All Online Business List
All Online Business List
All Online Business List
The accessibility of eCommerce stores means the achievable global market reach has grown rapidly. Drivin
A top tip is to offer fewer products but to aim for items with a significant markup. The success of an eComm
You can find websites to purchase either directly from buyers, or website brokers and marketplaces, such
There’s a lot of money to be made buying and selling websites. Learn to spot the pitfalls of a website to filt
The most significant investment for writing and selling an eBook is the time you spend writing it. The mone
The best thing you can do to boost your sales is to invest in making your book as professional as possible
An online SaaS business is a fantastic option for those with knowledge of coding and building software. Si
SaaS is a great business model as customers are usually loyal. Once they rely on your software to run thei
It can be a risky trade as payment depends entirely on your marketing performance: how many sales you g
You can use networks such as Amway and Amazon Associates to generate traffic to your merchants as an
6. Offer a 3D printing service
Starting a 3D printing business is another example of a hobby-turned-profit-maker. If you already own and
If you already own the 3D printer, then this model isn’t too expensive. You do need to factor in marketing –
Make sure you’ve got insurance – you’ll be responsible for how these parts turn out, and you’ll also need to
Start-up costs vary depending on the product you’re making. Making your products to order is slower, but
Digital products are anything that you can download online. The lack of physical presence means minimal
The advantage of digital products is that they can be sold relatively cheaply and are free to produce. Other
This business model is one of the most varied and cost-effective options for making money online. Marketi
An app developer’s biggest challenge is coming up with an innovative idea. There are more than two millio
Serious money in app development is reserved for viral apps. Market your app everywhere you can – socia
It’s a simple concept: capitalize on any special skill you may have and turn it into commercial service. It ca
One downside is that work can be irregular, and your income might fluctuate from month to month. Build a
Although there’s serious money to be made on YouTube, for most vloggers, achieving YouTube fame takes
The key to success on YouTube is to find your niche. With so many people doing it, you need to offer some
Building a profitable blog requires the creation of regular, high-quality content to keep readers coming bac
The most commonly used free content management platforms for blogging are WordPress, Blogger, and Tu
This business is an excellent option for anyone with a passion for photography or a creative eye. Once the
A top tip is to keep an eye on social and business trends and respond to market demand. Brush up on your
The concept is simple: you buy domain names at a low price, wait for them to increase in value, and then s
Buying and selling domain names can be a lucrative business. The more generic the title, the better – go fo
Many businesses outsource presentation creation to freelance presentation designers to save time and exp
To start a presentation design business, you will need knowledge in presentation design software such as
Your role will be to collect and analyze data on everything to do with your client’s company. Specific projec
To start an online business as a market research analyst, you’ll need experience in market research as well
The advantage of becoming an online personal trainer is that you can take on far more clients and monitor
Many personal trainers use platforms such as Truecoach to monetize their training content because of the
Webinars are particularly popular in the fintech, technology, and financial service sectors. To get going, yo
You can further monetize your business by using your webinars to advertise affiliate products relevant to y
19.Copywriting Business
Copywriters create different types of marketing materials by writing sales copy to attract readers’ attention
Copywriters are always in demand, and big brands will pay significant amounts of money for effective adve
The more credible you are, the higher the rate you’ll achieve. Next to relevant background and experience,
If you’re a specialist in a particular area, you can produce an online course to take participants through trai
One main advantage of this business model is that once you’ve produced your educational content, you ca
As an online course provider, you may consider using platforms such as Udemy, Skillshare, and Teachable
Buying and selling on OpenBazaar work the same as buying and selling on any other market, and it’s easy
To find the most profitable items you can use an app like Price Check by Amazon. You can enter the barcod
If you’ve got a background in HR, there’s no reason why you can’t work for yourself and take your business
Determine the focus of your service – are you offering general HR consultancy, or do you specialize in a pa
Trading stocks online will lower your transaction costs compared to trading through a brokerage firm. That
For this business, a steady and stable internet connection is essential – timely trade is imperative to make
The startup costs are minimal – all you need to get going is a phone, a headset, computer, and internet con
You can also think about taking the business automatically – you can use interactive voice response as a w
First off, you’ll need outstanding writing skills, complete with flawless grammar. If you’re specializing, you’
Be sure to define your target audience and your service. Once you’ve decided what type of technical writin
First of all, make sure you get the email addresses of all your group members straight away. Extensions su
Setting up approval questions is also an excellent way to curate the membership of your group to ensure y
Don’t forget the legal stuff! If you’re posting an affiliate link, always make it clear that it’s an ad or a sponso
The trick lies in finding profitable products. Some of the most lucrative ideas include antique selling, books
A top tip is always to leave your buyer positive feedback. Positive reviews encourage them to leave you go
Becoming a podcaster is a hugely flexible job. You can choose to podcast in any field, on any subject, and
With over 800,000 podcasts in existence, it’s crucial to find a unique concept to attract listeners.
It’s no surprise that this innovative way of selling is popular with sellers of fashion and beauty products. So
Common software that consultants use to improve their trade includes MS Project, SharePoint, and Project
Understanding your client is crucial to success as a remote project management consultant. Make sure you
The primary benefit of dropshipping is you do not have to invest upfront in purchasing and storing large qu
You can find many dropship product suppliers on platforms such as Aliexpress and Doba. Alternatively, yo
One of the main advantages of having a lead generation business is that once set up, it’s entirely automate
Facebook is a brilliant way to generate leads as it can reach huge volumes of people and knows how to tail
One example that many people are familiar with is an Adblocker – you download it, and it sits on your taskb
The key to making money from a Chrome Extension is coming up with an innovative idea – it needs to be g
Starting by selling t-shirts is a smart option to minimize overheads and startup costs. Selecting a few simp
The t-shirt market is one of the biggest in the world. Using TeeSpring is an accessible way to start designin
Don’t charge too high – setting a modest price initially will generate the most interest. If a campaign does w
37. Sell logo and design work
Graphic design freelancers can make a fortune selling logo and design work online. You can start with as li
To be successful, you’ll need a portfolio of work, or at least some samples on your site where potential cus
If you don’t want to procure customers yourself, you can sell your design work on a logo marketplace, whic
The biggest challenge for transcribers is to make out words that are difficult to interpret for various reason
As many freelancers offer unique services, it is challenging to purchase readymade software to help them o
Attracting clients is also hassle-free. Paid ads on freelancer websites are fantastic exposure to your specifi
There are a plethora of different diets and health crazes that come in and out of fashion. Current trends inc
People love to see beautiful images of food – consider investing in a professional photography service to t
The most lucrative option is to sell your tracks directly from your website. It’s also better in the long-run as
For heavier online traffic, you can sell your music through stores like iTunes, Amazon, and Google Play. Cu
A top tip is to use SoundCloud. It attracts a lot of online traffic and is completely free to upload music. Alth
Producing audio content is an effortless job you can do from home. All you need is a decent microphone a
A top tip is to produce a demo. Clients will want to know what to expect from your service. Another tip is to
This type of business requires a very specialized skillset. It can be a high-pressure job and requires not on
Due to the sensitive nature of the work, many clients will want proper credentials. Having a certificate from
If you want to make money trading in cryptocurrency, you must understand the market. You’ll need to stud
If you’re going to trade in cryptocurrency, stick to the four leading currencies: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum,
Successfully advertising on Facebook involves calculating the Lifetime Value of your customer, which com
Once you’ve learned the process, it becomes easy to replicate for other clients and is a straightforward bus
The startup costs are next to none. If you’ve got a computer, all you’ll need to invest in are some good qual
You can also obtain a license by undergoing certified training: not all service providers require this, but it c
You can provide this service from home, provided you’ve got the necessary specialized skill set. The job re
Systems integrators are hugely in demand – simple marketing techniques such as a website, cold-calling a
To get started, choose an industry you’re familiar with. You need to have a knowledge of how the sector wo
Be careful of GDPR – this type of industry requires up-to-date knowledge on data handling legislation to ma
SEO consultants need to know how to conduct keyword research to determine which words are optimal to
In today’s technology-driven society, your service will sell itself – finding customers is your only barrier to
To become a business plan writer, you’ll ideally have some experience in the business. You need to unders
Writing business plans can be extremely profitable. Big companies will pay thousands for a thorough plan,
That’s where you step in, as a freelance consultant. If you’ve got specialized knowledge of IT and critically,
Be careful that you’ve got the right licenses you need for the job. In the UK, you need to have completed an
Top tip: don’t forget to get business insurance, and make sure that this extends to online counseling befor
The first thing to do is to find your niche. Do you want to edit corporate videos, produce wedding videos or
Growth is key here: once your business gets going, consider hiring in assistants or outsourcing parts of th
Selling study notes is a fantastic option for current or former students, as you can make money off of work
The best way to become a successful online notes seller is by offering your first set for free! Once people r
Being a service in such high demand, however, means there are tonnes of web developers out there. The b
Promote your business far and wide – start by creating social media channels for your business, reach out
Finally, make sure your website is flawless. Customers will base their purchase on the quality of your webs
Demand for virtual assistants is growing as businesses are increasingly outsourcing tasks such as bookke
A perk of being a VA is that you decide as and when you work. You can also choose which tasks you would
Many virtual assistants use software such as Buffer, a social media management tool, Doodle, a scheduling
Your best bet for success is to find your niche and hone your brand. Pick something where you know you c
Having a lot of followers will be your biggest asset when trying to get paid advertisement deals with brands
Finally, use hashtags! It may seem outdated for Instagram users with personal accounts, but it’s a great wa
Cryptocurrency mining is complicated and highly skilled work. Not only that, but it’s incredibly competitive
Make sure you do your research – not all cryptocurrencies can be mined, for example. The better-known cu
As a CV writer, your next step is to select an appropriate format and choose vocabulary which will appeal t
CV writing is a really easy career to get off the ground and can be lucrative. All you need to get going is a c
In this job, consultants help clients to assess and improve their email communication as a marketing techn
You can also advise on how to write an active subject line and structure the email in the best way to encou
The most common types of legal documents are employment contracts, company bylaws, meeting minutes
It’s an accessible business to start and has minimal startup costs. Legal writing does, however, require a v
Many social media managers use tools such as Buffer, Hootsuite, and Sprout Social to manage their clients
Practise what you preach – your best bet for securing clients is to have a strong social media presence you
Graphic designers typically use software Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Dreamweaver to create their wo
Working as a business consultant requires a specialist skillset. You’ll need industry experience in consultin
Attribute most of your investment and profits to marketing to attract clients and grow your business. A top
To start an advertising management company, you ideally need some experience in either marketing, adver
Trends in the advertising industry are constantly involving. Keep as up-to-date as you can with the industry
With such a broad target audience, becoming an online dating consultant has the potential to be a very luc
It can take a while to build a customer base – consider offering some tips or advice for free, to encourage c
The next step is marketing. Try and create a network in the industry. If you can get an internship in the indu
Practise makes perfect! This is the best piece of advice that app developers should heed. To offer an outsta
Client work is the most lucrative stream of revenue for illustrators. Illustrating for advertising campaigns fo
Another more automated way to sell your work is through an Etsy shop. Once you’ve put your products on
Becoming a web theme or plugin developer requires a very specific and technical skillset. You need to be f
Lead-generation is essential here to make sure your work doesn’t dry up. Work can fluctuate massively fro
Starting a membership site is an effortless way to boost your income, especially if you already have a webs
For someone who’s already created a website, adding a membership feature isn’t too complicated. The bes
To profit from a membership site, try and pick a monetizable niche. Make sure it’s something that you’re in
Some online companies offer tutoring over Skype, while others use cameras and chat facilities to deliver se
Be aware that if you are going to work through an agency, some – but not all – will require teaching certific
You can offer virtual tech support and troubleshooting over the phone, over email, or on an online chat fac
If you want something even more stable, many companies are now recruiting for technical support roles ba
Software developers can earn up to twice that of a full-time web developer. But being freelance takes hard w
A tip here is always to get a signed agreement before you set to work. Having a signed contract before you
As a ghostwriter, you can charge clients a project fee based on the type and length of the text.
Tools such as Bibisco, Manuskript, and storybook are often used by ghostwriters to improve their producti
A little experience in this industry goes a very long way – ghostwriters with experience can earn up to £40,0
Such a big industry means there’s plenty of room to start a new business, but it also means you’ve got lots
To reduce your startup costs, use a host agency. You’ll get high commissions for the sales you generate an
Press releases are crucial for businesses to reach more prospective customers, increasing company expos
Credibility, again, is key here – consider completing some online courses to gain qualifications that’ll give
77. Write University admissions applications
Getting into university is more competitive than ever before. More and more students are opting to continu
The startup costs are next to none. You can get your business going with a laptop, the internet, and a simp
Top tip: it’s a good idea to offer a few example admissions statements (perhaps your own) for free, so that
This job requires solid design skills as well as broad business knowledge. You can market your skills throu
Starting a business in ad creation has relatively low startup costs. Previous knowledge or experience in eit
If you want an automated business and you’ve got the expertise, you can even set up a website where sma
Collections agents are responsible for creating lists of debtors and organizing them based on how severe t
If you’ve got experience in debt collection, it’s a straightforward business to set up online. Use your indust
Stylish formatting can add a higher level of professionalism to marketing materials or websites, which insti
Advertise your services with a website, reach potential customers via mailing lists and consider investing i
Some clients will require you to work with various data entry software such as EpiData or Entrypoint Data E
You can buy all kinds of second-hand books online and in charity shops. It is best to source your books fro
Competitive pricing is crucial to success in selling secondhand books online. You want to undercut your c
Editing is mainly used in fields such as literature, film, and video but also in creative industries such as pu
There are many tools available to editors online to improve their services, such as StyleWriter, Intelligent E
The main advantage of starting a daily deals site is that you’re just a middleman, meaning you don’t have to
To compete with other deals sites on the web, it’s best to choose a niche. Decide on a type of product or se
It’s also worth noting that group-buying is usually aimed at a local market. The best-known sites in this sec
So many businesses are migrating online that you’ll be highly in demand as an internet strategist. Experien
For this kind of business, cold-calling is an excellent way to procure clients. You may also use email camp
To earn money by user testing, all you need is a computer and microphone. You can find products to test t
To maximize your earnings, join as many testing sites as you can to capitalize on as many testing opportun
Becoming a web researcher is one of the easiest businesses you can start from home with nothing more th
Be careful to cite your sources and keep records of where you find information, to avoid infringing any plag
Selling through auctions online is an easy way to make money as you can start with your unwanted items.
Top tip: electronics and accessories was eBay’s top-selling product category, closely followed by clothing.
Translation agencies often employ proofreaders with knowledge of both the source and target language to
As a translator, clients will commission you to translate a range of materials and texts, such as marketing m
Translation requires some research and close attention to detail. One of the biggest challenges of translatio
If you’ve got a background in a particular area, you can become a translation specialist and charge more fo
To be a successful ad designer, make sure you listen to your clients. You need to truly understand their vis
Selling a diet plan is one of the easiest ways to make money from the health and fitness industry. Before tr
The next significant barrier to making money from a diet plan is reaching your audience. So much competit
Another easy way to sell a diet plan is to self-publish an eBook and sell it on Amazon. Again, you’ll need to
Working from home as an app tester requires no experience and no start-up costs. UserTesting, Userlystic
App-testing is a great side-hustle for students, freelancers, or anyone looking to earn a bit of extra cash.
To find work as a statistical researcher, you can advertise on the freelancer websites we’ve referred to in th
If you’ve got the skillset, statistical analysis can be a lucrative career. Businesses need data analyzed for a
Camera fanatics can make a lot of money in this industry. The video content tends to be between 15 and 30
One of the perks to selling your footage is that once uploaded to a third-party platform, it can generate pas
It’s an attractive option for companies who want to reduce training time in their offices and also minimize c
If you want to develop your business, experienced online trainers use platforms such as ClickMeeting, Live
You can quickly start a genealogical research business from home. Even hobbyists with little experience ca
If you want to cut out the marketing side of things, you may want to try a freelancer website like Genealogy
Putting together a newsletter can be a timely process, and many smaller businesses don’t have the resourc
If you want a fully automated business and you’re software savvy, consider producing a website that provid
Keen writers can start a rewriting business from home with ease. Advertise your services through a websit
Beware of plagiarism – you must cite sources for specific quotes and facts and avoid direct lifts from other
To expand your client base and charge more for your services, consider getting certified in bookkeeping.
To work in customer service, you must have a noise-free environment so that you can listen to customers a
103. Online coaching & mentoring
Coaching focuses on helping an individual to discover answers to their problems for themselves. A typical
Mentoring is about passing on valuable skills, knowledge, and insight to a mentee to help them develop the
In general, coaching and mentoring professionals usually focus on the following areas: advice for small bu
You can create your own private label by creating a brand and buying products. You can use websites such
t, making it one of the most lucrative online business options, if you get it right.
etizing your purchases to increase the monthly profit on them. Once you’ve maximized traffic, you can sell it – either y
or advertisement for your full, paid product. To make money from selling software, your service must run smoothly. In
ales. If your budget allows, you can reach more people by using paid advertising.
is also an excellent place to start. Next, you need to factor in the storage of the product and posting. Alternatively, if y
d Zazzle. Another option is to create a page on a social media platform and drive sales using various channels such as
of possibilities: templates for emails, CVs, cover letters, business cards, calendars. You can produce a template for a
ur store as well as fonts, logos, backgrounds. If you can download it, you can sell it!
n ingenious concept. But downloads don’t always equate to money – you’ll then need to retain your customers by pro
Upwork and PeoplePerHour, where freelancers can advertise their services and their prices.
hich you’ll only secure by having a big following. Building a subscriber base requires consistent, regular, and above a
s also critical for attracting advertising, which is where you can make good money from your blog. Creating a readers
main itself that the web address is up for sale, or you can list your domains on specialist sites that potential buyers us
ormulate survey texts and questions in multiple formats (for example, textual, multiple choice, drop-down, Likert scal
nication-based. You can attract a considerable client base, as your attendees can be based anywhere in the world with
s and enjoy all the flexibility and benefits associated with a career as a freelancer. You can use platforms such as Peo
a starting point.
t you can afford, and the startup costs are low. The only difference with Bazaar selling is that you’ll need at least a bas
ood way to keep up to date with market trends is to subscribe to trading magazines, such as The Economist, Traders
usinesses, and the second consists of calling individual customers to sell a product. Then, settle on the industry and m
end to projects as simple as writing an instruction manual for a microwave – there are countless project types you can
s. Listeners have greater access to podcasts than ever before, via Spotify, Apple Podcasts, BuzzSprout, Podbean, Sim
ping search engine for buyers. Popular sites in this category include Storenvy, Polyvore, or Shopcade.
a remote project management consultant, you’ll need some relevant industry experience as well as some relevant cont
visers include retirement planning, university funding, estate planning, and general investment analysis.
nvesting in paid advertisements or purchasing mailing lists for email campaigns.
redirects the consumer to your landing site. Here, the customer fills out their details in the hope of getting more infor
me’s capabilities.
e interface that they get significant site traffic, meaning high exposure.
nd better returns.
s of reasons, from marketing campaigns to online tutorials.
Increase your online presence as much as you can, in the way of a website, paid ads, and email campaigns.
cks, for example, at a low price and wait for interest to build up. Then cash out, making a profit.
anies are happy to outsource to somebody who can maximize their Facebook advertising.
ustomers who are likely to respond to the ad. You’ll then need to create a target audience appropriate for the client and
poke software solutions to meet individual company needs.
base and grow their sales. Companies are therefore willing to spend huge amounts of money on appropriate mailing li
determine which demographic your clients should be targeting. You should use this analysis to recommend appropria
rprise, meaning SEO consultants are in high demand and can make a considerable profit. You’ll need experience in th
e more money, consider completing an online course in coding or digital marketing to give your business more autho
companies in particular often don’t have the resources or expertise to manage such databases.
her your knowledge and expand the service you can offer.
senger facilities. Online counseling services cover a wide range of services, including anger management and grief co
uvia, where you can upload your notes and start selling straight away.
usiness runs dry before turning back to their ad campaigns – advertising always needs to be a top priority.
h huge followings on their media accounts – as a marketing technique, a method used in almost every industry.
f fashion, lifestyle,e, and exercise. Be prepared to hustle: it’s a common misconception that the life of an Instagramme
n money themselves. The speed and urgency of the job mean you need a constant internet connection and can never
od idea to have a portfolio of example CVs and cover letters for different industries to show prospective customers be
e, and words to avoid so that emails and email newsletters are not perceived as spam.
use your social media pages to procure clients. You can also target high-profile individuals on their social media, or v
here you have a lot of relevant knowledge so you can genuinely help businesses improve their service. You’ll need to
production elsewhere. Before you start, you’ll need to compile media kits, which provide advertising rates, target dem
nationality, or gender. It’s no wonder that it’s become a moneymaking industry, bringing in worldwide revenue of over
y. It’s also a business you can run entirely online. You can choose to offer phone consultations, e-mail consultations,
hing is, it’s an easy sell – almost all companies can profit from having an app.
self: start with a website featuring examples of your designs and reach out to as many businesses and magazines as
avigation functions.
develop specific plugins for certain features for company websites. The same goes for producing web themes – you ca
tes – think of all the times you’ve tried to access specific content and have been asked to sign up to “unlock” it.
u’ll need a lot of content, and you’ll have to separate the content into paid and unpaid. It’s a delicate balance to strike
ou’ll be able to offer, and the more you can charge. Having businesses as clients also provides a steadier income.
e of their clients, meaning they are not credited for their work, although many ghostwriters develop an extensive netwo
an share the experiences of previous customers and engage your target market.
ery least, a press release should answer 5Ws and 1H: Who did what, where, when, why, and how? You’ll need a catch
y some knowledge of the admissions process. When selling your service, you can charge per word, per page, or per h
oxit Software.
ally easy business model with massive scope for growth. Finding customers is also relatively easy – you can use a sim
performing background checks. Software used for debt collection includes Collect One, Collect, or Collection Words.
headers and footers, writing quotations in the right way and, if need be, adding bibliographic references.
you buy. Selecting a niche will also help you to hone your brand and attract a specific target audience. You can sell yo
cross clearly. You will also check for errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. That said, the role of an editor is m
ndors are open to offering good discounts in exchange for the marketing opportunity, as the offers are only available
there is a need for several buyers to place an order to the deal. Once the deal goes live, the customers are sent disco
crease their competitiveness in the market or improve communication among employees and with customers.
or need some work. This type of testing assesses features of websites, apps, or other products.
ccompanied by some instructions. You’ll then record yourself trying out the services which will then be used by comp
arket), market research data, product lists, statistical data, personal data, or data confirming documents legitimacy.
network, self-promote and market your services. You’ll also need astute judgment skills to assess the authenticity an
or your products. The leading players, eBay, Bonanza, and Lista, attract millions of users every day – with over 182 mil
g and grammar and enjoy reading, this is a low-cost business you can set up at home.
ofreaders to act as the final editors before documents go to print. Many professional proofreaders use software such
or technology. Translators typically charge a fee per word, though you can also set prices per project, per page, or hou
ce they’ll receive.
videos, recipes, and lifestyle content. With increased awareness of following a healthy diet, coupled with the rise of v
c, vegan diet, the competition will be pretty slim. Just make sure you have the nutritional authority to support your pro
AB, or Eviews. To be successful in this field, you’ll need a mathematical or statistical background, and ideally some kn
u can create or hold training sessions or informative talks which can be live-streamed to clients.
hat can help you piece together a person’s family tree. To set up, all you need is a computer, subscriptions to the best
You’ll also need to decide whether you’re offering the design aspect only, or whether you’ll charge more for writing th
repairing cash flow statements, helping to prepare financial statements, and producing management accounts. Some
nt contractor, you will be responsible for your taxes. Businesses that provide home-based customer support opportu
which they want to work.
on to another. Therefore the mentor and mentee tend to have different seniority levels. To provide these services onlin
eas and make sure you have the necessary credentials and certificates to legitimize your service.
s through their platform. As part of this scheme, Amazon will take care of the picking, packing and shipping for you, w
uitment and initiation fees are better paid or rewarded than sales, it’s likely a pyramid scheme.
name suggests, you can manage email inboxes remotely, meaning you can manage several businesses’ email inboxes
c, you can sell it – either yourself directly, or through one of the brokers mentioned.
vice must run smoothly. In the beginning, you’ll dedicate a lot of your time to fixing bugs and troubleshooting. Once yo
posting. Alternatively, if you want to do less of the business side of things, websites like Treatstock match customers
n produce a template for almost anything and with very little information. A bit of creative flare here goes a long way –
ain your customers by producing consistent content or regularly adding new features. Next, you’ll need to add paid fe
stent, regular, and above all, innovative content.
ur blog. Creating a readership in a particular area will encourage relevant businesses to pay to advertise on your site.
es that potential buyers use to find web addresses, such as Sedo and Namejet.
ce, drop-down, Likert scale, ranking). You may have to integrate surveys into your client’s website, database, or mail m
use platforms such as PeoplePerHour and Fiverr to offer your services as a freelance copywriter and to find clients.
at you’ll need at least a basic understanding of cryptocurrency.
ettle on the industry and make sure you understand it. You’ll be a lot more successful if you know what you’re talking
ent analysis.
hope of getting more information on what they’re looking for. Once they’ve given their contact information, you’ve gen
processing program (Word, OpenOffice, or similar). You can use platforms such as Fiverr to generate freelance work a
mail campaigns.
propriate for the client and set up things like engagement campaigns, which encourage Facebook users to engage in t
y on appropriate mailing lists.
s to recommend appropriate mailing lists, which you can either sell or rent to clients. The startup costs are very low –
ou’ll need experience in the industry, knowledge of SEO concepts such as authority, keyword research, search engine
a top priority.
most every industry.
the life of an Instagrammer is an easy one – but expect hugely varied income month on month and a lot of hard graft a
onnection and can never take your eye off the ball.
eir service. You’ll need to be able to evaluate the environment in which your client operates and their current position
vertising rates, target demographics, and specs. Make as many contacts as you can – get in touch with the media outl
ons, e-mail consultations, or even sessions on an instant chat. To sell your services, create a website and try advertis
got some qualifications. A degree in computer science or engineering is a solid starting point, but you can also comple
nesses and magazines as you can. It’s a good idea to use a mailing list to reach as many prospective customers as po
ucing web themes – you can either sell specific preset theme packages or create custom-made ones for individual clie
gn up to “unlock” it.
delicate balance to strike – you’ll need your free content to be good enough to inspire credibility but not so exhaustive
des a steadier income.
how? You’ll need a catchy, engaging, and immaculate writing style, a computer, and an internet connection. The low
er word, per page, or per hour of your time, however, you see fit.
ly easy – you can use a simple ad campaign of your own or a mailing list to target small businesses.
audience. You can sell your books through an online marketplace such as Abebooks, eBay, and Amazon.
d, the role of an editor is much more hands-on than that of a proofreader – editors make alterations to flow, structure, a
d with customers.
will then be used by companies to hone their product.
documents legitimacy.
assess the authenticity and legitimacy of the information you find online.
ery day – with over 182 million people using eBay in 2019.
eaders use software such as Hemingway, Zenpen, and Grammarly to improve their overall service performance. Once
agement accounts. Some of the most popular accounting software programs are Sole Trader, Xero, or Quickbooks.
ng and shipping for you, which massively minimises your costs. Amazon’s vast online footfall will help you scale your
businesses’ email inboxes at a time. Promote your services by contacting companies directly.
d troubleshooting. Once you’ve got a streamlined product, the business is relatively automated; the system will autom
eatstock match customers with printers, meaning you can avoid some of the negotiations and focus on the printing.
re here goes a long way – people will pay a lot of money for a professional look.
you’ll need to add paid features or subscription options, to generate money on top of the download amount.
to advertise on your site.
ebsite, database, or mail marketing service provider (e.g., Mail Chimp).
d research, search engine spiders, and link building as well as an analytical mind that can interpret data.
g a portfolio enables you to charge more and attract better clients. LinkedIn or Youtube are perfect places to showcase
nth and a lot of hard graft at the start.
and their current position in the market, identify leading competitors, and then find opportunities that could help the c
touch with the media outlets you plan to use for your campaigns.
bility but not so exhaustive that there’s no reason to pay for more.
rnet connection. The low startup costs make it an easy and profitable venture to start from home.
, and Amazon.
ations to flow, structure, and tone to achieve an overall effect. For this reason, it’s a much more competitive industry,
ervice performance. Once you’ve started attracting customers, you can expand your business by also offering copywr
r, Xero, or Quickbooks.
pe or by using video presentation software such as Emaze, Powtoon, or Slidedog.
all will help you scale your business and find clients. The most profitable items are newly trending products. You can
ed; the system will automatically push updates to purchasers.
d focus on the printing.
ownload amount.
ind clients. Market your services via a website, social media, and the phone – convincing customers by phone sells y
ough your lead software.
can charge more for your services.
terpret data.
erfect places to showcase your past work and attract clients.
nities that could help the client earn more money. More often than not, solutions relate to time management, distributio
more competitive industry, and you’ll need a credible portfolio to attract customers.
s by also offering copywriting services.
nding products. You can even search Amazon itself for hot products. Top tip: avoid products that come with specific
stomers by phone sells your service simultaneously. Once you’ve found your clients, you’ll have to compile appropria
e management, distribution of resources, or company structure.
s that come with specific seller regulations, such as electronics.
have to compile appropriate call lists. Be aware of GDPR – you mustn’t call people who have opted out of receiving sa
e opted out of receiving sales calls.