on the smaller sprocket, for moderate speeds, should be
The speed of the sprocket reduces as the chain pitch ___ for a
187 increases decreases increases
given number
188 The included angle for the v belt is usually 20° - 30° 30° - 40° 40° - 60° 60° - 80° 30° - 40°
189 The v belts are particularly suitable for ___ drives. short long short
190 The groove angle of the pulley for v belt drive is usually 20° - 25° 25° - 32° 32° - 38° 38° - 45° 32° - 38°
a standard
an undersize None of the
191 A v belt designated by A-914-50 denotes a standard belt beltan oversize a standard belt
belt above
sides and
bottom of bottom of
sides of groove bottom of
192 The wire ropes make contact at groove of the groove of the
of the pulley groove of the
pulley pulley
Wn(sinα+μ Wn(sinα+0.25μ None of the Wn(sinα+0.25μ
193 The axial force (We) required for engaging a cone clutch is given by Wn sinα
cosα) cosα) above cosα)
In a centrifugal clutch, the force with which the shoe presses
194 against the driven member is the ___ of the centrifugal force and difference sum difference
the spring force
The gears are termed as medium velocity gers, if their peripheral
195 1-3 m/s 3-15 m/s 15-30 m/s 30-50 m/s 3-15 m/s
velocity is
pitch circle pitch circle
196 The size of gear is usually specified by pressure angle circular pitch diametral pitch
diameter diameter
A spur gear with pitch circle diameter D has number of teeth T.
197 m = D/T m = T/D m = πD/T m = DT m = D/T
The module m is defined as
198 In a rack and pinion arrangement, the rack has teeth of ___ shape. square trapezoidal trapezoidal
The radial distance from the ___ to the clearance circle is called addendum dedendum addendum
working depth circle circle circle
200 The product of the diametral pitch and circular pitch is equal to 1 1/π π π x # of teeth π
pitch line
201 The backlash for spur gears depends upon module tooth profile both a and b both a and b
greater than None of the greater than
202 The contact ratio for gears is zero less than one
one above one
If the centre distance of the mating gears having involute teeth is remains None of the
203 increases decreases increases
increased, then the pressure angle unchanged above
number of
number of number of
circular pitch pressure angle teeth and the
204 The form factor of a spur gear tooth depends upon teeth and teeth and the
only only system of
circular pitch system of teeth
compressive comressive
tensile stress in
205 Lewis equation in spur gears is used to find the shear stress stress in fatigue stress stress in
bending bending
The minimum number of teeth on the pinion in order to avoid
206 12 14 18 32 14
interference for 20° stub sstem is
The allowable static stress for steel gears is approximately ___ of
207 one fourth one third one half double one third
the ultimate tensile stress.
to stronger of to weaker of to weaker of
only to the only to the
208 Lewis equation in spur gears is applied the pinion or the pinion or the pinion or
pinion gear
gear gear gear
209 The static tooth load should be ___ the dynamic load. less than greater than equalt ot greater than
thin lubricated antifirction antifirction
210 The rolling contact bearings are known as lubricated plastic bearings
bearings bearings bearings
The bearings of medium series have capacity ___ over the light
211 10 to 20% 20 to 30% 30 to 40% 40 to 50% 30 to 40%
The bearings of heavy series have capacity ___ over the medium
212 10 to 20% 20 to 30% 30 to 40% 40 to 50% 20 to 30%
low carbon medium high speed chrome nickel chrome nickel
213 The ball bearings are usually made from
steel carbon steel steel steel steel
radial load both radial and None of the both radial
214 The tapered roller bearings can take axial load only
only axial loads above and axial loads

needle roller tapered roller spherical roller cylindrical needle roller

215 The piston pin bearings in heavy duty diesel engines are
bearings bearings bearings roller bearings bearings
216 Which of the following is antifiriction bearing? journal bearing collar bearing needle bearing needle bearing
low starting
more accuracy small overall All of the All of the
217 Ball and roller bearings in comparision to sliding bearings have and running
in alignment dimensions above above
light series medium series heavy series light series heavy series
A bearing is designated by the number 405. It means that a
218 with bore of with bore of with bore of with width of with bore of
bearing is of
5mm 15mm 25mm 20mm 25mm
minimum maximum None of the minimum
219 The listed life of a rolling bearing, in a catalogue, is the average life
expected life expected life above expected life

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